The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
ajw 1 1 1 1 1 JLf i . 1 .1 L1 J I! 1 -III. . W J
Want Carpets,
Wall Paper or
Window Shades
Come to Us. We have
J a Foil Line of Goods,
and Our Prices Are Very
Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur
day, 2p. m.
The hotel license of Joseph Nltch, of tho
Kleventh ward, was yesterduy transferred
to Frunk Bonln.
Donations to St. Joseph's Foundling
home will be received next week Wednes
day and Thursday.
Clerk of the Courts Thomas granted a
marriage license yesterday to William
Shaw and Slury Cummlngs, both of this
city. '
An unoccupied house owned by the Del
aware and Hudson company near the Von
Storch shaft was destroyed by fire last
night at 11.30.
The report of the viewers of the pro
posed road In .Lehigh township was con
firmed ntsl and the width of the road
fixed at tifty feet.
Owing to "no Quorum" the street m1
bridges committee transuded no business
last night and the meeting was adjourned
until this evening at 7.3u.
The high school committee of the board
of control met last night to discuss the
heating of the proposed high school, but
no definite action was taken.
This evening the sight Blnglng class of
the Scranton School of Music will meet at
Conservatory hall, 4ic Lackuwarmu ave
nue. New members will be received.
The New York, Ontario and Western
Railway company will run Its annual full
excursion to New York on Monday, Oct.
!9. Tickets are irood on anv train. Fimn
this city the rata will be 1(4.25 for a round
trip ticKet.
A meeting nf the national council of the
Jewish women will be held In the vestry
rooms of the Linden Street temple at 7.30
o'clock this evening, ill! ladles belonging
to me congregation lift their friends are
cordially Invited. 1
The conareration orfthn African Meth.
odlst Episcopal churcn of Howard place
1..., I..U. . 1 1 . . I . - . , . ..
jam 111111 icnueieu a recepuun to ineir
pustor. Rev. C. A. McOJee, who. has Just
returned from the conference at Wheel
ing. W. Va. A. Lee, on behalf of the con
gregation, made an appropriate speech, to
which Mr. McUee replied.
The North End Basket Ball club, com
posed of the following well known play
. era, 7.ang, Steel, Davis, Tonklng, Mo
Keehan, Foster, Gabriel, Jackson, Brleg
and Rhule, wish to arrange a game with
any club In the city. None barred. First
come first served, at any date or place.
Please answer through The Tribune. Burt
H. McKeehun, manager; Waddle Davis,
.Manager Mishler was In the cltv yester
dMy. He says Brady's melodrama, "Old
lllory," founded upon scenes of the Chil
ean trouble, was presented In Rending
Tuesday and aroused the large sized audi
ence to great enthusiasm. The story Is
Interesting, well told by satisfactory ac
tors, the costumes are attractive and the
stage pictures handsome. It Is a lively
performance of the popular kind, and
sure to please a great audience. "Old
Olory" will be given at the Academy of
Music tonight.
A great audience will greet Professor
Samuel Dickie at the Frothlnghum this
evening, who Is to deliver the third of the
course of lectures munuged by the Cen
tral Prohibition league. Professor Dickie
is the chairman of the national Prohibi
tion committee, and Is- known as one of
the finest speakers on the American plat
form. Last evening, the entire house, ex
cepting less than thirty Heats hnd been
sold. Tallle Morgan and his male voice
Rlee club will render several selections bo
fore the lecture.
Gentlemen's Driving club races Satur
day, it p. m.
Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark
ling, at Lohman's, Spruce street.
Tha new "Progressive! Building and
Loan association" of Scranton, Is now
open for business. It will employ a few
responsible persons to solicit shares In the
several towns of this county. Address
the Association, room 8 Liberty building,
Scranton, Pa.
No use to pay J8.G0 for an eight-day
clock, half hour strike, cathedrul sons.
French marble, when Dnvidow Bros, can
ell you the same thing for $4.99.
Buy the Weber
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros
Rings. Sterling Bllver Rings for the la-
flies. All styles, sizes ami shape. Home'
thing entirely new for 25c. at Davldow
Just call around and see the shoes the t
Bros, sell lor 1.. 508 Lackawanna ave.
Expressmen and Freight Houses
are kept busy delivering a new llr.e of
goods daily at Davldow Bros.
The Privlng Park
lots will be opened to the public some
day next week. The date will be given In
Tribune later. et facilities offered,
such as street railways, gas and water,
etc. Watch The Tribune for the date of
No us to pay S.0O for an eight-day
clock when Davldow Bros, can sell you
the same thing for
m r rrf i v.i f a ran
Next Week Kill Be the Most Inter
esting to Republicans.
Arrangements That Are Made for Ills Re
ception-Places Where Ho Will De
liver Address-Meetings to
Be Ileld This Week.
Next Monday will b a banner day for
the Republicans of Scranton and vicin
ity. General Hastings and associate
candidates on the state ticket, reinforced
by Hon. Charles Emory Smith, editor
of the Philadelphia Press, City Solici
tor Charles P. Warwick, of Philadel
phia, and other eminent speakers, will
be in this city, and between noon and
bed time will address five immense mass
The purty of distinguished orators
will leave Philadelphia for Scranton
Monday morning, arriving here at the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
statlun at 1.07 o'clock in the afternoon
At Manunka Chunk the purly will be
met by a committee of prominent Lack
a wanna Republicans. After the recep
tion at the station in this city, in which
Bauer's band will participate, the party
will be driven at once to the Wyoming
House. After a brief rest, General Has
tings and companions will proceed at
once to Providence, where, at 3.30
o'clock, if the weather be favorable,
they will address an open-air meeting.
Half an hour later, another open-air
meeting will be held in Hyde Park, at
a convenient place yet to be announced.
A third meeting will be held after sup
per in the South Side, with the Germa
nla band in attendance.
Two Immense Muss Meetings.
But the oratorical event of the day
will occur Monday evening1, at 8 o'clock,
when two Immense mass meetings will
be held simultaneously in the Thir
teenth regiment armory and In the
Frothlngham theater. General Has
tings and Charles Emory Smith will
speak at both meetings, alternately.
There will be other prominent speakers
at both places. The county candidates
will be In attendance, and both meet
ings will, it is expected, be very largely
A meeting of the committee on ar
rangements was held at the Central Re
publican club rooms last evening,
upon call of Chairman Fred W. Fleltz.
Walter E. Davis, esq., acted as secre
tary. Three BUb-commltees were ap
pointed, as follows: On printing, Llvy
S. Richard, George B. Thompson and
George H. Shires; on music, Milton W.
Lowry, Walter E. Davis and John II.
Reynolds, and on transportation,
George B. Thompson, Fred W. Fleitz
and E. E. Robathan. In addition to
these committees, George H. Shires and
Thomas Shotten were appointed to
superintend the details of the North
End meeting; John H. Reynolds and E.
E. Robathan, the West Side meeting,
and Philip DIppre and Charles Hamm,
the meeting on the South Side.(
The Programme for Tuesday.
During his stay in Scranton General
Hastings will be entertained by Major
Everett Warren, president of the State
league of Republican clubs. Major
Warren is now with the general and his
party upon a tour of the northwestern
On Tuesday, Oct. 23, the Hastings
party will proceed by special train to
Carbondale, making short stops at each
intermediate station. Durlntr thpse
eneral Hastings will deliver
ches from the car platform
of the committee in charge
s programme contemplate a
etlngs the like of which has
own in this state since the
ours of that distinguished
lla favorite, the late James
The attendance of every
an In the valley is cordially in
The Cnnvuss Is Beginning to Assume Very
uveiy proportions.
There can be no complaint of lnko.
warmness on the Republican side. A
dozen meetings are in simultaneous pro
gress each evening, and everywhere the
ouiHuniasm js reported to be excep
tlonal for an off venr.
lonignt Charles a. Kriem, of Phila
delphia, will sneak in I.lnilB'a i.nit
Archbald. On Friday evening an im
mense mass meetingof Republicans will
oe nem in jermyn Dorough. The prln
Cipal Speaker Will be rVimrrouainnn
Charles W. Stone, of Warren, one of
uiH aoiesi memDors or the present con
gress and a peerless authoritv nn mien,
Hons of political economv and fin nnna
Congressman Stone will be asslnted by
n.. u. iuioorn, jr., wno win, on Satur
day evening, speak with Mr. Stone in
A meeting of the West Side ReDUbll
can league will take place tomorrow
evening. The meeting will arrange for
the injection of a new instalment of
ginger into the already enthusiastic
ranks of the Hyde Park Republicans.
On Saturday night Secretary Fred W
Fleitz, of the State league of ReDUbll-
can clubs, will address a big Repugllcan
meeting in Luzerne borough.
Nothing Has Ever Equalled the Enthusiasm
of Western Republicans.
"I have been through a number of
lively campaigns." said A. J. Colborn,
Jr., yesterday, who had Just returned
from a speaking tour of Allegheny,
Beaver and Lawrence counties, "but 1
want to say that I have never seen such
a universal feeling of party enthusiasm
as is to be witnessed at the Republican
mass meetings in the strong industrial
districts in and near Pittsburg. The
crowds that gather there are simply
enormous; and the spirit they manifest
makes me think that all estimates of
General Hastings' plurality next month
will be far exceeded by the reality.
"Just one instance. The other day
they Dined me to speak in an old skat
lng rink In what is known as the Bouth
Side of Pittsburg. I was afraid there
would be a small attendance, as I was
the only speaker from a distance,
When the doors were opened, 8,000 steel
and iron workers swarmed into the
building, and such cheering and ap
plauding you never heard in your life,
It wasn't so much my talk; that was
only ordinary. It was Just simply the
vent of pent-up enthusiasm for the Re
publican cause and of dissatisfaction
with the way tnings nave Deen going
since the Democrats took hold."
Week after next, at the urgent solid
tatlon of David Martin, Mr. Colborn
will' go to Philadelphia and remain
there, delivering speeches nightly In the
different wards, until a few days before
election. Mr. Colborn has had Invlta
tlons ffom nearly every section of the
state, t ut the promise made to David
I Vs
sel I
Martin pad priority-
Magnificent Meeting Held in Nutter's Hull
on Alder Street.
South Side Republicans last night at
tested their party fealty beyond all
question by the unanimous and enthu
siastic reception given to the speakers
at the mass meeting In Natter's hall, on
Alder street. The hall, although spa
cious, could not accommodate the num
ber that sought access.
At 7.30 Germania band from the bal
cony opened the meeting with an over
ture. Charles Neuls was chairman
and Attorney John M. Harris was the
first speaker. He paid a tribute to each
Charles B. Krelm, of Philadelphia,
spoke after Mr. Harris, and his remarks
in German were frequently applauded.
The drift of his talk was on the relative
effect of tariff and free trade.
The next speaker was Congressman J.
A. Scranton. Mr. Scranton's speech was
a ringing declaration of the policy of
protection. He greeted his hearers not
as Republicans, but as fellow-protectionists.
He said he was no calamity
howler, but could not pass blindly the
action of the party now in power. The
Democrats are rsponslble for idle mills
and suspended Industries. Mr. Scranton,
in conclusion, prophesied that the ma
jority for General Hastings would roll
up to 250,000 votes.
Cundldate John R. Jones was the next
sneaker introduced. He reviewed the
work of each aspirant for favor at the
hands of the Republican party; what
work each one had done to entitle him
to recognition. Mr. Jones' speech was
eloquent and well delivered. The con-
luiling speech was delivered ly it.
. Zimmerman.
About 800 citizens were present and an
Intense interest was taken In the
speeches. In the Interims between the
speeches the occasion was enlivened
with strains by the Germania band.
Marriage of Miss New house, of Wilkes
Barre, to Herman I.nngfcld.of This City,
Ceremony Performed in tho Washing
ton Street Temple, Wllkes-llarre.
An event which attracted consider
able Interest in Scranton and Wilkes-
Barre social circles and among Jewish
people particularly was the wedding
last night of Miss Ella Mae Newhouse,
of Wilkes-Barre, to Herman Langfeld
of this city. The bride is a beautiful
and accomplished girl, a daughter of
Mrs. Isaac Newhouse, and has been a
leader in Wilkes-Barre's select circle ot
Jewish people. Mr. Lancfeld Is nro
prletor of the Haslacher millinery es
tablishment, on Lackawanne avenue.
and occupies a prominent position In
ocranion s mercantile circles.
Hie wedding occurred in the Wash
ngton avenue temple. Wilkes-Barre.
the rabbi, Rev. Israel Joseph, D. D.,
performing the ceremony. In all its
appointments and detail the affair was
conducted with delicate tnste and was
attended "by many well known Scran
ton people. At 8:30 o'clock the temple
was completely ftlle.d with guests anu
friends of the bridal couple. Preceding
the nuptials an enjoyable organ prelude
was performed by Professor Carl
Schmidt. Palms, ferns, smllax and
roses were used In the decorations of
the altar and temple furniture.
Members of the Hiidnl Party.
Miss Newhouse entered the temple
under the escort of her brother. M. J
Newhouse, of New York, who gave the
bride to her husbnnd-elect at the altar,
Mr. Langfeld was attended by his best
friend, Edward Valk, of Y likes-Unrre.
The following completed the bridal
party: Miss Laura Newhouse, sister of
the bride, maid of honor; Miss Jennie
Newhouse and Miss Bertha Hoff-
heimer, of Wilkes-Barre; Miss Nellie
Kramer of Scranton; and Miss Lynna
Cohen, of Pittston, bridesmulds; Jonas.
Haslacher, of Rochester; Albert N
Kramer, of Scranton; Jonas Well, ol
New York; Bernard Lons, Dr. Charles
Long and F. P. Langfleld, of Wilkes-
Barre. ushers.
In all the color details, which in
eluded the gowns and house and church
decorations, the wedding was esBeu-
tlnllv white, light green and pink.
The brides gown was or white
duchesse satin, trimmed wth duches.e
lace and made entrain; the bodice was
made full, trimmed with muslin de
soie and duchesse lace and ornamented
with trailing clusters of orange bios-
Boms. A silk tulle veil was draped
from a fastening of orange blossoms.
She carried a bouquet of bridal rose
and wore no ornaments.
The maid of honor wore a sea-foam
taffeta Bilk of walking length, the
French bodice being garnatured about
the neck and shoulders with plstache
colored chiffon, which material covered
the skirt. She carried pink chrysan
themums. The bridesmaids wer
gowned In white taffeta silk with ligh
creen chiffon trimmings and sashes
They carried white chrysanthemum?.
An Elaborate Reception.
Following the ceremony a reception
was given by the bride's mother at her
home, 61 Ross street. The floral decora
tlons. refreshments, music and en
tertalnlng details were as elaborate and
complete as carte blanche orders to
florist, caterer and musician could
make them. The lower floor rooms
hallway and staircase were decorated
with tastllly arranged white and pink
roses and chrysanthemums, ferns,
palms and smllax by Marvin. The wed
ding supper was served by Mrs. Hocn
relter and music furnished by Oppen
heimer. In a boudoir on the second
floor was displayed a numerously as
sorted, handsome and valuable collec
tion of gifts which were silent but
forcible testimonials of the popularity
of the brldnl couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Lnngfleld left on th
midnight Lehigh Valley train for
wedding trip of about ten days, after
which they will reside at the wyo
mlng House until the completon of their
private residence.
Among me, oui-oi town weuuin
euests were: Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gold
smith. Mrs. H. Kramer, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Freeman, Mr. and . Mrs. Joseph
Lew. Mrs. Josephson, Mrs. Fried
lander, Mr. and Mrs. L. Marks, Miss
Lauer. Miss Time Lauer, miss aiartn
Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Nye,
Miss Nettle Nye, and Levi and Samue
Kramer, all of Scranton; Mrs.
Brooks, New York; Mr. and Mrs.
Haslacher, Rochester.
Some of Thoso Who Remembered the Or
plinns Yesterday.
Yesterday was donation day at the
Home for the Friendless, and all day
long the managers continued to recelv
from various sources money and art!
cles that would be of value In the home,
The cash donations amounted to more
than $300.
Donations of goods were received
from the following: Mrs. Will
Brown, Mrs. W. H. Perkins, Mrs. Wat
son, Mrs. C. Comegys, Mrs. Simon Rice,
Mrs. N. Y. Leet, Mrs. O. W. llornbaker,
J. P. Lee, of Scott township; Reese J,
Brooks, Frank Barker, Storrs & Con
rad, Mrs. Duggan (Associated Chart
ties), Mrs. W. R. McCave, Mrs. F. W
Mason, Henry Belln, Mrs. H. W. Kings
bury, Mrs. J. M. Chittenden. Mrs. W
H. Storrs, Mrs. Lewis Moi'bs, Mrs
R. Moffat, Mrs. Dan Langstaff, Mr
W. W. Scranton, Mr. Schaur, Mrs.
H. Vandiing, Lackawanna Iron an
Coal Company store, Y. G. Bevan, II,
M. Edwards, Mrs. Phillip Schnell
Helser & Warnke, Mrs. William Hall
stead. Mrs. H. P. Simpson, Mrs. Ed
ward Chamberlain, Walter L. Mathews,
Rev. Richard Hlorns, Mrs. H.
Lackey, Mrs. William OBtnond, Mrs. D,
J. Crossley, Mrs. F. W. Mason, Mrs,
D. D. Evans, Mrs. Edward James, Jr,
Mrs. J. J. Roberts, Mrs.1 R. H. Frear,
Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mrs. L. B. Powell,
Mrs. W. Bloom, Mrs. William McClave,
Miss Howell, Hotzel & Collins, Mrs. C.
8. Woolworth, Everltt brothers, Mrs.
J. L. Connell, Mrs. J. Center, Mrs. John
Brown, Mrs. George Horn, O. S. Sea-mans.
nterestinq Mcctinrj Held by the An
thracite Coal Operators.
Was Followed by Lunch at the Bicycle
Club House Resolutions Passed on
Death of E. B. Lctscnrlng-Pa.
pers Thot Were Reod.
A regular meeting of the Anthracite
Coal Operators' association was held
in Scranton yesterday. By invitation
of Superintendent C. R. Manville the
members of the association had a very
enjoyable ride over the Delaware and
Hudson and Gravity railroad to Hones-
dale and back. Luncheon was served
at 2 p. m. at the rooms of the Scranton
Bicycle club, and after the inner man
was satisfied the meeting was called to
order. E. B. Ely, of New York, was
made temporary chairman in the ab
sence of President Connell.
The roll call showed the following
gentlemen present: William H. Rich
mond. M. S. Kemmerer. Thomas M.
Rlghter, Edward Jones, E. P. Kings
bury, E. Trucy, T. H. Watklns, E. L.
Fuller, C. I). Simpson, E. B. Ely, T. L.
Ireene, W. T. Smith, W. O. Payne, T.
. Jones, W. Klshbaugh, II. P. Simpson,
John B. Law, W. A. May, J. S. Mc
Anulty, E. D. Jenkins, M. L. Drelsbach,
N. Shipman, C. .P Mathews, W. W.
Watson, II. H. Ashley, C. P. Hunt, W.
H. Holllster, R. J. Matthews, S. L.
Brown, J. A. Roberts, K. N. Smith, T. D.
ones, C. N. Sanderson, James Areh-
bald, Dr. J. N. Rice, J. T. Richards, J.
Fritz, G. U. jermyn, Thomas
Sprague, S. B. Bennett, John Jermyn,
b. Johnson, Harry Evans, II. G.
Brooks, C. R. Manville, B. S. Harmon,
F. T. Patterson, Albert Lelsenrlng, Jo
seph Jermyn, R. B. Vi illlams, J. C. Mc-
Clure, William Winton, M. J. Wilson.
Eulogy on Mr. Lclscnring.
The chairman announced to the asso
elation the death of E. B. Leisenring,
the vice-president. After an address by
Secretary Simpson, In which he related
the Important part taken by Mr. Lels
enrlng In the negotiations which led to
a renewal of the contracts between the
Individual operators and the Lehigh
Valley railroad, and also the interest
which Mr. Leisenring had always shown
in the organization of the association
and its policy and aims, the following
resolutions were adopted:
Resolved. That In the death of Vice-
President Edward B. Leisenring, the
Anthracite Coal Operators' association
loses one of its most faithful officer
and warmest friends. Identified with
the anthracite coal trade all his life,
hrouuh his knowledge, energy and in
fluence freely exerted on behalf of all
trade interests which hud a claim upon
his attention, and by his business sa
gacity and personal character he won
for himself a leading and enviable posi
tion in all trade councils. Born In
Mauch Chunk 49 years ago, son of the
late John Leisenring, who, during his
lifetime, was prominently identified
with the development of the Lehigh
Coal and Navigation company. Mr.
Leisenring was made president of that
company a year or more ago. vi nue
Mr. Leisennngs business ventures
brought him Into prominence in the
slate, lumber and other Industries In
many states, it was as a leader in tne
mining of anthracite coal that he will
be best remembered. In company with
the trade at large, this association feels
the loss of his services, which were
valuable beyond estimate. Careful In
his business methods, yet bold when
occasion required It; prompt in fulfilling
every duty; possessed of that true po
liteness which comes from a kind neart;
always exhibiting that kind considera
tion for the rights and feelings of other
which distinguish the gentleman, Mr.
Leisenring, as a man of business and a
man of character, will long be remem
bered by his friends nnd associates.
This association gratefullly puts on rec
ord its recognition of tho valuable ad-
vice and warm friendship snown ov
Vice-President Leisenring during the
organization of the association, and ot
the active interest which he continued
to take in its objects and aims till his
Resolved, That as an expression of
sympathy for the loss which this as
sociation, as well as the whole trade,
has sustained in the death of Mr. Leis
enring, these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes and a copy, appro
priately prepared, be presented to the
bereaved family.
Matter of Insurance.
Statistics reported by the fire in
surance committee showed the actual
losses during the last live years on
breakers and engine houses to have
averaged $1.40 per $100 of insurance an
nually, being about $1 per $100 of in
surance lower than the usual rates
charged by tho Insurance companies.
A very interesting paper was reaa
by E. L. Fuller on the brenking ot
grate coal into smaller sizes, which elic
ited a great deal of discussion. The
subject will be taken up again at the
next meeting.
Addresses on the state of trade were
made by Messrs. Watklns and Ely, and
on motion of Mr. Jermyn thanks were
voted to Mr. watklns lor nis moors
on behalf of the assoclatino. A paper
by T. L. Greene was read on the sub
ject of better anthracite statistics.
After a vote oi inanits 10 ouueiui-
tendent Manville and the Delaware and
Hudson Canal company, and to the en
tertainment committee, Messrs.
Sturges, Fuller and Joseph Jermyn, the
meeting adjourned
Mrs. Bridget Mclluah Orders That They
lie Dispossessed by tho Sheriff,
Mrs. Bridget McHugh yesterday
placed in the hands of Sheriff Fahey a
writ to dlsposses Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Stevens, who occupy a brick building
on Oakford court, near Linden Btreet,
which was for several years occupied
by Madame Brandt.
Mrs. Brandt betook herself to Wilkes
Barre several months ago and her es
tablishment In this city was leased by
Mrs. McHugh to the Stevens, There
was a provision In the lease that If the
place was used for immoral purposes
(daily) very fine Grapes,
aud otter tlieni at very
low pnees as follows:
CONCORDS, - 13c. per Basket
CATAWBAS, - 15c. per Basket
NIAGARAS, - 20c. per Basket
King Apples, Fall Pip
pins, Hawley Talmon
Sweets, Seek-No-Further,
Quinces, Pears, Califor
nia Grapes, Peaches, etc.,
reduced prices.
E. Q. Coursen
429 Lackawanna Avanu
the occupants could be Instantly ejected
without ?esorting to the usual legal
It is charged that the Stevens have
violated the provisions of their lease
and Bome time ago Mrs. McHugh was
indicted at the Instance of John Tier
ney for renting a house for Immoral
purposes. He would settle the case only
on the condition that the Stevens be
compelled to vacate, and hence the
steps taken yesterday.
Deputy Sheriff Ryan notified the
Stevens and their guests to vacate at
once. The case against Mrs. McHugh
has been settled by her paying the
They Attempted to Tear Down the House
of Mrs. Mary McConncll Because She
Would Sot Admit Them.
Mrs. Mary McConnell, who resides in
a little house on the road between Dal-
ton and La Plume, has had some decid
edly interesting experiences during the
last few weeks.
Some time ago she was deserted by
her husband, but continued thereafter
to live, with her 16-year-old daughter,
in the house that had been the home ot
herself and husband. Occasionally she
had young lady visitors and some ot
the young men of the neighborhood
were wont to pay a visit to her home to
spend the evening.
hhe disliked the calls of some of these
young men and about three weeks ago
whn they came to her house in an in
toxicated condition one night, she re
fused to admit them and they proceeded
to riddle the windows with stones. A
week ago last Saturday night they
again called on her. hut. the door did
not open at their knock. Thoroughly
Incensed, they made an assault on
Mrs. McConnell's domicile and tore out
the greater part of one side of the build
ing, rendering it uninhabitable.
Mrs. McConnell, several days later,
came to this city and swore out a war
rant before Alderman Wright for th6
arrest of George D. Murse, Edward
Ryan, William Toner and Patrick
O'Malla, whom she charged with being
the leaders in the work of demolishing
her house. She returned to her home
to get an officer to serve the warrant,
and after several days wrote to Mr.
Wright, telling him to hold the warrant
he had Issued. In the meantime she
swore out another warrant before Jus
tice of the Peace Feohley, of Waverly.
The thoroughly alarmed young men at
once begun to make every effort to have
the case settled and negotiations are
now pending.
Report has it that the attempt to
tear down Mrs. McConnell's house was
Instigated by a number of women of the
neighborhood who, it appears, did not
look upon the lady and her daughtei
with much favor. The building has been
repaired and Mrs. McConnell is again
Installed in it.
The first pay night of the new "Progres
sive Building and Loan association" of
Scranton, will be held on the last Sat
urday of October, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.,
and thereafter on the last Saturday of
each month, at No. 227 M. Washington ave
nue, R. A. Zimmerman's office.
Every One Is
rushing to Davldow Bros, for bargains.
Chase yourself there.
Men's heavy shoes for 98c. at the D Bros.,
well worth $1.25.
Lots will he sold cheap; only small
Cash Payments down, and long time
given to pay balance. Trice of lots
will be increased after this sale.
to be introduced without extra cost to
purchasers. Convenient to D. & H. aud
Ontario and Western Railway station.
Price of lots will be increased after
the first sale. Plot of the lots can be
seen at the office of II. B. Reynolds, Re
publican Building.
Driving Park Hotel
Office Hours from 9 a. m. to 1 d, ra.
The Williams Land andlmprovment Co.
I have just received a new line ot
Cut Glass
for Wedding Gifts. Step in and sec
our new stock.
Hlftfl IMt IMA
it at Prtnat Urn Moat Papnlar and rrafema bl
I bMdlll( ArlUI
Wtraroomi ) Oppulte Calumbut Monument,
roft WoqHIneton Aw Scranton. P,
Including the painless extracting ot
teejh by an entirely new jirocesH.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
$H3 W.W. BERRY p$
Ht7 Lackawanaa M
Members of the Rising Generation Gang
on the Way to Their Reward.
Five young toughs who are self
styled the "Rising Generation" of
Dodgetown, were yesterday committed
to Jail from police court to answer in
court a charge of attempted burglary.
Late Tuesday night they were about
to enter a store on Fourth street, but
were frightened away by the police.
Less than an hour later they attempted
to force an entrance into a butcher
shop on the same street, but were sur
prised by the proprietor, Patrick Mc
Nally, who, with Patrolmen Palmer and
Haag, captured them In a nearby alley.
They gave the names of John Dun
leavy, William Dunn, Michael Cogglns,
John Brown and Mart Lavelln. They
are supposed to be concerned In various
petty thlevlngs in the vicinity of their
Miss Hardenbcrgh's Piunoforth School.
A thoroughly hldh-grade schol for the
study of the pianoforte, harmony and all
branches of musical theory and Interpre
A special training course for teachers;
also special training given children, 4:t7
Wyoming avenue.
Quick sales and small profits keep the
S Bros, hustling from morning until night.
Plllshury'B Flour Mills have a capacity
of 17.500 barrels a day.
We had a special sale of Decorated
China Cups and Saucers one day dur
ing the past summer and it created
"quite some" enthusiasm. Wo have
been asked repeated y WHEN we were
going to have another sale, if ever.
We shall put oh sale
Another lot of these Cups and Sauc
ers, only they will be BETTER value
than before, at the same price, viz.:
39C There are several hundred dif
ferent kinds-NO TWO ALIKE. Our
window is filled with them. Look at It.
Gi Si
319 Lackawanua Ave.
do you dread Monday
washday? Can't blame you
much slop dirt confusion
heat enough to drive you
out into the street. Wouldn't
it be better to send your whole
family wash to us every week ?
Special " POUND RATES "
to families. Write for these
Drop a postal onr wagon will call prom?(ly.
If Iff
6 to 8 at
fr2 to IV at
12 to 2 at
Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's School Shoes;
not ordinary common shoes, hut an extra good Dongola Calf
Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace or button; every pair warranted.
It will pay you to buy your Shoes at
All the Latest Novelties in Fall Footwear.
WE II 1 1 II I
Do Just as well if not a little better than others
regarding price and style in
Cloaks aDd MilliDery
As a compliment to our customers we are giving
handsomely framed picture with all
sales at or above $4.00i
AVING withdrawn entirely from
' wholesale trade and having
transferred our wholesale stock
to our retail department to be offered
to our patrons at wholesale prices, we
mention a few of our prices:
French Black Lynx,25 in. $ 0.00
Electric Seal, " 15.00
Wool Heal, " 18.00
Astrakhan, " 15.00
Water Mink
E ectric Seal ,
Hudson Buy Sable..
Stone Marten
- 4.50
With Double Heads. .&.J
III Ladies' Tailor Made Coals
and Capes e carry the handsomest
line in the city.
Ill MlllluiT) Department
We cany u line line of Trimmed and
I'ntrimiiied, aud the latest iu a Child's
School Cap.
Have Your Furs Repaired
by the only practical furrier in the
city. Send for illustrated catalogue.
138 Wyoming Avenue.
In Town
Clothiers, Hdtera&FurnisfiEra
128 Wyoming Ave.
We are now showing an ex
quisits line of
At special prices
them in our stock.
to introduce