THE SCIiANTOlf TEIBUNE SATURDAY MOItNINGr. OCTOBER QO, iS9T. FUBUBHID BAUT IK SCRAHTOH, PA.. BTTHI TRIBOM PUBLIBH1NO OUUPAHY. C. P. KINGSBURY, Phi, OtN'l Man. C. H. RIPPLE, Sio'v and Tnu. LIVY S. RICHARD, Editor. W. W. DAVIS. BuPIIIINTCNDtNT. W. W. YOUNGS, Aov. M.xa's. Sew York Officii : thibuni buildino. Frabk a QRAY, 11ANA01K. INTIRBD AT THE POSTOTPIC AT SCRANTOB, PA, AS SEUOMO-OLASa MAIL HATTER. "Printers' Ink," the rccoRnlzcd Journnl or udvertisers, rutcs TIIK SCKANTON 1 KIltLNL as tho best advertising medium In Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers' Ink." knows. SCRANTON, OCTOBER 20, 1SU4. REl'MJLICAX TICKET. Stale. BoYornor D. H. HASTINGS Ueut-OoTeruor WAITEK I.YON Auditor General AMOS H. MYLiIN Sec'y Internal Affair. JAM Ks W. LA'lTA ' ,. jUALUSilA A. (KOVV County. Conirress JOS A. KCKANTON Jndga H, W. ABCHIIAbli Sheriff FKAKK R CLK.YIoNS l'reannrer THOMAS D. DAVIESf Dork of tlm Courts.. ..JOHN H. THOMAS District Attorney JOHN It. JONKS Hecorder of Detxls CHAS. Hl'ESTiCtt l'rothonotary..... (' K PHYi'H K"friHter of Wills WM. 8. Hi PKINS Jury Conunk)nioiier....T. J. MATTHEWS Senatorial. rwwattoih.Distrlct.... JAMES 0. VATJCIHAN Legislative. First District JOHN R. FARH Bncond M.trict. ALEX. T. I'ONNELL Third District K.J. UROVEK Fourth DUtrict CHAS. P. O'MALLEY THE SCR AN TON OF TODAY. Come and Inspect our oily. Klevation above the tide, 710 feet. Kxtremely healthy. . Kstimated population, 1S94, 10.1,000. Ketflstered voters, 2U.KI9. Value of school property, $7.rA00rt. Number of school c hildren, 12,WM. Average amount of bank deposits, $10,- (MHI.IMK). It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn sylvania. Can produco elcjciric power cheaper than Niagara. No better point. In tho United States at Which to establish new Industries. See how we (frow: Population In JSi;o Population in ls7n Population In 1M0 Population In 1S!W Population In s!d (estimated).. And the end Is not j et. 9.223 n.".uio 4r.,R'i0 7.-1,215 ltKJ,W0 Pennsylvania's next governor. Gen eral Daniel II. Hastings, accompanied by Charles Kmory Smith and the state candidates, will speak In this city next Monday evening. Come out and hear hlin. A Fearful Responsibility. In the present canvass It la enough to know that Mr. Scianton, the Kepub- liean candidate for congress, Js a I?e publican and a, protectionist. These two facts entitle him to tha support of Ihe people of the Eleventh district, ut terly regardless of anything else. It would be Idle to deny that there have been, and doubtless are today, personal Influences hostile to Mr. Hcranton. I tut he -was fairly nominated ns the candl date of his party; he therefore repre seats, in this campaign, the principles of that party; and it is a truth which needs no demonstration that princl' pies are superior to personal bicker lugs and factional grief. The control of the next national house of representatives is most inv portant. The speaker who organizes It. Into committees, more than anyother Bingle individual In any department of this government, will exercise a con trolling Influence upon the legislation of the next two years, in which critical period the political destiny of the coun try will in all probability be decided for at least n generation to come. The president, after all, is pretty much a figure head. Only as he retains the confidence of the people is he possessed of real and wide-reaching power. The vice president is wholly a llgure head, ordinarily without voice or vote. P,ut the speaker of the house of represen tatives, more than vice president, yes, more than the president himself, Is in real truth the vital governing force In our republic. The finger which he ploees upon the pulse of national leg islation is powerful for good or ill. Tho rein which he holds over the member ship of the American house of dele gates is without equal in the parlla inents of the world. Tho Fifty-fourth congress must be organized by .Republicans. It must have a Republican majority. It must have a Republican speaker. While the prospect is fair for such a consumma tlon, the battle Is getting decidedly close, The Democrats figure on twenty plu rallty and the Republicans on only twenty-five. Thus if these estimates be merged which is probably a fair basis of calculation the Republicans will have not more than five plurality in the house, a dangerously narrow margin in a chamber which has so many Populists, Socialists and political tramps. The loss of one Republican candidate for congress in a district now counted as safe may disarrange the whole forecast of tho Republican congressional campaign committee Hnd throw the next house entirely over Into the hands of the Democrats, who. having president and senate already would then proceed without interrup tlon to "rip, tear up and scatter tho fragments of protection to the four winds of heaven," The Republican and the genuine pro tectionlst who shnll neglect to vote for Joseph A. Hcranton will assume a fearful responsibility. Prothonotary Tryor, during his ten lire of office, has made a host of friends, not only among Republicans, but among Democrats as well. Will these friends see him defeated? Well, we should guess not 1 Representative Burke ought to know better than to imagine that he can fool his constituents an to his attitude on the'Farr free text book bill, by means of typographical errors in the Legislative Record. Doesn't lieknowtheoillclal jour nul of the house of representatives con' tains hla name on the "nay" side on the final division; and doesn't he know that the official journal "goes?" For what does M. Burke take his Fourth district constituents, anyhow? Candidate Flnjforly, upon the occa sion of his forthcoming visit to Scran ton, will no doubt straighten out that other political "fraud," Protectionist Lemuel A merman. Candidate Pineerlj will have his hands full if he intends to discipline all. tho protectionist this valley who were once Democrats, and who mistakenly think that they are Jt't. The continued silence of Judge John Hundley in the Merrllleld campaign Is rapidly becoming masterly. One Lie That Stinks. In a majority of directions, this canv ilgn lias thus far been clean and man- There has been llltle personal abuse and only a moderate amount of lying. The issues of the canvass have been discussed, for the most part, in a manner creditable to civilized beings living within the intellectual light of the last decade of the nineteenth cell ury; and in those few exceptional cases where this admli ablerule has been vio lated, the aggressors have uniformly been beneath notice and underneath contempt. We predicted, several days ago, that it would be difficult to keep the Dem ocratic bosses of Lackawanna county up to this high plane; and recent le- olopcmcnls have fully justified our orecast. They have already begun heir slandering of Republican candi dates and substituted libel for argu ment. A conspicuous Instance of this s shown in the zeal with which they continue to circulate the weather-beat- n, moss-covered and utterly putrid lie that Frank If. demons, Republican andidate for sheriff, had once said "a dollar a day was enough for any work- ng man." Mr. demons lias publicly and explicitly denied this lie; denied It n parts and denied H in totn. He has denied that he ever used that expres sion or that ho ever used any language at liny time In any place which could, y the remotest stretching, be inter- reted to imply any such Idea. But tho lie-mongers heed him not. They go Ight on circulating the libel, and will doubtless add picturesque and livid trimmings as the -scandal Is passed along. If the persons to whom this ridiculous lie is being told for campaign effect would pause a moment, they would soon realize "the lie's utter Improbabil ity. What sane man, in politics, even if lie thought that one dollar a, day Is all a working man should have, would be so wholly beside himself ns to say so publicly? None but a zany would ex pect, after such a break, to get elected to anything. But Frank If. demons never once thought such a monstrous idea. He belongs to the party of pros perity and high wages. He has no use for the party under whoso bungling control of government many working men, right here in Lackawanna county, although ready and anxious to work have been deprived even of one dollar a day, and have had, In some instances. to go shelterless' and "Without food. There are some lies that recoil upon the unscrupulous liars. This dollar-a-day He is one of them. Mark that. Failhful and efficient are the adjec tives which exactly describe John H. Thomas' conduct while clerk of the courts. The people do not wish to lose the services of such an excellent ser vant. The Republican who, ns a candidate for office, has been fairly defeated In his party's convention and who then goes out among fellow Republicans to ask them to knife the ticket, need not expect a great deal of help. Such a course is neither manly nor effective. The sorehead animus of it. ls altogether too apparent There can be no question of the strength which John R. Jones would bring to the district attorneyship. Neither Is there any question of his having the opportunity to bring that strengtft to it. Merit Is bound to win Such a Clumsy Trick! The effort of the Democratic cam pnign managers to make it appear that the Republican party is connected In any relation whatever with tiny of the prescriptive secret organizations which today are endeavoring to raise political issues along the lines of race and creed will fall, as it deserves to fail; first, be cause it Is false from beginning to end; and secondly, because it is a species ot playing with fire that the intelligent citizenship of this country of all po lltlcal as well as religious faiths, will strongly condemn. The history of tho Republican party from its cradle days to the period of its vigorous maturity, is a history of strong, earnest and incessant battle against bigotry, prejudice and oppres sion. The hand that freed the slave and that has sought, by means of pro tectlve duties, to elevnto the standard of the working classes, would be en gaged In mighty mean business were it to take part in tho stealthy warfare of creed against creed ami of brothel against brother which masks itself be neath high sounding titles and achieves Its purpose under the seal ot secrecy and under the cover of night. We do not believe that the Republican party would know what to do In such narrow quarters, and in such a stifling atmo sphere. It Is perhaps a compliment to the Re publican cause this year that the Dom ocrats are using the sneak-thief style of warfare because there are absolute' ly no other tactics left for them t adopt. If they had a sign of a show upon the plane of dignified, discussion and could present for the consideration of the Individual voter one clearly de- fined principle over which their own party leaders have not spilled each oth er's blood, In factional wrangles and party dissension, it is possible, although not cheerfully probable, that they would get out of the "mud and slime" or wnicivwnaior uorman spone, ana step up to. solid ground. But they haven't. Their whole underpinning has been knocked down. What Cleveland and Wilson didn't upset Hill and Qor man did; and so, instead of argument we are treated to falsehood, sophistry and art! flee. And such clumsy tricks they are, too. The recent conviction in this city of a professional bicycle thief Is an event for which the wheelmen of Hcranton I should be particularly grateful. The labor involved in the prosecution of this . . . , .. , , man, not to speak of the expense lnoi- dent to his nnorehenslon and return for , l..l .11 l,n 11 r,v,,ii,l,l If l,nv ahnll ttiitl, will be well expended ir the snail be the means of breaking up the con- tompltble thievery in this vicinity of which the offense in question spleuous instance. 1st Out of the big pouch which was re cently filled up by the grateful AVhiskey and Sugar trust, the Democratic Con gressional Campaign committee have, it is said, pulled a liberal fistful of cash for use In an effort to re-elect AVilliam IT. Hines; but a more hopeless ambition never was cherished. What does tho honorable Lemuel Ainermnit mean when he tells the vot ers of this county that "there Is virtu ally no difference between Republican and Democrats on the tariff question; nil want a iarlff?" Has he read the )emoeratlc platform? It Is exceedingly unlikely that the In- elllgent electors of Lackawanna ounty will punish Judge Arch bald for icing honest, capable, fearless and yet modest. Nor will they object to the 'act that he does not continually push forms a pernment base for repaint ilniself iorward. . ; ir . , i ' Til li1 I'll' 111 HV PnilTH'U lilL tiUA) m i QUI US. Congressman Sipe expects his majority n Greene comity to offset Aeheson's in v tln"e'7!;';n'!H'1nfratw.'ai!hlllf,'ton fT" y wil lie a staiul-off. hatever majority ic can get in Fayette, therefore, will be hlamujorlly In thr district. To show how wide apart the estimates are, the Acheson managers are counting on 2.0U0 to 2,iiuU majority for lilm in Washington, and more than that much In Allegheny, while they laim a larger majority for Acheson in Fayette than they concede to Slpe. The fact of the mutter is that Hlpe Is hope- lesly distanced, with all his lavish iiissess- meuts of Pittsburg federal oillce-holders. The indications are that Senator Quay will ('online his political efforts tills fall mainly to Pennsylvania, and Incidentally in the last week of tho campaign will make his Influence felt against Professor Wilson,. over In West Virginia. The Re publicans are preparing to make Mr. Wil son weary. When the proper time arrives, which will be a fi'v days before the elect ion, the profeKsor will , It ls said, wonder what struck him. In fact, the professor's chances for staying at home are growing brighter each day. The fireworks, oratorical and otherwise, of this political campaign are being fired by the Republicans exclusively, so far us Allegheny county is concerned. The Dem ocrats are doing nothing in that line ex cept to prepare for the visit of Candidate Bingerly. The Democrats, In fact, are as stolid and Indifferent ns If petrified. Rut, then. It s pretty much the same way here. It is said t lint ono of the objects of Democratic National Chairman Faulk ner's recent visit to New York, where he ostensibly went to help Hill out of a hole, was to replenish the congressional com mittee's campaign treasury. Ho was em inently successful. It Is stated that the New York Importers who were benefited by tho Wilson bill contributed $l.rrt,uti0 and that the sugur trust duplicated It. Tliis lit linw the oullook nppenrs lo Colonel (ioort'fl V. ItntT, Mr. (irow's uml iublo rmintnK muto: "The people nro nroused nx 1 never saw tlicm before in my life, and I'eiinsylviinhL will Klve General Hustings tho largest majority ever Kiven nnyone. i.nlcHH l am Rreiuiy deceived I ho vole throughout the entire country Vi lli Klve -1 ho lemoeruts a terrible thrashing next month." Tlift fllvfili'int 1f,wm-,l ilnnlfiw.a vr,r- nn thiiHiimtkiiiy timt (.muuUh i o'jiiiiiey in boIhk Co v,in in the Fourth distriet. "Mr. man. ami will till tho nost of renreUta- tive iii liarriHburt? with honor. He shoui-i myo a xolid vote from the town or h birth. And it looks now as if lie would net It Charles Kmory Hnilth, who will snenk in Rcranton Monday nlKht, predicts that Cenernl Hastings will have 2011,00 plur ality. A Stiiitllns Picture. From the New York Press. For yeurs (he government of New York hns been a reproach and a byword In all the centers of civilization. For years the criminal classes, organized under the black llnff of Tammany, have ruled tho clly and Hcolled ut tho endeavors of hon est citizens to overthrow their sway. Cor ruption, litthliishiufr and arrogant, has ri.'ned. Ice, secure under police pro tection, hc.s Haunted itself in the eyes of decency nnd virtue. Blackmailers, their hcadiiuartf i; !u i i inmnny Hull, tho lowest rnmitlcalions or their infamous system In 1 lie foulest Cives, hove takel toil alike from the honest merchant and the brazen criminal. Tin: voici'S. Down In the nlsrht I hear them: I he voices, unknown, nnifuessed. That whisper, and lisp, nnd murmur, And will not let ine rest. Voices that seein to qiteatlon, n unknown words, or me. of fabulous ventures, and hopes and dreams Of this und the world to be. Voices of mirth and music, As in sumptuous homes; and sounds Of mournliiK, as of gatherliiK friend In country burial Kiounjls. Cadence of maiden voices, Their lovers blent with these: And of little children HlnKlns, As under orchard trees. And often, tip from the chaos Of my deepest dreams. 1 hear Sounds of their phantom laughter, FlilliiK me atmosphere. They call lo me from the darkness, They cry lo mo from the Kloom, Till start sometimes from my pillow And peer through the haunted room. When the face of (ho moon at the window Wears a pallor like my own: Ami seems to be listening with me To the low, mysterious tone, The low, mysterious elnmor Of voices, that seem to bo Striving In vain to whisper Of secret things to lne; Of somcthliiff dread to be warned of j of a rapture yet withhold; Or hints of the marvelous beauty Of-sonira unsyllabled, Kut ever and ever the meaning Falters and falls and dies, And only the silence quavers With the Borrow of my slgha. And I answer: O voices, ye may not Make me to understand, Till my own voice, mingling with yon, Lamclia In the Bhaduwlaud. Jumes Whltcomb Itlleyt Raps at Tammany, Tammany cannot last much longer, Its end is near. Baltimore American. As the Tammanv titter dwindles Into a very ordinary eat. everybody takes the usual liberty of throwing a brick at it. ueiroit Tribune. The mention of Dr. Farkhurst name week Thls ls the 01lly testimony that was needed to establish nis reputation as good man. Chicago Tribune, The Political Boomerang, From the Buffalo Express. The boomerantr is still In active t61lt leal sen-lee. Secretary Carlisle's spectac ular arrest of Air. Morton s coachman hns served onlv to rail attention to the fact that he himself keeps a coachman, a loot man and a butler, ail or whom are ear rled fin tha rnlla nf thp tresRIirC tlpnlLrt. ment us public ofllclals and paid out of lne Limed states treasuiy. ,.. ., .,,-..,... v From the Tunkhonnock New A J. , The Hcranton Tribune on Suturday made Its ilrs t appearance in its new dress com- poseil by the nerffenthaler machines. It Is much Improved typographically and ml 1,1,1 01 news Him oilier leiiuin nmUpr AR u nQW 8t(in()(, thpre ls no oilier paper In northeastern Pennsylvania 10 compare wun it. I Nuts for the Republicans. From the Buffalo Express. Wilson savs his London speech hns been garbled by the Republicans, and that he intends to circulate true copies ot u among his West Virginia constituents. The Republicans will cheerfully supply hlin with the necesary postage stamps. PAINT cracks It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting; that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead iiijj miu uuvcr lias iu uc uuiiicu or C" t .1 fl r CT . .a nnm,t C ...... 1 oi-mju uu uu ai.i.uuiiL u oi.aiiiiS orcracking. It isalways smooth aIla Clean. 10 De SUre OI getting StHCtlV Dure white lead. DUfchase a"y of the following brands: ' Atlantic," "Beymer-Bauman," Jowett," "Davis-Chambers," " FaaneBtock," " Armstrong ic McKelvy." For Colors. National 'Lead Co.'s Pure While Lead Tinting Colon, u one-pound can to a 35-pound krg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves tune and annoyance in matching eludes, and insures the best paint that it is pos sible to put on wood. Send us a postal card anil get our book on paints und color-card, free; it will probably tav ou a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. HILL ii GOIINELL 13! O 133 WASHINGTON AVE., Have just received a cat 'load of the celebrated 1 J IT u "The best business wonu, which are onercu ai ureauy reduced prices. The reduced prices at Which this Celebrated desk is nOW of- lercd make tlieui the cheapest in ttie markeL tllin the KCiU'll Of all. AS LOW AS $19. A full line of olliee Furniture, Type Writing Desks and Chairs. We are now showing the larg est line of Dinner Sets ever dis played in this city. A splendid variety in HAVILANQ & CO., CHAS. FIELD HAVSLAND, R. DELENINERES & CO, FRENCH CHINA, CARLSBAD AND AMERICAN CHINA, PORCELAIN AND WHITE GRANITE WARE. If you want a Dinner Set examine our stock before buying. Coursen, demons & Co. BUY THE l'or manv vears this Piano has i t ftr r nil t in i lit is lit desk in the H !! that It has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest fc say "IT RESEMBLES THE WEBER." . We now have the full control of ing at greatly reduced prices and on easy GUERNSEY BROTHERS' HEW STORE KSESS3SS THE PHYSICAL COMFORT Of having warm, reliable ml covering upon frosty nights. v. THE MENTAL COMFORT Of knowing that yon have secured the best value for your money. If you hav e not yet experienced this double feeling you should try it at once. 1 If you do and need a new pair, why not examine the Htoek of The Lackawanna Store Association, Lim. Corner Lacka. and Jefferson Aves. We are Hole agents In this city for tho J.S.TURNI2K & CO. HiKh lirnde Shoes for men's wear (these shoes took iirst pre mium at the World's Fair, Chieiiiro), and for EDWIN C. Bl'KT & CO.'S Celebrat ed Shoes for ladies' wonr. We also handle the following lines: FOB MEN. ForLADIES.MlHSE8 nmlCIUI.DIVCN. PtronK Carroll, C. P. Ford & Co.. J. & H. Fitzpatriclc, Th imaH . PUnt Co., Stacy, Adiima & Co., II. S. Albright & Co. If desired, will take measure and order special pairs from any factory In the country. Our aim ls to bo prompt, to Rive our customers the best attention nnd lowest prices, Kiiaranteeing satisfaction on all our kooiIh. Wo also carry a fine line of QIWCRK IF.8. HAKDWAIiK, I'ltY COOHH. CLOTHING, CENTS' FURNISUlNUd, etc. A trial Is w lint wo ask of our cilizens nnd we will endekVor to pleas... BLANK BOOKS A FULL ASSORTMENT. LETTER COPYING BOOKS OUR SPECIAL. A 500-paRe 10.M2 Hook, bound in cloth, sheep baek and corners, guaran teed to give satisfaction, ONLY SO CEHTS. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING. REYNOLDS BROS, Stationers and Engravers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE. H. HILL S ALBANY DENTISTS. Set tooth, $3.n0; best set, JS: for gold caps nnd teeth without nlatcs, called crown and brldpro work, call for prices and refer ences. TON ALL! I A. for extracting tectl; without pain. No ether. No gas. OVKK FIRST NATIONAL BANK. stood in the front ranks. It has been this Piano lor this section as wen as monthly payments. Don't buy until 7 Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. MM Do You Wear Siices SO E5E THERE'S DOUBLE COMFORT IN OUR White and Cray Blankets at 4!) cents a pair. White and Cray Blankets at 7.1 cents a pair. White and Cray Blankets at $1.00 a pair. White and Cray Blankets at $1.23 n pair. White and Cray Blankets at $1.50 a pair. White and Cray 4-lb. wool Blankets at $l.t)S a pa!;'. White and Cray 5-lb. wool Blankets at $2.7.3 a pair. White and Gray 5-lb. all wool Blankets at 8.1.41) a pair. ' White all wool 11-1 Blankets, best,raetory made. $1.09 a pair. Cenuinc California Blankets, in size, formerly $10.00, now $.7.'i a pair. SCIENTIFIC EYE KNOWING HOW Is half of success in ev erything as well as in buy ing. Farming seems sim ple enough, but let a city man try to manage a farm and the odds are big that he'll ruin himself. That's the way it is with buying, fake a parlor suit: there's the covering, the "stuffing," the frames and a dozen other things to think about. A man can't know even'- thing and that's one rea son why retail mercnants are so essential. They help you in your buying- that is if they are the right kind. It's their business to know such things and to give their patrons the bene fit of their knowledge. You do your "knowing" by proxy the retailer acting as your attorney. That's why it is so important Where You Buy. ' HULL & CO., 205 WYOMING AUEfID". If you would have the LARGEST Amount of heat from the t LEAST Amount of fuel, you must have a Howard Furnace. Foote & Shear Co. and Get the BEST. admired so much for, its pure, rich tone, compliment that can be iald any Piano many oilier miu rianos uuien c aie tun you see our goods and get our prices. 224 WYOniNQ AYENUE, crn a MTfM E3SBBSS&S73 i TESTING FREE BY DR. SHIMBURG Th Specialist on tho Eye. H-ad.tche and Nervous ness relieved. Latest and liupr ved Stylo of Eya Kltuiics aud Hpe-'tachs at tho Lowest Prices. BtaS Artificial Eyts Inserted for J5. 305 Spruoo Street, Opp. Old Postoffice. ' DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, und his asso ciated slalT ot KiikIIsIi and Uerman physicians, are now permanently located at Old Postoffice Building, Corner renn Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor Is a irraduae of tho I'nlvnr- slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology nnd surgery at the ,ledlco-Chlru!'Klcal colltue of Philadel phia, I lis sM'clultles are Chronic, Ner vous, Hkin, Heart, Womb and lllood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS SYSTEU The symptoms of which are dizziness.ln -k of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rlsliu; in throat, spot tloatltiB before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, ami dull distressed mind, which unfits them for performing the actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, distressing: tht'actlon of the heart, caus Iiir Hush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams.mel ancholy, tire easy of company, fcelintr as tired 111 the mornlnfr us when retiring, lack of enerpry, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipa tion, weakness of tho limbs, etc. Those so 'ffected should consult us Immediately ii ne rcsiorcu io perfect nenmi. ost Manhood Restored. Weukticss of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy cian call upon the doctor and bo exiun cd. He cures the worst cases of Ner eis liebillty, Bciofulu, Old Sores, I'a !rh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec ens of the Rye, Knr, Nose nnd Throat, slhma, iJeafncss, Tumors, Cancers and 'ripples of every description. Consultations free ard strictly sacred nd contliicnlnl. Olliee hours dally from a.m. to ! p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Unclose live ll-rent stumps for svmtponi 1 inks and my book called "New Life." 1 will pay one thousand dollars in poM o anyone whom I cannot cure of KI'l- '.F.PTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. 1U. K. UUKWKn, Old Post Ofllco UulldliiK, corner I'enn ivcnuo and Hpruce street. SCRANTON, PA. Cauliflower, Pickling Onlone, Ho re a Radish Root, Grcon Ginger Root, Pickling Cucumber, Mangoes, Hot Peppero, CSarllo Dill And everything used in the manufacture of Pickles. PIERCE'S riARKET, PENN AVENUE. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN VETERINARY SURGEON AND VETERINARY DENTIST. TELEPHONE 2912. Trompt attention to calli for treatment of all domestic animals. Veterinary Medicines carefully com pounded and for male ut reasonable rates. Olliee at the Plume Carriage Works. 121 D1X I'OVHT. Hcranton, where I Ulreot shouinK afternoons. Oraduate of the American Veterinary Collcue and tho Columbian School of Comparative Medicine. IF YOUR OLD HOOKS NEED FIX 1NU, BEND THEM TO The Scranton Tribune , Bookbinding Dept. ( ri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers