The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Fa ns
and 3
Jill LU p-
Are attracting great at
tention toward us these
crisp October days.
Our orders were placed
during tlie dull season,
and in mairy instances
can make a saving to our
customers of at least 25
per cent.
Is made up largely of
beautiful, stylish shapes,
right from our own work
rooms, and the exact cop
ies of the work of re
nowned Paris Artists.
The prices are, of course,
awa)' down.
Grand Depot.
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
' Dr. Tloovoa In now fully estnlilisiliert at
412 tiprnue street, Serutilon. lie Iiiih per
formed Home wonderful cures and , Iiiih
gained the eoulldeiiee of tbo pulilic. He
lias eome to STAY and will remain PElt
JIANK.NTLY at his Spruce street paiiuiv.
lie Iihh had lonpr and varied experience in
hospital and private practice and treats
all acute and chronic diseases ot men, wo
men and children.
He gives advice, ser-Piipp ftf ThflrfJp
vices and examinations rlcc 01 vualgtJ
No one Is turned away,
He. with his mwlstuiils, treat all dis
eases m the nervous system, diseases of
the eye. ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay in both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
toins, blood poisoning, tits, epilepsy, in
discretion and errors of youth, lost' man
hood, eczema, scrofula, Ht. Vitas' dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
The doctor has opened u female depart
ment exclusively for females, ho that those
whom "dflicney" has heretofore kept
away may now receive the services of a
"lady" whose treatment will prove Iter
nbilil v in all cases.
Any one Hurferinir with "Catarrh" who
wishes to be i'EKM ANKNTLT und
'ji'lt'KI.Y cured may receive FOC'K
TKN I'OliLAKS. This offer holds good
for thirty dayB. The doctor has discov
ered tt. SPECIFIC for this dreaded dis
ease. You can treat and cure yoursef
and family with It at. home. It never
fails to cute. A trial treatment free.
Ottlce. hours: Dully. 9 11.111. to S p.m.
Sundays, u to 12 and 2 to 4.
Take elevator In Christian's hat store
or steps.
Kemember the name and number.
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
Window Shades and
Wall Paper.
All the Latest Designs.
J. Scott Inglis
(our doors above Wyoming Uouss. '
Mothers 1 Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's fioothlnsr Syrup has boon
Used for over fifty years by millions of
motners ror tneir children Willie teethinu;,
With perfect success. It sooths the child.
ofletiH the Ktims, allays all pain; cures
wniu cone, and is the best remedy ror di
arrhea. Sold by ditiKglsts in every part
of the world. He sure and ask for "airs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup," and take no
other Kind. 1 wemy-ilve cents a buttle.
Mrs. M. Schnenberirer. Beaver Dnm,
Wis., writes: "Wd have used Dr. Thomas'
Eoleotrlo Oil In our family for Coughs,
Colds, croup and Kheumatism, it cures
very, time."
h let ii
lid linn
frhe great fair of St. Thomas' cona-re-
gation continues to be largely attended
and is now opened both afternoon and
evening. Last evening the Jermyn choir
was present and rendered vocal selec
tions. Tomorrow evening the choir "f
oi. nose s church, Carbondale, will
attend, and an entertaining pro
gramme has been arranged. The
fair is now a popular place of
amusement, and ueoole of all ages
and classes attend it each night. There
is no better place to spend an evening.
The Archbald Water company will
meet tomorrow evening for the pur
pose of opening bids for the construc
tion of the new dam on Laurel run,
to which reference was made In these
columns several weks ago. The ca
pacity of the proposed dam will be in
the neighborhood of GO.OUO.UOU gallons.
It will be built farther up the creek
than the present dura and will reyuire
the outlay of an enormous sum of
money, with this dam completed there
will be little danger of a water famine
In this vicinity, unless the drv season is
of the phenomenal order. '
lnls evening a Democratic rally will
be held in Father Mathew hall. The
speakers will be George S. Horn, James
J. O'Neill and 0. J. Campbell.
mis afternoon the marriage of Miss
Katie Mcllale. of the East Side, to
Thomas Deavy, of Plymouth, will take
place. Tomorrow evening Miss Sadie
(.'ligation and Thomas McDonnell, of
Taylor, and Miss Ella Van Doren and
Thomas Monle will bo married. There
will be at least two marrluges next
week. Among others announced to take
place soon are the marriage of Jumes P.
Loftus, of Hill street, to Miss Llllle
Keenun, of South Scranton, and of P. J.
Kearney, of South Main street,, and
Miss Ella Gillespie, of Pine street. For-
tunutely the business of Cupid and
Hymen in this borough Is not affected
by the Wilson bill.
Patrick O'Rourlte, sr., of Railroad
street, was hurt by a full of roof in the
Delaware nd Hudson mine yesterday
afternoon. Mr. O'Rourke's head was
cut and his hip was bruised. His in
juries ure not considered dangerous.
J. J. Kearney, of Laurel street, was a
visitor in Scranton yesterdy.
Miss Agnes Berry, of Hyde Park,
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. h
U Boyle, of Main Btfeet.
John J. Scunlon, of Main street, was
in Scranton yesterday.
The Lckawanna Transit company has
ordered new closed cars to take the
place of the open enrs now in use. They
will probably not be placed on the line
bef ure two weeks.
The University Extension circle met
last evening In the graded school build
ing to hear reports from the members
who had agreed to see ladies and gen
tlemen who might be Induced to join
There was a large attendance and many
new names were proposed. The mem
bershlp Is now In the nlghborhood of
100. and there Is every prospect of the
full compliment of members being pro
cured. After a general discussion It
was decided to- enter into a contract
with the University Extension bureau
for the course of lectures on "Shakes'
pcare," to be delivered by Colonel
Sprugue. An executive committee was
appointed to perfect arrangments for
the course. It consists of Rev. R. N
Davis, Dr. Van Doren, Miss Alice
Sweeney, John A. Foote, P. A. Philbln
C. A. Battenberg, Lizzie White, Mary
Qumnan, Katie Walsh and Mury Duffy.
The committee will meet on Friday
On Wednesday evenlnar of this week
the Ladies Aid society of the Baptist
tabernacle will serve their regular
monthly supper in the chapel. Tea will
be served rrom 5 until 8 o'clock.
Mr. Grant, a nephew of P. H. Btieirs
of this city, who has been a resident of
this city but a short time, will leave to
day for Kentucky, where he has secured
a splendid position. His many ac
otialntances will regret his departure.
Thomas Oliver returned home to this
city from Virginia on Saturday, where
ne was caned by the death of his sister.
Mrs. L. A. Bassett and Mrs. G. S
Kimball have Issued Invitations for a
tea, which will be given at the home of
the former, on Lincoln avenue, on
Wednesday evening from 4 to 6 o'clock
Edwin Moon returned home on Satur
day evening from a seven weeks' stay in
The Temple lecture course will be
opened in this city on Tuesday evening
of next week, Oct. 23, when Russell H
Conwell will lecture on "The Silver
Crown, or. Born a King,"
Allen Strong and Crlflls James, of
Olyrant, were arrested In this city
Sunday evening and yesterday morning
were lined Jj each by the mayor.
The present year opened on Sent. 13.
with an increased attendance in all de-
departments. There are in the senior
class in the college twenty-six; in the
junior, iniriy-seven; in the sophomore,
forty-one; in the freshmen, fifty-seven.
and a few specials. Seven are pursuing
grauuate wont as candidates for the
master's degree. The schools have
about reached the limit of their cauac-
lty for accommodating and Instructing
There are now alumni culbs In Phlla-
delphla. New York, Pittsburg, and In
the University of Chicago. It would he
an advantage to the college to have
clubs formed In other.centers. An ex
amination of the list of matriculates
shows that clubs could befwmed in
Scranton, Wllllamsport, Lewlsburg,
Harrlsburg, Altoona and Erie: and in
New England, Washington. D. C Chi
cago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Denver
und san i runclsco.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage or Miss Julia A. Cowley, of Oly
phunt, formerly of this place, to W. J.
Brown, of Duryea, at St. Patrick's
church, Olypliunt, Wednesday. Oct. 24,
The auditors of Lackawanna town
ship httve completed the report for the
year beginning March, 1893, and ending
March, 1S94. The report will be printed
in i ne Tribune in about a week.
The entertain miit of O'Connell eoun
ell. Young Men's Institute, next Mon-
day night will please whomsoever Bhall
attend It. A long and excellent pro
gramme of vocal nnd Instrumental
numbers have been arranged.
The contract for John J. Coyne's new
store has been let and the carpenters
will begin building it next week. It
will be ready for occupancy before
Epworth league tonight.
The Hillside collerles in this place
were paid yesieruay.
Stanley Evans, of the News office,
spent Sunday with relatives in Scran
George J. Iienton, of Carbondale, was
the guest of friends on North Mai
street Sunday.
Miss Pearl Westgate, of Unlondale,
visited her sister, Mrs. G. E. Esmay,
All members of the United choir are
requested to meet In Cunningham hall
this evening. Business of importance
to every member will be transacted.
George H. Dunn, Ontario and Western
station agent at jermyn, spent Sunday
wltn nia parents in this borough.
The Ladles' Aid Boclety of the Presby
terlan church will give a chicken sup
per In the school room of the church this
evening. Boiled chickens, stewed
chickens, and chickens serfed also In
other forms will be In abundance. An
elaborate menu tin addition will be
served. !
The annual Institute for the teachers
of Susuuehunna county wl) be held at
Montrose Oct. 22 to 2C. The instructors
outside of the county are: Dr. E. E.
White, of Columbus. Ohio: Miss Oert-
riide Edmund, of Stroudsburg State
iNormai school, and Dr. . H. Albro and
Professor Hamlin K. Cogswell, of Mans
field State Normal school. Evening
lectures will be delivered as follows:
Ex-Representative Harrv Hall, of
Mercer, Pa., subject, "The Coming
Man"; Professor W. B. King, elocution
ary entertainment; and Colonel George
W. Bain, of Kentucky, subject, "Among
the Masses."
Thomas Canavan, a resident of Dela
ware street, died Saturday morning,
aged 63 years, of heart failure. De
ceased was a resident of this place for a
number of years, and whs hiKhly re
spected. The funeral was held yester
day afternoon In St. Agnes' Catholic
church. Interment In St. Rose cemetery
Mrs. F. M. Looml3 will entertain the
Ladles' Aid societv of the Hantlat
church at Keystone academy on Friday
afternoon, Uct. 19.
Kuell Campbell, who is teaching
school at Starrucca. passed Saturday
and Sunday with his parents in this
tred Small, who has been very ill
with typhoid fever, is rauldlv lmorov-
lng. .ii,1"." W
A convention of the Kevstone Union
of the Young People's Society of Chris
tian endeavor societies will be held at
the Dalton Baptist church next Friday
afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. All are re
quested to attend.
F. A. Reynolds and family visited rel
atives at Carbondale over Sunday.
The Keystone academy foot ball team
went to Towandu on Saturday und
played the foot ball team of that place.
The Keystone team came off victorious.
An ordinance for the better preserva
tion of the public health was passed by
our borough council Monday, Oct. 8.
The ordinance consisted of thirty-two
A movement is on foot for the organi
zation of a hose company.
Robert G. Crosslev pased Sunday with
friends In Plttston.
Rev. John M. Lewis. Jr., left yesterday
morning to attend the meeting of the
archdeaconary at Mount Pleasant. The
Sunday school institute will be held on
Wednesday, when A. C. Lindsay will
attend as a delegate from Grace Sun
day school and read a paper on Sunday
school work..
Nicholas Louis was a visitor In Scrnn-
ton yesterday.
The New York Celebrities at the opera
house Saturday, Oct. 20; proceeds for
the benefit of the Ladies' Improvement
Professor Reeves dancing class will
meet Wednesduy evening, Oct. 17, at 8
p. m.
George James, of Carbondale, is visit
ing his parents here.
Honesdale wore a very wintry air
Sunday. Snow fell at various times
during the day and evening. It is re
ported thut snow covered the ground In
Mount Pleasant Sunday.
Any Irregulurity in the delivery ot
this pnper should be reported at once
to the Honesdale agent.
E. R. W. Scarle, of Susquehanna, is In
R. B. Georgia, of the Blnghamton
Herald, Is in town.
Charles De La Vergne, of Honesdale,
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Charles Cap
well. '
The Tribune published the first nnd
best account of the robbery of Milo
Gurnsey. All the news of Hallstead will
appear regularly In The Tribune.
Cards ure out announcing the coming
marriage of Henry Dctrick, of Hack
ettstown. N. J., to Miss Jennie Currier,
of this place. The marriage is to take
place at the home ot tne brine on
Thursday evening.
The following are the delegates to tne
Young Men's Christian association con
ventlon at Johnstown, which meets in
the near future: Homer Robinson, Rev.
Mr. Davis and W. W. Adair.
W. C. Griffin's team ran away again
Sunday morning, and only for the
breaking of a wheel serious conse-
quences rould have resulted. hen
the wheel broke it tipped the vehicle to
one side, throwing Mrs. Griffin, Miss
Fagln and Miss Griffin out. but they
were not Injured. The teum ran a
considerable distance when they were
checked by coming in contact with a
tree, wrecking the vehicle, which was
an elegant one.
Charles P. O'Malley, the candidate
for representative, was in town yester
Charles Griffin lost a valuable cow
George W. Lowery and vwillam
Rought, of Green Ridge, called on
Marlon L. Smith yesterday.
Peter O Toole visited mends in
Duryea Sunday.
The Ladies' AkL.noctety- will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the
MethodlHt Episcopal church.
Today will be pay day for the Peniv
sylvania Coal company.
All Interested are Invited to bo pres-
ent at the Methodist Episcopal church
Saturday evening at 7 o clock sharp,
Rev. Mr. Race and Rev. Mr. Tenant will
be present to organize an Epworth
league. Several prominent league work
erB will be present and deliver addresses
and some noted singers also. AH will
be welcome. 1
Rev. J. L. Race Is at Lehman attend
Ing the ministerial meeting. Mrs,
Nutte Wllllums and Mrs. Lizzie Stan
ton were in Scranton last pvening.
Mr. Barnes, of Scranton, was a caller
in town Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Cameron and wife, of Mar-
cellus. Is visiting Mr. Cameron's Bister,
Mrs. Waterbury.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jenkins are visit
ing Meshoppen friends.
Frank Drlggs visited the Electric City
Miss Hattle Bacon has returned home
after a month's sojourn In Scranton.
Little Willie Cady is seriously ill with
typhoid fever.
Arthur Titus Is slowly Improving.
Stuge Struck.
Mother It won't do you to take our
daughter to the theater so often, I am
afraid she already Imagines herself an
Father Has she taken to studying
Mother No; but within the past
six weeks she has been engaged to half
a dozen men. New York Weekly.
Her Frugal Eye.
Bob Is your landlady
Hurry Well. I should remark; when
ever she wears a gown with leg-o'-mut
ton sleeves she puts it in the bill.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
. . j
What Is tha message of days, what Is the
thouKht thev brinir
DayB thut darken to winter, days that
sweeten to spring?
Is there a lore to learn, Is there a truth to
be low;
Hath the new dawn a ray thnt never
flashed from the old?
Day thut deepens to night, night that
broadens to day.
What Is the moaning of all, whut Is the
word thev sav?
Silence for aye and for aye, and the
heart-beats never ceaso
Till toll and life and the day are the
night and death und peace
John Holl Ingham, iu Scrlbnor,
Edward Kane, who h fin Vieen Ivinir
sick at the residence of Mrs. Fleming-,
ton, on South Main street, as a result of
an electric shock, sustained by touching
a trolley wire, has sufficiently recovered
10 permit or his removal to his home
In Port Griffith. It will be some time,
however, before he will bo entirely
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Tenlnr oc
curred from the family home, on North
Main street, yesterday morning at 9:30
o'clock, and was largely attended. The
remains were taken to St. Casimlr's Pol
ish Catholic church, where tt solemn
mass of requiem was sung. Rev. Father
J. J. Zlotorzinskl officiating. He was
assisted by Rev. Fathers Brehl and
Greeve. At the close of the services the
remains were interrd In th Polish Cath
olic cemetery. The pull bearers were:
George Koons, Andrew Clements, J. H.
Tighe, Patrick Corcoran, Thomas Cor
coran and Peter Kashuba.
No. 8 and Old Forge colllerleB, of
the Pennsylvania Coal company, are
Idle this week, and all the others are
working. The Pennsylvania Coal com
pany upper end employes will receive
their puy today, and those of the lower
end Wednesday. The Erie and Wyom
ing valley railroad employes were paid
last Friday.
The Heidelbere shaft of the Lehigh
Valley Coal company, after an Idleness
of six weeks, resumed operations yes
terday morning.
About 2.30 o'clock .yesterday after-,
noon, while Mrs. Henry, of v yomlng,
mother of Mrs. Rev. W. S. Stltes, was
walking on the sidewalk near the west
erly end of the Ferry bridge, she sud
denly became very 111, tottered and fell
to the ground. She was carried to the
home of Mrs. Lynn, close by, where
Dr. Johnson attended to her. Her con
dition is not regarded as dangerous,
but she Is very weuk and is suffering
much pain.
Miss Nona Kennedy, of Scranton,
pased Sunday with friends in this place.
Rev. J. B. Sumner left yesterday for
a visit among Wayne county relatives.
Dr. Eugene Butler, formerly of this
place, but now a resident of Wilkes
Barre, will be married to Miss Helen
Steckel, of Dallas, on Thursday. The
ceremony will take place at the home
of the bride.
Elmer E. Vance's "Limited Mall" will
be presented at Muslo hall tomor
row evening. It is a treat that should
be appreciated.
The many friends In this place of Will
G. Schooley, of Harrlsburg, a former
resident of this place, are In receipt of
cards announcing his marriage to Miss
Martha R. Withrow, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Samuel With
row, of that city. The inter
esting ceremony will take place at
the bride's home, 1,599 North Third
street, Harrisburg, Oct. 24, at 8:30 p. m.
Mr. Schooley's sister, Miss May Schoo
ley, of the West Side, will be among the
J. S. Lowden, of Honesdale, visited
his daughter, Mrs. R. J. Taylor, Sun
Regular communication of Oriental
Star lodge, No. 58S, Free and Accepted
Masons, will be held this evening.
Mrs. D. E. Stearns and Mrs. A. W,
Brundage are at Philadelphia as repre
sentatives ot the Women's Christian
Temperance union.
The many friends of Rev. F. P. Doty
will be glad to know that he is slowly
Lost Between George Bell s store
and Methodist Episcopal church, a
pearl watch charm. Finder will please
return to Miss Emma Grey, Mill
street. '
German Journalist who visited Bls
niarck recently says that the ex-Chan
cellor has aged very much in the last
few months. He eats with difficulty
can hardly hold himself erect, und
speaks only In a tone so low that it Is
hard to understand him.
William HearBt, millionaire editor of
the San Francisco Examiner, is mak
ing a great success of that paper. He
has recently bought the Evening Post,
which William Swlnton and Henry
George first started In 1870.
Rev. Sam Bettls, cowboy evangel
ist, thus sums up the results of his re
cent revival at Bay City, Mich.: "I
had over 3,000 conversions, 1,256 old top
ers signed the pledge, $862 was raised
for expenses, a00 clear for Sam, and
6,000 people were fed free meals." Ho
Is satisfied. The local clergymen of
Bay City denounced his sensational
Not long ago Queen Marguerite, of
Italy, asked her royal consort for his
opinion as to whether she was still
young enough to wear her favorite cos
tume of white muslin. His majeBty re
plied: "This matter requires reflection."
Two weeks later a box was carried to
the queen's apartments; when It was
opened the box was found to be filled
with white dresses, which King Hum
bert hud ordered.
Hp Tnmr.a Tt Prink nf Ttoston. has
Vi.ion hllrwl from Infjinnv. but. he h&S a
fine practice, and is said to be a first-
class physician.
H. J. Cox. weather observer at New
Haven, Conn., has been appointed gen
eral forecaster for the entire country,
Whim nlil hv Mi.llv Ttlv that his eves
were both gray and blue, Senator Hill
replied that the combination was very
o-ni-tH f.,r n imllttclnn. According to
Nelly this is what Senator Hill eats
all the year round: - Breaklust v hat
ever fruit Is In season, oatmeal and
...,uvi t.i' Hiillad drv toast a.nd
coffee.'- Lunch Dry toast and tea.
ruvmui- Kmiti h roust miu veireiaoies:
never fl3h, never oysters, no wine, no
nftni.. rllnnoi- onffeo no ctirurs. Wine
and cigars, however, are kept for
Th eni cement Is announced of Miss
Margaret Jefferson, a granddaughter
of Joseph Jefferson, to Glen MacDon
ough, the playwright. The engage
ment of Miss Josephine Jefferson, a
slBter of Miss Margaret, to Charles J.
T?s.ifu ann nf thp celebrated Shakes
pearean scholar, was announced a few
weeks ago.
Woman's Way.
When the train made its first stop
after leaving home, Mr. Slmpklns, who
had been in a brown study for several
minutes, raised his eyes, which had a
troubled look In them, and remarked
"My dear, are you sure we naven
forirotten anything.'
"Of course we haven't," responded
the eood lady, cheerfully. "I would
have thought of It the minute the train
had started." Detroit News Tribune.
"Funny idea the ancients had, wasn't
It, of giving a dead man money 10 iuko
to the next world with him."
"I wonder it that was how the ex
pression 'money to burn' originated?"
Indianapolis Journal.
Great English Remedy,
Gray's Specific Medicine
ic vnil ClirFPR from Ner-
bility, Waakneu of Body and Mind, Spormn-
arise from over-indulcoara and aelf-abuaa. aa
Loan of Memory and Power, Dlmnaas of Vis
ion. I'renmturn Old Axe and many other dli-
easea thnt lead to Insanity or Consumption
and an early grave, write tor a pampuiet.
Addriwi wRiY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo.
N. Y. Tbo Hpeoifio Medicine la sold by all
drnpirlsta at S per package, or six packaKoa
for $i,or aent by mail on receipt of money.nnd
with every ta.00 order WEGUARANTEE
a cure or monoy rofundoa. a
-l"On account of counterfeits we hava
udoptod the Yellow Wrapper, thu only Keuu-
uia. bold iu fcuranioa nr juhuw sroa.
A Young Swiss Lived All His Life ft Girl
I mil He Foil In Love.
From the Springfield Union.
The case of the Brooklvn bov crimi
nal who, In the course of one day re
cently was Judged to be a girl, and a few
nours arter that a boy, and who had
lived both as a girl and as a bov with
out raising any suspicions, is faf sur
passed, in extraordinary Interest by
that of a younr Swiss who nnssed all
his life as a gin uuill a month ago.
ne was Known by the name of Laura
Besnar, and came of a good family.
Why his frlendH should have registered
the child as a female, and subsequently
kept up. the deception, is a matter of
mystery. The young man is said to
have found the companionship of the
weaker sex very pleasant, and would
have continued to frequent the society
of young women as one of their num
ber had he not fallen In love. but. in
order to woo and w n the ladv of his
cnoice, ne declared his proper sex.
the earlier years of his life were
spent In a convent shool. on leaving
which he studied a cure for stammering
and subsequently founded a school for
tnat purpose. This was so successful
that In a few years ho amassed 40.0UO
francs, and then decided to study
medicine. With this object he entered
Btudent at Grenoble school of medicine
as a woman, and to all outward ap
pearances was one. His features were
distinctly feminine, and nothing In the
shape of a mustache or whiskers was
to be observed. In every way he com
ported himself as a female, and seemed
quite at ease In the character he as
sumed. The only thing which might
have betrayed him. perhaps, was a
slight suspicion of the masculine In his
voice. This, however, was scarcely
sufficient to attract special notice.
Individual Communion Cupv.
From the Philadelphia Press.
The Eighteenth Street Methodist Epis
copal congregation, Eighteenth and
Wharton, used the Individual com
munion cup for the first time last Sun
day morning. Rev. C. E. Adumson,
pastor of the church, presided at the
services, and after his sermon referred
to the change made, saying that the
method was considered much better
than the old method. Owing to the
failure of the maker of the cups to send
them on time, only seventy were used.
The congregation has between 200 and
300 communicants, so the cups had to
be used more than once. By the time
of the next communion service, the first
Sunday of next month. Rev. Mr. Adam
son expects to have 350 cups on hand, so
that there will be enough and to spare,
Most of those who were present spoke
of the change with approval.
Knew Where He Fished.
Husband (leavlncr for fishlnir trio
Well, itood-bv. dear!
Wife Uood-by, Henry. Take good
care of yourself. By the way, you
needn t stop at the nsh market on your
WAV hiime I'll fri ilmvn nnma time
during the dav und order myself.
All Thafs Claimed
" I had a poor appetite, that tired feellnc and
was run down, but Hood's Sursaparllla ha!
done me a great deal o
good. I have a bettet
appetite and da Dot
feel tired. I can ree.
onmitnd Hood's Sarsa-
parllla as an excellent
spring or fall medicine
to keep the blood In
order. Myself and
throe daughters have
taken over six bottles,
and It has done us
much good. We do
not now have to call
upon a doctor, as for
merly, In tha spring
Albert Kinacy time, and I can say that
Auburn, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
all that Is claimed for it. I most heartily rec
ommend It, and shall always keep It in my
house." Albert Kinsby, Auburn, Pa.
1 lwiy parilla
Be sure to get UfeS
Hood'3 Pills are purely vegetable, and do
lot purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists.
Clothing House
230 Lackawanna Avenue
Are right in line, as usual, with
everything that's New, Elejrant
and Stylish In FALL CLOTH
ING. Better Tailor Made
Clothes for less money than you
get elsewhere.
Men's Fine Stylish All Wool Suits In
Cheeks, mixed or pluln muterl
11 In, sold usually at 112.00. sell
ing at The Bell for J7.C0
Better stiltR of lilaok Cheviots and
Thlliets, Double-Ureusted Sacks
or Fine Cutaways, worth all of
JliVlW. Bellluu; ut 230 Lucka. uve.
for J9.G0
Wen s r:xtra r tne w orsted Tweeds
Whipeord and Homespun Suits
superbly made, equal to euxtoin
clothes, others dun ire S-0.00 for
sik-Ii qualities, our price but....?12.W
(Uxlra line blacK suits, included
In this lot.)
Boys' all Wool Suits, worth $3.50 at.. $1.95
Finer ones in Cnsslmeres nnd Wor
steds, worth K.00 at 13.K
LONO PANTS SUITS AT $3.50, $4-75
clothing house.
"Always the Cheapest,"
Sign of the Bell.'
. v
iThe Fair
400-402 Lackawanna Avenue.
Hi mnrif
This Week.
Figured all over, fringe
top and bottom . . .
$E5rThese were previous
select from.
A new line of Chenille and Tapestry Covers.
Rich Velour Table Covers. Elegant line of Gob
lin Tapestry Covers and Pillow Covers.
Four sizes of Hampers, in a variety of colorsiCT
All new. Waste and Scrap Baskets.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
y wi-''iwtFW).ij.MiVwmiii!ti.iiiixii.iii .iiium n m.m n i.n hbwhwwiiih
Marriage Would Be
A Failun
To many if our liberal Credit System had no existence. For
what comprises-the major part of a happy marriage? Is It
not the home? A home furnished with solid comfort and de'
gance, and this can be procured by the mechanic or laborer as
well as if he had great wealth at his command. Our estab
lishnient is a store for the masses.
Nothing Second Rate
Anything of a shnhhv
. ' w " ' w - ----- . . ... v tiv
done under our name must be first-class, or it is somebody's
blunder w ho is paid not to blunder but to serve you properly.
Hut to return to the
We aid you and are happy to do so. , We extend credit to alt
and give you all the goods you want. We furnish from cellar
to garret.
Our 'jg.oo Bedroom Outfit and Juo.oo Four-room Outfit
are still subject to your orders.
A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American Onyx
Finish, with every purchase of 850 or over.
Or an Elegant 100-Piece Dinner Set with every $75
purchase or over, for Cash or Credit.
19 Vf a. B A u A lift' A! KTZH-r-
tfjC flf) prJ pAID
sold at $7.00. Six colors to
Kitrt ulll nat answer herd. ?4
nn rinnnrfmnnl
11 11 in 1 mm milium
JIUUIl UuflllllMII