TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOHNING. OCTOBER 17, 1894. Industrial and MINE, MILL AND RA1LR0A I). , William Heekert, a Fludlay, O.. me chanical eiiRlneer, proposes to replen ish the natural gas supply of Ohio by a new process of, his own. This process is based upon the same principles as are largely used in the making of arti ficial gas machinery, viz.: forcing all through a body of crude petroleum. This process of making artificial gus has been in vogue for many years, and Mr. Heekert simply proposes to use the earth as his gus machine. It is well known that the gas bearing territory in northwestern Ohio is underluld b vast stretches of porous rock in which crude petroleum exluts in larger or smaller quantities. The lieckert pro cess proposes by means of immense pumpB to force a vast current of air simultaneously down several wells which have yielded some oil. This olr passing through the oil-saturated stratum of rock will become sufficiently and permanently carburated to change It to a gas for heating or lighting. Tho Kas having been thus manufactured will find its way to the surface ana mains via other wells in the neighbor hood. All the arrangements for making the test of the Heekert method have been made. A lurge pumping engine and air compresBers have been purchased by the company owning the patents, and a thorough series of experiments will be made. Large capitalists and experts from eastern cities have recently vis ited Findlay and Investigated the Heek ert theory, with the result that plenty of money and other assistance have been forthcoming. Several of the best and oldest experts in Pennsylvania oil and gas fields, representing vnist inter ests, have looked into the matter, ana without exception reported their bellet In the ultimate success of the plan, which, In its results, would be equaled only by the discovery of oil and gas. It would mean a revolution In the now exhausted gus fields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, while the capital and industries interested in the per manence of the gas would take on a new feeling of security. The chief of the bureau of statistics reports that the total values of the ex ports of merchandise from the United States during the months ended Sept. BO, 1S94, as compared with similar ex ports during the corresponding year, were as follows: September, 1SU4, t-9,-(S.S6o; im, $72,02G.7U8. Nine months ended Sept. 30, 1SU4, $377,047.022;. 1S93, StiU3,221,&73. Ill September last the ex ports exceeded the Imports by $8,440,35.1. In September, 1X93, the excess of ex ports over imports was $25,726.1Sfl. Dur ing the nine months ended Sept. 30, 1S94, the excess of exports over imports was J73.517.2S4. and the excess of Imports for the corresponding period of the pre ceding year was $22,103,499. In Septem ber, 1894, the Imports of gold exceeded the exports by $403,301; and during the nine months ended September, 1K94, the exrpss of exDorts over imports was $73,- 003,612. The excess of exports of silver over Imnorts during the nine months ended Sept. 30, 1894, was $2j,51S,5S9. A Dover, N. J., dispatch says: "The Shops of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad have been put on full time and there Is work enough heart to keen the employes busy for a year. The shops have been running only eight hours a day despite the fact that much work was on hand and as a conseuuence many cars had to be sent to the Scranton shops." Some years ago the Pennsylvania railroad company purchased a large tract of 18.000 acres et West Hazleton nstpiislblv for the coal that might be under it. For many months they pros' pected, but could not locate enough coal to warrant the beginning of operations, their own men claiming that there was but little or no coal to be found. The firm of J. ,0. llayden & Co. were then granted permission !to prospect and practlcaly obtained an option on the land. For the past year several men have been engaged in prospecting and succeeded In locating the coal. Hickory Swamp colliery resumed op erations at Shamokln Monday morning giving employment to 500 men find boys. The Heading company's Burn Bide and North Franklin collieries also resumed, after six weeks' suspension, giving employment to 1,000 men and boys. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: Toronto gets coal for $5.25. Savannah ear fare Is 1 cent. Paris Is to have a world's congress of railways. The Silver Brook No. 2 colliery Worked three-quarter time last week. General Agent Blye, of the Trunk Line association. Is reported to have fallen heir to a $50,000 legacy. For the year to date gold imports have been $15,209,053; exports, $S4,27G. K9; silver imports, $1,337,394; exports, $27,599,564. A handsome sum of money has been raised to equip Cornell university with a railroad plant similar to that of Purdue university. The Lehigh and Wllkes-Bare Coal rompany have suspended all unneces sary labor about their collieries until after the New Year. The Indiana Car Service association In September handled 19,756 cars, the largest business in any month of the last seventeen. Kastbound shipments last week were 47,338 tons, against 54.073 tons last year and 77,324 tons In 1K92. Lake lines car ried iif addition 50,855 tons. , Dick & Mant. are removing their ma chine shop from Beaver Brook to Tresckow, where they will be perma nently located In the future. An ofllclal of the Big Four Btales that had the company the cars It would to day be handling a larger tonnage than any other road in Ohio, Indiana or Illinois. Francis N. Sanborn has been- ap pointed master mechanic and assistant engineer for the Susquehanna Coal company, with headquarters at Nan ticoke. Mr. Sanborn is in Brooklyn on a vacation. Rapid progress Is being effected at Silver Brook opening up the old works which were pumped out a week ago. It will be but a brief time until these old works will be sending many tons of coal to market. The Western Passenger association has voted to allow mileage tickets signed in any office of a road belonging to that body, Instead of at the office lovER mum mm But Take' THE ciHUME1 MALT EXTRACT 1 DOZ. BOTTLES EQUAL IN NOURISHMENT A CASK Commercial. where issued, This change will be ap preciated by purchasers of this class of tickets. The Lehigh Valley Railroad company- is receiving from thirty to forty new hopper coal cars weekly from the Leba non car works. The truck frames are of cust iron Instead of wood, as form erly, and all are fully 'equipped with air brakes ana patent couplers. ine Locomotive Firemen s Brother hood has decided to divide the bene ficiary department into three classes All members are compelled to take out $500 Insurance and then they may take out .')00 or $1,000 more. Under the old system the only policy whs for $1,500. report was recently current to the effect that the Jersey Central railroad was quietly endeavoring to secure con trol of the Delaware and Bound Brook and the North Pennsylvania railroads, uotn of which are leased by the Read ing. Reading ollicials pronounced the story wholly untrue. Within the past week the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company opened a new stripping slope at Tresc kow, which Is known as No. 3 Wharton. The slope extends through the Wharton vein to the basis and the entire body of coal will be mined by driving gangways In diverse directions. The statement of shipments of Poca hontas coal over the Norfolk und West ern railroad for the week ended Oct. 6, for the first time in many weeks shows a slight falling off compared with the corresponding period last year, aggregating 5U.577 tons, against 69,171 tons In 19Si3, the decrease being 12,594 tons. That portion of the Lehigh Valley railroad between Falling SprlngB and Manchester, which, by a recent order, was placed under control of O. O. Esser as superintendent, with head quarters at Sayre, is now known of ficially under the old familiar title of the "I'eiiBylvania and New York di vision." The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on and carried over Us lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for the year thus far has been 1,1,723,356 tons, com pared with 14,270,159 tons In the corre sponding period of 1X93, a decrease of 2, 446.801 tons, of which 9,319,806 tons were coal, a decrease of 1,643,726 tons, and 2,403,550 tons coke, a decrease of 903, 075 tons. STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Oct. 16. The receipt of lower quotations from London and un certainty In regard to the extent of the outflow of gold led to an irregular mar ket for stocks at the opening. The sel ling lacked force, however, and subse quently a better tone prevailed. The main factor, however was the great strength shown by American Sugar, which advanced from 84 to S(i? on pur chases of upward of 80,000 shares. Changes in other leading shares were far less Important, but prices closed fractionally higher than yesterday. Trading In a majority of Instances fell to unusually small proportions and was almost entirely local. Speculation left off firm lin tone. Total sales were 173,000 shares. . The range of today's prices or the ac tive storks of the New York market are piven below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. iu B. Dimmlrk, man ager of William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Open- High- Low Clos ing. 30U W4 8 24?4 m 7414 10-K 724 novj ,wiN v.tu)i 'iij; 3.V14 '? 135 634 10S4 27ii 11 iot 911 m ii ing. Am. Cot. OIL 3 Ms Am. Migur Ht A. M. T U7W AC. 'lop. & 8, F..... ? i Bay State Gus !MHj Can. Smithi ru I hcsp -!.ke ic Ohio. L'hieuKU Oas 7:W$ est. est. a 14 t-4 18.4 mi 11.26 72 iiKTJ B'JJtl 5 lol-?i i" :v m wh 534 lioiS 27W 114 iiVr 14 i m 1444 804 W.u U74 54 244 14 744 103 724 ;ini$ mill w 132 31 l5s 13.". 534 los,4 ai" Vi iotV' w I0'4(' 1 1414 U1IUIIKO J"-1 Chicago, B. & 0 c.f.&ft.h as-i-i C, M. & St. Paul... W)W Chic. K.I.&Pac... Mi Del. & Hud K'i 1) , L. & W Hist & C. F 9 General Electric 30 Ills. Cent W-i Lake Shore 135 i.uuih, & iN'usli 'f.'M Manhattan El. 10614 Mich. Cent Mo. Pac it Sutional ( ouljgo... lljj Nat Lead New .Icr. Cent J09 Now York C. ut iblfi v. V. N E imM N.Y..L. E. & W.... im ,s. ., h. (fe W Ii4i N. V.. s. tt W., pr.. .... Nor. Puc. Nor Pao.. pr 17U 174 104 1h4 17 'Mi U4 II SO.14 l'H 10 is 17,4 04 114 1U4 134 854 174 10 im 174 vv,' 114 0'4 14 bum Oidnrio i Phil. & B & Western., hi'i Roadini!.. I Kiel). w. r Tenn. C. & I...., Texas Pacific. .. Union Pacific..., Wabash , I'M ' wi , 114 4 WhIiumu, pr Western Union KVi CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos lug e.it. est. ing. WHEAT. May Dec OATS. Mv CORN. May Dec Oct LAUD. Jnn Oct PORK. Jnn Oct 57 , 61;4 574 Mi R74 624 32.4 47t ch 720 7 Ul , 324 32?4 , 4'6 . 44 7 20 . 7 0) 4H4 4M 7 20 7 00 12 47 12 03 4H4 404 4J 7 15 7 00 12 30 12 00 ', 45 12 40 12 Oil New York Produce Market. By the United Press. New York. Oct, IC Flour Weak, only a Jobbing trade. Wheat Moderately active, firm, ;r. up; No. 2 red store and elevator, WlVi'ifw'ic. ; atloat, 66-V.; tingrudOd red. 5ua5ilc.; No. 1 northern. options closed firm at "ic over yesterday October, 54' ic; No vember, 54c; December, &c: May, 60V.; .March, SSe. Corn Dull, firmer: No. 2. 65c. elevator: 651,iia55,iC.atlout; options closed linn ut '-ja Inc. over yesterday; October, 65'c; No vember, 55c.; December, 53',;c; Januurv, 527bc; May, 52Tic Oats Fairly active, Mrm; options epiiet, firm; October, 31 ';.; November, 31V.; De ceml)er, 32)4c. ; January, 33V.; February, 3i"(,c.; May, ;ir.; No. 2 white, 35V.; spot prices, No. 2, 3l'ia31'in.; No. 2 white, 35c; No. 2 Chicago, ;t2l4a32'.,c; No. 3, V.; No. t wnue, iH'jje. ; mixed western, 32a32':rc. white do. and white state, 35a38lj,c. Beef Dull. Cut Meats Quiet, steady. Lard Quiet, easy; January, $7.55; re flnod, quiet. Butter Fancy fairly active and steady state dairy, lla23c; do. creamerv, is.i 25c; Pennsylvania , do., 18a26c; western dairy, U'.jjiuoe.; do. creamery, I5n25e.: do, factory, 12nl5c; Elglns, 25c; Imitation creamery, I4an)c. -r T Si OF ALE CCHMM1. Til ft A 1 I U" df w Si I HI QATft Cheese Quiet, unchanged. Hggs Firmer and active; state and Pennsylvania, 3to!e.; Ice house, 15al6sC.; western fresh, ITalWo.; do. per case, $2.25a 2.5). Scrunton Wholcsal Market. Scranton, Oct. 16. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., 6a7e.; evaporated apples, lOallc. per lb.; Turkish prunes, SaOUc; English currants, 2a2'4c. ; layer raisins, $1.7ual.80; muscatels, $i.00al.40 per box; new Valencia, tia7e. per lb. Beans Marrow-tuts, $2.80 per bushel; mediums, $1.70al.75. Peas Green. $1.15al.20 per bushel; split, $2.5ua2.(0; lentels, 6u8c. per lb. Potatoes Un70c. per bushel. Onions Bushel, 7uu"5c. Butter 17a23c. per Mi. Cheese faille, per lb. Ekks Fiesli, 19n2Uc.; coolers, 17al8c. Meats Hums, 12c; small hams, 21sC. ; skinned hams, 3c; Collfornla hams, 8'i.c; shoulders, 8'ic; b Hies, 10c; smoked ureuKiast nacon, jzc. Smoked Beef OuUides, 13V4c. ; sets, 15c; lnsidcs, and knuckles, lti'ac; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.45 dozen. Pork Mess at $17; short cut, $18. Lard Leaf In tierces at lOVjc. ; In tubs, 10?.ic: 10-pound pails, ll'ic. per pound; 6 pound pails, llc. per pound; 3-pound pails, ll'.c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, 740.; tubs, 8c; 10-pound palls, 8'4c per pound: 5-pound palls, 8sC. per pound; 3-pound pnils, ts,c. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent,, per barrel $4.(10 to $4.2U; Ohio and Indiana amber, at $3.25; firaham, $3.25; Rye flour at $3.W. Feed Mixed, per cwt., at $1.20. Uraln Rye, 03c: coin, 60 to 68c 3? to 45i per bushel. Rye Struw Per ton, $12al4. Iiay-$14.50 to $10. oats, Toledo tirnlu Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Oct. 10,-Wheat-Rccelnts, 48,- OOobushels; shipments. 95.000 bushels; mar ket easy; No. 2 red cash, SlVic; December, 52'sC ; May, M"bc. ; No. 2 red cash, BUUc Corn Shipments, 4,0M bushels; mar ket quiet; No. 2 mixed May, 4814c; No. 3 yellow cash, 51c; Oats Receipts, 2,000 bushels; nominal. Rice Firm; No, 2 cash, 49c; No. 3 do., 4flie. Clover Seed Receipts, 744 bags; ship ments, 25 bugs; dull; cash and October, Me.; November, $5.15; December, $5.1714; February, $5.25; March, $5.30. Iluffulo Stock Market. By the United Press. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. IC Cattle Receipts, 020 head: on sale, 2S0 head; market weak; good steers, $4a4.50; light to fair Sleers, $;i.45a3.85; stockers, J2.10a2.75; old to good fat cows, $1.50o2.75. 65 Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head; on sale, 8,550 head; market easy to weaker; Yorkers, 5.I."pu5.2."i; good mediums, $5.25a5.30; pigs, $5.25a5.40; roughs, $1.2.'ni4.C5. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,000 head; on sale, 11,600 head; market weuk; fair to good sheep, $1.75u2.25; choice, $2.40a2.C5; ex portewes and wethers, $Hn3.50; fulr to good Ininbs, $3.25a4; extra. $4.35; Canada lambs, $U5a4.40; extra do., $5.45. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Oct. 16.-Cattle-Reee!ptg. 8,500 head; market for poor grades weak; choice firm; common to extra steers,$2.85a6.2); stockers and feeders, $2a3.50; cows and bulls, $la3.50; calves, $2.25a5.75. Hogs Receipts, 23,U(!0 head: market weak; heavy, $4.0585.25; common to choice mixed, $1.5Da5.15; choice assorted, $5. 10a .15; light, ;4.biiur.oO; ls, j2.iia4.G5. Sheeu Receipts. 18.000 head: market for choice firm, poor, weak; inferior to holce, $3.25u7.50; lambs, $1.50a4.25. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia. Oct. K-Tallow is dull ai.d Weak. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4c; country prime, In bids, 4!Hc; coun try, dark, In bbls, 4,,ic; cakes. 5c.; grease 4c. KILLED FOR INSURANCE. Two Sisters Are Held for One Murder and Suspected of Tour. By the United Press. Ballston, N. Y., Oct. 16. Katherlne and Elizabeth Nolan, of Waterford, sisters, aged 22 and 17 years respec. tlvely, were arraigned In court yes. terdny afternoon on an indictment charging them Jointly with murder In the llrst degree In having, on June 8, administered arsenic to their brother. John Nolan, with Intent to cause his deuth, that they might obtain and share policy of insurance issued by one of the low-priced assessment companies on his life In which they were named as beneficiaries. A drug clerk testified before the cor oner's and grand Juries to having sold one of the sisters arsenic Just before that date. The father, mother and a sister of the Nolans had died within the preceding eight months, on all of whose lives they held similar insurance poll cles that were paid before John's death. CALIFORNIA'S HOLD UP. .Men Are 'uv Scinching for the $50,000 Stolen Money. By the United Press. Sacramento, Cnl., Oct. 1(5. Some where within a mile of Sacramento a fortune consisting of $50,000 In gold and several in silver, the booty of the train robbery of last Thursday night, is bu rled In the earth, and for a time at least the hunt for the robbers has given away 10 me nunt ror their spoil. A mysterious man was shot at by the guards posted' against the remote pos sibility that the robbers might at once seek their treasure, but he has not been seen since. The guards are on the sharp outlook for the robbers and ex pect to capture them. SHOT HIS ELDER BROTHER. Hoys f ind Their Futher's Revolver and Dcnth follows. By the United Press. Bayonne, N. J., Oct. 1G. While play. ing about the house this mornlnir. Richard and Joseph, Seacrof. 12 and 11 years old respectively, found their fa ther's revolver. Richard pointed the weapon at Lizzie Wright, the daughter of a neighbor, and Joseph attempted to wrest 11 irom mm. In the struggle the revolver was dls. charged and Richard was shot in the leu temple, expiring Instantly. NEVER TOO OLD TO AVED. (iallunt Ohio Colonel of 7tt .Marries a 17 Year-Old Muld. By the United Press. 'loieuo, u., Oct. 16. Colonel Isaac Morrow, government immigration agent ana inspector, was married yes terilay nrternoon to Miss Fdlth Gil more. The gallant colonel Is 76 years of uge, wnue nis Drme is only 17. The young woman enme to Toledo last summer to tnko part in the beautv sKow on the Midway at the exposition here, and had previously personated Scotch beauty at the World's Fair beauty show. OLITHAXT. The marriage of Miss Julia Cowley, of this place, to John W. Brown, of uuryea, will occur Wednesday evening, Oct. 24. Miss Agnes Hull entertained a large circle of friends at her home on the West Side last evening. The usual games were Indulged In, and the large numner present were treated In a very hospitable manner. Miss Kate Reese Is visiting relatives at uunora tnis week. Mary Carbine spent the fore part of the week with friends In Oarbondnle. Miss Mame Brobson, of Hcranton, spent Sunday with friends on Lacka wanna, street. The Young Men's Chrlstlnn union will give an entertainment and oyster sup per at their rooms on Scott street. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. The band serenaded our streets last evening, and discoursed some very fine music. Mrs. Charles Lewesley Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. Berry, of Blukley. The first trlnl of Pr, Wood's Norway Tine Syrup wll satisfy any one that the lung-healing virtue ot the pine tree has now been refined Into an affective and convenient cough medicine. Sold by all deulers on a guarantee ot atlafsctloa. ONE CENT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LES3 THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. W ANTED ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our Hue, no peddling. Salary, $"5 pe,r month und expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 63U8, Boston, Mass. AGENT WANTED EVERYWHERE TO sell the laiest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, sells at sight, delivered free, secure territory. Sample In velvet lined case with full information, 10c. Catalogue free. Aluminum Novelty Co., 835 Broad way. New York. Helo Wanted Females. WANTED GOOU SEWERS FOR dress making at 326 Madison avenue. LADIES -YOUR NAME SENT ON stamped envelope will give you steady work, good salary. No canvassing. Net tle Harrison, Sun Francisco, Cul. For Sale THREE GOOD SECOND-HAND SHOW euses tor sale. W. J. WEICHEL. Jewel. er, 408 Spruce street. FOR SALE-FIVE SHARES CON8UM- ers lc Co. stni-k. Apply to D. E. Bar ton, Dunmore, Pa. For Kent. UH RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON est IjH flf nivn nnn a vanna A iLlrnaa Thomas E. Evans, rear 1132 Luzerne, Hyde l'ark. FOR RENT -ONE-HALF STORE. 120 .i-enn avenue, $30 per month. OR RENT NICELY FURNISH RD hall SllitflhlA fnt- InrlirA rnnmu 1 l l-I T in wvom nar avenue. Special Notices. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF 8TOCK. holders of the Scranton Packing com- yuny win oe neiu at me omce ot the com pany, at Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday, Oct. w, ion, aidu ciock p. m. . J. L. CONNELL, Secretary, YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie' Illustrated Weeklv War Illustrations 18til-lb';5. Two Volumes Folio, $16.50; payable monthly, $2.00. Delivered oy express complete, prepaid. Address P, O. MOODY, 618 Gibson street, Scranton, BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zlnes. etc. bound or rebound at Thi Tribune ofllce. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Snruce street and Franklin nv. nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.50. Good lauie uoard. legal. ESTATE OF PHEBE E. GARDNER late of the cltv of Scranton. cnnnlv nf Lackawanna, state of Pennsylvania, de ceased. Letters tcstamentarv unon the ahove named estate having been granted to the unuersigneu, all persons having claims or demands against the suld estate will present tnem ror payment, and those In debted thereto will please muke Immed late payment to JOHN U. SUMNER, Executor, 26 Broad street, Plttston, Pa. ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. THOMPSON, late of the city of Scranton, deceased Letters testamentary upon said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate are requested to make known the same to him without de lay, and all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment. A. a. I'bAi, Executor. W. W. LATHROP, Attorney. Scranton, Sept. 15, 1S04. ESTATE OF THOMAS MULLEN, LATE of the cltv of Scranton. county of Lack a wan no, state of Pennsylvania, deceased, Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will pre sent them for payment and those indent ed thereto shall please make Immediate payment to thus. j. HULiLfin, 1'jxeeuior, JESSUP3 & HAND, Attorneys. Charter Application. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS of the County of Lackawanna, Septenv ber term, 1801,. No. 1004. Notice is hereby given mat an appuca, tlon will bt made to the above court on Thursday, September 20th, 18H4, at ten o'clock a. m., under the "Corporation Act of HfT4." of the commonwealth of Pena svlvunla. and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation in Im called. "The William A. and Law rence Colliery Keg Fund," the charter and object of which Is for beneficial and protective purposes from funds collected therein and for tnese purposes to nave, possess and enjoy all the rights, bene' tits and privileges of the said act of as nemhlv and its suuvlements. The proposed charter Is now on file in the Frothonotary-s omce. JOHN M. HARRIS, Solicitor, Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man. Can speak five different kind of lnnmmL'es and had five years experlem In clothing and gents' furnishing goods and two years in shoe line; age, 20. Ad dress P. K., Tribune building. WANTED - SITUATION AS OFFIC clrl. Cun furnish good references am expect low wages to start with. Anxious for work. Age 18. Address M. C. B., Old Forge, Lacka. Co.,, Pa. SITUATION WANTED FOR WASH ing or scrubbing or any kind of work by the day. lau or auuiess u. a., Mi Sumner avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED AS CLERK Have had experience in the business, can furnish the very best of reference, Address F. C, BOX 84, Montrose, Pa. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE A POSI tlon In grocery store, with some expert ence. Apply i.u auuin avenue. SITUATION WANTED IN STORR OR olllce, typewriting preferred, by a young lady aged 27, well educated. Small salary expected, miss vy., -i jjeiuware street. SITUATION WANTED BY A GIRL TO do light housework. Address No. iiBreck court, Scranton. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN desires a situation as bookkeeper. E, porlenced and good references. Willing to begin on small wages, jiuuress J. v. Li, 437 Wyoming avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN to uo nouse cleaning or unices, or wash Ing by the day. Address J. C, 330 Twen tletn street, tiyae jrarn. AN ACTIVE RELIABLE MAN, WITH good references, of middle age wishes employment. Quick and correct In fig ures, five years experience as single entry bookkeeper and clerk. Will work for any wages mat win uimiu, Auures w . 13, Tribune omce. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN of good habits would like Job around horses. J. ., m t irsi street. Tho Now Fashion. Teacher What do you suppose Jonah thought when he found himself Inside the whale? Johnny Bed closed up on him. De troit Tribune. When Baby u sick, ws (are her Caitorta, Whea she wu a Child, the cried for Cutoria. When the became HIM, she clung to CutorU. When she had Ouldraa, shs l Uwu CutorUb (onnolfy 8c Wallace Dress Bannockburn Suitings, 54' Don't fail to look these Silk and Wool Mixed Novelties, 40 inches wide, one of the on our counters. Dress Robes, High Class Novelties, at the price of cheap ully one-third under Our $10.00 Robes attract great attention. . CONNOLLY & m Belter Beddins Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND HUMBERT'S u WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KR&NICH & BACK find Others STULTZ I BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL HERCHANDI5E, MUSIC, ETC. Wei. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks. Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or on margin. 412 spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. duB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6,0U2. Maloney Oil and Manufacturing Go OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. 141 to 151 MERIDIAN ST. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. THE SOUTHWESTERN .LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Ry.) betweeu Hi I) Columbus', Springfield, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wairner Sleeping cars. Combination Library and Cafe care. Kle gant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America." Bee that your tickets read via the BIG 4 ROUTE. Time tables and information cheerfully furnished on application to S. J. GATES, Qen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange at., Buffalo, N. T. M. B. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, General Passenger Agent;- H. O, McCor ulckt Tralao Manager( Cincinnati, Q. 1 1 Goods Specials. inches wide, strictly all wool, 6 up. " Price, 48c. a Yard. regular prices. From Our Neighbors Get $14 for the same. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. WS M Scranton Bedding Go. CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN COMPLEXION BLEMISHES May be hidden Imperfectly by cosmetics and powders, but can only be removed permanently by v Hetzel's Superior Face Bleach It will Dosltlvelv remove FRECKLES. TAN, MOTH, SALLOWNESS. and cure any diseases of the skin, such as PIM- Pf,E8. ACNE, BLACKHEADS, OILI NESS and renders the skin soft and beau tiful, l'rice Jl per bottle. For sale at E. M. HETZEL'S 330 Lacka. Ave., Scranton, Pa. CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES A Cblld'i Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new..... 99 A C hlld'a Bicycle, 3uber Tire, new 1 0 A Boy's Bicycle, Rnbber Tire, new 1 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 18 1 Bovi' or Girl.' Bicvclo Cushion Tire. uew , UO down to SB 1 Youth's Bicycle. Pneumatic Tire.new.. 36 t Viator B Bicycles, Pneumatic Tira,sec- 1ud hand 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, new 1 Recurs Bicvolo. Pneumatic Tire, sec 10 80 ond-hand....... BO 1 Lovel Diamond B cvcla. Solid Tire. second-hand 10 1 Ludius' Bicycle, Solid Tire, second hand Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second -hand 1 Viotor C Bicycle, 1)4 in, cushion Tire, second-hand IVintnr R Rlornln 1U In nnahlnn Tira. 35 second-hand u 1 Columblau '93 Blrycle.PneumatisTire, 1 Chainbun BIcvcIh. Pnwnm.tia Tire. nearly new 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Rneqnets at a (lis fount or one-third for two weeks. J. D. WILLIAMS 5 BR0. 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. Notice is hereby given thai auction sales will be conducted daily, at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m in the store of C. V. Freeman Jeweler, corner Penn avenue and Spruce street The sale is positive and no goods are reserved. Proceeds will be applied to liquidate creditors claims. JOHN E. LEWIS, Manager for Creditors, What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complex ion t For it, nse Potionl's Powder. r RinnnpniSQNr pvnumiUrmnd w"ww""MaaloRnv dy, imdtriuimUT. tackad b smki.IXMmi. Pultin proof, ud l(-H IHMraM f lifofrofnpofltnlvri,frMbTKitl. ffhraHotBprinfi us atnorynul, Our Mnglo Remedy t ptlMlT mi. COUI UlVllf .X), Cktaw. IU. pi Ipftli wmmw yard patterns. Price. &d50. best things goods, $5 Up to $12 Each. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. Atlantic Refining Go Manufacturers and Dealers in 11 niD i Linseed Oil, Xapthas and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Qrease, Pinion Orcase and Colliery Com pound; also a largo line of Par ufllno Wax Candle. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market. Wm. Mason, Manager. Office; Coal Exchagne, Works at Pine Brook. Wyoming Ave, Moosic Powder Go nnnmc i and 9 Pnnimniioalth PM'iJ uvuuu i iuiu o uvuuuuauuim uiu g SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LfLfflln A Band Powder Co.'i Orange Gun Powder Electrio Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RepannoCDemifiul Cc's High Explosive! "WELL, SIR" "Spectacles !" Yea sir ! We have a specialist here to fit you who docs nothing else. Sit right down and have vjour eyes fitted in a scientific manner. inn LLOYD, JEWELER, 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional in holding- their original ful- " NEW YORK WAREHOUSE. No. M Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1113 Adamt Ave.,!New Telephone Bdg A. W. JURISCH, 405 SPRUCE ST. BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Gendron, Eclipse, Lovell, Dia mond and Other Wheels. Km OII9S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers