The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 12, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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ln Emplatically
Pure" and
The strength comes from cream of tartar and soda
only, no ammonia, no alum.. It does the most work and
the best work, and, best of all, it is perfectly wholesome.'
Chvtlani Baking fmdit Co., Ainu Ytrt, Suumir U CUviUhJ Brefurt, I
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenuo
If you want
Carpets. Draperies
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
127 Wyoming Ave.
Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satnr
flay, 2 p. m.
The flag raising of No. 25 school this
noon will be attended by many members
of tbs board of control.
Pnblio school teachers, substitutes and
janitors can procure their orders for
September salaries today and tomorrow.
. The flash light photographs of the Schi
Terea reception can be secured at the office
of the Young Men's Christian Association.
The permanent certificate committee of
Lackawanna county will hold an examina
tion at Liberty Hall, Scranton, on Satur
day, Oct. 20, at 9 a. m.
David Jenkins charged with assault and
battery on Margaret Jenkins entered bail
in court yesterday in the sum of $300.
Philip Williams became his bondsman.
A force of twenty workmen was engaged
yesterday cleaning up the debris at the
barn of the Kelly & Casey Brewing com
pany which was destroyed by fire on Mon
day. The executions against Hardwnreman S.
M. Foster of the West Bide were yesterday
stayed, the sheriff's levy was removed
from the goods and the store was reopened
for business.
Miss Mary Dnffy of this city yesterday
brought an action in ejectment against
Mrs. Mary Duffy of Carbondale to recover
one and four-tenth acrps of land at Carbon
dale which the plaintiff avers she is the
lawful owner of.
The Second Presbyterian church. Rev.
Dr. Robinson, pastor, will hold a service
preparatory to commnnion, this Friday
evening, at 7:45 o'clock, when persons de
siring to nnlte with the church cau
meet with the session.
Tte Twentieth Century club-Clerk's
assocUt ion held a meeting at its rooms
on Spruce street, last night, when ten new
members were initiated and eight applica
tions for new members were received.
The thanks of the association were ten
dered to the city press for their courtesy
to the association.
The following dispatch wng received yes
terday by Manager M. H. Bnrgunder from
John L. Quinter,manager of the Lycoming
opera house, of Williamspojt, concerning
"Men and Women," which will be pro
duced at the Academy of Music tonight:
"'Men and Won en' here tonight Com
pany excellent; show first class.''
The ' manufacturers' committee of the
board of trade held an important meeting
jesterday afternoon and considered as
many as seventeen propositions trom in
dividnals and companies who wish to es
tablish in Scranton. The result of the
committee's discussion will be made at
Monday night's meeting of the board.
Gentlemen'a Driving Club races Satur
day, 3 fTm.
Pabs't's Milwaukee Beeb, cool ' and
sparkling, at Lohman's, Spruce street
E.oret of Sandow't Btrsngtb.
It ien't In taking patent medicines; It's
simply in good, solid, every day exorcise.
Physical Director Weston will tell Tribune
readers abo"t it Saturday. He knows.
Snakes, alligators, crocodiles, bats,
chameleons, vampires are numerous at
Davidow Bros., where they are on exhibi
tion on their 35 cents rings in silver.
tlie Theaters.
1 Twice In the course of DeMllle and Be
lasco's remarkable play, "Men and Wo
men," is the lesson of charity taught. The
spirit of the Lord's words to Mary Magda
len, "Go and sin no more," is emphasized
in the history of Stephen Rodman, and In
the fate of 'William Prescott, the central
figure of the drama if any one figure may
be railed central where several are so
nearly of equal importance. "Men and
Women" is at once a fine sermon againBt
speculation, showing its folly is well as
its dangers, and a plea for charity to men
who have been much tempted. It is cer
tainly a great attraction and will be pre
. sented at the Academy of Mnslo this even
'lngbya strong company under the man
agement of Qnstav Frohman
' . t ' . ' 11 11
"Jane," the mirth-provoking comedy
which will be seen at the Frotbtngbam
Saturday afternoon and evening under the
management of Gustavo Frobman, de
pends upon its situations very largely for
the laughter it occasions, and of these sit
uations there is certainly an abundance.
The dialogue has had the advantage of
repeated polishing, beginning with its
original French version, with its British
adaptation, and finally with the American
. approbation. A characteristic feature of
the Frentb manuscript, of coarse, is the
dialogue, which the English has to discard
almost in toto, and what the Britons sub
stituted the Americans were forced to
ihoronghly overhaul and brighten np. It
i contended that the Utter text showed
at Hie head."
Sure." fl V IBWliI
greater care, consistency and cleverness
than either of Its predecessors.
Augustus Pitou has done som.i very
creditable things as a dramatio m inager
in the large sense of a man who conceives
and executes distinct and lndividui 1 plans
for stage representations. Next Monday
night the melodramatic play, "The Power
of the Press," will be seen here This
piece was written by Mr. Pitou and George
JessoD. It teaches a lesson in human na
ture which appeals to the hearts of the au
dience and elicits mnch warm approval.
It will be staged in the same liberal man
ner as when seen here last season, wuen
it had a a most successful run. playing to
large audiences during the entire week.
Lovers of all that is new and up to date
in stage production, are in pleasant an
ticipation regarding the promised play at
the Academy of Music on Tuesday even
ing next, of what Is considered the most
marvelons and realistic stage reprejenta-
tlon or tne ceutury, eutltlea "iue Liimitnu
Mail." Not onlv is the stacte mechnnia'i
the most wondeiful ever attempt d, lot
the company, headed by the gracelul lt-u-trice,
aud the play itself is one of the
strongest produced in years.
Among the notable features of "Enemies
for Life." which occupies the et iee at
Davis' theatre the first three days of next
week, are a realistic storm enact, a revolv
ing prison, a rescue iu mid-ocean, a gypiy
camp scene with beautiful waterfall, aud
the destruction of the camp by liglitniug.
This is heralded as a first class production,
and include' in the powerful cast)Miss Joan
Cravan, an actress of great hibtrionic
ability and renown.
Closing Session of the Women's Home
Missionary Society Officers
That Were Elected.
The second day's session of the Wo
men's Home Missionary society, held
la tho Green Ridge Presbyterian
cbnrcu, yesterday completed the an
nual mating of that organisation.
Mrs. J. E. Fox, of Towanda, presided.
The session opened at 8:15 o'clock
and before adjournment st noon the
invitation of the Wilkos-Barre dele
gates was accepted to hold next year's
meeting in the First Presbyterian
cbnrch of that city. The 1805 conven
tion will be held simultaneously with
the presbytery and synodical meetings.
After yesterday morning's devotional
servloe, over wbieh Mrs. W. W, Wes
ton, of Houesdale, presided, the report
of the Presbyterial delegate to ti e con
vention at LancasUr, was mude by
Miss Mary M. Lyons, of Montrose.
Reports were received and adopted
from the various committees attached
to the present meeting and the commit
tee on resolutions, which tendered
thanks to the Presbyterial officers for
their services during the yiar past, to
the trnstess and pastor, Key. JN. i.
Stabl, of the Qreen Ridge church) to
the courteous entertainment supplied
bHireen Ridge women; to Dr. Logan
aud Rev. Mr, Maice: proffered sympa
thy to Miss Laney on her father's
death; to all who assisted in tne excel
lent management of the meeting.
The reoommendation of the nomina
tion eomtntttee was adopted unani
mously In the re-election of the follow
ing officers for another year: Presi
dent, Mrs, W. B. Holmes, Honisdale;
vies presidents, . Mrs. F. W. Hovey,
Troy; Mies Mary Lyons, Montrose;
Mrs, Charles Kirkpatriclr, Sortnton;
Mrs, P. H. Brooks, Vilk8-Barr-j; cor
responding secretary. Miss Mary Mat
tes. Scranton; recording secretary, Mrs.
James Burr, Carbondale; secretary of
literature, Alias hmilte Loveland,
Kingston; secretary for freedmsn, Mrs.
J. V. Darling, Wilkes-Barre; Presby
terial treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Hunt,
Scranton; sy nodical committee. Mrs.
Samuel Pomeroy, Mrs. F. D. B. Chase
An interesting conference of work
ers was conducted by Miss Lyons.
Mrs. J. E. Burr, of Carbondal-, was
elected delegate to the Pittsburg con
vention, and after a closing deotional
service the meeting alj jnrned.
Loans negotiated to the extent of $100,
0Q0 at Davidow Bros.
They Will Address the Voters of the
County During the Next
Two Weeks.
The Republican county committee
has made arrangements for a series of
pnblio meetings throngbont the eonnty
during the next two weeks. Among
the distinguished gentlemen who have
accepted invitations to come here and
speak are Congressman C, W. Stone,
ci Warren; Charles B. Kreiro, of Phil
adelphia; Congressman Marriott Bro
sins, of Lancaster, and ex-Lien tenant
Governor W. T, Davles, of Towanda.
Tonlgnt tbere will be a meeting at
the Central Hotel ball at rrlcebnrg,
which will be addressed by John R.
Jones, R. A. Z mraerman, C. E. Olver
and George W. Baale.
Next Tuesday night n meeting will
be held at Petersburg, which tlut elo
quent Philadelphia German, Charles
li. Krelm, will address in bis native
tongue. English addresses will ne fl
avored by John R. Jones, C. E. Chit
tenden, C W. Dawson aud Jmin M
Harris. On Wednesday evening Mr.
Kreim will deliver an address on the
Sontb Side and at Arab bald on the fol
lowing night, Other speakers at th 'St
meetings will be R. A Zimnvrman,
C. W. Dawson, John R. Jones and
John M, Harris.
On Friday night next Congressman
U W. btone will address the voters c
Jermyn, aud on the following nigb
those of Providence. Eon. Marriott
Brosins will speak at Moscow on Out
ZJ, and on the West Side on Oct. 24.
Ex-Llentenant Davies is billed to
discuss the issues of the camp ign at
Olyphant Oct. 25, and at Taylor Oat.
20 All of the meetings will also be
addressed by local speakers.
Tbere Is a demand for Republican
orators from all parts of the county,
lbe people are clamoring as never be
fore for enlightenment os the great
national topies tbat bare so agi
tated the country for tbe last two
Sterling silver rlngs,2So. Davidow Bros.
Pillbbury's Best makes best bread.
Money to loan. Low rates. Business
continental. Uavldow Bros.
Report of Expert LaRua to Common Council
Last Night .
Mr. LaRue Advocates Liberal Adver
tising for Bids He Says the Bridges
Will Be Splendid Structures Fun
Over a Paving Contract Big List
of Ordinances and Resolutions That
Were Approved. '
Connoilman Hickey ushered in a busy
meeting of the common council last
nigbt with a motion to dispense with
reading the minutes. For two hours
tbe air of tbe chamber was as fraught
with. business as the air is with flikes
in a snow storm.
Expert Engineer Larue submitted
his report on the bridges. He S lid tbat
tbe length of time required for tbe ex
amination was due to tbe fact tbat the
structures were large and to tbt condi
tion of the plans and speclnuatlons
when snbmitted to mm.
Tbe plans in both cases were found
to represent very sabstentlal and
creditable structures, but they were
found Incomplete and in some respests
fanlty In detail, but tbey have been
male complete. Proposals for tbs
structures can now be received.
On account of the unusually great
stance between the trusses of both
irldges and tbe small amount of depth
available for tbe fliot systems, a de
il cture may occur daring tbe passage
of heavy loads, and this will be true
inorelso of tho Koaring brook bridg".
The tendency to deflect, however, will
tie largely offset by the deadload of tbs
Tne deflection, however, will not in
dicate any lack of strength.' Tbe re
port reoommended that the superstruc
tures be advertised for at least three
weeks, and tbat copies of the plans and
printed copies of tbe specifications be
furnished to all reputable firms re
quiring tbe same. The report was ac
cepted and plaoed on hie.
Tbe following resolution wss intro
duced and passed unanimously:
That tbe city cleric be directed to ad
vertise for sealed proposals for tbe con
struction of substructures and super
structure of the Linden street and
Pittston avenue bridges, and tbat the
bidders shall bid upon tbe plans and
specifications as revised under the di
rection of Benjamin Larue, bridge ex
aminer. This commnniottion from Mayor
Connell was received, and a resolution
covering the suggestions wss p;iR8a.
I herewith submit for your considera
tion the deed of J. C. Piatt heirs, to tbe
city of Scranton, conveying the plot of
land to be used as an approach to the
Roaring brook bridge. The conditions of
tbe deed are In conformity wita tnose em
braced in the proposition made to the city
in February. As this proposition has
never been either accepted or rejected by
the councils, I would respectfully ask that
your honoraole bodies pass the accom
panying resolution antnonzing tne mayor
to execute tbe deed etleottnz the transfer
of this plot of laud under the conditions
originally set forth in the proposition of
the Jflatt neirs.
Tbe mayor also communicated tbat
it will not be necessary to remove tbe
dwelling situated on the Piatt tract
about to be purchased for bridge ap
proaches, until after April I, as f rank
Piatt is Willing to lease the house un
til that date at the rental of $50 a
month. A resolution containing tbe
spirit of the reoommendation was
Tbe mayor sent, ascompapylng an
other communication, a copy of the
agreement between the Central Rail
road of New Jersey, the Lehigh Coal
and Navigation company, tbe Wilkes
liar re and scranton rallwuy company,
and tbe city of SorantoD, relative to
the placing of the piers of the new
Linden street bridge.
When tbe concurrent resolution
of the select couneil awarding th con
tract of paving West Lackawanna ave
nue from tbe Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western railroad tracks toJNlnth
street to Nioholls and Fabey was read
Chairman Nealis, who had vaoated the
ohalr some time previous and sent Mr,
Jloir to preside, objected to its passage,
Copies of the different bids were pinned
to the resolution, and Mr. Nealis made
a long speech against the resolution on
tbe ground that the bid of Dunn Bros.
was virtually lower than the firms that
had been given tho job. He moved to
refer tbe resolution to its propur com
mittee to scrutinize closely, with i
recommendation to report forthwith.
Mr. Robatnan moved to lay tbe motion
on tbe table and it was lost, 8 to 10,
Tbe motion to refer was carried. The
committee adjourned and in a few
minutes returned with it amended,
awarding the paving contract to Dunn
Bros,, una tbe curbing contract to
NicbolU 6? talicy. A half hours par
liamentary cross fire on tbe report of
the committee finally ended in tbe ae
ceptance of the report as amended.
Ordis.nees tbat passed third reading
were: Providing for en electrlo light
in KrsisUr conrt, between Olive and
Vine strents, and for tbat purpose the
sum of 30 was transferred from tbe
approprmtion for paving Dix court,
and 10 from the general Heating ap
Droonation. .Resolutions tuat received
favorable consideration were: For an
eUctrio light on Twentieth street; au
thorizing tbe street oommltlee to re
pair Railroad avenue oulvert; instruot
ins street commissioner to eon
struct sewer basin on Fair
view avenue and Robinson street
for an eleetrio light at Cnslck ave
nue and Oik street; requiring the
street commissioners to construct a
suitable crosswalk at Looms street
and Pittston avenue; tbat the street
commissioner be instructed to repair
tne crosswalk at Aider street, orosslng
Pittston avenue; that tbe city engineer
be iustrueted to prepare plans for a
lateral sewer on Alons-y av.-nne. be
tween Green Ridge and Marion streets.
Ladies, have you seen Davidow Bros.
1,001 different styles in 25 coats sterliu
silver rings?
Given by Lcool Blnctri at tb Froth
Ingham Last Night.
An excellent treat was given to
small bouse at the Frothlngbam last
nigbt upon tbe reproduction of th
Laurel mil pars eisteddfod pro
The conoert opened with the ren
ditlon of the "Star Spangled Banner"
by the children's chorus, winners of
the first prize, and was followed by tbe
Drotbingdaa white orehestrs, con
dusted by Miss Nellie B. Chandler.
Tbe ladies of the orobestra will form
valuable aer lisition to the musioal
talent of Set. ton, Their performanee
of "From Dawn to Daylight'' called
forth an encore, which was reSDonded
to, and another seleotion was rendered
with great skill and delicacy. J. T,
Watklns sang "Bid Me Welcome
Home," but a slight hoarseness made
itself felt.
The flute solo by Miss Florence E.
Beckett was one of tbe pleasant num
bers of tbe evening and was exquisitely
performed. An enc re was louJIy de
manded and responded to. J. he Scran
ton Cathollo ohoir sustained ltd well-
nown reputation In the singln r of the
Gloria." and was followed by a cornet
solo very cleverly rendered by Miss
Gertrude Packard, who was compelled
to comply with tbe demand for an en
core. Mrs, Lewis, of rrovldence, the
successful soprano, was beariily ap
plauded and was followed by Mrs.
D. B. Thomas' Ladies' ohoir, who, un-
er the direotion of their talen ed oon-
duotress, gave a splendid exposition of
Bridal of the Birds."
Tbe Ladies' Orchestra won fresh
laurels in tbeir exuoution of a ajleotion
of Tolaul's operatic compositions and
showed superior skill in dlfflo tit pas
sages and transitions. The sueoessful
contralto, Mrs. Boton" Willla ns, was
warmly applauded in the pi Izh song:
"Guard my beloved One." The Druid's
Glee club acquitted themselves. splen
didly in "Martyrs of the Arena".
Among tbe other selections rendered
were "The Wanderer" by J. Jones; an
excellent harp solo by Miss Gertrude
Holyoke Freneh; "I He be Hath Its
Pearls" by tbe Prize double Qu intette,
the concert closing with the ''Hunting
Sona" by the Mendelssohn's of Hyde
What Properties Sold by the County
Commissioners Brought An
other Sale Next Wednesday.
The eobnty commissioners yesterday
sold the following nnsoated lands for
Carbondale townshln Pronertv of Silas
Leacb, 25U acres sold for 17.
Fell township Peter Lee tract, fifty
acres, to W. W. Mills for $5; Peter Beach
tract, thirty-one acres, to Rev. B. Irvan
owtki, (5; Paulsome tract, 123 aores, to
Rev. B. Irvanowski, f5.
Jefferson township R. Pettibone ond J.
F. Nuss, 488 acres, to John Sliwlnski, f 10;
Wlas Leach, 100 acres, to W. W. Mill-i, $7;
Hilas Leach, 110 acres, to Freemont Ferris,
iV; (Jorge and Clements, 870 acres, B. Ir
vanowski, to.
Leblgb Township Whiteford & Thomas
230 acres, to John Sbwiuk, $7: B, B.
Reynolds, 300 acres, to John II. Koch, $7;
John Reed, tract 417 acres, to W. W. Mills,
t:5; Gorge & Clements, 221 acres, to Karl
Sihenerman, f 15' Gorge & Clement-, 100
acres, to B. Irvanowski, t'J: John J. Fahey,
96 acres, to Richard Corvolth, $7.
Madison Township Hanuick & Wil
liams, 179 acres, to Morris Welsh, lis.
cpringnrooK rownsuip uavls, ucMur
trie & Co., 300 aores, to John Sobwiuk, 10.
Wlnton Borough J. X. Grier and Mrs.
Davis. 439 acres to W. W. Mills, fii.
Seated lau Is were sold as follows:
Dun more J. B. Morse, lot Eleotrio ave
nue, Pixth ward, to D. W. Connolly, $5;
A. Frothingham. lot Qulncy avenue,
Sixth ward, to Minnie M. Allen, (3: A.
Frothingham, nine lots, Electric avenue,
Sixth ward, to W. W. Mills, $17; E. Gal
lagher. Clay avenue, Sixth ward, one lot,
to J. H. Koch, (3; Daniel B. Beck. Jackson
street, Third ward, one lot, to D. Fntzar, $2.
Jetterson townsnip -warren Thorp, 53
acres, to D. Fetzer. tS.
Olyphant H. It. Jones, First ward, one
lot, to w. w. Alius, fj.
Scranton Bridge Turnpike company,
First ward, one lot. to Morris Walsh, th
William Corrigan, Twentieth ward, one
lot, to j nomas ueneron, Aiicnael Jau
owiky, Twentieth ward, one lot, to M. M,
Alien, tu.
Next Wednesday the properties not
sold yesterday will be disposed of.
Tf vnn winh inv mnnav DftvMnw Ttrna.
is tne place to secure a loan. 1
It Is Presented In a Splendid Manner by
a Good Company.
'Irish Loyalty" given at Davis'
theatre yesterday, Is a genuine type
of the comedy-drama, and tbe ' ssenes
from Irish life are full of that droll
humor essentially part of life in the
Emerald isle. The parts are well con
ceived and thoroughly carried out, the
m-mbers of the company entering Into
the spirit of tbe play with enttusiasra,
and tbe result can easily be Imagined.
lbe old favorites, Ualpb h. turn
mlngs, and Miss Lisle Leigh, retuln
their bold upon the publio aud patrons
of Davis' theatre will find ttem and
tbeir associates up to their usu:il merit
in "Irish Loyalty" today and to
Watch charms for gents. Davidow Bros.1
I am prepared to receive a limit-id num
ber of piuno purlin. For tei ma, etc.. ad
Wi Mulberry Street,
Or at Powell's Mnsic Store,
Collarettes, sterling Bilver. Davidow
Gold Dollars 1 Gold Tlollari 1 1
Yon ran make them by purchndnir lots
at Wood Lawn Park. Down ton u office.
Clark the llorist.
Ladies' belts, silver buckles. Davidow
Neat and natty collarettes. Davidow
Coursen's Kettle-Rendered
Leaf Lard blue pails if
you want a pure article
and tbe finest shortening
in the market; sold in 31b,,
Mh. iO-lb,, m and
CO lb tins.
t5FTliis is not a steam rendered lard
containing 23 per cent, wa'er, but is
"trind out" in tbe old fasuloned way,
and will go muoh farther.
429 Lacka. Ave.
U at rrusnt Iks Kt heetai aaa tnton kf
WaieeoomstcpcMSUsColumbwHta aroint,
SOB Waoritfigtod A. SorstntonvPsv'
Board ' of Control Committee Split on the
. Question.
Teachers' Committee Are Divided on
the Subject, the Minority Believing
in Reasonable Liberality and a Re
gard for the Duties of Citizenship.
The matter Likely to Bj Hotly
Contested in the Next Board Meet
ing, Unless the Committee Recon
siders. Trouble is brewing In the board of
control for publio school teaotmrs who
nave been nominated for political omee
and asked for leave of absence, and for
other teachers who are accustomed to
absent themselves for reasons other
than sickness or necessity.
Tbe teachers' committee met last nigbt
in seeret session and adopted, a report
to tne atov ettect lor presentation at
the next board meeting. Two mem
bers, however, dissented from the wis
dom of tbe action.
Superintendent Phillips was oreseat
et the meeting and urged strenuously
that tbe committee either adopt some
such measnre or grant certain teachers
leave of absence. The unoartainty, he
contended, interfered with the work
ings of bis office as well as dampened
tbe progress of tbe pupils.
lbe debate on tbe Question was
vigorous and extended. The members
opposed to granting leave of absenoes
argued that the substitute system is
absurd; that a change of teachers
thwarts progress and demoralizes dis
cipline, and that often teachers un-
adapted for certain grades are substi
tuted. Members who took au opposite
view contended that in tbe case of
teachers nominated for pilitleil office
tbey should not lose their positiens
through simply their obligations to
duty as citizens.
Secretary Fellows was finally nsked
to read tbe rules adopted Oct. 9, 1803,
and beariag on tbe question. It was
moved tbat leave of absence shall not
be granted, and the rules relating to
the matter be enforced. Three votes
for and two against tbe motion.
UoUst tbe action of the committee is
reconsidered before the next meeting
a number of teachers will either be
compelled to resign or abide strictly by
tbe letter of the rules. Tbere is con
siderable dissatisfaction among the
minority of tbe eommittee, and it is
probable tbat a minority report will be
presented the board. At all eveutp,
what one gentleman designated "a
spirit of reasonable liberality is likely'
to develop In tbe board meeting,
Low rates made on all loans transacted
at Davidow Bros.
Commissioner and Jury Investigate Els
Case Yosterday.
Commissioner C. S. Woodruff and a
jury of six per sen yesterday inquired
into tbe petition of Adam Meehelit.
wbo requested an inquiry as to lhe
sanity of bis nephew Adam Kambat.
Atterney C. C Donovan represented
the petitioner aud Secretary E, J.Lynett
was present in the interest of tbe poor
board. From tbe evidence submitted
it appeared tbat Adam Kambat showed
signs of Insanity in January last, and
was sent to his brother-in-law. Mr.
Gethiaan, of Dalton, who bad him
placed in tbe Hillside home, and after
two month's detention Kambat went
to live with relatives on tbe South Side.
Kambat has resided in Scranton for
nine years and is possessed of sixteen
snares in various building association,
The total value of the shares being
about tl, 000. Ho also is tbe owner of
property of the value of $800 and judg
ments for 1UJ.
Kambat has no wife or children, but
bis nex-jf-kln oonsists of bis brothers,
George Kambat. of tha booth Sid'-',
Christopher Kambat, of Germany, and
a sister, Airs, (iotham, or Dalton.
The jury found that Kambat was in
sane and a committee will be appointed
to administer the estate.
Still tickiug. Davidow Bros. 83 cents
alarm clocks.
The $40,000 School Houis
for Columbia avenuo has been let and will
be commeuced immediately. There aie
Btui a lew lots lett at a low price.
Ahthur FHo-rniNuijAM,
Ofllce, Theater Lobby.
Exduisite desiens ladles belts, Davidow
I have just received a new line of
Cut Glass
for Wedding Gifts. Step in and
see my new stock.
Best Sets of Teeth, $st 00
Including the painleas extracting
tt teeth by an entirely new ure
S. C. Snyder, D.D.8.
180 AVE.
nim-itms idia rir VrS
$i W.W. BERRY Mft
U '-tCk,wann' V'"P;0
1,11 I II II ipi H.
tei w HATS
Uuals Boxes Exolalvly.
Best Dade. Plsv an dMlrad immhap nf
tunes. Gantacbi Ss Sons., mannfaotnran.
IflSO Chftitnnt. ilrut PlilUrialnhi wrt.
derrul orcbestrial organs, only to and $10.
necifi.ltT! Olrl nn-U h,va Maruf m 1) w oa.
paired and Improved with new tones.
Buy a Spider of the kind
that '
Because you pay just S
tho same price as S
And they are net as g
durable. Look at our
price below ou Steel g
s un 7 c n 11 n
S l,Ul 'I D 3 I U L
I5c, 20c, 30c. 35c
319 Lacka. Ave.
do you dread Monday
washday! Can't blame you
much slop dirt confusion
heat enough to drive you
out into the street. Wouldn't
it bo better to send your
whole family wash to us every
week. Special 'TOUND
RATES" to families Write
for these terms.
Drop a postal our wagons will call promptly.
Flower Pots
Flower Pots
Flower Pots
Flower Pots
Flower Pots
Flower Pots
Fiower Pots
Flower Pots
The Following-
6 TO 8 AT - - $1.00
8 TO 1 IK AT- - 1.25
12 TO 2 AT - - 1.75
Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's School
Shoes, not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good
Dongola Calf Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace or button
every pair warranted.
It will pay you to buy your Shoes at
All the latest novelties in FALL FOOTWEAR.
Ladio3' and Children's
In Ladies and lien's Furnishings we offer special
Bargains this week. General Agency for Dr. Jaeger's
Sanitary Woolen Goods.
Carries tha largest line of
in the city. Come and look
through our stock before purchase
ing elsewhere.
We also carry a large line of
Children's Furs, from $1.50 let
In our Millinery Department we
show the latest in
French Novelties
Have your Furs repaired by
the only Practical Farrier in the
138 Wyoming Ave.
in town.
1 n i
128 Wyoming Ave.
We are now showing an -exquisite
line of
At special prices to introdooe)
them in our stock.
11 1U1U1J
Cloaks, Capes and Furs.