The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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HI Nam Hot Mentioned, but the Golden
. West It Proud of Hlin.
"The man who has never goue hunting
and fishing In California in June, with tho
necessary accompaniments and plenty of
time on his hands," said the man from
Corbett's native state, "has made a failure
of life. Ho isn't really in it."
"Did you get that sun kissed nose, that
pooling neck and those tan colored bands
on a hunting and fishing excursion in Call
lorniaf " asked the man who had his feet
on the table.
"There were six In our party," said tho
other, ignoring the interruption. "We eu
tered the mountains just back of Alta
deua. We had burros, guns, provender
and fishing tackle ad libitum. Our first
camp was pitched about 7,000 feet ubove
the sea, near a spring, surrounded by ferns
fifteen feet high and I can knock any man
down that disputes that assertion to the
extent of a single inch. The resinous odors
of balsams and firs"
"See guidebook," murmured the man, in
the slouch hat.
"filled the air, and tho sound of falling
water lulled us to sleep.' The next morn
ing was fogless, and from our perch we
could see plainly Altadeua, Pasadena and
limitless sketches of valley and plain,
with dark green squares of lemon and
orauge orchards. The ocean was plainly
visible and not a speck was to be seen on
its surface. The only thing that loomed
up between usaud Japan was distance"
"And the protective tariff f" suggested
the man with the russet shoc3.
"The next man that interrupts nie,"snid
the speaker, (licking the ashes from the
etid of his half smoked cigar, "will wish he
hadn't. ' I have a worse cigar than this in
my pocket. I shall simply light it."
A deep, dark silence fell upon the group.
"Seven thousand feet above the ravages
of the advertising fiend!" he continued.
"Lydia Pinkham never had been there. On
the rocks and cliffs there was nothing to
remind you of your liver or kidneys. No
liquid glue man with a paint put and
brush had ever seen the place. Down in
the swale of moist gypsum below tho
spring there was a bear track as big as a
saucer, but we stuck to our camp biscuit
and cauned corn and let the boar alone.
"The next night found us in the main
San Gabriel canyon arranging rod and line
to whin thedeeps and shallows of the finest
trout stream in all California, and at 10
o'clock the next day we counted the catch.
Five of us had fished, leaving one to watch
ramp. We had bagged 1M7 trout that
measured all the way from five to fourteen
inches in length. We kept this up for five
days, and all the chowder and things wo
didn't eat the burros did, along with their
everyday diet of thistles, cactus, rubber
blankets and dishcloths. e had one big,
overgrown burro we christened Chicago.
This ravenous animal would swallow every
thing in sight and then gnaw at the tent
"On the ninth day we cllmlied again up,
up, into the regions of pure air and tho
balsam of health, and on the evening of
the tenth day out our camp was pitched
10,800 feet above bilgo water. We could
look out over the Mojave desert, the bound
less domain of the bronze lizard and horned
toad away on out over the trackless void
toward Salt Lake, Denver, home. From
this eyrie our shooters went forth to shoot,
down the mountain sides, into the echoing
canyons with no bottoms, along the crests
and crags, in and out of caves and"
"What did you shoot?"
"It makes no difference what we shot,
The California game laws are against kill
ing deer at this season. So we didn't kill
any deer. At least we didn't call them
deer. We called them caribou. There
were two of them. They weighed eighty
pounds each. The killing was done in self
defense. We skinned these caribou and
hung them on the limb of the spruce, out
of the reach of mountain lions.
, "The next day the two shooters who
Went out came into camp about 4 p. m.
and asked all hands to come along quick
they had 'something to carry.' What that
something proved to be is in evidence at B24
Grand avenue, Los Angeles, where a mag
nificent rug softens the footsteps on the
tufted floor and the bear weighed over
700 pounds.
"I didn't shoot any caribou or bear my
self, but I want you to understand that 1
wus one of the party that did. And while
loitering about the camp waiting for the
others to do the big game act I found two
bee trees that contained about fourteen
bushels, as nearly as we could estimate it,
of honey.
"We were fifteen days in the mountains,
ami our table d'hote bill of fare was prin
cipally trout, caribou, b'ar meat and wild
honey, which is a better layout by nt least
three points than John the Baptist could
boast in his most halcyon and vociferous
days. Gentlemen, will you join me in a
glass of wild cherry phosphate or some
thing at the place across the way?"
He knew the crowd. It was his easiest
way to avoid a return tire. They joined
him. Chicago Tribune.
Wealth the True ISasts for Titles.
It seems to me that it would be much
better, and far more in keeping with the
spirit of the times, to make all titles a
question of pounds, shillings and pence.
We have gone a good way in that direction.
If a man can make so many thousand
pounds out of beer, or railway contracting,
or selling newspapers, he may have any
t itle he pleases, provided he goes the right
way to work.
But we don't do the thing systematically.
It isn't on a businesslike footing. Very
often the man who gets a title has pre
viously received vast sums of public money
for doing little or nothi and even when
he procures the title by Ms own money the
payment dr. is not go into the publio treas
uryas it ought to. He pays it to the
party funds, or something of that kind.
The system that prevails in some of tho
minor European states is vastly more sen
sible. We onght to have a fixed tariff so many
hundred thousand pounds for a dukedom,
so many for a marquisatc, bo many thou
sand for on earldom and soon. The money
paid for the titles would go Into tho con
solidated fdnd, and every nobleman would
have pro rata a solid title to public re
spect. When we abolish the house of lords
I expect that we shall have to adopt some
plan of this kind, for though we may be
able to do without the house I doubt
whether Englishmen will ever be ablo to
do without the lords. Henry Labouchero
In London Truth.
a Cough with a Weak Sys
tem .Consumption with Weak
Lungs, or Disease with Loss
of Flesh; Take '
irtniumi nrnun.jt.Mr:.-,
the Cream of Cod-llvor Oil,
for any aliment resulting from
poor nourishment. Physicians,
the world oyer, endorse It.
Don't bi tfacelfed by Substitutes!
Prepare: br Boott Bowne, H. T. AllDrotiUU.-
Inking a Mean Advantage.
"Suotrsfttion is by no means confined to
the uneducated classes," remarked Johu
Henry Jamison to a party that was spin
ning ghost stories in the rotunda of the
Southern. "I believe there is a more or
less strongly defined vein of superstition in
every mortal's makeup, but women have
more than their share of It. Mine women
out of ten are worshipers of Mumbo Jum
bo. They believe Uiat warts can be 'talked
off,' that cutting a child's finger nails be
fore he is a year olil will cause It to be
como a thief, and have a hundred other su
perstitions equally as absurd, I once took
a mean advantage of female creduli y.
"A few years ago I became desperately
enamored of a young Baltimore belle. Sho
had several suitors, and I much fean d that
I was not the favorite one. Now the
young ladies of Baltimore have a supersti
tion that by penormiiigsomeAiumuo jum
bo ceremony at midnight on the first day
of May, then looking into an open well, a
maid may see the face of her f utu -e hus
band. Her brother had been a college chum
of mine, and together we fixed up .t little
scheme. We made a round screen of thin
cardboard that would just fit the well ou
her father's premises. In the center we
cut a hole large enough to admit my head.
Shortly before midnight I entered the well
with my screen and a lamp. I descended
twelve or fif tisy feet, put my head through
the screen, beneath which I held the lamp.
"I had just completed my arrangements
when I heard the young lady chanting the
mystic lines. She looked into the well and
appeared frightened, but satisfied. The
next day I 'popped the question' and was
accepted. I have never undeceived her.
She believes to this day that our marriage
was ordained by the fates." St. Louis
A Story of the Abbe May.
A cure from the country called on the
Abbe May at Paris one day, and after
complimenting him with earnestness and
sincerity ou his creditable and deserved
reputation, said that he was involved In a
lawsuit which he did not understand. He
asked the abbu to advise him whether he
was in the right or in the wrong, and
whether he had better carry on the suit.
So saying he delivered to the great jurist
an enormous puckuge of papers covered
with almost illegible handwriting.
The abbe cheerfully accepted the task,
and told tho cure to call again in two
weeks. He was pleased with the good,
simple hearted man, and devoted his best
energies to clearing up the case, though he
was obliged to put other matters aside iu
order to do so.
The cure called on the day appointed,
took the abbe's written opinion and read It
through critically. He was delighted with
the enthusiasm and clearness with which
his rights were set forth. He embraced
tho abbe gratefully nnd cried: "Ah, mon
sieur, no one could be better pleased than I
am, and I want you to be satisfied also.
Here is money, monsieur, please take what
is due you," nnd he threw a' thro franc
piece on tho table.
Not to humiliate tho good man tl e abbe
picked up the coin, took thirty-six sous
from his purse aud handed his client "the
Some one said, when he told the story,
that rs usual he had lost by his disinter
estedness. "Lost?" said the abbe. "And do you
count the pleasure of telling the story
Bubbujfo and Bis Machine.
Mr. Babbage had reached his anecdotago,
was in the mood to be communicative, and
my friend, Mi Kinglake, claiming the
privilege of ae, asked without reserve
such questions as induced our host to be
autobiographical. He told us that not
only had he crippled his private fortune by
his devotion to his calculating machine,
but that for this idol of his brain he had
given up all pleasures and comforts of do
mestic life. Ho married early, but his
wife died while he was a young man.
With an amount of feeling that I had
never associated with a philosopher who
wore the armor of cynicism, he pathetically
lamented the dreary isolation of his lot,
"for of course," said he, "fond as I am of
domestic life I should have married again
if it had not been for my machine."
Ho spoke of his mother on this memora
ble evening, repeating to us her reply when
it became a question whether he should
make further outlay respecting the ma
chine, which had already cost his private
purse 20,000. The old lady said with a
large mindedness rare in our thrifty sex:
"My dear son, you have a great object in
view worthy of your ambition. My advice
is, pursue it, even if it should oblige you
to live on bread and cheese." Mrs. Crosse
in Temple Bar.
A Girl's Inconsistency.
A girl who emphatically affirms that
poor, tired ont men ought not t'o feel
obliged to rise and offer a woman their
seats In a crowded car, and who considers
it rudeness of the worst type not to thauk
them for said courtesy, writes the follow
ing in her confiding journal:
I am mad; mad; mnd! I have to stand
up going down to work and I have to stand
up coming homo. I have not had a seat in
a street car for three months, and am think
ing seriously of getting a car of my own in
the shape of a bicycle.
The selfish men seem to glory in watch
ing a woman hnnging to a strap. They
either try the ostrich scheme of hiding
their heads or calmly fold up their papers,
screw their faces into a dnn't-you-wish-you-
were-me expression and glare the spots oft
her veil.
Then when the dear man comes to his
getting off place he proceeds to tangle his
feet up with your train, knock all the pro
miscuous bundles from your arms, and In
some strange manner known only to him'
self set your hat about twenty degrees out
of its proper position.
Before yon can catch your breath some
smiling maiden has calmly taken posses
sion of the longed for place. New York
Commercial Advertiser.
Elephants' Love for Finery.
Strange as it may seem, the elephant is
passionately fond of finery and delights to
see himself decked out with gorgeous
trappings. The native prluces of India are
very particular in choosing their state ele
phants, nnd will give fabulous sums for
an animal that exactly meets the some
what fanciful standards they have erected.
For these they have made cloths of silk so
heavily embroidered with gold that two
men are hardly able to lift thera. Pear-
sou's Weekly.
It Takes the 1'lnce of llluutond Duat
The name of carborundum has been
given to a peculiar manufactured sub
stance intended, on account of the peculiar
properties which characterize it when thus
used, to take the place of diamond dust
and bort in the abrasion of hard substances,
Singular to say, the product is in charaC'
ter wholly unlike tho substances from
which it is derived that is, in composition
it is almost pure carbon, in construction
crystalline and in hardness it is ten, on
Mohr's scale.
In viow of theso qualities, it is to all
Intents and purposes manufactured dia
mond powder, though in color it is slightly
darker. Under the microscope many of
the crystals appear of a dark green, some
are yellow, while others still are blue, and
some completely colorless. The cost of
this material is said to be very moderate.
jnow lorn. bun.
Unman Stepping Stones.
On rainy days in Chins', wbon a lady
oomos to a muddy place, she beckons to a
boy, who will, If he Is In the business.
drop down in front of hor, making a step
ping stone on which the lady leaches dry
una again. '
Stockton's Story In Heathen Laud,
Tho Karens are a tribe in upper Burmah
who have been partially converted to
Christianity. They were never Idol wor
shipers, for they had a strange traditlou
that a white man should come in a white
boat, with a white book, which should
teach them about the great spirit whom
they worshiped.
Miss Evans, a cousin of Frank Stockton,
and a missionary to this tribe, has receutly
returned home. She expected to pass the
summer with theStocktoiiB, but Mr. Stock
ton was ordured abroad for his health, and
they passed each other in mldocean. She
tells a story in regard to the famous "Lady
or the Tiger."
She used to tell this tale over and over
again to the Karen women as they gathered
about her, their bright, dusky faces full of
intense interest, and each time when she
came to the question, "Which was itf" the
answer invariably was "The Tiger." Their
ideas of revenge wero such that they could
not understand a love self sacrificing
enough to cause the princess to save her
lover at the expense of her own suffering.
Miss Evans wrote Frank Stockton about
this, and he replied: "I have received many
letters from notable men and women, by
which 1 felt greatly honored, but when I
heard of those heathen Karen women,
almost at the ends of the earth listening to
my story, I said, 'That is fame.' "New
York Recorder,
A Long Delayed lloueyuioon.
Tho friends of Frank Sloane and Mary
Vlrden of Bordentown, N. J., did not
know until recently that they wcro married
85 years ago. The two have neatly the
same circlo of friends, but no one suspect
ed that they wero legally husband and
wife. Thirty-five years ago, when Mary
was yet in her teens, tho two foil in lovo.
The parents of each objected to thoir mar
riage, and whilo Mary was visiting a rela
tive in New York city Frank went thoro,
and they were secretly married. Frank
and Mary aftorward qurarelcd and cumo
to tho conclusion that they did not love
each other. Thoy decided never to tell of
their marriage, and until a fow days ago
it remained a secret. Thoy will now go to
housekeeping together, though, at tho re
quest of friends, thoy will have a second
ceremony performed.
Huts and Vampires.
At sunset, in the forest of Guiana, the
bats flit from their hiding places, some
taking the place of the parrots and flock
ing around the fruit trees, while the horrid
vampires wander far and near in search of
some sleeping animal, or even man, in or
der to obtain a meal. Cows, goats, hogs,
fowls, as well as game birds and quadra
peds, nil suffer from their attacks if not
secured in well latticed pens, while the
traveler must not be surprised when awuk
ing to find blood oozlug from a wound in
his foot or temple.
Iu some places domestic auimals cannot
bo kept at all, as they arc so weakened by
repeated attacks as to ultimately dlo of
exhaustion. Fortunately, however, tho
vampires are not very common, and with
proper euro may be excluded from dwell
ing houses and stock peus. Lougmon's
An Innooent Query.
One afternoon Bishop and Mrs. Potter
drove out to Alexuudrls to visit the theo
logical seminary there, of which the bishop
is an alumnus. On the way he stopped a
young negro to learn from him the nearest
way to the seminary. " Inch cemetery do
you want to go to?" was the reply. New
York Tribune.
About a young
man's neck to be a
sufferer from ner
vous exhaustion, ner
vous debility, imnair-
ed memory, low
spirits. Irritable tern
per, and the thousand
and one derangements
of mind and body
tnat result irom.
unnatural, pernicious
habits, oontracted
through ignorance.
Such habits result in
loss of manly power,
wreck the constitution and sometimes pro
duce softening of the brain, epilepsy, pa
ralysis, and even dread insanity.
To reach, re-claim and restore such un
fortunates to neaitn ana nappmers, is tne
aim of the publishers of a book written in
Dloin but chaste language, on tho nature.
symptoms and curability, by home treat
ment, of such diseases. This book will be
sent scaled, in plain envelope, on receipt of
ten cents in stamps, for postage. Address,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
003 Main Bt, uuualo, jn. x.
Made a
Well Man
mt-r ot rvie.
THE GREAT 30th f)av,
produces the above remilts ln'30 dnva. It arti
powerfully and quickly. Cure vlieu all other fail
Younii m.'U will retain their lost manhood, nnd old
lnc-ii will recover their yoiithlul vwor by uxinu
KKVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous
ness, I.Oft Vitality, Inipoteuey, Nidlitly Emissions,
Lost Tower, Kalinin Memory, Wastimr Diseases, and
ail effects oi sun-abuse or excess and indiscretion
winch unflts one for suidy, business or marriage. It
not only euros by starttnit at tho seat of disease, but
IB a great nerve rnmo aud blood builder, bring
ing back the pink glow to nale cheeks and rs
storing the Are of youth. It wards oft Insanity
and Consumption, Insist on having
otuor. It can be carried in rent pocket. By
i ,oo rr paciage, or all lor eo.OO. with a onsl
tite written Rinarantee to core or refund
money. Circular freo. Address
"'M r,:-niC!NE CO., E3 River St.. CHICAGO, ILL
For lale by Matthews Bros,, Drurglsts
ccrauton , 1'a.
EsaostiD t TMt HiaMirr Mtaieai Airmeemie
iHEADACHEKK win cure yon. A
wonderful boon to fnitTemn
from t'olda, MoreTbront,
Inflnenra, Hronehltle,
OrllAY f'lrVill. AflnriU
immnliattrtUrf. Anefrfcient
reraefW. ennvpnlent t.i enrrv
In poeltot. ready to tla on tirst Indication of cold.
Continued Vee Effpete Permanent Cure,
flatl.f action guaranteed or money refunded. Frlre,
6 eta. Trial fn o at Druggists. KealMerod mall,
W coats. 1. 1. CUSHM1H, Uii., Itm Ritwi, Hick, 0. i. A.
M FMTHf! I Tn0 "rest and safest remedy for
ITIfcll I ntlU all skin diseases, Kciema. lUn.Hult
tfncumjHn nnrna, mirna, i iiis. wonderrul rem
cdTforPII'RIft. Price, C5 eta. at Drug D A I RJ
gists or by mull prepaid. AddrcMasnboTa. DflLP.
For sale by Matthews Urns, and John
H. Phelps.
Complexion Preserve;!
Remove Freoklea, Plmptar
Liver Molea, Blaekheads,
Sunburn and Ten, and re
stores the skin to its ortgi.
nal freshness, producing a
clear and healthy com-ji
piexton. Dtiiwriuj iw v
preparations and perfectly
druggists, or mailed lor 50cta,
bnrmleu. At all
Bead lor Circular,
VIOLA tKIM SOAP la l"Ur InoaaparaMa aa
rlTtl a tia aumr. aloloiely pom u4 IdloaUif i
..... , id. D.U. 41 11..!.
G. C. BITTNCR A CO.,To(.kdo, O.
For aala by Matthew Bros, and John
n. fhelp.
yw fhnlfltrnrihcil
llrldecwork ml Gold Crowns.
What is called "brldgework" consists in
lnsertiiii; u false tooth in a gap between
two natural ones in the jaw, fastening it
In place by gold bauds around the adjoin
ing teeth. Gold crowns are frequently put
on old roots nowadays, this device having
the advantage that the crown can be read
ily removed at any time for the purpose of
keeping the root beneath it in good condi
tion. Washington btar.
An Awful Effort.
"What is a propaganda?" inquired the
The boy looked at the celling, wrinkled
his forehead, wrestled with the question a
minute or two nnd answered bravely that
it wart the brother of a proper goose. Ex
Has your Baby any of
these symptoms?
Are its cheeks wan and pale ?
Is it losing weight f
Is it puny and feeble ?
Does its flesh lack firmness ?
Is it fretful and peevish ?
Does it sleep too much ?
Does it pass its food undigested ?
Is it not doing well ?
Does it throw up its food ?
Is it backward in teething ?
Is it recovering from illness ?
In all these conditions
will produce the most beneficial
results Peerless for infants, and
recommended by
25.000 Physicians.
Tor sale by all drutlsts.
City Musio Store,
eUaea larre stock mt Int-alaaa
la prepared to receive Bummer boarders and
furnish rla for tourists to Borroundiug towns
and summer resorts.
! The Original Raw Food
y 1RADE T-.j UUW
t il OOS.S.STHOS, EUKIN t ON.i;V'i
- iirfiTii'--rrniTiiSM.i(1aiviiii'r
For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWEET.
It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps.
Price FIVE CENTS a bar.
By the Beautiful New Steamships of the
Old Dominion Line
Most Dolightful Kesort3 ou the Atlantic Coast for
- FOIt
Old Point Comfort
Virginia Beach -
A day and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING
EVERY EXPENSE of meals aud berths en route, a day
and a quarter's board at cither hotel
This trip is an ideal one. as the course skirts the coast, with lit
tie likelihood of seasickness, and
places and points of interest, i or
lars address ,
W. L CUIUAUDEU, Trafflo Manager.
Having suffered from DyJ
pejisia for three yawra. 1 QJ
cided to try BiTRUocK Bloo
BiTTKita. and after using ou
bottle I found myself an much
better that I was enooureuedl
to use anothor; aft-r taking
this I Mad myself so fully rt
stored tliat I do not seed any
morn medicine, feeling truly
grateful to B. B. B.
Mbs. Q. Whitb,
Tftlwrn.Onelda Co., H.T.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
8URPLDS, $250,000
Tli la bank efTeM ta depositors every
facility warranted by their balances, buaU
aud reaponalblllty.
Nneetal attention vfn tn hn.u...
Counts. , "" "
WltlTAM fOTmFMV Prealdeat.
titO. U. ( ATIW, Vlee.Freaidenl
WILLIAM H. MICK, taahlea
William Connell, Georam H. Catlln,
Alfred Hand, James ArchhHld, Honry
Nelln, Jr. WUltaia X ottu, Luthew
National Bank of ScrantOQ.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
SAMUEL HINE8,rProsldnt
V. W. WATHON. Vice Preudsak,
SAHtrlt, Htmm, rfAnreaM'ErtnnART,
Ihvino A. Finch, Pikhcs a FiNur,
Joseph J. Jkrmt, M. H. KemkkeRm
Cua. t. Uatxucws, John T. Poitisa,
W. W. Vi'Alby
This bank Invites the patronage t tmslnsss
man and arms generally.
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
fj. E. CROFUT Proprietor.
mHIS BOUSE la striotly temperance, la new
I and well furnished and OPK.f KD TO
located midway between llontroje and Scrau
tou, on Montroaa and Lackawanna Railroad,
aix miles from D., L, Ss W. R. R. at Alford
Station, and tire mile from M ontrose; ca
racity, eighty-five; throe minutes' walk f rom
k. R. station.
Altitude abont 8,000 foet, equalling; In tills
respect the Adirondack and Cutskul Moun
tains. line grorea, plenty of shade and beautiful
scenery, making a Hummer Resort unex
celled In beauty and elieapneaa
Dancing pavilion, awlum croquot gr onnds,
&c. Cold Spring Water and plonty of Milk.
Hates, t7 to 10 per week. 1.00 per
Excursion tickets sold at all stations onD.
L. & W. lines.
PvrUr moots all trains.
passes in review mauy watering
printed matter and full particu
Pier 26, North River, New York.
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many
patrons that thoy will this year hold to their nsual
custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the
new crop is fully curod. New wheat i3 now upon the
market, and owing to the excessively dry weather
many millers are of the opinion that it is already
cured, and in proper condition for milling. Wash
burn-Crosby Co. will take NO RISES, and will allow
the new wheat fully three months to mature before
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above all
other brands.
Wholesale Agents.
J. Lawrence Stelle
134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
SHAW PIANOS to the front
Clough& Warren
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight,ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
All Grades, Sizes and Kinds
Of every description on hand. Prompt shipment! guaranteed.
Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn
buckles, Eolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of
Carriage Hardware.
We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at
prices tbat warrant us in expecting a large
share of the trade.
Paclflo Coast Bed Codar Shingles.
"Vlctoi and other MlchicRU Brands of
White Pino and Whits Cdar Shingles,
Michigan White and Norway Pins Lum-
bor and bill Timber.
North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yel
low 1'ine
Miscellaneous stocks of Mine
-a r ri
ana Mine supplies in geuunw.
Commonwealth Buildine, Scranton Pa.
'LFOREANOAf otkor. AJare. MEItvk SEED CO., Uatonle lample, CU0A0O.1U.
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, op. Washington
iml Sni-uoe streets.
kt'ty7J''rJV WorrT,exoemlToiiwof Totiaoi-o or Opium, whloh load to Coi
lthi OlUi AND Atl'Llt UB1NU.
lor a iHk sua.
For Sule by C. M. HARRIS, DrncKlat.
; Kp dlwefery.
XA-S-n.J'iliAItAN ER tn fare
''Hi A RAN EK tt
rXLvl Imolnnltrt Kml.itona
blx Md Alwr l .iun
For tale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa.
ern.r hitb a ir
m eft. . .JSs-""
aktf am i;m..ii ,
"w ai 1 1 ir x
Our Patrons
PIANOS, Old and Reliable.
ORG A MS err
& Connell
kept in stock;
Juniata County, PBnayWnt,WMtOste.
Sullivan County
Hemlock Lamber and
Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards.
Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and 8tu
Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Propa
U t
Thta wM..rfkl rwr tor.
ulMa Itiiff all Al.
niiww, Huin 11 eak memm y , iib. ji main un.u A.o.uvuit n '- t
liosiMnnhood, Nliilitlr KmlKuhun, Nervouin,alidralnianllaMOI powar
lnt)ierauveumanoieiiuer wcaimeaDTOverruon,7onuiu.r.
nxi'curlvo u.n of tobacco, opium or ntlmulanta, hloh lead to Infirmity. Cos
niimiitlonorlnsanltT. Can lie carried In Teat pockft. 1 perbox, rora,
i mall prepaid. With a KB order we le wrllrta ffuavramtce ta nra
n.Mnllijih.MAn.v. I'lmnl.i- fma Mnlii h all rirtMrallU. Ask f or tU tSaS
i- The preat remedr fornerrona proitratlon and allnemwedlneaaet of
tho B.mernllvu onrana of either aez. such aa Nenroua Proatratlrn. KaU
'"H) ln '"' k""' alanhuod, Impotencjr, Nlghtlf Knilnnlona, Voulhfnl Errors,
InHanltT. With .vrT SS nnl.r n .In a writun tnah
antoetocureprrofvmdthonionpr. Pnld at 1H.OO per be r. boras
aiui M. m luA.3a1c.AA. cut iMivaiai aausa
17 I'enn Arenue.
Will btaea Ten np la weak. Beld with WtlTTBI
are N ft too. Brtihtj, Laee of Bamal Power la eltheieei.
N.rton.Dfb.litT. Laee of Ban
invoiunitrT smiH.ioDi rron aoTcao.. 11 negtMiea, anca iroueiae leaa i.
cmi.tim plica or Idmi ily, ll.iioper boi by mail.Sbniet for SS. with averM'.
ftoai ant came. If neglerted, anch Irenfelee lead
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Jkvenuaand
ilea euaiaaiee 10 our. u mull iu rnn.1. .Mr ,