THE SCEANT02T TRIBUNE FBI DAT MOKHTNO, OCTOBER 19, 1594. Industrial and, Commercial. c h 3IIXE, MILL AND RAILROAD. The Heading company's recent ex periment In washing its culm banks Beems, according to the Shamokln Dis patch, to have proved a success as the washerles already erected are workliiR steadily, turning out large quantities of excellent coal while new plants are be ginning to bub up with surprising quickness In places where the company owns culm banks which were hereto fore thought to be wholly useless. It is, therefore, safe to say that it will not be long until the culm wasdiery takes a prominent place among the industries of the country, for a time at least. Much advance has been made in the transportation of perishable articles by rail, but in no respect more than In shipments of fruits nnd vegetables in winter weather. Shippers and agents concur In the statement that danger in transportation by freezing has been practically eliminated in the shipment of produce by modem methods. Tht lined car now sutllces in the cool weather of spring and fall, and usually during the winter, while in extreme weather the Eastman heater car is brought into use. It is stated that a carload of potatoes or apples will with, stand a lower temperature when the car is In motion than when ut rest. Says Saward: "Viewed from the standpoint of the producer there is a tone of better trade conditions so far as the anthracite coal business is con cerned. The restriction of the output Js tending toward a strengthening of tho price list recently agreed upon for this coal at all points. It is evident, therefore, that the very wise conclusion come to in regard to keeping the sup ply within the demand is the proper biisls upon which to regulate this im portant trade. It npears that all are acting in unison upon this matter, and the returns prove conclusively that the producers are once more the masters if the situation. With the ability to do so, it sometimes appears strange that It is not always so maintained, but there are times when the desire to make a tonage record for some purpose or other outweighs the possibility of securing a price for the commodity that is in keeping with its Intrinsic value. Perchance this was the ciw during the months of June and July, and one may readily see from the aver age price realized whether it was a wise course to adopt. "In the northwest there is a change for the better in trade conditions; an thracite is moving in that territory Vith something of its old-time vim. Local deliveries are maintained In good volume, and a decidedly active demand Js in progress from the country. On the Chicago market also there Is a steadier tone as the season approaches its close. Such, indeed, Is the situation in anthracite after fourteen days test cf the market since the advance, and It will be the fault of the producers' ugents themselves If they do not hold prices steady on all new business. On the New York market there is a firmer feeling to the anthracite trade, but it cannot be said to have any of that October snap to it which is usually the case at this season of the year. There Is a good amount of coal on orders out side of the city, but it is evident that the retailers have supplies which they must get rid of before there is any great demand upon the wholesalers; some of the special coals are scarce puch as red ash und egg and smaller steam sizes. The market is one de pendent upon climatic changes, and the cooler tinge Is making the Philadelphia trade slightly more active than it wns; prices are firmer for all sizes of anthra cite for the line and city trade, al though not yet up to the list price." Watson Moore, who Is in charge of n lokie at the Yorktown colliery, has mi equal as an ingenious mechanic on tin South Side, says the Hazleton standard, and the position he holds is far be neath his qualifications. Mr. Moore takes special delight in constructing miniature engines, of which he has a half dozen at his home. His most per fect achievement In this line is a half horse power stationary engine with a boiler and all modern appliances at tached. The engine is run by steam and performs the work for which It was designed, that of propelling a small lathe, in a satisfactory manner. It Is chiefly constructed of brass and every piece of machinery Is of such a delicate Jtnish and so ingeniously contrived that u. person would consider it almost im posible for any man to complete under the circumstances. Mr. Eastwlck, of the firm of Eastwlck Harrison, of Shamokln, was the en gineer on the locomotive "North Star," which pulled the first train of cars and passengers Into Sunbury in the early part of June, 1838 nearly sixty years ago. The locomotive .was built In Philadelphia by Mr. Eastwlck and 'hipped to Sunbury by canal. At Sun bury It was unloaded, put together and hauled to Shamokln by horsepower, where It was fitted up for running. The day the trial trip was to be made was a ftreat day for Shamokln, and, in fact, lor all the people along the entire route to Sunbury. The town was thronged with folks from all parts anxious to get a look at the wonderful machine. Representatives of the Trunk line and Western passenger association huve made some progress In the direction of a settlement of existing differences, and a committee has been appointed to con sider the question nnd make an adjust ment. For the present, the business connected with the two associations will be conducted as formerly, and no Jiew difficulties are expected to develop. The existing troubles may be staled as follows: The Trunk line association ob jected to theencrduchments of the West ern Passenger association in the mat ter of immigrant business and claimed that the Western peopledemanded more than they were entitled to. Tho western roads have also been selling tickets direct to immigrants, under which the Trunk line received no credit for that part of the business over their lines. Another conference will be held two weeks hence, when all differences will doubtless be settled. The managers fully realize the necessity of obtaining full schedule rates wherever possible, and is operating expenses have been reduced about as low as possible, an earnest effort will be made to Increase income by bringing about an advance In rates wherever possible. The passenger bus iness Is of secondary considratlon, as the principal revenue is derived from A POOHDofFL J EASILY LOST MGAMDBYUSE or mi !UMHN MALT EXTRACT. im ri mil w freight. The action of the Trunk line's otllclals in agreeing to restore rates on west-bound freight through the Missis sippi river gateways to regular tariff figures on Dec. 1, is a step in the right direction, but what is called for is close adherence to the terms of such agree ment Promises to maintain rates are of no value without some regulations by which they can be enforced. An innovation which Is greatly appreciated by hurried business men and others who wish to travel with speed and comfort is the fast flyer on tho Jersey Central railroad which leaves Scranton at 12.50 noon and arrives in New York at 6 o'clock in the evening and Philadelphia at 6.40. The train Is one of the fastest In this section of the country and will not vary in its regu larity of time. It will be fully equipped in all its appointments nnd Pullman service and will only make such im portant stops as Wilkes-Barre, White Haven, Easton, Bethlehem, Reading, Harrisburg, etc. , The United States grand jury at Pittsburg found a true bill against Division Freight Agent Means of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago and St, Louis railway for violation of the inter state commerce law. Mr. Means is ac cused of makes rates on freight from Cincinnati to Pittsburg which were less than the schedule rates. The trial of tho case against the officials on the same charge was postponed until to day. ' At last the much-tnlked-of silk mill at Tresckow Is assured. Work will be be gun In a short time, so tin; directors say, in order to have the mill ready for oper ation by May 1, 18!i:. The Institution will employ about 150 hands, nearly all girls. VINOU INDUSTRIAL NOTES: The Northern Pacific's earnings for the Second Week of October Innrpnsi.rt $3,1' 18. On Nov. 1 the Kentucky Central will pass Into the hands of its new owners .ind will be called thereafter the Lex ington nnd Easfern. The Colorado Western Railroad com pany has been Incorporated to buiki lines from Grand Junction Into the as phalt region of 11 nh. The capital stock Is placed nt $1,000,000. Earnings of tho Chicago, Milwaukee ind St. Paul road for the second week in October were $037,298, a decrease of ?223,99i) compared with the earnings for the same week of last year. The work of laying the brnnches ot the Ulg Four with steel rails Is now completed. The rail used was the light rail taken up on the mnin line, most ot It sixty pounds to the yard, and none ot it badly worn. The Pennsylvania lines west of Pitts burg last week handled the largest east nnd west bound tonnage of any week r.ince September, 1892. The Panhandle freight officials have seemingly aroused from their lethargy, and last iveek took out of Chicago 7,620 tons ot freight more than either of the othel lines, and nearly as much as any two of the ten lines. General Manager Henderson, of the Reading Coal and Iron company, has returned from a two weeks' trip through the west, where he visited, ah he company's agencies, and found Ihcm to be in good condition. lie Is of the opinion that there will soon be a great Improvement In the coal business, ns orders are heavier now than they have been for some time. STOCKS AXD BONDS. Py the United Press. New York, Oct. 18. At the Stock Ex change today only 125,000 shares were traded In and of this total, American mgar, general electric, St. Paul and Chicago gas figured for 92.G00 shares. Speculation outside of the Issues named was devoid of feature, and bulls and bears alike were bemoaning the narrow ness of the market. The features of today's limited speculation were Amer ican sugar and general electric. The first named advanced to 87; fell 85"s and rose to 87. General electric was heavy throughout and broke from 3 to Alarket closed Bteady, Vi to 1 per cent, higher. The range of today's prices or the ac tive stocks of the New York market are plven below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du )). Dimmlok, man ager of William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Open- High- Low Clos ing. lug. Am. Cot. Oil Am. Sugar 87 A. M. T , At-, "op. & 8. F. Bay State Oas Can. South rn 515$ Clunap-Hke&Ohlo. Clili aK" Uus 75 Chic-Hgo N. W Kflft Chlraim, B. & Q 73 O, C. & i-t. L C, SI. & ft. Paul... COW Chlc.K. I.&Pac... mi DhI. & Hud D, L. & W DiHt.&C. F Oeneral Electric IW4 Ills. Cent Lake Shore PlV-fi Louis, & Nash ftl'j llaiitinttan El 1IIWJ Mich Cent 1W Jlo. Pac US National Cordage est. est. 87 ma b7'4 51 ll'Hs Glfj At MM 7&W no 73 &V CO tA':2 i'W l:' lOWUj W III 34 KS l'5H 11 D m lim 1 hi 27 'at. Lead New Jer. Cant Now York C'-nt.... N Y. cSrN E N.Y..L.E. W.. N. Y.. S. ! W ;o siiii 8uii N. Y.. S. & W., pr.. 4314 43)4 43tf iur. 1 ho. Nor. Pac nr Ontario & Western.. liHii liUlJ ItWl IM6 lK'-S 17!4 17-iJ ifii.4 1'Ms ii" 7 m mi rail. iX Heading, Rich. & W. P. Tenii. (.'. & I.... Texas Pacific..., Union Paclllc... W abash Wabash, pr Western L'uion. m ii" ', u" . 7 u 87 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos- lug. ett. eot. ing. WIIEAT. May , Dec. Oct OATS. Slay , Dec ct CORN. May , Dec Oct LARD. Jan Oct PORK. Jan Oct . . 2iH . ,. 4UJ4 . 7 IS ,. 7 W .12 37 .12 50 rrn 52 f'2? 27J? 41114 4$ 7 15 7 30 12 .12 12 50 MX IK-li I'M-W 27M 4!'W 4M 7 17 7 113 12 87 12 60 mm; .12 1$ r,yt 4;?2 7 17 7 ao 12 37 11 50 THROUGH HOT. u ESH neds.labelt Now York Produce Market. By tho United Press. . New York, Oct. IS. Flour Dull, weak. heat Dull. Uo. hlirhnr! Nn. 2 re.l alore and elevator, bic; afloat, 56c; f. o. b., uxrittoit. ; ungraueii red, buausc; ISO. 1 northern. G4Uc - nntlnnn rlnsd fli-m with slight advance; October. 64'ac.: Novem ber, Goc. : December. Klip.: March. Kfte Mav. 60')Q. Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2, 65n55tie. ele vator; SG'iaSG'ie. afloat; options wore dull, steady at ,aac. advance; October, 65Hc.; November, KUc; December, B3Uc: Jan uary, 52V.; May, 53o. Outs Dull, linn; October, 3114c; No vember, 32c; December, 32e.; January, 34a.; Murch, 3ii',.jc; No. 3 white November, .WliiC ; December, IRic ; spot prices, No. 2, 31Ur31,c; No. 2 white, SGV-iaJfto. ; No. 2 (iiit'HKo, Si'tnXc; No. 3, 3e.; No. 3 white, MUaSHic; mixed wes tern, 32M,a33c; white do. ui:d while state, 30a40c. lleef Dull. Tlerced Keef Dull, steady. Cut Heats Quiet, eiu-y. Lurd yulet, lower; western Bteam, $7.70; city, ?7.W; October closed $7.90; January closed $7.75 refined, quiet; continent, $805; compound, 6ati'ic. Pork Steady, quiet. ISutter Moderate demand, unchnnged; state dairy, 12a23c; do. creamery, 18a.'5e,; Pennsylvania do., 18a23c; western dairy, Uliialtic.; do. creamery, 15a25c; do. fac tory, 12al5c; Elglns, 25c. J creamery, llalllc. Cheese Quiet, easy. Eggs Quiet, choice Bteady; state and Pennsylvania, 20a22c; Ice house, 15al4'ic; western fresh, 17a20c; do. per case, $2.50a 4.25; limed, ICbc. Scranton Wholesale Market. Sernnton, Oct. 18. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., y4a7c; evaporated apples, luallc per lb.; Turkish prunes, 6u5',i'0.; English currants, 2a2'ic; layer rulHins, $1.7.jal.S0: muscatels, $l.U0al.40 per box; new Valenclas, tiu7c. per lb. Beans Marrow-fats, $2.80 per bushel; mediums, $1.70al.75. Peas Green, Jl.15al.20 per bushel; split, $2.50a2.60; lentels, 5ahc. ter lb. Potatoes Ka70c. per bushel. Onions ritishol, 70a75c Butter 17a23c. per Cheese saline, per lb. Eggs Fresh, 19a2Uc,; coolers, 17al8c, Meats Hams, J2c: small hams, 12'tc; skinned hams, 13c; California hums, S'.ic; shoulders, 8!,c; bellies, 10c; smoked breakfast bacon, 12c Smoked Beef Out sides, 1314c; sets, 15c; Insides, and knuckles, lG'ic. ; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.45 dozen. Pork Mess ot $17: Bhort cut, J18. Lard Leaf In tierces at lOVic; In tubs. 111'1!-'.; 0-pound palls, H'-ji!. per pound; 5 pound palls, 1174c. per pound; 3-pound pails, ll'-.c. per pound: compound laid, tierces, "''ic; tubs, 8c; 10-pound palls, 8'ic per pound; 5-pound palls, S'ic. pur pound; 3-poumi pails. Hie par pound. t- lour Muui' Siita patent,, per harrol $1.00 to J4.20; Ohio und Indiana nmber, at f;:.25; Graham, $3.25; I!yu flour nt $3.00. Feed Mixed, tier cwt., at $1.20. Grain Hyc. Cjc : corn, 06 to 68c: oats. 38 t'j 43c per bushel. Itye Straw Per ton, $12al4. llay-$14.50 to $16. Toledo Gi ain .Market. Ey tho United Preps. Toli'do, O.. Oct. 18. Whnnt TtprplntH. 23 bushclst; shipments, none; market firm; o. z red rnsli, Kc ; October, MVc; De cember, 52-"'ic: Xliiv. m.c: No. 3 red Ciish, ol'ia; No. 1 white eush. 51o. Corn Receipts. 1.500 bushels: shlnmenlH. 3,(I0 bushels; mnrket dull; no trading. Unts Shipments. 1.200 bushels: nuirket nominal. Clover Seed Receipts. COO bans: ship ments, none: market firm: cash und Oc tober, ?j.2U; February, t.').;!2',i.. Chicago Stock .Market. By the United Press. Chicago. Oct. J8. Cattle Tleephits. l.r.OO head; mnrket firmer; common to ex tra steers, ?2.S.'ulj.lo; slocker-i nnd feedeis, 2ii3..r0; cows and bulls, $3.23u3.50; calves, 2.2:.u.r..75. lions P.ecelnts. 27.000 bend: mnrltAf firm tor trood stock, poorer urades weak; heavy, $l.Griaf.2r; common to choice mixed, $l.f'iiiri.lS; choice assorted, $5.r.a.r.10; light, Jl.ri0a4.93; pine, t2.aia4.lifi. teheep Kecelpts. 12.0,10 head: market wenk; Inferior to choice. I2.7ua3: lambs. J1.2ja4.15. Iluffnlo Stock Market. By the United Press. Buffalo. N. Y.. Oct. 18. CntMe Tteeclnts. l,000head;on salo, six cars; market opened and cloosed dull; nothing dolus. Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head; on sale, 7,000 head; market dull; pood grades, $5.15; fair, SGaj.lO; packers. J5.20: Yorkers. J5.30a 5.35. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; on sale, 11.000 head; market dull; best native lnmbs, $4; Canada , $1.50; fair to prime, $3.50al; culls, $2.25a2.75; fat sheep, S2n2.u0; export, J3.25a3.G0: best sheep. 2.25a 2.75; culls, $1.25al.50. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia. Oct. 18. -Tallow Is dull nnd weak. We quote: City prime In hhds. 4:4c. ; country prime. In bbls. Mc: coun try, dark. In bbls. 4'jC.: cakes. 5c: grease 4c. LABOR FACTS. Artificial rubles ore made. There are fireproof coffins. New York has 30,000 barbers, France has 9,000,000 dwellings. Buttons are made at potatoes. There are hollow Klass bricks. Germany boasts aluminum hose. Klectrlc welding grows In favor. American Journals employ 35,0C0. At Ilailcy, Idaho, hay Is 2 a ton. Cattle nre branded by electricity. Russia washes linen with petroleum. Wheat Is 25 cents a bushel In Oregon. I'nclo Sam has 300 women druggists. Telegraph lines stretch 1,005,0(0 miles. Ireland has 2,830,000 acres of bog land. Londoners pay 58 cents per 1,000 for gas. Kngllsh letter carriers get $4.50 a wwok, Alabama's supply of red cedar la ex hnusttyl. The south produces over 60 per cent, of an mo couon in mo worm. At one time tanning of man's skin was a regular intlustry In France. The preparation of human hair for the mnrket gives employment to 7,0W Par isians. Tho manufacture of tinware In England originated In a trade secret stolen from Holland. Toilet soap in tho form of pnper, but slightly larger than visiting cards, is used in i' ranee. Worsted stuffs were first made at the village or Worsted, In Norfolk, Kngland, about 1313. Horses are so plentiful In Chllo and Argentina that it Is not uncommon for beggars to ride. A steel cable V(, Inches in diameter trav eling 12 miles an hour cun transmit nearly s.wni norse-power. Corner lots on Fleet street. Plcadlllv and other desirable business locations in Lon don are worth $100,000 a front foot. It Is said that tho art of brick making niiB auvnnceu more miring the last few years than almost any other Industry. M. Eiffel, builder of the famous F.I (Tel tower, estimates that for every $2'l,OU0 spent in engineering work one man is killed. At Leeds, England, there Is nn electric clock which has been continually tlckln since iMii. us motive power is natural electricity. The Louisville and Madison woolen mills at Madison, Ind., have boen sold to an or ganization of the bondholders, and their operation will be resumed. A Chicago paper says that there are In Chicago at least 6,000 places In tho manu facturing district where worklngmen are In the habit of going for liquor. There are 08,000 postofllces In the United States; about 07,100 do not pay their run ning expenses. The profit of the New York city postotllce is $4,000,000 a year. Another British steamer engaged In the petroleum trade has been fitted with furnaces and oil Jets to enable her to burn oil Instead of coal for generating steam. Soap has been substituted for wax on the recording Burface of the phonographor by a Berlin Inventor. The advantage gained Is that soap is unaffected by ordi nary changes ot temperature. An International telephone system to cover all Kurope with Its network Is one of the latest movements to bring the na tions Into more Intimate and more peace ful relations with eaoh other. The cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels and Antwerp are already connected by tele phono and the extension of the lines Is a question of only a little time. Philadel phia Record. The first trlnl of Dr. W"ood' Norway Pine Syrup wll satisfy any one that the lung-healing virtue of the pine tree has now been refined Into an affective and convenient cough medicine. Bold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction, 0 COT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAIL FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHAROB WILL BE LESS THAN 85 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ALB, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AKE INHLUtTED FRER AgtnU Wantad. WANT D - ACTIVE KALEHMEN TO handle our Una, do dd:ing. Balarr, 875 per launth and expenses puid to all. Uouda ent.rcly new. Apply yuiekly. P. O. Bjx, KlOii, ttuntou, Man. Helo Wanted Femalaa. LADIES - YOUR NAME BENT ON stamped envelope will give you steady work; good salary. No canvassing. Nettie Harrison, ban Francisco, Cal. Help Wanted Male. rXNTLnciraj tart; permanent place. BROWN BROS. COMPANY, Nurserymon, Rochester, For Rent. AAAAAAAAA XR RENT-ONE HOUSE, 020 QUINOY avenue; poasussion at 01 ce; rent, t all on or address E. FINN & SONS, corner Olive and Adaina. 1. OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST ' Larkuwiinna avenna. Aridre-tn 'I HUM AS E. EVANS, acar 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. OR RT.NT-ONE HALF STORE. 12UPeun i. avenu $.10 par month. IORRENT-NICI LY FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge room JOHN JEii MYN, 110 Wyoml g ovenu. Boarding HOARDERS ANTED FOUR YOUNO 1 ' man rnn find L'ood bour I In private fnm Iiv; tun ininnU'i court house. Ayply at i'- 0 Pine HirMit. Board Wanted. rpVO ROOMS AND III A HD WANTED I for man and wife nt d child 3 years 01 ntfo. Ad I roan P. O. Box Hi.', Lily. Special Notice. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPItlXT 1 Frank I.eali'" Illustrated Week v Wat I'luntnitio s 1801-lBik'i. Two Volume Folio, f 10.50: payable monthly, Si.1,0. Delivered by express iMnpli-te, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. .uuuui , mi uiuwra "troui, eserantuB, ra. BLANK BOOKS, PvMPHLKTS, MAOA ziucs. etc.. bound or rebound at Tim Thiiiune ollice. yaick work. Keasoiiablu prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BK HAD AT 141 rornoi .-pru:e street an I Franklin ave nue. Twenty mtal tickets tor IJ.50. Oood able hi'ur 1. Charter Application. Y 0TK'iinfijRla'i 4. i anidication will ba ma ie to the Court of C minion i ln:.a nf Lnckaw.inna county, or one of the law judues thereof, on Rept. 24, P!i4 nt 0 o'c ock a.m., by Jolin T hdwardft, Evan J. Williams, William J. Jenkins, John It. Kinhnrds snd Thonins 1 ewia. under the act of ai-sumbiy of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, annua 1 "An no: tn provide lor th ini-orpoiMtl u and regulation of certain cor porations." approved the 2tUbof April, .1174. a d Hiip;l('ra -utH tt are;o, for tua cliarter of un intended eo TO-ari m to be ca i"d "Hyde Hark l,nde, No. 30J, Knights or Pythias of the State of I'e insylvauls," the character and object cf which is the maintenance of a so ciety for bun: nVinl and proter-tivD purposes tops member from Inndi collect id therein, nnd for those purposes to have, po-s9 nn 1 enjoy all ttie rm its and bnuortu ut said act of ns muiy and iti supplements. Ham applica tion is now on file In the I'rcthonotarv'a ofllc of I. aclia.vnnna county as of No, 9U, Septem ber term, mill. H. L. TAYLOR, W. 11. LEWIS, Solicitors. Situations Wanted. 4 YOUNO MAN OK GOOD HABITS. I strong and willing to work, would like a position an driver of delivery wagon: Is well acquainted with city; also undorstauds double eutrv bookkeeping. .-.Uilrjss w, J. 1'nllo, Clark's Summit. A "A TED IMMEDIATELY. A POSITION ' by young man IS years of age; best of roierenco. Ant, i riDime omce. 4 PROTEST ANT OF FIFTY, WISHES A 1 .1. position at watchman, collector or sales- man. Addresa II. H., Tribune ollice. s SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO ninn. Can speak five different kind i f a'lgunges and had five yn ,im ex)ierienc iu rlothing and gents furnishing go'.ils nnd tvo yonrt lu sho line; age, 2J, Address P. K. Tribune building. WANTED -SITUATION AS OFFICE V V girl. Can furnihh good reference! nnd ( xpect low wanes to Hart with. Anxious for work. Age, is. Address M. C. B., O.d Forge, Lackawanna county, i n. CITPATION WANTED FOR WASHING O or scrubbing or any kind of work by the day. Cull or avenue, city. sduress ii, a, 834 N. Sumner SITUATION WANTED A3 CLERK HAVE k' had experience .m the business; can fur nish tho very bi-sr of reference. Address V, C, box 84, Moutrose, Pa. AOUNO MAN WOULD LIKE A POSITION 1 in grocery store; with some experience. Apply mi nun avenue. CllX'ATlON WANTHD IN 8TOHE OR KJ (dllce. typewriting preferred, by a young Indy aged 7. wen educated. Small salanv ex pected. Miss W. , 8-1 Dels ware street. VJlTUATIuN WANIED BY A GIKL TO DO k ' light bnuewrk. Address Ko. I Breck court, scranton. CITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN desiren a nltnat on as boekkeenar. Exne- rienced and good references. Willing to b gin on sinnil wugMS. Addrasj. u w., uity onilng avenue. UTUATIOM WANTED BY A WOMAN TO O doll use c!a ilnir, or i lfli-es, or w.ishln r i-lllces. or w..shlni J. D., 33J Twentiet; by I ho nay. Address street, Ilyd-i Park. A N ACTIVE RELIABLE MAN. WITH iV good ref r' nces, of middle age, wi hes employment. Qn-k and c irrect In Azures. nve yens experience ns single entry Hook keeper ana cieru. win work for 'nv wages that will pay board. Adarrss w. is. Tribune ollice. ClTUATION WANTTD YOUNG MAI k? goo I hub is world like Job around h AN OF irses. J. n.. ai;i I'irsr street. CHAT FOR WHEELMEN. The fastest novloe rnce ever run took place at lienver on Sept. 29. It was won by F. II. McCall and the time was 2.15. The American road record for five miles Is now 11.19. It was placed at this mnrk on a recent Sunduy hy H. C. Van Nent, in the South Bide Cycling club's road race in Chicago, Chestnut runs are popular With Phila delphia wheelmen just now. Local clubs have cauirht the fever, and chestnutting parties are belni; talked of by a number of cycling parties. Two Chicago cyclists on a tour of the world propose to explore a territory never entered by a wheel. Tho durine riders are F. A. Puduett and William M. Breckin ridge. They follow the Santa Fe to Bun Francisco, thence by steamer to Aus trala, traversing the Sandwich Islands, FIJI, nnd Samoan Islands, New Zealand and Australia. Leaving the colonies, Cey lon will next be visited, then across the straits and up the whole length ot India. Leaving the British dependency, they will proceed to Constantinople, thence through Palestine and Arabia over the Isthmus of Sues Into Egypt; thence to Morocco, and enter civilisation by way of Gibraltar. When Baby was ilex, we fave her Outorla. Vrhen she was a Child, she cried for Cantoris. When she becama Miss, she clung to Castorla. Woes she had Children, ab gave them Catorl (onnolly Dress Bannockburn Suitings, 54 Don't fail to look these Silk and Wool Mixed Novelties, 40 inches wide, one of the on our counters. Dress Robes, High Class Novelties, at the price of cheap goods, Fully oue-ihird under regular prices. FrOtTI $5 Up to $12 Each. Our $10.00 Robes attract great CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK nnd Others STULTZ 2 BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL riERCHANDlSE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING 1 iianufaotured at tbs Wnpwallopen Mills, Lo loruo county, Pa., and at Wll mlLgtou, Dola.varo, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Geuersl Agent (or the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. AGENI'IEH : TH08. PORD, 1 ittston. Pa. JOHN B. H11ITII & SON, Plymouth. Pa. K. W. WULLIOAN, W ill;e, li.rru, Pa. Agents for the Henauno CUeuiical Com pany's High Explosives. Moloney Oil end Manufacturing Go OILS,- VINEGAR AND CIDER HI to 101 MERIDIAN ST, ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART- I MAN S PATENT PAINT, which conslHts of ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roots, also to brick dwelings, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ing or breaking of tho brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed ono-llfth that of the cost of tinning, lu sold by tho job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HdUTMATN, 627 Birch SL THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and Et Louis Ry.) between fli I) Columbus, Bprlnrfleld, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, With magnificent Wanner SleeDing cars. Combination Library and Cafe gant Coaches and Dining cars. and Cafe care. Ele " The Finest Train in America." Bo that your tlokets read via th BIQ 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnished on application to 8. J. GATES, Gen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. M. El. Ins-alls, President; D. a Martin, General Passenger Agent; B. O. McCor (Uok, Trada Manage r Cincinnati, O, IU. WEST'S III 11 oil 8c Wallace Goods Specials. inches wide, strictly all wool, 6 yard patterns. up. Price, $4.50. attention. Our Neighbors Get $14 for the same. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. c J Scranton bv the CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN COMPLEXION BLEMISHES May tie hidden Imperfectly by cosmetics and powders, but can only be removed permanently by Hetzel's Superior Face Bleach It will positively remove FRECKLES, TAN, MOTH, SALLOWNESS, and cure any diseases of the skin, such as PIM PLES, ACNE, BLACKHEADS, OILI NESSjind renders the skin soft and beau tiful. Price tl per bottle. For sale at E. M. HETZEL'S 330 Lacka. Ave., Scranton, Pa. CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES A Child's Blcyels, Rubber Tire, ns w S9 A ( blld's Bicycle, Knrt'wr Tiro, new 10 A Boy's Blcyole, Rubber Tire, new 1 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 18 4 Boys' or Qirls Bicycle Cushion Tire, now 60 down to S t Youth's Bicycle, Pneuinatlo Tire.nsw.. 85 8 Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatlo Tire.seo- ond hand 10 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pnoumatlo Tire, new 80 1 Secure B cycle, Pneumatlo Tire, sso- ond-'.isnd 80 1 Lovel Diamond B:oycls, Solid Tire, second-hand 10 1 Ladles' Blcyole, BoUd Ttre, second hand . 8 i Viator A Blcyolos, Boltd Tire, second hand 18 1 Viotor C Blcyole, 1W In. cushion Tire, secondhand 35 1 Victor B Bicycle, 1H In. Cushion Tire, secondhand 40 1 Columbian 'W BIcycle.PneumatloTlre, 85 1 Chainleas Bioyclo, Pnsumatlo Tire, neat ly new 100 Coine Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a dis count of one-third for two weeks. J. D. WILLlflHS & BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. In full possession of our old qunrters, but are working under dltllcultles which nothlnir but Immediate ready money will tide over. Our creditors claims have been fully met at an Immense sacrifice on our part. How ever, we have still a large stock of choice Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, etc.. on hand, and are determined to ronllze on It with all possible speed, ns without the free use of the almighty dollar In the markets, wo woi'ld be ef fectually crippled in the coming holl day trade. TO SFCURS THIS We will ninke Huge Reductions on stock at private rale dally, refus ng no oner wit n m tne ooumis oi reason, an i for the bencllt of those who buy at miction, we have lnbtiucted City Auc tioneer Harris to m AT AIJCnON Every Pnturdny evening at 7.80, when every article put up will be sold Willi out reserve to the highest bidder. C. W. FREEMAN Diamonds, Watches. J wdry, E:c. Cor. Penn Ave. and Sprue St. Ladles Who Value A refined complexion mast use Pozzont'i Fowl der. It produces a eoft and beautiful akin nti mm" BLOSBPOISOasfS. tallln pnali ud lOO-pam book illuttrattd Iraa UbrNmWoploirl.ftMbjnitl Shra S3prin, us MtmrrlkU, Our Mnrrlo Remedy "i nlUTClr ran. coos aaatui ., nw. WE'RE BACK AGAIN best things Price, 48c. a Yard. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. Atlantic Refining Co Manufacturers snd Dealers In Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound; also a largo line of Par afiine Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil In the mui ket. Win. Mason, Managr Odlce: Coal Exohagne, Works at Pine Brook. Wyoming Ave. .to.c Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Eld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORK.3. Lafllin ft Rand Powder Co.' Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Puses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse ana Repanno Chemical Co.'s HighEiplosivej "WELL, SIR" "Spectacles J" iTes sir! We have a specialist here to fit you who dues nothing else. .Sit riijht down and have your eyes fitted in a 6cleutitic manner. LLOYD, JEWELER, 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Instruments In every tense of th terra as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful n. ss of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. S9 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY 1 E.C.RICKER&XO 1115 Adams Ave.,.Now Tolaphont Bdg A. W. JURISCH, 405 SPRUCE ST. BICYCLES AND SP0RTIN6 GOODS. Victor, Oendron, Eclipse, Lovall, I)la . tnond anil Other .Wheal. linilfilLOIICill! 01 bS li1" rinSSpTaTSSf-o