The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 26, 1894, Image 1

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    I 1
i ill ill ill. ill 11 til ill ill
President Cleveland Starts for Wash
ington Without a Word for Httl.
II Flatly Denies Tbut He Has Written 8
Letter Indorsing the Gubernatorial
Candidacy of ills Old-Tim
Fue, Senator Ulll.
By the United Press.
Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 25.
President Cleveland and his family
lert the Pennsylvania railroad depot
for Washington at 4.34 o'clock this af
ternoon. They traveled In Vice-President
Thomason's special car. The
president wub accompanied by Dr. Bry
ant and Miss Bryant. The carriage
was guarded by three detectives.
While awaiting the arrival of Mrs.
Cleveland the president received the
following note from a reporter: "It
lias been stated that you have written
a letter endorsing Senator Hill, which
letter will be read tonight. Is there any
truth in It?" The president replied:
"There is absolutely no truth In the
statement. I thank you all for your
It Was One of tho Jlest Yet Accorded Gen
eral Hustings.
By the United Press.
Chester, Pa., Oct. 25. Chester gave
General Hastings, the Republican can
didate for governor, an enthusiastic
welcome tonight. The various Repub
lican clubs paraded the streets with a
display of fireworks, and music filled
the air. General Hastings arrived In
Chester about 7 o'clock, accompanied
by a committee of citizens consisting of
ex-Congressman Ward, Colonel W. C.
Oray, J. Milton Lutz, W. S. Sykers and
Orlando Harvey, who went to Phila
delphia to meet the general and his
party. Ex-Secretary of State Charles
W. Stone, General B. W. Fisher, Gen
eral J. W. Latta, Congressman John B.
Itoblnson, George B. Orlady nnd Dis
trict Attorney William I. Shaffer were
In the party. They were received by a
large crowd at the station and followed
to the hotel Cambridge, where an ova
tion was tendered General Hastings
In the parlors.
The meeting In the opera house was
attended by 3,000 persons among, whom
were many ladles. When General Hast
ings was Introduced cheer after cheer
was given him. He said it was one of
the most wonderful receptions he had
received during his six weeks' tour of
the state. He spoke for three-quarters
of an hour on general issues, reviewing
the Wilson tariff bill and discussing
Pennsylvania's great Industrial Inler
sst. Speeches ware also made by George
B. Orlady, Congressman Stone and Gen
eral James W. Latta. General Hast
ings left for Philadelphia immediately
after his speech, as he had an engage
ment to fulfil there.
W ill He Brushed Aside by the Need of
N'utnrol Expression.
By the United Press. -
Minneapolis, Oct. 25. In his speech In
the Exposition building when 9,000 peo
ple crowded In to the auditorium and
ns many more were turned away,
Thomas B. Reed said: "Nothing but
business uncertainty produced the dis
aster. For the next two years there
are two fixed facts: First, the presi
dent and senate are Democratic, conse
quently if the house 1 Republican, as
we expect to make It. it will simply
educate the people. The other fixed
fuct Is that the senate bill Is a law.
Whatever good there may be in It will
be shown by trial.
"I am told you have not only the
Democracy to contend with, but also
with what are called Populists. In con
gress we did not notice much difference.
In all essentials these people ranged
themselves behind the Democratic
leaders In both hoUBe and senate. It
was thought we would have them in
Maine, and 16,000 was claimed for them.
They had 3,0oo. The fact is, the people
are eager for a national expression of
opinion, and will never be contented
to be bulked of their verdict. Other
states have tried this Populism, and if
you wish to be thought of In the next
two years as Kansas and Colorado
have been thought of, It would appear
to be a strange spectacle, and es
pecially after both these states will
have better sense this year."
He Will lie the Feature of an Immcnso
.Morton Hnlly.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New York, Oct. 25. General Harri
son today agreed to deliver one speech
in behalf of his old mate, Levi
J. .Morton. "I shall not make a long
speech," he added, "but It will give me
pleasure to speak for Mr. Morton,
whom I admire very much."
The ex-presldent stated that he had
promised to speak In Anderson, Ind.,
and for that purpose he would have to
leave about the middle of next week.
Ex-President Harrison will speak In
this city at Carnegie hull on Wednes
day evening, Oct. 31.
Sixteen Out of Twonty-One Congressmen
Figured on In Ohio.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Columbus, O., Oct. 25. Reports from
every one of the eighty-eight counties
In the Btate are that each and every one
of them expects to surpass the Republi
can vote given last year. In 1892 tho
Republicans elected ten of the twenty
one congressman. Upon that basis
there are ten sure districts nnd eleven
Democratic and doubtful ones.
But 1892 was an odd year in Ohio poli
tics. A careful canvass of the situation
Indicates that the Republicans will
carry sixteen districts.
He Say the Democrats Have Redeemed
All Their Promises.
By the United Press.
Parkersburg, W. Va., Oct. 25. The
special train bearing the Wilson party
reached here at 1 o'clock. At Friendly,
St. Mary's and Wllllamstown, Mr. Wil
son addressed good crowds. Senator
Camden made a cpeech at Friendly In
which he defined his position on the
tariff bill. He said he stood with Mr.
Wilson on the tariff question and had
voted In the senate for the reduction of
duties. He had been misrepresented In
the press and on the stump and had so
far not BDOKen in niB own defense.
The charge had been made that he
was a monopolist and not In sympathy
with the DetiDle. He pleaded nart nllv
guilty. He had brought $15,000,000 of
caoital Into the state which paid in
taxes nearly $100,000, and yet this .vast
capital had never paid the stockholders
one dollar of dividends.
An assemblage of 2,600 was addressed
this afternoon by Assistant Secretary
McAdoo and Mr. Wilson.- Mr. McAdoo
said he had no apologies to offer for
the Democratic administration; that it
had been faithful to Its pledges. The
American congress had accomplished
much in relieving the people under ad
verse circumstances.
Mr. Wilson delivered a tariff speech
lasting an hour, and at the conclusion
the special train continued Its Journey
to Clarksburg.
One Orator Is Chased Out of Town-An-
other Treated to Stale Eggs.
By the United Press
Indianapolis, Oct 25. There were
two political riots here last night. J.
Milton Turner, a negw Democratic ora
tor, was brought hare to address the
colored people of Indianapolis at the
Yellow bridge. He was greeted by a
large audience. His remarks, however,
gave offence, and a rush was made for
the stand. Turner was dragged down
and pounded In spite of the squad of
policemen present. Finally Turner was
dragged out iof the 'hall and fled
toward the cKy under guard of the po
lice. The angry negroes pursued him,
and came near killing him.
The other .riot occurred at Ainness
and Morris streets on the South Side,
where Allen Jennings, the Populist, in
vaded a Democratic community. The
Democrats listened to Jennings until
he had heaped all the contumely he
could think of on the head of Represen
tative Bynuin, when, at a signal, a
shower of eggs, stones and potatoes
was rained on him. He escaped with
little injury. A number of persons
were bruised by the stones, and one
little girl nearly killed, being badly cut
over the eye and on the top of the head.
Chairman Apsloy's Viow of the Situation.
New Members from the Solid South uy
lie Looked for Next Term.
By the United Press.
Washington, Oct. 23. Representative
Apsley, vice chairman of the Republi
can congressional campaign committee
and now Its acting chairman, tonight
gave out a statement as to the expecta
tions of the Republicans in the oomlng
election. "From all the Information and
facts which we have obtained," said
Mr. Apsley, "I feel fully warranted in
saying that the situation today Is more
promising than it was ten days ago,
when Mr. Babcock, before he left for
the west, gave out his claim of 190 Re
publican members of the Fifty-fourth
congress.j, In fact, from the reports
that haveslnce come In I have no hesi
tation in rrraklng the claim that we
will organic the house of the Fifty
fourth congress by Republican mem
bers elected from north of the Potomac
Referring to the Populists, Mr. Aps
ley said he believed there would be
fewer of them In the Fifty-fourth con
gress than In the present. While he was
willing to be placed on record as stat
ing that the Republicans ; would or
ganize the next house without the aid
of the south, Mr. Apsley said he was
confident a great surprise was awaiting
the country from that section. "Look
out," he said, "for West Virginia, Vir
ginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Ten
nesseee and Louslana."
He Is Weleoincd Heartily in Pittsburg and
Also In Vnlontown.
By the United Press.
Unlontown, Pa., Oct. 25. The Dem
ocrat campaigners have put In another
busy day. The early dawn brought
them ' into Pittsburg wheat County
Chairman Fagan and George S. Flem
ing, president of the Randall club,
headed a committee that escorted the
visitors to the Duquense club house,
where a breakfast was served. Then a
reception was held during which Henry
C. Osborne made an 'address of wel
come to which Mr. Slngerly responded.
Many of Pittsburg's most substantial
business men shook bands with the
At Pittsburg the party of orators was
divided. Mr. Slngerly went to Connells
ville and Unlontown, where Immense
meetings were held. He waB accom
panied by Candidate Thomas Collins,
Senator Grant Herring and Jkhn M.
Garman. The Unlontown meeting was
both large and enthusiastic, no less
than six bands participating In the pa
rade. Attorney General Hensel went
to Washington with Senator Brown.
Will Swap Audiences with Editor
Slngerly at Norristown.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Oct. 25. General
Daniel H. Hastings. Republican candl-
date for governor, closed his stumulne
uur oi tne state tonight by address
ing an over-flowing mass meeting at
inuustriai nan. rom now until elec
tlon day General Hastings will sneak
nearly every nignt in Philadelphia,
When not speaking here he will ad
dress some meetings in towns in near
by counties.
Oenerul Hastings said tonight that he
accepted the proposition printed In the
papers this morning that at Norrls
town, on Nov. 3, he shall address the
Slngerly meeting, and that Colonel
Slngerly shall address the Republican
Adlal has reached Gotham. '
Illinois Republicans now count on 44,000
plurality. ,
Hugh Grant will not write a letter of
Senator Faulkner now says he doesn't
expect much from New York.
Even the women of Delaware county
are up in arms against judge Clayton.
Congressman Slpe's struggle now Is to
keep Acheson s plurality down below 6,000.
David Martin wants the next Republic
can national convention held in l'ltts
New Orleans newspapers gave McKIn
ley's recent speech In full and praised It
Republicans in Mutehler's district claim
the Democrats will not come out to Vote
for Hart.
Vice President 8tevenson. It Is estl
mated spoke to 80,000 persons on his trip
tnrougn Missouri.
Dr. J. M. Hole, of Salem. O.. Inilepend
ent candidate for congress, says his life
has been threatened.
Assistant Secretary McAdoo, of the
navy, has announced that he will address
a Democratic meeting at Cohoei, N. T.
General Daniel E. Sickles declares he
won t get off the congressional ticket un
less Mr. Cleveland asks him to.
Zacharlah C. Ragnn, of Waynesburg,
has been substituted for Andrew Brown
kon the Fayette-Greene senatorial district
Prosecutor Goff, of the Lexow hearings.
claims Tammany Is withholding valu
able witnesses by arresting them on
trumped up charges. .
The registration In Chicago Is about
325,000, of which about 40,000 are womon.
The increase In male voters over two
year ago is about 20,000.
Governor McKinlcy's Good Nature
Asserts Itself at a Meeting.
The Champion of Protection Is Greeted
with Immense Audiences and Ova
tions Everywhere lie Is Inter,
rupted by a Forward Youth.
By the United Press.
Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 25.
Governor Mckinley made his In
itial speech for Morton, Saxton
and the entire Republican ticket
for the Empire Btate at Dunkirk
this evening, and the event was signal
ized by the largest assemblage that
Chautauqua oounty has witnessed since
that memorable 15th of May, 1332,
when Daniel Webster, upon the occa
sion of the opening of the Brie ralrroad,
delivered an oration that Is still pre
served among the classics of eloquent
Upon the stage, draped with the Stars
and Stripes, was a life size picture of
the speaker of the day, with the Inscrip
tion, "Our President, 1896-1900." When
Governor McKinley was presented the
audience rose to Us feet and cheered
again and again. The governor pro
ceeded to refer to an inscription on one
of the banners carried In the procession
that escorted him to the hall and which
read: "Shingles have been made free,
but our mills have shut down," and was
emphasizing his argument that a hun
dred dollars paid for foreign products
ment the loss of that much wages at
home, when a young man in the body
of the house rose and asked whether
the men thus deprived of wages could
not earn a living at something else.
What would you put them aw ue-
manded the speaker.
"Plenty of things," was the reply.
Put them at raising wheat." ine
youth proceeded to Bay that his propo
sition was that the natural resources of
the country had yet to be developed and
we could find a market abroad for the
resources of this development. Gover
nor McKinley then went on to make
hia inquiry a text. "Our young friend
has been unfortunate in his argu
ment," he said. "There 1b nothing we
get abroad that we cannot produce
ourselves, thus employing labor and
putting wages In circulation."
, Departure for Buffalo.
After leaving the opera house he
spoke at another meeting In Columbus
hall, which was also packed to the
doors. The departure for Buffalo was
made at 6 o'clock, a large crowd as
sembling at the depot to cheer and
shout "Good-bye."
On his arrival In this city he was met
by a reception committee and escorted
to the Iroauols hotel. e was men
whirled away to Wasp hall, where he
sDoke for twenty minutes to over 2,000
employes of the bolt works, planing
mills, starch works ana otner inuus
triai establishments. Then there waa
a race to the opeiu house. Here an
audience of 5,000 impatiently await
ing his coming on the stage, wnne
thousands more were congregated out
side. When ithe governor appeared
upon the stage the vast audience yelled
and cheered for nearly five minutes.
After speaking for over an hour he was
driven to the third meeting In the cen
ter of the German district. The gover
nor sleeps tonight In a special car in
order to be prepared for an ealy depar
ture In the morning.
Completely Demoralized at Wljubytho
Determined Warriors Who Fight I'nder
the Mikado's Banner.
By the United Press.
London. Oct. 25. The force of Japan
ese whloh crossed the river at Wi Ju
and defeated the Chinese was composed
entirely of riflemen. Earthworks had
been thrown up at Sukochin by the
Chinese, but a slight deviation en
abled the attacking foroe to cross the
river without hindrance. The Chlnest
position was garrisoned with a small
force of artillery and infantry, put tney
fled after two or three rounds of shots
had been fired.
Count Tamagatn, the Japanese com
mander, In his report says: "We cap
tured the works with a rush. A regi
ment of Manohurlnn cavalry came up
as the enemy were driven from the
earthworks and covered their retreat.
The retiring force took refuge with the
Chinese batteries further down the rlv
or, throwing away their muskets in
their flight. Our advanced detachments
now hold the fortifications erected at
Sukochin ferry by the Chinese.
"Pontoons have already been placed
In position at Modzu and all the men
and materials are ready for a rapid ad
vanoe. There are still many Chinese
troops In the batteries opposite Wl Ju,
but their number has not been increased
during the past week." The main
attack on the Chinese will be made be
fore Sunday. ,
Ue Think that Worklnginen Will Have to
Use Force to Obtain Rights.
Des Moines, la., Oct. 25. At a meet
ing of laboring men held here this
evening, General Master Workman
Severn, of the Knights of Labor, made
predictions as to the future of. the
country, and intimated that workmen
would yet be compelled to resort 4o
force to secure their rights.
The meeting was held under the aus
pices of the local American Railway
Caught I'nder tho Slate Roof of a Burning
By the United Press.
Columbus, O.. Oct. 25. Assistant
Chief of the Fire Department Jack
Welsh, and a fireman named Topton
Dunon, wer ecaught under a heavy
slate roof In a. burning barn tonight
and badly crushed.
Their backs seem to be dislocated and
It is believed they are fatally injured.
Preparations for. Marking the Location
of Louisiana Troops at the Battle.
New Tork. Oct. 25. At Its session the
legslature of Louisiana made an appro
priation for the purpose of marking
the positions held by the troops from
that state during the terrible three
days' battle at Gettysburg:. Five vet
eran Confederate soldiers have been
selected from fhe Army of Northern
Virginia and commissioned by Gover
nor Foster, of Louisiana, to visit the
battlefield and co-operate with the of
ficial federal Gettysburg battlefield
commission in its purpose of making
A cordial invitation has been ex
tended by Colonel John B. Buehelder, of
the war department, for the Louisiana
committee to meet him at Gettysburg
early in November for consultation nnd
the location of positions of the Confed
erate troops In the course ot the historic
The City of Paris Collide? with an In
known Craft.
By the United Press.
London, Oct. 25. The Lloyds version
of the oolllsion of the American line
steamer Paris, which arrived at South
ampton last night with an unknown
vessel Is as follows:
At 2 o'clock on the morning of Oct.
24, when eighty miles off Bishop's Rock,
the Paris collided with a sailing vessel,
the name of which could not be ascer
tained, carrying away the tatter's Jib
boom. ,
. The Paris immediately stopped and
lay to near the spot where the accident
occurred for a quarter of an hour. The
sailing vessel appeared to be heading
for Bristol channel, and was lost sight
of in that direction. The Paris sus
tained no damage.
Richard Gordeler, M ho Challenged Km
pcror Willium to Duel, Desires to In
terview Mr. Cleveland.
By the United Press.
New York, Oct. 25. A crank, and one
of note, called this morning at the resi
dence of Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, No. 54
West Thirty-sixth street, where Presi
dent Cleveland Is stopping, and de
manded to see the president. The man's
name Is Richard, Bordeler, and his
home Is given as No. 414 West Fifty
seventh street. Gordeler is the same
crank who some years ago wrote to
Emperor William, of Germany, chal
lenging him to a duel. Gordeler went
up to Dr. Bryant's house about 9 o'clock.
He rang the bell violently, and de
manded to see the president. The but
ler told him quietly but firmly that the
president could not be seen.
"But It Is a business of extreme na
tional Importance," Insisted the crank.
This brought Dr. Bryant to the door.
The doctor reasoned with the crank and
told him that it was impossible to sec
the president at that hour. Gordeiier
was finally argued Into going away.
Gordeler said that he had been trying
to see the president for two years in
order to wipe away the stain which had
been put upon him hy Incarceration in
a lunatic asylum in Germany. He said
he had challenged Emperor William to
a duel, but that the latter was a coward
and had him put In an asylum.
They Kansock an Office at Braddock
ondS tole Valuable Letters. .
By tho United Press.- '
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 25. Thieves ef
fected an entrance Into the postoflice
at Braddock last night. They thor
oughly ransacked all the mall bags and
letter boxes, and carried off a number
of letters which seemed to be valuable,
together with stamps and a small
amount of cash.
An attempt was mnde to open the
vault. One door was forced, but they
failed to open the Inner door. A com
plete kit of burglars tools was left be
The Czar Dictates an Affectionate Mes
sage to Uls Subjects.
By the United I'ress.
Berlin, Oct. 25. It Is said that the
condition of the czar yesterday varied
between a drowsiness and compara
tively oheerfulness. He passed an
hour alone with the czarewitch and
during the Interview dictated an affec
tionate farewell message to Russia,
which, upon his death, will be issued to
the public.
He is, It Is said, very grateful to the.
Russian people for their free expres
sions of sympathy.
A Posse of One Hundred Citizens Will Ex
terminate the tiling.
By the United Press.
Washington, Oct. 25. No telegrams
were received at the Indian bureau to
day as to the. troubles in the Indian ter
ritory. It la expected that within a
short time a force of 100 persons will
be organised there to go in pursuit of
the Cook outlaws, who dn not number
more than 25 men.
It is understood the regular troops
will not be called out until the civil
force find they are unable to cope with
the desperadoes.
Discussions at the Wllllumnport Conven
tion Yesterday.
By the United Press.
Wllllamsport, Pa Oct. 25. At to
day's session of the national conference
of the Methodist Episcopal Women's
Home Mission society, a motion was
made to form conference unions.
The motion was lost by a vote of 45 to
The Point Breeze races were postponed
yesterday on account of wet track.
By a fall of coal at Glluerton colllerv,
Adam Medzinsky and Charles Irvln were
fatally Injured.
Salem Lutheran cemetery In the heart
of Lebanon must be vacated, and 150
bodies will be removed.
So eager are Trinity Evangelicals to
finish their new church at Allentown that
work Is continued all night.
Tyrone milk dealers are enjoined by
borough councils to use lactometers for
detecting the Impure product.
Charged with obtaining money by false
pretense. Ell Shertcer, a Lancaster to
bacco dealer, has been arrested.
Two sisters at Esplenboropgh, Margaret
Mary Fitzgerald, were dangerously burned
by an exploding gasoline lump.
The State Young Men's Christian asso
ciation receives a $1,000 bequeBt from the
late Joseph Price, of Waynesboro.
A pivrdon will be applied for by ex-Editor
William H. Bradley, of Philadelphia, In
penitentiary for embezzling funds of tho
Loss of blood after teeth had been ex
tracted so weakened T. J. Fuller, of
Wtlkes-Barre, that he became uncon
scious and nearly expired.
Suit to recover 110,000 for false impris
onment has been brought against J. W.
Ogden, of Philadelphia, who prosecuted
Watson Taylor nt Pittsburg for an al
leged attempt to poison his horse Gaiters.
Over 100 delegates attended today's con
vention at Heading of Methodists of tho
northwest Philadelphia district. Presld-
lng Elder 6. XV. Thomas, of Philadelphia,
was chosen chairman, Pupers bearing on
church matters were read. Ex-Postmas
ter Field, of Philadelphia, spoke.
He Favors the Idea of Sanctificution
on Earth.
An Lrrutla Preacher Who Formerly Be
longed fo the Presbyterian Church Is
Creating llnvoo by Strange Doc
trines Which lie Advances.
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 25.
The preaching of the Rev. Dr. W. J.
McCrory. pastor of the Free Presby
terian church of Rochester, Pa., has cre
ated a sensation throughout the Beaver
valley. His recent discourses, urging
the application of the Biblical laws
concerning unequal marriages has
caused trouble in several homes and
may lead to divorce proceedings. The
havoc has been accomplished by the
application of Mr. McCrory's favorite
idea of "sanctlflcatlon on earth" to the
marital vows.
Two years ago Dr. McCrory with
drew from the Presbyterian church be
cause of the refusal of the Presbytery
to recognize his doctrine of sanctlflca
tlon. He buses his statements on a portion
of the verse of the sixth chapter of the
Second Epistle to the Corinthians,
which reads: "Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbelievers, fur
what fellowship hath righteousness i
with unrighteousness, and what com- I
munion hath light with darkness?" I
McCrory's Peculiar Reasoning.
On this text the divine descanted
very forcibly and fervently. Following
this base of reasoning he argued that
where a Christian and ungodly one
were so yoked together a great sin waa
committed and was repeated with
everyexerclse of the prerogatives of the
bond. These utterances created no
small sensation among Dr. McCrory's
followers, who are implicit believers In
the doctrine he preaches, and the new
doctrine on intermarriages was liter
ally accepted.
A dozen or more engagements be
tween young people have been uncere
moniously severed, while In at least
three Instances women who have been
for some time married and are mothers
of families, have also accepted the doc
trine. The new doctrine has taken firm hold
among the populous valley at the Junc
tion of the Beaver and Ohio. The con
sequences are, however, certain to
prove disastrous In a number of fami
The Unexpected Good Luck of a Michignu
, Soldier Kills Him. .
By the United Press. ,
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 25. The BUdden
and unexpected news of un Inheritance
of $100,000, left him by an aunt in Scot
land, Is said to have so overjoyed a sol
dier here by the name of Fitzroy D.
Moncrleff, that he died within a week
afterward from the effects of the shock.
He was tho younger Bon of a Scottish
nobleman, but unpromising prospects
of a career at home drove him to thin
country, twenty yearn ago, where hard
luck att ded him so constantly that
the goo ews the other duy came as
an ova fering reverse. He was at
one t'. , 'a member of Company K,
United istates Infantry, nnd later en
gaged in the commercial busluess In
this city.
They Are Taken from
a Window of a
Burning Hotel.
By the United Press.
Montreal, Oct. 25. The Hotel Nor
mandla was gutted by fire this mornlmr.
There were a hu ge number of guests In
the hotel and nearly all hud to be tuken
out through the windows on ladders.
Many were overcome by smoke and at
least a score were rescued In an un
conscious condition.
August Peace, a cook, died on the
way to the hospital. A drug clerk
named Bouen was very seriously burned
and will probably die. G. B. Nantelt,
another boarder, is missing, and is sup
posed to Have perished in tho flumes.
A waiter named Due was also badly
Official Reports of the Results of Expcrl
mcnts hy Dr. Houx.
By the United Press.
Washington, Oct. 2.". The state de
partment has received from Dr. Chun
celler, the American consul at Havre,
an exhaustive report upon the treat
ment of Ulphtheria by means of hypo
dermic Injections of serum, as success
fully practiced by Dr. Roux, Pasteur's
chief assistant, nnd by Dr. Behrlng,
In Germany.
The experiments which have been
conducted for the past five years leave
no doubt that most malignaut diphthe
ria and croup cannot only be cured but
The Celebrated English Beauty to First
Appear in Scranton.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New York, Oct. 25. Mrs. Lily Lang
try and company will arrive from
.Europe on the steamship Paris on
Mrs. Langtry will commence her
American tour lat the Frothingham
theater. In Scranton, Nov. 7, presenting
her London success, "A Wife's Peril."
A Mcycrstown Lawyer Is Arrested on a
Peculiar Charge.
By the United Press.
Myerstown, Pn., Oct. 25. A peculiar
charge has brought George XV. Burk
holder, a lawyer, of this place, into
He has been arrested, accused of steal
ing turkeys.
Hugh Kmlloy's Death.
By the United Press.
Wilkes-Barre, Oct. 2. Hugh Smiley, a
miner aged 24 years, met with a horrible
death toiluy. He had been engaged in
repairing a partition in shaft No. 1 of
the Susquehanna Coal company. He as
cended the shaft about sixty foot and wns
then seen to fall. In the fall he Wim
caught between the carrluge and the wall
and wns killed Instantly.
The Well Known lllnnhntnton Journalist
Who Discovered Cleveland
By the United Preps.
Blnghamton, N. Y., Oct. 25. Perry
Rogers, one of Blnghamton's most
prominent citizens, died suddenly athls
home la this city this afternoon. Mr.
Rogers was editor of the Blnghamton
Call, a weekly publication.
It was Mr. Rogers who first suggest
ed, In an article In the Blnghamton
Daily Democrat, the name of Grovet
Cleveland for the gubernatorial nomi
nation while the latter was serving as
mayor of Buffalo.
Results of Indulgence in Morphine by a
Canadian Bride and Groom.
By the United Press.
Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 25. At noon
today a tragedy was discovered in a
room In the Harris House in tills city.
James Pierce, alias E. Case, of Toronto.
Out., is dead, and the woman who
claims to have been his bride Is slowly
recovering from a dose of morphne
which was nearly fatal.
It appears that the woman had been
accustomed to the use of morphine
and both indulged in it last night.
They did not retire, but sank to sleep
in each others arms, and this morning
when the woman awoke she found her
self lying across the bed beside a
Ills Days Are F.ndcd in a New Jersey In
sane Asylum.
By the United Press.
Trenton, N. J., Oct. 25. Dr. II. T.
Helmbold, the famous patent medicine
man and one time millionaire, died at
the state asylum for the Insane above
this city yesterday, aged about 56
He was a sufferer from chronic melan
cholia, but the immediate cause of death
was apoplexy.
Miss Bridget Duffy's Mysterious Disap
pearance Causes the Indefinite Post'
ponemcnt of a Carbondule Wedding.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Carbondale, Oct. 25. Quite a sensa
tion was created here last evening by
the announcement that the wedding of
Miss Bridget Duffy, of Fall Brook
street, and Robert Culkin, of Pleasant
Valley, had been postponed. The mar
riage wsb to have taken plaoe on
Wednesday afternoon, nnd all prepara
tions for the celebration of the event
had been made.
On Saturday evening Miss Duffy left
home for the purpose of mailing a
letter, it is said, and her parents and
friends have not seen her since, nor
have they beon able to And any clue
to her whreabouts.
Expecting that the tyoung woman
would return in time for the wedding
her relatives failed to notify the pro
spective groom of her mysterious disap
pearance. Last evening he came up
from Pleasant Valley, accompanied by
his best man and a number of friends,
and, of course, was somewhat surprised
to learn that the bride-elect had disap
peared. The guests were dismissed
and. the Jollification was postponed
until the mystery of her absence can be
He Eludes an Infuriated Mother nud a
Lynching Puny.
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 25. J. Wilson,
who brutully assaulted Maggie Green,
aged 10 years, on Monday, at Blair
Station, near McKeesport, was cap
tured lust night at Duquesne and com
mitted to Jail for trial.
The assault was committed near the
child's home. Wilson escaped being
shot by the mother of the child bv
jumping on a moving train. He also
narrowly escaped summary punish
ment when he was arrested at Du
quesne. The Pension List Decreases.
l"e imieu rress.
Wachlngton, Oct. 25. According to thn
estimates prepared at the Interior depart
ment 153.1b5,2(li.83 will be necessary to
curry ou the work of that department in
cluding pnyuients for pensions during thu
next fiscal yaur. The appropriation for
this fiscal year was Slfiti,0."iti,3ou.ii3. and thu
suvlng of the next year Is estimated at
$13,734,071.20. Tho docreasu In the esti
mates for pensions for 1890 is tlO.OUO.OUO.
Panic in u Church.
By the United Press.
St. Petersburg, Ort. 2i. A lamp was up
set (luring the ceremonies of consecration
of a church In the village of Trokh yes
terday and in the panic which ensued two
women ami three children were trampled
to denth and twenty-seven parsons wvre
seriously hurt,
An Ituliun Socialist .Manifesto.
By the Unitod Press.
Milan, Oct. 23. A manifesto, signed by
eight deputies of tho Extreme Loft has
been Issued protesting ugalnst the dec.-ee
abolishing socialist societies In Italy and
announcing the formation of a league for
the duteliHo of liberty.
Russia Free from Cholera.
By the United Press.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 25. It Is olHelully
Muted that cholera does not exl9t In the
provinces of Plock, Grodno, Lomsha, Mo
hileff, Ksthonla, Railom, Siedlee, Kof
troma. Olonets and l'ikov, and the city of
Warsaw is also pronounced free from tho
After forging notes for fiO.000, Dr. J. M.
Coykendall, of Tuscola, 111., Mod the coun
try. Refusal of Fall River weavers to accept
reduced pay Is now throwing the work
ing spinners out of employment.
Commodore William B. Hopkins, of the
United States navy, retired, died at San
Francisco yesterday, aged 73 years.
For stealing J8.200 from the India Wharf
Brewing company, of New York, to spec
ulate, Robert Bauer, bookkeeper, 1m un
der arrest.
Recnuse Will Hammond, of Honey
Springs, Tex., slandered Tip nullard's
wife, llullnrd shot him dead and was him
self wounded.
Sentence of death was pronounced at
Mexico on Augusta Lopes ami Macon
Chuse, who killed- McSheeney and Hopps,
the Americans.
Hy a plunge Into a vat In a Chicago
parking house, Michael McLaughlin was
probably fatally scalded and several oth
ers severely Injured.
A grout extension of the suffrage in
Austria is probable.
Johunn Strauss, the composer, has been
seriously 111 with a cold.
The dedlcltlon of tho new relchstag
building ot Herlln and the meeting of the
relehstag will take place on Nov. 15. ,
The finance committee of the Spanish
corteg has decided to establish u gold
standard of currency for Porto Rico.
Three powerful chiefs in the Philippine
Islands have submitted to the Spanish ex
pedition of 1,0ml men, J lift landed on Min
danao. Ambassador Rimyon gave a dinner at
Berlin lust night In honor of Clifton R.
Hreoklnrlilge, the new amliassudor to
Generally fair; winds shift lug to south
erly and warmer Friday evening,
For This Week.
28 pieces, 40-inch all wool Henri
ettas, best shades, 50c quality,
Special Price, 35c.
20 pieces, 46-im.l1 all wooi Henri
etta, 65c. quality.
Special Price, 45c,
18 pieces, 3-incb all wool Assaliel
Dress Flannels, 40c quality,
Special Price, 29c,
25 pieces Cue English Suitings,
changeable effects,
Special Price, 43c,.'
20 pieces Silk and Wool Mixtures,
65c. quality,
Special Price, 45Cr
Our line of Black Goods comprise
the Latest and Best Designs of the,
Leading Foreign Manufacturers.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
' Wholesale and RetaiL
313 Spruce Street.
Telephone, No. 4633.
Couldn't hurt much more than art
uncomfortable shoe. Our "KOR
RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy.
In Calf and Cordivanare juBt what you
want for Fall and Winter.
114 Wyoming Avenue.
Gh iy.
And get checks on that beau
tiful Piano to be given away
Christmas week.
N, B. Repairing of Fine
Watches a specialty.
i :