The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 27, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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N?u)s of the Green
Room and Foyer
Some of the More Important Doings
of These, Our Actors.
riytn Crinkle Is of the Opinion Thut the
Day of the Classic Drama Uu
About Ended Especially In
This Country.
Nym Crinkle is convinced that
Shakespeare's day hus passed. The ac
tor uys that this is because the public
does not want Shakespeare. The pub
lic suya it is because the actor cannot
play Shakespeare. And Mr. Crinkle
thinks they ure both rlKht. "I heard
an Intelligent critic say," he writes,
"that as wealth and repose and refine
ment increased in a Democratic coun
try, Shakespeare would lie in greater
demund. This has been said very often
In the magazines. But it is dlfllcult to
square it with the facts. Assuming
this to be true, Shakespeare ought to
be oftener played aijd more keenly'np
preciated thun he was fifty yeurs ago.
But he isn't. We have three times the
number of theaters and 75 per cent, less
of Shakespeare. In short, we no longer
huve a Shakespearean theater at all.
Fifty yeurs ago the democracy de
manded Shakespearean plays that was
one of the reproaches heaped upon For
rest the democracy wanted him. They
wanted the elder Booth. They support
ed K L. Davenport, nnd they hung
upon Murdoch and Tom Hainblin and
Fanny Kemble, nnd had a riot when
Cooke and Macready played Shakes-
npnr. If tia l,w,i-.,t,uo u.-.,ittli (,,,.1
leisure incident to the uge of a comA
iminlly insured the performance of
Shakespeare, England ought to be
playing him. Is she? Not a bit of It,
The popiUur play for wealth and re
finement during the last London seuson
was 'Sans dene,' a piece of clever vul
garity In which a French woman
swept the enthusiasm up with her
skirts. Henry Irving keeps Shakes
peare in his repertory very much us a
fashionable woman keeps a set of Dres
den china in her closet to be set out on
special occasions and then wushed up
and put back again. It does not ap
pear thut he plays Benedick or Shy
lock, or Hamlet, because there is a
popular demand for these roles, but
rather because there isn't, and to do
them occasionally indicates that he is a
little Independent of popular demand.
It Is no disparagement of the great poet
and master of Kngllsh drama to say
that the intelligent public do not wunt
him us much as they once did on the
stage. You might as well sav thut
Homer has ceased to be great because
he isn t sung on fW streets. Shakes
peare, like every other immortal thing,
passes from one stage of appreciation
to another. I think Intelligence and
culture have learned to see depths in
Shakespeare that are bevond the ordin
ary actors. We get revised versions of
film Just as we do of the Bible, and he
s subjected to the higher criticism and
lives on with now meanings In the
study and in the heart, while the stage
is pounding away at the old histrionic
conceptions of him."
Frederick Warde, the tragedian, told
a funny story to a Syracuse Post man
the other day. He has an endless fund
Of amumnp onwilnt rnii.i ,
. " ""wi. Junius aooui
the dramatic luutino o...ii.
deinund. he tells a capital story of his
V ""UB" in a city lu
Missouri The play wns brought to a
;u'-t'i ena; me audience was pro
lounaiy impressed, but did not
move Warde had gone to his
Jressing room and commenced to
umioue. wnen the manager came
una told him that the audience
Would not mnvn V.n ,i,.,..i.i i...
" oiiwuiu lie uo ;
Wurde suggested the turning down of
u iwuiiinis, xnis was done without
avail. The distressed manager once
more soucht wnio ni 1.., s
- j nun unit?
was in tights. "Not for $100 will I go
curiam as i am." replied the
tragedian to the mnniiirbr-'a i,u...,r.i,.
IV8-, "D. and tell them that
."r nuj is over.- u ne manager would
not; so Warde put on his dressing,
thrust a towel nrmm, Vl MnAt. 1
with his feet in Roman sandals and a
rubicund face, stepped before the cur
tain and said: "Ladies and gentlemen,
the play is over. I am dead; Virginia
is dead; Donatus is dead, and Applus
Cloudlus Is dead" when a voice from
the a-uda vellpH "Who 1.00 ,i
j I ........ nas )n UllllC
wia dat udder son of a gun?" meaning
uamcn. ii is neeuiess to say that Warde
hustled behind the curtain to give his
The significant and particularly In
tpreHtfllG fontllfa tt Tw ..i..i, .
Philadelphia this year, In the opinion of
me is me uppearance of Henry
E. Dlxey. The English speaking world
KnOWS DIVPV ns Arinnlu an
Jf a certain 'felicitous and intangible
burlesque us a mimic of extraordinary
gifts, as the incarnation of vmm.t,-ir
and grace. There hus never been in the
msiory or extra vugunza anything to
wuiivuie wunineouumgntsor "Adonis.
It was a vision of light, of color
of melody, and fun beyond description
But like all visions, It vanished at lust
Now Mr. TjIvhv hna t,ta..i,,l i.,. ....
- ...... .... ... .1 UH
called "legitimate" arena, and he hus
juuiiu ior ins unquestionable, though ir
some quarters, unsuspected, talent whnl
is perhaps a better and wider field
We can recall nothing better of IU
kind than his interpretation last nigh)
, of the part of Marcus Brutus Snap. II
Mr. DhIv. In tho kliiti-.intlf 4Vw
character, bus drawn upon the i1ch
suggestions of Mr. Vincent Crummies,
Snevelllnl nnd tha ri.rwll,r.
... . -, -. . . ' "h J I wnis
is bound to say that Mr. Dlxey, in en-
uuuiig u, nas uone an mat Ulckens, the
iiiuater, couia in common lairness ask
We must congratulate Mr. Daly upor
his Judgment ln recognizlnir blxev'i
possibilities and upon his provldence'ln
putting them at our dlspossal.
Roland Reed, as "The Politician
captured Rochester quite as completely
as ne naa captured scranton earlier in
the game. The Post-Express says
"Kolund Heed has In 'The Politician' f
play exactly suited to him. He is t
very clever comedian and he hus this
season the best company he has ever
naa. These facts combine to produce
an entertainment which ranks among
the best that theater-goers will see. As
General Joslah Limber, Mr. Reed is
the central figure. This fact was never
lost sight of by the playwrights. Mr.
Keed Is equal to the requirements.
large amount of the humor of the char
acter is due directly to his Impersona
tion. He Introduces the dodges of the
politician in an artful manner, care'
fully guarding) against too pronounced
caricature. He is excellently aided
by nis leading lady, Miss Isadore Rush
whose representation of the portending
nuinnlshness of the twentieth century
Is one of the principal features of the
piece. The audience had been prepared
by advance notices for the costumes
which Miss Rush wore, but her manner
of wearing them was quite as interest'
lng. There she was, the full-fledged
young man of fashion all except the
trousers, which she declared she
wouldn't wear. But at each side of her
dress skirt are pockets Into which she
' thrusts her hands unconcernedly as she
strides about the stage Just like the
men. She was a prime favorite In every
' act, dividing the 'honors 'with Mr,
ft Is said that ten years ago John
iernen gave a tjowery beggar a quar
ter. Last week between the acts of
"McFaddn'i Elopement," In Johnstown,
Pa., Mr. Kernell was visited by one of
the mo8t prosperous citizens of that
place, who handed him a quarter and a
gold watch Inlaid with diamonds. He
had been the Bowery beggar of ten
years ago, and he said that Kernell's
quarter, which he now paid back, naa
saved him from suicide.
He came bark to his boyhood home
After some forty years.
And when ho looked upon the scene
His old eyes filled with tears.
Upon the old-time common, where
lie d ulaved with the but una bull,
There rose, Into the smoky uir
A warcnouse grim anu urn.
Of all the scenes he once had known
He could not Had a trace.
Nor could ho tlnd among the crowd
One dear, familiar face.
Naught could he find that was not
Abroad, without, within.
Except a duy-blll with the words:
"Tonight Ureal pluy East Lynne.'
Dun lops.
Sol Smith Russell Is worth JIOO.OOO.
Boston Is to have a vaudeville club.
Sol Smith Russul may do "Fiilstun"."
Maida Cralgon is lecturing on Delsarte.
Oludys Wallis hus left Crane's compuny.
Sothern Intends to 'revive "Lord Chum-
William Beaeh will no with Joseph Jef
Gustavo Frohman has fourteen com
Grace Fllklns is going on the vaudeville
Alexander Salvlnl Is to make a tour of
Rhea will soon produce "When Bess was
Sol Smith Russell is playing "The Heir
at Law."
Currle Turner will star In "The Coming
Woman. "
Nat Goodwin Is to do "Lend Me Five
Ada ltelian played to 27.XX) In two weeks
In Boston.
Fred Lennox has inude a hit in "Prince
Pro Tern."
Ciuno will shortly produce "The Pu-
clllc Mall."
John T. Kelly Is to uppear In the "Twen
tieth Century Girl."
Madame Rhea's new play, "The Mag
dalen," is a success.
Nuviiri o, the husband of Mury Anderson,
Is an expectuut pupa.
Branson Howard Is Mulshing his play fof
the New York Empire.
Richard Golden Is achieving much suc
cess In "Old Jed Prouty."
Uronson Howard Is finishing his play
for the New Vork Empire.
Edward K. Kidder Is writing a new com
edy for Sol Smith lUissell.
Hovt's "A Trio to Chinatown" has made
a decided failure in London.
The Twenlli-th Century Girl" is a new
builfita by Sidney Rosenfeld.
Seabrooke is going to give up "Tubus-
co" ami go buck to "Chumpugne."
Minnie Sellginun has joined the stock
company of u new Boston theater.
Manun Manola has regained sanity suf
ficiently to go to the Boston theaUrs.
Yernotiu Jarbeau is receiving high praise
for her work In "The Passing Show."
Wilson Barrett will sail for this country
on Nov. 11, opening in New York on Nov.
Primrose & West's minstrels played to
standing room only through Pennsylva
nia. Adelaide Cushmun retired from the "A
Trip to Chinatown" company No., t, last
Hose Coghlan will produce "The Wo
man in white " at the New York star.
Dee. 4.
Richard Harding Davis is at work on
his first play, which E. 11. Sothern may
Frederick 'Paulding has abandoned his
starring tour lor the present and is dis
Copiielin will play Falstaff to Bern
hardt' Prince Hui at the Puris Ren-
An offer has been made to Rosabel Mor
rison to star next season in "Little Miss
The New York Lyceum theater com
pany will produce a new play by Sardou
next montn.
Kate Buteman, the original Leah In
this country, is coming to America to
glvo readings.
Helen Imuvray has closed her starring
tour in "Thut Slater of His." It only last
ed a week or two.
Mrs. Lnngtry proposes bringing out a
new version of Sardou's "Patrle" during
her American tour.
Realism scores ngain. One of the effects
In "The Cotton King" is a calica-prlnting
machine In operation.
Denman Thompson will retire at the end
of this season ami make George Wilson
his successor us I nele Josh.
"Henry IV." "Richard III" and "Riche
lieu" have been added to tho repertoire of
Frederick Warde and Louis James.
Charles Frohman Is endeavoring to ob
tain u New York theater where John
Drew may remain the entire season.
Marie Celeste, who did some clever sou-
brette work with Delia Fox, has been en
gaged for Louise Beaudet's company.
The New York Casino, a few yeurs ago
the incubator of all comic opera successes,
Is to be devoted strictly to vauuevllle.
It has been three years since Mile. Rhea
played a New York engagement. She will
pluy there Jnst after Christmas this year.
Duncun B. Harrison has written a com
edy drama entitled "81111111, Smith &
Smith." M. B. Curtis will produce it next
Mrs. Patrick Cumpbell, who Imperson
ated I 'aula Kay In the "Mrs. Tunqueruy,"
Is suld to huve been the original of the
Sardou's latest pluy is entitled "La
Sorcire; Us scenei Is laid In the Thirteenth
century, and It Is full of marvels and tho
Pretty Annie Irish will appear with Olga
Nethersole during her tour through this
country. Miss Irish was with the Ken
dais lust season.
lu Louisville the managers of the thea
ters have made arrangements to check
the bicycles of their patrons. Louisville
hus the bike craze.
Manager Jacob Litt declares that he
will pay any author tLUoOD cash for a
play that will prove as great u-money-wlnner
ns "In Old Kentucky."
Realistic melodrama has received a set
back from the parsimonious conduct of a
villain who ivrused to be killed by an elec
trie shock until he got his salary.
William Archer, the widely- known Eng
lish critic, is warmly advocating the es
tablishment in London of a repertoire
theater on the subscription system.
Forbes Robertson, who came to Amer
ica as leading man of Mary Anderson's
company, will play Lancelot In Henry
Irving's production of King Arthur.
"What, Miss Ponsonby, you are not going
to see the llrst performance of your own
nlav?'.' "No: it is not the kind of a piece
that a lady should go to see." Fliegende
Bluet ter.
Miss Alice Fischer has been engaged
by Charles Frohman for the Empire the
ater stock company. She will play the
second part In "The Masqueraders," Hen
ry Arthur Jones' play, with which the
season is to open,
Frank Daniels Is credited with having
muile tho hit of his professional career as
Shrimps In Wlllurd Spenser's comic opera,
"ThePrlncess Bonnie." Mr. Daniels has
mailo up his mind to reniuiii lu comic
opera permanently.
First Chorus Girl Why did Mine. Hy
note get divorced from her husband?
Second Chorus Girl She couldn't stand
It any longer. He never, got up a single
quarrel with her that any newspaper
would think important enough to print.
Chicago Record.
Mile. Rhea's make-up In her new nluy,
"Bonaparte at School, is said to bear A
remarkable resemblance to the great Na
poleon. She wears the little chapeatl and
long hair, Just as he Is represented when
at school. There is a snowball light In the
plav which has made a hit. .
Herrman, he of black art and Imperial,
has made five complete tours of the globe.
He hus sixty-seven decorutlons, is com
mander of the lieglon of Honor, knight
commander of the Great Cross of Isa
bela the Catholic, officer of Christ of Por
tugal and honorary member of the Club
of Belgium.
Miss Eleanora Mayo, the gifted prima
donnaof Wlllard Spencer's "Princess Bon
nie" Opera company, will remain with that
organization all season, notwithstanding
all rumors to the contrary. Her engage
ment to James Elverson, Jr., the owner of
Philadelphia Inquirer,' will not In any way
Interfere with Mr. Spenser's contract.
PiCNiresqiie Uieu)s
of Little Wales
How Welsh Cheeses Are Made and
Sold on Market Dav.
.Miss kulser Pleasantly Describes the
School System, the Markets and the
Ucncrul Neatness of the Hospitable
People of the Land of Song.
Special Correspondence of The Tribune.
Pont-y-Pridd. S. W., Oct. 10.
We have now but two weeks more of
engagements left, nnd they will be lllled
right through every night, until they
ure done, whim, I fancy, we will all feel
like heaving a great big sigh as we con
template the past six or seven weeks of
hard, but nevertheless much enjoyed
work, which we will consider, and with
out vanity, very well finished. Of
course you are aware that It Is no easy
matter, this concertlzing night after
night, with the fatigues of traveling
sometimes thrown in very emphatic
ally, and to be up to the inspiration
point every evening Is quite u credit to
us, especially since we have gotten so
used to our audiences that they cannot
Interest us very much, no mutter how
much we Interest them by our work.
It has been quite an experience, and one
for which I am very thankful, consid
ering it from all points of view. I
think that I can say 1 have learned ull
there Is to be learned of the art of
packing trunks and such traps, and of
the quickest und surest way of getting
ready to catch a train. Indeed, thwle
has grown upon me, during these past
weeks, a sort of feeling thut I am "ever
ready," like the much-advertised dress
stuy, for instant application anywhere.
Our voices have all stood the wear and
tear remarkably well Indeed we have
not failed to win very high praise for
every concert-and our violinist charms
every one all over, wherever she Is
heard. We are all Immensely proud of
her, und, of course, Justly so.
Market Day in Pontyl'rldd.
Todav is market day here in l'ont-y-
Prldd. where all the country people
come into town to sell their butter and
cheeses, and contribute to the public-
house keeper's profits. These cheeses
are wonderful. Of course everybody
has heard of Welsh cheese. Well, It is
not made in factories, as our cheese Is,
but is made at home in the country
here, where every woman who has a
cow hus also a cheese press. In Which
tnse idieeses. which are made of genu
ine milk und cream, are shaped, before
bringing to market, w here they are dis
posed of to the grocery stores and to
the cheese und butter merchant, iney
romp in nil sizes, some small ns a din
ner plate, while others ure ns large and
ponderous as an American car wheel,
and weigh as heavy us twenty-five
pounds. Today being market day, the
town Is full to overflowing with drum
mers or "commercials" as they call
them here. These traveling men come
on Wednesday to deliver ciders given
the previous market day (lust ednes-
duy) and the shopkeepers buy of them
in the morning and then close their
shops in the afternoon, opening up the
next morning with a flourish, on the
strength of having a lot of new things
In stock.
But speaking of market day re'
minds me of Llanelly, where there Is
a real market, and a real market duy,
to be sure. In the center of the town Is
a very large Inclosed space which, once
you get into It, seem to be a little town
in itself. In its very center stands a
large market house, about the size of
the armory in Wilkes-Barre, I should
Judge, and all over In this pavilion are
tables and counters on which are sold
poultry, and cheese, and butter and
Buch things for the housekeeper's sake
alone. As the people who have these
tables und booths are unmistakably
country people, I suppose they pay a
small rent for whatever corner ot
this market they occupy with
their goods. What I noticed partlcu
larly about this part of the market, was
the absolute cleanness and prettiness of
everything. The poultry Is already
dressed for cooking and decorated with
parsley, and us dainty as it can be. So
also are tho cheeses and the casks ef
butter everything simply exquisitely
clean. Really, one glance at these mar
kets with their clean, dainty arrange'
ments and bustling, business-like wo
men attendants would be enough to
cause tho blush of shume to mount the
forehead of the most Indifferent Amerl
can butcher or grocer. They are cer
tainly way ahead of us In this, I must
admit. e went nil through tills mar
ket house and then walked through the
little streets around the outside of It,
which are themselves part of the mar
ket, nnd are lined with booths all the
way a rou ml. Just like little bits ot
stores. In them are sold butcher's
meat, like mutton and beef and pork
all dressed so cleanly and prettily, und
further on ure shawls of Welsh wool
und woolen rugs und blankets, which,
from the feeling of them, one would
think would outlast u century, or fifty
years, at least.
Some l ine knitted Goods.
Then there are Welsh yarns and slm.
ply beautifully knitted woolen goods,
and everything so remarkably cheap,
There are the black and white and
black and red Welsh plaids to be found
here, too, and basket-ware also of very
clever workmanship. As I passed by
me snoes, gtusswure, sweetmeats,
fruits, toys, shawls in fact, every
thing under the sun each little booth
attended by Its owner, one. nerhaus.
a fakir from London town, while his
neighbor, a country-woman from buck
in the mountains somewhere, Jostled
a Swansea man on her other side,
could not help thinking of all I have
read about the great fairs at Nlshgl,
Novgorod and those other towns In
Russia that have such a great trav
elers fair every year. I saw the od
dest things! 1 can't begin to tell them
all, because I cannot express myself
correctly.. If 1 could write, what a lot
of lovely things I could picture for
you, but the flesh Is weak, even
though the spirit be willing enough.
It was at this market that I saw tliQ
real, genuine V elshwoman s national
costume for the first time, and as it was
under such happy auspices as a Welsh
market fair. 1 shall never forget It,
We were passing a butter and cheese
stand when I caught sight of a big,
finely built woman, past middle age
but as hearty and healthy looking as
a sound apple, dealing out butter to
her customers. 1 don t know which
would be the most effective In the end
to begin at the feet or at the head
but I will take the chances and begin
Beecham's pills are for bili
ousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick headache
bad taste in the month, coated
tongue, loss of appetite, sal
low skiu, when caused by con
stipatiou; and constipation is
the most frequent cause of al
of them.
Book free; pills 25c. At
drugstores, or write B. ' F. Al
len Co., 365 Canal St., New
at her feet, which were shod In heavy,
strong, big shoes, or boots, and she
wore dark woolen hose, very thick ones
I should say an eighth or a quarter
of an inch thick, so fuzzy and porous
is tne wool. Above this was her black
nd red plaid flannel oetticoat. which
did not reach to the top of her boots,
and over this petticoat was a sort of
snorter black skirt whlcn was pinned
dbck like fan apron over-skirt, and
made her look very bulky and heavy,
to my unaccustomed eyes. She had
on a sort of white waist, linen, I sup
pose, over It a black and white plaid
shawl folded Quaker fashion across
the chest. As the plaids of tills shawl
were an inch sauure. and the dear old
lady herself was a magnificent, large,
muscular specimen of humanity, you
may know the effect was very impos
ing, to say the least.
An Immense Pot-Uat.
But to uroceed to the climax. She
had a white cap on, which came
down over her ears, the ruche forming a
sort of frame or halo, for the face, and
then over this cap wus an immense
black silk pot-hut, fully u foot or fif
teen inches high. Oh, but it was high!
afterward saw some others, but they
were not so high as hers, and they were
on more insignificant looking women,
too, so I suppose she felt justified In
wearing such an Immense hat, because
she herself was so big and handsome.
I shall always be glad 1 saw that wo
man. As 1 just said, we afterward saw
other costumes, but they were not so
Irreproachable as hers. We passed some
fish-women selling cockles, on our way
out of this wonderful market, nnd one
of our party bought some. We had
tnem ror supper and liked them very
much. They were the first ones I had
ever eaten.
It has not gotten cold yet over here,
for which we are all devoutly thankful,
though we could do with a little less
ain. The fall has set in now, I am
afraid, nnd we can expect nothing but
rain from now on till winter, they tell
me. The Salvation army of this place
is marching along down the street
singlngawayashard us they can men,
wointii und children all walking along
in the mud. I was very much surprised
to find them over here, but when, upon
reflection, I remembered that England
Is the home of that organization, I did
not much wonder at the large and
splendidly drilled squads I have met
doing missionary work all over here,
even In small towns. In Swansea, Car
diff, Pont-y-Pridd. Llanelly and cities
of that size, they are very numer
ous, und seem to do some really effec
tive work. 1 slopped one day in Swan
sea and listened to one of their cap
tains, a young lady, who was preaching,
or rather talking, to a crowd of people
In the street, and her appearance,
speech and manner, all proclaimed edu
cation and refinement, and 1 thought,
from her harrangue, that she must ba a
pi-'Hty brainy girl, too. But I must
stop e ft short here, I am going to run
up to Cardiff, In company with a young
lady from Treforest, and we expect to
have a delightfully busy time doing
some shopping there In their big shops.
Sadie E. Ka'ser.
Some of "the Abuses W hich lluve De
veloped of l ate.
From tho Philadelphia Press.
i'lie history of naturullzution in tills
country is an Interesting one. The llrst
congress under the present form of
government took cognizance of the mat
ter and passed in 1W a law which re-
lUired a residence of two years before
an alien could become a citizen. In
17!)u the term of probation was Increased
to live years, and in l"as, inspired by a
fear of foreign influence In American
politics, the term of probation was still
further extended to fourteen years. But
the latter law did not remain in force
long. D urlng the administration of
Jefferson the time was again reduced
live years and a Residence of three years
required before a declaration of inten
tions to become a citizen was made, but
tills residence requirement was re
duced to two years in is:'4. Later
changes in the laws while not reducing
the time limit huve tended to make
them Inconsistent and contradictory
and to open loopholes for fraud.
The abuses that huve grown up are
patent to every one. Regular factories
for the manufacture of citizens are set
up in large cities just before election
and the lowest dregs of the population
of Kurope are Invested with the priv
ilege of suffrage. The Democratic party
in Boston, New York and Chicago de
pend largely for their continuance in
power on the number of citizens they
can turn out of the naturalization mill
during the few days before election.
One of the witnesses before the Lexow
committee sitting in New York testified
how he was Instructed to obtain na
turalizations. He was furnished with
a letter to a Tammany judge saying:
"Please naturalize all hands as quickly
as possible, and oblige," and was told
to get all the men he could, that it did
not matter how long they had been in
this country and that they would not
be asked any questions."
Such loose naturalization methods
are a menace to American suffrage that
cannot be Ignored. This cheapening of
citizenship is a disgrace und a shame.
Every traveling American feels hu
miliated when he finds in London and
Paris nnd other large Kuropean cities
hundreds of men who boast of their
success In getting naturalized after a
few weeks residence in America, vot
ing and then returning to Europe with
the money In their pocket for which
they sold their votes. The priceless
privilege for which native Americans
have to wait twenty-one years Is thrust
as the cheapest of gifts upon indigent
A few efforts have been made to check
the evil, such as protests In congress
and at public meetings and by the ac
tiou of conscientious Judges, lint the
problem is too large to be treated by local
action. It must be treated by congress
or concert of action among the states
must be hud. The bill introduced in
congress by Governor-elect Outes, of
Alabama, goes to the marrow of the
matter. It refuses naturalization to
liens convicted of crime and avowed
anarchists and requires a residence of
one year in the state and five years In
the United States previous to applica
tion for citizenship and confines the
right to grant naturalization to the
higher state and United States courts,
This would go far towards remedying
the evil. But If this bill cannot be
passed then there should be united ac
tion among the states and the scandal
stopped of seeing aliens who have sim
ply declared their Intentions voting by
the side of native born citizens in fif
teen states of the Union
Small Curly Head looks up at me
From her wee kingdom on my knee.
Hound are her eyes with great surprise.
The rosebud mouth wide open files.
And tlin a question quickly asks.
While Tabby in the heurth's glow basks
w ise cat.
Bo round and fat and sleek and gray.
Thus Tubby sleeps the livelong day,
And dreiyng of scores of straying mice
Caught while they're playing, In a trice,
And birds with yellow-tuffed breasts,
Chattering loud In low-hung nests.
Foolish birds.
Now In the parlor papa prates
Of all the coming cundldutes;
The points where each olio's amiss
And thumps the floor for emphusls
Of politics and all Its Ills,
The tariff and the labor bills
Ho talks.
Lot Tabby's dreams change In a trjee,
Another cat has caught the mice!
.Another cut the yellow birds!
Chatterlm loud their silly words,
F'om out the nests that hiimr so low,
'Tls but In dreams they hung Just so
(Cat's I'reams).
Lo! Tabby's fur llles quickly up;
"i'is hard to take the bitter cup,
She spits, she growls, she makes such
Asks Curly Head, who drops her toys,
Amazed at such seemly tricks:
"Is Tabby talking politics,
Like papa?"
Lena L. Pepper, In Cleveland Leader,
In the Realms of
f the Homtflngel
Suggestions Along the Line of Econ
omy for the Household.
Topics for the Kitchen, Kcipcs for the
Cuislno and General Information
for the Benefit of the keeper of
Every True Man's Uuppiness.
"I have ruined a half dozen pair of
white shoes this summer," writes a
bright young acquaintance to this de
partment, "and yesterday I Just sat
down and had a hearty cry when I
came home; I had been caught In a ter
rible shower, and there! my new white
shoes were all muddyi and ruined, I
think, beyond reparation. Now, do tell
me if there is any remedy, for papa says
I Bhan't buy another pair of these 'ridi
culous shoes and they are so stylish,
you know." Now, if you are a sensi
ble girl, you will not worry your father
about the matter, but ask your drug
gist for a dime's worth of pipe clay;
put a little in a dish, dry, and with an
old tooth or nailbrush, which has not
lost its stiffness, brush the shoes hard;
but always the same way as the grain
of the leuther, or It will make them
rough. Another way is to rup with
deodorized benzine llrst, and then put
on a coat of pipe clay and let it remain
over nlgit.
To clean the pretty plaster casts that
are often as artistic as the costlier
ones, make a thick paste starch cold,
of course nnd spread It on the east
with a brush. After it dries, remove it
by tapping the cast slightly, and then
rubbing with a dry clean cloth.
You can clean paint brushes that are
dried full of paint by putting them lu an
old tin can of coal oil. Let them souk
several hours, and if they huve been
neglected for some time It may take a
day or two. Plenty of patience and
petroleum will accomplish it.
Perhaps you urei getting ready to put
up your stoves, and are In despair
about the smoky mica in the doors. Slip
it out and put it to soak in a dish of
vinegar for a few hours, then remove
and polish with a soft dry cloth. You
will find it us bright as ever.
The cleaning of sponges Is as a rule
not carefuly attended to, a fact much to
be regretted, as nothing is so liable to
propagate microbes as a dirty sponge.
It should always be rinsed after use
in clean, hot water, to which a liberal
pinch of borax has been added, knead
ing it with the knuckles, squeezing well
and placing it on the window-sill to
dry in the sunshine, or hanging It up
where the air can freely circulate about
it. Sponges should never be left In a
bag while wet. Slimlness may be re
moved by soaking for twenty-four
hours In a couple of pints of hot water
lu which an ounce of carbonate of soda
ordinary washing soda has been dis
solved. Sponges in constant use, es
pecially small face sponges, swarm
with bacteria, and on that account
should be thrown away or used for
some household cleaning purpose after
three or four months use.
Irons are pretty sure to gather rust
this damp weather and cause a good
deal of bad temper in the laundry. Heut
them hot, says the Washington Star,
men run tnem quite forcibly over a
flannel cloth that hus a llberul sprink
ling of salt on it.- This will remove
every bit of the rust be sure and rub
the edges also then run the iron over
a greased cloth, or a cloth that has a
little white wax or beeswax on It, then
treat it to a vigorous rubbing on a
perfectly clean white cloth. They will
trouble you no more till next time.
Change the oil in your lamps quite
often if you use them infrequently. 1
don't Know why it Is, but 1 do know
that It is a fact that when the oil re
mains a week in a lamp that has not
been used In that time It gets to smell
ing old and rancid, und will scent the
whole house. Constant vigilance is the
price of a sweet smelling coal oil lamp.
It Is a long way ahead of whale oil dips,
but Is quite as far removed from the
ideal of perfection in Illumination.
Motives of economy should lead to the
often shaking of carpets, for the dust
and dirt that gets ground into them
wears them out more than any other
agency of destruction. Carpets thut
are a long time fastened to the Moor
without shaking get to smell musty
and moldy, too. They should be taken
up every spring and falllf not oftener.
A rich and artistic hanging for the
doorway of a room that has the floor
covered by an eastern rug of strong
coloring is made of wide horizontal
bands of corduroy, the edges slightly
overlapping, and covered where they
Join with rows of tine. Hat, nnd vary
narrow gold braid. The bands of cor
duroy may range from a dark to n light
shade of one color, or be of a number of
shades that harmonize with each other
and the coloring in the rug.
In Chicago an ingenious colored wo
man hus guaranteed herself a com
fortable income by organizing a dish
washing circuit. She goes regularly
three Units a day to twenty neighbor
ing houses and washes the dishes of a
family of three for 15 cents a week.
washes them clean, without breakage
and without walking off with them.
As Colonel Sellers would say, there are
millions in it. What would local house
wives not give for a dish-washing cir
cuit in Scranton?
A good cologne water Is made of a
half pint deoderlzed alcohol, thirty
drops each of oil of lemon, oil of laven
der, oil of bergamot nnd orange-flower
water. Cork and shake well.
You may clean soiled gloves ot home
quite as well as they are done for you at
the shops If you follow this plan: Pour
naphtha into a bowl and wash the
glove In it out as If It were a cloth, und
with another part of it rub every part
of the kid softly but thoroughly. All
the dirt will be thus rubbed away, and
the gloves will come out next to new
In appearance, while there Is very little
odor to naphtha, bud as benzine is.
'JiTT I flDP.FQT s?
ir ni nr no
51 por cent, average nit nun 7 uiviueuu pm w ia iuuiu m ii uy uie
To their clients as the result of profitable, SlOLiXl invested with us Jim. 1, IS1, div-
SDeculatien in sticks, bonds, grain, etc dtndt reinvested each month, now
i. .,.,.,. 100 ner cent. X ml A X amounts to SI.7S5 HI.
i"ry ' per..0enY RIG tUm t0 ' can bo invested
February u I WIW with more than tho usual degree of
March 4U pi safetv, hh we surround our invest-
April 100 " I I I K" ZA I "nt with every safeguard tnat
Hay 8:1 " ' 1 1 Jaxtrome caution and lung exreri-
tnnn .20 "V encp ran suirge t. Our iiiciwn
Juno .. PllM Nfi which hus been ft revelation to per
July-- 5! .1 Ul""'U sous not famlUar with the poss'.M i-
August y ties of syndicato speculation proves
September 11 " that.
Onreiperts are the most oompcteut in the world, and they think there is another big deal
insight. Dividends payable monthly, when all money to your credit can be withdrawn or
reinvested in order to gut tho benefit of com wound lutorcst. Money can be eont by NY. draft,
registered letter, express or P. O. money order. Cons ervative management. EstablLhcd IS85.
Bank reference. AokSTS WANTED. Particulars free on application to
W The American Syndicate M
V A. O. HAMILTON & CO., Manager., J$jf
X-k 1015 Rookery Bld'g, Chicago. III. Jr
.1.1- J1..1J
Physicians and Surgeons.
10 mo sprues met. Bo ran ton, fa,
(Jnst opposite Court Rouna square,)
Washington avenue, oor, Bpruoe street
st. Office, hourej 10.W te U a.
ra, and 1 to 4 snd t.
i.a to 7.30 p, m, Putv-
pay, a to 11 p, m.
uwajuiu cum wfuaningion ava, evr
Leonard's rhoe store) offloe hours, 10 to
II a, m. and I to 4 p, m, eviln tU
reldence 618 N. Waatilngton aytnue,
diseases of the Ey. Ear, Nom a4
Throat: otlloe, 12 Wyoming are, lUsl-
denWji9Vlive atrett.
avenue. Office houre, I to t a. ra.. 1.80
to t and T to 8 p. m. Residence Kd Uad
tyon avenue.
and CJ Commonwealth building-; resi
dence TU Uadlson uve.j ofllc hours,
10 to 12. 3 to i, 7 to 8; Sundays ISO to 4,
evenings at rmideno. A specialty
made of diseases of thn aye, ear, nose
ftndthroat nnd gynecology.
DR. KAY, W PEJtN AVE.; 1 to 8 p. m.i
call 2"(ia. Uls. of women, obstetrlce ana
and dls. of call.
Counsellors at law, Commonwealth
building, Washington arenu.
torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re
publican bulldUig, Washington ave
nue, Scrantua. Pu.
neys und Counsellors at Law; offices l
and 8 Library b'ulldlng, Scranton, Pa.
Attorneys and Counsellors, Conimon-
55??y!L t?Hi.1.r!.injHoom 19 20 aml21.
Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building, Washing
ton avenue.
nrioejbiulillng, 12ti Washington ave.
Room 6, Coal Exchunije.Scran
ton. Pa.
rooms 63, 64 and 65, Common
woa!thbuilding. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Luw.
Otflcu. 317 Spruce at., 8cruntou,Pa.
423 Lackawanna ave.. Scranton, Pa.
Oitlce rooms, 5-1, 55 and 66 Common
wealthbuildlng. C, R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-law,
Commonwealth building, Scfan
ton, Pa.
negotiated on real estate security. 4i)8
Spruce street
120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa.
Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls
for college or business; thoroughly
trains young children. Catalogue at re
quest. Opens Scptembor 10.
ten and Scbol, 413 Adams avunue. Pu
plls received at all times. Next term
will open September 10.
In porcelain, crown and bridge work,
Odontothreapla. Omc 104 North
Waahlngton avenue.
1st. No. 116 Wyoming avenue.
Ioan Association wll loan you money on
easier torms and pay you better on In
vestment than any other association.
Call on S. 1(. CaJlonder, Dime Bank
Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave
nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave
nue, store telephone 782.
Wire Screens.
avenue. Scranton,
W'lre Screens.
Pa., manufacturer of
Hotels and Restaurants.
THE ELK CAFE. 126 and 127 FRANC
II u avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. 2IEQLER, Proprietor.
W. G. 8CHENCK, Manager.
Sixteenth St., one block east of Broad
way, at Union Square, New York.
American plan, 83.60 per day and upward.
SCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L. ft W.
passenger depot. Conducted on the
European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop.
Rooms 24, 26 and 26, Commonwealth
building, Scranton.
rear of 606 Washington avenue,
Price building, IU Washington avenue,
balls, plonks, parties, receptions, wed
dings and concert work furnished. For
tHrms address R. J. Bauer, conductor,
117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert.s mu
sic store.
supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Sorau
ton, Pa.
riages for sale. Also tine gins Landau.
1533 Capouse avenue.
sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and
Oil cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave.
!! I., Aa,i t !- ....... .L I.. - i.uti t. . .i
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
(Lhig& and Susquehanna Division)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnmf
lng cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Plttsion
Wilkes-Barre, etc., at 8.2U, S.lii, ll .'W a.m..
12.50, 100. 3.30, 5.00. 7.2u, 11.06 p.m. Sundays
D.00 a.m., 1.00, I'.ll 7.10 p.m.
For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth
8 SO (express) a.m., 12.50 (express with liuC
fet parlor car) 8.30 (express) p.m. Sunday?
2. li p.m.
For Maui-h Chunk, Allentown, HethU
hem, Kuhioii and Philadelphia, 8.20 u.m.,
12.50, 3.30, 5.00 (except Phlludvlphla) p.m.
Sunday, 2.16 p.m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.. at
8.20 a.m., 12.50 p.m.
For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsbur.T
via Allentown, 8Jiu a.m., 12.50, 6.00 p.iu.
Sunday, 2.15 p.m.
For PottsvlUe, 8.20 a.m., 12.50 p.m.
Returning, leave New York, foot of
Liberty atreet, North river, at 10 lex;
pivHH) a.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.U0 Ufxpresn wlttii
Buffet purlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.:10 a.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
9.00 a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday, t.2
Through tickets to all points at lowes'
rates may be had on application in ad
vance to tho ticket ai;ent at tho station.
Gen, Pass. Agent,
J. H. OLHAt'SEN, , J
lieu, Supt.
MAY 13, 1894.
Train leaves Surnnon for Philadelphia
and New York via I). & 'H. R. R. at TAi
a.m., 12.00, 2.38 und 11.38 p.m. via D., & W.
R. It., 6.00, a.m.. and 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllks.
Barre, via ., L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08,11.29
a.m., 1.30, 3.50 6.07, 8..10 p.m.
Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha
zli-ton, PottsvlUe and nil points on tlia
Beaver Meadow ami Pottuvllle bianchest
vlu E. & W. V., 6.40 a.m., via O. & H. It.
R. at 7.45 a.m., 12.0T,, 2.3S, 4.00 p.m. via D
L. & W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.3u.
3.50 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton,
Reading, llurrisburg and all Intermedial
points via D. & H. R. R. 7.15 a.m.. 12, '
2.38, 11.38 p.m., via D., L & W. R. R., (;..
8.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Tunkliannock. To
wanda, Elmlru, Ithaca, Ouneva and all
Intermediate points vlu D. & H. R. R. 8 V
u rn.. 12.06 and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. & V.
R. R.. 8.08 a.m., 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Rochoster, Buffalo.
Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all
points west via D. & H. R. R.,8.45 a.m..
12.06, 9.15, lt.38 p.m., via D., A W. R. R.
and Plttston Junction, 8.08 a.m., 1.3o, S id .
p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 3.41 p.m.
For Elmlra and the nest vlu Salumanc.Vi
via D. & H. R. R., 8.45 a.m., 12.06, 6.06 p.m..
via D L. & W. R. R., 8.08 a.m., 1.30, anil
6.07 p.m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V,
chair cars on all trains between L. & B.
Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York.
Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspensl.j.J
R OLLIN II. WILBUR, (len. Supt.
CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Ag't.Phlla. Pa,
.. W.NONNEMACHER, Asit. Gen. Pan,
Ag't, South Bethlehem. Pa.
Del., Lack, and Western.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex4
press for New York and all points EasrJ
1.40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a.m.; 12.65 and 3.5
Express for Easton, Trenton, PhlladeW
phla and the south, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 ojn..
12.65 and 3.50 p.m.
Washington and way stations, 3.66 p.m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, 8.10 p.m.
Express for Blnghamton, Oswogo, EU
mtra. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.15 a.m. and 1.24
p.m., making close connections at Buf.
falo to all points in the West , Northwest
and Southwest.
Bath accommodation, 9 a.m.
Blnehamton and way stations, 12.37 p.m.
Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p.m. anil
6.10 p.m.
Blnghamton and Elratrm Express, COS
Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswesrq
Utica and Ricbtleld Springs, 2.16 a.m. uui
1.24 p.m.
Jthm-a. 115 and Bath 0 a.m. nnd LS4 p.m.
For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes
Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dani
vllle, making close connections at North,
umberlund for Wllllamcport, Harrlsburg
Baltimore, Washington and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta.
tlons, 6.00, 9.66 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.01 p.m.
Nantlcoke and intermediate station
8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p.m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches 04
all express trains
For detailed information, pocket tlm
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city!
ticket office, 828 Lackawanna avenue, ol
depot ticket oflloa.
ROAD. Commencing Monday
fJ wlllurrlve at new Lack.
awnnna avenue station
as follows:
Trains will leave Bcran-
ton station for Carbondale una in
termediate points at 2.20, 5.46, 7.00, 8.26 anil
10.10 a.m., 1X00, 2.20, 8.56, 6.16. 6.16, 7.25, .1
and 11.20 p.m. '
For Farvtow, Waymart and Honesdala
at 7.00, and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20 and 6.1S
P For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack
and Montreal at 5.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m.
For WllkeB-Barre and Intermedial
,ints at 7.45, 8.46. 9.38 and 10.45 a.m., 12.0a
1.20, 2.38, 4.00, 6.10, 6.05, 9.16 und 11.38 p.m. J
Trains will arrive at Scranton statloiF
from Carbondale und Intermediate pointy
at 7.40, 8.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m.. 12.00, U7.2,34J
8.40, 4.54, 6.65, 7.15, 9.11 and 11.33 p.m.
From Honesdale, Waymart and Far4
view at 9.S4 a.m., 12.60, 1.17, 3.40, 6.65 and
7.45 p.m. ,
From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc.1
at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m.
From Wllkes-Barre and intermediate
points at 2.15, 8.04, 10.06 and 11.55 a.m., l.ltf
2.14, 3.39, 6.10, 6.08, 7.20, 9.03 and IMS p.m. ,
In Effect Sept. l(llli, 1804.'
North Bound.
South Itound.
203 203,201,
202 204 2011
? Si!2 3
a a
.... 7 40 ....
... 755 ....
.... 81V ....
A uir M ....m
8 00 05
800 lilt ....
0 18 ....
0 !i3l ....
U3 4I ....
U40 -4W ....
845 li.W ....
8 55 308 ....
t"6 58 309 ....
710 3 19 e- M
7 HI ,13(1 .131
T U7 fa s 5 37
r !K f3 43;f.-i4S
731 3 151 5 45
7 40 3 51 551
7 43 3M 551
7 4 3 Ml .M
75V 4 IN 8 04
7.M 407 807
7f 410 U ID
80) 414 814
8 04 C4 17 8 18
8 05 4 &) li-A)
s a
3 4
(Trains Pallr,
Kxecpt SumlayJ
r m
7 i
.Arrive In-ave
N'Y Franklin St
West 4-,'liii St
"l 15
Arrive I-uve!
7 5S
Hancock June.
Preston Pork
Pleasant Mt,
Forset City
While Bridge
1 ilckson
Park Place
7 S
7 'A'
6 .11
11 34
8 4H
8 54
8 50
8 41
0 41
I'll 11 IS
11 11
ti sit
6 10
e 14
11 07
11 00
f is f 105:
8 33
8 llli 10 15
8 30
p mU s
1 aljeave
All tralna run dally except Sunday.
f. signifies that trains stop ou aigual for paa-
e"r,r'' . ...........
Mecuie TWe Tll villi!
Rureliasiicf"i-"et8 and
ight Expi-Wto the We
J. r. Andi
Secure raies vis, iimai-io & western neior
save money. iuy aui
Anderson. (Jen. l'asi. Art,
T. FlHcroft, Div. Pass. Agt., Ucraulou, 1'a.
Erie and. Wyoming Vullcy.
Trains leave Bcrnnton for New YorW
and Intermediate points on the Erie rail
road at 0.3ii a.m. and 324 p.m. Also for
Honnsdale, Hawlcy and local point at
(.35. 8,4.i a.m., and 3.24 p.m.
All the above are through trains to and
from Hom-Biliilc.
An additional train leaven Scranton for
Luke Ariel at R.10 p. m. and arrives at
Bcrnnton from the Lnlte ut 7.4H p.m
Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre, at 6.40
m. and 3.41 p.m.