TIIE SCRANTON TIUBUKE-TIIUIIS DAT MORNING. OCTOBER 25, 1894. 2 Industrial and MINE, MILL AND RAILROAD. Probably the most expert mine of ficial in the Wyoming coal region, ac cording to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Is James B. Davles, the general super intendent of the Plymouth Coal com pany. Mr. Davies has charge cf the important operations of Haddock, Shohk & Co., at Plymouth and Luzerne borough, and he is credited with having saved a large portion of the town of Plymouth from destruction threatened by a cave-in of the Dobson colliery, w hich was operated without regard to proper care of the surface. He was the flrBt to design a culm separator on a large scale, and the refuse from the coal at both the breaker and separ ator is washed into the old workings of the mines for the purpose of render ing them secure from collapse. In ad dition to his ability Mr. Davies is re nowned for his fearlessness and there has not been a disaster for many years where he has not been foremost in the work of rescue. Superintendent Bowers, of the Dela ware and Hudson collieries in and around Carbondale, received a telwgram Tuesday afternoon instructing him to put the mines under his charge on three-quarter time until further notice. This Is In part due to the Increase in orders owing to the approach of winter weather and also to the fact that the supply on hand has greatly decreased of late from the short time worked at the mines. The Hallstead colliery of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany at Duryea, that was flooded about a month ago, will be in readiness to resume operations three weeks hence. The water in the first vein has all been pumped out, and a force of workmen are at work this week removing the large World's fair pump to the second vein, 308 feet below the first. The pump will be in position in a few days, and it will take all of next week to pump the water from this vein. The debris will then be cleared away, and the mine Will be ready to resume operations. One great annoyance in the present method of lighting trolley cars is that every time the trolley slips off the car Is left In darkness. According to the Buffalo Express, a system of lighting cars by electricity has been devised by W. M. Miner, the electrical engineer of th American Manufacturing and En gineering company, New Yark, and a demonstration of it was recently given ns Installed in a car in Hoboken, N. J. The visitors were conveyed in the car, and In running over the line the trolley circuit was frequently broken In order to show the value of this system in always keeping the car illuminated wheter the trolley wheel is on or off. The system consists in the use of a small storage battery of six Donaldson Macrae storage colls, which are used to light a duplicate set of lamps should the trolley come off or the motor cur rent give out or be Interrupted In any way, the battery being switched on automatically when the motor circuit Is broken. A trtflley-current is passed through an electromagnet, which com pletes a circuit through Incandescent lamps connected in series in the usual manner. The same current also passes through the storage battery, keeping it Charged. A late electric device, according to the same authority, is a chair to run on a trolley wire. A man can sit in this chair and fly through the air at the rate of thirty miles per hour, pro vided he does not slip his trolley, in which event he would be likely to come to grief. The trolley chair was origin ally invented for the purpose of ena bling Judges to follow a horse race around the track. Richard E. Sherman, of Chicago, is the inventor. The inten tion is to suspend the car upon wire three-fourths of an Inch in diameter, No. 16 copper wire being used to carry the current at 110 volts, and the sup porting wlra being suspended from wooden poles at the side of the track. The car is made of wood, and is of suffi cient size to accomodate two persons. The motor is placed under the seat and is controlled by a braking device operated by the feet. The armature carries upon Its shaft a wheel belted to another wheel mounted upon the shaft, which also carries the wheel by which the car is suspended. There is no longer any attempt to re strict anthracite tonnage to the recent ly made limit, says the Philadelphia Press. A number of the trading com panies have given orders to work full time and from this time on the great producers will compete with each other in sending a large amount of coal to market, rather than In restricting the output. It is said the new order of things, which New York people expect will develop Into a coal war, was begun by the Lackawanna, but the Lacka wanna says the Lehigh Valley was the first offender. The result will be to make much lower prices. For a long time it has been evident that the an thracite trade needed some rndlcal treatment to get it Into shape. It is now likely to have it. The result may be unpleasant for a time, but In the end it will be beneficial. The latest agrement to maintain a certain allotment of ton nage was rather more formal than the WW I WHEN YOU FEEL LANGUID, dull and heavy, it's your liver that's at fault A slnggish, torpid liver de ranges your stomach and kidneys and bowels. It poisons your blood. You feel it " all over." The best-known remedy in the world Is Carlsbad. People go there, not only for a disordered liver, but for all the diseases that follow it, and for jaundice and chronic liver complaint, and every ailment of the kind. . There's no need for you to go. You get precisely the same treatment in the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt " the water sol idified at the Springs" or in the im ported waters. In catarrh of the stomachc, dyspepsia, habitual consti pation, diabetes, or any gouty or rheu matic affection, they have been a specific for hundreds of years.. ' Take only the genuine imported article, with the signature of Eisner & Mcndclsou Co., Sole Agents, New York," and the seal of Carlsbad on every bottle. , Beware of the many worthless Imitations sold here as " improved " or " artifical " Carlsbad Salt, which con sist only of a mixture of common Glauber Salt and Scldlitz Powder, and in no way have the same action as the genuine natural remedy of Carlsbad. Insist upon the genuine. " 0 ill 1 Ii HtEZ m Mvi Commercial. ordinary monthly arrangement of the coal sale's agents, inasmuch as it had the sanction of the presidents of the leading companies, and it was' under the impression that In order to save the trade a general observance of the con tract would be necessary. As usual, the agreement was broken almost at once. It has, says the Hazleton Standard, been talked about for some time that the Silver Brook No. 1 breaker will be closed down indefinitely on Nov. 1. The fact Is there is too much coal pro duced at the 8trlppings and various slopes within the Silver Brook com pany's domain for the breaker to pre pare, and besides enough steam cannot be generated at No. 2 breaker to handle the present supply of coal expediently, without adding No. 1 breaker's supply. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: . It is reported that the Reading com pany's Shenandoah City colliery will he shut down for six or eight weeks in order to make extensive repairs to the inside workings. At a meeting of the directors of the First National bank, of Mauch Chun:t, M, S. Kemmerer was elected president, and John Lelsenring, of Upper Lehigh, was elected a director, to All the vacan cies caused by the death of the late Edward B. Lelsenring. An Interesting rock drilling contest took place at Miner's Mills Saturday afternoon fur i0 a side between Ed. Loftus, of Wllkes-Barre, and David J. Aston, of Miner's Mills. Loftus won, breaking the record for this county by one and one-half inches, he driliiitf inches and Aston 18. It Is stated that the Inter-State Com merce commission has In preparation suits against the Pennsylvania and the Baltimore and Ohio railroads, alleging cutting of rates. The maximum penalty for this violation of the law Is $5,000 fine and two years' imprisonment for the offending official, either or both, at the discretion of the Judge. Hails are being laid by the Clearfield Quarrying company on a short railroid that will open up what Is expected to be the largest quarry in the state. The road Is fom miles long, and connects with the Euffalo, Rochester and Pitts burg road. The company has one con tract for 1,000.000 yards of stone, to be furnished principally for a bridge over the Delaware river. The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke orig inating on and carried over Its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for the year thus far has ben 12,127,972 tons, com pared with 14,.rSS,508 tons in the cor responding period of 1893, a decrease of 2,400,1536 tons, of which 9,C2!i,S92 tons were coal, a decrease of 1,622,195 tons, and 2,504,080 tons coke, a decrease of 838,341 tons. ; STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Tress. New York, Oct. 24 Speculation ftt the Stock exchange was lifeless today, total sales having footed up only 65, S44 shares. American Sugar, which was the most active stock on the list, was traded In to the extent of 8,700 shares The market is Indifferent to news and neither the poor statements of the ft. Paul and Atchlnson for the third week of October, nor the comparatively fav orable report of the Northern Pacific for the same period had the slightest Influence on prices. Holders appar ently have made up their minds to keep what they own In the way of securl ties until times Improve and bear tac tics and unfavorable developments fail to dislodge long stock. Gold exports were again the Bubject of discussion, and while the expecta tion Is that some gold may go by Sat urday's fast steamers, nothing definite has been decided about the mater. The fluctuations in the prominent issues were confined to the fraction in every Instance. As a rule standard stocks opened a shade higher, then sold off and In the last hour improved again. There were some wide changes In the specialties. Consolidated Gas broke 2 to 116V4 on the announcement that the East River company was ready to sup ply gas In the uptown districts. Later the stock recovered to 117, Manhat tan was firmer on covering of short contracts and ranged between 1.06 and 107. It is estimated that about 6,000 shares of stocks have been covered during the last two days. Tennessee Coal and Iron broke 2 to 14 on the liquidations said to be for the account of the De Rordethen Interest, which has retired from the company. In the af ternoon the early drain was recovered owing to statements by insiders that the property was in good shape. New Jersey Central on light trading fell 214 to 107. The talk was that the anthra cite coal trade was demoralized owing to over-protiuction, and that the com lng meeting of the sales agents will be a lively one. The range of today's crlres or the RC' tlve stocks of the New York market are Klven below. The quotations are furnished The Trlbuno by G. du B. Dlmmick, man ager of William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce Btreet, Scran ton. Op'n- High- Low- CloB lng. est. Ast. lng Am. sugar lic'g Co.. tsti-ft Ateh. To. & S. Fe.... &Vi liay State Gag 22 Ones. & Ohio Wi Chic. Gas 74i Chic. & N. W Chic. B. & Q 73,i C. C. C. & St. L S8 Chic, Mil. & St. P... ii Chic. It. I. & P fiu-i, 87'4 ' &U74 t'4 5 tV4 24V4 l:Si 74"4 !(. 73 38 Co4 m 131 10 214" mi 74'4 103 73 3S5J 60'4 6o4 131 ',4 1U 23' 18- 74 103 73 S8 do-14 OOVi 1314 Delaware & Hud....ll4 Dlst. & C. F 10 Gen. Electric 3474 Lake Shore lr.'j Louis. & Nash f.3'4 Manhattan Ele W Mo. Pacific 2S'4 Nat. Cordage Vi",i N. J. CentraL 107 N. Y. Central W N. Y. & N. E. 31 N. Y., S. & W., Pr... 434 Nor. Parllle, Pr 1 Ont. & West lfi Pullman !! 10 4 35'j 34- 3.r 13.114 o:ffi'4 13TMi 53 KRl D3'!fc 107 10B 107 2S4 134 1074 SWV a wt, iH it ltii- W4 17V4 16 11 14'4 87 2X'A 12'4 107 m, 43',b KVi It ni-yv 14 17 14 11H 14',4 87 . 2S'4 1314 Wt 81 lt 3'4 li:i4 lti 101 Phil. & Bead 1S4 Rich. & W. P 17:Hi Tenn., C. & I Ifi'i Vnlon Pacific 11 Wabash, Pr 144 West. Union 8714 1S',4 la 'it 11 14'4 871.4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing. est. est. lnj. WHEAT. May 68'4 December f'3'i October 61 OATS. May 32 December 28 November 284 CORN. May 50 December Vi November DOVi LARD. January 7.05 October 7.05 November 6.1)5 PORK. January 12.15 October 12.15 58'4 63'4 51 32 28 2S& W 4SH4 W.i 7.05 7.03 6.95 12.15 12.15 5714 52 51 324 28 28 V4 4!"4 411 50 6.S1 7.02 .95 11.82 12.15 57 12 . 51 32' 28 2814 49 4'JTi 50 fi.51 7.02 6.85 11.85 12.15 ' Scrnnton Wholesale Market. Bcranton, Oct. 24. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb.,fia7c; evaporated apples, liiallc. per lb.;Turk(sh prunes, Da 6c; English currants, 2a2Vic .: layer rais ins, tl.75al.8u; muscatels, tlal.40 per box; new Valencia!!. Cu7c. per lb. Beans Murrowfuts,$2.40o2.50 per bushel; mediums, $1.70al.75. Peas Green, Jl.10al.14 per bUBhel; split 14.ouu4.ihj; luniejs, base per id. Potatoes OOalioc. bushel. Onions Bushel, 60a(i5c. Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese UallVic per lb. Kggs Fresh, 19V.a20c: coolers, 17alSc. Meats Hams, llVic; small hams, 12c; skinned hams, 12V4c; California hams, 84c.; shoulders, 814c. ; bellies, Bc; smoked creaKrast oacon, nc. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13V4c. ; sets, 15o.j Insldes and knuckles, ltic.; Acme Bliced moKea neei, l-iu. cans, 2.4b dozen. Pork Mesa at t)7; short cut. S18. Lard Leaf In tierces at 10c; In tubs, loyic; 10-pound palls, 10c. per pound; 6 pound pails, 10fcc. per pound; 1-pound cans, livfec. per pound: compound lura tierces. 7c; tubs. 7V4c: 10-pound palls. 8c, per pound; 6-pound palls, 84c per pound; f-pounu pans, ec, per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel. J3.8a4: Ohio and Indiana amuer, 3; Uraham, $3; rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt.. 11.15. Orain Kye. 63c: corn. 69a61c: oats, 87a 3o. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $12al4. Buckwheat Flour $2.25 por 100. . Hay-14.50al6. Now York Produce Market. By the United Press. New York. Oct. 21. Flonr Dull, freely offered. Wheat Quiet, ensv: No. t red store and elevator. CiaOGVic. ; afloat, 66Ua66o.; f. o. b., WftaOTttc.; ungraded red, 50ao7c.; ISO. 1 northern, WuiMc.; options advanced aV4c and closed steady at c. below yenterday afternoon with a fair trade; Alay and December most active: sales included No. 2 red clesing October, 04T4o.; November, Do'dc: December. Sti'kc. : May. W:i,c. Corn Dull, firm: No. 2. 57c. elevator: 57c. allont; options advanced 'ittHc. on firmer cables and foreign buying; fell ya c. with the lowest; closed steady and unchanged to c. down with a quiet trade; May most active: October, D7e. : Novem- elr, 6tVdc.; December, 5l'4c; January, &S,c; May, K3c. Oats busier, fumy active; options more active; October, 31'ic ; November, 31M.-C ; December, 32tc.; January, 33'i.a; May, 3lk; No. 2 white November, 35a3Tc; spot prices. No. 2, 31'4a3l'.; No. 2 white, 35c.; No. 2 Chicago, aim'tc. : No. 3, 31c; No. 3 white, 34'$c.; mixed western, X!u33e.; whlto do., 3ia39c.; white state, 35a 39c. Beef Inactive; family, $10al2; extra mess, JShS.50. Beef Hams Dull; S17al7.50. Tierced Beef Slow. Cut Meats Quiet; middles, nominal. Lard Oulct, weak: western steam cloed at $7.40; city nt 6ja6c; option sales, none: rellned, quiet; continent, I7.7u; South America, $S; compound, 6:)ia6c. l'ork Dull, steady. Butter Moderate demnnd. weak: state dairy, 14a22c; do. creamery, 17a23e.; Penn sylvania do., 17a23c. ; western dally, 12a Hie. ; tlo. creamery, ibaZJv. ; do. factory, UViall'ic.; Kleins, 23c; imitation cream ery, 14al8c; June crenmery, 17a22c. Cheese Dull, unchanged. Ekks Dull, choice steady: state nna Pennsylvania, 20a22c.; western fresh, 17a I9',iC Toledo Grain Market. By the United Press. Toledo. O.. Oct. 21. Wheat Receipts. 2ti,3lfi bushels; shipments, none; market lirm; No. 2 red cash, .:; December, 53c; May, 57Be.; No. 3 red cash, 52c; No. 2 white cash, 54c Corn Receipts, none: shipments. 3.500 bushels; no trading. oats Receipts, none: shipments. 400 bushels; market nominal. Clover Seed Receipts, 530 bags; ship ments, 411 bags; market quiet; cash and October, $5.20; February, $5.3205.35. Chicago Stock .Murkct. By the United Press. Union Stork Yards. 111.. Oct. 21.-Cattlo Receipts, 18,((0 head; market stendy: common to extra steers, $,.'.8"ia6.15; Block ers and feeders, $ii3.ii0; cows and bulls, 1r3.50; calves, $2.5a5.ri0. Hogs IteceliilH, 31.000 head: market weak; heavy, $4.10a4.8ii; common to choice mixed, $4.30a4.7o; choice assorted, $4.(i0a 4.70; light, 4.30a4.GO; pigs, $2..riOa4.40. Sheen Receipts. Jo.UOO head: market firm; Inferior to choice. 75c.a$3: lumbs. J1.D0U4. Buffalo Stock Murkct. By the United Press. Buffalo. N. Y.. Oct. 24. Cattle Re ceipts. 2.100 head: on sale. 126 head: mar ket opened slow and weaker, closed weak; coarse steers, I3.&0; fair to good oxen, J2.75 B3.50; bulls steady at $2.40a3. Hogs Receipts. 10.500 head: on sale. 4.200 neau; market opened dull and declining; closed weak with about all sold. Early quotations: Yorkers, H.UOafi; good me diums, ?."ia5.03; mixed packers, Jl.Soafi; cholee pigs, $4.H5a5; others, $4.7."a4.!lO; roughs, $104.30; stags, $3.23d3.7u; Yorkers, closed at $4.7.r,a4.80; and mediums and heavy, $4.8T)a4.W). Sheen and Lamhs Recelnts. D.C00 head: on sale, 9,000 head; market opened weak and dull, but with tho bulk of offerings sold; mixed sheep, fair to choice, Jl.2Tial.75; good, Izia.M; exports, J2.&0a;t; a lew feed lng lambs offered at $3a3.30; choice fat held at $3.!Wa3.6r; good to choice Canada lambs sold at &l.70a4. HOODOOED BY FALSE TEETH. Remarkable Story Told by a Drnmmcr at the Wyoming. An Incident occurretVat the Wvomlnu House the other night that well lllus trates the superstltition of commercial travelers and which proved a great source of amusement to Night Clerk French. A Trenton drummer who Is well known in Scrnnton arrived on the 2.10 morning Lackawanna train. He waited until several other travelers had been assigned rooms and then In a myste rious manner asked if there was a fur nace or other tire in the hotel where he could "burn something." The clerk said the steam heating plant wns In the basement whore the bell-boy could take the articles to be cremated. "Not much," said the drummer, "I'm not going to run any chances; I'll see this package placed In the fire myself. He accompanied the remark by taking from his satchel a small paper box which he opened and showed the aston ished clerk a set of false teeth. He met the clerk's expression of surprise by saying he would explain matters after the teeth had been consigned to the flames. A moment later he and the bell-boy returned from the basement. The drummer bought a cigar, heaved several sighs of satisfaction and told the following story: 'Eight dnys ago Charley Blaisdell, Alec. Ewlng, Jr., George May and met In Susquehanna. Every one of us was In good spirits and each had had a profitable week, except Blaisdell Now that's a particular point In the story. Blaisdell Is one of the most sue- cessful drummers on the road and none of us could account for his expressions of dull trade. He could not understand It either, but said that merchants nnd druggists who always gave him large bills had for some reason or other no need for his line. After conversing and telling yarns until nearly midnight bade the party good-night and turned in, as I had to catch an early morning train. The next morning I procured my gample case from the hotel office ana leit on tne isrie road. 'When I first showed my samples that dny I discovered the Bet of false teeth. I was selling to a woman buyer and could only make some remark about 'a joke' and try to look comfort able. I didn't make a Bale, however. That noon I placed the teeth In my satchel at the hotel with the Intention of sliding them Into the coat pocket of May, Ewlng or Blaisdell, whichever one I met first.. Since then my sales have fallen 20 per cent, from the average of the past two months, and, too, at a time of the year when business is always at least fairly good. I have written my house three letters naylng I wns troubled with rheumatism, as an ex- cuse for my poor showing. 'Not until this morning did I know the cause of my poor luck. I ran against May and Ewlng in Carbondale and felt free to tell them how dlsap- pointed I had been In my week's work, They said trade was good with them, and when I Inquired about Blaisdell they remarked having seen him the day previous and he had had one of the most prosperous weeks or tne fall trade. This reminded me of the false teeth and I charged then Individually and collectively with putting up a Job on me. They swore by all that wa good and holy they were Innocent and finally said Blaisdell was the culprit, "I learned from them that Jack W1I lets, of Syracuse, found the teeth In room in a hotel. He presumed they had been left by someone who had bought a new set; anyhow, Jack ap propriated them and .carried them about In his grip until he met Charley Blaisdell. Blaisdell found them the next day in his sample case. While th teeth were possessed by Willets and Blaisdell those fellows might just aa well have stayed home and saved trav ellng expenses. They didn't do a land ofllce business while they carried th teeth, and I know blankety-blank well I haven t. "No, sir, I wouldn't carry the things another day for J20; I'll have to hustle for at least a month to make up my average, uood-night." New -vases. Latest. Davldow Bros. HE CENT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. WANTED - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO i handle our line, no Deildilue. Salary, per month and exuenses nald to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 630tS, ivwton, nasi. Helo Wanted Females. WANTED-YOUNO GIRL, FOR SECOND cronce required. Squire at 8u9 Washington Priestley Henrietta did seem as near complete excellence as it is possible to reach, but the Eudora has all its good quali-aY"nuo- ties and several superior ones, making it the most perfect smooth faced fabric in the world. It has extra width. A work and to assist with children. ' adies - youk name, sent . on Btamned envelono will tnvo vou steadv ork: ffnori Knlnrv. Kn rnnviuuiliff. Nettfa Harrison. San Francisco, Cal. Help Wanted Male. RANTED SALESMAN: SALARY PROM ' start: nnrmanont Dlace. KKOW.N BROS. COMPANY, Jiursorymon, Rochester, n. y. WANTED - RELIABLE MAN, PERM A nunt position. Stamp and references. r. aiuKKis, caro tins paper. For Sale, X)R SALE A BLACK HORSE 10 YEARS T 1 XT . Cl.l Alt onroQ nvomii). For Rent. L'OK RENT A MODERN ElOHT ROOM .1 I . . .. I ureou tuago; runt U3U. rosseusion at once. UK. IV Ea. OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUBE ON WEST n. VAIN 8, aear im Luzerne, Hydo I ark. DOB RENT-ONE HALF STORE, liffl Penn n 'v lL 170R RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL I" ..a..l.U M .. tAIIXT IPI) I pi n, JJU y, yomitifr ovonuo. Money to Loan. "fONEY TO LOAN-$3,500 AND OTHER J.-L sums on first mortgage. BROWN, Att'y, 608 Spruce street Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War illustrations ibUi-iwV). two volume f olia 10..i0: payable monthly. 82.00 Delivered bv express complete, rropaiu. iichiie.13 r. u. muuux, oik itiimon utreet, scran tou, fa. LANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MAOA- zinos, etc., bound or rebound at Thk 11 1 11 cm! olhco. Uuick work. Reasonable prices. UTEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 114 I'l corner Spruce street and Franklin avu- nno. Twenty meal tickets for ti.M. Uood iHiiio uoara. Dissolution of Partnership. TVTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT WIS. y the andrsiituod n&rties dulnir business under the lirm name of Walter, Tuomuson & Co., have dissolved all relations of a busiuoss character w itu Bun F. Thompson, and be is not authorized to eoliuit work or collect moneys lor us. JUHN WALTfiK, EDWARD WALTER. Oct 23. 1894. Notice to Property Owners. rrO THE PROPERTY OWNERS OR RE X mitod owners boundinar and abuttlnir on both sides of Decker court, between Howell I street and Lafayette street, on the southerly I mueoi DweiiHiju etruui, oeeweeu 1eener court and North Main avenue, and on the northerly side of Lafayette street, between Decker court and Hydo Park areoue. In the Fourth ward of tho City of 8cranton, Pa. Take no tice that under the direction of councils I will muko the assessment for the construction of I lateral sewors on Dicker court, Bwetland and La f a vet to streets, between the points de scribed above, on Tuesday, the Wtu dav of I Oct, A. D. 1MU, at 10 o'clock in the f nreuoon, I at my olnce in the Municipal HulKllnii, in the city of Scranton, at which time and place you may appear ana on auu-a it you so aesire. justru f. i'LHL.L.U's, uty finfe-mecr. riV) THE PROPERTY OWNER OR RK- X puted owners of property bounding and abuttimr on the eastvrlv side of Wvomins avo. nuo, between Ureen Ridge and Marlon stroots I in tne imrtconin ward or tne city 01 bcran ton. Pa. Take notice, that under the direc tion of Councils, I will make the assessment lor tne extension or a lateral sewer on Wvo- inin; avonue, between the points named above, on Tuesday, the .Wo day of Oct., A. D. 1MI4, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at my ofllco in the Municipal Builking in the city of Scranton, at wiiii n tune ami place you may apiioar and be I uearu H yon so amire. JOHN P. PHILLIPS. City Enelneer. Charter Application. ATOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 application will he made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Friday. November 10. 1NU1. by Reese (i. Brooks, Thomas H. Dale, Thomas it. urooKs, ueorice u. urooKs ana .louu u. Brooks, under the Act of Assombly "An Act to provide lor tho incorporation and resulu- tlon of certain corporations" approved April 11, 1X74, aud the supplements thereto, for a cnartor or an internum corporation to be called "LutlinCoai uouipany, tne cnaracter and ob- ect of which is the iniinuK, preparing, loading, shipping nnd selling anthra cite ooal In all the various branches thoroof, with such business as may be necessarilv an- urtcnant thoroto. And for these purposes to avo. possess and eniov all the riirhts. benefits aud piivilegei of said Act of Assembly, and supplements tuoreto. Solicitors. OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O ceived at tho office of the Secretary of the Scranton Board ot Trade until 7;iW o'clock, jiona&y evening, nov. tA jeis, ior tne erection and completion of a twelve room Bcbnol build ing, to be known as No. ltt. and to be located on the westerly side of Rebecca avenue be tween Jackson nna Price streets. In the Fourth Ward of Scranton, in accordance with plans end sin durations now ready In the hands of Davis van btorcu, arcnitects. Uommon- walth Building, Scranton, Pa. The sum of $;iOu in cash or certified check shall be enulonod with each oroncsnl. which sum shall be for. feitod to the School District in case of refusal or omission on the part or the contractor whose proposal shall be accepted, to execute contract within ten days after the awarding of aaid contract. The Board reserves the riuht to l re joct any or all bids. By oider ot the Scranton uoaru or loiirroi. EUGENE D FELLOWS, Secretary. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED AS SEWER IN A J aressmaKins shop. Has hail ,Tmir imm. Atiareas miaa a. w rear 4-ti Deacon street. llESl'ECTABLE WOMAN WIHI1ES A JL place as housekeeper, with child U ears old. Can rrive best of referencea. IKS. THIEL, iiuJ Penn avenue, Scranton, Pa. CITUATION WANTED A GERMAN UIRL (J wixhes a placo as second girl. Can give p wishes a placo as second girl. Can good references. MRS. THIEL, 333 Penn i ave. lXPERIENCED SALESMAN WISHES A J position with wbolesale honse. Thor oughly acquainted with stores in Scrauton and vicinity. Reference as to honesty and ability. Address Salesman, cars General De livery, City. IADY STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE J writer would like position. Has had ex. er!euce. Best of reference. Address Stenog rapher, 138 8. Hyde Park Ave., City. s 1TUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG 1 man who can furnish (rood refnrenca aa to bis cnaracter and ability; ago. 20 years: would like to get a position in otUce or store, and will work for a small salary. O. J. K., Avooa. BOY18 YEARS OF AGlfwouEFLlKE TO learn I arber trade. Can spoak English and German. Address W. K, Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY A SOBER young man as house or slim painter or In store, tiasnaa experience, w. r, W. P. D., Trib- tine office. CITUATION WANTED BY INDUisTRI i) ousyomig man in Gent's Furnishing, Shoe or General Store. Three years' extiori ence. fl;m Tribune office. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Svrun pilrAa 'coughs and coldB quicker than any other remeuy, Decause u comDines tne lung, bealtng quality - of the pine tree with other valuable medicines. Sold by all deal er on a guarantee, of satisfaction. onnolly & Wallace WE ARE NOT "SOLE AGENTS" for Priestley & Co.'s Black Dress Goods, but stock, and we are always up to dute with their Newest Weaves aud Latest buying a Black Dress there are Flrst-Because all grades of Priestley Goods from the very best analitr of Bilk and Australian 19 very De qnau Second-Heoause ) tne dye is always tne liable Black, which narer grows rmtv or erav witti 1 mm Because me weave is nrm. ana tuey Fourth Because thev can ba eaailv cleaned, walked ill soan and water, if necessary. Among the best things shown are: Warp Henrietta, Metelase, Melrose, Eudora, etc. The last named "Eudora," being the very latest Cloth out. The "Eu- dora" is a triumph in textile weaving. It is a Silk Warp, and exquisite in its rich softness. Some say "it's only a Henrictta."To those we say, you are mistaken; it's more than a Henrietta. You ask wherein it is better? Well a ereat advantage, too, in these davs of Umbrella Skirts. Full Coats, etc. It has extra weight Not so heavy as to make it too warm fof a good all-around-year's dress, but just enough heavier than the Henrietta to give it the appearance of having the body of a Ladies' Cloth without its overburdening warmth. It positively will not catch the dust. The dust shedding qualities of Priestley's goods have always been their strong ieaiure, dm me tuuora nas neon lection is rcacnea. inc tuaora is young it will always be ready for wear. Our usual low prices prevail on CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND N. A.HULBERT'S D WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY & SOU DECKER BROTrHS KRANICH & BACK and Others STULTZ I BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL flERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwalloptn Mills, La terns county, Pa., and nt Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Qeneral Agent for tho Wyoming District, 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AQBHrrEs: THOS. FORD, Mttston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth, Pa, E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes Barro, Pa. Agents for the Keuauno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runa dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and Bt, Louis My.) Deiween Ili 0 b Columbus, Springfield. Dayton, Indian polls. Peoria and ST. LOUIS, Trttn magnificent Wagner Sleeping cars. Combination Library and Cafe oare. Ele gant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train In America." Bee that your Uokots read via tha . BIQ 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnished on application to S. J. GATES, Gen'l Eastern Agr't, 40 Exchange at., Buffalo, N. Y. M. E. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, Qeneral Passenger Agent; B. O. McCor tnlck, Trafflo Manager, Cincinnati, O. SHTKB bUOR CO.. Ine'p. Ctqiltat, l LOOt.Mfc EST S1.60 SHOE IK THE WOBJUU. "A dollar lard it a dollar toned." w TbteLadles' Solid French Uongola Kid But ton Boot dsllrared free anywhere in the U.S.. oa reoeiptOHjasn, Money uruer, or Portal Note for tl-to. Kquala every f the boots old In all retail Moras for tfl.M. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar anttt the JU, ttult and vrar. and If anv one Is not satisfied refund the moiy 1 another pair. Opera or Common Serw, ...... n lu and hall li JU won. Illustrated Cat. loins FREE HrYTPR Sane Prn FEDERAL ST., 1 POWDER 1 many reasons why it should be a "Priestley." A few of these reasons: are manufactured Fifth -Because thoy are all dyed in oils standard shade of black, and one styU weave can always be matched In shade by an other, and old with the nqw. Wool. same uncnangoaule re aite. nuvor sup or rray . Blxth Becauso means something. Camel's Hair, Cheviots, Cravcnette Serge, the Granite Weave, Armours, Silk experimented upon, until it is an improvement over all and the climax of per ana new, but in a snort time all women all Priestley's goods. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO OUR Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers arc of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper , condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take' no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. By the Beautiful New Steamships of the OLD DOMINION LINE to OLD POINT COMFORT (HYGEIA HOTEL), Ott VIRGINIA BEACH' And return. Most Delightful Resorts on the At lantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS for $16 OLD POINT COHFORT VIRGINIA BEACH - A rlny and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING EVERY EXPENSE of meals and berths en route, a day and a quar ter's board at either hotel. Thl9 trip is an Ideal one, as the course ukirts tho coast, with little likeli hood of Beanickness, and passes in review many watering places and points of Interest. For printed matter and full particulars, address OLD DOMINION W. L GDILLADDEU, Traffic Manager. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtli Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALB WORKS. LafTlln & Rand Powder Co.'a Orange Gun Powder Electric Butteries, Fuaos for dxplod-ln- bloats, Buety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosive! we alwajs carry a complete line la Novelties. If a lady contemplates they are guaranteed by a guarantee which will und it their "friend in need " for Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: (PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL,) $16.00 $17.00 S17 S. S. Pier 26, north River, Hew YorL Dueber-Hampden 17-Jewel Watches are known by rail road men and othei experts to be un equalled for we al and accuracy, i RUBT JEWELED! ADJUSTED V WATCH6S ; The Dncbcr Watch Works, Canton, 0. ! A Handsome Complexion Is one of the rrsateat chtrma ft woman oan I pOMOSI. fOUONl'l COHFLBXIOX POWDB I gives It. GONKELL COMPANY, ! ' ' ' 1