THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, 1894. : I JwishtoTsayT that! I use and recommend" one and only one bak mg powdenand that is Cleveland's." Norrman & Moore FIRE INSORflNCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. IF YOU Want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades Come to Us. We have a Fall Line of Goods, and Onr Prices Are Yery Low. 127 WYOMING AVE. CITY NOTES. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, 2p. m. The Board of Associated Charities did not meet last evening. A quorum could not be mustered. The season of the Bicycle club will be opened on Friday night with a social at the club house on Washington avenue. Report has it that Slgnor H. Baritta Mull Is not dead as was asserted some time ago, but that he is teaching music in Boston. Peter McCann did not appear In court yesterday to answer a charge preferred against him and his bail was forfeited and ft capias Issued for him. E. H. Wilson, who was held at police headquarters several days on suspicion of bplng a hotel crook, has been released. No fviuenco wanoDtalned against him. ' The members of the Blessed Virgin's so dality of St. Peter's cathedral will hold a retreat during the first week of December which will be conducted by a missionary father. The Swedish dialect comedy drama, "Ole Olson," will be produced at tho Academy of Music on Friday and Saturday even ings in Its new form. The sale of seals w ill open this morning. Contractor Peter Stlpp has begun opera tions for the erection of two handsome four-story buildings on the corner of Spruce street and Kaymond court. Messrs. Williams and O'Hara will be the pro prietors. The Crescent Foot Ball club, of Car bondule, will play the Scranton club at the park this afternoon. On Saturday the Shamokin club, which lias not been scored against this season, will meet the Scranton eleven here. At a meeting last night of the Scrunton Commercial Travelers' association all the bills of the Binghamton excursion were ordered paid, votes of thanks were given to the press and others who assisted, and officers were nominated. The funeral of Fred Warner will take place from his home, 1018 Stafford avenue, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Services will be conducted at St. Paul's church, Prospect avenue and Birch street, and in terment made In Washburn Street ceme tery. The congregation of the African Meth odist Episcopal church, Howard place, will hold a reception this evening in honor of their pastor, the Rev. C. McOea, who has been a delegate at the African Methodist Episcopal conference at West Virginia. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by the clerk of the courts to Harry Llnderman, of Troy, Bradford county, and Nelle M. MerHhon, of Waverly, Lack awanna county; Michael J. Smith, of Tay lor, ami Annie j. Barrier, of i-acka wanna township. The funeral of Mrs. William Warren will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2.30 from the late residence on Marlon street. Services will be held In the Episcopal church at Green llldge, Kev. V. S. I!ul lenllne officiating. Interment In Forest Hill cemetery. Charles Gardner became insane at the county Jail some time ago and whs re moved to the Insane department of the Hillsidehome for treatment. It was re ported to court yesterday that he had re covered and an order was made for his return to the county Jail. H. F. Hlgglns, of Chester, Mass., con ducted the services at the Rescue mission last evening. Mr. Higglns is an evange list of some experience and has been asso ciated with Mr. Moody in the hop district in New York and was engaged last week In holding metlngs at Brown Hollow. He Is visiting friends In the city for a few days. ' Ned Jermyn, the 5-year-old son of Ed ward Jermyn. was injured yesterday Dy filling from a carriage at Washington ave nue and Spruce street. The carriage was a closed one and contained Miss Sue Jer myn, Mrs. Edward Jermyn and her two children. The little boy accidentally pushed open the door and fell out. His head struck the pavement and was pain fully bruised.. Dr. Connell was near by and attended the little sufferer, who was carried Into Sanderson s drug store. Gentlemen's Driving club races Satur day, il p. m. Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark' ling;, at Lohman's, Spruce street. Can We Be of I'so to Yon? Dome Dusiness or professional mnn comes to us almost every day for clerical ve have now a young man with five years' experience as bookkeeper, a young ui w uuiimi&u hiiu ungni, jor posi tion as bookkeeper, a nleiiMlnu- vmma. man good address, will make a itood collnntnr and assistant bookkeeper. No charge for our Tittio. tyuuu ouege ot Business ana onurwiiuiu, ' . p- E Wood, Principal. The Coldest of the Season. Be prepared for the coldest snap of the ' season, as Davidow Bros, are going to ireeze nign pm-m ana u s 10 your oppor tunlty to secure their bargains. ' , Buy the Weber and get the best At Guernsey Bros . A Notorlons Shoplifter Would be ashamed to practice their shoplifting at Davidow Bros., owing to tne extremely low uarguma now in pro mm Great Gathering to Recall the Early Days of the Church. REV. E. JUDSON'S ADDRESS The Great Theologian on True Philun-thropy-Kcv. W. P. Helllngs, 1). D.,on Ilia Former Work. In Scrunton. Programme for Today The central meetings to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the in stitution of Baptist work In Scranton and vicinity were continued yesterday at the Penn Avenue Baptist church. A prayer and praise meeting was held at 2.45 p. m., after which the pastor, Rev. Warren G. Partridge, delivered an ad dress of welcome and said: "It Is a Blncere, heartfelt and a two fold welcome which I extend to yotl to day, as It is a welcome to two annlver-' Barles, the thirty-fifth anniversary of this church and the one hundredth anniversary of the blessed work of our denomination in the city. To the pas tors who are laboring Jn the city they have a noble example before them in William Blahop and Elder Mott, which should inspire us to noble service when we think of the work of the early days. I welcome particularly Brother Archer, of Pittston, and Mrs. Cutler, of Provi dence, who are present, and were two of the charter members of this church. "I welcome also the older members, those who I see among us today with grey hairs. God bless your last days. We have no idea of the difficulties under which you worked In the early days of the churoh. I welcome the middle aged who are now in the midst of the work, and also the young people from whom so much Is expected in the affiliation of the young people of our churches. We iwelcome all, whether from the city or from the distance, with cordial love and fellowship." The First Baptist Church. Mr. Partridge then gave numerous statistics of the increase of Baptist work and remarked 'that the First Huptlst church In Pennsylvania was established 210 years ago, and was called the Lower Bethlehem Baptist church. At present there are 677 churches in the state with 90,000 mem bers, and last year alone 6,400 bap tisms took place. In the Ablngton as sociation , there i 'are twenty-three churches with over 4,300 members, and in Scranton there are nine churches. In Conclusion he rpnpurerl a n,.r,llnl hearty, sincere and loyal welcome, and hoped that the meeting would tend to Inspire them all to grander 4-esults In the future. Miss Mary Bevan read an excellent paper upon the pastorate of her father, Rev. Dr. Isaac Bevan, who wan first pastor of the church, serving In that capacity from Nov. 1, 1859, to Nov 2 1869. Several Incidents In his pastorate w-ie reitueu in yesterday's Tribune. Rev. W. P. Helllngs, of Omaha, Neb., delivered an entertaining address on his reminiscences while pastor of the cnurcn irom uec. 20. 1N69. to Mav '!. 1877. A notable feature of Dr Helflng'n puHioruie was tne frenerous liberality of Mr. and Mrs. Nuthuniei ltuiiutouri who presented the beautiful parsonage' to the church. This munilicent action of one of the pillars of the Baptist cuiuiuuiiiiy was reierren to by then lormer pastor. Several incidents ot deep Interest to a large number present were related by the speaker and the awakening of old associations by his eloquent auaress made a great imprcS' slon on his audience. .Mr. Slsson's Paper. r CM .m l- jx. k. oihhuu, ui r ucioryvine. read n puper on "The Churches and Mlnlaim-.. or me Ablngton AsHoclRtlnn Th ADington churoh was organized in ISOi ana tne association established In 1807, with three churches, and now com. lumen iweiiiy-scven cnurcnes, with a membership of 4,359, buteleven churches had been dismissed to Join the Wayne County association and nine chiii-chat. to the Delaware River association. The total contributions of the associations for the past twenty-five vears were JfT'UiS; baptisms, 4,686; total value of c.urcn property within the association was J262.300. Twenty-one churcheR were supplied with pastors, six were without a minister and 10,550 sittings were provided for. Mr. Season then gave an Interesting account of the pas tors or tne oiu Arlington church. Dr. Helllngs, by special reauest. de livered a few inoidents which had oc curred during his residence In Scranton and the relation was deenlv interest. Ing. Mr. Miller, a Baptist, 8G years of age, made a few Interesting remarks. Tho evening service was conducted bv the pastor, Rev. Warren G. Partridge, assisted by the pastors of the daughter churches, Rev.W. .1. Ford, Green Ridge; Rev. W. J. Watklns, Providence, and Kev. a. J. u Meal, JJunmore. An excellent quintette, "Seek Te the Lord," was rendered by Professor Watklns' choir, and other selections were given during the service which were of a high musical standard. Rev., Dr. Edward Judson, of the Jud son Memorial church, New York, was Introduced by the pastor and took his text from Luke x. 29, his theme being "The Great Samaritan, the Model Phil anthroplst" and said: Remarks of Dr1. Judson, "This simple story which Jesus tells Is familiar to all since childhood, and are words of great value in telling us of true phllanthrophy. Jesus Intro duces four figures; first the sufferer, then the priest, who may be called the egotist, and the sufferer naturally looks upon him as one who will give him re lief; and as he was a priest at leisure or on vacation and had Just been perform Ing acts of worship, It was reasonable to expect this. But the priest passed by, made an excuse and went on his way. Then Christ presents the Levlte. who we may term the sentimentalist; he went and feasted his eyes on the horri ble sight but took it all out In feeling, Church work which Is sensational and works on the feelings, is undignified and gets Immediate results, but they ephe mereal. A man who lets his feelings be Btirred and does nothing Is more apa thetlc than before and It Is remarkable to what depths of meanness human nature will descend when unobserved, Christ then presents the philanthropist in the garb of a Samaritan who dressed the wounds of the sufferer and placed him on his beast and saw him In safe hands. "There are three questions that are answered In the parable. Who is my nelgbor? and It Is answered Incident ally 'Ye who suffer' all the fallen men and wonTen, the heathens, all In suffer Ing, all these are our neighbors. ' 'What la It to be neighborly?' This Is the central thought; true neighbor! neas Is the doctrine of the j arable. The church should be directly engaged In works of philanthropy and alleviate the distress In Its Immediate neighbor hood, and If It were responsible for the poor children, the waifs, and the op pressed, a church home for the sick, what a glorious work would be accom pushed. True philanthropy has many features. We should be observant Some are so absorbed In the world's affairs that they do not observe the misery and cases of waste; observant i attention to the roelal sores and an ln i tensity ot sympathy would, soon re ; move them. True Philanthropy Is Practical. j "Promptness Is essential to true phil anthropy. We should not delav. True philanthropy is practical and does not un- uenane to promote societies and revel in the luxuries of bylaws. It is per sonal. It Is no good to accomplish It by proxy, it must be personal to come In contact with the suffering. It is per sistent and does not easily give up; peo ple nae to Degin philanthropic work and are easily discouiaa-ecl. but true philanthropy Is never weary of well do ing. It is also thrifty and business like and It Is unselfish because you never expect to get anything back. . tne tnira. question answered, Is What shall I do to Inherit eternal life?' and the answer Is that to love Is to live. One who does not love may exist, but he does not live. There is world-wide difference between love and lust. The question has been asked. Is marriage a failure?' and I think the best answer is, that marriage is not a failure, but many married men and married women are. Where does the Gospel come In? 'It Is impossible to ove without opening the whole soul to Jesus, and this Is the teaching of the old parable and Its questions and answers." nev. ur. juason closed his sermon with an eloquent recitation of I Corin thians, xii, closing with the words.v Ana now abideth faith, hone, charitv: these three, but the greater of these is cnarity. A reception was afterward held in the lecture room, when the charter mem bers and city ministers were Introduced to Rev. Dr. Judson. Exercises for Today. Today the programme, win i m fni. lows: 10 a. m., morning sessions, when tne following papers will be read: 'What the Women Have Dnno fnr th Church," by Miss Sarah Krigbaum: Early Reminiscences." lnrlndlnn music, oy ts. t: rillmore: "Remlnts, cences," by Dr. Horace T.nriil nf Phlln, deuphla; "Tho Organization and Five pastorates," by Rev. Warren G. Part ridge. At the afternoon session, which meets at 2:30 p. m., papers will be read as fol lows; "Rev. William Bishop, Eldet Mott and the First Church." bv Rev. J. T. Collins; "The Young People and the Sunday school." by Hon. Lemuel Amer. man; "Evangelistic Work in the Asso ciation," by Rev. W. G. Grow, and "One Hundred years of Baptist History." by Kev. u. u. Hughes. At the 7:30 meeting Rev. Dr. Lorlmer. of Boston, will deliver his celebrated address, "The Baptists in History," which he originally delivered before the world's parliament of religion at tne Chicago exposition. CENTENNIAL NOTES. A. C. Slsson. of Factorvville. who has been secretary of the Abington asso ciation for twenty-five years, related several Incidents which are reported elsewhere, but the following statistics appertaining to Penn Avenue church for the past twenty-five years will be or special value: Home church ex penses, J116.40S; Sunday school ex penses, $15,164; benevolent and mlBcel laneous, $80,435; total expended, $212,008, number of baptisms, 1,104: deaths. 104 several pastors and prominent offi cials from WIlkes-Barre, Pittston and other neighboring churches are enter tained by Penn Avenue members dur ing the sessions. One of the speakers at the afternoon session referred to the Penn Avenue church ns "The Partridge's Nest." Rev. Mr. Britton, of the West Pitts. ton church, and Rev. Mr. Stewart, of the First Baptist church, Tlttston, opened the sessions yesterday. Thlb was an appropriate selection, as the original church of the vicinity, one hundred years ago, was known as the "Pittston and Providence Church." One of the Interesting incidents re lated yesterday was the fact that a Huntlst church was founded In Penn' sylvanla in 1684, and' is still existing at Lower Bethlehem. Rev. Dr. Judson last night described the singing as "a superb and Inspiring service of song. Visitors, whose entertainment has not been arranged for, are Invited to meet the church ollieers after meet ings at the desk. . , WELSH EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Young Men of St. David's Church, of the West Side, Are Agitating Its Establish mcnt-Schemc That Is Under Consilium tion. As the outcome of an article In the last Issue of St. Luke's parish magazine, upon the great need of a Welsh Episcopal church In Scranton, several young men members of St. David's church, headed by T. O. Jones, director of the Brother hood of St. Andrew, are taking the ques- tlon up In earnest and will approach the rector. Rev. M. H. Mill, with a view to secure his sanction to the movement. Among the thousands of Welsh res! dents in Hyde Park there must be a con siderable number of Episcopalians who nave been accustomed to a Welsh ser vice, and who, probably, do not regularly rrequent a place of worship, and If the movement Is properly directed there Is no reason, In the minds of the promo ters, why they could not secure the largest Individual congregation In Scranton. The suggestion that will be made for the consideration of the rector, is that Welsh services be held either in St David's church or In the school room at 6 p. m., before the ordinary evening service, until such time as arrange ments can be made for a permanent church or room, and. If possible. Welsh speaking lay reader or clergy man. The Bcheme Is very comprehensive ana the young men deserve every en couragement for their pluck In taking upon themselves such great responsl bllity. Welshmen Interested In the movement should, at once, communl cate with Mr. Jones, who will be pleased to explain all details in the prepara tory stage or the movement. There is no doubt that Mr. Mill and the vestry of St. David's will willingly assist to their utmost in the matter. RECEPTION FOR HASTINGS. Arrangements Being Made by Local Ro publicans for New Governor's Visit Local Republicans are making exten slve arrangements for the visit of Gen neral D. H. Hastings to this city and its vicinity next Monday and Tuesday. special committee has been appointed by the chairman of the county candi dates' committee and no detail will be neglected which might make the visit of the gubernatorial candidate a noted success. Gen. Hastings will probably arrive In this city next Monday morning, In which case he will be given Informal re ceptlons in the North End nnd West Side during the afternoon. From 7 un til 7.30 oclock In the evening he will be on the South Side previous to attending the mass meeting at tne Frothlngham theater. Tuesday he will go by special train to Carbondale, making 'five or ten minute stops en route. At Carbondale a large mass meeting will be held at 6 o'clock previous to a later meeting that evening in Honesdale. Further details of General Hastings' stay In this section will be announced later by the rouowing committeemen who are requested to meet this evening In the Central KepuDiican club rooms Fred W. Flcltz, chairman; M. W, Lowry. George B. Thompson. E. E Robathan, George H. Shires, Frank T, Okell. Philip Dlppi. Thomas Shotten Walter E. Davis, John II. Reynolds and Llvy S. Richard. The Driving Park lots will be opened to the public some day next week. The date will be given In Tribune later. Best facilities offered, such as street railways, gas and water, etc Watch The Tribune for the date of opening. ELEGANT CHURCH WEDDING Details Complete and Arranged with Exquisite Taste, SCHR0EDER-M0RRIS XLTTIALS Ceremony Performed by Rev. P. J. Ms .Manus in St. Peter's Cathedral-Bride's Home Beautifully Decorated for the Reception Which Followed. Miss Mary Geraldlne Schroeder. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schroeder, wbb wedded to Perclval John Morris, of the architect firm of Brown & Morris, in St. Peter's cathe dral at 8 o'clock last evening. The cere mony and reception which followed at the home of the bride's parents in Green Ridge were elaborate and com plete In detail and conducted with ex quisite taste. The cathedral was filled at 8 o'clock with a large number of Invited guests and friends of the bridal couple. Bauer's orchestra and the organist. Professor William P. Schilling, per formed an excellent musical prelude. The altar was blazoned with candles which formed the Initial letters "S" and "M," and was decorated with roses and banked with ferns and palms. Kev. P. J. McManus. of St. Paul's Roman Catholic church, ot Green Ridge, pronounced the marrluge rites while the bridal couple were sur rounded by the following; Miss Ce cilia Sylvester Schroeder, maid of honor; Frederick Tropp, best man; Misses Gertrude Morris, . Philippine Tropp, Mame O'Malley, Emma Koch, Lillian Hall Morris and Augusta Tropp, bridesmaids; Beatrice and Trys- tlne Morris and Charlotta Schroeder, Bisters of the groom and bride, flower girls; William Watklns, Peckvllle; Will iam Avery, Charles Williams, Eugene Davis, George Rogers and Samuel Derman, ushers; Edward Thayer, mas ter of ceremonies. Tho Bride's Gowns. The bride was gowned In white bro caded Peau Slgne, trimmed with pearl and old point and duchesse lace. She wore a silk tulle veil, draped from a diamond sunburst, the groom's gift, and carried a bouquet of lilies-of-the- vnlley from which hung narrow white ribbons knotted with numerous' small clusters of lllies-of-the-valley. The skirt was full and entrain, and the bod- Ice was made French. The maid of honor wore a Persian fancy faille, deml- trained and short bodlced and trimmed with chiffony and white forget-me-nots. She carried white roses. A particularly pretty feature of the bridal robes were the yellow, pink and blue gowns of the bridesmaids. Two were gowned in each color. The ma terial was striped China silk, and each brldesmuld carried similarly tinted car nations. The flower girls wore dresses of white China silk, with deep lace and ibbon trimmings. They carried white leghorn hats heaped with roses. The gifts of the bride and groom to the bridesmaids and men of the party were pearl-studded goia breast and cravat pins. Tendered a Reception. Only the relatives attended the recep tion and supper at the house on San derson avenue. The hallway, staircase and rooms of the lower floor were deco rated by Clark, according to designs furnished by the groom. The bridal party received in the drawing room alcove beneath floral initial letters suspended from white satin ribbons. The alcove was banked with palms and ferns and running' pine was festooned from hand-painted Cupids distributed about the room at the junction of walls and celling. Red roses occupied the mantel. A pretty effect was displayed by autumn leaves and palms In the li brary. Pink roses and ribbon, running pine, maldendhatr-nnd palms were used lit the parlor decorations. The dining room table was in the form of a horse shoe, the menu being Berved from the interior. It was decorated with pink and white roses and maidenhair ferns, arranged with exquisite taste. The same kind of (lowers occupied the man tel and the walls were banked with ferns and palms and festooned with smllax. The supper was served by Huntington. The elegant, and numerous wedding gifts displayed on the second floor in cluded various and elaborate remem brances and were practical testimonies of the esteem In which the young couple are regarded. , At 12.10 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Morris left on the Lackawanna train for a ten days' trip. On their return they will re side at 637 Madison avenue, which has been completely furnlBhed by the bride's parents. They will be at home on Thursdays after Nov. s. MEETING AT GREEN RIDGE.. Over Three Ilundred Persons Listen to Is sues of Campaign Discussed. Over three hundred persons attended the rallly of the Green KlUge Kepubli can club, which was held In the office of the Green Ridge Item last evening, Professor H. L. Burdlck acted as chairman. John R. Jones made the opening ad dress, in which he gave a number of eood reasons why the Republican can didates should be elected. R. A. Zim merman was next introduced and gave a brief review of the condition of the country under the different ndmlnis trntions. also the difference in the plat forms of the different political parties, He concluded by urging on hl3 hearers the necessity of electing good men this fall. NEW RAILROAD FRANCHISE. Select Council Will Be Asked to Puss Upon tho .Matter. A stated meeting of select council and an adjourned session of the com mon body will be held tomorrow even ing. A meeting of tho select railway com mlttee will be held at 7.30 o'clock to consider an ordinance granting the right of way In several Green Ridge streets to the Scranton ana worm una Railway company. The ordinance was reported favorably at the last meeting hut was re-commlttea upon tne asser tion of Committeemen Ross and Clark that they had not been notlfled of a CAN YOU AFFORD TO PAY FANCY PRICES A lady remarked yesterday that she paid 50c. for the same sized Olive that we'll sell at 39c. Another lady claims our 34c. Java is better than she buys at 38c. What would you say to a fancy Maine Corn at 13c. a can, $1.50 per dozen? IT WILL PAY YOU To come to Headquarters and get fully posted on prices. Don't depend too much on smai stores, because they may be nearer. E. Q. Coursen . 429 Lackawanna Avenua. committee meeting and had not ap proved the ordinance. The 'Scranton and North Jind com pany has an arrangement with the Scranton Traction company whereby It proposes reaching Lackawanna ave nue over the Green Ridge and Provi dence lines of the latter company. A minority report will probably be re turned. Tonight the Joint building commit tee will consider the revised plans of the addition to the municipal building, and also a proposition of the Economy Heat and Power company to heat the municipal building. PETERSBURG IN LINE. Tenth Ward Republicans In Mass Meet ing Show That They May Be Relied I'pon Nov. 6. A mass meeting was held by the Re publicans of Petersburg last night, and if the enthusiasm displayed Is a cri terion an abnormal Republican vote will be polled In, the Tenth ward Nov. The meeting was held In Mechler's hall, where Charles B. Kreln, of Phil adelphia; John M. Harris, Charles Dawson and John R. Jones, candidate for district attorney, addressed an ap preciative and interested audience. George Ferber presided. Republican candidates present were: Joseph A. Scranton, Judge R. W. Arch bald, C. E. Pryor, James C. Vaughn and Alexander T. Connell. Several of these were expected to address the meeting, but were prevented owing to the lateness of the hour. Attorney John M. Harris reviewed the careers of the candidates and gave a lucid and forcible description of the different policies of the Republican and Democratic parties. Mr. Kreln spoke in German. He is American born and had not made a political speech In the foreign tongue until last night. This fact makes his effort all the more commendable from the enthusiasm and applause heevoked. He was terse, argumentlve and fluent, and commanded the approbative at tention of the audience throughout his speech. EVANGELISTS TO RETURN. Weeden and Scliivcrco Will Come to Wilkes-Dorro in November. Evangelist Schiverea, with his assist ant, Mr. Weeden, left Scranton the lat ter part of last week for New York. After a Bhort rest they will go to Mont real. As soon as their work Is finished In that city, which will be during the first or second week In November, they will return to this city and open a series of meetings for men only in the Young Men's Christian association auditorium. These aill be continued fifteen days, after which the evangelist will go to Scranton and hold meetings under Young Men'c Christian association aus pices. This will be pleasing new to many thousands of young men In Wy oming Valley. Wllkes-Barre Times. What Lodge Do You Jlclong to? TI'aII 1. .Inn'. m,t,n nmr .1 1 (V.iPCtla fn what lodge you belong, your brothers will tell you that Duvldow Bros, have a com plete line of emblem pins, charms and but tons. I am DreDared to receive a limited num ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc., ad dress Richard F. Lindsay, nzz MuiDerry Btrett. Or at Powell's Music Store. 88 LOTS TO BE SOLD AT THE SCRANTON DRIVING PARK COMMENCING THURSDAY, OCT. 18. Lots will be sold cheap; only small Cash Payments down, and long time given to pay balance. Price of lots will be increased after this sale. SEWERS, GAS AND WATER to be introduced without extra cost to purchasers. Convenient to D. & H. and Ontario and Western Railway station Price of lots will be increased after the first sale. Plot of the lots can be seen at the oflicc of H. B. Reynolds, Re publican Building. HEADQUARTERS AT THE Driving Park Hotel Office Hours from 8 a. nl. to 4 d, m. The Williams Land andlmprovment Co. I have just received a new line of Cut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in and see our new stock. mmm THE OILIBRATEB mi M PIANOS Iti t Praml Oh Motf Popular ul tntuni by UadlHf Ariuu. , Wirtroomt! OppotUsCoiurabui Honumtnt, 308 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa, Including the palnlexs extracting of teeth by an entirely new process. 111 i ' J leuiltr IM'4. ;1 417 LackinMu . r El S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 135 WYOMING AVE. WOMEN ON TEMPERANCE. W. C, T. U. Discusses Tomperance Among Railroad Mcn . The Central union of the Women's Christian Tpm npro nro imlnn mot v(L terday afternoon at their rooms on opruce street, when encouraging re ports were received as to the progress of the work, and a practical discussion was held as to the temperance move ment among the railroad men. The op portunity of reaching the 4,000 men cov ered by this department was empha sised. Suitable literature upon the question will be procured for distribution, and efforts will be mafle to persuade men to read and consider the contents. The members of the union are Impressed with their success during the past few weeks. Miss Hardcnbergh's Pianoforth School. A thoroughly high-grade schol for the study of the pianoforte, harmony and all branches of musical theory and interpre tation. A special training course for teachers; also special training given children, 437 Wyoming avenue. Don't Ask Your Friend for Money When It Is Davidow Bros", duty to loan it to you. Plllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity r 17.&00 barrels a day. of ANOTHER l! 1 11 We had a special sale of Decorated China Cups and Saucers one day dur ing the past summer and it created "quite some" enthusiasm. We have been asked repeatedly WHEN we were going to have another sale, if ever, We shall put on sale FRIDAY, OCT. 19 Another lot of these Cups and Sauc ers, only thty will be BETTER value than before, at the same price, viz. 30C. There are several hundred dif ferent kinds-NO TWO ALIKE. Qui window is filled with them. Look at it G, S. 319 Lackawanna Ave. GREEK AND GOLD STORE FRONT. do - -ou dread Monda)' washday? Can't blame you much slop dirt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send your w hole faniil' wash to us every week ? Special " POUND RATES " to families. Write for these terms. Crop a postal onr wagon) will call promptly. Lsuwimdry 322 was "tt?vll.'T3 LWORTH'S Woolworth r 0 .1 f.-v..'r 1 1 1 UNTO f ?.".'"ov ss si s w siEi Dunn s. THE FOLLOWING. 6 to 8 at 8 to u4 at . 12 to 2 at . Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's School Shoes; not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good Dongola Calf Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace or button; every pair warranted. It will pay you to buy your Shoes at BANISTER'S All the Latest Novelties in Fall Footwear. IE ME 1 ID IB I Do Just as well if not a little better than others regarding price and style in Cloaks and Millinery As a compliment to our customers we are giving handsomely framed picture with all' sales at or above $4. OOa BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. GENERAL DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY AN OFFERS TO THE PDBL1C HAVING withdrawn entirely from wholesale trade and having transferred our wholesale stock to our retail department to be offered to our patrons at wholesale prices, w mention a few of our prices: CIRCULAR CAPES. French Black Lynx,25 in. $ 6.00 r.iecincoeai, io.uo Wool (Seal. 18.00 Astrakhan, " , 15.00 FUR NECK SCARFS. Water Mink 11.50 1.75 4.60 4.50 E ectrlc Seal Hudson Bav Sable.... Stone Marten SOMETHING NEW IS A PARISIAN SCARF With Double Heads. In Ladies' Tailor Made Coats and Capes we carry the handsomest line in the city. In Millfrier) Department e carry a tine line of Trimmed and I'ntrimmcd, and the latest in a Child's School Cap. Have Your Furs Repaired by the only practical Furrier in the city. Send for illustrated catalogue. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenue. NEXT DIME BANK. The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR Clotka Hotter Fumisnera OSLANDS 128 Wyoming Ave. We are now showing an ex quisits line of LADIES' UMBRELLAS At special prices to introduce them in our stock. $1.00 1.25 1-75 AGENTS FOR WOOLEN SYSTEM GOODS. ' J 1 n . A n I V 1 rl WtA v 1 hi k Hvr w Bar'
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