THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12. 1894. Our Line of FUR CAPES Is larger and mors complete than ever. Comprises garmeuts in ELECTRIC SEAL ASTRACnAN WOOL SEAL NUTRIA MARTEN MONKEY Sbeared an3 Palled Coney We claim to have the best finish, the choic est skins, the latest styles and the lowest prices. An examina tion will convince you. Capes from $6.50 to $45.00. GORMAN'S IB DEPOT 412 Sprues St, Scranton. Dr. Keeves is now fully established at 412 Spruce strwt. Hcrantuu. He has performed Ruine wonderful cured and lias Kaiuel the connilunce of. the public. He has come to STAY aud will remain FKRMAN KNTLY at bin i-prucH street parlors. He lias had long nnd varied experience iu hospital and priva'e practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases of nion, women and children. He ?iv. advice. er-rnrr fir nil nnr Tlces an.' Humiliation MLC Ul UllIiUL 2o one is turned away. He. with his assistants, treat all diseases of the n Twins system, diseases of the eye, enr, no and throat, dyspop-d i, rheumatism, lost vitality : r mature weakness or decay in loth st'xea, nervous debility, catarrh, tumor, cancers, eruptions, l.lood poison ins?, fits, opi ilepsy. intiis. retion and errois of youth, lost manhood, czema, w-mfulu. St. Vitas' dance, asthma, diseases 01 the Heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, I ladder, stomach, etc. FEMW.E DEPARTMENT. The doctor has opened a feinala department exclusively for females so those whom 'd9llcacy', has heretofore kept awav may now ro eivo tho services of a "lady" whose treatment will prove her ability In u ll cases. CFFERTOTHE PUBLIC FOR "CATARRH" Any oio Bufl'erinff with "Catarrh" who wishes to tie PKHM -iNEN i LTand OUH'KLY cur i mar receive VuU-t MONTHS' TREAT MENT KOU KLY TEN DOLLARS. This iftur holds Rood for thirty davs. Tho doctor has discovered a KI'El It 10 for this dreaded disease. Vou can and cure yourself aud family with It at borne. It never fails to cure, A trial treatment free. Office hours: Daily It a.m. to 9 p. m. Sun days, lot.. 1 and a to . Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or stei. Remember the name and nnmber, 412 Spruce St, Scranton. CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Papers. All the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. our doors abore Wyoming Home. Xothartl Motharatl Mothers 111 Mrs. W inflow's 8oothing 8yrap has been oied for over fifty yearn by millions or mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain; cares wind colls, and is the beet remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydmggiste in every part of the world. Be sore and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, and take do no-other kind. Twenty-are cents a bottle. BEEVES it REEVES Highest of all in Leavening Powef. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Taylor. The cantatH, "Jnphtba and His DuoRhtfr," was prodneed yesterday Hfternoon to the sehool children ni Weber's rink, and nbont 250 little ones enjoyed the performance immensely. Iu the evening it was aguin given, and the rink was filled to overflowing. James Watkins plays the leading role, and his splendid voice is beard t great advantage. Miss Litverna Mitch ell, as Jephtha's dnnijuter, displays ex traordinary powers in her rendition, and she is one of the best singers in the oust. Her solos frequently brought forth bursts of applause from the au. li en ce. Miss Rrtbecci D.ivls, as Adah, Jistingu shed herself in a most credit able way, Her voice is not strong, but it is an exceptionally sweet and pare one. In fact nothing but praise can be given the whole cast The choruses were all rendered artistically. The per foruianoe will ba repeated again this evening, and everybody should take the opportunity of witnessing this grand production. A number of oases were heard before, Burgess Griffiths yesterday morning all but one being on the charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Michael Serbia was the first to nppear He was arrested on a complaint issued by John Bosuuis, charging bim with assault aud battery and smashing furniture. He was committed to j ill in default of bail. G6orge Berrick also assisted in the disturbance, and he was fined the costs of prosecution. Frank Tikesb was arrested early yes terdsy inorhlng by Officer Welby for burning oil and commencing a fire near the Holden breaker. When Offi cer Welby was on his way home at about 1 o'clock bo was a slight blaze uenr the breaker, aud running over to the place he discovered Tikesb holding a stick in bis band lighted with fire. Fearing the man was trying to set fire so the breaker be plaoed him under ar rest. At the bearing Tikesh said that ho bad lighted the stick because be was afrtiid to go through the woods in the dark.' Tnis explanation was thought by the burgess to be untrue and he was fined $10 or labor on the road for teu days. His fine was paid by a friend later in the day and he was released. Felix McLaughlin spent Wednesday at Jermyn. Patrick Jndgate and Frank Lally spent yesterday at Mooiio. Miss Nettie Ryau, of Dalton, spent yesterday with frieuds in towu. David Harris is con fined to his home on Groye street with diphtheria. John Christian, of the Scranton Horold was in town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Inane Jones, of Scran ton, spent yesterday with friends and relatives in this borough, Miss la Moran, of Dnntnore, was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Mackin, on Grove s'reet, yesterday. Miss Mamie Ravin, of Pitteton who bus beeb the guest of Miss Mary Mar ray, of Grove street, for the past few weeks, returned to her home yesterday, aconmphnied by Miss Murray. The employes of the Taylor, Pyne & Holceu mines were paid yesterday, and as a result the town put ou a more llv-ly appearance than is usual. Rev. b. D. Davie, of Windham, Ohio, is visitinir bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. David F. Davis, on Uuion street, after an absence of five years. One of the prettiest weddings that l as ever been witnessed in this town occurred at the Methodist EiiIhcodbI church last evening. The contracting partus wt-re Miss Ruth B. Ward and John D. Atherton, aud the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. F A. Kiug, p istor oi the Methodist ennreb Professor D. Jones plsyed Mendelssohn's wedding march. The bride wore a costly cos tnme of white silk, trimmed witb ohif ton, and carried a beautiful bonquet of teu roses. The couple were unattended. After the ceremony at the choreb the invited guests proeveded to the bride's home on Main street, where a wed.ling supper was served and congratulations were in order. The conple left on the midnight train for Philadelphia, Wash iugton, New York and different points of interest. William Powell and Mary Lewis were married by Rev. Ives Thomas yesterday morning. They left on a short bridal tour. Misses Mnme Sampson and Lulu Gress visited in town last night For Burns. Scalds RrnUoa anil all ml. and soreness of the flesh, the errand houne- uom reuiruy i ut. i nomas JcieotriC Ull. Be snre you get the best. Jermyn. Gorge Walters and Joseph Mor comb were Scranton visitors yesterday. The freight station of the Ontario and Western railroad company was broken opeu Wednesday night A ease of books was taken. Several other packages were examined, but nothing taken. As usual, there is no cine. The Aid society of the Tompkins ville Methodist niscopal church paid a visit to Mrs. Samuel Hatobings yes terday afternoon. 'Now that the water his snbsiJed the extent of the damage can be more easily seen. Michael Clark, C. L, Bell and Mrs. Henry Dayles are among the heaviest losers. Miss Lettie Evans, of Scranton, is visiting Miss Kate Sampson on Fourth street The fair of Crystal Fire company will open on Tuesday evening. Try and be there. Pay your tRxei today and save the disconnt. Today is your last ohance. The parade of the Father Mathew sooiety and the Carbondale and Jermyn ondets took place yesterdiy. Had it not rained Wednesday there would have been a great many more In line. After the parade a picnic was held in Elm grove in the afternoon and a so cial in Enterprise hall in the evening. The Mozart, Citizen's and Enterprise bands were in line. Keystone Academy. Frank Depew preached at Carpenter Hollow Wednesday evening. Harry Mnmford will spend Sunday at his home in Starnccs, Solom in Strong took the Civil Sir vice examination at Scranton Thurs day. Joseph Stanton has been transferred from the seoond to the first foot ball team. Rlohard Henwood takes his place as captain of the second team. The students of Keystone will be offered u treat upon lection day. The if PURE Current Topio league Is miking pre parations to hold a mock election, This will be con luctel strictly accord ing to tho Baker ballot system. All male students will b invitol to vote. The ladies of the Bryant literary society, are m iking preparations to re furnish their room. Archbald Yesterday afternoon a horse driven bv a peddler from Jemip run uwny on Upper Main street and created great excitement as be ran down town. The driver and another man who was rid ing with bim w. re thrown out nnd the former was drneged nbont a hundred yards and severely bruised. The other man snstainel oulv n f-w scratches. The wagon was badly broken and lb-; goods were scattered about the street. The horse was cmht near Jones, Simpson & Co. 's snore. The runaway was cans-ad by a broken axk The John P. Kelly club will bold a special meeting this evening. Miss Mamie Clark of Honsdxle is visiting her cousin, Miss Mamie Clark of Pine street. M. F. Caffrey of Main street was in Scranton yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. O'Connor and her sister, Miss Sarah Coicoran of Dunmore, vis ited at their former home here yester day. Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes of South Scranton visited Mr. and Mrs. James White of Wayne street yester day. Richard Burke of Dot) das, Canada, is being entertained by his cousin, Mrs. M. A. Foote of Main street. The grand fair of St. Thorons' con gregation continues to attraot large crowds. On Wednesday afternoon und evening the attendance was enormous. Each evening a musical programme is rendered. Mies O'Malley of Wilkes Barre sang two charming solos on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly of Sura cuse, N. Y. are about to line here again after an absenoo of a year. The University extension circle met in the graded bnilding last evening and received reports from those who have been interested in the promotion of the idiia. Already a large number of our people have expressed a willing ness to attend the coarse but not onou(h to pay the expenses ineident to it The ladies and gentleman who already com posed the circle will make an energetic effort to add to the membership and it is boped for the good name of the borough that they will succeed. New Milford. Hobert Gleason and family are visit ing friends in Conklln. The country roads were bsdly dam aged by toe recent freshet. Dr. Eugene Casey, of Oxford, spent Sunday in town. Attorney Andrew B. Smith, of Mon trose, wis calling on friends in town this week. Willie McConnell, of this place, has gone to Syracuse to accept a position in that city. The eoroet band report a royal good time while at Bingbamton. The following comrades of Company H, Fourth regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer corps answer-d to their name at the fourteenth annual reunion of the company at the home of Comrade B. F. Lewksbury, Nw Mil ford, Pa.: Captain A. T. Sweet and wife, Hartford, Pi. ; Lieutenant J. P. Gay and wife, Sontu Auburn, P. j Lieutenant C. E. McCracken and wife, Nin-veh, N. Y. j rgeant M. H. Van Scoten and wife, Rasbboro, Pa. ; Pri L. S Woodward, Hallstetil, Pi.; Private J. W, Tf-wsdsll, Minneaplt., Minn. : Private C. A Carter, L Riys ville. Pa ; Private B-njamin Warner nd wife, Tingley, Pi. ; Private C. A. Kenyon and wife, New Milfrd Pa. ; Private R. S. Luce au I wife, Liwsville Center, Pa. The following comrades nave been adopted as honory members of Company II, and were present witb i hem at their reunion: Prrv Sw-et and wife, Company A, Fifty-seventb R gitnent Pennsylvania Volunteers; Alford, Pa. ; J. T. Middaugb and wife, Company E, Fifty-first R-giment. Pennsylvania Volunteer, Nw Milford, Pa., H W. Kenyon and wife, Company F, Ous Hundred and Forty-first Rgi ment, Pennvlvannia Volunteers, New Milford; H. Blandlng and wife, Com pmy B, Seventeenth Regiment, Penn sylvania Volunteers, New Milford; U, B. Miller, Company K, Eighty ninth R-giment Volunteers, New Mil ford; B 6 Tewksbury and wife, Co tu tu ny E, Third Rigiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, New Milford; Captain G orge Starne and wife, Comp my A, One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsyl vania Volunteers, New Milford, Mayfield. C, S. Hoyt visited the Pioner City last night. Abiitliday party was tendered Mr. Tripp, or Third street, Wedneslay tiight Those present were H-nry S one, N. Stiafer nnd wifes, Mrs. Allen, the Misses Clara Roe, Emily and B ssie Fiend, and Messrs. Griffith, lX-Gruw and Hoyt. A very pleasant time is re ported by those present. John McGowuu wus in the Electric City yesterday. Mies Maggie Mulhollund, of Scott, visited at W, J. Borgan's yestvrtay ftf ternoon. P. F. Kelker was in Petkvilla ytster day. Richard Kirwin, of Carbondale, was a Mayfield visitor yesterday. Gospel meetings will be held every night, but Saturday, of next week In the cbapsl on Poplar street, to be led by A, F. Sanford, of Jermyn. Mr. William Murphy, of Scranton, called hero yesterday. POLE-HUNTING IS A BUSINESS. PI iladtlphia A'orti Amerioaru The easiest way to make a living is to fit out an expedition to the north pole. You don't have to get there. Only stay away a decent length of time, and then come back and become a lecturer. CAMPAISN LITERATURE. St Zouii Olobe-Democrnt. ' There has never before been a time when so many Democratic speeches and letters were adantea to circulation as Republican campaign documents. S. B. Durfey, mato ot stamer Arizona, bud his foot budly Jammed, Thomns' Eclectrio Oil cured it. Nothing equal to it for a quick pain reliever. Carbondale. Miss Meretta Donovan, of Scranton, visited Carbondale friends yesterday. Miss Iona Tyler, of Forest City,spnt yesterday witb frieuds in this city. Miss Gertrn le V yle, of Oivpbant, is the guest of relatives on River street. Mr. and Mis O L. Utley will soon take up their residence on Wyoming Mtrset H; the new bouse bnilt by Mrs. S D Baker. Mrs. Charles Gilmartin died on Wednesday eveuijg at her horns ou Archbald street at the age of 48 years. Sba is survived by her husband and two children. Tue funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ser vices will he held at the residence, No. 53 Arohbuld street. The contracts for the erection of E. P. Burke's new bnilding ou Sixth ave nue, Iiav4 been awarded, and ground will be broken on the site on Monday morning next. Cmlractor John Han sen will do the carpenter work and John Colligan will do the brick and stone work. The dimensions of the building is 40 80 feet and three stories in height. The contract calls for tue completion of the structure by April 1, 1893. The ninth anniversary of the Gir ruania Singing society occurred last evening and was olebrite.i in a be coming and happy manner at their rooms in the Keystone block. Miss Nt-llie Konworthy and MIs Enia Carey will leave today for a visit with friends and relatives in Susque hanna. W. S. McCartney has returned to bis home in Springfield, Mass., after a brief business visit iu this city. -Lyman Smith leaves today to visit bis mother in Rochester, N, Y. Mrs. William Hiller, of Tank bamock, is visiting her son, W. B. Hiller, of Church street. The funeral of the late Dennis Dren nan occurred yesterday morning at 9 30 o'clock. The remains were In terred in St. Rosa cmetery. Miss Lydia Wood is entertaining her friend Miss Mamie Barney, of Wilkes Bsrre. Mrs. Henry J. Bear and children spent yesterday in Honesdale, the guests of Mrs F. P. Kimble. Wavcrly. F. A. Parker, having but just fully recovered from on attack of typhoid fever, is now nursing bis wife, who is down with the same disease. Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas Wbaite have left for Illinois, where they will spend the winter with their sons, Wal ter and George at Danville. Georgn Ackerly is going to leave u, having decided to rent his place and locate at Iiallstead. Rev. A. Reynolds will fill the pulpit at the Baptist church next 8undsv morning at 10:80. Tbe Epwortb League will occupy tbe church in the evening. Georga E. Stevenson is making such large alterations on his already band some house, that when completed it will be one the most attractive and commo tion residences In the borough, James Thompson of Wilkes-Barre and L. H. Thompson of Scranton are erecting a saw mill on the Bailey tract. Orsters, Orsers, raw. stewed and fried at Martin Bold's "Little Delmo uico. Baltimore select oysters, by the pint, quart or gallon, at tbe "Little Del woniro." M ss Ila Snyder, Mrs. Richard Olm steud aid Miss May Logan have re tamed to their home in Scranton, after a very pleasant visit with Mrs. E. C. Sbermann, Mr. end Mrs. E. G. Carpentor, ac companied by Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Ward, attended the wedJing of their son, George Carpenter, to Miss Sidle Mileban, of Wilkes-Barre, at Wilkes B tree on Wednesd iy. Cards are nut announcing the wed ding of Mh8 N'llie Mersliou, daughter -f Mr. and Mrs. Johu W. Mersbon, to Harry D. LindHimam, of Troy, next Wednesday, 17 lust, at 12 'clock noon Horace Stewart, of Delaware Water G p, wus a visitor here last Wednes day. Factoryville. Mr. Hopkins, who was run down on the railroad crossing Wednesd. .y, died a few hours luter from tho injuries r ceived. .H wil! be buried todiy, (Frid.y). Funeral Bt 2 p. in. at the Methodist Episcopal church. Onr ci iz in were again thrown into a state of txcitem.nit about 11 o'clock yesterJay (Thursday), by the ringing of the ctinrch bells and tbe sounding of the fire nlnrm on the lumber com pany's huildii g. In an instant the streets were nliv with men, women and children, all hurrying in the direc tion of tbe fire, which proved to be all -moke, canned by a foul chimney in tbe bouse of Lester Capwell, which had taken fire and was burning out. Mrs. Marion Capwell, of Scranton, called on frends iu town Thursday afternoon. F. A. and G. B. Reynolds have the contract for tbe erection of Mrs. Green's home, near the Baptist church. Walter Reynolds and son, who have been employed ou tbe new schoolhonse at Avocn, relumed borne Wednesday and will ereot a new bouse and other buildings for Dr. Richard Henwood. The copious rains of Wednesday have a beneficial effect on our low and dry wells. Miss Maud Capwell, of Linesboro, is the guest of her aunt Miss Sabra Sea mans, She is also assisting In caring for her sister. Miss Florenoe Capwell, who is very ill. Priceburg. There will be a grand Republican nlly this evening nt Csntral Hotel ball, Pricetmrg. Many prominent speakers will be present. A team owned by W. C. Griffin, while standing in front of his store on Main street, became frightened by an approaching electrio car, which caused them to dash down Main street at a fnrious rate of speed. They ran into a tree, which demolished tbe wagon; otherwise there was no damage, William Higglns of Sorantoo was in town y -sterdav. Matthew McPhorson of Dickson has commenced to lay the foundation of a handsome block to be erected on Maple street. llallst ead. Scott Ward is ill. Mr. and Mrs. John McAlooo, who have been visiting friends and relatives iu Nichulsan, have returned home, CCD) Hart, of Dover, N. J., is in town on business. Dr. and Mrs. Barnes, of Thompson, who have been calling on frieuds In town, have returned home. Miis Susie McAloon, of Scranton, is stopping witb her brother, John, In this place. She intends to stay here for the winter to .work at dressmaking, Dalton. The Young People's Society of Christ ian endeavor will hold a social at the church l asement this (Friday) evening, Mrs, Gardner and daughter, Miss Mary Gardner, have returned home after spending a few weeks with rela tives in V-rmont. Mr. and Mrs. A. Terwilllger are vis iting friends at Berwick, Pt. Mrs W. E. Smith is recovering some from ber i 11m- sa. Mr H. V. Decker was visiting at Chinchilla last Thursday Dr. Ives and wife, of Scranton, spent Sunday with bis brother, A. O. Ives, of ibis place, Mr Drew, of Dunmore, will preaoh at tbe Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday tuorui ig. Mus Jissie Van Fleet, of Wallsville, is leudiug school nt this place. The Lbu ,t Orchids. Mr. J. Batemnn hna noticed the romantic use of orchids in those countries he is writing upon. He says: "In Mexico, where the 'language of flowers' la understood by all, the orcliiilacete seem to compose nearly tbe entire alphabet. Not an infant is bap tized, not a marriage is celebrated, no obsequies performed at which tbe aid of these flowers la not called In by the sentimental natives to assist the expression of their feelings. They nre offered by the devotee at the shrine of his favorite saint, by tbe lover at tbe feet of his mistress and by the sorrowing survivor at the grave of his friend; whether, in short, ou fast days or feast days, on occasions of rejoicing or in moments of distress, these flowers are sought for witb an avidity which would seem to say that there was no sympathy like theirs; thus 'Florile los Santos,' 'Flor de Corpus,' 'Florde los muertos,' 'Flor de Maio,' 'No me olvides' (or forgetmenot) are but a few names out of the many that might be cited to prove the high consid eration in which our favorites are held In the New World." An Odd Experience. Queer things happen when New Yorkers Visit Brooklyn. Two young women crossed tbe bridge lust week to visit a friend on Columbia heights. They walked back to the bridge entrance, and, perfectly sure they knew what they were doing bought their tickets and settled themselves iu a train on the Kings County Elevated road. They talked away Incessantly, unmindful of stops, until it suddenly occurred to them that they "must bo nearly across." They looked out on the green Holds of East New York, and disgust was written deep on their faces as they made their way back to the city. New York Times. Wet ClotlUng aud Lightning. If tho clothing is wet the lightning may pass over it as a good couductor without harming the body. On tho other hand, persons uuiy be killed without barm being done to the clothing. In rare instances bodies luive been stripped naked by light ning. The coverings oi tbe feet ore liable to be seriously injured, because it is here that tbe lightning meets tbe greatest re sistance 1 i !"fir'i"r lwdv. Kx-Jluinge. That Tired Feeling ) So common at this season, is a serious 1 condition, liable to lead to disastrous results. . It Is a sure sign of declining health tone, and that the blood is Im poverished and Impure. The best and most successful remedy is found in HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which mokes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength, to tbe nerves, elas ticlty to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health to the whole body. In truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong Be sure to get Ilood's and only Hood't Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, -Vetlv harmless, always reliable ."iidlie"i'" v THE - BELL CLOTHING HOUSE 230 Lackawanna Ave. SCRANTON, PA. Are right in line, as usual, with everything that's New, Elegant snd Stylish in FALL CLOTH ING. B iter Tailor Made Clothes for less money than yon get elsewhere. Men1 Fine Stylish All Wool Suits m Checks, mixrd or pla'n mater ials, sol I usually at 12.00, selling at The Bell for $MS9 Better suits of Black Cheviots and Thiliets, Double Breasted Sacks or Fine Cutaways, worth all of J150J, selling at !SJ0 Lacks, ave. for $).S0 Men' Extra Fine Worsted Tweeds Whipcord and Homespun Buits, superbly made, equal to custom clothes, others chavxe JStUUfor surh qualities, our price but.... $12.50 (.Extra fine black suits, included iu this lot; Boys' all Wool Suits, worth $3 60, at.. $1.95 Finer ones In Cassbneres and Wor steds, worth 5.(o, at $3.83 BAIiGAIN TRUMPS IN BOYS' tiONG PANTS SUITS, AT $3.50, $4.75 AND $0.00 RKSPECTIVEIY. WORTH DOL'BLK THE PRICE. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE. "Always tho Cheapest," PlfiN OF THE BELL, 230 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON. l9ICilUUIII9UIIIIlDIIIlIIIISUIIIIIll!lll.IIIUIlmill9IUninilllllllEllllBIII! LEADERS'. OP LOW PRICES' sSh. THE FAIR 400402 Lackawanna Ay& Special attention is called to oui Millinery and Cloak Departments THE FINEST IN SCRANTON. AMD THIS GRAND FILL I1PMI Si MONDAY, 'lUitgiigiiiiiiiiiiiiMisiusiiiiiuiiKiniunniiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiieuiiiKiuiiuif CHENILLE Figured all over, fringe ( top and bottom These were previously select from. TABLE COVERS A new line of Chenille and Tapestry covers. Rich Velour Table covers. Elegant line of Goblin Tapestry covers and Pillow covers. BASKETS Four sizes of Hampers, in a variety of colors, All new. Waste and Scrap baskets. SCREENS AND EASELS All prices and kinds. KERR 4 SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE., arriage Would e a Failure To many if our liberal Credit System had no existence. For what comprises the major part of a happy marriagef is it not the hornet A home furnished with solid com fort and elegance, and this can Be procured by the me chanio or laborer as well as if he had great wealth at his command. Our establishment is a store for tho masses. NOTHING SECOND RATE " Anything of a shabby sort will not answer here. What is done under our name must be first-class, or it is some body's blunder who is paid not to blunder but to serva you properly. But to return to the SUCCESS OF MARRIAGES We aid you and are happy to do so. "We extend credit , to all and give you all the goods you want. We fur nish from cellar to garret. Our 39.00 Bedroom Outfit and $120.00 four-room, outfit are still subject to your orders. A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American Onyx Finish, with every purchase of $50 or over. Or an Elegant 100-Ptoce Dinner Set with every $75 purchase or over, for Cash or Credit. Dinner Sets Are Displayed in Windows. ..Miisnniv- IU Ml iHwirtn fnnti f.-ao a rinj.. ... , s DISPLAY WEEK. n uu OCTOBER 8. CURTAINS ;5.00 per pair. sold at $7.00, six colors to