THE SCEANTON TRIBUNETUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 9,. 1S94. PUILISHCD OAILT IN 8eISTOII. P. TH raievme Puslishins Company. It s. KINOSIURV. KiwYo omen ORAV. MANASCM. itiioiiM. MM niiHi T tmi poMiomet at mmkton. m BOOKB-OLAS NAIt HATTKN. "l'l int fr' Ink," the recogulzed Journal for advertisers, rates the SCU ANTON 1 K IllL'NK the best advertising medium In Noithemteru Veuniylvanla. '1'riutoiV Ink" know. fCRANTON. OCTOBER 9. 1834. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Oovernor: DANIEL H. HASTINGS Ok'CKNTKU. For lieutenant Governor! WALTER LYON, Ot'ALLKUIlKNT. for udttor General: AMOS H. MYLVX, 01' LANCASTER, for Btcrttary oflternal Afalrtt JAMES V. LATTA, or PHILADELPHIA. for Congreumen-al-Large: GALUSHA A. GROW, OHSL'HOCEHANNA. GEOIilJK F. HUFF, 0V WKSTMOIlRlAlHfc Fleet lou Time; Nov. ft REPUBLICAN COUNT TICKET. for Conorem: JOSEPH A. SCRANTON. for Law Judge; HUBERT W. AltCHBALD. I or t itriff: FRANK II. CLEM0N9. for Conn'; Titamrer: THOMAS D. DAVIE 3. for Clerk of the Com tt: JOHN II. THOMAS. For rrothnnotarii: CLARENCE E. PRYOR. for D iliiit a tmrnei: JU1I. R JONES, for Recorder: C1IARLE8 HUE8TER. for Rtgltlerrf Wil t: WILLIAM S. nOPKINS. for Jury Comtnhntnner: T. J. MATTHEWS. Election Time, Nor. 0, REPUBLICAN LEGISLATIVE TICKET. for Fenalor, Tiieuli'lh Pittrid: JAMES O. VAL'UHAN, of Scranton. tor fteiireHeutntlrrt: Firitt district, JOHN R. PARR, of Scranton. Berond iliHtrict, ALEX. T. CONN ELL, of HcrBiiton. Third district, FRANK J. GROVER, of Moo- HIC. Fourth district, CHARLES P. O'MALLEY, of Olyphant. Election Time, Nov. (I. "Our prolettumists hate been building defenses to keep you and other nations from competing with tu in our home markets. The tariff reformers are breaking down these defenses." William L. Wilson, author of the Wilson tariff bill, to tbe London clamber of commerce. How to Reach the Masses. With the npproachingtennlnation of the religious rcvlvul which has attract ed the atteutiou of so many thousands of people, the question uppermost in the minds of those interested in the work is "How to reach the masses" so constantly referred to by Mr. Hchiv erea. The good results of the meotings no one will question, but whether they are permanent or transient will, to a great extent, depend on the clergy and officers of the various churches of the city. Over a, thousand persons have announced their intention at the vari ous meetings to lead better lives and regularly attend a place of wdrship, but a still larger number had not the moral courage to declare their conver sion openly In the meetings. What is to become of them? The committee have a list of the acknowledged con verts, but are the larger number who require a little, but immediate atten tion, to be abandoned altogether? Tills is the gist pf the great ques tion of "reaching the masses, and which bids fair to be neglected unless more definite steps ar immediately taken. A solution of the question is therefore respectfully ottered to the city pastors' union. The present is the opportune time to work out the great question; the religious enthusiasm in the city is at its height, and It is for the pastors' union to lead the way or become responsible for forfeiting 75 per cent, of the benefits of the mission meetings. Scranton has many churches, but no visiting association worthy of the name which works in a systematic manner. There are ninny associations and organizations where much energy is unfortunately wasted by solitary and individual ac tion. The waste of time and money is deplorable, Inasmuch as with a little more effort the churches could com bine and o rganize a district visiting association for the benefit of all de nominations. In union is strength, aud it is unnecessary to enter Into the details of the system, as H is apparent to any one taking the slightest inter est in the matter that one city associa tion with representatives from each church could with comparative ease overhaul the entire city and recruit the churches beyond description. The question before the religious ele ment of Scranton at present is, "How to reach the masses." The solution is suggested, and it remains to be seen if it Is worthy of adoption. A vote for Joseph A. Scranton Is a vote for honest tariff reform; for a re formation of tho tariff performed by friends of American industry, not by its deadly enemies. There is something almost pathetic In William L. Wilson's remark to a reporter, Immediately after he had re ; turned from tjiut London chamber of Commerce banquet, that "they," meaning his English admirers, "will have to look out for us when we get free raw imaterial, for we will com mand supremacy in manufactures, our merchant marine will be restored and our merchants will appear in neutral markets." Does Professor Wilson sin cerely believe such nonsense as this? Being an impractical theorist, wrap ped up in impossible dreams, it is pos sible that he may; but what other Democrat does? Is it probable that England would work so hard to have us converted to free trade merely in order to help us to beat it in trade com petition in neutral markets ? Professor Wilson is becoming quite humorous these days. Frank Clemons Is the business man's candidate tor sheriff. His election M'ill insure a business-like administration of one of the most important aud exacting offices in the entire county government. Women in Local Politics. The time has gone by in this country when the organization of earnest women for tbe purpose of advancing moral reforms can be Inughel down by cheap jeers and gibes. Those forces in New York city which. for t!eeades have fostered and developed systematic crime in order to turn it into a source of personal and political revenue may have their sneers at the so-called "campaign of influence" planned by the women of Gotham who are about to come to Dr. Park hurst's aid ; but their levity will be short-lived, and their after regrets much more poignant in consequence. Under the personal leadership of Mrs, Charles Russell Lowell, the women in the churches of the metropolis, aud all other workeis of charity and benevo lence, will mass their energies in be half of municipal purification, and their influence will become Irresistible. When aHkcd what were her plans, Mrs. Lowell recently made reply: "Briefly, they are to so instruct women that they will see aud understand Just where tho errors in our form of munici pal government exist aud what the remedlea are. Women should be as much interested in decent government as men, for they have the same inter ests to support and the same oppres sions to bear. Perhaps this argument does not appeal to all of them, but it is well substantiated fact just the same. Parlor meetings will be held, aud from these meetings I have no doubt that the masses will become inspired with the spirit of reform." Is there any thing unwomanly in this? Is it not, indeed, one of the highest fields of use fulness in which the tact, keen percep tion aud ready sympathies of the'sex could engage? It is a historical fact that no great reform was ever accomplished in poli tics without the aid of a strong sup porting moral sentiment. In the eu genderiug of this sentiment woman lias always been foremost in the churches; she was foremost in the cru sades against slavery; she is foremost in the light against intemperance, and it is simply following out the natural order that she should now assume a foremost attitude in the war which is waging against prostituted local gov ernment and hardened veuality in pub lic olllce. The men may have to do the voting and the shooting, if it should come to that; but the women will ex cel In singing aud in praying and In the great contributory and supple mentary agencies which lead up to the ballot booth or the bullet mould. Governor McKinley states the case in a nutshell when he says: "The most certain market that the American farmer can get is tho American mar ket. England does not buy anything lu this country that she can get any where else in the world, yet the Wilson tariff law invites the merchants of that country to come here to sell their goods. Ninety per cent, of the products of ag riculture in this country are consumed in this country, the other 10 per cent. going abroad. The Republican party is looking after 90 per cent.; the Demo cratic party gives its attention to the 10 per ceut." Republicanism Boiled Down, The Republicans of Massachusetts know how to draft a platform that means something? This Is it: "The principles of the Republicans of Massa chusetts areas well-known as the com monwealth itself; well-known as the republic; well-known as liberty; well- known as justice. Chief among them are: An equal share In government for every citizen; best possible wages for every workman; the American mar ket for American labor; every dollar paid by the government, both the gold and silver dollars of the eoustilutlou, and their paper representatives, hon est and unchanging In value, and equal to every other; better Immlgra- gration laws; no tramp, anarchist, criminal or pauper laborto be let in, so that citizenship shall not be stained or polluted. Sympathy with liberty and republican government at home and abroad; Americanism everywhere; the flag never levered nor dishonored; no surrender in Samoa; no barbarous queen beheading men in Hawaii; no lynch ing; no punishment without trial; faith kept with the pensioner; no de serving old soldier lu the poorhouse; the suppression of dram drinking and dram selling; a school at tho public charge open to all the children, and free from partisan or sectarian control. No- distinction of birth or religious creeds in the rights of American citi zenship; clean politics; pure adminis tration; no lobby; reform of old abuses; leadership along loftier paths; minds ever open to the sunlight and the morning, ever open to new trutli and new duty, as the years bring their les sous." What more could be asked? The Wilkks-Barre News-Dealer says: "Republican organs, like the Scranton Tribune, tell us that the rich man is willing to pay his share of the taxes for the support of the gov ernment. But he Isn't. The rich man is human like everybody else. He won't pay any more taxes than he can possibly help. A Democratic congress caused aa Income tax to compel tuo wealthy to bear their share of the bur den of taxation." The rich man, if he be honest, is as willing to pay his share as is the honest poor man, who tries to squirm out of paying his just debts. If the News-Dealer's conten tion be true, the income tax simply punishes the innocent in order that the tho perjured guilty may escape. A rogue who is worth that much will lie about it, bribe the tax-gatherer or do some other mean trick. Is this Demo cratic Justice? Out upon such legal ized theft, by which the government sanctions class distinctions and puts unequal burdens upon its citizens ! "While it would be exaggera tion," said Professor Wilson to-his Lon don entertainers, "to say that the tar iff bill which became a law a month ago is in itself the overthrow of the whole protective system, it marks the first and the most difficult step In the revolution which will go forward from this time by its own impetus." But the party that foisted it upon the coun try will go forward by the impetus sup plied from a vigorous contact with the people at the polls forward,dowuward aud outward. The personality of Oliver Wen dell Holmes was one of the most do lightful in our literature, He was a true wit, lacking mean stings; a true philosopher who had alway an eye for the bright side of things. His poetry is loveable because he, himself, was so; we admire it because it reveals to us a man in whom gentleness, gen erosity, culture and shrewd mother wit were united in a rare and au ex quisite blend. The Democrat who represents Lack awanna county in the state senate would be very lonesome and very pow erless when General Hastings occupies tho governor's chair. That is why the people of this district, with au eye to needed results, propose to elect James U. Vauglian. With the Democratic county can didates cutting each other's throats, politically, four whole weeks before election, where will they be on elec tion day? political .Totes. Editor Theodore Hart, of tbe Pittston Gazette, is of the opiuion that no Bane man, least of all Lawyer Hibbs, whom the Democrats of the Secoud Luzorue district bnve pitted against Representative J. Crawford Harvey, of Harveyvlllc, aud who doesn't say a word, will attempt to leconciie the ridiculous somersaulting of tho Democracy during tbe past two years: and tbe moat sensible course suggested for the hide-bound Democratic partisan, go far as brother Hart has observed, is to follow the example of Congressman Alien, ot Mississippi, in tbe closing days of tin Inst Reunion, us be despairingly gave up any thought of harmonizing the antics of his party lenders, yet tenaciously clung t the parly name, aud Irankly exclaimed, "J am a Democrat but tbe Lord only kuous why I" The man who boasts that be "was born a Democrat," and consequently can never tbiuk of being anything elre, may possibly, in tbe opinion of Mr. Hart, be able to so con sole himself aud fall in with the party procession, oven tub year like tbe Ne.t York Sun, which pointedly described the Democratic situation, tbe other day, it. these words: "For tbe first time it ii thought necessary for a party to run it national campaigu on lines of self-denun-ciation asi well as of praise. A campaign of reform is invoked by tbe organization already in power and seeking to be kept there. The arguments for n-form and the abuses demanding reformation arealike founded on the party's own record! It is like the cut chasing its own tail." Bui even this candid confession is discounted by the fact that Father Dana, of the Sun, joins in tbe chase with all tbe giddiness o. the most frisky kitten. Tbe Democratic newspapers In tbe Six teenth district naturally take delight in tnanutactuing stories of Rupublkai dis scusion, this being about tbo only kind of mannfacturing possible under the now tariff bill. Never tholes, the compromise candidacy of Frederick C. Leonard is cor dially received by Republicans in all pans of the district, and is as certain to dj suc cessful at tbe polli as if there bad been no prolonged conference deadlock, with It inevitable legacy of disappointments and bitterness. Editor James P. Taylor of Moutro'e Wa in the city yesterday calll neon frirn Is. Mr. Taylor, who is now proprietor of the independent 'Kepumican, tne lead I it rr Re publican weekly of Northcaiie n Pein- sylvauiu, was formerly part owner of the Wilkes-Darre, Record and was at the helm when the Record was first issued as a daily. Kdltor Taylor is a Republican ol the true blue type aud bis excellent papor uas ever nuvouueu mo principles oiibe party with unswerving lUulity. y. ' , -r Detective Scaulon, with au eye to future buRiuess, lias already posted, ou tbe out wall of bis ( fli-!0 iu the "rogues gallery" tuo picture ot our mend, c. 11. bebad'r, tho Democratic candidate for County Treasurer. We presume Mr. Schadt will object, as be is not ready yet to be classed as a criminal. Mr. bcuuun bos apparently exhibited more zeal than good judgment. t Christopher L. Magee's Pittsburg Times says: ''Everett Warren, the new presideut of tbe State I.mtgue of R juubllouu clubs, is doing what The Times predicted be won d do tryiug to building up the party in the placoi where Urn work is in st needed. " NOT KXICUS 10 REPEAT. , rtthton Uatette. Political views, affiliations aud tenden cies being conveniently ignored by clndt date Ilibbs, we assume, while ap pealing to tipper end Republicans for sup port, he would doubtless a80 uav thorn lose Bibt of the fact that the next legis lature will have apportionment laws to enact, with tbo possibility always of bo ing culled upou to eiect United Mutes Sen ator. But West I'ittstou Republicans wtre caught in that trap once, just tweuty years ao this fall, aud helped turn over a strongly Republican district to tbe en emy. All tbrouKb tbe stale tbey captured Republican districts by Jut such shrewd mansgement, aud secured a Democratic majority in tbe legislature, enabling tbem tu elect a United Kates senator. The les son then learned by West Pittston Repub licans has not been forgotten through twe long deoadi 8, ami we siiall bo much mis taken if this bi found a favorable time to V'Ull tbe wool over their eyes etaia. OLD IRONSIDES. AvI null har tlltterail Aiitlcr.i ilnwn Lour has it waved ou high. And many a heart has danced to let llillb URUUKI 111 kUC BKJ, Beneath it rang the battle shoot, Anil hnritfc thu rniinnn'a rna The meteor of the oee.m air . . . rjuilll sweep ius oiouus no mare. ller deck once red with heroes' blood, Where knolt tbe vanquished foe When winds were hurrying o'er the flood And waves were white below, No more shall feel the conqueror's tread, Or know tbe victor's knee: Tb harpies of tbe shore shall pluck uue eagie oi me seal Ob, better that her shattered hulk Suoiill link boueith the wave: Htr thunders sbook tbe mighty deep And there should be her grave; Nail to her mast her holy flag, Bet every tbreadbara sail, And give her to the god ot storms 'ine iigutqiog ana tne esie, -eMr Wttultll Htlmt. , IN LIGHTER MOOD. I like foil well the deep resounding swell Of mighty symphonies with coras In woven; But sometimes, too, song of Barns don't you After storm-blast ot Beethoven. Good to the heel tbe well-worn slipper teeiB When tbe tired player shuffles off the boskin; A page of Hood may do fellow good After scolding from Carlisle or Ruakln. Oliver Wendell Holmes. OFFICE FURNITDRE. : - T-aiWTftia' HILL & CONNELL 131 and 133 Washington Ave-. Have just received a carload of the celebrated n "The best business Desk in tho world," which are offered at greatly reduced prices. Tho re duced prices at which this cele brated Desk is now offered makes them tho cheapest in the market. Within the Reach of All AS LOW AS $19. A full line of Oflice Furniture, Type Writing Desks and Chairs. THE SCHOOL FOR YOU To Patronize The one that WILL DO THE MOST to ward making THE BOY a strong;, hon est, practical, consci entious, soir-ntipport- ing, manly MAN, and THE GIRL.. Dure, nnsolnsh. heln- fill, accnronlisbou, self-rellaat, womau- ly WOMAN, Scranton has such a school It is the Scranton Business College A pcstal card request will bring a Journa tolling al out the institution. Visitors will bs welcomed at any time. BUCK, WHITMORE & CO. PROPRIETORS. COR. ADAMS AND LINDEN". Jnst received a nice new line of SILK SHADES iu choice colors aud styles. Onr atoek of Banquet, Plana and Parlor Lamps is complete. Haviland China, Carlsbad and Amur lean Chins) Dinner and Tea Seta to many styles; also a no ruber of open lock patternt from which you can elect what pieee yon want c OURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. 422 Lacka, Avenus. CONRAD Sells a Close Roll Umbrella With Steel Rod Servia Silk, $2, BUY THE esk w If g For many years this Piano has stood in the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its pore, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until It is considered the highest com pllment that can be paid any Piano to Bay "It resembles the WEBER." - We now have the full control of this Piano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos which we are selling at greatly reducod prices and on easy monthly paymonta. Don't buy until you see fr goods and get our prices. ' GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, GOLDSMITH'S 8 POINTS: The great feature of unhooking, the principle of which is the same as unbuttoning. They make a perfect, flat seam,' no sewing under point of hook, they are easy to fasten on account of short point of the hook, (the garment is not drawn out of shape by the hooking.) . We guarantee Garments with "Globe" Patent Hook and Eyes not. to gap. They are the only hooks that will not tangle in laces. They can not come unhooked of themselves. They are the most complete Hook and Eye ever invented. A lady will be at our Notion Counter this entire week, demonstrating the merits of this great invention. You are in vited to call and see how these Hooks and Eyes work when in actual use. , Goldsmith Brothers & Company, STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, ON ACCOUNT OF HOLIDAY. DO YOU WEAK SHOES? If you do and need a new pair, why nol examine thu stock of Th9 Lackawanni Store Association,!1, Cor. Lacka. and Jefferson Avcs. We nro solo aeonts in this city for tho J. S TURNER CO. Hiijh Grade Shoos for mon's wear (these shoiw took first uremlivn at tlie World's Fair, Chicago, and for EDWIN C bURT & CO.'S Celebrated Shoes for ladies' wear. We also handle the following lines. FOR MEN. For LADIES. JIISRKS and CHILDREN. C. P. Ford & Co. . ZniIor Bros. ThomiiH tt. riant Co. Strom ft Carroll, Johnston It Murphy, J. & H. Kitzuatri. k, Stacy Adams & Co, H. 8. Albright i Co. If desired, will take measure and order -jo- clul pairs from any factory in the couutry. Our aim is tu h prompt, to giVK our cus tomers the best attention and lowest jr. con, iruaranteeingsatiut'uctiou on all our boo K We abo carry a duo lino of tt HOC Kit I EH, HAKDWAKE, DRY ttOODri, CLOTIII-nU, UENT8' FURNISHINGS, etc. A trial is what we ask of our citizens and we will endeavor to please. BOOKS A Full Assortment Letter Copying Books ' OUR SPECIAL: A 500-page 10x12 Book, bourn? In cloth, sheep back and corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING, Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists let teeth, M.S0; best set, V, for (fold ears and teath withnnk nlitoa. called crown ana brldtt work, call for prices and refennaea. TONALttlA, for fxtraotiug Wstfa without pais. Moathui, ho gu OTEH VIBST KATIOKAl BAMS. WEBER 224 Y M. C A QUILOINQ4 Our Special Table Sale Closed on Saturday. Please notice the reduction in the price of -Folding which commences September 31st and will continue until our present stock is closed out: Twsnty-two Dollar Bsdsara reduced to '. $1S Twenty sight Dollar Beds ar reduced to 2a Thirty two Dollar Beds are rsduoed to 28 and a like cut throughout our entire line of Folding Beds. HULL & CO. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. ECR ANTON AUD WILRES-BARRE. PA, MANUFACTURERS ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. If you would have the LARGEST amount of heat from the LEAST amount of fuel, you must have a HOWARD FURNACE FOOTE & SHEAR CO, Cauliflower, Pickling Onions, ( Horse Radian Root, Green Ginger Root, Pickling Cucumbers, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, Garllo Dill And everything used in manufacture of Fickles. PIERCE'S MARKET, PEXN AVENUE. and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE, BAZAAR PATENT HOOK and EVE General Offii. SCEANTON. PA. Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Sppciallst.aad his associated staff of Fnglish and German physicians, are Dow permanently located at Old Fust Offloa llulidlair, Corner Peun avenue and Spruce street The doctor is a graduate of the university of Punnylvaiiia,f mierly demonstrator of physi ology and surftery at the Medico-Chlrurgical oollcge of Philadelphia. Ills eptcialtius are Chronic. Nervous, Skin, Heart. Womb and blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE KERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness lu wen and wo man, ball rising in the throat, spots Hoatinir before the eyes, V ssof memory, nuable to oon' centrate the mind on one nubject, evilly startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, diBtransed mind, which unfits them for per forminp the actual duties of life, maklnv hap piness iinpoiwible, distressing the aoli n of the heart, caualng fluvh ot beat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholv, tire easy of oompany. , feeling us tired in tho morning as when rettf- Inif, lack of energy, nervomness, trembling, confusion of thuuvnt dopression.constipttion. weakness of the limbs, vU Those so affected should consult ua immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Younj Men Cured. If yon have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor and be examined. Ha cures the worst casos of Nervous Debility. Scrofula, Old Sores, Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nos, and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cau cers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential Office hours daily from tl a. in. to Bp. m. Sunday 9 to I. Enclose firs 'i-ceut stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Lift." I will pay out thousaud dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot aura ot KPILtPTU , CONVULSIONS or FITS. iavuh DR. E. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Penn ave Due and Spruce street. hCK ANTON. PA. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Dentist. TELEPHONE 1919. Prompt attention to oalli for trsatmsatol Ml domestic aalmala. Veterinary Ilsdlslue s oaref ally oomponndel and f or sale at reasonable prioss, Offlca at the Blum Carriage Works, 11) D1X COURT, Bcriutoa. wnsrsl direot show Ing afternoons. Graduate ot the American Veterinary Col In e and the Columbian Bohool ot Compere LlJHpie.