The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1894, Image 1

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Gov. McKinley Made Eleven Speeches
to Sixty Thousand Persons.
It thistles with Telling Points- The Cham
pion of Protection Booked for Fifteen
.Speeches Today-Other Live
Political Developments. '
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. 2".
At the rate of more than a mile a
minute Governor McKinley was hustled
acros9 the etate of New Jersey to his
big political meeting here lust night.
Including the meetings In this city lust
night, Governor McKlnley made eleven
speeches during the day, and was
greeted by an aggregate of probably
tio.000 persons. At 11 o'clock he left for
Illinois, where he Is booked for fifteen
meetings on Monday.
The governor was greeted with pro
longed cheers when, at 7.50 o'clock, he
was Introduced at the big meeting by
John Stewert, president of the Phila
delphia Workingmen's Protective Tar
iff league, and before he had spoken a
dozen words the applause broke out
afresh. Governor McKlnley talked on
national Issues. He humorously re
ferred to the recent tariff "trouble be
twen the house and the senate and the
president," and dwelt at some length
upon the "arduous" passaKe of the bill
bearing the name of Mr. Wilson. "Penn
sylvania, with all her great industries,"
the governor continued, "had no voice
In the formation of this measure."
President Cleveland was characterized
as "a man of peace In war, and a man
of war In peuce." Then the governor
directly asked his hearers if they
thought the Wilson tariff law was as
good for this country as the law of
1SH0. A chorus of noes came back with
"Do we want it?" was the next ques
tion. "Not on your life." was the reply of
several of the auditors.
"Well, vote that way on Nov. C," was
the governor's admonition.
Democracy's W ork.
The speaker drew a word picture of
the "present state of Industrial affairs,"
and asked now many men in Philadel
phia are now receiving the wages that
they got In 1S92.
"Not 1." "Not I," were the answers
from different parts of the auditorium.
"How many men are unemployed
now who were employed In IhUi'.'" the
governor then asked.
"Thousands are out or work , was
the answer, especially from the gal
leries. One man volunteered the In
formation that he was ."working on
half time," and to this remark the gov
ernor said:
"Half time only, but then that Is
better than no time."
The speaker referred to the fact that
"Jvo'rRmeu are not agitating the "eight
hour question" nowadays because what
'the workmen now want Is . "longer
hours of employment.
Governor McKlnley admitted that
there were some mistakes in the 1890
tariff bill. "No measure having 3,600
Items on Its list can be framed without
havlngany mistakes, the sneaker said.
"but what mistakes there were, were
In favor of the American people. He
said the Wilson bill has thus far been
found to have 550 mistakes, and '"all
of them are against the American peo
pie." ,
The governor referred to the
Buchanan administration as one of
"loans and detlclts," and compared it
to the present administration, adding
that "history only repeats itself." In
conclusion he urged the Republicans to
try to secure control of the next houso
of representatives. The governor de
clared that six Republicans would, in
the next congress, represent Ohio,
where as many Democrats now "mis
represented it." The governor finished
at 8.55 o'clock, and was then driven to
the Grand Opera house, two miles
away. From there he went direct to
Ids car, which was attached to the 10.25
express for the west on the Pennsyl
vania road. General Hustings ad
dressed the Grand Opera house meet
ing before Governor McKlnley'B ar
rival, and was then driven to the Acad
emy of Music and addressed the large
audience there.
Governor McKlnley got from Syra
cuse to Philadelphia without entering
New York city. Governor McKlnley, it
Is jald, would like to speak in New
' York and Brooklyn, but the Republican
state campaign managers have de
murred. OHIO IS ALL KKiHT.
She Will Olve n Larger Kcpubllcan Plu
rality Than Ever He fore.
R( 't to the Scrunton Tribune.
L.uQibus, O.. Oct. 28. Unless mat
ters In Ohio take on an entirely new
tinge In the next twenty days, the Dem
ocratic state ticket, headed by Hon.
Milton Turner for secretary of state,
will be burled as deeply as wus Hon.
I T. Neal last full, and thut with pos
sible exceptions In two cases, the Re
publicans will win in not less than six
teen congressional uistricts, being a
- gulii of six members over the present
The tide Is all one way. Not since
the war has the Ohio Democracy been
In such a pitiable, dejected, and thor
oughly demoralized condition. They
were in the slough up to their necks.
following last fall's Waterloo. The
record made by congress on the tariff
bill, the depression In business that Is
yet everywhere apparent, and, to cap
the climax of It all, the free sliver
plank. In the state platform, make a
load that Is much too heavy for them
to carry.
vst Virginia Article Bought at High
prices to licip Wilson.
Rpeelal to the Scran ton Tribune.
Philadelphia. Oct. !28. Republican
Mate Chairman W. M. O. T)u' nf
West Virginia, has written to a leading
Philadelphia wool merchant, saying
that in Preston county the Democrats
are booming the price of wool. They
pay 20 cents a pound for wool worth 16
i-enis, ana tne state Democratic com'
mlttee pays the difference.
The same thing Is done in
ties, bo that Congressman "Wilson may
jmve m a ice uui argument.
The Perfidy and Dishonor Senators Con'
elude Mlence Is Wisest.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
wasnwgton, uct. 28. The Demo
cratic senators who wore responsible
lor tne prem-m mini iaw nave taken lit
tie or no pari in tne campaign. The
famous triumvirate Senators Gorman,
V.rleR and Smith, have beon ui,0..ii
Valient.- Senator Gorman Una rAmalna
silent, concluding that thig Is not his
year to talk. Senator Brlce, after pre-
venting the Ohio state convention from
denouncing him, left that state and has
been sojourning in the east ever since.
The defense of the tariff law has been
left entirely to Democrats who Joined
President Cleveland In denouncing It
as an act of "party pertldy and dis
It Beats Thut of Two Years Ago The Fig
ures in Ilrooklyn,
By the United Press.
New York, Oct. 28. The total regis
tration in this city Is 30,130. This
heats ISM by :iu5, so that, allowing for
the Increase in population, the election
this year appears to have aroused near
ly as much interest? as the last presi
dential campaign, in M92 the total
vote polled for president was 92 per
cent, of the registration, and for mayor
91 1-3 per cent., omitting in all cases de
fective and scattering votes. In 1893
the total vote polled was 9u', per cent.
of the registration. If we say 92 per
cent, this year, a registration of 809,930
means an effective vote of 285,135.
resteruay was the fourth and last
day of registration In Brooklyn. The
number or additional voters enrolled
was 22,081. For the corresponding day
in 1891 the registration was 18,015; In
1892, 15,970, and in 1813. 24,684. The total
registration for the four days Is 191,613,
which exceeds the presidential year by
over COO, and falls short of last year by
neany uu.
An "Ami" Element Is .Making Things
Lively for the Maryland Senators Who
.Modified the Wilson Bill.
By the United Press.
Kaston, Md., Oct. 28 Senator Gib
son did not preside over the Democratlo
muss meeting In Music Hall yesterday.
As United States senator he would na
turally be considered the biggest man
In his party at his own home. Yet he
was not even given a seat on the plat
form in front of the people he was sent
to Washington to represent. The cen
tral committee was plainly told sev
eral days ago by a member of the anti
Gibson Democrats that if he should be
made the chairman of the meeting that
at least one hundred prominent Demo
crats would leave the hall in a body.
Their animosity toward the senator is
based on that gentleman's course in the
senate regarding the tariff, bill.
It is believed that the meeting has
very much widened the breach In the
Talbot county Democracy.
He Tells Why the Ohio Governor Cunie to
New York.
By the United Press.
Watertown, Oct. 28. Senator Hill
spoke here Inst night to a large and en
thusiastic audience. Referring to Gov
ernor McKinley's recent tour of the Em
pire state, the senator said:
I welcome Mr. McKlnley here, as a (lis
tlnguiaheu Republican and as the gover
nor of the state of Ohio. It may be possi
ble that he has come into this state to
pay on an old grudge he owes me. I recol
lect that after he passed his tariff bill he
stoou ro r a re-election to congress from
his Ohio district. 1 concluded that I would
t like a little journey into the state of Ohio,
and I went out to hi-lp the Democracy 6t
his district express their opinion of him.
You probably all recollect that Mr. Mc
Klnley was not returned to congress that
year. Turn about is fair play. He need
not imagine I have any feeling on account
ol his presence here.
The real difficulty with Mr. McKlnley is
he wants this country to be ruiaed, and
the country refuses to be, and prosperous
times have been returning for many
weeks past. It might aid Mr. McKinley's
tariff hobby should you turn over this
state to the Republicans, but I tell you he
is opposed to the best Interests of every
manufacturer and every citizen in the
country. He does not want the
country to succeed under a Democratic
tariff, but it will. The commercial trav
elers, and there are no better Judges, re
port that business Is picking up all over
the country.
Senator Hill then referred to the re
peal of the Sherman silver law und the
federal elections law, and charged that
ast year's panic wos due to vicious
Republican legislation. In closing he
referred to his acceptance of the nomi
nation and said he was going to win.
When he finished he received a burst of
applause, the audience standing on their
feet and waving their hats in tne air.
Tariff Reductions Seems to Hove Affected
American Market Seriously.
By the United Press.
Milwaukee, Oct. 28. The cargo of
f.00,000 pounds of Welsh tin reported to
be on the way from Baltimore to this
city Is consigned to the Kieckhefer
company. Ferdinand Kieckhefer, speak-
liyr of the matter, said:
"We do not like to purchase tin
abroad, as the grade Is Inferior to what
wus made In this country, but we could
not help ourselves. All American mills
have shut down. The tariff has been
reduced until the manufacturers could
not stand the competition, and they had
to close or go Into bankruptcy. The
importation of plate has largely in
creased, as a matter of course. All the
manufacturers are In the same position
we are. We are getting plate a little
cheaper, but we cannot make any more
Georgia Legislature Votes Down a Resolu
tion fur Unlimited Silver.
By the United Press.
Atlanta. Oct. 28. A motion to take
iin a resolution in the houBe of repre
sentatives of the Georgia legislature
declaring It to be the sense of the legis
lature that congress Bhould enact a
law for the free and unlimited coinage
of silver and condemning the repre'
sentatlves in congress who voted for
the repeal of the Sherman act, waB de
feated yesterday morning by a vote of
94 to 63.
Only twenty-three Democrats voted
to take up the resolution. The rest
were Populists.
Is Sorry Cleveland Didn't Register and
Then Vote for Morton.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New York, Oct. 28, A rousing meet
ing was held in Cooper union last night,
in : defence of the proposed constltu
tlonal amendments. Joseph H. Choate
was the chief speaker. Mr. Choate has
made a reputation for saying unex
pected things on all public occasions,
and he bore out his reputation last night
by speaking a few words in praise of
Grover Cleveland.
The only fault that he had to find with
Mr. Cleveland was that he left New
York, without registering, and so was
debarred from casting a vote for Levi
P. Morton.
He Is Try ing to Work One on the Plea of
. . Grover Snub.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New York, Oct. 28. There Is no
doubt that the Democratic leaders are
angry at Mr. Cleveland for his failure
to write a letter Indorsing the stats
ticket. The majority of the campaign
managers feel that the president has
given Mr. Hill a, serious stub by refus
ing to call on his followers In New
York to support the ticket. They also
claim that Mr. Cleveland's neglect to
register has set the rank and tile of the
party a bad example and will cost
many votes.
The one hope is that the president's
action has placed Senator Hill in the
light of a martyr, and will secure even
harder work for him on the part of the
voters in the ranks, who otherwise
might not evince the same interest.
They Capture, One of the
Important Chinese Strongholds The
Plgtulis Flee After Slight Resistance.
By the United Press.
Washington, Oct. 28 The Japanese
legation received today Sunday at
10.30 a. m., u dispatch which confirms
the news published this morning In dis
patches from Shanghai of a second vic
tory of the Japanese army under Mar
shal Yamagata. The telegram is dated
Hiroschlma, and reads as follows:
"Before dawn of Oct. 26, our army,
under Marshal Yamagata, attacked
Kiu-Len-Cheng, one of the important
strongholds upon the Chinese frontier.
The place was defended by 16,000 Chi
nese troops under Generals lyleu and
Song. They fled after offering only a
slight resistance, and the Japanese
forces took possession of the fort and
the city. They captured thirty large
field guns, an Immense quantity of rice,
rnou or other kinds, etc.. and more
than 300 tents. The Japanese loss was
twenty killed and eighty-three
wounded. The Chinese lost more than
200 killed. The exact number of their
wounded is not known."
Handsome Residence of the General of
the Hoboes Is Destroyed.
By the United Press.
Massillon, O., Oct. 28. The hand
some residence of J. S. Coxey burned to
the ground last night. A number of
outbuildings were also destroyed and
but a few household effects were saved.
The origin of the fire Is unknown, but
It Is supposed to have been the work of
Incendiaries. The loss Is estimated at
Adlul took Immensely In Troy.
Slngerly will reach Scranton next Thurs
day night.
Dan Lamont has registered and will
vote for Hill.
Ex-Senator Ingulf -f Kansas, is a can
didate for re-election.
Senator Quay will speak at New Brigh
ton Wednesday night.
Frank B. Gerrett, of Syracuse, has wag
ered $500 to $2.i0 on Morton.
Inter-slate Commerce Commissioner
leomuns says Hill will win.
bulainanca s town board has ordered
two buyers voting machines,
Thomas B. Reed certifies to the sound'
ness of Illinois' Republcunsm.
JlcKlnley suys Louisiana will elect
three Republican congressmen.
. Conservative Democrats now.eouo4e
that Hart is beaten In the Eighth. -
There 'Isn't a cabinet officer who dures
to say what Cleveland thinks of Hill.
Connecticut Republicans count on car
rylng the state und gaining two congress
The Fifth and Sixth Maryland congress
uisincis are now claimed Dy the. Kepub'
Governor Flower will traverse New
York this week in a special cur, stumping
for Hill.
Senator Quay and Chris Musee hud
their heads together In Philadelphia Frl-
uay mgnt.
Reports from the Crawford-Brio dis
trict are that Uncle Joe Sibley hus closed
up his "bar'l."
It Is a notable fact thut Reed presiden
tial stock is higher at Washington just
now than any other.
Kx-Collector Thomas V. Cooper will
head a cohort of spell-binders opposed to
Judge Clayton's re-election.
Representative O'Neill, of Massachu
setts, suys the Democrats will hold just
two districts in New England.
Governor McKlnley confesses he will
be disappointed If the Republican major
ity In Ohio shall fall below lOO.tMJU.
The Heaver Valley Presbytery of the
United Presbyterian church urges mem
bers to vote against Walter Lyon.
James Adalbert Stranuhan claims the
election in Pennsylvania of ten Demo
cratic congressmen, but doesn't descend
to specifications.
Careful estimates give Hill 33.000 plur
ality In Gotham, Kings und Queen coun
ties; ana .Morton tu.uuu to tsu,uw plurality
above the Harlem.
Chairman Stranuhan, of Mercer, claims
Judge Menard s re-election. Republi
cans, on the contrary, suy Bum Miner win
have 2,000 plurality.
Vice Chalrmun Apslcy, of the Repub
lican congressional committee, thinks
New York Is good lor twenty-iour Kepuo
llcan congressmen.
It looks as If the Democratic money
scent In hiring free trulns and getting up
big barbecues In Chairman Wilson's dis
trict will De wasieu.
The congressional situation In Brook
lyn has been somewhat simplified by the
withdrawal of Daniel Walsh, the Inde
pendent reform candidate In the Sixth
In one particular Northampton county
Btands unique. Of the thirteen orlglnul
states it Is the only county which has con
tinuously been represented In congress by
a Democrat.
Fred H. Brooks announced at the
Fifth Avenue hotel, New York, that he
was ready to bet K.uOO to (4,000 on Strong
against Grant and o,w0 more he will put
at. 2 to 1 on Morton.
A conservative estimate, based on the
opinions of well-informed men of both
parties, Indicates a majority for Monroe
H. Kulp over Charles R. Buckalew of
anywhere from 000 to 800.
D. V. Groner, one of the Republican
leaders of Virginia, states that his party
Is making a very strong fight In the Old
Dominion. He expects at least two con
gressmen to be elected by the Republi
cans. The vote given Chnuncey F. Black for
lieutenant governor In 1890 Is considered
the true test of Democratic strength for
comparison this year by Chairman Stran
ahan and is likely to be agreed upon by
Colonel Gllkeson.
Carbon county Democrats complain
over the apparent Inactivity of the county
chairman. No meetings have been ar
ranged for or announced and none are In
sight. The Democratic workers are list
less and Indifferent and the voters even
Since it was constituted a district by it
self, Luserne county has had three elec
tions for a congressman, and on two of
the three occasions It has elected Repub
licans. Lelsenrlng Is generally concerted
a victory next month by from 2,000 to
5,000 plurality.
Says Governor McKlnley: "I have never
In public print announced myself as a
presidential candidate." Here ha hesi
tated, then added, "I don't think I will
make any public announcement on that
nblact until after the next Republican
national convention uujourns. men it
will depend on circumstances what my
answer Is."
Refreshed by a day's cessation from
speaking - Gov. McKlnley reached Cin
cinnati last night from Philadelphia at 8
p. m. and ten minutes later was on his
way to Olney, 111., where at 7 In the morn
ing he makes his first one of twelve
speeches between that point and Chicago.
The governor will visit Erie, Pa,, and
speak, thereon Friday, Nov, 2,
The Great" Chancellor Ouictly Steps
Down and out.
German Politics Are Seriously Agitated
by an I pheuxal In the .MlnUtrj -Politicians
1 locking to Berlin from All
Ulrections-.i Successor Chosen.
By the United Press.
Now York, Oct. 28.
A special coble to the Sun from Ber
lin suys: The dramatic collapse of the
ministry hus been followed by such a
scurrying to and fro as the capital has
not seen before since Bismarck fell.
Every train brings to the city poli
ticians whose parties are affected most
vitally by the change or whose Influ
ence is needed In the reconstruction of
the government. Several federal en
voys k-ft town yesterday morning un
der the impression that Thursday's con
ference had smoothed away all threat
ening difficulties, but they are return
ing now. All are astounded and per
plexed by the sudden dismissal of the
chancellor, for to most officials behind
the scenes it came as unexpectedly as
to the public at large.
Several facts proving the suddenness
of the crisis have come to light today.
It has been ascertained that the em
peror on Thursday evening congratu
lated Count von Caprlvi upon his suc
cess In obtaining for his support a ma
jority of the federal conference. In
the same audience the tnperor ap
proved of the chancellor s policy of
mild repression of the Socialists. The
report that on Oct. 23 Caprivl already
thought of resigning was true only to
this extent: He intimated to the em
peror on that day that he would resign
in case he Bhould not get a majority of
the federal envoys to support him In
the conference. The report that the
emperor censured Caprlvi for an article
which the Kolnsehe Zcltung launched
against the Prussian government is
without foundation and was discredit
ed from the first in official circles,
where it was known that, upon his re
turn from Lieberburg, the emperor
greeted the chancellor most cordially.
When the whole story shall become
known it probably will be shown that
Caprlvi insisted upon resigning against
the emperor's will. He is known to
have expressed his unwillingness to
present Dr. Mliiuel's new financial pro
posals In the relchstag and to have
told the emperor, that, with another
chancellor, Mlquel would have freer
hand to accede to the demands of the
Federal states. The emperor heard
impatiently this suggestion to reform
his cublnet. He eventually offered to
dismiss Count Botho zu Kulenburg, the
Prussian premier and the chancellor's
most vigorous opponent, but Cuprivi
still requested thut he be allowed to
retire. -.-.. -
Caprlvl'K Successor.
Berlin, Oct. 28. Prince Von Hohen-lohe-Schllllngfurst,
governor of Alsace
Lorraine, acompnuled by Herr Von
Kocller, under secretary of the Interior
for Alsace-Lorraine, arrived at Pots
dam from Strasburg Saturday morn
ing. The prince was met at the rail
road station by the emperor, and the
two drove to the new palace In an open
carriage. In a second carriage was
Herr Von Koeller and Lieutenant Col
onel Von Moltke, of the emperor's stuff.
At the palace the kaiser and Prince
Hohenlohe had a conference in regard
to the ministerial situation.
Prince Von Hohenlohe-Schlllingfurst,
as the result of his conference with the
emperor at Potsdam, has accepted the
appointment of chunccllor, to succeed
General Von Caprivl, and also the port
folio of president of the Prusian council
of ministers, vacated by the resignation
of Count Botho zu Eulenburg. The
emperor's acceptance of Count Kulen
burg' s resignation both as Prussian
premier and minister of the Interior is
officially confirmed.
' Frelherr Marschul Von Biebersteln,
secretary of state for foreign offal in,
hus resigned, and Dr. Von Roettleher,
secretary of the Interior, Is about to
follow. Marschul is cordially hated by
the high-tariff Conservatives because
he ably supported Cuprivi in the strug
gle to puss the Russian reciprocity
treaty. Boettlcher Is most unpopular
among the Bismarckian Conservatives,
because the old chancellor has de
nounced him repeatedly for deceit and
intrigue. The first impression produced
by these reports is that there is to be a
clean sweep of ministers distasteful to
the Conservatives.
Not Liable for Interest on Pnnvillc, Huz.
elton and Vt'llkcs-Burro llonds, .
By the United Tress.
Philadelphia, Oct. 2. President
Judge Thayer, in the common pleas
court, has rendered an opinion decid
ing that the Pennsylvania railroad as
the lessee of the Sunbury, Hnzleton and
Wllkes-Barre railroad, formerly known
as the Danville, Hnzleton und Wllkes-
Barre railroad, which extends trom
Sunbury to Tomhlcken, Pa., Is not re
sponsible for the payment of the Inter
est upon $4,400,000 construction bonds of
the leased line.
The decision waB delivered In the case
of Henry G. Freeman, who holds cou
pons amounting to $4,550, and who
brought suit for recovery on the ground
that the Pennsylvania railroad had
guaranteed payment thereof. The Judge
holds that there 1b nothing in the lease
which shows that the lessee guaran
teed the payment of mortgage Interest.
Latest Advices from St. Petersburg Indl
cato Improvement.
By the United Press.
Washington, Oct 28. Prince Canta
cuzene, the Russian minister to the
United States, today received the fol
lowing satisfactory bulletin as to the
condition of the Russian emperor from
the minister of foreign aft airs: "St.
Petersburg, Oct. 28. The emperor slept
well on Friday night. Yesterday after
noon the appetite was good and the
function of the heart more satisfactory
General condition better."
The further fact that the marriage of
the crown prince and Princess Allx has
not been consummated Is regarded in
diplomatic circles as additional proof
that the emperor's condition Is not as
serious as has been reported. Had his
death been imminent the wedding would
have been expedited. Its postponement
justifies the belief thut the - em'
peror is Improving
Think That Dcllcfonte Is the Proper
Place for Curtln Monument.
By the United Press.
Bellefonte. Pa., Oct. 28.--Con8lder
able indignation Is Ult among the old
soldiers hereabouts over the attempt
being made to secure the proposed
monument to ex-Governor Curtln for
Having been the projectors of the
movement, and this being Curtln's
home all his life, the members of the
Grand Army of -the Republic here feel
that this is the place that the monu
ment should be.
Nisa Jones Vatully Wounds a Man Who
Hud Jumped Her Claim.
By the United Press.
Perry, O. T Oct, 2S. A duel was
fought between Miss Agnes Jones,
about 21 years old, and Sum Bartell,
35 years old, on a homestead north of
here. Miss Jones obtained the home
stead when the Cherokee strip was
opened in September, 1893, and hud
built a neat home. Two months ago
she went to visit her parents In Kansas,
and Sam Bartell Jumped the claim and
moved his effects Into Miss Jones' house.
Miss Jones returned yesterday and
found her home occupied. She gave or
ders for it to be vacated at once. Bar
tell refused to eo. and she pulled a re-
volver from under her apron and opened
lire. Bartell returned the fire, but
missed the woman. Three of her shots
took effect in Burtell's body, and he will
Baltimore Policemen Rescue a Negro from
a Mob In Anne Arundel County and Con'
fino Him in the Lockup.
By the United Press. in.ort. Oct. 28. The village of
Brooklyn, Anne Arundel county, was
thrown Into a state of excitement lust
night by a crowd of 200 men and boys
gathering about the jail, with the de
clared Intention of lynching a negro
confined therein and accused of an at
tempted felonious assault. The negro a
Intended victim was a white girl, who
was finite a vlllnge belle. The excited
throng about the Jail caused Chief of
Police Huny Acton to telephone to this
city for assistance.
The Southern district patrol wagon
with a squad of eight policemen, was
sent to Brooklyn nt once. They sur
rounded the Jail and drove back the
crowd. A minute later the negro wn
brought out of prison, heavily man
acled, and put Into the wagon. The
police closed In about hlin und the
horse wns whipped into a gallop. Al
most before the crowd realized what
had happened the possible victim of a
lynching was gone, and was soon after
ward locked up In the southern dis
trlct police station.
The negro is Henry Leonard, aged
50. His intended victim waB 19 years
old, Miss Louisa Schwaub. The as'
sault was made a week ago, but the
negro escaped and was not captured
until yesterday.
Six Tons, of the Stuff Kxplode with Ter
rific Force The Shock Causes a Panic
Twenty .Miles Away.
By the United Press.
Chippewa. Falls, Wis., Oct. 28. Six
tons of dynamite exploded in a maga
zine this morning, causing $5,000 loss in
property and probably the death of
Paul Broha. The shock was terrific.
A panic was created in the churches
of Bloomer, twenty miles from here.
Heavy plate glass windows were shat
tered In many parts of the city.
In the vicinity of the magazine all
the trees were uprooted and not a splin
ter of the building is to be found. It
was owned by J. R. Sharp, hardware
merchant, whose loss Is $3,000.
Some shreds of clothing were found
supposed to be those of Paul Broha,
who was seen near the magazine just
before the explosion.
William Mil ford 'kills His Father
- Then Swullows .Morphine.
By the United Press.
Milan, Alu Oct. 28. Several days ago
William Mllford, a young farmer dis
appeared from home. His aged father
was also missing, yesterduy afternoon
the old man's corpse waa found down
In the woods near his home with his
head flattened by a club and his pock
ets rifled of several hundred dollars
which, It wus known, ho hud started to
take to a neighboring town to put in
the bank.
Officers were put on his son's track
and this morning they found him hid
In a deserted log house, twenty miles
from home. He confessed the murder
of his father, gave up the money, swal
lowed a bottle of morphine and whiskey
mixed and soon died.
Horrible Fate of a Stableman lu New York
By the United Press.
New York, Oct. 28. John Kelly, 28
years old, no home, was burned to
death, and Valentine Williams, 20 years
oiu, or MS vest Thirty-eighth street.
was severely burned about the hands
and arms during a small fire In the
two-story brick stable in the rear of 205
Kast Klghty-flfth street shortly before
o o ciock mis morning.
The stable was damacred to the ex
tent of $200. Origin of tire Is unknown
Berks county's corn cron ia uniiBimllv
There are In Lebanon city thirty cases
ui lypnoiu iever .
Warnersvltle asylum trustees want $150,
000 to pay for new buildings.
nouses sen at wuiiums Corners, nenr
Phocnixvllle, for $5 apiece, the result of a
Doom s couupse.
Confederate veterans of Louisiana will
visit Oettysburg next Tnonth to mark
Lee s Dattie lines with monuments.
Rev. Dr. Gearge B. Stewart, of Harrls-
Durg, has been elected president of Wilson
College lor vt omen, at Chambersburg.
About $1,500,000 of the Btate school fund
of the year remains In the treasury, but
It is being distributed at the rate of $200,-
uuu a weea.
Kphralm Heft and Mrs. Charles Hnrt
man, both born In the same year, died of
heart disease at- the same hour in Allen-
town last Friday.
Farmer Milton Wentzel, whose home
was robbed near Reading, drove several
miles in pursuit of the thief, caught him
and tooK mm to jau.
Pensions have been lsued as follows of
date of Oct. 18. 1HSH. Pennsylvania In
creased, Frank Thompson, Tunkhannock,
Wyoming; original widow's, Elizabeth
Raper, Scranton, Lackawanna.
The brewery lof iCharles (Wacker &
Bro.. of Lancaster, wns damaged by fire
yesterday afternoon together with Levi
Miller's hotel In the same building. The
loss is $lV,oou; partiauy insureu.
A Are of unknown origin this after
noon rtamaired the shoe factory of John
Mundell ft Co., at Thirteenth and Cherry
streets, Philadelphia, to tne extent or
000. The loss Is covered ty insurance.
The mill hall plant of the American
Ax and Tool company, at Bellefonte,
hut down Baturday night for an lndefl
nita tim owlna- to a lack of orders.
About iiity men ara thus thrown out of
Dastardly Attempt to Blow I p a
Camp of Hungarians.
I'nknown Miscrcunts Pluce Vynumrte
t iidcr a Cabin Containing Sixty Hun
garian BoardersOwing to Hasty
Work Only a Few Sticks Explode
By the United Press.
Wllkes-Barre, Pa Oct. 2S.
A dastardly outrage was perpetrated at
Soclockthlsmomingwhereln It waspre
medlated by thescoundrels to sacrifice fif
ty or sixty lives by Bending them into
eternity with a force of dynamite. The
motive was evidently robbery and it
resulted In the instant death of three
Hungarians while a largo number were
Injured, eight of whom afe in a serious
condition. The dead are:
FRANK NOVAKO, aged 23, single.
MIKE COLLETZ, aged 40, wife and four
rhilHrpn In Hnnirurv. .1
GEORGE SILOTZKI, aged 21, wife and
two children In Bohemia,
The injured are:
JOHN' COLLETZ, brother of Mike, aged
30: married; a broken back, will die;
MIKE KOSI1ITZ, aged 27; seriously in
jured around head and face.
KASHA GRATTAKICK. aged 18; leg
broken and other injuries.
MIKE URITZ, aged 30; pelvis fractured
ana skull crushed.
BLAZAK CROMLL, aged 38; arm broken,
sldo hurt
FAHR KOTZAK, aged 32; breast torn
and shoulder broken.
ANTHONY LUCKLICH, aged 33; crushed
In back and breast, considered fatal.
URITZ MISKO, aged 2S; Injured internal
ly, cannot recover.
McDonald and Sayre, the railroad
contractors, are building a second
track of seven miles on the Lehigh Val
ley cut-off, and at a point one mile from
Fatrview, In the wilds of Wllkes-Barre
mountain, a Hungarian camp was lO'
cated, which was presided over by Mike
Urklowitz and wife. The camp con
sisted of a rough building thirty feet
square. During a night, as is always
the custom, three of the sixty Hunga
rian boorders sat up on watch and
nun uouruei H sut up un waicu ttuu
were whlllng away the time playing
The Work of Desperadoes.
Sometime during the night a party
of desperadoes secured a battery and
brought it to the railroad track in front
it? i Via. finmr, rtnnanttAi ft with vim 1
A tool chest standing nearby was
broken open, from which were taken a
number of highly charged dynamite
sticks of Pittsburg make, which were
distributed beneath the building which
contained sixty Hungarians. The cir
cuit completed It was but a moment's
work to turn on the battery setting oft
the dynamite. However, In the haste
with which the miscreants worked they
made a faulty connection at the bat
tery, and probably not more than two
Of the dynamite sticks went off.
Flunk Novako who was one of the
narty playing cards on the first floor,
was instantly killed, both legs being
blown off at the knee. The building
totally collapsed and was shivered into
slivers, excepting one-half of the roof,
which sank in, partially covering the
debris. .
The two men with Frank Novako at
the table were scarcely Injured at all,
while the others killed and Injured met
their fate from the collapse of the
building. The force of the explosion
was so great that the earth was torn
up about the camp and the effects in
the line of bggage, cooking utensils,
etc., were scattered In every direction.
Huns Prepare to Leave.
Ad Is the custom of the Huns, those
who were Injured at day break com
menced the collection of their shuttered
goods und chattels and by noon a large
number of the men had prepared to
take their departure, having no con
cern and paying no attention to their
dead and injured countrymen.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad company
brought out a wrecking force and train
and Immediately went to the scene of
the explosion. Upon arrival the in
jured men were cared for by physicians
and placed on the train and brought to
the hospital here and the bodies of the
dead were also brought here and pre
pared ror burial.
The detectives, upon looking up the
evidence, arrested Mike Urklowitz, the
boarding boss, as a wltnass, and they
are under the belief that he can give
evidence that may lead to the detection
of the men who committed the outrage.
The foul deed occurred but a short dis
tance from the site of the memorable
murder by "Red Nosed Mike" and his
palls of McClure and Flanagan a few
years ago.
Leakages from the deposit vault of the
umami national tianK excite alarm.
On the eve of execution, Cavln J,
Christie was respited at Kulispel, Mont.
Washington (O. C.) bakers have re-
duced the price of bread to 4 cents a loaf.
In shooting at a target, Leonard For
man, of Clayton, 111., shot dead his young
er sister.
The steamer Falcon, Philadelphia to St.
John's, N .B., with crew of sixteen, is
given up for lost.
Dynamite wrecked Bradley Bernhart'a
hotel, at Kochester, la but the miscre
ants are unxnown.
To test the constitutionality of the In
diana law, 250 women of Anderson will try
to vote on election day. ,
r .... nntni tUh, , r txnMt....A
Del., dreamed of fire and awoke to nnd
herself enveloped by real flames.
Suits 4o break the will of William Sin'
clair, the recently deceased Baltimore
millionaire, show that he led a dual life.
When sentenced to death at Belleville,
111., for killing Fred Kahn. George Cen-
trell said Mrs. Kahn instigated the mur
For the alleged poisoning f James
Drummond. of Kllzabeth. W. Va., Mrs.
Drummond and John Hanrlck, her lover,
are under arrest.
For stealing $1,000 from tthe Lowell
(Mass.) lodge of Knights of Pythias, ex
Treasurer Fred Goodwin was sent to
prison for three years.
Two masked burglars in Frank Slay
baugh's house, Waterloo, la., consented
not to take anything except a klsa from
Blaybaugh'a twin daughters.
Berlin has a rumor that the law prohib
iting the Imperial bank from making ad
vances upon Russian securities will be
The Social Democratic delegates in
Frankfort voted on Saturday to preach
socialism more energetically to women
and sailors and to extend their sympathy
to the Italian societies.
Cloudy, followed by, fair weather;
Winds shifting to south.
For This Week.
28 pieces, 40-iueh all wool lleiu i-
ettas, best shades, 50c quality,
SneCial PriCC ISC.
1 K " ' w
,a n!pcs ln.inch ..11 wou: Heill.j.
, qtiaiil),
Special Price, 45c'
18 pieces, 36-iuch all wool Assabel
Dress Flannels, 40c quality,
Special Price, 29c.
25 pieces fine English Suitings,
changeable efl'ects,
Special Price, 43c.
20 pieces Silk and Wool Mixtures,
65c. quality,
Special Price, 40c
Our line of Iilack Goods comprise
the Latest and Best Designs of tin)
,. .... . f-..r.. ,
Leading Foreign Manufactuters.
and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and RetaiL
j ttt 1VT OT5TTD "T
Jt IjOiJ U JoL 1
313 Spruce Street.
Telephone, No. 4633.
Couldn't hurt much more than art
uncomfortable shoe. Our "KOFN
RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy.
In Calf and Cordivan are just what you
want for Fall and Winter.
114 Wyoming Avenue.
And get checks on that beau
tiful Piano to be given away
Christmas week.
N, B. Repairing of Fine
Watches a specialty