' , : - - 'fibtitt TEX PAGES 70 COLUMNS. SCKA2JTOX, l'A.,- SATU11DAY MOKXLNG, OCTOUER 27, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. niEH BIG OVATION He Spins Through the Empire State ut a Phenomenal Speed. CHEEKED AT EVERY POINT Sonic of the Telling Points That lie Mado Along the Way Hustings and Sln gerly on the Stump-Other Political Nts. By the United Press. Buffalo, Oct. IC. Governor McKlnley wus whirled through tho state of New York today at the rate of seventy miles an hour. In order to Ret him to all the places at which lie was booked to make speeches a special train was made up, which Hew over the tracks of the New York Cen tral ruilroad as fast as Hteam could pro pel It. The llrst stop out of Buffalo wus at Uatavla, where Governor Me Klnley spoke from a platform erected in front of the court house. At Rochester there was a band and n procession and an audience of several thousand assentbled in the public square. The demonstration at Roches ter was very noisy, the cheers of the crowd being punctuated with explo sions of bombs, and the mule to the speaking stand was marked by an eluboralc- display of Hugs and buntliiK hung from the buildings. Caiindnigun was reached at ItU'll, where the urrlval of the train was heralded by the dis charge of cannon mid ringing of the church bells. The governor took occa sion at this place to respond to a speech made by Vice President Stevenson. He said: 1 Mckinley Answers Adlal. "Vice-President Stevenson, In Mb speech nt .Brooklyn last night, alluded to the great prosperity of the country enjoyed during President Cleveland's llrst administration, and said that ex isting distress was caused solely by the tariff law of 1890 and other Republican legislation. Xo intelligent people can be so deceived. Every man who hears me will remember that during the whole of President Cleveland's first term the Republican party had con trols the senate of the ITnited States and Hint Mr. Cleveland did nothing more than execute Republican law and Republican purpose. The only thing Mr. Stevenson was right about was that great promises had been made by the Democratic platform nnd In the speeches of the campaign of iS!i2. lie talks about the bitter light congress made against monopolies and trusts. Mr. Wilson answers him by declaring that the most Igantir trust In our his tory held congress by the throat." There was a howling mob of enthusi asts at Geneva. Here, referring to the ittutWc j-tmmik imm wnn Interrupted him at Dunkirk, yostertluv, Governor McKlnley said: "The young man wanted our idle mechanics to go to rais ing wheat, but I take it that what the farmers of this country want is not more wheat raisers, but more wheat eaters." And he characterized the Democratic slogan of "opening the markets of the world" by observing, sarcastically, that "the foreign market is a great free trade shadow dance, w'le" 'ou set to it there is nothing in Ills Apt Aphorism. An uproarious congregation was found at Seneca Falls, crackling the fallen leaves and making the barren limbs of the trees tremble with their shouts when the great protectionist dismounted fron his car. There were certainly not less than 4,000 voters in the crowd. Vslng a Llncolnesquo phrase, McKlnley said: "For the thirty years we lived under Republican pro tective policy, the meal tub of govern ment was always full, and the meal tub of tthe people was never empty. This is the Imperishable fact of his tory, which can never be blotted out." Later he expressed a protection maxim by saying "Every time you make It easier for the foreign product to come Into this market you make It harder for the American product to stay In this market." yilALLI-MiKS SIXGEKLY. President of Philadelphia Typographical I n Ion Raises an Issue. Special to the Scmnton Tribune. Pittsburg, Oct. 2G.-The Times prints a letter from the president of the Phila delphia Typographical union, No s challenging the statement of William M. Slngerly that he "never reduced wages und "defied any record or anv man to state that in a single Instance he has reduced the wages of his em ployes." The letter says: "Philadelphia Tvpo graphical union uccepts the challenge and charges that on March 7. of this very year, he reduced the wages of the op erators working the typesetting ma chines In the composing room of the Record 2 cents per 1,000 ems maklngn re duction, nccordlng to the skill of the operator, of from 50 cents to 70 cents per day. Previous to that date the price paid for machine composition was 16 cents for night work mid 1214 for day work. Now he is paying 14 cents for night work and 12 for day work, the lowest rate of wages paid for machine composition In any large city of this country. Philadelphia union will give from $1,000 to $5,000 to any charity that Mr. Slngerly may name If It cannot prove the proof of this assertion." Ki:i:i AMON(i HAAVKEYES. The Ex-Speukcr Arouses the Knthuslasm of union a Audience. By the I'lilted Press. Waterloo, la., Oct. 2fl.-TheReed meet ing this afterno'on, nt which the Maine congressman was the principal attrac tion, was a large one. It Is said there were fully 10,000 visitors present. A number of overflow meetings wero held In various parts of the crty. MARTIN TO CO-OPERATE. Will Extend Every Possiblo Aid to Prevent Kcglstratlon Frauds. Py the United Tress. Philadelphia, Oct. 26.-Davld Martin, chairman of the executive committee of the Republican city campaign commit tee, Bays, apropos of charges of false registration: "Our committee, la in favor of striking from the lists the nume of every person who has removed or who has died or which may be Im properly on the list. If the Democratic city committee Is agreeable, we are willing to appoint one member of our committee In each division and have them appoint one of their men. these two to make a thorough canvass of their respective divisions and make af fidavit a to the coruectnesss of their work. Then we can go Into court and present these lists. "Wa have no object in padding the lists, as we expect a majority so big that we are not Interested in permitting fictitious names to remain on them, If any are there, I will say this, that we have made a complete canvass of every division in the city within the past ten days, and have the name of every Re publican and every Democrat who is entitled to vote. This canvass has also developed the fact that there have been between 15,000 and 20,000 removals and deaths since the assessment was made." HASTINGS TALKS SENSE. Pours Hot Argument Into the Ears of His Philadelphia Hearers. By the United Tress. Philadelphia, Oct. 20. General Hant lijgs opened his campaign in Philadel phia tonight with four speeches nt as many different meetings in the southern part of the city. The meetings were till crowded and the protection doctrine as expounded by General Hastings met with the hearty approval of the audi ences. General Hustings' speches weje all in the same line. He contrasted the policies of the two parties and advo cate protection. In effect lie said: The time for argument is almost past. No citizen will misconceive the effect of his vote. The McKlnley law did not In jure a single industry. This fact is con ceded on all sides. With the advent of free trade there came simultaneously business depression, lack of confidence, hesitation and doubt; these conditions have continued. The parly In power have been tinkering at these conditions for eighteen months and the tinkering has not been a success. This fact brings the question home to every man, no mat ter what his calling or occupation. It is, therefore, a business question to be set tled on business principles and not on theory. The Republican party, In Its infnncv, Willi the. aid of good men of all parlies, was able to restore the Union. In Its youth it wus wise enough lo give the country an unprecedented era of prosper ity. In Its manhood it will be able to re store Ihul prosperity lost through misap prehension and misrepresentation. The Hepubliean party Is not a fleeting shallow. It Is not a curiosity shop of odd theories. It is the party of today and tomorrow. It Is the party of the great war. It Is the party of reconstruction. It is the party of sound currency und nullomd honor. SINGERLY HAS HIS SAY. Tells the People of Urccnshurg That They Are Kcally Prosperous. By the United Press. Greensburg, Pa., Oct. 26. In the course of his speech here today Mr. Slngerly said: Upon this bright October morning with the reminiscences of the past, with the Democracy of Ihe present around us and la front of us. cheering us and encourag ing us on in oar good work, 1 see no rea soi. why Westmoreland county shall not come back to her old 2,inio Democratic mujority. We are not here preaching cal amity; we are not here prophesying evil; we arc not here running down the indus tries of your commomwenlth; we are not here regretting the past, but we are here with great hopes for the future because of the Wilson bill. From the time that we started on Mon day morning down to this hour, we have met nothing but active iudustrv, good hiislness. plenty of work, uml lio complaint. They tolrt me at Connellsvllle, yesterday afternoon, that September was the greatest coke producing month in the history of that place. That It had shipped over 2,tmU enrs of coke during the month; that the average was some zi or mi cars beyond any average during any boom In their lives; that they were unable to till their orders, and that they were exporting to Canada. They told mo at deal-Held that they were shipping 10,0m) tons' of coal a day and were unable to sup ply their orders. At Johnsouburg the largest mine owner there told me that he was shipping 2,000 tons a day, wus behind with his orders and was buying coal to lill them. At Pittsburg they have but one complaint; they are short of cars. The Pennsylvania railroad und the Ral tlniore and Ohio railroad have not cars enough to supply their customers. Now If this Is the result of two months of the Wilson bill, I ask you what it will be before It is a year old. 1 am not here to Inflame your passions. I am not here preaching fallacies or sophistries, or to get you to my way of thinking. I ask you, men of Greensburg, you men In business; you, employers; you, working men, to stop to think what this prosperity means. Fully 15.000 people shouted n welcome at Johnstown. All along the line of march all buildings were decorated, red lights and fireworks filled the air continually. At 8 o'clock the large opera house was packed, floor, gulleries and stuge, and standing room was a. a premium. When Governor Pattlson appeared on the stage, his reception by the vast assemblage was spontane ous. His nddress was In the nature of an arraignment of twenty-live years of Republican administration In Penn sylvania and a defense of the Dem ocratic administration. . HERE'S A CASE IN POINT. The Wash ngton Democratic Committee's 'inx on Officeholder. By tho Unltod Tress. Washington, Oct. 2C Tho civil ser vice commission has received from a postmaster In Washington state a copy of a circular from the Democratic com mittee levying an assessment of $5 on each posl master. It has tho heading of the committee nnd is signed by Charles do France, secretary. It is stated by the commission thnt this circular, being sent to a person In a government building Is a violation of the law; which prohibits solicitations in such buildings. A copy of a circular In a similar California case has been sent to the postmaster forwarding the circular from Washington state. NO MORE SILVER BILES. Congress Would be Wasting Time Only to Invito Cleveland's Veto. By the United Tress. Memphis, Oct. 26. Senator Harris, of Tennessee, does not think there will be any silver legislation at the next ses sion of congress, in an interview he said: "When President Cleveland vetoed the seigniorage bill, which was noth ing compared to the ideas of those who favor the use of sliver In large quanti ties, he plainly showed that he would defeat any bill looking to the use of sil ver as currency.I don't believe congress will waste any time preparing a bill for the president to veto." Bid DROP IN WOOL. An Ohio Grower Loses by Listening to His Democratic Friends. By the United Tress. ' Martin's Ferry, O., Oct. 26. John Mc Graw, of Green township, Harrison county, has Bold 400 fleeces of XX wool to Hogg & Carnahan at l!i cents a pound, made merchantable. Mr. McGraw was offered 20 cents a pound for his wool before the passage of the Wilson bill, but his Democratic friends persuaded him to hold on to it. THEY WANT OUR TRADE. Canadian Formers In I'loroo Competition with Americans on Hay. . By the Unltod Press. . Columbus. O., Oct. 26. The farmers of this section are feeling the .effects of competition with Canadian hay. Stew ard Miller, of the penitentiary, has re ceived quotations from Charles Clark & Co., of Toronto, on hay and potatoes which knock out home products. They offer Canadian hay delivered free of duty in Columbus, strictly No. 1 timo thy, high colored and well cures, at $7 per ton; potatoes In bas averaging 100 pounds, tio cents per bag for white. The tlrm says: "Heretofore we were unable to compete with other markets, but the recent change of the tariff luw remedies this, und we will be pleased to secure some of your trade." WHO IS THE LIAR? Is It Hon. M. T. Ituike of 1803 or Is It Hon M. T. Burko of 1801 Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Carbondale, Oct. .26. Tonight's Lead er prints a card from P. S. Joslin, E. J. Halsley nnd Charles Lee saying that they have examined the Legislative Record and find that on March 2 ISO:! , .T- 1:",k0 v"te(1 for tll Fnrr free text-book bill. They jump to the con clusion that the Legislative Record is correct. As against this, the public hns the original manuscript of the house jour nal and the completed volume of the Journal, which is the olliciul record of the house and which both show that Rurke was the fifth man out of thirty three who voted on March "X isffi against the bill; they have also the testimony of Fred W. Fleitz, the Journ al clerk of the house, and or John R. Fan the author of the bill, that Burke voted against it; and finally, they have he admission of M. T. llurke himself in an Interview printed in the Carbon da e Herald of April 1, 1M)3, that he voted against the bill. Who is the liar? TO GUN FOR 1 RAID. Democrats and Mcpuhlicuns I nite to Purge Ouuker City Registration. By the United Press. Philadellillln rfli.t lo,; . i-w. .tiueieeu 01 Hie twei.tv assessors upon whom Judge " "it: quarter session court yes terday afternoon granted rules com pelling them to show cause why their ists of voters should not be corrected n Issuance of proceedings primarily Instituted by the Philadelphia Record, appeared in court today. Attorney h hlelds, on behalf of the defendants and also for the Republican city committee,, stated that his clients were in accord with the other side (the Democrats) In a desire to have the assessors' lists purged. He then presented forty petitions to tho court nnd asked that rules be granted upon them, compelling the as sessors named ther to show cause why their lists sho' be corrected Judge Hare granted !es and fixed Monday next for hearing le contested cases. In the meantime the Democratic and Republican committeemen will meet and agree so far as possible upon what names to omit from the lists. CRITCHEIEUVrjIECANniDATE Exceptions of Mr. Ashcom Are Overruled by Judge Simontou. ' By the United Press. Harrisburg, Oct. 2fi.-Judge Simon ton today overruled the exceptions of Edward S. Ashcom, of Hedford countv, to the nomination certificate of Nor man it. Critchfield, of Somerset county but sustained the objections of Critch lield to Ashcom's certificate iJ.',hla V'U,.'V8 s,rnutorr'ltohlleld on tho ballot In the Thirty-fourth senatorial nominee BS r,'u-lr Republican POLITICAL POINTS. Harrlly suys Hill will win. Cleveland didn't even register. Gotham will require in.OOO.OOO ballots. Comptroller Eckels will patrol Illinois. Depew will help Harrison boom Morton. Speaker Crisp Is stumping in Tennessee. senaiors."" 1nVU1 W'lS n" f the beHt of isSb"aienKl'Ulkn,,r nS8"r,S that KU nlti;x?rMn,sloa Cur,is, d,iro t.onareon;4T h'8 ' Plp- Mu.hl!l!l..C'"",llr T,"rro leads for the Michigan senatorship. McKlnley's Rochester, N. T.. welcome wus most enthusiastic. wucoine .nint'nl,nief,?e J1"""" orch light rally will be held In Lebanon Nov. 2. Hill Is mad at Tammany for refusing to conciliate the anti-snappers. o f'.o'f.V'1, 1,l;etKl'llKo. of Kentucky, is a full fledged senatorial candidate. Justice Patrick . Dlvver, mad at being turned down by Tammany, lias resigned. t.Pinn'ew Y?'k Ti""'!i "'o1 Sena tor Hill expects to win by I5,0w plurality. Chairman Wilson's hippodrome-tour hus been abandons! owing to lack of audi ences. Ex-Governor Mcrrlam, of Minnesota, openly declares for Senator Washburn's re-election. Congressman Traeev. of Albany N Y refuses to discuss the tariff with' his he' publlcan opponent. Two bets of $1,0(10 each on Morton to $r.oi) on lllll were made at the New York Slock exchange Thursday. One West Virginia enthusiast raised a cheer by introducing Chairman Wilson us our "next president." Major Everett Warren addressed an en thusiastic Kepublicun meeting in Tunk haunock Thursday night. Levi P. Morton will preside at the Gotham meeting, Wednesday iilirht at which Harrison will speak. ' Ignatss Fremiti, a prominent Detroit He brew, formerly u Democrat, announces that he will hereuftur vote the Republican ticket. - No ofllclal estimate of what the Dem ocrats expect lo carry in the election has so far been given out ut national head quarters In Washington. i Senator Teller, nt Pueblo, Col., sal.p "I am a Republican. I have been a He publican all my lire, and I expect to re main a Republican as 1 long as I live." It Is the general opinion In Washington that the president's silence as to the New York fight Is the poorest stroke of polit ical diplomacy which he could commit All the preliminaries for the trading of audiences at Norrlstown between Hast ings and Slngerly have been arranged Chairman Gllkeson has telegraphed the following to the Record: "I have told Mr. Solly to accept Mr. Slngerly's propo sition. General Hastings is not only will ing, but anxious to do so." Senator Gorman does not Intend to help Senator Hill In the New York cam paign. The Maryland senator has de cided to say nothing on the stump this year. The senator declines to predict the outcome of the New York election, but In view of his declining to participate In the campaign It Is pretty safe to say ho has very small hopes of Mr. Hill's vic tory. KEYSTONE VIGNETTES. The Braddock postolllce was robbed of a quantity of Btamps and letters. Having fnlled to get work, Casper Sehauff committed suicide at Mtllvale, near Pittsburg. The Columbia County Teachers' Insti tute, In session at Bloomsburg, Is said to bo the most successful of any ever held there. Thomas Monaghan find Thomas Burke, workmen on their way home, were killed at Lost Creek, near l'ottsvllle, by a Le high Yalley train. Ttev. Dr. George B. Stewart, pastor of Market Square Presbyterian chureh In Harrisburg, wits yesterday unanimous ly elected president of Wilson college for women at Chambersburg. Dr. Slew art Is president of the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, EMBED HERS ALIVE The Pate of Eleven len Still Hanging in the Bulunce. IX HEARING 0E RESCUE PARTY After Fifteen Hours of Hard Labor the Hcscucrsare Rewarded by Answering Hounds Withln-Tlic Deliverance to lie Affected in a l ew Hours. By the United Press. Iroliwood, Mich. Oct. 20. What may prove to bo the worst ac cident in the history of the Menominee Range occurred on the fourth level of Shaft No. 1 at the Powablo mine at S o'clock yesterday. One man is known to have been killed, and eleven others are entombed, and their fate will not be known for twelve hours. The accident was caused by the sand stone capping, which overhung the room, coming away with sutlicleiit force to crush the timbers without any warning. The dead man is Frank Gaborora. The entombed, so far as their names are obtainable, are John Farrel, Peter Hellberger, William Plckard and Will iam ThoniuB. Last night Superintendent Drown ex pressed himself as being confident that all the entombed men would be taken out alive. This will depend very much on whether the air is pure and suffi cient to keep them alive. At 6 o'clock this evening the rescuers had dug to within eight feet of the men and some of them at least are still alive, as a distinct tapping can be heard on a pipe leading to where the men are entombed. Some of them will be alive, but the rescue can hardly be effected before daylight tomorrow. DRAMATIC SCENE IX COl'BT. Affecting Meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Clar. ence Kohinson, Who Arc on Trial for Murder in the First Pcgrec. Ey the United Press. Buffalo, N. y Oct. 26. The defense which the Robinsons will put up to the charge of murdering Montgomery Gibbs was shown plainly In the court before Judge Lambert this morning, when husband and wife were arraigned on the charge of murder in tho first de gree. The scene which was enacted in court was dramatic, for the Robinsons have not seen each other since they parted in Cleveland. Some delay at the door brought husband nnd wit'u within a few feet of oaoh other, and breakinir awav ri-nm tin. hud her In charge, Mrs. Robinson threw ' herself into her busbund's kissed each other with passionate fierceness and the ollkcrs were obliged to use force to separate them. Clarence will deny the charge and try to place the crime on his wife, and it ia said that she places him re apoiyiible. PERJIRV LAIDBARE. .Man Accuses His Wife Falsely, in Order to Marry Another Vt oin'aii. By the United Press. Tucson, Ariz., Oct. M.-Lorenso Mc cormick, a wood dealer, is married to a pretty Mexican girl. Having trans ferred his affections to another woman, lie desired to be rid of his wife. Rose in order to marry his new love. To ac complish this, he brought charges un der the Edmunds act against his wife nnd Arivesto Cruz, a worthy Mexican. Juan Poge, an exrconvlct, formed the evidence in support of McCormick's al legations. Cruz was committed and has been in jail since August. When his case came before the United States grand jury, the evidence was so overwhelmingly great against M'cCormlck that CruV. was set free and Poge and McCormlck arrested, for perjury. The evidence brought out that Cruz and the woman were not oven acquainted. STEAMER GOES DOWN. An I'uknown Vessel Plunges Headfore most to the Bottom of the Sea. By the United Press. London, Oct. 26. The captain of the Ferman bark, Rebecca, which arrive! at Cardiff today, reports that at 3 o'clock this morning, when on tho Bris tol channel, ho sighted a large steumer flying signals of distress. Soon after ward she went down headforemost. The crew could be seen running about on her deck nnd their cry for help could be heard distinctly. The Re- oecca could ao nothing to save them. RACES AT. POINT BREEZE. The Track Was Wet und Slow und Events I'nlntercsting. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 26. After two days' postponement, on account of ruin and wet track, the races were continued at Point Iireeze today. The track wus still heavy and the time wus slow in consequence. , In the 2.27 trotting class, Jubilee was the favorite and an easy winner in straight heats. In the 2.20 cfass. Rock burn gave Catherine L. Reyburn sev eral close finishes: took two heats, and made the mare trot five heats before she won the race. The summaries: 2.27 class, trotting: purse, riHi. Jubilee, eh. m., by Melbourne King (Carmlchael) Ill Juno Wethers, ch. m. (Titer) 2 2 B Magnolia Queen, b. m. (AlcCarthv) 5 4 2 Prince Manslleld, b. s (Coates) .13 4 Barney, b. g. (H night; 4 0 3 Mac D, g (Lester) dls. 1 Time, 2.31, 2.j, 2.31. 2.20 class, trotting: purse, $."i(IO. Catherine L. Revburn, eh. m., by Onward (Settl'e) 2 18 11 Rockhurn, ch. g., by Wood bum Pilot. (Demarest) 12 14 3 Soudan, br. g by Combat (Snyder) 3 3 3 2 2 Germania. b. g., (Carmlchael). 4 4 4 3 4 Charlie II. g. g., by Sam Purdy (Karnes) ti 5 6 6 Carleton Chief, ch. g., (Hovel and Sargent u 5 6 dls. Time, 2.22, 2.23, 2.23. 2.25, 2.25. NOT SO CRAZY, AFTER ALL. 1 i Crank (lOrdelcr Says That the Democrat Party Is No Good. By the United Press. New York, Oct. 20. Gordeler, the man who was so anxious to see President Cleveland on Thursday at Dr. Bryant's house In order to have action brought by Uncle Sam against the German gov ernment for biiv'iiig nt one time im prisoned him (Gordeler), paid a visit at the Republican state headquarters. Hu saw Mr. Haeket and at once began business. He wunted a commission authorizing him to change the German vote of the United States from the Democrat to the Republican rank, "For," said he, "I am convinced that the Democratic party is no good any more." . . ' Mr. Hockett told him that he would give the subject most serious consider ation and would let him know the re sult. Gordeler then peacefully left. . WHITE SPIRIT COMPANY. Preparations for the Manufacture of Jer sey Lightning on a Urund Scale. By the United Press. . Trenton, N. J., Oct. 20. The papers for the Incorporation of the great White Spirit company were filed today In the office of the secretary of the state. They show a paid up capital of $5,000,000. The company is authorized to make and buy, sell and deal in spirits and liquor of all kinds. DRINKIIOUSE TURNED DOWN. Northampton's Self Made Candidate Re leased by the Court. By the United PreHS. Harlsburg, Pa., Oct. 26. John P. Drlnkhouse, of Monroe county, asked the court today for mandamus to com pel Secretary Hnrrlty to place his name on the ofllclal ballot as a candidate for congress in Northampton district. He had but thirteen signers on his papers and the petition was refused. UIG LUMBER CONTRACT. Ilritish Columbiu Company to Ship 100.- 000,000 l ect to South Afrlea. By the United Press. Victoria, B. C. Oct. 2fi.-The Ross McLatHii Lumber company has con tracted to ship 100,0(10,000 fust of lum ber to South Africa. The contract has to be completed w-ithin a year, and will give a boom to ...o ...Munu, nere, wnicn nus long been depressed. BISIXKSS IS TICKING IP. The Commercial World as Viewed by R. Ci. Dunn St Co. l ooks llrighter Thun It Has for .Many a Hay. By the United Press. New York, Oct. 26.-R. G. Dun & Co.'s. weekly review of trade says: Kngrossing political excitement in mafly nf the states causes a natural slackening in some kinds of business. But on the whole business indications are rather more favorable than they 'were a week ago. Gold exports have ; ceased, quite a number of mills have gone Into operation and the demand for products, If not equal to that of prosperous years, is better than it has been most of the time this year. The prices of farm products do not Im prove. Tho stock market has been remark ably stagnant and the average of rail road stocks has declined 33 per share, while trust stocks have advanced 31 cents per share. Pending suits re garding the trusts have little Influence. Railroad earnings In October have been 3.X6 per cent, less than last year; H 66 per cent, less in van, but details are given showliiL' thut t-lm i i toil (nm no r. irl with last year Is due to the enormous passenger huninesa near the end of the World's fair. In iron and steel tho west shows weakness, while eastern markets show more encouragement. Nothing of con sequence Is doing in rails, the deliver ies for the year to Oct. 1 being onlv 510.000 tons, much below ordinary re quirements for renewals alone. The best feuture Is that the heavy Increase in the output of pig does not yet seem to overload the market, und there are rather less signs of pressure to sell than of late. It is Btill, as It has been for some months, a very encouraging fact that the volume of commercial failures Is small. Reports for the three weeks of October cover liabilities of onlv .".,6;',!i, 741, of which $2.6211,671 were of manufac turing snd $2"7,ri67 of trading con cerns. The failures for the week were 231 in the United States, against 320 last year, and 02 in Canada against 44 Inst year. EXAMINE YOUR FIVES. A Spurious Chvomo of General Pap Thomas Is Afloat. Ey the United Press. Wshlngton, Oct. 26. There is a new counterfeit $5 bill come to town, but according to the report Issued by the secret service bureau It should not be very dangerous. It Is of the issue of 1801 and bears what is intended for a picture of Major General "Pap" Thomas, but which evi dently more resembles u battered prize fighter. WHAT THE WIRE'S SAY. Treasury gold steadily Increases. Andrew Carnegie Is coming home. The Northern Pacailo railroad will build a 2,(ni0,iiuo-biishel wheat warehouse at Ta coma. Hoston's school board will herenfter not let school children eat pickles or plo at lunch. Gas ovtuvamo Albert Strieker and Will iam Kane in a Chicago tunnel and Kane will die. In an Insane mood James McClurc a Minnesota mllltlii. captain, shot himself at Stillwater. Kdwurd May, a New Yorker, shot at a penny In a brick wall: the bullet rebound ed and killed him. Afler brooding ten months over his kill ing of a robber, 8. N. Clifford, a Chicago grocer, shot himself. Strikers in 13. G, Crause & Co.'s mines, at Masslllon, O., forced the discharge of John M. Stuu, a nun-union nuui. Congressman William Coggswell is se riously HI at his residence In Salem, and his condition ciiuses some anxiety. The department of agriculture esti mates that the l!),r2ii.000 acres of cotton planted in 1893 yielded 7,4!!,KKI bales. Damugesof $,V).0t are asked by Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Omaha, who sues Hanker Johnso for stealing his wife's love. Kll Ki-HUHe nnd !Vltviirl ..t... .m . . fiuil nun owners at Keelsvllle, lad., were struck by a train and killed while driving together. At Jackson, Miss., a new cotton ma chine (licks 90 per cent, of the open cotlon and will "revolutionlsu" cotton farming. Secretary Hoke Smith estimates that $lf5,or),278.ii3 will be required to carry on the Interior department for the next tin cat year. By tho explosion of gus In a Marlon Grid.) photograph gallery. Miss Alice Spenkan was fatally Injured and two oth ers badly hurt. A lead vein several feet thick and di rectly beneath a 14-foot vein of sine have been struck lu Union township, Carroll county, O, For printing nn alleged copyrighted por trait the CblcHKO Hlade's proprietors are sued for $275.om) by Jacob Schloss, a New York photographer. The widow of Dr. Graves, the alleged murderer of Mrs. Hurnaby, of Provi dence, claims her husband's share, JIB.HOO, of the estate under Mrs. Harnnby's will. Wylle Mellette, son of ex-Governor Mel lette, and Instructor In tho Agricultural college at Brooklyn, S. D committed sui cide by cutting his throat, for an un known cause. Superintendent of Immigration Stump says the Italian government regards emi gration to this country as helpful, as the emigrants return with much money made lu America. It Is stated that the universities of Ox ford and Cambridge will confer honor- r. .... .Wma. tim.n llnltu.l U . A mi j " Pi 1 ' ' 1 " ' ' vu.icu k'.uitrn Aiiiwn' sudor llayard when he returns from the FOUND A RINCJF CORPSES Gruesome Tale of Cannibalism from the North Seas. AWFUL DISCOVERY BY SAILORS A Party of Eskimos Without Food Resort to Cannlbuliym-The Last of tho Lot Evidently Died of Starvation After Raving Eutcn Their Comrades. By the United Press. Dundee, Oct. 26. Whaling vessels belonging to the Dundee fleet which have returned hers bring a gruesome story from the far north. At the beginning of August the whalers Aurora. Buluena and Esquimaux were In Prince Re gent's Inlet, searching for white whales. They steamed into Elvln Bay and a party from the Buluena landed and pro ceeded in shore. They "had not gone far when they came upon a ghastly ring of corpses, the remains of Eskimos who had evidently died of starvation. The evidence pointed to its having been a oase of survival of the fittest. Some of the bodies bore no trace of the tale told by the others. On the other hand, clean-picked human bones and partially devoured bodies revealed a story of can nibalism. One corpse had been be headed, and tho head waa found thirty yards away from the trunk at a place where someone had evidently made a meal upon the ilesh and brain. It is supposed that the party, while travelling, found their progcess checked by the sudden setting in of winter. What few provisions they had were soon exhausted, and then starvation staved them in tho face. One by one they succumbed to the pangs of hunger and finally the stronger, in a futile at tempt to save their own lives were driven to ea.t the others. BASK LOOTED BY ROBBERS. An- Institution at Malvern. Iowa. Is Wrecked hy Bandits Who I so Lxplos ives That Shutter the Vaults and Safes. By tho United Press. Council Bluffs, Ia OcL 26. The Far mers' National bunk of Malvern, a town about forty miles south of here, was wrecked and looted by robbers about i o'clock this morning. The vault and safes inside of the vault were blown to pieces. The explosions awakened resi dents In the neighborhood, who re paired to the scene, but did not arrive until the robbers had fled. Some of the money was found in the street and some bills and securities were found in the debrla by the bank officials this morning. It is estimated that the robbers got away with be tween $10,000 and $20,000. The bank of ficers state that the depositors will lose nothing. CZAR GROWING WORSE. The Conversion of Priuccss Alix and Ex change of Kings Has been Affected. By the United Press. London, Oct. 20. The Daily News correspondent in St. Petersburg says: "The Princess Alix' conversion and exchange of rings has been effected al ready. According to private adviceB the czar is growing steadily worse." FORE IGNFL ASHES. The Ameer Ishimself again. Eugene Oudin, the opera singer, is very It was rumored Chancellor von Caprtvl had resigned. r Jnpan is said to have won another blir victory, north of Wlju, Ten trainmen wore killed by a train col lision at Przybitkowo, Russia. London's county council has denied a li cense to the Empire Music hall. Warsaw and ten provinces of Russia nre pronounced freo from cholera. Two hundred and sixty Japanese have been killed by recent earthquakes, Verdi, the composer, wus given an ova tion on his arrival at Genoa from Purls, Oxford and Cambridge will each give honorary degrees to Ambassador Bay ard. Another plot has been discovered to blow up the French chamber of depu ties. The Welsh disestablishment bill will bo given precedence In the coming seslon Of tho British parliament. A large force of Moorish soldiers will be sent to Meillla to mark out the Span ish and Moorish frontier. , The Guion Steamship Hue has formally retired from the passenger business and ceased running steamers. The report that Chancellor Von Ca prlvl has handed in his resignation to the emperor Is denied In Berlin. The number of societies of socialist workers which have been suppressed In Italy the past few days is 271. Heathen peasants of Bturalaj Russia, murdered, beheaded, disembowelled and sacrificed a man to their gods. The Matin of Paris says Information has reached the police that the anarchists are preparing for another oulbreuk. So hot became the debate between North und South Germans. In the Social Democratic congress at Frankfort, that It dually had to be closed. Emperor"' William has ordered all the Protestant churches In Prussia to cele brate the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Uustavus Adolphus on Dec, 9. SPORTS IX BRIEF. Princeton and I'nlverslty of Pennsyl vania meet In two weeks. Harvard and Yale and then Princeton Trenton Bhe will play Harvard and Cor nell on her home grounds. The fifteen-round fight at Vliift'iUo be tween Solly Smith and Johnny Van Heest resulted in a draw. , Manager Cable, of the Yules, denies that his team wanted to play Princeton In New York on Thanksgiving Day. Harvard and Yale and the Princeton ami Pennsylvania and a final gume seems to be on the programme for this year. Falrchlld, Harvard's quarter back, twisted his neck while ut practice on Monday und will have to take a rest. Pennsylvania Is looked upon as being something tougher than a practice game these days by the big university elevens. Unless Osgood, of the Vnlversltv of Pennsylvania, braces up, Knlpe Is llkelv to take his place, say the couches of that team. The teums of the Universities of Penn sylvania and Virginia played foot ball at. Washing ton yesterday. The score wus Pennsylvania, H; Virginia, 6. Itlchter does not. believe that th asso ciation Is hopelessly shut out of Pittsburg, and thinks new men will bo secured to take up the scheme of locating a club there. University of Pennsylvania wants State College Instead of Lafayette on Oct. 31. It Is thought State College would better prepare University of Pennsylvania to moot Princeton. WEATUKK REPORT. Partly cloudy; possibly light local show ers; east winds, shifting to north; ao chungo In temperature. INLEY'S A FEW SPECIALS IN n For This Week. 28 uicces, 4u-iuch all wool Henri ettas, lest shades, 50c tiialiiv, Special Price, 35c. zo pieces, .ju-iiicli all wuoi lleuri etta, 05c. quality, Special Price, 45c. 18 pieces, jo-inch all wool Assabel Dress Hautiels, 40c quality. Special Price, 29c. 25 pieces line English Suitings, chanifeable (.'fleets, Special Price, 43c, 20 pieces Silk and Wool Mixtures, )5c. quality, Special Price, 48c. CHOICE NOVELTIES FOR EVENING - WEAR Our line of Black Goods comprise tbc Latest and Best Designs of Ui Leading Foreign Manufacturers. FINLEY'S 610 and 512 Lackawanna Aye. M1N OIL CLOTHING Wholesale and Retail. H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Spruce Street. Yelephoae, No. 4633. A FOOT IN A VISE. Couldn't hurt much more than atv uncomfortable shoa. Our "KOFU RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy. CORK SOLES In Calf and Cordivan are just what yo want for Fall and Winter. ties 114 Wyoming Avenue. n III D BUY YOUR PRESENTS OF W. J. - WEICHEL, JEWELER, 408 SPRUCE STREET, Aud get checks ou that beau tiful Piano to be given away Christmas week. N, B. Repairing of Fines Watches a specialty, . I i VSD flWOf.