THE-CBANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOBNING. OCTOBER 9. 18U4. POPULAR Dress Goods Iridescent Mixtures, we have closed from the Shaen Manufacturing Co. one of the prettiest effacts of the season in medium priced Dress Stuffs, Width 46 Inches, Price 58 Ceats. The same goods prior to this purchase sold at $1 per yard, There are 7 different colorings in the lot. This is a special that is full of money saving. SILKS We are making a special ty of medium priced Nov elty Silks. Nowhere else is so varied a collection of styles at popular prices, All the choicest ana new est Silk Novelties, Never before has a dollar gone so far as it will at present in these fabrics. 20-inch Plain China Silk, Price P.Rn Per Yard mam mmw mmw All the leading shades and black. Same goods sold quickly at 37 'A cents but . a little while ago. GORiyiAN'S DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St,, Scranton. Dr. Reeves Is now fully established at 412 Spruce street, Kcrantun. Ha has performed some wonderful cures and has valued the confidence of the public. He lias come to HTAY and will remain PERMANENTLY' at his Cpruco street parlors. He has had long ana varied experience in hospital ana private practice and treats all acute and chronic iliseases of men, women and children. Ue kivis ilvle. r- fnCC (1C PUlO vice ami exniuinations HILL UT bllnll No one is turned awav. Ho. with his nsxistants, treat all diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, no and throat, iIvsdodsI i. rheumatism, lost vitality) premature weakness or decay in Uotn sexes, tuuiale weaknesses ana irregu larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tumor., cancers, erections, blood tioluoninu. fits, eui- ilepsy, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost mannoou, iczema, scroiuia, t vitas dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, K limeys, manner, stomacu, eta FEMALE DEPARTMENT. The doctor has opened a female department for those who wish treatment exclusively for aiimeuis peculiar 10 lemaies, so mat tnose whom "delicacy" has heretofore kept awuy may now receive the services of a "ladv" whose treatment will prove her ability In sucn cases. OFFER TO THE PUBLIC FOR "CATARRH' Any one sufTerinir with "Catarrh" who wishes to be PKSM NENT LYand OUIC'KLY rur d miiv receive FOUIl MONTHS' TREAT . M KNT FOK ONLY TEN DOLLARS. This offer holds uood for thirty davs. The doctor Jms discovered a l?PKi:IFI! for this dreaded disease. You can treat and core yourself and lamiiy witn it at noma, it never lulls to cure, A trial treatment rree. Cilice hours: Daily, 0 a.m. to 9 p. m. Sua' days, 10 to 12 and to 4. 'lake elevator in Christian s hat store, or Steps. . Remember the name and number, DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St, Scranton. QARPETS, Oil Cloths, a Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Papers. All the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. our doors above Wyoming House. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Aire. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bean used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfeot success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gams, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold by diuggists in every part of tbe world. De sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no soother kind. Twenty-fire cents a not GRAND DEPOT Clark's Green. Mrs. B. T. Stanton and ion Paul an l daaebhter Rath arrived here from Boieman on Thursday afternoon, after bains an route four daye, and la visit ing bar sister, Mrs. A. A. Davie. C P. Mathewe and wife left tbeir summer home for Scranton on ,Tburi day laat. A larre deleration of Masons of tbe lodue bera attended intoial aervleia at tbe Parlor City laat week, and were delighted with tbelr trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. EL Nichols returned from tbeir wedding trip on Monday last. At the eleotion of Eleetrla Star lodge No. 400, Independent Order of Foresters, tbe following officers were elected: Fred C. Eanyen, noble grand; A. L Ackerley, vice grand ; A. IX Rob inson, assistant secretary; William S. Fraoe, treasurer ; O. 13. Jones, trus tee for eighteen months; Past Grand W. Rhode as representative to Grand lodge. On next meeting night they will initiate one and alao confer tbe first degree upon two candidates. Installation will oconr on tbe 27th tost Walter Matbewa will return to bis winter quarters wlta bis family on Tuesday next. Tbe meetings of tbe Epworth league bare been changed from 0:30 to 6 o'oloek p. m. on Sabbaths on which tbe preaching service ooours, and at 7 o'oloek p. m. on tbe following Sabbath, alternating throughout tbe season, Mr. and Mrs, Kennedy, of (Jlypbant, were visitors at William H. Swallow's over Sunday. Mrs. H. N. Patriok and her family are visiting friends in Ohio. Tbe Ladies' Aid society, of Dal ton Methodist Episcopal obnrcb, turned out a goodly membership on Wednes day afternoon last to visit one of its members who is living here at tbe Summit, and Mrs. Townsend consid ered herself one of tbe favored ones. All returned on the 6 35 p. m. train. well pleased. The corner stone laying of the new Methodist Episcopal church will take plaoe on Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Summit. Presiding Elder Rev. J. G. Eukinan will have chant of tbe ser vices cn tbe occasion. The edifice will be a large and comodlous one and will will be mnob appreciated by this grow Ing congregation. Mrs. James Blmet. of Bound Brook, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H A Mott. Mies Evan A. Aoken. the distinguish ed teacher, of German and elocution at the Keystone Academy will render several of her elocutionary selections at No. 1. school building on Friday at 3 SO p. in. All are welcome to this free elocutionary feast. Mrs R. W. Olmstead. of Scranton. and Mrs E. G Sherman, of Waverly, Pa., passed through here on Friday afternoon en route for East Side. A large delegation of our townsmen attended tbe mass meeting at Dalton on Saturday, receiving mush additions to tbeir already large stock of entnu- siam. Miss Grace A. Davla spent Sunday with her uncle, August Marx, in Dun- more. Peekville. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Peck returned last Saturday evening from their west ern trip, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Broad ars visiting with friends in York state. Mr. and Mr. Samuel Kogers spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hilbert at Pittston. Rev. John Bone, of Oaeonta. N. Y.. ocenpied the pulpit of tbe Methodist Episoopal cburoh last Sunday evening and John Williams, of Winton, on Sunday morning. 'Ihe officers of Harper Lodge, L O. O. F were installed by D. D. G. M. Thomas Mason of Olyphant last Friday evening, as follows: N. G., John Day; V. G., D. R. Luthrup; treasurer, A. C. Hendricks; R. S. of N. G., A Thorp; L. S . S. M. Rogers; R. S. of V G . David Hughes; L. S., Alex Frazler; L G., EJ Davis; O. G, William Walker; conductor, D. P. Taylor; warden, F. A. Peck; assistant secre tary, Charles Kennedy, and chaplain, Hnlsey Lathrup. Mr. and Mrs. U. A. lieu spent sun- day at Carbondale. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dam ming, last Sunday, a young son. Mrs. J. W. Beok was called to Pitts- ton yesterday on aocount of the death of her father, John Holvey. i rederlck, tbe 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mr9. John Robinson, died at bis parents' home at Greasy last Sunday of diphtheria and pneumonia. The funeral services will be held this after noon at 2 o'clock at tbe chapel. Inter ment will be made at Prospect ceme tery. For Burns. Scalds, Bruises and all pain ana soreness or toe neio, the erana nouse bold remedy is Dr. Thomas' Ecleutric Oil, Be sure you get the best. Jermyn. Mr. William Maynard and daugh ter, Lillian, are tbe guests of Mrs. Thomas Champion. Preparations are being made for the entertainment of the delegates to the Epworth league convention, which Is to ba held in tbe Methodist Episoopal church taday. Interesting programmes have been prepared for the three ses sions. Everyone ia cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Willman re turned from Hallstead this evening. Tbe Archbald miners received tbeir pay yesterday, and today No. 1 shaft will be paid. J, N. Martin, of Buffalo, ii visiting Jermyn friends. Tbe Junior Endeavor society of the Congregational church will meet this evening; Miss Ethel Vislck, leader. F. & Friend and family spent Sun day in Gleaburn. Tomorrow the Father Matthew Temperance societies will meet in tbis eity. About forty tocieties are ex peoted to be present Eaeb one will be accompanied bv a band. Tbe parade will move at 11 a. m. The line of march is up Main to poplar street. thence to Division to Seeond to H to fourth then to pienio grounds and dis miss, It is requested tbat all business places be decorated. Vandling. Word was received bere from Car bondale hospital that William Farrell who was taken there laat Thursday through Id Tories received In tbe mines, cannot recover. Hie back is broken in two places. Tbe enw that wai lost belonging to Harry Virzud. , was found Friday in hole tbis side of tbe Erie traok and there it bad been for eleven days with out food. Tbe cow was taken out and is again as chipper as ever. There la a great deal of complaint about tbe grading of Main street. There are three or four property holders who claim It is damaging tbelr properties. Those property holders knew when they bongbt those lots in tbe hollow tbat tbe hill would be taken off some time and filled in ; so let tbem put up with the consequences Tbe people of Vandllng. waul tnt elso trio oar to come. Forest City. v Miss Lena Trailea and Miss Mattie Spettlgue, of Carbondale, 'were tbe guests of tbe letter's aister, Mrs. W. B. Hlggins, Sunday. Samuel J. Jennings visited a friend at Holleoback's mill Sunday. A performing bear, lad by two Ital ians, were giving some of Mr. Bruin's accomplishments in this place yester day afternoon. A handsome sign bas been placed in position on the Forest bouse. It Is the work of Alex. Hay, of Sorantoc, Melvin Tappan, of Carbondale, rode bis bloyole to this place and returned on the silent steed, Sunday. "Peck's Bad Bay," by the Atkinson Comedy company will be tbe attrac tion at the opera bouse tonight, Noth ing old but the name. Tbe company ia first class and no doubt will draw a large house. In all probability tbe musical festi val which It was intended to hold in tbis place Christmas, will be held in Carbondale, aj the business men of town to not seem to take any interest la the matter, while te business peo ple of the Pioneer City have already promised substantial aid, for they know it is to their benefit to have 400 or 600 strangers in tbeir town. About 12 35 yesterday, during noon hour, smoke was seen coming from the basement of tbe large eight-room public school building of this borough. Prof. W. G. Trim, tbe princinal. re turned to tbe building about 12 30 and went to tbe basement, but there were no signs of a fire at that time. , He went to bis room, and in a few minutes tbe cry of fire was made by some of the children. The professor rushed into tbe basement, which by tbis time was filled with smoke. He procured a bucket, and with others tbat baa ar rived, soon extinguished the fire, which proved to be in some large boxes whioh bad recently been eraptie 1 of their contents. The Enterprise nose eompany were quickly on the scene and bad their hose attached to the water plug at Blake & Co.'s oorner and were ready to apply the water as the fire was put out. The Hillside Fire company also responded, but tbeir services were not needed. If tbe fire had had a few minutes more headway it would have ignited tbe wood work of the building. The origin of the blaze is unknown, Factoryville. Mr. and Mrs. Willium Johnson of Latbrop spent Saturday and Suuday as tbe guests or Mr. ana Mrs. uenry Rey nolds on Maple street. Mrs. Horace SemauB and daughter, Miss Bertha, visited friends at Scranton last Saturday. Maple street is to have sidewalks on botb sides of the street; also Railroad street on one side Mrs. Thomas Ellsworth is spending a fw davs with friends here. Rev. W. R. Turner, of Binghamton, delivered a very instructive lecture at the Baptist church Friday evening last. It was largely aueuded. Tbe Epworth league will bold a grand rally at the Methodist Episcopal ohnreb at tbis place on Friday and Saturday, Out. 19 and 20. Mrs. Meritt Pedrick and son, Howard, returned to their home at Scranton Sunday afternoon, after a short short visit with relatives and friends at this place. Miss Kennedy, of Peekville, is the guest of Mrs. R. V. Clark, of Main treet. H. B Brower returned to Buffalo last Saturday after a week's visit with relatives here. C. A Sisk's residence on River street, is completed and now ready for occu pancy. Taylor. The members of the Congregational cbnrch have postponed their fair from Oct. 24 and 25 to Nov. 29 and 30. Willet Decker will leave for Sprlng- ville, Susquehanna county, tomorrow to engage in tbe dry goods and provi sion business for himself. A number of our people will attend the laying of the corner stone of the Commercial Travelers' home, at Bing hamton, jn. x to my. A social of tbe Young Men s Sooiai club will be held at Weisenfinh's hall this evening. Misses Mame Sampson and Lulu Grtss were visitors bere Sunday. Samuel Gordon enjoyed a pleasant drive to Pittston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James tl Wat res, of Scranton, spent Snnday visiting Mrs. W a tree parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon, on Washington street. James E. Watkius returned from Philadelphia Saturday evening for tbe purpose of taking off tbe leading role in tbe cantata "Jephtlish'' at Weber i rink on Ibursday and Friday even ings. Tbe speoial song service at the Meth odist Episcopal obnrcb Sunday was at tended by a large gathering. An an them by tbe church choir was well rendered. A solo by Miss Maggii Davis and one by Edwin Bowen, both of Scranton, were given with great ef fect. Uawley. Mrs. Michael Kelley, who suffered an illness of several weeks, died at o o'olock.Frldav afternoon. The funeral was held at 10 o clock Monday morn ing at St. Philomenias Catholio church and was attended by a large concourse of friends. A solemn high mass or requiem was celebrated, after whioh Interment was made ia the Catholio cemetery. Mrs. Kelley was a kind mother and wife and was held in tbe highest esteem by everybody who knew ber. She is survived, by her busbana and three small children. Stanley Gainer, of Dunmore, spent Sunday In town with his mother. Tbe Epworth league will bold a dime social at tbe borne of Miss U. K. Dsn iels next Friday night, Oct. 12. All are cordially invited. Work at tbe silk mill is being pushed rapidly. The last story of tbe new wall next to tbe river will be complet ed bv tbe end of this week. Gil mores Aromatic WinezR Pttman' of Liocoln aTt" A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore's Aro a tltt u 1 matic wine will Dring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness, Mothers, use it tor your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood It promotes . diges tion, enriches tfie blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scran- iton. . - Archbald- Ttie grand fair of St, Thomas' con gregation opened in the basemeut of the church last evening, mere was a very large attendance, the visitors be ing not only from Arohbald, but from every town in tbis vicinity. Tbe base ment was respieudent with decora tions and everywhere there was evi dences of rare taste and skill. Not less interesting than tbe decorations was tbe large and varied line of arti cles displayed. There are several par lor and bed room suites, a piano and other articles eanally valuable on ex hibition. The two bands were present and tbe programme observed was ap preciated by tbe large audience whioh witnessed It. Each evening during tbe continuance of tbe fair there will he features of interest and on Wednes day night particularly a noteworthy entertainment will be given, The Kuigbts of Father Matbew at a meeting held yesterhay donated 150 to tbe fair. The Catholio Mutual Benefit association bas given a valuable side board and Division 6, Ancient Order of Hibernians, has given $23. Tae mem bers of tbe congregation have also gen erously donated valuable articles and money. Professor Sprague, of Philadelphia, a promotor of university extension, leotared on Shakespeare in the princi pal's room of the graded bnildioz on Saturday night. The audience was large and appreciative and wonld have been much larger bad it been generally known tbat Mr. Sprague was coming here. There was some uncertainty as to tbe time of his arrival and Professor Davis, under whose patronage he came, not wishing to disappoint anyone, did not advertise it as extensively he otherwise should have done. The theme and tbe manner In which it was disenssed satisfied every one. Mr. boragne seemed to have a thorough knowledge of his subieot. and imparted it to his audience with remarkable ease and graoe. After tbe discussion an organization was formed to promote the extension idea. Pro fessor D.ivis was chosen nresident. Dr. Van Doren treasurer, and Alice Sweenv secretary. It is creditable to the liter ary taste of tbe audience to say that nearly one hundred ladies and gentle men expressed a willingness to buy ticKeti tor the coarse of lectures which will be given. When Mr. Sprague next visits us, on Monday, tbe 21th, be win oe greeted by an audience which, if not quite so large as that of Satur day, will, at least, be more profitable. Kev. 1 nomas Lucas of St. Thomas Church, delivered a Uctnre on ''Tbe Church and Progress," in Carbondale last Thursday evening, which won high praise from all who heard it. Tbe Carbondale papers were highly com plimentary in referring to tbe lecture and published long reports of it. William Mebl, a former resident of this borough, died at bis home in Olyphant on Friday after a long ill neBS. His remains were taken to his old borne on Hill street, from whioh place the funeral was held on Sunday afternoon. Services were held in the Lutheran Cburoh and interment took place in tbe Protestant cemetery. ine Lackawanna Transit company has begun work on its Laurel street line. At present there is a temporary suspension of work owing to the laok of poles. No great trouble baa thus far arisen over the right of way. John Buckley, of Avooa. and Miss Mary Stanton, of Hill street, will be married late in tne present month. John and t rank Ooilins, of Ssranton, were in town on Sunday. Carbondale. The Ledyard block, on Lincoln ave nue, bad a narrow escape on Saturday night from being destroyed by fire. One suite of rooms'ln the block is occu pied by Mr. and Mrs. William Breeae. In tbe evening Mrs. Breese was out and Mr. Breese was taking care of tbe parlor stove. In order to prevent the ashes from dropping on the earpet, he spread a newspaper in front of the stove, and, after curing for tbe fire, be left tbe room and forgot to pick tbe p per up. When Mrs. Breese returned in the evening she was greatly ear prised to find a newspaper bnrnod to black crisp, lying in front of tbe stove. Through some providential way tbe fire went out. The paper was ignited by live coals running through tbe bot torn draft on tbe stove. E. R. Reese passed Sunday with his family, who are visiting friends at Lake Idlawild, Susquehanna county. Miss Maud Copeland, of Canann street, is tbe guest of relatives in Pitts- ton. Mrs. William A. Allen, of Park street, is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. James Herbert, In Jersey Uty, JN. J. Tbis evening occurs tbe regular weekly praver meeting of the Baptist Christian Endeavor Society mission in the township school house, on Park street. Tomorrow Kirt Wiekwlre will open a confectionery Btore in the new brick store on Lincoln avenue. Will Penniman. of Honesdale, was a visitor in this oity yesterday afternoon. W. u. Evana went to tilngbamton to attend tbe laying of tbe corner stone of the Commercial Travelers Home, which occurs today. Mrs. Uosanna Moyles died Monday at nn early hour at ber bone on Dun daff street, after a three weeks' illness, Deceased was 75 years old and was a native of Norwich, Eugland, from where she came to this city with her husband and family twenty-five years ago and bas resided bere ever since, She is survived by her husband and three sons, William H., John and Jere miah. Tbe funeral will occur tbis afternoon at 2 o'clock from tbe resi dence on Dundnff street, Rev. E. J. Balsley officiating, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Hughes re turned borne on Saturday evening from tbelr wedding tour and have taken up their residence on Uordon street. Bnnkmaater George Aokerman, of the Mnzirts, is playing his cornet in Bauer s celebrated band today In Bing hamton at the traveling men t celebra tion. Mrs. W. S. Frank, of Scranton.spent sunaav in this ottv as the enest or nr After a three years' pleasant career tbe Venus Social olub disbanded. Mrs. J. S. Bassett is visiting friends In tilngbamton. N..X, Joseph Herbert bas removed bis olgar store to the Main street store the An thracite building. - "From tbe breaker to the state bouse," vote for Charles P. O'Malley. S. B. Durfey. mate ot stamer Arizona. had bis foot badly jammed. TnomaV Eclectric Oil cured it. Nothing equal to it for a quick pain reliever. Honesdale. .Company E M t Honesdale last even ing on the 6.35 gravity train to join the lulrteentb regiment at Scranton. thence to proceed to Dlnsbamton, where they will take part In the eero moDiei of tbe laying of the corner stone of the Commercial Travelers' home. , Home of tbe larieit fltpglng ever laid In Honesdale la now oeinn plao4 ia front ot the itore of Rett & Spetti- gne. Tbe ground under the walk in front of botn stores has been dug oat and will be used for cellar purposes. ! Ou account of illness Hit. John M. Lewis did not officiate In Grace chnurb Sunday. The services were read by A. C. Lindsay. Elishn Gray, of Atiantie City, ia visiting relatives here. Fred Beers is spending a few days with bis parents, Pittston. Tbe home of Mrs. Isaac Sheonard on Railroad street was the scene of a pretty wedding yesterday, when her daughter, Miss Cora A., was united in wedlock to Robert Pierce, of Wilkes- Barre. Tbe ceremony was cerformed fcy Rev. J. W. Barras, of the Episoopal ohurob, and was witnessed by a large number of friends. The maids of honor were Leo Sbeppard and Margaret Kyte, and tbe flower boy, Howard Kyte. Tbe ceremony took place in tbe parlor, the wedding party standing be neath an umbrella of autumn leaves, and the wedding march was played by Miss Mae Sbepeard. 1 he bride was attired in a gown of cream silk with pearl trimmings- Mr. and Mrs. Pierce left on an extended wedding tour. The nrst grand Uspublioan rally of the season was held last evening In tbe Keystone Hall. Previous to tbe open ing of the meeting the Leek Cornet Band paraded Mam street. At 8 o clook tbe meeting was called to order. Tbe ball was paoked and when Hon. Galusba A Grow was introduced a mighty shout tbat lasted for several minutes went. Tbe speaker detailed at length tbe condition, both financial and commercial, of the country siuce tbe Democratic party got into power. Ha touched upon the tariff, the ncapaclty of tbe present administra tion of tbe repudiation of them by Presl dent Cleveland by his refusal to sign tne only Uw or any significance they passed sin oe March 4, 1861. During bis address tbe Ispeaker was repeatedly applauded and ia a few instances a few of bis auditors became very mush ex cited. After occupying about one and one-half hours Mr. Grow made way for other sneakers who treated on the local issues of the campaign. The council held a special session In the town hall last evening. There were present Councilmen Lynett, Don nelly, Reap, Kearney, Henningan, Ti gue and Mangan. John Tate was awarded the contract of guttering and paving eleven streets. Hi bid was 28 cents paving new work, 18 cents f r grading per square yard and to furnish all tbe m t-riiil. The question of purchasing 500 feet of hose whs under disenssion at tue time of closing this letter. Mood's Saved ' CasnayHT0hrly HyLife "For years I was In a very serious condition Rltli catarrh of the stomach, bowels and bladder. I suffered Intensely from dyspepsia, and In fact was a miser able wreck, merely a skeleton. I seem ed to go from bad I worse. I really wished 1 was dead. I had no rest duy or night. I did not know what tn An 1 ; nau uiaen so mucn 2 medicine of the Vji wrong kind that It 1. a .1 nnUnno.l and my finger nails began tm tarn Mr. W. B. Young, black and oome oil. Potter's Hills, Pa. I began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. I had faith in the medicine, and It did more for me than all prescriptions. I have gradually regained perfect health, am entirely free from catarrh of the bowels, and pain In my back. My recovery is simply mar velous." Vf. R. Yocno, rotter's Mills, Pa. Hood's Cures Hood's Pills relieve distress after eatinsr. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE "Wish to draw stock of attention to their Men's and Boys' CLOTHING Manufactured expressly for them. A great attraction is our Ten Dollar Gents' Fall Snits and Overcoats They are strictly all-wool, in all tbe fashionable colors and shapes and made by good tailors We offer in our Boys' Department 200 All-wool Suits, sizes to 15 years, $2.85, which are cheap at $5. Two pairs . of Knee Pants for 25c. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE. PIGN OP THE BELL. 230 Lackawanna Ave. goods ierc over from ; the fire sale, which mm . m mmm. are damaged by water only, Kl .v.. " tfc MA at your own pric3. IIKIIIIIIIIIlllljlllllllllllllllllllHiIII(lllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIII!j 5 . . . ' H -. LEADERS : LOW PRICES THE 402 Lackawanna Ave. . Special attention Millinery and Cloak THE FINEST IN GRAND THIS GRAND FA uu MONDAY, 'niKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii: CHENILLE Figured all over, fringe top and bottom These were previously select from. TABLE COVERS A new line of Chenille and Tapestry coveri Rich Velour Table covers. Elegant line of Goblin Tapestry covers and Pillow covers. BASKETS Four sizes of Hampers, new. Waste and scrap baskets. SCREENS AND EASELS All prices KERR & SBEBECKER 406 and 408 BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. STORES W FAIR is called to our Departments SCRANTON. DISPLAY WEEK. OCTOBER 8. III CURTAINS $5.00 per pair. sold at $7.00, six colors to in a variety of colors, All and kinds. Lacka. Avenue. h; 1