THE SCilANTON TKIB UNEH AT U ltl) A Y MOitNJLNtf, 0J i Oiiiiii loui. You. know what you are eating when you use 'land's 'BaMngPoffller Its true composition is given on every label. Purs" and "Sure " Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned tit for wear, Ironed with care, and all of it there. R ACKAWANNA SaaAUNDRY. 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WAR MAN. IF YOU Want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades Come to Us. We a Full Line of Goods, and Our Prices Are Yerj Low. I27 WYOMING AVE. CITY NOTES. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Eatur nay, zp. m. The Barber Asphalt company has he gun concreting i'ine street preparatory to paving with brick and asphalt. Simon Mlglnn entered ball yesterday the sum of $.100 for his appeurunce at court, uaniei uuuman became his bonds man. The new gospel choir will assist the quintette at a special service of son on Biinaay evening at the lJenn Avenue Bap- usi cnurcn. The "Black Crook" will bo produced at the -Academy of Music this afternoon at z.w. me prices win i: oinierv. is: Lai cony, 25; entire lower floor, SO cents. The choir of the First Presbyterian cnurcn will meet for rehearsal this even lng at 7.30. A special programme of muclc Will De rendered tomorrow evening. Richard Hughes and Peter McDonald were yesterday sentenced to pay the costs in cases against Adam and Walter buy aer in wnicn tney were prosecutors. The will of Karl August Plttack, late of the Tenth ward, of this city, was au mltted to probate yesterday and letters testamentary granted to Alurla Plttack Alfred D. Harris was yesterday an' pointed Judge of election of the Second ward or Wnkely In pluce of Thomas H, u imams, wno had removed from the dis trict. There will be an exciting game of foot Dan at the ban park this afternoon be tween the clubs from tturknell unlver slty and the Colgate Institute of New lork. The meeting at the Rescue mission this evening and on Sunday evening will be conducted by w. Pearsall and W. E, enno, ticket ngent or the New .York Ceil' tral railroad. Deputy Sheriff Ryan yesterday closed the clothing store of Berthold Friend on the West Side on executions Issued on Judgments amounting to J3.500 held by jonn ltosenDerg. James McDonald was yesterday an pointed commissioner to take testimony on the application of John Wuench for the transfer to him of the hotel license or John Clark, of the Fourteenth ward The Scranton Operatic society held a full rehearsal on Thursday night when me largest attendance was recorded, Professor Lindsay also explained the dra matlc portions of the "Chimes of Nor mandy. The CreBcent Foot Ball team of the Nortn End held a meeting Thursday even ing and elected the following oftlrarn Manager, Alfred DavlB; captain, David Wllliaums and substitute catain, Edrls vviinams. W. E. Fenno. of New York cltv. will ml dress the men's meeting at the Railroad .Department Young Men's Christian as sociation Sunday afternoon. The sor vices begin at 3.45 o'clock. All railrond men are welcome. Special services will be held at the worm Main Avenue Baptist church. Pro vidence, tomorrow, when several new members will be received Into the church through baptism. In the evening- the trns. tor, Rev. W. Q. Watklns, will preach on uuver nenueu noimes. Considerable excitement was caused on Lackawanna avenue last night by i drunken man. who reauired the assist ance of four police ofllcers to help him Into the patrol wagon. About 500 ueoule viewed the Inebriate while he lay on the siuewaiK awaiting me wagon. The Scranton Baptist Pastors' confer ence will meet In the PeTin Avenue Bap. tist church on Monday at 10 a. m., when itev. v. u. vviuiami win read a paper. "Darkest England and the Wnv nut " Important business will be transacted . and members are requested to attend. At the meeting1 of the Women'. Hvn odical Society of Pennsylvania held In Pittsburg this week, W11W s-Barre was cnosen as tne place of meeting In October, 18. Mrs. W. B. Holmes, of Honesdale, was elected president, and Miss Eva Ku pert, of Bloomsburg, recording secre lary. At the Penn Avenue Baptist church to. morrow evening the Haydn String auar- . tette will play the Austrian national nymn, as originally written by Haydn, ine quartette is composed or Mr. Wld mover, first violin: Mr. Welsenflue. sec ond violin; Mr. Waters, viola; Mr. Black. wooa, violoncello. Children can enter the sight reading music cinss at tne Boranton school of music, 402 Lackawanna avenue, this af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Parent, are esne. daily invited to attend and witness the wonderful progress that Is being made by the children In the reading of mnslo at sight Today the class will be divided into companies lor drill. Royal Arcanum councllXToJ 923, held a regular session Thursdatfdlsrht at it. hall on Penn avenue. After the regular DUBinenn nuu neen disposed of a social ses sion was neia. Bchubert quartette ren dered several selections which were hlirh ly enjoyed by all present. It Is the Inten tlon of the officers of the sooletv to nro vide future entertainments of a similar character. The St. Aloyslus society will run a spe ciai train irora mis city to white Haven Sunday over the Central Railroad of New 'lapflau lA.vlnir thin nltv at ij an n m Rates of fare and time of leaving are follows: Scranton, 12.30, $1.72: Plttston, 12.60, 11.87; Wllkes-Barre, 1.20, 11.06. Re. turning, the train will leave White Ha ven at 8 p. m. AU members and tneir friends are invited to go. Gentlemen's Driving club races Satur day, 2 p. m. Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, at Lohman's, Spruce street. N IX LOCAL THEATERS. At the FrothlnRham tonight J. McNally's very funny farce, "A Coun try Sport," with the very popular comedian, Peter F. Dailey, as the shin ing star of the company, will De given. Mr. Dalley's name carries with It the promise of a good time and the fame he achieved by his first starring tour, inaugurated about a year ago, occa sioned little surprise to the many who have obseived his rapid rise in me realm of comedy. His exuberance never deserts him and In "A Country Sport" he has found a veiUile for the display of his effervescence which would probably suit no other actor, but which m tne nanus of Lailey at once becomes a comedy gem. The superb supporting company Includes Jolly May Irwin, funny John Sparks, captivating Andrew Mack and irresistible Ada Lewis. There are also in the cast such well knowr names as Harry H. MorBe, Maud Harris, Marie Miller, J. F. Calla han and Freda Depew, in addition to the large collection of dancers and singers employed In the principal scenes of the play. WWW The great spectacular play of "Fan- tasma," which drew such large audi ences here before, will again be pro duced at the Academy of Music next Monday and Tuesday evenings. Since last here the play has, however, been completely changed and remodeled, so that It is now called the "New Fantas ma." The old spectacle was the grand est ever produced here, and It is now even more gorgeous. Not only is the ingenuity manifested little short of marvelous, but the scenery and the groupings are of the highest order of stage art; and, from what Is said by the press of the metropolitan cities, It Is probable that the "New Fantasma," as It stands, Is one of the cleverest and greatest productions that America has ever seen. At the Academy of Music "Wednesday night "A Night at the Circus" will hold sway. The fact that this play has had the endorsement of a run at the New York Park theater may be safely taken as a guarantee that in selecting "A Night at the Circus" for the amuse ment of his patrons, Manager Burgun der has mad no mistake. The play Is a farce-comedy, but It Is a decided advance on the ordinary run of that claps of plays. Miss Nellie McHenry, favorite with the theater-going pub lic, and once the bright particular star of Salsbury's Troubadours is In the cast too, and Just as full of her old time vi vacity and rollicking humor as ever, In a role that gives her every oppor tunity for the display of her remark able versatility. Today will be the last opportunity for Bcrantonians to see that fine must cal comedy, "A Liberty Hell," and the living pictures at Davis theater. Next week Manager Davis will pre sent to the patrons of his Linden street theatre, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," as pro duced by the Markoe company, which is headed by Miss Dalsey Markoe. It Is an aggregation of players and gives a superb rendition of that time honored drama which has cut Buch an important figure in the history of our times. Manager Burgunder has billed Ed ward Harrlgan and company for per formances at the Academy of Music on Nov. 0 and 7. On the first night Mr. Harrlgan will produce "Rellly and the 400," and on the second "Cordelia'sAs- plratlons.' "Young Mrs. Wlnthrop," the great Madison Square theater success, will be produced at the Academy of Music next Saturday evening. Nov. 3. by a company of artists among which are Robert McWade, Krrol Dunbar, Collin Kemper, Mrs. Annie Mortimer and Lansing Rowan. This is the best com pany mat ever jiiayea me comeuy in tills city. A SUPERB SPECTACLE. Black Crook Presented to a Large Audi ence at Academy of Music. A fine presentation of "The Black Crook" was given at the Academy of Music last night before a crowded house with a magnificent display of scenery and effects, ballet dancing, marches and specialties. William j. Mills, as the decrepit Black Crook, brought to the Interpre. tatlon of the character a naturalness of conception that made the Black Crook what he is meant to be, a crea ture to be abhorred. Mabel Montgom ery, Blanche Mortimer, Ada Boshell, K. J. Ward, Michael Rlxford, Joseph LaMont and Frank Florence also did clever work in unfolding the plot about which the spectacle is constructed. Mile. Craske and Mile. Sarracco did some wonderful dancing, and Rexo and Heno entertained the audience with acrobatic feats. The spectacle Is carefully staged and was received with much favor last night. It will be produced again this afternoon at a special matinee for ladies and children, and will also be seen again tonight. Musical Instruments at Davldow Bros. CASEY'S INVENTIVE GENIUS. Uydo Park Man Comes to the Front with a Street Car l ender. James H. Casey, of 330 Twentieth street, on the WeBt Side, called at The Tribune office' yesterday and had with him a model of a street car fender, of which he is the patentee. He sent an other model to Washington a few days ago and is expecting letters patent on his invention to arrive within a week. The fender will be four feet wide and will project 3 feet, 6 Indies. It will be fastened to the car three inches from the rail,' and is guaranteed to either pick up objects on- the track or shove them to one side out of danger. Miv Casey has not Interested any body as yet with him In the enterprise. The model was made by George Mack ereth, a blacksmith living near the Ox ford shaft, and when the invention is patented, a full sized fender will be at tached to one of the street cars and given a trial. The model has all the appearance ot being a very practical one, the arrange ment is simple, and looks as If it might become, useful, Shot guns at Davldow Bros. WOOD'S COLLEGE NOTES. October has been a good month, fer tile in positions and in new business. The foot ball team wins its star Is in the ascendant. The night school grows constantly, Dngnt fellows every one. The constant demand for clerical help keeps up an intense Interest among the students. The happy ones this time are Am brose Joyce. Joseph Foln. Harold Park- er, Howard Foster, Harry Skeels. F. E. Shafer. November will be the best month of tne season. Diamonds, Bros. Diamonds at Davldow Dr. C. C. Laubaoh, Dentist, will receive patients at nis omce Monday morning. Buy the Wobor and get the best. At Guernsey Bros Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, i p. m. The fishing at Lake Harvey Is closed for the season. Dr. C. C. Laubach, Dentist, will receive patients at ms oinc Monday morning. MASS IEIINGAI TAYLOR . Splendid. Reception Given to Ex- Lieutenant Governor Da vies. FIREWORKS, MUSIC, ORATORY Weber's Rink Not Able to Make Room for " More Than Half Who Wanted to Hear the Speakers Fifteen Hundred People Present. The flow of enthusiasm at the Repub lican mass meeting In Taylor last night has not been outdone In this campaign. The borough was brilliant with fire works and the Btreets echoed and re echoed with rousing cheers., The Republican club headed by the Taylor band met the speakers on their arrival at the Jersey Central depot at 7.30 and, escorted them to Weber's rink, where an audience had assembled that would have packed 'two rinks. Those who could not gain admittance surged shoulder above shoulder in the street and endeavored to catch the words of the speakers. Inside the audi ence was orderly, but when applause was in order the greeting manifested itself with a vociferousness that told of the party patriotism of the citizens of Taylor. Harry J. Cooper was chairman of the meeting. On the stage besides Candi dates Clemons, Pryor, Judge Arch bald, Huester, Grover, Hopkins, Scran ton, Thomas, Jones, Vaughan and Davies were the following prominent Republicans of Taylor: Dr. K, E. Wes ton, president of the borough council; Dr. J. S. Porteus, John W. Reese, J. E. Watklns and H. J. Harris. The walls) of the hall were pla carded with mottoes such as, "Vote the Republican ticket straight, straight. Don's skip the smallest county office." "The Canadian laborer gets 16 a month, whose mines will work?" The stage was decorated with the Stars and Stripes, and In the center the picture of Congressman Scranton beamed down between the pictures of General Hastings and Candidate Walter Lyon. Colborn Was Eloquent. Chairman Cooper In a brief speech bespoke the kind attention of the audi ence for the first speaker, Attorney A. J. Colborn. The eloquence of Mr. Colborn was never heard to better ad vantage. He attacked the specious promises of the Democratic party and In glittering language tore asunder the free trade fallacies that are taught and which are being carried out little by little. He said in part: This Is truly a Republican year. It is a year In which the great mistake that has been committed will be recti fied, and under the leadership of uen eral Hastings, the gallant hero of the Conemaugh. we will go on to victory, This Is a campaign In which the work lngman Is thinking; he is thinking of the smokeless stacks of crippled nidus tries, he is thinking when he sees his family begging for bread." At this point in Mr. Colliorn's address some one from the outside thrust his arm through the window. The speaker said, "That s only some Democrat In search of light; we will give them all the light they want." The humor ot this ready repartee created applause that did not subside for two minutes. Resuming the thread of his discourse, Mr. Colborn pictured In eloquent lan guage the destitution of the country and the people under eighteen months of Democratic misrule. "The Wilson bill, the author of all the mischief, is now In force," he said, "the bill which a Democratic president branded bs a bill of perfidy and dia. nonor. une Democrats cry peace, peace, dui wnere can we llnd peace? -"Labor is king, the mightiest mon arch that ever ruled on the face of the earth. Give labor employment and it will level mountains and build upon the face of the country thriving cities with thousands and thousands of happy nomes. rrotection protects our Indus tries and gives labor a chance." Mr. Colborn referred to the statement of Mr. Merrifleld, the Democratic can didate for congress, who assumes that ne is a protection Democrat My mends," said the speaker, "if Mr. Merrineid gets to the halls of onn gress.. although he may think he can uance tne good old protection walU, wnen uuiy Wilson fiddles Mr. Merrl- neia will dance to the tune of th nnth. em plantation liar." Mr. ciuaed with words of praise to all the canuiaates or me Republican ticket. &x-j.ieuienam uovernor William T, juvivb, qi xowanua, was the next speaker. Mtf. Davies said that' hla county excelled all others he had vis ited in the number of ladles who attend puuuc gatnenngs, but their presence, however, excludes the men who at the ballot box wUl determine who shall be tie said that he cast h a flr.t vnto for John C. Fremont and has followed the fortunes of Republicanism throuirh victory and defeat ever since, and its recora nas been true to the best inter- est of the country and it has been ad muted by the enemy. It stood by the flag in distress and was with it in all trials, and on the day of reconstruc tion It was equal to the emergency. In its financial management of the coun try the Republican party has been the wonder and admiration of the world Whatever the future of the party may De its past is sare, but the life of a po litical organization depends on the fu ture. The Republican party in the paBt in making us pledges true and ful filling its principles has a record made that the future will take care of. hews to the line and lets the chips fall where they may. When James G. Blaine in 1S88 came down from the Pine Tree state and de livered an address at Boston, he pic tured a prophecy that the day would come when tne country would see it self controlled by the Southern Dem ocracy, assisted by the northern Demo crats of New York city, and the breath of free trade would sweep over the land. Mr. Blaine died the year that saw the fulfillment of his prophecy. We Have Been Fortunate. Mr. Davies said that from what he had heard this valley has not felt th effect of hard times to the extent that other places have undergone. He told of a scene that came before his n itlce last . winter in Philadelphia. One morn lng he observed a line of men at the desk of the hotel waiting to hear there was any employment around the hotel at which they might be able earn a dollar to bring home bread their starving families. This wns in district of Philadelphia which had been one of the busiest In the country, hum mlng with the voice of industry. These men were willing to work but there was none to give them. Destitution was rampant all over the land, and the Democratic party charged it to the McKlnley bill. This is an Insult 1 everybody's intelligence. Tl.e people now want to u-ido the c that they blindly permitted to occur. and a vote for Joseph A. Scranton means one step In the right direction It may mean more than a step because the next congress will be close and one vote may control It. In concluding his very eloquent speech Mr. Davies be- seeched his hearers to repudiate with vengeance the cowardly ' onslaughts that the opposition Is making against certain candidates. Congressman Scranton was next In troduced. He addresed his hearers as fellow protectionists and assured them that In no campaign through which he passed was .the prospect of victory so bright as at present. The great out pouring of the cltliens of Taylor Is an Index of victory. He referred to the magnificent majority registered by Lackawanna county last February given to the peerless Republican, Galusha A. Grow, and said that the is sues now are the same as then as far as the policy of protectlopn. Attorney W. Gaylord Thomas fol lowed Mr. Scranton in a telling speech, well diversified with pleasing anecdote. Candidate John R. Jones was the last speaker and simply reiterated the pledge to conduct the office of district attorney, if elected, with fairness. Jus tice to all, and to the best ot his ability. WILLIAM ROACH KILLED. Came in Contact With a Bridge While Riding on a D. A'H. Box Car. William Roach, of Hawley, was fa tally Injured on the Delaware and Hud son railroad track near Ulyphant yes terday afternoon. , Roach was in Bearch of employment and took a ride on one of the freight trains, and while seated on a box car failed to notice that the train was ap proaching the No. 22 bridge over which the Gravity road cars travel. He waB thrown from the car to the track and the wheels of the remaining cars se- ered both legs. Roach was brought to the Lacka wanna hospital as quickly as possible, but died at 4.30 o'clock in the afternoon. TRIAL TRIP TODAY. Officials Will Ride Over the New Street Railway to Moosic. Andrew J. Conlon, foreman of the nemen's department of the Scranton Traction company, arrived home last night from Northumberland, where he went to inspect a shipment of poles purchased by the Traction company. He had a force of men at work all night changing the lines at the power house connecting the switch board with the new line to prepare for a trial trip over the road today. The trip will not be made beyond Moosic, as the cross ings over the Delaware and Hudson tracks are not in. TODAY AT WI LKES-B ARRE. Manager Cabin's Foot Ball Indians Will Meet Luzerne's Assemblage. The Scranton foot ball team will play this afternoon at Wllkes-Barre and expect to return home with victory perched upon their banner. Manager Cahlll has strengthened his team and the eleven from the Bleepy village down the creek will have to hustle to keep in the game. The game will be played at West Bide park and it is expected that a good sized crowd of Scranton enthusiasts will go along and cheer. The team will leave on the 1.25 p. m. Delaware and Hudson train. 'ANCIENT WORKMEN" SOCIAL. Large Gathering at the Musis Hall Last Evoniug. The Unchurch lodge, No. 222, Ancient Order United Workmen, held a social and literary entertainment last night at the MubIc Hall. John T. -Watklns' quartette party gave splendid renditions of the "Spring Song." "The Parting Kiss" and "Good Night." Mrs. Randolph Jones, Mrs. Dora Metzsrar and Edwin Bowen also contributed several excellent numbers. J. C. Smith, of Harrisburg. delivered an entertaining address upon objects of the order and his remarks were well re ceived. EXCURSION TO NEW YORK. You Can Get a Round Trip Ticket on N. Y. O. t W. Monday for $4.35. On Monday the New York, Ontario and Western Rullroad company will run its annual autumn excursion to New York, and the low rate of $4.35 has been fixed for round trip tickets. This is a particularly Interesting time to visit New York and at no time Is a ride over the Ontario and Western so delightful as in October. It passes through a very picturesque country and gives the excursionist a superb view of the Hudson river from Corn wall to New York. ' LARGE PARTY FOR EUROPE. Thirty-Five Persons Left by the Midnight Train Last Night. Thirty-five passengers left Scranton by the Delaware, Lackawanna . and Western midnight train last night for New York en route for European ports. Several had booked their passages with the Cunard steamer Umbrla, which sails at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Liv erpool, England, and the remainder in cluded travelers to far-away Naples, Italy; and Germany. ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Rev. D. W. Skcllcngcr Will Address Young Men at Y.'M. C, A The men's meeting on Sunday at 3.45 will be addressed by Rev, D. W. Skel- linger, who will shortly leave Scranton for his new field In Washington, D. C. Mr. Skelllnger is an interesting speak er and should have a rousing audience. Tallle Morgan will have charge of the usual opening song service and will be assisted by a male quartette. BUILDING OPERATIONS. The roof Is being put on the new Will lams building at Washington avenue and Linden street. The foundation walls of the new high school have reached the water level. Little if any work Is being done on the Mearsbulldlngat Washington avenue and. Spruce street. Judire Hand's new home at Jefferson avenue and Vine street will be a hand some bulldlmr. It is constructed of a rough dressed brown stone and brick. The side walls of the second story are now be ing laid. The old Dickson homestead on Wash ington avenue is now being torn down to make way for a modern business build ing. Delicate. Texas Slftings reports a new form of nervous prostration: "Brinsr me a beefsteak," said a custo mer at a restaurant, "and a good one. "Vm lp." "And I say, bring me a big one. Every little thing annoys me and makes me ner vous. Beware of frauds. Be sure you get the ranulne Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. It cures Colds, Croup, Asthma, Deafness, and Rheumatism. Collarettes at Davldow Bros. Dr. C. C. Laubach, Dentist, will recolvo patients at his otllce Munday morning. IT IS A REVELATION To a great many people to see the large variety and the excellence of the t CANNED GOODS WE OFFER. . They are cheaper and better than so-called "fresh vegetables." x YOU PAY NO MIDDLE PROFIT. WE BUY OF PACKERS. E. Q. Goursen 429 Lackawanna Avenue. LOOKING FORWARD TO 1896 Scranton May Have Christian En deavor Convention in Two Years. MANY THOUSAND DELEGATES City Union Executive Committee Started the Ball Last Evening-York Delegates Will Report in the Penn Avenue Baptist Church Next Friday. A meeting of the executive commit tee of the Scranton City Christian En deavor union was held last evening in the Young Men's Christian association parlors. The session was an important one to the city at large in that steps weVe taken to start the preliminary work of securing for Scranton the state Christian Endeavor convention in If successful 10,000 or lS.OOO delegates will be in the city at that time. The report of the good citizenship committee, which has for several weeks been drafting a constitution and by laws for tht Good Citizenship league, was received and the committee given power to effect an organization. President C. E. Daniels and J. C. Manning, of Plttston, secretary of the Trl-County union, discussed the work done at York last week toward securing the '96 convention for this city. The following were appolntedacommittee to start the preliminary work, as it is believed that sufficient assurance has been given to warrant the action: C E. Daniels, chairman; Harry Lathi-ope, vice president of the state union: Rev W. H. Stubbleblne, E. A. Reynolds, A. v. Bioan, miss Ida Waters. Miss Ray Williams. It was decided to hold a mass i leet- mg of the union next Friday ev ning fl 7.45 o'clock In the Penn Avenue Bap tist church to hear reports of the York convention by Rev. J. W. Williams, of Dunmore; J. C. Manning, of Plttston; Rev. W. H. Stubbleblne and C. E. Dan lels. The committee elected new officers as follows: President, E. S. Williams; secretary. Miss Delia P. Evans; treas urer, A. C. Smith. A union badge was adopted and a quantity will be dlstrlb uted soon. The meeting adjourned. INSTITUTE LECTURE COURSE. Addresses by Professor Dc.Motte ond Colonel Henry Wattcrson. The county institute evening lecture course mis year win consist or aa dresses by Professor John 13. De Motte, Ph. D., of Cambridge. Mass.. and Henry Watterson, the brilliant editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal. Professor De Motte will speak at the Frothlng ham Monday night on "The Secret of Character Building," and on Wednes day evening Colonel Watterson will be heard on "Money and Morals" at the same place. Superintendent W. J. Brecht, of Lan caster, writes as follows of Professor De Motte: "He is a prince upon the lecture platform. Lancaster never had his superior. We have had him twice and our people are willing to have him twice every year." The Washington Post says: "Eloquent sentences chockfullof novel information. Illustra tions superb." Of Colonel Watterson s lecture the New Orleans Times-Democrat says 'A more magnificent and delighted au dience than that which greeted Henry Watterson never assembled In the Grand Opera house. 'Money and Morals' Is not a lecture; It is a drama In one act and one part, exquisitely rendered. From gay to grave, from lively to severe the orator carries all hearts, and, when he tins finished, the outburst that bade him adieu was spon taneous and long sustained. DEBTS OF THE FREE LANCE. Judgments Awarded by Alderman Fltz- siinraons at Yesterday's Hearing. Employes of the late lamented penny afternoon newspaper, the Scranton Free Lance, appeared In Alderman Fltszlmmons' office yesterday morning at the dearlng, and Judgments were given by the alderman for the claims In full, amounting to $221.73. Mr. Thompson, who was a member of the printing firm of Walter, Thomp son & Co., appeared with R. F. Little as defendant and the property of the publishing firm to which he belongs was levied upon for the debt. Alarm clocks at Davldow Bros. Turkish an Russian Baths for Ladies. At the request of physicians and ladles, arrangements have been made to give baths to ladles on Tuesdays from 8 a. m, to 6 p. m. Private entrance throuu Owens' cloak parlors on Spruce strret. M J. Purcell, proprietor. Dr. Gibbons, of New York city, will be In his Scranton office. 411' Wyoming avenue, every won day from 8 in the morning until 9 in the evening. Pillnbury's Flour Mills have a capacity ot 17,600 barrels a day. . . , . ..!, . ., ii-. nr nave JUSt received i new line 01 Cut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in and see our new stock. TNE OKLIBRATID F33 'A PIANOS tt st FnMot th Mm ropolar tod rnfornl by be.diin Anton Wtrtrooms: Opposlts Columbus Monument, v3 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. Including tht palnlnss extracting ot teeth by an ontlraiy new process. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.t 13S WYOMINQ AVE. V,' l.M SEE OUR mm Of Clocks. A new fea ture for us, but we can assure you that we have some beautiful goods in this line, and they are first-class time-keepers. Prices range from 79c. to $12.75 each. . G. S.W00LW0RTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front ON THE WINQ birds make great flights like our stock of fall hots, which is also going very fast. It's a case of heads we win, and the heads are ours by a large majority There's a style about our hats which 1b quite up to xiate and as autumnal as falling leaves. 3C5 LACKAWANNA AVEfiUE. do vou dread Monday washday? Can't blame you much slop dirt confusion heat enouehto drive vou out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send your whole family wash to us every week ? Special "POUND RATES " to families. Write for these terms. Crop a postal-our wagons will call promptly, Lammidry 322 Washington Ave., Bl HATS CONRAD, ' HATTERAMOFORNISRER trEJ&'M -".fcf .V d Dunn's. YOU'LL HAVE TO WALK Many a long mile . before you will find Shoes to equal our new lines of Fall and Winter Footwear. AVE HAVE EVERY STLYE and qual ity that is firjjt-class and desira ble Our prices are'as low, if not lower, than you are paying for poorer Shoes. BANISTER'S, UMBRELLAS, 26-inch Fast Black Gloria, Fancy Silver Handle, - 1 UMBRELLAS, Fast Black Sateen, Fancy Nickel Handle, ... Also a full line of Ladies' and Men's HackintosheSu BROWN'S 224 LACKAWANNA A AN OFFERS TO THE PDBLIG H A VINO withdrawn entirely from wholesale trade and having transferred our wholesale stock to our retail department to be ottered to our patrons at wholesale prices, w mention a iew of our prices: CIRCULAR CAPES. French Blaok Lynz,25 in. t 6.00 jMeeinceeai. Wool Seal, " Astrakhan, " 15.00 18.00 15.00 FUR NECK SCARFS. WaterMink , E ectric Seal Hudson l!av Bable ..-51.50 1.75 4.50 4.50 Stone Marten SOMETHING NEW IS A PARISIAN SCARF With Double Head. Ill ladies' Tailor Made Coats and Capes we carry the handsomest line in the city. In Millinery Department We carry a One- line of Trimmed and I'utrimnicd, and the latest in a Child's School Cap. 1 Have Your Furs Repaired by the only practical hirner in tat city. Send for illustrated catalogue. 138 Wyoming Avenue. . NEXT DIME BAKE. The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR Clothiers, Hollers Furmsnera SLANDS 128 Wyoming Ave. We are now showing an ex quisits line of LADIES' UMBRELLAS At special prices them in our stock. to introduce)., 01R NEW RAZOR or Needle Toes fo Ladies and Gentlemen are the per., fiction of the Shoemaker's art ' They cut their way into favor witl every one who sees them. 01R CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT will prove attractive to parentav who are looking for reliable Shoe at the lowest possible prices. Corner of Lackawanna anl Wyoming Avenues. 0 111 11 90c. 75c BEE HIVE;
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