The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 27, 1894, Page 9, Image 9
T7IE SCRAKTDK TI?li?TJSrE---SATITI?DAT MOIlinNO, OCTOBER 27, 1S94. BUDGET OF SPORTING NEWS Doings on the Gridiron, the Track and Also the Cinder l'ath. THAT BASE BALL IMBROGLIO Will the National Game Be Ablo to Stand ' Another Civil War-Collegians ami Their Kicking Over l oot Dull Dates. By the United Press. AVashlnRton, Oct. 26. Many people are wondering these days what la golns to Happen next In bnse bnll circles The developments of last week did not create much of a stir to outward ap pearances, but beneath the surface there is a feeling of unrest. Previous to the Philadelphia meetlnR.which gave birth to the new American Association the National league magnates were do ing the most of the worrying, for they did not know whnt financial, manager lal, or playing strength the new organi zation would be able to command. The fact that they did not exhibit anything certain In either respect, and the un doubted defection of Al Johnson, the prime mover and principle loser of the Krotherhood movement, in the opinion of the Post, gives the National leugue people the vantage ground. The regulur fall meeting of the big lengue magnates will be held at the Filth Avenue hotel, New York, Nov. 14 and IS, and until that time the promo ters of the new association will be kept on the anxious seat, wondering what action the parent body will take. Many of the players will also be kept wonder ing and speculating. They do not want to run any chance of blacklist by going to the league'B newest rival, and this is what Is going to make It dillleulty for the new body to line up for a playing season in the latter part of next April That is the point which has been dis cussed with most frequency by the players since early in September. When a few of them were found together it was almost a certainty that they wen- discussing next season's prospects, and the chances for getting an Increase In pay from either the National League club to which they belong, by reason of the promised opposition, or from some club of the new formation. Toward the end of the playing season quite a num ber were satisfied that It would be safer to remain under the National league blanket, and volutarlly alllxed 'heir signatures to contracts for 1M)". Among these were all of the Chicago players, all but two of the Philadel phiaa, all but four or five of the 1'itts burgs and others which might be picked at random from the other clubs. Desertion from the League. To offset this the organizers of the new association had the promises of nearly all the Jioston men, a few of the Baltimore, one or two of the St. Louis lirowns and the Plttsburgs, two of the i'hllaUelplilas, and some few others scattered here and there. The promises trom the players were that they would not sign with the clubs to which they were under reservation until after the new body took shape, the understand ing being that the new association would give them substantial Increase In salaries If everything came right. If the new association really means business the managers of the new clubs will make an effort to sign the players who have held off., In fact, It is reported that John J. Moore, who will be Identi fied with the new club In New York, has been In Hoston severnl days trying to get the signatures of Hugh Duffy, Tom my McCarthy and Herman Long to contracts for his team. These players admit that they have been offered large salaries, and express i preference to play In New York, but have not yet made up their minds to sign.. Al Uuckenberger says he is con fident he can secure at least four of last season's Pittsburg club ns the nu cleus for the new club to be located there, and Fred Pfeffer thinks he will have no trouble In placing a good club In Chicago If he can first Induce Amos Rusle to go in with him. Pfeffer would himself play on second and mnnaate and captain the team, so there would he two stars as a starter for the Windy City club. The Philadelphia, men are talking of making J silly Sharslg, of old Athletic club fame, manager of the team there, counting on his popu larity In that city to help the club in a financial way, but from all accounts they have not succeeded In coming to terms yet with Lave Cross and Hilly Hamilton, the only Phillies who refused to sign with the Kench and Kogers people. Billy IJarnle will no doubt have charge of the team in his own town, Brooklyn, but It does not appear that he has engaged anything In the shape of playing talent up to date. The Washington Organizers. If Messrs. Hewett and Scnnlon have signed men for the team they are to place here they are keeping very quiet about it. They decline to talk about their plans at present. Michael Scan lon was seen on his return from the Philadelphia meeting, but excused him self from saying anything nbout bnse ball except on one point. lie was em phatic in saying that he did not believe in making war on the National league, and rather than countenance contract breaking by players would withdraw from the business. It was generally hoped among follow ers of the game that the organization of the new body would mean a return to the conditions In existence prior to the Brotherhood revolt, when there were two big base ball organizations which respected contracts made by clubs on either side, when there were big salar ies for all the players, and the interest In the game in all parts of the country was aroused to such an extent that all the clubs were making money. Unfor tunately, however, the new organiza tion has not made a start which Invites peace, and the Inevitable clash over the player question will come early and last long. This will mean harm to both organizations and the possible destruc tion of one. The National lengue people, having Just worked past the evil effects of the Brotherhood war,' are in no mood to deal friendly with a prospective rival, and the association must certainly be aware that they cannot go ahead and hope to be successful without trenching on the big league's reserve list. This will start the trouble. The lengue will certainly fight to retain the players on their reserve list, and there will be many legal battles, as there were In ISM, to disgust the followers of the game. The Challenge. The association threw down the gage of battle at the Philadelphia meeting when they declared that they would not respect the league club reservations. This will force the league magnates at their meeting in New York next month to take a decided stand. There can be no doubt but they will resolve to blacklist players who desert their ranks. Then if the association people have the financial backing which they claim the bars will be let down anil a number of players will be able to work their salaries up to the $3,500 to $5,000 notches. Few clubs can afford to pay many men such salaries without great loss to their exchequers, and after one of the organizations goes to the wall because the backers of the clubs are heartily sick of losing money, a fresh start will have to be made by the suc cessful body, and the only result of the whole squabble will have been that the great American game has been set backward ten years or more by the tery people who should try to build up and advance It ( BATTERS AND RUXXERS. 1 Records of Heavy Hitters of the League 1 and Leading llnso Stealers, '. -By the United Press. New York, Oct 26. During the nine teen years that the National league has been in existence, there has been some very hard batting, but Duffy's percent age this season is a record breaker. Previously, the best percentage was .403, made by Ross Barnes, in 1S76, the first year of the league. The list of champion batsmen of the league is as follows: lIvJ","68' 'n'engo 403 t'-l) !"" Boston . iiS-V'llrym!,le' Milwaukee 3-ti ls,!-Anson, Chleugo 407 lsxo-t 0 re, Ch leago W, IVil Anson, Chicago.!!""""!!!"'."" !:;'i'a SSIi-Ilrouthers, Huffalo :i7 SW-Hrouthers, Huffalo ;I71 1S.S4 O'Kourke, Buffalo :IW 1SS;, Connor, New York 371 1S Kelly, Chicago 8 ISS7 Maul, Philadelphia '.. !:I43 lSWi Anson, Chlciigo 313 lhKH Brotithers, Huston . 313 iK'i ijioy, I'Mrngo ;ir. 1NH Hamilton. Philadelphia y:s )S!i3 Hioulhers, Brooklyn 3:r 1M.I Stenzel, Pittsburg 4119 iwi-uuiry, tioston 434 There was some lively scurrying around the bases on the league circuit during the season just closed, and Hamilton with 101 to his credit, lends the league. John Ward was at the top of the column last season with seventy-two bases to his credit. Hamil ton s performance Is, therefore a re markable good one. Burke, Fuller and Doyle have made a creditable showing. 1 he following figures show the work of the leading base stealers: Stolen Sacrifice Games. Bases, Hits. Ituns Players. Hamilton .. Ijllllf-'O Wlhnot SI e( J raw .... Brown Latham .... Stenzel Doyle V. Ward ... Duffy Dnhlen Donovan ... Dalv (Jilllln Burke Fuller Hannnn .... Kelley (5. Tebenu .. McCarthy .. Burkelt .... Holliilay ... I )ovi McUarr K. Pmlth ... Davis ('. S. Abbey Jennings ... Van Haltren Breathers .. Ilrndle J. Ward .... .. i: .. 113 .. i:n .. m ., 130 .. 131 .. 133 . 10(1 .. w .. 125 .. 11'3 .. 133 .. 124 .. 10S .. l.'IS .. 04 .. 123 .. 120 .. H'2 101 7 !07 71 0 M Si 13 i:3 01 14 151 C.3 15 122 CO 14 131 57 11 140 41 1 !l 30 0 07 4N 10 VVI 40 10 152 4S 27 110 41 4 137 30 3 124 4i 13 120 31 0 K2 42 8 120 42 14 107 33 11 70 10 0 117 35 8 ill 31 4 120 33 fi h5 34 3 01 33 10 12S 31 S 112 .'13 12 !.5 ' 32 15 137 34 13 13!) 30 14 138 38 21 135 30 23 101 127 . 12 . 121 . 121 . 12S . 12H . 122 . 130 . 12S' . 139 . 12S . 129 . 133 BLACKLIST IS READY. Nick Young's Broad Hint to Popular Piny- ers of the League. By the United Press. Washington, Oct. 26. President Nick Young, of the" National Base Ball league, does not Intend to cull a special meeting to consider the new base ball association. He says: "The members of the league do not want any more base ball wars, but they stand ready to defend their hard earned interest against what appears to be nothing more than a band of base ball specula tors. The situation has been thorough ly surveyed, and we know every man, his social and financial standing, sup posed to be directly or Indirectly Inter ested In the new association. The Im pression prevails, after looking over the Held that the league, rather than be (coine involved fin .another struggle, similar to that with the Brotherhood, will go down Into Its pockets and buy out the rival organization. They will be sadly disappointed If they are enter taining any such Idea. Tim league has a well balanced compart organization, and the market Is stocked with desira ble players. "There Is one thing that can be stated with all frankness, nnd that Is the lengue does not Intend to enter Into a competitive contest of dollurs for the services of popular players In the league. If they are disposed to place their loyalty to the parent organiza tion on the auction block, they are at liberty to do so. If they deliberately violate the terms of the National agree ment nnd desert the league they must understand that they place themselves on the black list, so far as the league Is concerned, for all time to come. New players are being developed every year, and there is no longer a players' trust to dictate the policy of the league." In this connection Mr. Young called attention to the number of excellent young players developed In the league during the last year nnd to contracts already signed with promising players of smaller leagues for the next season. He explained his nbsence from head quarters last week by stating that he went Into seclusion temporarily to fig ure out and promulgate the official averages for the season just closed. The fall meeting of the lengue will be called for Nov. 14 and will be held In New York. The pennant will be form ally awarded to the Baltimore club and the annual renorts of the secretary nnd treasurer of, the league will be sub mitted, 'l he showing promises to be satisfactory from a financial stand point and n general rounding up of the lengue's business affairs will Indicate a fairly prosperous season In spite of the hard times. Any questions arising ns to the rumored changes In the mem bership of the league will nrnbnblv hr- deferred until the spring meeting ot me nexi cnampionsiup seuson. FRANK SELEFAS TALK. He Soys Duffy, McCarthy und Long Will .-uiy in iioston. By tho United Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 26. Frank Relee. mannger of the Hoston League ball team, In an Interview here said: "You can say for me that I will hot a new suit of clothes that Duffy, McCarthy nnd i,ong 00 not. piay with the Association next season. Why, it is simply ridicu lous to think of It. Two of these men have Invested $5,000 In business In Bos ton, and why should they want to play In New York? Then again, If thev must make a change there Is not a club in the league which would not offer them a good advance over their present salary, and it stands to reason they would sooner play with a recognized success ful organization thnn take chances with a new one. 'No, no, they are too level-headed for that, nnd you can also Fay that they will get what they demanded from the Boston club and they nre entitled to It. There are no harder working players in the profession today than they, anil they are stars of the first magnitude; so much so, In fact, that I' would be In favor of giving them all that business can afford. There will be more old faces on the Boston tenm next year than most people Imnglne." IN THE FIELD TO STAY. Oulnn, of Milwaukee, Soys tho New Hose Hull Association Is No llliiff. By the United Tress. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 26. TI. D. Quinn.who Is furnishing tho backing for the Milwaukee club In the new base ball association, has returned from Phila delphia. The association Is not a bluff, Mr. Qulnn says; neither Is' his talk about putting a club In Milwaukee. He says he has several players on the string already but he Intends to keep his plnns to himself Until all arrangements hnve been made. This, he states, will not be until the contracts of the association are printed. PITTSBURG OUT OF IT. Projectors of Pittsburg Association Club Decide to Leave That City. By the United Press. , . PlttHburg, Oct. 26. The American As sociation club wil not locate at Pitts burg. A. C. Uuckenberger and L. . l)e Itoy, who have been looking after the club's interest in Pittsburg, haveretlred from further activity In the project,, and notified those who were willing to give the concern financial tacking that as suitable grounds coultf not be ob tained in would not only be useless but unprofitable to continue the venture. Buckenberger did not seek a confer ence with the Pittsburg Traction offi cials, feeling that It would result in any but favorable terms. Buckenberger says that he told the other members of the association that it would be hard to put a club In Pittsburg, so that they will not be surprised at the action of himself or associates. BASE BALL BREVITIES. There were 620 home runs made In the lengue the past season, the biggest num ber in its history. Duffy leads the list with 37. The Western lengue had eight men In Its ranks the past season with a batting average of .400 or over, und 95 that had an average of .300 or over. An Interesting test of fthe relative strength of the two sections of the leuguu is seen In the fact that the eustcrn clubs won 208 games from the western clubs the past season, and lost to them only 158. The Boston elub has signed Cutcher Warner of the Wllkes-ltarre elub for next season. Warner Is 30 years old, married, und Is of steady habits. He caught nearly nil the games for Wilkes-Burre the past season. YALE'S LATEST OFFER. Wunts Princeton to Have o Guine with Pcnnsy Nov. '24. Ey the United Press. New York, Oct. 26. The Yale-Princeton game will probably be played on Saturday, Dec. 1. It can be stated on good authority that Yale has agreed upon this date. Instead of Dec. 5, as they first proposed, and hus also sub mitted a proposition to Princeton, which, however, will not be accepted. Yale's idea is that the three big college teams, Including her own, should be on an equal footing, nnd has accord ingly suggested to Princeton that If the Tigers will consent to play the Univers ity of Pennsylvania on Saturday, Nov. 24, the same day that Yale plavs Harv ard at Springfield, Yale will play Princeton on Thanksgiving Day, other wise the game can bo played on Dec. 1. By this means Yale figures that both Princeton and Pennsylvania will be put In the same position that Yale Is In now. That Is, that the Tigers and the Quakers would both have a hard game five days before they met Yale and Harvard respectively on Thanks giving Day; but as the Princeton-Pennsylvania game has already been ar ranged for Nov. 10 at Trenton, Yale's suggestion, though a good one, comes a little late. So that It Is practically settled that Yule and rrinceton will meet on Do. 1. The one remaining hitch between the big universities seems to be over the lo cation of the grounds. Yale has shift ed from a desire to go to Kastern park Brooklyn, and now shows a preference V!',,1 !,:l;k,,,,,y val. Princeton, however, still sticks out for Manhattan field. FOOTBALL FACTS. Cornell will play Harvard In New York next naturduy, iiPv,'I0".f;s '',as b,'('n '''"'ted captain of the 11le Freshmen Foot Bull team. iii".r,'"'r' en",,,lm f the Cornell Foot pounds?'''"' y0",'!, 01,1 atu .w''lB,ls 215 Crowdes nnd Biggs are having a hot canvass for center on the Princeton team. Biggs will likely win out. ""Leltm The American Association of rrofes- nn"!'.1' Cll,,,M olos'''1 th "n o ' ""'a "Riding cdwliet with tho college foot ball games. So many of the players of Stevens 'Var sity I'liot Ball team have already been In jured this season that the eleven" has been rorced to disband and declare olT all games scheduled. An effort Is being made to arrange a game of foot ball between the University of I ennsylvnnltt eleven and some minor college to take place on the Kivorton Athletic club grounds. (icorge F. San ford, who has been a prominent llgureut Yule for six-years past has left that university for good, nnd It s reported that ho will enter upon a bus iness career in Now York. Tho college fool ball teams have finally realized the importance of a kicking game. The new rules are responsible for the change, and there is nothing more ex citing for the spectators In general than to see the ball go sailing through space. The Baltimore Professional League Foot Ball team wrote Secretary Plckard. of the Western Pennsylvania, Association league, usking for a series of three games with tho Pittshurgs, of that league. The secretaiy declined to give them any en couragement, lint II after the close of the local league's season. Pennsylvania Is using a kick-off that Is worth two of the tricks Yale tried early In the season. Hlckok kicked twice out of hounds. This gave Yale's opponents I he bull In mldlielil and they were forced to kic k. Thereby Yale secured the ball, but near her own goal. The new plnv Is bet ter. Brooks kicks over his opponent's goal line and they touch In goal. This gives tin m the ball and thev have to put It In play on their twenty-ilvn yard line by n kick. Pennsylvania thereby gets the ball and gets It much nearer her oppo nent's goal than In case of the Yale kick off. Of course It takes a great kicker like Brooks to make tills play, nnd then it won't nlwnys work, for It's a long kick tllfit U-tll u..n.l ., 4V.n, l.nlt 1.1.1 , , .....v ,. .1, mill! 1. HFUl lltlll lllllll 111 I)CJ over the goal line ut a hclghth that men ut.lll.....! .1... tl.. 1. ... .1 udelphia Press. INDOOR WHEEL MEET. Some of the Celebrated Kiders Who Will Take Prominent Part. By tho United Press. New York. Oct. 26. Tho International Indoor Bicycle tournament for both amateurs nnd professionals will begin at the Madison Square garden on Nov ember 27, nnd will continue a week under the auspices of the Metropolitan Association of Cycling clubs of New York and New Jersey. Champion A. A. Zimmerman, Harry C. Wheeler, Luelen Lovet, champion short distance riders of France; Arthur Linton and M. Huret, also French champions; A. C. Edward, champion of Kngland, nnd Alex. Verheyen, the German champion, are among the pofessionals slated to ap pear. The class B riders will probably be Titus, Sanger, Johnson, Bliss, Bald, ftlacuonald, the . murphy brothers, Taxis nnd Tyler. TO SUCCEED RAYMOND. Gideon Doomed for That Place, Hut Thought Ho Will Not Accept it. By tho United Press.' New York, Oct. 26. The decision of Chairman Raymond, of the League of American Wheelmen racing board, to retire from office next February, will leave the organization In a quandary as to who will succeed him. George D. Gideon, the Pennsylvania member of the bonrd, Is regarded as the man best fitted for the olllee, but It is claimed thnt he will not accept It. The league legislators, In looking around for a man to take charge of the racing Interests In the event' of Gideon's refusal, claimed that Henry W. Robinson, of Massachu setts, would fill the .bill. Chlarmun Raymond Intends to re move to Chicago and the Western men fnuounce that he Isthecandldateforthe .engue of American Wheelmen presi dency. WORK OF GREAT WHEELMEN. Comparisons between Johnson, Sanger, Tyler, llliss nnd Titus. By the United Press. New York, Oct. 26. Throughout the racing season the crack class H rld-rs were ambitious to end the season wilh a record of 100 victories to their credit. To show how the leading events were distributed among the men It Is neces sary to compare their work through the season. Early In the yenr It was pre dicted that Zimmerman's position as chumplon would be filled by either Sanger or Johnson. Johnson defeated Sanger thirteen times durlnj? the yenr, and Sanger beat Johnson In eleven races. Johnson won In all 62 ruces during the year. He de feated Bald In 15 races; Tyler 8 times and Titus 15 times. He failed to beat young Bliss, while the latter defeated Johnson five times. Walter Sanger has 125 victories to. his credit In addition to beating Johnson H times, he defeated Bliss 7 times Tyler, 18; Titus, 21, and Bald, 30 times Harry Tyler has 67 victories to his credit, defeating Sanger and Johnson 8 times, Bliss 3 times; Bald, 17 times, and Titus 7 times. Bliss closed the season with 38 wins to hs record. He beat Johnson 5 times; Sanger and Bald 7 times and Titus 8 times. He has no victories over Tyler to his credit. Titus has 65 victories to his credit, dafeating Messrs. Johnson, Bliss and Sanger 3 times each; Bald, 19 times, and Tyler 3 times. The comparison shows the men to be very evenly matched, with an almost equal number of victories and losses to their credit. WHIRS OF WHEELMEN. Niagara Falls Is the next candidate in the race for the national meet in 18U5. Ground was broken on Monday for the elub house of the Asbury Park Wheel men. Sanger Is considering a proposition to try the one hour record nnd the Interme diate murks above four miles. At the two hundred race meets held in this country during the past seuson the prizes offered aggregate $200,000 in value. The allotment of spaces for the first na tional exhibit of cycles, accessories and sundries, to be held In .Madison Squure gar den, January lath toKth, have been made. Already eighty-four firms have made ap plication. The Callfornlan, Wells, who recently broke Johnson's half mile world record at Sacramento, doing tho distance In 0:523-5, weighs 190 pounds in training, and 203 when out of form. He Is the biggest fust man on the path. The foreign professional bicycle riders who will come to this country next month with Zimmerman are l.ucien Louvet, Ar thur Linton ami M. Huret, French cham pions; A. C. Edwards, England's best rider, and A. Vcrhegun, German champion. J. Wade JicOowan, the Pittsburg candl dato for vice-consul of the Pennsylvania division. League of American Wheelmen, and ut present the honored occupant of that position, Is receiving encouragement from every part of the state on his can didacy. The announced withdrawal from the racing board of the League of American Wheelmen of its chairman, Howard K. Raymond, Is regretted by the wheelmen of the country. Mr. Haymond has become a partner in a cycle manufactory, and In a letter to the members of the league he explains his withdrawal. George W. Wolfe, who claims to have broken the Chicago-New York record recently, is alleged to hnve ridden on a train between Valparlso and Fort Wuyne on the evening of October 1. W. 8. Daniels, of Plymouth, Ind., claims to have si en Wolfe 011 the train, and says he stands ready to prove his statement. Wheelmen who are endeavoring to de feat J. W. AleCowln, of Pittsburg, for the vice-consulship of the Pennsylvania div ision, hnve executed a sharp move by mailing to nil members of the division copies of a ballot which Is apparently the official ticket, but which contains the name of Thomas Keenan In place of J. W. McGowin. Zimmerman and Wheeler nre now In Italy. They have made plans to sail for home from (lenoa on November 1, on the Augusta Victoria. Manager Trov, who sailed for Fraie-e on Saturday to make arrangements for the appearance of the foreign cracks at the Thanksgiving wek cycling carnival In Madison Square gar den, may return with them. An enthusiast with a strong liking for figures has calculated that Hanger's per centage for the season, reckoned on the basis of races won nnd lost, Is .083, which places him at the head of the list, John son coming next with .505. Cabanne ranks third with .457, and then in the order of merit are: Bald with .433, Bliss with .423, Charles Murphy with .400, Titus with .377, and Tyler with .348. W. J. Goodwin, a Coventry rider who has been bill little heard of, bus taken the good slice of twenty-four minutes off the Birmingham to London und back record. The distance Is 20S miles, and the course is very hilly throughout. At no part can the surface be called fast, either. Yet Good win accomplished the double Journey in 12:39:00. He broke the Mldlnnd twelve hour record (193 miles) by four miles dur ing the course of his Jaunt. NOTES OF THE TURF. "Lucky" Baldwin has refused to mntch Rey El Santa Anita with Henry of Na varre. The board of appeals of the American Trotting association will meet in Chicago on Dec. 1. Barney Owens, proprietor of the Enst Suffolk hulf-mili) track, will give J50 for two days' racing, Nov. 5 and 6. Chnrles Flelschman, the Cincinnati mil lionaire, lost 2,0U0on the Henrietta's fail ure to win ut Eust St. Louis on Monduy. Horsemen nre wondering why W. C. (Father Bill) Daly is permitted to race his mare Lizzlo at the Washington, D. C track. Henry of Navarre pulled up lnme after his work ut Oakley the other day and will "in tie able to start in tho handicap next Saturday. The Jockey club of Vienna has bought Baron Hlrsch's English race horse Match box for stud purposes. The price was 18,UO0. Mutchbox is a bny 3-year-old, by St. Simon, out of Match Girl. He has run well In several big races In England this year. Whatever may be the result of the vote on the proposed constitutional amend ment prohibiting betting on race tracks, racing will continue In this stnte. At two trncks at least, Coney Island and Brook lyn, the management have decided to hold their regular meeting. John A. Monis says theif will be no meeting at Morris purk in case the amendment carries. NOTES OF THE RING. A fight has been arranged at Montreal between Martin Costello nnd Luke Lucv. middle weight of Troy, N. Y., to take placo within two weeks. Jack Everhardt, the New Orleans boxer, claims the title of lightweight champion from Stanton Abbott, and will defend the title ngalnst any 133-pounder. Frank McLain. the "Cuban Wonder " Is reported to have left Philadelphia for Mnhanoy city, where ho is matched to tight ten rounds, October 28, for a $"50 purse. Police stopped both fights at Fountain theatre, Cincinnati, Saturday, In the first round. The lirst fight was given Van Heest, the second to Connelly, of Itha cu. "Jim" Daly, the ex-sparrlng pnrtner of "Jim" Corbett, und "Jack" Slavln havo signed articles to fight fifteen rounds for a purse of $1,500. The bout will take place In Buffalo on Nov. (i. It Is reported that Horace Leeds Is to meet three men at the Southwnrk clu'i on Saturday niprht. October 27. If Leeds could be Induced to allow John H. Chirk to be one of the three a great bout would re sult. Orville Bnrklay und Thomns Murphy, 130-pound boxers ; John Ceilings nrid George Smith; Bob Bedding nnd John H. Clark; young Jack Burke and young Gal lagher, will furnish the attractions at the American Athletic club next Saturday evening. . The Olympic club of New Orleans, has offered a purse of $3,000 for a finish fight between "Steve" O'Donnell, the spar ring partner of "Jim" Corbett, and "Jim" Hall, the Australian middle weight. . If the match Is made, it will take place dur ing Mardl Orus festivities ,in February. A dispatch from Boston states that the Kentucky Rosebud has $1,000 to back him against any 120-pound man In the United Slates. Paddy McHrlde had $100 forfeit at Tho Record olllee for a week to make a match with "the Bud" for $1,000. Paddy Is still ready, and Benny Peterson will also give the Rosebud an argument for about $500. The Olympic club, of New Orlenns, has decided to offer a 2.500 purse for a fin ish fight between "Billy" Plimmer, the bantam weight champion, and "Char ley" Kelly, of New York, the contest to take place In February. If Plimmer re fuses to light Kelly the Olympic club agrees to hang up a purse of the same value for a meeting between the New Yorker and "Jimmy" Barry, of Chicago1. It Is not generally known that Mrs. Robert Fltzslmmons saw her husband "trim" Mr. Creedon at New Orleans last month. It Is probably the first case on record of a woman witnessing a heavy weight championship battle. Mrs. Fltz slmmons and Mrs. Scholl, wife of tho president of the Olympic Athletic club, saw the contest from a nook In which they were completely concealed The champion's wife became so excited that she could not tell who had won until she was Informed at the clos of the battle. MISCELLANEOUS SPORTS. Steps will be taken at Newport to form an American Golf association. Lasker, the chess player, Is' seriously 111 in London. He has therefore cancelled all his present engagements for games. At the annual fall games of Princeton college R. C. Kumler, 'US, made a new Princeton record for the broad Jump. The distance is 22 feet 6 Inches. James Mahan, of Fltchburg, Mass., the chumplon quarter-mile sprinter of the United States, lies in a hospital at Chi cago with a bullet deeply imbedded In his left breast and his left arm broken. While making his way to Chicago, he was set on by tramps, who not only robbed, but tried their best to kill him. Arrangements have been made by a rep resentative of Austin, Tex., with Teemer and Gaudaur to row a single scull race In that city next January for the champion ship of America and a purse of $2,000, which will be hung up by the citizens, It Is exjiected to get Peterson, the oars man, to participate. In which event each contestant wil put up $1,000 to be added to the purse. NOTES AND QUERIES. Concise Answers to tho Interesting (.lues- tions of Curious People. From the Baltimore American. Question: 1. Was there not a battle In the laBt century, In which the troops politely called on each other to fire first? Did not Napoleon have a pub lisher shot? Answer: 1, There Is a tradition to the effect that at the battle of Fonte noy, in France, the English officers took off their hats to their French ene mies nrruyed In line of battle before them. Two French officers rode forward and also took off their hats, returning the salute. Thereupon Lord Charles Hay exclaimed, "Gentlemen of the French guard, fire," and then the an swer of Count d'Auteroche came: "Fire yourselves, gentlemen of England. We never fire lirst." The English troops were under the Duke of Cumberland, and the French troops under Marshal Saxe. The latter was at the time suffering from an acute attack of drop sy, and when exhausted from riding on horseback, had to be drawn in an osier carriage. The French won the bat tle at the last moment. 2. Scott, the novelist, told this story at a banquet of litterati, In proposing a toast to Napoleon, because the latter had once shot a publisher, the Incarnate nnd Ideal foe of writers, according to tradi tion. John Philip Palm, a Bavarian, is said to have suffered from Bonaparte's anger. He Issued from his press at Nurenburg, a pamphlet, "Germany In Her Greatest Degradation," In 1S0U, Just after the French had occupied tho prin cipality. He attacked the troops, their management, and assailed the emperor particularly. His stiafts at the Cor sican took the form of a supposed dia logue between Bonaparte and "Echo," In which the ending words in each sen tence of the emperor formed a phrase damaging to him. Napoleon ordained him arrrested and confined at Anspach. Later he was courtmnrtlaled and shot. II II II Question: In olden times, when I'.nr num'9 hotel was nourishing, I read frequently after Christmas that they had served watermelon for desert. I low were the melons kept so long? Answer: Some years ago a man In New Jersey varnished some watermel ons, anil, he claims, kept them in good condition until Christmas. He put one or two coats of varnish on them, of course, letting each one get dry before putting on unother. He kept thorn In a cool place, but took care not to let them get frozen. It Is said, however, by others who have tried this plan that a slight taste of the varnish was dis covered, which was due, of course, to the liquid making Its way through the rind. But the New Jersey man said his melons were as fresh at Christinas as in August, and that he did not de tect nny taste of the varnish. It Is more than likely that (he cold-storage warehouses, which can easily regulate the temperature so as to keep it at a proper degree above the freezing point, could keep the melons fresh, just as It was claimed could be done with them in liarnum's cool cellar. Many country men secure for themselves the same advantages of Barnum's cold storage by placing the melons carefully In the barn .covering them with fodder nnd leaving them undisturbed. It Is not uu unusual treat. II II II Question: Who was Robert Brown ing's "Lost Lender" and who the "Fair Rosamond" of'Tennyson? Answer: Goethe and Southey have been made conspicuous by various per sons as the supposed original of this poem of Browning's, because each dur ing his lifetime had made radical changes in his views on government, and, therefore, fitted the part. But the poet, as Ills private correspondence shows, had Wordsworth in mind at the time lie wrote the poem, but he says in this letter, written some years after the publication of the poem, thnt the character was merely suggestive, and that no attempt was made at a por trait. Jane Clifford was the "Fair Rosamond" in "The Dream of Fair Women." She was the daughter or Lord Clifford, and the favorite of Henry II. of England. He kept her conceal ed In a mythical labyrinth near Wood stock, but all to no purpose, for she Is said to have been poisoned by Queen Eleanor In 1177. The story has been told frequently in prose and poetry. Samuel Davis published an historical poem about her melancholic fate Inl5ii4, Swinburne wrote a drama entitled "Rosamond," Addison an opera, Scott refers to the story In his two novels, "The Talisman" and "Woodstock," and many ballads touching the same subject have achieved a place largely on account of the pretty story. II II 'II Question: Can you give the propor tion of clenr days In England and the United States? Answer: Not exactly as you state it; but Dr. Cronk, of the State Weather bureau, finds that In June, 1S04, Bal timore had twice the sunshine of Lon don, and in addition to London, only two other stations In England report ed a greater number of hours of sun shine than two hundred. In the United States, moreover, only three stations had more sunshine in that month than Baltimore. The least sunshine at the record stations was given at Eastport, Me., nnd Portland, Ore. During May, 1894, tho record of sunshine hours re corded at the stations Is as follows: Baltimore, 285.5; Washington, 259.2; London, 1G3.5. During June of this year It was: Baltimore. 354.8; Washington, 328.3; St. Louis, 402.8; Santa Fe, 384.2; Tucson, 364.5; Eastport, 145.1; Portland, Ore., 163.3; London, England, 16U.8; Guersey, 209.2; Jersey, 201.5. II II II . Question: Inform me whether base ball is brain work or art. Answer: It is largely brawn, nnd comparatively little brain, except In the exercise of Judgment on the part of the players, with exception of the pitcher. He has to do "brad work" largely; that Is, exercise more than or dinary skill in the performance of his work, as In delivering deceptive balls to the latter. Base ball Is, however, a scientific game, nnd, ns such, requires generally more brain than the aver age out-door sport. Complexion Preservad DR. HCBRA'S W GREAH Removon FreeMen, Pimples, Uvar Mole. BleckKeidt! Sunburn aud Tin, and re stores the skla to its origi nal freshness, producing a elear and healthy com- , I t.... I all fn.u. DIUXIOII. OiilWiiui iwiuiiii'.t proimintloru and perfectly harmless. At all cuug$lfta,ormailedfo!30cta. Send lor Circular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP "impir lti!rtM u t tin iKirtlytii Bo&p, auquaM Itv tin trIM, ul rival fer u winery. AbMlutely pun ud tfdkatalj . uU cued. M dnwliti, Prloe 25 Cento. G. C. BITTNEFt CO., Toledo, O. For ante by Matthew lirot, and Job n. l'helpa. . i nitrite 01 constipation. CURES X Constipation. i8 CURES Constipation. 1 writo tlitt you may know tne uood I havo roceivod trom B. B. K I was all out of ln'fdtli nnd Biiffi i ing with con stipation and biliousness. I tried other medicines, but thoy fnped in do any good. At laat 1 tioucht a bottle of B. B. B., und befiiro 1 liud UBi'd it all I went to work as well as ever. Gcs Ki'.i.sov, Box 5u,Irvlntn, Warren Co.Pa Acts On the Bowels. COMPLEXION BLEMISHES May be hidden Imperfectly by cosmetics and powders, but cun only bo removed permanently by Hetzsl's Superior Face Eleach It will positively remove FRECKLES), TAN, AIGTH, HALLOWNKSS. and cure any diseases of the skin, such as PIM PLKS. AON K, PLACKHKAIiS, OILI NKSS and renders the skin soft and beau tiful. Price $1 per bottle. Por sale at E. SV1. HETZEL'S 330 Lecka. Ave., Scranton, Pa. lOuropean Plnn. F'.-st-elass liar at tached. Depot for Hcrpner & Engle's Tannhaeiiser Ler. S.E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sis., Phila. Most desirable for residents of N. V,. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Street station nnd the Twelfth and Market Street station. Dcslrabio for visiting ycrantnnians and people In the An. tliracite Region. T. J. VICTORY, riioPMCTon. P I. A. W. JURISCH, 405 SPRUCE ST. BICYCLES UNO SPORTING GUODS. Victor, Gendron, Eclipse, Lovell, Dia mond and Other Wheels. SHAW EMERSON H0TE1 J. Lawrence Stelle, FORMERLY STELLE & SEELEY, MUSIC DEALER, ISSfr SHAW PJANOS to the Front. EA1ERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. ORGANS PRICES SATISFACTORY. DID YOU, KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new patJ terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. H HI jLm JLmmrf JLnrtf All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in stock. Of every description. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Bolt Ends, Spikes aud Bin EMBEMOER We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Oeilnr Rhlnprles. "Victor" nnd other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shinnies, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber und Hill Timber. North Carolina Short nnd Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine ' Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THIRD NATIONAL BASK OF SIMMON. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $250,000 This bank offers to depositors every fa cllily warranted by their balances, busl ness and resKnsibility. Special attention given to business ac counts. WILLI AM COXNELL, President. UEO. H. CATL1N, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. PKCK, Cashier. DIRECTORS: William Connell, OorRe II. Catlln, Al fred Hand, James Archbald, Henry Belln. Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. THE TRADERS Rational Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1890. CAPITAL 250,000 SURPLUS $50 SAMUEL HTXES, President. W. W. WATSON. Vice-President A. 11. WILLIAMS, Cashier, DIRKOTOItS. Samuel Ilines, James M. Everhart, TrY Ihk A. Pinch, Pierce H. Plnley, Joseph J... Jennyn, M. S. Kemerer, Charles P. Muti thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. .HLKULlll). UUi and LIBERAL. This hank Invites the patronage of bu iness men and llrnis generaly. "WELL, SIR" "vSpectaclcs !" Yes sir ! Wo have a specialist here to fit you who does nothini; else. Sit riuht down and have your eyes titted in a scientific manner. 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. CLGUGH & WARREN WATERLOO CARPENTER,CROWK & CONNELL.- Prompt shipments guaranteed. Nuts, Washers, Turn-buckles, a full line of Carriage Hardware. ' If If I LLOYD, JEWELER, 3 j yJ(Q) a GO., Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Luth. Tlo(?ii County Dry Hemlock Stock Hoards. Flk County Dry Hemlock Joists an4 Studding. 1