Miss Kaiser's sixth and best By the way, you will want to Bee The Tribune on that day. letter will appear a,"rjqX 8 - EIGHT PAGES-5G COLUMNS. SCRAOTON, PA.. FKIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 12, 1S94. TWO CENTS A COrY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER I . " '. 1 I I. II ..II... ,1 . ,, - I 1 1 J.l-.ll ... l.. OF Twenty-seven Steam Generators Blown to Pieces. ACCIDENT FATAL TO FIVE MEN Without Any Apparent Cause All But Nine of a Nest of Boilers at the Henry Clay Colliery at Shamo kin Explode With Terrific Force, Dealing Death on All Sides Five Men Are Killed and Several Others Seriously Injured. Shamokin, Pa. , Oct. 11. TWENTY-SEVEN of a nest of a neat of thirty-six boilers at the Henry Clay colliery, exploded about 7:30 this morning, com pletely destroying the toiler house, killing five men, seriously injur lug two and slightly injuring four. The list of tbe killed and injured is as follows: ' THE KILLED. TnoMAS CAnn, fireman. William Hoyle, fireman. William Eslick, fireman. William McLauuhlix, laborer. J. J. Deuiau, water bang. THE INJURED. J. F. DicnAxem, fireman, seriously. Pf.teh 11k uk, luborer, eoriously. William Quinn, lamp cleaner. Dennis Bhknnan, breaker boy. Nicholas Hakris, laborer. Frank Han-duck, luborer. At ' tbe time of the accident there were, as far as is known, seven men around tbe boiler bouse. Nobody seems to be able to give a correct statement as to the cause of tbe ex plosion. Without a moment's warn ing tbe last boiler on tbe west side of the nest went np, and it was followed by tbe others in rapid succession. The workmen were knocked in every di rection, and what had been but a few minutes before, a strong corrugated iron building disappeared as if by magic, and all that remained was a tumbling mass of bricks and timbers, besides numerous pieces of twisted pipe and battered boiler iron. FORCE OF THE EXPLOSION. The nine remaining boilers were so injured that they will never be used. Pieces of heavy steel were earried hun dreds of yards, while half of a boiler was found over a qnarter of a mile away np the mountain. The terrific report was heard for miles, and it wus scarcaly a minute before all of the em ployes Of Tbe colliery were upon tbe seeue of drrastation and at once set to work to liberate, the men who were under the debris. Three were dead when taken ont and the remains of some, as well as being crushed were frightfully bnrned by coming in con tact with the heated iron and coals from the Are boxes. Carr, Boyle and Ellck were dead when found in the debris and Mc Langhlin and Dedinm died soon after being removed to their homes. Fire man Dichanettio is internally hurt, be sides having several fractured bones and it is feared he cannot recover. Peter Heck was knocked senseless by flying brick. His scalp Is badly torn and he is severely brnised. The disaster, coupled with the calamity of Tuesday at the Luke Fil ler abaft, has plunged this eity into mourning. Tbe breakers , were work ing at the time of the explosion this morning, and the escapes were many and thrilling. Tbe colliery is operated by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company, and is tbe best equipped place of tbe company in this region Tbe pecuniary loss by the ex plosion will reach $100,000 Sixteen hundred men and boys are thrown out of employment. Coal from the Ster ling end, Big Mountain, was prepared for the market at the shaft breaker, which is constructed of iron. The shaft pay-roll amounted to $10,000 a mouth. It will probably take six weeks be fore tbe ill-fated plant is able to re sume. During the repairing of these big workings the Burnside and North Franklin collieries, now idle, will be - started. The coroner will hold an in quest ou the bodies of the dead men tomorrow. A GAY OLD BOY. . Flirted Desperately and Finally Married a 60-Year-Old Widow. Mascotjtah, ' III., Oct 11 Henry Arnold and Mrs. Louisa Hodo were married at Smithton last night. The groom is a widower of 72 years, and tbe bride a widow of 60. Tbe groom achieved some notoriety lately on ao count of a peculiar lawsuit In which he is defendant. Plaintiff is Louis Tim mig, who alleges that ho was employed to secure a wife for Arnold. Plaintiff avers that he spent three months' time and some of his own money in search of a wife for his em ployer. According to Timmig's state ment, be found a woman at Pinokney ville who was willing to marry Arnold, bnt tbe latter mined his own pros pects by flirtrng with other widows. Tlmmig presented a bill for $100, ivbicb Arnold refused to pay. A sym pathetic jury allowed Timmig $55 for his services, and Arnold promptly took an appeal to the St. Clair tonnty tourt, where the oase rests at present. It ap ears that after Arnold discharged bis matrimonial agent be set out on his iwn hook in search of a wife. The marriage is the result Both parties are wealthy. PALTRY HALF DOLLARS. Tht Chicago Souvenir Coins Will 2 Plaoed in Clroalatlon. Washington, D. c, Oct 11. The Chicago souvenir coin of the great World's fair is to become a current half dollar. 'It was at one time sup posed tbat these coins would eommand fancy prices as souvenirs. This expec tation was not realised. The whole is sue authorized by congress would have been tnrned over to the World's f air managers bnt for their violation of the agreement which was made a condition EXPLOSION MINE BOILERS of the gift in respi'Ot to opening the fair on Sunday. In oonseqnenc of this breaoh of engagement $1,7U5,989 in souveair halves remained in the treasury at the close of the fair. A demand having recently sprung up for them at their face value, Secretary Carlisle today issued an order to the sub-treasurers directing them to pay out on demand tbe silver coins at tbe same rate as the legalized half dollars of the United States, namely, at par with gold. . BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW. Twelve Hundred Delegate AuembUd at Washington. Washington, Oct. ItTwelve hun dred earnest looking men, most of tbem young, compose tbe delegates to the ninth annual convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, which be gan today at Metzorott Musio ball. Tbe convention will last until Sunday when a maps meeting will be held. Delogatos are present from Scotland, Canada, and nearly every state in the union. In the absence of President Hough laling, of Chicago, G. Harris Dvis, of Philadelphia, the first vice-president of the brotherhood, called the convention to order. Prsyer, by Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix. of New York, was followed by an address of welcome to Washington by Hon. John W. Ross, president of tbe board of commissioners of tbe District of Columbia. SMITH WAS MODEST. Took Only Fifty Thousand Postage Stamps from the Govern ment at One Time. Washington, Oot. 11. Willinm B. Smith, of Elizabeth, N. J , aged 33 years, an employe of the Bnreau of Engraving and Printing, was arrested here at 3 o'clock this afternoon by An drew McWilliams, chief clrk of the secret servlc?, for stealing 50.000 2 cent postage stamps from the bureau. Mr. Smith was Appointed three months ago to a suborate position ' in the treasury department and as signed to work in tbe bnreau of engraving and printing. In his position he helped to mail packages of postage stamps and fill orders of postal master. On Sept. 20 last be was given an order to fill from the postmaster at Ionia, Mich, Tbe order called for two packages of two cent postage stamps of 50,000 each. Smith put up only one package instead of two, although be took two packages of fifty thousand stamps each, secreting the other about his person. On last Saturday the postmaster at Ionia, Mich., informed the proper offl-c-inl here tbat only one package of 50,000 stamps had been received by him nlthnngn he had ordered two pack ages 50 000. The postoffica anthorlties and bureau of engraving officials could not account for the discrepancy as their books wore all right They placed tbe matter in the hands of Mr. MeWilliams at 1 o'clock this afternoon and at 3 o'clock Mr. Smith was behind the bars and f GO worth of tbe stamps he hud stolen hud been re covered in one place, and smaller quan tities found at two other places. The secret service officers believe that Smith bad a confederate and expect soon to effect his arrest. Tbe theory is that Smith, after he stole the stamps, by means of confederates got rid of them at various placs about tbe oity. Smith, by direction of Secretary Carlisle, was summarily dismissed from the servio of the treasury late this afternoon. - Fears are expressed tbat other paekages of postngi stamps may be found missing, and tbe rob bery may be more extensive than now appears. Postmasters will be asked to report if all orders for stamps made by them recently have been filled. GOV. CUUTIX'S WILL. His Entire Foaeeaslons are Bequeathed to Hi Wife. Bellefonte, Pa., Oot. 11. Tbe will of ex-Governor Curtin was probated today. It is a very concise doenment, not filling one side of a sheet of legal cap, Mr. Cnrtin bequeathed every thing of which he whs possessed to his wife, her heir and aisigns forever. His son, W. W. Curtin, of Philadel phia, and John Blancnard, of Belle fonte, are named as executors. It is not known exactly bow much of an estate Governor Cnrtin left, bnt it must be the biggest part of a million dollars. He held a controlling interest in the stock of the Bald Eagle V .lley railroad; was a large stockholder in the first national and centre connty banks in this place, and in tbe Blair connty bank at Ty roue. In addition to this he had a large amount of other securities, and was possessed of considerable real estate. Tbe will was dated Sept 4. 1804. DEBS INDICTED AGAIN. Grand Jury TTnanimou In Holding Him and Hi Aaoolate. Milwaukee, Oct 11. Twenty-five railway men, including Engene V, Dabs, the bead of the American Rail way Union, were indioted by the United States Grand Jury yesterday. Tbe jury was unanimous in its decis ion to bold Debs and bis Milwaukee associates for trial at the October term of the district court Twenty-one witnesses were examined, who testified as to the orders issued by Debs. FRESH FOREIGN FACTS. The French cruiser Arothuse is arming at Brest to take part in Madagascar opera tions. . J. J. O'Kelly, an Irish member of parliament, will write a life of Parnell from the latter's private papers. Gratitude to Uucle Sam for his friend ship during the recent rebellion is largely influencing Brazil to trade with this country. i An insurrection bss broken out in Ecuador under the leadership of Senor Triviuo, who took a prominent part in tbe revolution of 1885. The Hungarian House of Magnates pas sod to tbe third reading tbe reform bill dealing with the religion-of the offspring of mixed marriages. Italian officials will use the information given by Herman Stump, United State Superintendent of Immigration, as the basis of Italy's projected emigration measures. . , i T RACKED THE HUSBAND Praetorlons Family Skeleton Is to Dance In Open Court. A PATENT MEDICINE ALLIANCE Former Residents of Wilkes-Barre Threaten to Figure In a Divorce Suit A Frivolous Quartette Em barks Upon a Voyage Along the Raging Canal to Rochester An Early Call at a Hotel at Which Sun dry Bits of Furniture Floated Upon the Air. Philadelphia, Oct 11 n BUFFALO dispatch to the Pttil A ndelphia Record gives a senss tlonal account of a domestic LTU drama at that city, in whiob a former resident of Wilkes-Barre nnd his wife appear as tbe chief uotors, as follows: A scandal which has been extensive ly circulated in the clubs and the gath ering places for two months is abont to be made puhlio by tbe beginning of a suit for $25,000 damages by Herman S. Praetorious against V. Mott Pteree, son of ex-Congressman R iy V. Pierce, of the World's Dispensary Medioal as sociation, and tbe Pieroe pateut medi cines, Tbe action will be for the alienation of the Rffoctioos of Mrs. Elizabeth Praetorlons, tbe well-known public singer. Tbe doniustio troubles of tbe PraetoVlous family are already in court through a dispute over the possession of the 8-year-old girl Elena. This will come np for settlement in the Supreme court and will be followed by an action for divorce and one for damages. The episode which led to this situa tion happened about two months ago. In tbe absence of Mr. Praetorlons from tbe city it is alleged that tbe wife and Mr. Pirce planned a pleasant journey in the latter's yacht along tbe canal to Rochester and then to Ontario Baaoh. Tbey were accompanied by another coople, whose names are likely to figure in tbe case to tbe extent of starting another divorce suit According to the story, the party was followed by a private detective, who, when he bad located them at the On tario Beach hotel, telegraphed to Mr. Praetorious to come on. He came, and tbe two broke into a room in the hotel at an opportune time, and found Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Praetorious there. The men fongbt and a nnmber of pieces of furniture were broken. The proprietor of the hotel caused the arrest of Mr. Praetorious and he was taken to court. He settled with the hotel man for the damage done, and Mr. Pieroe deolinsd to appear against bim on the charge of assault STOLE THE CHILD. Mr. Praetorious returned to Buffalo and about three weeks ago abducted tbe daughter, Edena, and placed her where her mother Could not find her. Mrs. Praetorious went to court with an application for an order requiring her husband to produoe the child. She charged in her petition that he was holding the obild in order to se cure from tbe wife a written confes sion of misconduct with Mr. Pierce, an accusation which she denied. His Idea was, it Is said, to secure a divorce as qnietty as possible, and be knew that with the confession from the wife he would have no difficulty in getting the decree. The court ordered bim to produce the ohild, but be has not obeyed. Mr. and Mr. Praetorious are living apart. Mr. Praetorlons has placed bis case with a well-known law firm, which is said to De drawiug papers for the two snits, one for divorce and one for dam ages, which will be precipitated when the result of the litigation over the child is known. Mr. and Mrs. Prae torious are known in the best society here, the latter having qnite a reputa tion in musical circles all over the country. Herman Praetorlons is a son of Pro fessor Praetorlons, the well known muslolan of Wilkes-Barre, and Mrs. Praetorious was prominent in musical circles in Wilkes-Barre several years ago. She sang at the saengerfest in that city about two years ago and her voice has been much admired in solo work in several of tbe Wilkes-Barre ehurohei. SLAIN BY THIEVES. A Woman and Her Neies Murdered by Thieve. QuiNCY, Ill.,Oot. 11. A double mur der was committed near Liberty, this connty, yesterday. J. C. Lou Miller, a blind man, who some years ago was a beggar, but is now quite wealthy, lives on the Henry place. Tuesday evening be went home, leaving bis wife, an estimable woman of thirty'flva years, and ber neice, aged ten years, alone. When be returned yesterday morning both were dead, having been mur dered. Tbe skulls of both were crushed to a pnlp. Robbery was evidently tbe ob ject of tbe murders, as $4, a gold watch and a revolver are missing. In tbe vicinity of the tragedy it is believed that the robbers were reoognized and known by the woman and tbe girl, and tbat tbe thieves killed tbem to shield themselves. MISSIONARY MEETING. Inoressed Attendance at the Congrega tional Catherine1 at Madison. MaPsUION, Wis., Oot 11. An in creased attendance marked this morn ing's session of the great Congrega tional missionary meeting. Rsv. Jud son Smith, of Boston, made tbe Cen tral address. It was an urgent plea for tbe fullest intellectual preparation for missionary work. President D. R. Agell, of Ann Arbor, and Dr. Wash ington Fladden, Columbus. O , talksd along the same line as Dr. Smith. Rev A. N. Hitohcock, Chtoago, secre tary for tbe interoo distriot, strongly urged manual education at part of missionary work as Dr. Smith had done before him. Rev. H. H. Jessup, of Syra, gave a narrative of his forty years' experience as missionary. This afternoon various missionaries infor mally related their experience FATAL BOSTON FIRE. A Swed Killed Jumping from a Blazing Lodging Hons. Boston, Oct. 11 One man was killed and two others were seriously injnred by jumping from the third story windows of a Swedish lodging house on Hanover street, which caught fire just before 2 o'clock this morning. Tbe house was damaged about $5,000. The killed and wounded are: Killed Swenson, Swede, a tailor. Injnred by jumping Unknown man, unconsclons Irom concussion; Angus tns Johnson, left bip broken; badly bruised and burned, Otherwise in juredFred Nvilson, hands badly burned; Fred Couthers, bnrned; Louis Obsr, brnissd: William Cointheiser, bnrned; Miss Annie Northal, burned and bruised. The fire started in the basement and spread rapidly. The building is badly wrecked. A cigar factory and a to bacco store on the first fbor, owned by Lewis Jesselson, was bnrued out. ALTOONA TOW WOW. Gkeat Gathering of Representative Dem ocrats in that City. Altoona, Pa., Oct Representative Democrats from all over the Eevstone state to the number of over 600 in vaded this mountain county tonight to attend the sixth annual assembly of Democrats, those having thns far arrived being David F. Magee, qf Lan caster, the candidate for auditor general; John S. Rilling, or Erie, can didate for lieutenant governor, and Henry M. Ryer, of Pittsburg, and Thomas Collins, of Pittsburg, candi dates for congressman at large. Tbe delegates are being entertained in a lavish manner by the Tammany club and the Central Democrntie asso ciation of this city. The assembly will be called to order in the opera house by Hon. Chauncey F. Black, of York, the president, with a gavel, tbe head of which is wood from a tree that shaded the grave of Thomas Jefferson, and the handle of hickory, from tbe grave of Andrew Jackson. Mr. Black in bis address, will say that if the people fully under stood the issues there would be no question about "Clearing our excellent state to sweeping victory in Novem ber" In addition to carrying every con gressional district which Is now repre sented by a Democrat. Tbe president will say , that events baye only too sadly' vindicated Mr. Blaine's warning that the McEinley bill did not provide "A market for another bushel of grain or suotber .barrel of pork," and will declare "That tbe final triumphant passage of the really good Democratic tariff reform bill, was under all circumstances, the most re markable party achievement in the his tory of our race." In conclusion he will pay a tribute to "The two really great Republican governors of Penn sylvania, Hoyt and Curtin." Tbe atssmbly will then elect ex Judge William J. Baer, of Somerset as temporary chairman, be having been selected tonight The present officers of tbe assembly will, it is expected, be reelected. They are president Honor able Cbanncy F. Black of York; secre tary Major John D. Wormsn, Phila delphia; and treasurer ttobert K Wright of Allentowo. TIRED OF MATRIMONY. Chicago Woman Seek a Sivoioi on the Ground that She Wa Coeroed. Chicago, Oct. 11. It is n unique charge which Marv N, McGavin rings against her husband, James McGavin, in her hill for an nnnull ment of their maniagj. She informs the court that the death of ber first husband, John Hoar, unbal anced hr mind so that sbe lost the power of resistance and could be easily deceived or persuaded. Dnring tbe month of January last, prior to her second marriage, she was persuaded by her cousin, Jennie Mur ray, to attend Spiritualist meeting, and McGavin accompanied them. She was informed by the medium tbat it was the desire of her departed husband that she marry MoGavln, She was persuaded to marry Mc Gavin and was taken to the house of a Spiritualist medium. There, complain ant charges, McGavin compelled ber to drink some drng which, stupefied hor, and while she was under its influ ence tbe medium performed the mar riage ceremony. McGavin and Jennie Mnrray are aeeused of proenrlng the services of the medium to carry out tbe conspiracy to get possession of her real estate, which is worth abont $5,000. Tbe medium's right to perform the marriage ceremony is denied. TRAIN ROBBERS FAIL. A Santa F Fasnger Train Derailed, bnt the Plot Felled. Denver, Oct. 11 Soon after mid night a bold attempt was made seven miles sonth of Denver to wreck a Santa Fe passenger train for the purpose of robbery, it is believed. Spikes were pulled from the rails, and the engine, baggage ear, coach, chair car and sleeper ran off the ties. The damage was trifling, and no one was hurt, bnt the track will be blocked five hours. The ground for the robbery theory is that a man called at South Denver early In tbe night, and intimated that the train was to be wrecked and robbed. Orders were given for it te proceed slowly, but it wss not supposed that the attempt would be made so near the city, and tbe train was run ning at a speed of eight miles an hour. There ia yet no clue to the miscreants. FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. Splrtualists are to build a temple at waemngton, u. v. Tbe American board of foreign missions meeting oogan at juauison, wis. President Cleveland participated In a deer hunt on Naushon island, off Cape Cod. Hon. Thomas & Martin, United States seuator-eiect irom Virginia, was married last evening, at Sintthfleld; Va., to Miss Lucy L. Day, and the couple will go to Europe at once. OF S Soldiers of the Mikado Occupy Bank or tbe Yulu. South THE POWERS ARE URGED TO ACT Italy's Activity Suggests the Drie bund's Interest Japan Has Plans of Her Own Her Fleet Reconnoit ering at Port Arthur The Mon golian Revolt Said to Ba for Rus sian Annexation. Tien Tsin, Oct. 11. OHINESE officials no longer deny that tbe Japanese floet com mands the Gulf of Pechill. The Japanese admiral pays a weekly viait to every important station on the Gulf, nnd makes bis inspection leisu rely. Eight Japanese cruisers sounded the entrance to tbe harbor of Wei-Hai-Wei for three bonrs on Saturday last and then went across to Port Arthur, where .they made observations without getting within range of the guns of that place. The Japanese fleet returned to Wei-Hai-Wei on Monday last in single line, keeping their distances splen didly and heading straight for the har bor. When almost within range the fleet separated and hovered around the harbor entrance. Tho fort fired a few shots at tbe Japanese, but the latter did not reply, nnd continued making observations until Count Ito's flagship, the steel cruiser Hushldute, eighteen guns, fired once, whereupon the flaet reformed and steamed away in tbe di rection of Takn. A Chinaman who was arrested bore upon suspicion of being a Japanese spy was tortured until he admitted tbe trntb of the charge. He is to be exe cuted. Four spies have beon arrested at Port Arthur for cutting the sub marine wires connected with the tor pedoes. The fire which occurred here last Friday wus of incendiary origin, Tbe Emperor of China has bestowed the Grand Cross of the Double Dragon upon Colonel von Hannekin, formerly aide-decamp to Vioeroy Li flnng Chang, in recognition of the services which von Hannekin rendered to China while adviiiug the Chinese Al mini during the naval battle which was recently fought between the fleets of Chine and Japan, off the moutu of tbe Yalu river. TI1E POWERS SHOULD ACT. London, Oct. 11, The Standard in a leader arguas in favor of tbe immediate intervention of the powers, including tbe United States, in the Chinese Jap anese war. It nrges "England to take the initiative, and prevent awkward complications through Russian inter vention. It tbiuki tbat Japan would be satisfied with the neutrality of Corea, a money indemnity, and the possession of the Loo Cboo Highlands and tbe Island of Formosa. Washington, Oct. 11, The cable re port that the Italian miuister at Pekin, in pursuance of instructions from his government, had offered his services as mediator in bringing the Chinese-Japanese war to a close, is construed at tbe legation hers as a possible move on the part of the triple alliance Gar imtny, Italy and Austria to intervene. Thus far all reports of European inter vention in the war have spoken of England, Francs or Russia as the moving powers, some re ports stating tbat they would act together, and others that they would act separately. Bnt the action of Italy is taken to indicate tbat three powers which have uo territory in Asia Germany, Italy and Austria ure not wholly disinterested observers, while the powers which have Asiatio possessions England, Russia and France talk of intervening with a view to enlarging their possessions If China is dismembered. A member of tbe diplomatic corps well informed on tbe Japanese situation said: "It tbe dreibuud desires to bs a factor in any international intervention it wonld naturally select Italy to take tbe initiative. Germany is tbe moving spirit of tbe dreibund, but, owing to tbe relations between Germany and Franoe.any intervention by tne former wonld naturally excite the opposition of the latter. Germany would be most likely, therefore, to have Italy propose the intervention. Any arrangement made would, of course, have the sup port of the Triple Alliance, as Italy, Germany and Austria are bound by tbe alliance to mutual action, offensive and defensive, in international aff.iirs In view of this alliance for mutual notion on all foreign questions, it seems cer tain that the proposal of Italy is in fact the proposal of the Triple Alli ance. " OBJECT TO BE OBTAINED. A Japanese newspaper received at one of the legations here gays : "No offer of mediation on tbe part of a third power should be accepted by Japau until her object shall have been completely attained, which is, to place Corean independence on a seonre foot ing, and so to crush the power of China as to leave her totally unable for many years to come to attempt any retaliation." Another Japanese paper, the Eok kai, is afraid tbat its countrymen may sacrifice interest to empty honor. After tbe defeat of ber forces and the inva sion of Manchuria by the Japanese army the Chinese government, per haps, attempt to conclude a peaee with Japan on snoh terms as are apparently honorable to Japan, but are really ad vantageous to China. Tbe Japanese, says tbe Eokkal, are always prone to sacrifice interest for tbe sake of honor, and there is just ground to fear that their natural propensity may betray them into a falsa step in the present instance. The object of Japan, con tinues the Eokkul, onglit to be to se cure honor and interest at the same lime. These expressions from the Japanese press coinoide with tbe views of Japan ese authorities here, tbat there can be no mediation which does not give Corea complete independence, crush China's cower to further retard the progress of the east) and reimburse PROGRESS JAPAN m Japan, either in money or territory, tor her enormous expenditure contrac ted by the war, Berlin, Oct. 11. It is seml-offioially stated that nothing is known here of the report circulated by a news agenoy tbat China has requested tbe mediation of Germany in the war between tbe former country and Japan. Berlin, Oat. 11 The "Tageblatt's" correspondent at St Petersburg learns tbat the objdot of the leaders of tbe re bellion in tbe Chinese previocs of Mon golia is to sseure the annexation of that territory to tbe Rnssiun empire. .WARNING FOR AMERICA. General Sohofleld's Annual Report ' Point Out Military Weekneai. Washington, Oct 11. Tbe annual report of the Major General Comman ding the army is devoted almost wholly to a discussion of tbe use of the mili tary forces of the United States in maintaining the federal laws against domestio resistance, and to the neces sity of coast' fortifications for defenos against foreign attack. The Intimation is dearly conveyed by General Sehofield's treatment of the subjeot tbat the lesson, of a nation like China with its wide extent and vast resources aud wealth, hut unprovided with efficient mode of military equip ment, is worthy of serious considera tion by the American people. CZAR'S CONDITION. He Is Despondent, Although his Symptoms Have Changed for the Betteri Berlin, Oct. 11. The Cologne Ga zette has a telegraphic message from St. Petersburg stating that the tzar will start for Corfu at the end of Oc tober, when bis son, Grand Dnke George, will retnrn to Abbastuman, In the Caucasus. The Prussian minis ter of education has granted Professor Leydon several months' leave of ab sence from his university duties in order tbat he may attend tbe czar. According to news from Livadi the czar sleeps better, his appetite is im proving and tbe pain accompanying bis ailment baa almost ceased, but his majesty is still despondent. The czar himself thns describes his diffioulty in breathing: '"Every two or three min utes I feel that I mnst draw a long breatb, something between a yawn and a sigh, but I am nnable to iaccomplieb it, and the feeling caused by tbe fail ure is painful beyond words to express. My thoughts are absorbed by these ever-recurring efforts and failures.'' Officials in St Petersburg regard PtofVssor Leydon's mission as a reas suring sign. It is announoed that the czar and his family on Tuesday drove to the water fall of TJtschan, near Yoaltan. Count Bendendorf, the czir's grand marshal, has gone to Corfu in order to prepare for tbe arrival there of the cz ir. As already cabled, tbe king of Greece has placed bis chateau at Corfu at the disposal of emperor of Russia. It is announced tbat the czar will leave tbe Crimea for Corfu on Tuesday next. ROUGH EXPERIENCE. William Clarke Bides Forty Hours in a Freight Car Without Food. Buffalo, Oct 11. William Clarke, a 10 year-old boy, from Philadelphia, ar rived here over tbe Erie in a condition that required the care of doctors at tbe Fitch hospital. He was suffering from laek of food and air, and told an inter esting story of his experiences. He is an orphan aud has been living with a brother in Philadelphia. H was dissatisfied with the treatment be received and decided to start out on his own account He went to New York in search of a position, but liJ not get it. He went over to Jersey City on Monday nnd applied at the Erie freight honse. The man to whom be applied, he says, threw bim into a car, saying that it was golug to Buffalo and that there were plenty of jobs there. From that time until 11 o'clock yes terday morning, when the car was opened at East Buffalo, he was without food or water and was obliged to breathe the little air be could get in the car. He made repeated efforts to get out, but could not attract the at tention of anyone. When he reached here be made his presence known to the yardmen at East Buffalo, who reloased him and sent him to the city on a passenger train. He was weak from bis forty hours of con finement and was hardly able to take nourishment when be was taken to tbe Fitch hospital. As soon as be was strong enough to go, he was sent to the county house. ACCUSES LINKOVER FIELD. McDanlel Explain Hie Coaneotlon With the Panto F Train Robbery. Eeokuk, la., Oct. 10. Tha prelim inary examination of W. E. McDanlel, charged with conspiracy to rob a Santa Fe train at Gorin, Mo., last month, in progress at Memphis, concluded last night. McDsniel was bound over to the grand jnry. Defendant's witnesses testified that Llnkover Field was the originator of the plot, McDanlel is tbe man who gave the information which led to the frustra tion of the robbery and capture of the robbers. A LONG VACATION. Vloe President of Street Car Couplers ex pelled for 09 Teare. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 11 The con vention of Amalgamation Association of Street Car Couplers of America this morning expelled William J. L iw, the first vice president of ths organization for ninety-nine years for tho reason of gross mismanagement. Law lives in Detroit, and was elected T resident in 180 1. The political plat form of the Ameriean Federation of labor was unanimously adopted, 1 WEATHER FORECAST. B CLEAR WAHirmaTow, Oct. 11. Fortaait I ' ' for Friday: For easfern FenntyL vnnia, fair and ilightly warmer; uiindt thiting (o southwest, FINLEY'S The only place where you can get your umbrella re-covered while you wait Oue who discards a hand some umbrella handle, one to tho form and symmetry of which possibly he has become attached and an entirely perfect frame, sim ply because the cover has beeomo torn or has worn into unsightly holes does not, what is done iu three cases out of four, hut tho most natural thing, which is, destroy it. The cause of this sort of wastefulness heretofere au ex cuse which never can he urged again has been entirely duo to the trouble and expense of having a new cover put on the old frame. No one thinks of the umbrella until it is needed, the holes in itara only remembered when it rains. But if tliecareful owner gives heed to its condition the trouble of find ing a reliable repairer aud the usual cost of tho job are such ns to deter one from a repetition of the experiment. Tho average travel ing umbrella mender is the most monumental of deluslous, his work is only too apt to leave the umbei elhv much the worse for his atten tion. In our patent adjustable umberella cover we have an invention that forever removes all excuse for this waste of good handles and frames and does so in a practical, direct way that cannot fail to commend itself to the most exacting. This cover is so constructed of such sizes, shapes and qualities that no matter what the frame nor what the taste of its owner, a suitable cover may be bought for from uTic. to $3.00, and they are so construct ed that the least practical person can adjust it in few minutes and have an umbrella in every par ticular as good us new. No novel ty in the umbrella trado put upon the market in the last decade has met with mch immediate success as has this adjustable cover of which we have the olo agency for this city, ILETS 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' nn m mritiK ue.u a mi Wholesale an! Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER 613. Lewis, Reillf a km School Shoes 1 a e o o 10I0 I TO, I oi i o I Ton know how that lively, onorrettc bov o Vonr's knocks out his shoes. V.o'tu boei) thlukinir o( him providing tor li'm nnl hi dentructlve enerKy. Wo have aroguiu- we defying alio from 50c upward. Lewis, Reilly & Datfe; 114 WYOMING AVENUE. PAY ENOUGH Some peonle are to anxious to save when buying a watch, thinking that a cheap watch wilt do as well as a guml ona, end that nil the illlforonue in watchun is the price. May be that it required a moral effort on your part to pay us 10 for a plain lookin but houent timekeeper, when somebody else (renerally offera you a (told watch for 92.5!) and just for gooducsa anko throws in a gold chain and charm. Of rourae it isall a "tameschwiudlo," as tho Jow said when bo went uu in the bal loon aud couldn't tlnd the silver lining of tha clond. It happens every now and then that a person sends oil for such a gold wati'h, gets It, and then loses iaith in wntch and humanity for over and ever. Wo think it would pay yon to call on us and see if we hare what you want, and if we can't suit you at all out of a large stock of watihoc, why-it is time euouph then to send out of town for a $2 00 gold watch. W. d.v Welche,1, JEWELER, itos SrnvcE sx., scranton. I i "