The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Fall A
and v3
fM (
Are attracting great at
tention toward us these
crisp October days.
Our orders were pjaced
during the dull season,
and in many instances
can make a saving to our
customers of at least 25
per cent.
II II 11 1
lid iiiiv
Is made up largely of
beautiful, stylish shapes,
right from our own work
rooms, and the exact cop
ies of the work of re
nowned Paris Artists
The prices are, of course,
away down.
Grand Depot.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
li s&& if
412 Spruce St, Scranton,
Dr. Reeves Is now fully establtahed at
412 Spruce street, Scranton. He has per
formed some wonderful cures und 1ms
gulned the confidence of the public. He
has come to STAY and will remain PER
MANENTLY at his Spruce atreet narloin.
He has had lone and varied experience In
hospital and private practice and t rent a
ail acute and cnronic diseases of men, wo
men and children.
tlc.0ed9exadfneiti8o0nriFree of Charge
No one is turned away.
He. with his asslBtunts. treat all dls.
eases of the nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
neuimy, catarrn, tumors, cancers, erup
tolas, blood poisoning, fits, epilepsy. In
fllscretlnn nml rrniM nf vmitVi mun
hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vitas' dniwn
nxthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver
fviuiicj 0, wiuuuci , Diuiuacii, etc.
The doctor has opened a female depart.
ment exclusively for females, so that those
wnom uencacy nas Heretofore key
away may now receive the services of
"lady" whose treatment will prove her
sunny in an cases.
Any one BUfierlnK with "Catarrh" who
wishes to be PERMANENTLY and
QUICKLY cured may receive FOUR
TEN DOLLARS. This offer holds good
for thirty days. The doctor has dlscov
red a SPECIFIC for this dreaded dis
ease. You can treat and cure yoursef
und family with It at home. It never
fulls to cure. A trial treatment free.
Office hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 9 p m
Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Take elevator In Christian's hnt store,
I or steps.
Remember the name and number.
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
' Oil Cloths,
Window Shades and
Wall Paper!
AH the Latest Designs.
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion held a rousing meeting Sunday in
the Presbyterian church. The edifice
was crowded and a great number could
not gain admittance. Professor Kemp,
of the Normal, spoke on the advan
tages of the association. The efforts
of eight choirs from Stroudsburg and
East Stroudsburg, together with an or-
hestra of fifteen pieces, with Professor
Kosenberg- at the pipe organ, fur
nished the music. The Young Men's
hristlan association of the Normal at
tended In a body.
Henry Kresge was killed at Saylors-
burg on Saturday by falling down the
mine shaft of the Penn Brick -com
pany. The shaft was 150 feet deep.
f rank liarber will erect a tine resi
dence on Thomas street.
East Stroudsburg's council has stop
ped the Stroudsburg and Bushkill Tele
graph company from erecting poles
within the borough limits, as the com
pany has no right or ordinance to
place the poles.
A burglar entered the residence of
William Kresge, of Bartonsvllle, on
Wednesday night and stole $20 from a
pair of trousers hanging over the bed.
Mr. Kresge Is an undertaker and the
thief tried to force the till in his shop,
but was unsuccessful. An attempt
was also made to rob the money drawer
of David Everett's hotel.
Normal School Notes.
Misses Kranter. "Cavan and Tlllle,
three of the Normal's charming ladies,
are spending a few days with Miss
Lillian Kranter, of Tobyhanna.
The pulp mill at Minsl that has been
idle Blnce last June started up on Mon
day with a large force of men.
Arthur Dreher is building a hand
some residence for li. K. Vt yckoll on
Thomns street.
Morton Decker, secretary and treaS'
urer of the Standard Manufacturing
company, spent Sunday with his
brother in Chatam, N. J. Mrs. Decker
accompanied him.
Professor Ormun, of Princeton, spent
Sunday with his family in Strouds
Roy Gardner, of the University of
Pennsylvania, Is in town visiting A. K.
Miss Noyes and Miss Rosenkrans,
teachers In the Normal, have returned
from a trip to New York city.
Miss Josephine McCauley, who has
been 111 for several days, hus fully re
li. O. Brodt. Frank Beck and William
Becker spent Sunday at their homes
in Northampton county.
Miss Mary Ruddy has returned from
a visit to her home in scranton.
The Normel Foot Ball team did not
go to Scrunton on Saturday on account
of the rain.
Much interest Is being manifested In
the debates held In Miss Edmunds'
classes In school management. The dis
cussions are in the percentage system
of marking. The leaders, Miss Henry
and Miss Coyle, are very good debaters,
and the question will be well handled:
"Shall we forever cling to the hateful
Infatuation that we can measure first
class Instructions as a grocer measures
turnips In a bushel basket. "
The proceeds of Saturday's foot ball
game were 26. .
Professor Paul, who has been sick
fur some time, Is able to be around and
take charge of his class.
Professor !Hlbshman has organized
a class In higher mathematics and sur
Professor Bible and wife spent Sun
day with Mr. Hlldrup In his country
Professor Bible has lately gotten out
a new circular treating mostly of the
features of the school, viz.: Normal
training, sewing, Normal echoes and
educational foundations.
A half holiday will be given on Arbor
Day. Trees will ,be planted and suit
able exercises will be arranged.
A. N. Homan is taking an examina
tion under County Superintendent
Misses Grace Cruman and Anna Talley
spent Sunday with Miss Maine Kranter
of Tobyhanna.
Miss Elsie Schoonover spent Sunday
with Miss Roberts, of the water Gap.
Miss Dora Relnhardt, of Taylor, spent
Sunday with her sister, Miss Lizzie
Miss Blanche Howe spent Sunday at
the water Gap.
Miss Josephine McCauley is visiting
at her home In West Pittston.
Miss Martha Noyes and Miss LIU'
lan RoBenkrans spent Sunday in New
Miss Gertrude Edmunds attended the
institute at Philadelphia this week.
Miss Lizzie Pearson, of Stone Church,
an old student, has returned to resume
her studies.
tor. They will sing for the chief prize,
Miss Dora Relnhardt returned yes
terday from a few days' stay at
Rev. D. D. Davis, Windham, Ohio,
occupied the pulpit at the Congrega
tional church on Sunday.
Miss Cora Thomas, of Hyde Park, was
a caller here last evening.
Miss Gertrude Rees returned to
Bloomsburg State Normal school yes
terday, after a few duys' sty-wth' her
mother, on Grove street.
Mr. Grittin, of thu firm of Davles &
Griffin, Scranton, was a visitor In town
C. F. Stevenson, of Berwick, was a
caller here yesterday
Arrangements have been made for a
120-yard foot race between James
Evans and Joseph Geneke, for $50 a
side, the race to come off on Nov. 17.
Rev. H. H. Harris has withdrawn his
resignation, which he tendered about
three weeks ago. He has changed ms
mind and will remain with us.
Both young people are well and favor
ably known, and deserve the success
which everyone hopes will attend them.
The meeting of Division 6, Ancient
Order of Hibernians, announced to take
place tomorrow evening, has been post
poned to the same hour on Friday evening.
This afternoon James P. Loftus, of
Hill street, will be married to Miss
Llllle Keenan, of Scranton.
This evening the Carbondale choir
will attend the fair of St Thomas' con
gregation. A musical programme of
rare excellence will, be rendered, and
In other respects the fair will be well
worth attending.
Last evening a Democratic rally was
held In Father Mathew hall under the
auspices of the John P. Kelly clflb.
A torch light parade preceded the
rally, and the paraders with the East
Side band marched along the principal
streets. The speakers were George S.
Horn, James J. O'Nell and D. J. Campbell.
J. Scott Inglis
four doors above Wyoming House.
This evening will occur the celebra
tion of the Junior Order of United
American Mechanics over their success
in recent Leader contest. In which they
won the handsome upright piano. The
instrument was purchased of the
Messrs. Guernsey, of Scranton, and will
be formally presented to the lodge this
evening at the W. W. Watt building.
They have invited many organiza
tions to help them celebrate, and the
following of their own order have con
cerned to visit the city and participate
In the big parade: Unlondale council
No. 623,Dundaff council No. 540, Jermyn
council No. 703, Peckvllle council No.
320, Archbald council No. 79, Honesdale
council No. 1180. These organizations
will also Join them in the parade:
Mitchell Hose company, of Carbondale;
Post of America camu, No. 200. of Car
bondale; Post of America camp, No. HO,
of Waymart, and the Loyal Knights ot
America of Carbondale. All members
of the Junior Order United American
Mechanics and Invited societies are re
quested to meet at Assembly hall on
North Main street at 7:15 p. m. The
Germanla band will head the proces
Bkm. The line of march will be as fol
lows: From Assembly hall on Main
street to Salem avenue, up Salem ave
nue to Church street, down Church
street to1 Seventh avenue, to Maln
street, up Main to Lincoln avenue, up
Lincoln avenue to Washington street,
down Washington street to Salem ave
nue, down Salem avenue to Church
street, up Church street to W .W. Watt
building, where a grand time will be
had, and the following programme well
be rendered: Selection, Uertnanlu band
selection, Glee club; presentation of
piano, E. D. Lathrop; recitation, U. A,
Burdick; piano selection, Profcssoi
Rennle; banjo selection, Glee club;
piano selection; selection, Glee club;
banjo selection, Glee club.
The Misses Joule Tinu Francis Davis,
of Jermyn, called on Carbondale
friends yesterday.
Fritz Sahlmeyer, for three years diet
at the Niagara Hotel In Buffalo, was
installed as chef at Hotel Anthracltb
on Monday.
George James is the guest of his pa
rents in Honesdale.
An entertainment will be given to
night at the home of Mrs. Thomas R.
Durfee, on Main street, under the aw
spices of the Trinity guild.
Mrs. William Isgar, of South Church
street, Is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Carson in Scranton
Homer Greene, of Honesdale, regis
tered at Hotel Anthracite yesterday.
Charles Ledyard, of Aldenvllle,
Wayne county, called on relatives In
this city yesterday.
Doctors Day and Thompson, of this
city, were in Scranton yesterday at
tending the meeting of the Interstate
Homeopathic Medical society of North
eastern Pennsylvania and Southern
New York.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sulli
van, of DundatT street, a daughter, on
On Friday evening of this week the
New York Celebrities will give a con
cert In the Grand Opera house for tht
Emergency hospital. Already a large
number of tickets have been sold.
This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, on the
Simpson grounds, the Simpson club and
Alhambra club, of this city, will finish
their contest for the local champion
ship and $50. An interesting game of
base ball may be looked for.
The contract for sprinkling the
streets by the Mitchell Host;, company
closed on Mondayr? The company
cleared a little over $100 by their sprink
ling contract and gave entire satlsfac
This evening the choir of St. Rose
church, In this city, will sing at ht
Thomas' congregation fulr In Archbald
The social under the auspices of the
Missionary society of the Presbyterian
church will be held tomorrow evening
at the residence of Mrs. D. W. Uoone.
Assistants are Mrs. Henry Wlddall,
Mrs. Harry Johnston and Mrs. D. C.
A series of evangelistic meetings will
be held in the Methodist Episcopal
cnuren, commencing Sunday, Oct. 28.
Several well known ministers will be
present and will preach during the se
Master Ralph Welter Is spending a
few days with Dunmore friends.
Miss Jennie Graham was a visitor at
Pittston on Monday.
The Avoca Literary and Debating so
ciety will hold its bi-weekly debate
and entertainment tomorrow evening,
at the usual time and place. An excel
lent programme has been arranged for
the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Padden spent yester
day with Scranton friends.
Miss Mary Jennings, of Glen Lyon, is
spending a few days with Miss Kate
Dempsey, of West Avoca.
The public schools of this town will
be closed next week on account of the
Teachers' Institute, which will be held
in wiiKes-Barre.
Miss Alice and Agnes Morahan were
visitors at Scranton last evening.
Mrs. Walter Bishop is suffering from
a severe attack of typhoid fever.
The catholic society of St. John's
church will give a harvest social at
the opera house Friday evening, Oct.
26. Baker & Severson's orchestra, of
Binghamton, will be present. Commit
tee of arrangements are. Lee J. De-
Witt, M. A. Hand and M. J. Crane.
The graded school of this dace will
be closed next week to allow the
teachers to attend the teachers' insti
tute, which is to be held at Montrose.
Aaron Aldrlch is having a fine flag
stone walk laid in front of his business
place on Main street. .
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company distributed each at
this station Saturday.
Patrick Houlihan, a farmer living In
the township, was thrown from his
wagon Saturday and his leg was
broken in two places.
Mr. James Finlay, about 35 years of
age, formerly of this place, was killed
by the falling of a tree Saturday last,
while at work In the lumber woods
near . Emporium, Pa. The remains
are to be brought to this place today.
iz 1 - cni
400402 Lackawanna Avenue,
persons who do not receive their
Tribune regularly should report at once
10 me agent, so that the matter may
have his prompt attention.
Miss Grace Bailey, who has been the
guest of Miss Anna Brown, for several
uaya past, returned to her home in
scranton yesterday.
t red u. Atkinson, of Emporium, who
has been visiting at the home of his
uncle, Benjamin Gardner, left for Pitts
ton yesterday.
A very good likeness of Fred A. Ditt-
rleh on his Lyndhurst racer, appears In
today's Independent. Mr. Dittrlch is
won the Wayne County Independent
won the Wayne county Independent
goiu Daage at the Honesdale track,
uct. 4.
Miss Dora Conger Is visiting rela
tives In New York city.
Dr. Peterson was in Scranton yester
day attending the convention of the
Inter-State Homeopathic association.
Professor Reeves' dancing class meets
at 8 p. m. this evening.
H. Z. Russell Is In New York this
in - a
. This Week.
Tall Opening Sale
J. ti. McDonald, nnniel MpAimltv
and a young man from oivnhant ri--
ated a disturbance about the home of
August flail on Sunday evening last.
They were arrested nml nrrnlimn,! ho.
fore Squire Banflelil on Mnn,iv ,-n.
lug, and were held to bail for an appear
ance at court.
The corner stone of the town hnll nt
the borough of Throop was laid last
week, but owing to the Inclement
weather, usual ceremonies were omlt-
Alfred Mountford. of this idnee. snort t
ounuuy evening with friends in Oly
MISS Nettle Burtlv. of Rlnnmnlilirir
Normal school, has been visiting her
parents Here.
Ralph Habott. who was In lured here
some time ago, Is able to walk around a
llllam Lawyer, who has been sick
for some time, Is able to be around
Mr. Bucklln, of Providence, preached
ai me tsaptist church here Sunday
evening last.
Miss Hannah Indian, who stonned on
a nan on Monday, Oct. 8, injuring hei
1001 very uauiy, has recovered.
Stephen Atherton. an oillcer of
Throop, has resigned.
Rev. R. M. Hunsicker. of Tirnnlcvllle.
r a., tea tne chapel services on Friday
lllard M. Bunnell Is stieudlnir a few
days at his home In Montrose.
J. !- MeNab, whose absence for the
past two weeks has created such a sen
sation, has returned from his home In
Paterson, N. J.
A large crowd witnessed the bicycle
races on ine cinuer path on Saturduy.
me contestants were a number ot
young ladles of the seminery. The
prizes were awarded as follows: First
prize, a handsome clock, Miss Mabel
Walls; second, Miss Esther Green
third. Miss Iiessle Hrubaker.
The foot ball team, accompanied b
Manager Clegar, boarded the train on
Friday evening enroute for Wllkes-
Barre, intending on Saturday to play a
game of foot ball with the so-called
Young Men's Christian association.
Never before in the history of Bucknell
has any team encountered such a band
of hoodlums and sluggers as those at
Wilkcs-llarre. It Is indeed a shameful
disgrace that such element should be
allowed to represent a Christian insti
tution, and flourish under the garb of
the ouug Men s Christian associa
An Interesting game Is expected here
next Saturday with the Franklin &
Marshall college.
Eczema, Turning to Blood Poison.
Treated by Specialists Seven Months
Without One Particle of Success.
Condition Terrible Llfo a Burden.
Tried CUTICURA. In Three Days At
tends to Business. Cure Permanent.
In the sprlnir of Mil I took that dreadful skin
disease, Eczema, wh ich turned into blond poison.
I consulted the bent known specialists in thin
city. -mey treated meior
seven months hut I never
derived a particle of
good from any of them.
They had given it up as
a hopeless cure. 1 was
covered with sores from
head to foot ; I bad run
ulng sores all over me,
some of them as large as
a box oi yourcuTiCL'KA.
It cost uie hundreds of
dollars with these so-
called specialists. My
condition wrs terrible,
life was almost a burden
to me. I could not ent,
driuk. or sleet). I was
unable to tvalkanrt had given myself upas dead.
I tried all medicines imaginable, until a friend
who had got relief advised mo to try Ci;ticuha
remedies. 1 sent out una got tneni, and wneu
I took the first dose of your LTtici iia Kraot
vest I felt a little better; with three boxes of
rourmoRt valuable C-tiTlcritA and one bottle ot
imciinA Resolvent 1 was a new man. In
three dava I was up walking around and attend
ing to my business, and it is the CCIK I RA and
Cutici'ka ItESOLVENT that saved uie from the
jaws of death. This is two years ago. 1 wanted
to see if It bad been driven out of my system,
and 1 oan huv 1 have never had any trouble since
tor two year's. GEO. K. KKhillT,
Z-Jl&l 1 OnU. AVC, l IllBVUIgll, 1
Figured all over, fringe
top and bottom . . .
TjThese were previously sold at $7.00
select from.
Six colors to
A new line of Chenille and Tapestry Covers.
Rich Yelour Table Covers. Elegant line of Gob
lin Tapestry Covers and Pillow Covers.
Four sizes of Hampers, in a variety of colors,
All new. Waste and Scrap Baskets.
Bold throuahout the world. Price, Cbticitha,
60c ; Hoap, iic; Resolvent, tl. 1'ottkh Dhi'S
and Chem. Conr., bole Proprietors, BobIod.
JW"lIow to Cure Skin Dlscasei," mailed free.
niUI'l.KH, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and
I I III oily skin cured by CimniiA boxp.
NerVOUS Instantly relieved by a Cutl
cura Plaster, because it Vi
MuSClllar talizcs the nerve forces and
hnnf-A nnrel nervnim n.ilna.
Weakness wraUncss, and numbuess.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Walter Mathews vacated Manle Croft
ror me winter on Tnimylay.
iviiH. r.uwara ijUtspy returned on
Monday evening last from a two weeks'
visit among friends in Scranton and
V llkes-Uarre,
Miss M. E. Bevan attended the annl
versary at Penn Avenue Baptist church
mis. ti. T. Stanton and ch dren. of
Boyeman, who have been visiting at the
house of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Davis, are
now visiting among friends In Scran
Oscar Hendricks is preparing to erect
a new dwelling on the corner near the
toll Bitte.
Benjamin Mead spent Sundav In
Lathrop township, Wyoming county.
a pie social will be held on Saturday
evening next In the Methodist Episco
pal cnuren parlors here.
J. D. Aylesworth is treatine his rest
deuce to a new coat of paint, which Im
proves its appearance very much,
A. T. Rhodes and family, lute resi
dents of Avocu, former residents of this
place, have returned and are now domi
ciled at their old home.
Mrs. Sarah Gordon, of Honesdale,
visited her sister, Mrs. Noah Hunt
E. T. Edmunds and J. E. Qulnn
were in the floneer Ulty yesterday.
A. E. Tiffany wus In Archbald on
business Tuesday afternoon
A very pleasant party wus held at the
home of George Friend- on Monday
nlitht. Those present , were: Misses
Minnie and Muy Odull, Muy Pryor,
Clark. Richards, Eufilly and Bessie
Friend, and Messrs.' Hhoda, Mason,
Hoyt, Orllllths, Alfred and Edward
Waters. John and Willie Friend.
Games were Indulged in and refresh
ments were served by the hostess. The
young people went to their homes at
an early nour wen pieaseu wun me
evening's enjoyment.
Mr. and Mrs. P. r . Hughes, of car
bondale, spent Sunday at the home of
Postmaster W. J. Bergen.
The Hillside Coal and Iron company
paid their employes at this place yes-
Master Thomas uewra, a suite picker
at the Erie breaker, had the misfortune
to lose his month's pay while on his
way home from work Tuesday after
Martin Crlppen, of Olyphant, called
on H. J. Ie Oraw Monday evening
The William Walker Hose company,
of this place, took part in the parade of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Edsall left Mon
day fornnextended visit in Shlckshlnny
and vicinity.
Miss TUlie Lewis, the celebrated Im
personator, of Wllkes-Barre, will give
an evening of reading in the Brick
church on Friday evening, Oct. 2G.
William Laird and Miss Jennie
Stephenson entered the holy bonds of
wedlock while at Binghamton, X. Y.,
on an excursion last week
Mr. und Mrs. E. Drake were visitors
to the Bloomsburg fair lust week.
T. J. Stewurat returned home on Mon
day from a few days' visit to Nichols,
n. y.
Mr. Tenntint, assistant to Rev. J. L.
Race, delivered a very interesting ser
mon in the Brick church on Sunday.
Miss Charlotte Naylor, of Pittston,
was guest of her brothers on Sunday.
Rev. L. H. Lindermuth gave an excel-
fent sermon at Drake's hall on Sunday
Lost Between George Bell's store
and Methodist Episcopal church, a
pearl watch charm. Finder 'will please
return to Miss -Emma Grey, Mill
The Past
The Future
over Sunday, returning on Monday
mnrnlnff lnut. f
Rev. A. E. Douglass and wife were the jermyn nre department msi nigiu, fi p r . .1 . 11 iv s-rc-inn.
attendants at the Penn Avenue presenting a very neat appearance. ' -", , -r-
anm 'ersary gatherings. wicnael varey, 01 i-oresi Lity, cuneu
T." funeral of the late Mrs. A. P. on menus ui jiiuyueiu me uibi ui m
Mothers I Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
Used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers ror ineir cnimren wnile teething,
wun perLeui suui-eBH. u uuoins me Gnilil,
softens tha gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and is the best romedy for di
arrhea. Sold by druggists In every part
of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
other kind. Twenly-tlve cents a bottle.
Mrs. M. Schaenberger, Beaver Dam,
Wis., Writes: 'We have used Dr. Thomas'
Eelectrlo Oil In our family for Coughs,
Colds, Croup and Hlimunatlsni. It curi-n
Veijg tlmu.'...,. y , .
Dunlap was largely attended at the
MetnouiBt episcopal church here on
Tuesday. Rev. F. H. Parsons offici
The Epworth league gave an even
ing's entertainment with the blind Bong
writer, Mrs. Fanny Crosby. No special
programme was prepared, but selected
songs and readings from the repertoire
of tins talented and proline hymn
irrlter composed for the most part the
excellent programme.
Miss Luella Frace attended the wed
ding of her friends, Frank Devey and
Gene Thomas on Wednesday last, and
also paid a Hying visit to her sister,
Lizzie, at the Kingston seminary.
rilla has - cured thousands of
others is certainly sufficient
reason for belief that it will
cure you. It makes pure,
rich, healthy blood, tones and
strengthens the nerves, and
builds up the whole system.
. At a meeting of th
place at Welsenfiuh's;
evening a cnoir was 11
pate In the eisteddfo!
held In this town on
lessor D. E. Jones was
singers of this
hall on Sunday
rmed to pnrtlcl-
whlch will be
rlstmas. Pro
jected conduc-
At noon yesterday Miss Katie Me-
Hale, a popular young lady of the Eust
Side, was wedded to Thomas ueavy, 01
Plymouth. The ceremony, which was
performed In St. Thomas' church, at
tracted many friends of the contract
inir cuunle. Rev. T. J. Camerford. rec
tor of St. Thomas' church, officiated
The bride looked charming In a dress
of lemon silk with hnt to match. The
bridesmaid. Miss Jennie McHalo, a sis
ter of the bride., was becomingly
dressed in electric silk. Both carried
bouuuets. The groom was attended by
Mr. Keating, of Plymouth. After the
marriage a reception was held at the
1 n nt l.t.l.i'ci na.antQ Wv nml MfD
John McHule, and breakfast was Be Sure to get HOOD'S and
1 . . . . U t . ... . .1 I . . .1 1 I . .
ho wprldwl eminle. Mr. and Mrs. Denvv Willy rlUWIJ O
loft on a timr which will Include a visit
to New York and PliiludeiphU. They
will begin housekeeping In Plymouth.
Hood's Pills urc ps;ecluily prepared to In
tuken tvtUi Uood'i Stfi.iimrilla. 25u. per box,
A few Overcoats. Vlsters and Heavy
Suits, which were dumaged by water only
from the Duvles & Orillin lire, are now of
fered at
prices. In July we could not sell Over
coats and Ulsters; now Is the right seu
soii for these goods.
Marriage Would Be
A Failure
To many if our liberal Credit System had no existence. Tor
what comprises the major part of a happy marriaqe? Is it
not the home? A home furnished with solid comfort and ele
gance, and this can be procured by the mechanic or laborer as
well as if he had great wealth at his command, Our estab
lishment is a store for the masses.
for Overcoats and Heavy Suits which
were made to sell for $10 and J1-.
Second Rate
Anything of a shabby sort will not answer here. Yhat Is
done under our name must be hrst-class, or it is somebody's
blunder who is paid not to blunder but to serve you properly.
But to return to the
for Black or Blue or double-brenated
Overcoats and Suits. J13. Jlo and (IS is
what they were mude to sell for.
5o-Cent Quality - 37 CENTS
75-Cent Duality - ' 4S CENTS
$i.oo Ouality - 72 CENTS
It will pay you to see them.
We aid you and are happy to do so.
and give you all the goods you want,
to garret.
Our fm.oo Bedroom Outfit and
arc still subject to your orders.
We extend credit to all
We furnish from cellar
juo.oo Four-room OutCt
A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American Onyx
Finish, with-every purchase of $50 or over.
Or an Elegant 100-Piece Dinner Set with every $75
purchase or over, for Cash or Credit.
230 Lack. Ave.
r-r-K-tv (.s-K-yN.. ?Si!iXJrt stKn'