The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 20, 1894, Image 1

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Governor McKinley Whirling to New
Orleans at Double Speed.
With Ordurs Ahead for a Clear Track aud
with the Engineer Told to Go a
.Mile a Minute, Mckinley
Journeys South.
By the United Press.
Cincinnati, Oct. 19.
With orders ahead for a clear track
and Imperative instructions to the en
gineer that the minimum speed must
not fall below sixty miles an hour, tho
special train conveying Governor Mc
Kinley to the Crescent City left here
over the Cincinnati Southern road at
11:15 this morning. The party, with the
governor Included Davis S. Ferris, sec
retary of the Louisiana state central
Republican committtee; Attorney Gen
eral Richards, of Ohio; Dr. A. B. Rich
ardson, of Columbus, Ohio; James M.
Glenn,' president of the Cincinnati
chamber of commerce; Joseph P. Smith,
state librarian of Ohio, and representa
tives of the two press associations.
Only one stop is scheduled in the trip
and this is Lexington, where Governor
MeKlnley will make a flve-minuto
speech from the rear of the car, but It Is
probable that In response to urgent de
mands a brief stop will be made at
other points between Lexington and
.New Orleans. Immediately after his
speech at the Crescent City Saturday
night, Governor MeKlnley will leave In
order to keep his engagement In West
Virginia on Monday afternoon and
Kansas Kcpublicuns are Making Desper
ate i:f fort to Defeat Hi in.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Topeka, Kan., Oct. 19. With their
state ticket certain of election, Kansas
Republicans are massing their strength
on the congressional and state legisla
tive tickets. They are making a des
perate effort to defeat Jerry Simpson.
Governor MeKlnley was taken to
Hutchlnson.,50 miles, In Simpson's dis
trict, and he had a wonderful recep
tion. Farmers traveled by wagon and
on horseback ninety miles to see him.
His visit greatly enthused the Republi
cans, but Simpson is going over his dis
trict, sick though, he is, and Is being
received by immense audiences. Popu
UstB figure his majority at 1,000.
In the Second, Fourth and Third the
Republicans feel confident of success.
The Second and Fourth will give the
Republicans from 3,000 to 6,000 each,
but the Third will be close. In the
Fifth and Sixth neither party gives any
estimates of the probable majorities.
Both Populists and Republicans
claim the legislature, und are massing
their forces in the forty close districts.
Decent New Yorkers Are Ucgistcring, but
the Thugs Arc Not.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New York, Oct. 19. There has been
a very noticeuble falling off In the regis
tration of voters in the tenement and
lodging house districts, where Tam
many has heretofore rolled up Its large
majorities by almost open defiance of
the ballot laws. Yet these sections are
being closely watched, and any attempt
at colonization will be speedily detected
The Increase In registration is in the
reputable residence sections of the city.'
It augurs bad, not only for the Tam
many ring, but for the machine ele
ment back of David B. Hill. Many
warrants have already been secured
for men who registered Illegally on the
first day, a week ago, and Superintend
ent Byrnes says that the police force
Is making every effort to prevent uny
Illegal voting. In this respect It is
admitted the police are more active
than they have been for years.
Democrats This Time May Talk as Much
as They Desire.
Special to the Scranton Tribune. .!
Washington, Oct. U). Cure Is taken
by representatives of the administra
tion here to explain that President
Cleveland has Issued no explicit orders
to office holders agalius? campaigning.
There Is an implied rule against manip
ulating conventions or conspicuous
participation In vote-getting on elec
tion day. The president entertains no
objection, it Is buIO o the exeerclse of
the privilege of political speech-making
by his appointees If It Is carried on in u
temperate and dlgnllled way.
Many federal otlice holders would find
it necessary to resign If denied the
right to maintain their status in local
politics, and some of them have ex
pressed their Intention to do so If the
contingency should arise.
Has Consented to Serve Tummuny'in
Place of Nathan Straus.
By the United Press.
New York, Oct. 19. Nathan Straus,
Tammany Hall candidate for mayor of
this city, has formally withdrawn from
the contest. He sent his letter of with
drawal to James J. Martin, chairman of
the executive committee, und it Is brief
and pointed, as follows:
"I hereby notify you that I decline the
nomination of mayor of the city of New
York, tendered me by the Democratic
party In the city of New York."
It Is stated on unquestioned authority
-thlH afternoon that Hugh J. Grant has
consented to run for mayor on the Tam
many ticket In place of Nathan Straus.
His Alleged Ann Arbor Interview Proves
to Have Been Ilogus.
By the United Press.
Chicago, Oct. 19. Thomas B Reed, of
Maine, arrived In tho city lnst nignt.
When asked about an alleged interview
at Ann Arbor, Mich., In which he was
quoted as criticizing the MeKlnley bill,
and saying he did not Think It was nec
esBary for the safety of the Republican
party, Mr. Reed said:
"I never authorized any such Inter
view. I said nothing whatever to jus'
tlfy It. I am amused to see how the
Democrats are catching at straws. 1
have not been criticizing the acts and
doings of the Fifty-first congress, In
wntcn i myseu took part.
The'Two Delaware Statesmen Firing Hot
Shot at Each Other.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Media, Pa., Oct. 19. Kx-Collector
Thomas v. Cooper and Congressman
John 13. RoblnBon have locked horns
in the juagsiup light in Delaware
county In their respective weeklies.
' The ex-collector Is not espousing
Judge Clayton's cause with much n.
.thuslasm. Indeed, he has been holding
some of Clayton's doing up to the light
of day. Mr. Rublnson objects to Cooper
speaking out In meeting, and calls him
a kicker anil a Benedict Arnold. To
this Mr. Cooper makes an equally spir
ited reply, ami honors are even up to
Senator Quay May Be Consulted About
the 'ew York Campaign.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Nw Tork, Oct. 19. Candidate Mor
ton Is known to have a high opinion of
Senator M. S. Quay and Is desirous, It
Is said, to enlist his services in the man
agement of the New York campaign.
Senator Quay has volunteered to give
advice when consulted, but he has too
many Interests In Pennsylvania to per
mit him to take the management of a
state campaign in another common
MeKlnley Hilled to Deliver Eight Speeches
There Xcxt Tuesday.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Parkersburg, W. Va., Oct. 19. The
Republican congressional campaign
committee otllcially announces that
Governor MeKlnley will make eight
speeches between Huntington and
Wheeling next Tuesday, the Ii;ld, the
time occupying nine hours.
Great preparations are being made for
the meeting here, where he la expected
to stop a couple of hours.
Wheat and Cotton Lower Than Kvcr-Gol J
Flowing Out of the Country Domestic
Trade Shrinking,
liy the United Press.
New York, Oct. 19. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow
will say; Cotton Is below 6 and wheat
below 55 cents, each lower than ever
since present classifications were
known, with exports of gold instead of
products at such prices-In October, as
the futures In business this week. Dis
tribution of goods to consumers goes
on fairly, with gains at nearly all points
In comparison with last year, but not
yet at a rate to sustain the present
volume of manufacturing productions.
The domestic trade represented by
railroad earnings In October is 3.4 per
cent, less than last year and 13.4 per
cent, less than In 1892.
There has been marked gain In west
bound freight, especially in coal, but
east bound rail shipments from Chicago
are a little stnalller than last year. The
Iron and steel business makes a better
showing this week, bessemer pig hav
ing stiffened to J10.90 at Plttsbuvg, but
bar iron has fallen to 90 cents for com
mon and $1 for steel at Pittsburg, which
are prices below thoee current In Great
The failures in October thus far have
been quite moderate In strictly commer
cial lines, the liabilities amounting to
13,81:1.9:17. During the past week the
failures have been 253 In the I'nlted
States, against 311 last year, and 43 in
Canadu, against 29 last year.
New York's Swell Athletic Club, Plicnlx-
Like, Arises from Its Kuins.
By the I'nlted Press.
New York. Oct. 19. The finest ath
letic club house in the world will soon
be occupied again. Since tho llnunclal
ruin and consequent disorganization of
the Manhattan Athletic club. Its splen
did $1,000,000 home at Madison aveuuo
and Forty-fifth street has been unoccu
pied. A new club has been organized; has
leased the Manhattan Athletic club
building and will open the doors about
Dec. 10. The new club Is to be known us
the New Manhattun. Cornelius Van
Cott, ex-postmaster of New York, Is
The Ouigrortth of the Crusndo Inuugii-
Crated In Chicago.
By the United Press.
Chleairo. Oct. 19. An Internntlnnnl
antl-Gambllng association has been In
corporated under the laws of Illinois
in J with headquarters In Chicago.
The uriraniHlifin 1r Hip niitirvnu'lh r,r
the anti-gambling crusade In this city
and the purpose Is to enlist lecturers
and otherwise excite and crystallize
puunc sentiment throughout the coun
try against gambling. '
MeKlnley speaks at New Orleans today.
Kansas Republicans expect to beat the
Populists by 4o,imo.
Republican Chairman Babcock doesn't
expect to capture the senate.
Phil Dwyer, the horseman, has bet $2,000
to $1,000 that Morton will win.
Senator Jones, of Nevada, will not
stump Ohio for the Democrats.
There are Democrats In New York who
now expect Hill to be beaten by 75,000.
A conservative estimate has It that Kria
county will give Hastings 2,uo0 plurality,
Simon B. Chnse, Prohibition nominee for
Judge In Northampton county, has with
drawn. Colonel Brocklnrldge In sulking and Re
publicans may win in the Ashland, Ky.,
Lyman Trumbull, of Chlcngo, denies the
soft Impeachment that he Is a cundlduto
for the senate.
The Democrats In Washington are gut
ting badly scared at the rapid wane of
Professor Wilson's chances.
Ex-Governor Francis, Governor Stono
and Champ Clark, of Missouri, have their
eye on Senator Vest's scalp.
Senator Carey, of ""-unlng, Is In trou
ble because It Is K . 'sn't a suill
clently staunch free-sllve'v man.
The necessary number of signatures for
the nomination of Everett P. Wheelur for
governor of New York has been tiled.
Ex-President Harrison yesterday spoke
at Noblesvllle, Tipton, Kokomo, Marlon,
Bluff ton, Decatur and South Bend, lnd.
Republicans hope this year to capture
the Tenth Kentucky district, which two
years ugo gave a 2,772 Democratic plur
ality. A novel use of the kodak has been
found In St. Louis, Snap shots were
taken of each voter In troublesome dis
tricts. Gubernatorial Candidate Majors, of Ne
braska, Is charged with attempting to
bribe a legislative proof reader to steal
certuin bills.
Ex-Speaker of the National House of
Representatives J. Warren Kelfer, Is now
a full-Hedged caiulldute for tho Repub
lican nomination for governor of Ohio,
Tho Democratic congressional campaign
committee has distributed fi.OUll.Outl pieces
of literature, but not a single copy of
President Cleveland's letters to Wilson
and Cutchlngs.
Louis Post, the single tax man, could
have been Tammany's randiduto for
congress In the Fourteenth New York dis
trict, but he wouldn't come up to Tam
many's terms.
MeKlnley will speak In Dunkirk, N, Y.,
Oct. -u In the afternoon, and in Buffnlo at
night. Next day he will speak In 1'11,-a
and Syracuse, and on Oct. : he will Bpc.ik
seven times In Gotham aud once In Phil
adelphia. The Washington Star, a strictly Inde
pendent puper, after a careful canvass of
the "situation, says the present conditions
are more favorable to the Hepubllcans
than they were when they were fighting
for the Flfty-tlrst congress, and the cam
paign work on their part U being done
equally as well.
Unfavorable Dispatches Concerning
His Condition Are Received.
Czar Suffers from Heart Spavin and 1
Gradually Sluking-A Regency Is Pro
posed l'uhlie iteilgious Services at
St. Petersburg A Paris Itinnor.
By the United Press.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 19.
A dispatch received here this morn
ing from Llvadla, announces that the
czar's condition has grown worse since
yesterday and the Imperial family Is
greatly alarmed. A second dispatch
from Llvadla said that the czar lust
evening suffered from a sudden spasm
of the heart which compelled him to
lie down. His condition became so
critical that his confessor, Father Yan-
ischew, was hastily summoned. Pro
fessor Mershejewski, a distinguished
specialist In nervous diseases, has been
summoned to Llvadla In order to take
part In the treatment of the czar.
A third dispatch, received here this
afternoon from Llvadla, said that the
czar's condition was desperate.
Prayers for the's recovery were
offered today at a special service held
in the Cathedral of St. Isaac.
It is reported here this afternoon that
nn Imperial edict will be published next
Monday, Intrusting the regency to the
Tsesarevltch, General Count Voront-soff-Dachoff,
aide-de-camp of the em
peror and minister of the Imperial
house; K. P. Pobiebonostseff, the procurator-general
of the Holy synod;
Actual Privy Councillor Wltte, minister
of finance; Actual Privy Councillor
Durnovo, minister of the Interior: and
General Vantiovskl, the minister of war.
The Cur Sinking Kupldly.
Vienna, Oct. 19. A dispatch from St.
Petersburg to the foreign olllce says
that the czar Is sinking slowly and the
news of his death may come at any mo
ment. Paris, Oct. 19. The Courier Du Solr says
It Is rumored that the ozar Is dead. No
confirmation of the rumor was obtained
nor could It be traced to any authora
tlve source.
Prominent People Are I'uder Arrest as
Uclng the Perpetrators.
By the United Pross.
Walnut Ridge, Ark., Oct. 19. A sen
sation involving quite a number of
prominent people has developed in
Sharp county. Sheriff Hutchinson has
arrested Dr. Nixon, Dr. McCabe and
Mrs. McCabe, all of Cullamlne, Ark.,
charged with attempting to poison Dr.
A. D. Barr aud his family by placing
poison In a cistern on Dr. Burr's prem
ises. Dr. Barr and Dr. McCabe havo been
litigants for some time, and a very bit
ter feeling has been engendered. Four
members of the Barr family drank
from the cistern and their escape from
death was narrow. Over a pound of
poison was found in the cistern.
Smith and l.ongstreet Held in Bail of
$2,000 Each.
By the United Press.
.Washington, Ofct. 19. The hearing in
the case of Smith and Longstreet In the
Washington police court, charged with
stealing postage stumps, resulted in
the court holding both defendants for
the grand Jury in bonds of $2,000 each.
Horatio Seymour, of Washington, a
billiard room employe, was also held
as a witness In $5oi) bail. He testified
that he had gone to New York with de
fendants and introduced themtoHaren,
who was arrested there last night, and
Harea had secured Brown, the other
man arrested, to dispose of the stamps.
Motors Havo No Affiliation with
I ulted .Mine Workers.
By flic United Press.
Ashland, Ky., Oct. 19, James Carter,
local organizer of the United Mine
Workers of America, Is here today di
rect from Mount Savage, near the scene
of the Carter county mining troubles.
Carter states that us he left on the
early, morning train the strikers were
firing from the hills.
Several areata were made last night,
the prisoners being hurried off to the
county Jail. The men doing the shoot
ing, Carter claims, have been black
listed by both the order and the opera
tors. iy 11
Will lie Sent Hack to F.uropc as a Contract
By the United Press.
New York, Oct. 19. Judge Lacotnbe
today, 'In the United States circuit
court, rendered a decision In the case of
John James Howard, Levi P. Morton's
The Judge dismissed the writ of
habeas corpus and ordered Howard
to be taken bnck to Ellis Island. Ho
will be sent back to Europe.
Charges Not Sustained.
By the United Press.
Lancaster Oct. 19. Five members of the
board of charities today Investigated
charges of mismanagement at the Lan
caster county almshouse, which hud been
referred to Governor 1'attison, the accu
sations having forwarded by Miss Anna
M. Martin, of this city. The testimony
failed In every particular to sustain the
Amerlcun Huso Hull Association.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia. Oct. 19. The organisers
of the American Base Ball association
met again today and elected William S.
Karnes, of Philadelphia, president and
secretary. A committee of three was ap
pointed to select an eighth club.
Suicide of .Mrs. Warrlncr.
By the United Press.
Wellsborough, Pa., Oct. 19 Mrs. H. H.
Warrlncr, aged 45 years, of this ploce, cut
her throat with a razor. She died in a few
moments. For the pust few weeks Mis.
Wurrinerhus shown signs of Insanity. She
leaves a husband and several children.
bombs In Koine.
By the United Press.
Home. Oet. 19. A lighted fuse was placed
today at the door of the mayor of Rimini
on the Adriatic. It did not explode, as the
light went out hair an Inch from the shell.
Three men have been arrested.
Mr. Hurrison Addresses 3,(100.
By the United Press.
Fort Wayne, lnd., Oct. 19. Ex-President
Harrison spoke to B.ooe people In the rink
here tonight. It wus tho lust address in
a series of commencong at V o'clock In
this morning.
Fish Commissioner's Work.
By the United Press.
Hurrlsburg, Oct. 19. Fish Commissioner
Ebel left yesterday for Northumberland
county to take measure to have fish
ilnms which Infest the Susquehanna In
Northumberland, Clinton und Lycoming
counties torn out. He lias hud the damn
removed from the Susquehanna from XIu
huntango creek, the upper line of Dau
phin county, to Musou and Dixon's line,
the boundary of Pennsylvania und Mary
Programme of Lust Evening's Work nt
York Comention.
By the United Press.
York, Pa., Oct. J3 Miss Susan C.
KUmaker, of Lancaster, took charge of
the afternoon meeting, and gave an
excellent paper on the subject of Junior
At 3 o'clock the Junior societies of
the city churches as well as some from
the county, paraded the streets headed
by ha mis. There were over a thousand
children In line.
This evening tho following pro
gramme was observed: Introduction
of state officers; "Christian Endeavor
Against the Saloon." by Rev. F. B.
Lynch, of Reading; "Missionary Exten
sion Course," by Rev. Thomas Mar
shall, D. D Chicago. 111.; address by
phonograph from Rev. Francis E.
Clark, D. D., president of the United
Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston,
Mass.: consecration service, led by Rev.
G. H. Gruel, D. D., Philadelphia.
Pittsburg .Man's Desperate Struggle with
1'oot puds.
By the United Press.
Pittsburg. Pa.. Oct. 19. Early this
morning W. J. Jamison, of the Arm
strong Cork company, was assaulted by
two men In the Forty-third street
bridge over the Allegheny river. Jami
son was rendered unconscious by a blow
on the head by a sling shot and robbed
of $300 and other valuables.
Just as the robbers were swinging
Jamison over the railing to drop him In
to the river, he regained consciousness
and another light followed. A moment
later assistance arrived and the foot
pads escaped.
Interesting Sessions at the Annual tiath
orlng at Tyrone-Views on Home Mis
sionary Murk,
By the United rross.
Tyron, Pa., Oct. 19. This morning's
session of the Presbpyterlan Synod of
Pennsylvania convened at 9.05 o'clock
with devotional exercises led by the
moderator. ReportB of bills and over
tures were read by Dr. John V. Stock
ton, of Mercer, and accepted. The re
ports of comniitees were made relative
to the results of their visits to Lafay
ette college, Lincoln university, Penn
sylvania College for Women, Washing
ton and Jeffersim college, Western
Theological seminary, and Wilson Fe
male college.
The afternoon session of the Presby
terian synod opened at 2 o'clock with
prayer by the moderator. Rev. John
W. ISaln. of AHoona, presented the re
port of the Judicial committee, and Dr.
R. S. Holmes, of Pittsburg, of money
for sustentlon.The report declares that
of every $13 raised In churches of the
synod $10 should go to the home mis
sions and to synod sustention. Dr.
Holmes supported these resolutions In
uu earnest addn 4s.
Dr. S. C. Logan, of Scranton, spoke on
the needs of mission work among the
people of the Lacku wanna and Wyo
ming regions.
Dr. George W. Chulfont, of Pittsburg,
read the report on church election and
made un earnest address. He was fol
lowed by Dr. E. W. White, of New York,
secretary of the board of church erec
tion, who spoke ut length of the work
being dune.
The evening session was given up to
the Interest of temperance. The speak
ers were Revs. Erskcn, K. F. Hill, J.
F. Diner, Rul'us S. Green, 1). D.,
Matthew Brown Biddle, D. D., LL. D..
and General James A. Beaver.
A revolver dropped from Charles Clif
ford's pocket ut Ureensbiirg and he was
shot dead.
The Dubsite faction of the Evangelical
church contemplate building a college ut
United Evangelicals. In session nt Will
lamsport, took steps looking toward the
erection of Dubsite churches.
While walking along the railroad tracks,
Samuel Rogers, of Columbia, tumbled into
u pool of water und was drowned.
Four miners nt Shaner Jenanl Lingo,
Renonl Chen!, Loren Chenl and Bunonl
Alubottl were badly burned in a gus ex
plosion. A new church, erected at Haas Post
office, Schuylkill county, by the I'hureh of
God denomination, will be dedicated on
The Ephrutii Water company and the
Pennsylvania railroad art- lighting be
cause the former wants to lay a pipe un
der the tracks.
Grand Muster Workman Sovereign, of
the Knights of Labor, will have an oppo
nent for re-election in Junius Campbell,
of South Pittsburg.
To evade tho miners' examination, Ig
norant Poles und Huns in the i'ottsvillo
region borrow the certificates of friends
In order to get work.
Heading folks who understand real es
tate titles there laugh at the claim of nn
Allegheny City womun to a large portion
of the former town's site.
The veteran colored orator, Fred Doug
lnss, told Harrlsburgers how he was
mobbed In that town forty-seven years
ago when he lulked anti-slavery.
Donald E. Duffton, a prominent lawyer
or r.uensourg, was snot at a Hungarian
settlement near Llll station, early yester
day morning und will probably die. Dull
ton hud been drinking, und while endeav
oring to obtain lodging, was mistaken for
a burglar.
A strike among clgarmakers at Flor
City, Klu., Is sulil to have started by tho
anarchist element.
Two young daughters of Farmer Her
mnn Berthold, of Green Springs, () per
ished in his burning house.
Absolute divorce from Actor J. K. Em
met for adultery was obtained ut New
York by .Mrs. Dulsy Emmet.
Rev. Frank W. Ounsauliis, head of tho
ArmouriiiHlltute, Chicago, has been asked
to tuke Professor Swing's pulpit.
Indictment for attempting to bribe a
Chicago Jury was found against the wlfu
of Warren Springer, a capitalist.
Afetr failing to kill himself with one
razor Louis, ut Aitkin, 8. C, got
another and completed the deed.
In an Indian broncho race at El Reno,
I. T., twenty-five redskins were thrown
down by a collision and two killed.
By accidentally dropping his revolver to
the floor, E. I). Holahan, a New York po
liceman, probably fatally shot himself.
For poisoning John Forre to get his
$0,500 estate, Dr. J. D. Kremlen, of Balti
more, was sent to prison for ten years.
Bandits murdered Mrs. Ancta Mercado
In her home at Durango, Mex., und got
away with several thousand dollars' booty.
In- attempting to enter Mrs. Lydlo
Rhodes' house at Knoxvllle, Teiin.,
Thomas Fogarty was shot and badly
Sixteen alleged white cups were arrest
ed In Clayborne county, Tenn., for sup
posed connection with the whipping of J.
B. Phillips.
Charging slander In culling him un A.
P. A. and a forger, Putrlck Scunlon, of
Dunbury, la., sus Rev. T. II. Eager for
$15,000 duniagee, .
Bandits Huld Up a Crew and Secure
They Cover the Section tiung with Win
chesters und Force Them to Plug the
Trnin-l'iiublc to Open a Safe,
They Kuln the Lock.
F.y the United Preps.
Fort Worth, Tex., Oct. 19.
The west bound Texas and Pacific
through express train to California,
leaving here at 9:05 this morning, was
robbed about noon today near Gordon,
70 miles west of here. The robbers se
cured about $20,000 from the Pnclflc ex
press company, and but for Inability to
open the safe of the Texas Pacific coal
company, containing $20,000 In gold,
would have made a better haul.
Four men did the work. They came
upon a section gang about noon, cover
ing them with Winchesters, and forced
them to spread tho rails and flag th
coming train. The engineer and lire-
man were then lined up with the section
gang and guarded while two men en
tered the express car and covered tin
messenger before he was aware of their
The mesenger was ordered to open the?
safe containing the money of Texan
Puciflc Coal company. Telling them ha
could not do this they seized u pick anil
ruined the combination, remarking: "If
we can't get the money these damned
miners at Thurber shan't." The rob
bers lied southward. Rewnrds aggre
gating $1,000 haw been offered for their
arrest. The money secured was taken
from the way safe.
The only time the robbers used their
revolvers was when Baggage Master
Almeras became too Inqulstlve. Ho
peered out of his car door to see what
the trouble was, and not being qulok
enough when one of the robbers told
him to take his head In, he had a nar
row escape from being struck with ft
bullet, which lmbeeded Itself In facing1
of the door. The crew say that the rob
bers did not occupy more than thirty
minutes in ransacking the train.
Young Colored (iirl Pound with Throat
Cut and Skull Broken.
By the United Press.
Albloni N. Y., Oct. 19. A most das
tardly murder occurred at the resi
dence of Joseph Van Camp, at Sawyer,
eight miles north of here last night.
Emma Hunt, a girl 18 years of age, nas
worked for Mr. Von Camp since last
spring. She was very pretty and had a
good character. Willlum Lake. 2S yearn
of age, unmarried, ulso worked at the
same place. He had paid attention to
the Hunt girl throughout the summer.
About 8 o'clock last evening Mr. Van
Camp, with his family, went to town
and reurned about un hour later. When
he entered the house he found Emma
lying on' the floor with a hammer by
her side. There was a large wound on
ner temple and nor throat had been cut
Lake Is missing nnd no trace of him
can be found. Sheriff Rice und a posse
are on his track.
Youthful Mnrdereru of Bartender Lind
huff Are Strangled.
By the United Press.
St. Paul, Oct. 19. Otto Wonlgket and
Charles Edmlsch, but la years of age,
were hanged at 5.05 this morning for tin
murder or William Llndhoff, bartender.
The doomed men showed no fear. Tha
lever thut held the trap In place was
pulled by Sheriff Chapel and Wonis
kert dropped through the floor and out
of sight of those present. About eight
seconds later Edmlsch dropped.
Death In both cases resulted from
Two I'atul Accidents ou the Allegheny
Valley Koad.
By the United Press,
Pittsburg, Oct. 19. At 7 o'clock this
morning, during a heavy fog, a train on
the Allegheny Valley railroad struck n
team and wagon at a road crossing neur
Manorvllle. The driver, named Shomo,
was fatally hurt.
An hour later another train on the
same railroad ran Into a hand-car neat
West Penn Junction. Section Foreman
O'Keefe nnd eight laborers were on the
car and all were injured. O'Keefe will
probably die.
James Holey Pays the Penalty of Poublo
By the United Press.
Fort Madison, Iowa, Oct. 19. James
O. Doley, the youthful murderer, was
executed today.
The crime for which Doley paid tho
death penalty was the murder of
his mint, Mrs. W. H. Coons, and his
cousin, N'ellie Coons, aged 10 years, on
the night of May 10, 1MI2.
He was 19 years of age and a victim of
cigarettes and yellow-backed litera
ture. i
A Company Pormcd to Bevclop Tiiwoy
.iiincrai interests.
Speclul to the Scranton Tribune.
Hollldnysburg, Pa., Oct. 19. The Tus
sey Mountain Mining and Smelting
company was organized today to de
velop the veins of gold and silver ore
in Tussey mountain, this county,
Expert mineralogists pronounce the
Bllver ore as equal to the Colorado pro
duct, and the farmers of this region
have been aroused to a frenzy of ex
citement over the discovery.
Act of Murderous Tramps.
By the United Press.
Klmlrn, N. Y., Oct. 19. Ten tramps be
came engaged In a quarrel nt South Wa
verly, Pa., this morning. Nine of thent
look the tenth, strung him up against iv
wall nnd shot him through the head, kill
ing him. One stranger was arrested, who
says he wus an eye witness to the shoot
ing and can Identify the person who llred.
Morganficld's Money Attached.
By the United Press.
('InclmiHtl, Oct. ID. The Adams Ex
pros company bus attached the money
found on Alorganfield, Jl.lmi In all. There
tire three more of the train robbers still
at lurge ami the local police have every
reason to believe that they are somewhere
In this neighborhood.
Reformed Church Synod.
By the United Press. ,
Harrisburg, Oct. 19. The Knstern Synod
of the Jteformed Church of the I'nlted
Stutes today decided to meet next year at
IKoth of Dr. W. J. hdnurds.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia. Oct. 19.-Dr. W. J. Ed
wards, a promising young physician of
Warrior Bun, Luzerne county, died today
at the Jefferson hospital after nn oper
ation for appendlctls hud beun performed.
Dr. Edwards graduated from Jefferson
Medical college in 1833, and though but 2i
years old, had alreudy established a lu
crative practice in WUltes-Barre and the
Factory Inspector Watchorn Files Keport
of Investigation.
By the United Press.
Harrisburg, Oct. 19. At the request
of Governor Pattison an Investigation
of alleged violations of the law against
company stores was made by Chief
Factory Inspector Watchorn, who has
just submitted his report. He finds
that the "Pluck Me" stores have been
the greatest cause of the violation of
the semi-monthly pay law,
Air. Watchorn points out a defect In
act of IN'Jl prohibiting mining and man
ufacturing corporations from carrying
on company stores. It deals only with
chartered corporations, leaving the In
dividual firms and non-chartered cor
porations) Id carry on the business
Four chartered corporations, the Bell,
Lewis and Yale's Coal Mining company
of Jefferson comity, the Pittsburg and
Belle Vernon Coal company of Pitts
burg, the W. L. Scott company of Eric,
and the Redstone Coal and Coke com
pany of Philadelphia, are said to con
duct company stores, but the report
says before action can be taken against
any of them under tho act of 1891, two
or more citizens, residents of the county
in which tho alleged violations have oc
curred, must petition the attorney-gen
eral under a sworn statement of com
plaint. CRANK IN A BANK.
He Fires I'ouvSliots at the Teller Before
By the United Trees.
New York, Oct. 19. A crank entered
the Clinton Pluce bank this afternoon
and demanded $1,000 from the paying
teller, Mr. Hind. The teller turned
away and told the man to wait, where
upon the latter fired at Hind's head,
but 'missed him by an inch. About
three days ago the bank olllclals re
ceived a postal card saying the writer
would call In a few days for $1,000. The
police were notified and detectives was
sent to watch the bank.
This afternoon at 1.30 o'clock a fairly
dressed man entered the bank and put
down a check on the window of Paying
Teller Hind. The puylng teller looked
around for tho detective but he wbh not
In Bight, The teller then told the man
to wait until he opened the safe. When
Hind's head was turned, the man fired
at him.
The man was seized by employes of
the bank after he had llred four shots.
He refused to say who he was. He whb
lucked up.
Hilkcs-Uarrc Court House Of flcUil Throws
I p His Position.
By tho United Press.
Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 19. George
Gardner, night watchman at the court
house, hus lied. A few nights ago he
secured a blank letter head from the
county commissioners' otlice and on It
he filled out an order for his pay.
amounting to $05. After forging the
commissioners' clerk's name to the doc
ument, he had it cashed by a hotel
keeper named August Miller. The lat
ter took the order to the county treas
urer's ofllce today, where it was pro
nounced a forgery.
A robbery took place also In the court
house on Wednesday night, and Gurd
ner is supposed to huve been the purson
who committed It.
Iulr Plaintiff at Liberty to Collect Darn
ages When She Can.
By the United Press.
Washington, Oct. 19. On a motion bv
Culderon Carlisle, counsel for Madeline
Pollard, in the case of follard vs.
NV. C. P. Breckinridge, the court of
appeals for the District of Columbia or
dered the appeal, which had been asked
for In this oase, stricken from thd docket
of the court on the ground that It had
pot been entered within the statutory
This vnds the litigation as far as the
courts of the district are concerned and
leaves the plaintiff free to collect her
Judgment of 915.000 und costs from Col
onel Breckinridge when she can.
The Spanish cortcs will be convoked on
Nov. 12. '
The pupal nuncio at Constantinople re
quested the sultan to release the Catholic
Armenian patriarch, Azurlun.
The execution or Salvador Prnnch. the
head of the Barcelona anarchist conspi
racy, will probubly occur today.
Seventeen workmen were burned to
deuth at Orosny as the result of the ditch
ing fire of a large naphtha spring.
Klectlon frauds have been discovered In
Belgium in connection With the candi
dacy of the Clerical leader, Woeste.
Ten dynamite bombs were found at Bar
celona yesterday near tho engine of n
lurge manufactory, where a number of
amu-chlsis were formerly employed.
Fuses wero attached.
Ten thousand work logmen of Vienna,
agitating for universal suffrage, had nu
merous encounters with the police last
night, but were dispersed,
I'pward of 150 Americans assembled at
the tomb of General Lufayetlo In tho
l'lchus cemetery yesterday afternoon to
perform the annual ceremony of placing
tut emblem upon the grave.
Buckenberger mny be re-engaged
manage the I'lttshurg nan club.
Charley Mitchell Is coming to America
nltulii, nnd he is coming to tight.
Young Orlffo wnnts to box Jos Wnlcott
four rounds ut Coney Islund. Walcott Is
willing to the extent of $ln,(KKl.
Princeton nnd Pennsylvania will have
It out at foot bnll In Trenton Nov. 10.
Tiernnn's batting averago during the
last mouth of the season was over .430 per
Seventy-four leiiguo players have a bat
ing itveruge of .300 or over for the season
of ISM.
Charley Kllly and Billy Pllmmer expect
to sign articles on Monday to light for
$1.0110 a side.
John S. Johnson, the wheelmnn,' will
next week, on the kite-shaped Chllllcothe,
O., truck, have u go at the records.
The naval Inspection boord Is enthtm.
lastlc over the government-built cruiser
World's fair souvenir half-dollars, for
which gold must bo paid, are In great de
mand all over the country.
Revenue Commissioner Miller hus asked
the attorney general to determine tho
rights of his bureau undor the South Caro
lina dispensary law.
Mrs. Chllds. the widow of tho Into
George W. Chllds, has taken out a permit
to erect a residence at 1527 K street,
Northwest, in this city. The building will
lie of brick, four stories, with cellar, and
will cost $40,0110.
Although the cruiser Detroit has been
In commission since July 1. l&M. and the
Montgomery since February, ltwt. Pay
ments aggregating over Illiu.HOO are with
held because final acceptance under the
law has not been effected.
weather; warmer; southwesterly
For This Week.
28 pieces, 40-inch all wool Henrt :
ettas, best shades, 50c quality,
. Special Price, 35
20 pieces, 46-inch all wool Heart'
etta, 05c. quality,
Special Price, 45c?
18 pieces, .so-inch all wool Assabel S
Dress Flannels, 40c quality, , )
Special Price, 29
25 pieces fine English Battings,
changeable effects,
Special Price, 43)
20 pieces Silk and Wool Mixtures. (
65c. quality,
Special Price, 48c
Our line of Black Goods comprises ,
the Latest and Best Designs of the
Leading Foreign Manufacturers.
510 and Ml Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail.
313 Spruce Street,
Telephone, No. 4633.
Couldn't hurt much mors trian.aty
uncomfortable hoe. Our "KOhV
RECT SHAPE" Shoe ere esy.
In Calf and Cordivanare just whal yotJ
want for Fall and Winter.
114 Wyoming Avenue.
Some people are too anxious to tnrt
When buying a watch, thinking thut .
cheap watch will do as well as a good one,
and that all the difference in watches ts
the price. May be that It required a
lnornl etlurt on your part to pay us tl for
a plain looking but honest timekeeper,
when aomebodv else generally offers you
a gold watch lor J2.60 anil Just for good
ness sake throws In a gold chuln and
charm. Of course It in all a "tame
schwlndle." ns the Jew said when he went
up In the balloon aud couldn't nnd the sli
ver lining of tho cloud. It happens every
now und then that a person sends off for
a gold watch, gets It, and then lows fallh
in watches and humanity for ver and
ever. We think it would pny you to win
on us Rnd see If we have what you want,
and If wo can't suit you at aU out of a
large stock of watches, why It Is time
enough then to send out of town for a (J.iiil
gold wateh.
408 Spruce Street.