3 Norton's New Store 115 Wyoming Ave. (Old Republican Building.) Entire New Stock received since the fire, which destroyed all our stock in the old store, Lacka. Ave, Miscellaneous Books, in cloth and leather bindings, single vols, and full sets, suitable for wedding and other gifts. Choice Stationery for social use. Mercantile Stationery, all sorts. School Books and School Stationery. . Blank Account Books, all sizes and all styles, from Penny Book to Bank Ledger. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books. t All the Popular New Books, in cloth and paper covers. RUPTURE Can bo cured by simple treatments und the truss thrown osldo in a short timti. No detention from bushiest . A safe and radical cure for evory variety of hernia, by a now method. No charge for consultuti n and examina tion. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO. (LIMITED.) 203 'WAS1I1XGTOX AVE. GOOD BREAD UBE THE ' And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS J THE GENUINE POPULAW Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. & Co., fmnrinPii wn Enh Plnnf. Garney, Brown & Co. Mrr1. CUtKi' fcUUAUK. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruce Street. Offlc. Honrs: jj!? JL8a. I 2 to 5. PERSONAL. John Worrell, ot Philadelphia, is visiting friends on iine street W. C. Cruser, editor of the Montrose Democrat, is in tbe city. Mr. and Mrs. J. V) Wnn nf tto dale, are visiting in the;city. Mrs. Julia D. Heath, of Montrose, is the finest of Mrs. Frank V. Leach, of Olive street. Editor J. P. Taylor, of the Montrose Re publican, made several calls in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. ST. Kennedy, of Thomp son street, are visiting Mrs. J. T. Tiffany at Harford, Susquehanna county. R, J. Burke went to Philadelphia yester day, where he will ,enter his special law course at tbe University of Pennsylvania. A. B. Dunning, Jr., county surveyor, left for Pottsville yesterday, to deliver an address before the state convention of county commissioners on "Improvement of Highways." J.Frank Slogel's Academy of Dancing. First lesson for beginners tonight -at 8. Member of National Association of Ttachers of Dancing. Lttl Lou!! Lots!!! Lots!!!! Nothing offered in the city like Wood Lawn Park lots. Buy now. Every lot is a bargain. Gentlemen. Call and see onr fall styles of wing tippei shoes, in calf, russett, patent leather and pig skin. Commonwealth Shoe store, w ashiugton avenue. - 1 " J. Frank 81egal. Aoademy of Danolog-. Afternoon social for misses, masters and ladies Saturday, Oct. . Parents and their I i cordl"y Invited. Evening class lor ladies and gentlemen Tuesday evening, Oct 8, first lesson for beginners. Buy tbe W.h.r and get the best At Guernsey Bros. r Gbntlembh's Driving club race Satur day, 2 o'clock p. tn. DIED, EUI)DY-In Philadelphia, Bnnday, Oct. 7, Miss Eliza H. Ruddy, of Scranton. Funeral at 9:80 a. m. Wednesday, from the family residence on Penu avenue. A Foe to Dyspepsia snow worn FLOUR I Trial List for the Three Weeks' Torm Be- ginning Nov. 12. SOME VERY IMPORTANT CASES They Are Set Down on the List for Trial Many of Them Have Been Heard Before, But Now Come Up fop Consideration Again Many of the First Week's Cases Are Wages Appeals. The trial list for the three weeks term of common pleas court, which be gins Monday, Nor. 12, waa made up yesterday and ia aa follow: FIRST WEEK, MONDAY, NOV. 12. The Scranton Gas and Water company vs. the Lackawanna Iron and Coal com pany, assumpsit. John Dempsey vs. John Eosloski, wages; appeal. Anthony Tobensky vs. John Jermyn wages; appeal. Fred. ,R. Jenkins vs. R. F. Howell, wages; appeal. William Brown vs. William McDonougb, wnges; appeal. Hugh Miller vs. Thomas Holtham, wages; appeal. Charles Patchen vs. Levi Snyder, wages; appeal. James Mulvihlll vs. Mt, Jessup.Coal corn pany, wages aptieaU W. H. Hewitt vs. Ella B. Hewitt, div orce. Mrs. M. E. Ainey vs. Eliza Brown, in terpleader. James .O'Horo and others vs. .pity ot Scranton, appeal. John G. Jennings vs. Lehigh Valley Railroad company, trespass, C. L. Rice vs. Fidelity and Casualty In surance company, trespass. F. U. Burnhnm and Mutual Life Insur ance company vs. O. S. Johnson and C. Winter, ejectment. Michael Moran, vs. city of . Carbondale, trespass. Simon Honly vs. Pierce Coal company, limited, trespass. Ueorgo Sanderson vs. Lorenz Zeidler, ejectment. Roderick Howell vs. Henry Hawley, ejectment. John R. Jones vs. C. W. Maxwell and others, replevin. J. H. Lesh vs. A. S. Washburn and Mor gan Lake, repleviu. Claud Pitcher vt. People's Street Rail way company, trespass. Enos Flyun vs. John Harrington, ap peal. John CflffrflV And nthpra va MnmapAf Healy and others, ejectments. o. o. iuorau vs. a. jueonara, assump sit. Patrick M. Eaean vs. citv of Scranton. trespass. Michael Larkin vs. City of Scranton, trespass. J. H. GmiRter. AnairrnAA va Cianraa A Jessup and others, assumpsit. i;orisuan Aiteu vs. school district of Carbondule township, assumpsit. Swertfer. Pembroke & lln. v P P McDonnell, replevin. George G. Winan and others, vs. Thom as D. Bevan, ejectment. iiiury sscott vs. city or Scranton, tres pass. Bridget Gaffuey vs. city of Soranton, trespass. Margaret Hushes vs. Delaware anil Knit. son Canal company, trespass. "imam juoore vs. James Rowley, ap peal. William McManes vs. Georcra Conner. trespass. 6ECOND WEEK, MONDAY, NOV. 19. Ann Munley vs. city of Scranton. tres pass. Ann O'Gradv vs. Prndential lnnnmnon company of America, assumpsit. Robert Tiosley and Michael Donovan vs. John Walsh, trespass. stepnen Jones vs. city of Scranton, ejectment Albert Henne vs. nltv nr Kntnn ejectment. m. t Handley and others vs. Mary Bar nett nd others, ejectment. E. B. Sturces. truste. va n A Vatvar ejectments. ' Irving Davis and others, executors, vs. Elizabeth Lee, ejectments. E. Frank and Brother va. Groan FWnr & Co., appeal. Herbert J. Warren vs. Charles H. Moon, appeal. Michael Murray and others, vs. borongh of Winton, trespass. Heorge W. Tvron vs. John W. Altknn assumpsit. J. A. scranton & Son. vs. Becker Broth ers, appeal. Snmks Brothers va. Hnirh Rnrlra as. sumpsit. Kiceuros. vs. Hugh Burke, assumpsit. William Rrnnnnn Insurance company, appeal. jj. o. uurns vs. ratnekt llogan, appeal. Patrick AIllKlirnnA unit nth... uj p,n. dential Insurance company, assumpsit Charles P. Hallock vs. Stroud & Cham berlain; trespass. i nomas Davidson vs. Thomas Sanders and J. H. Jenkins; trespass. Ann Tuskor vs. townahin nf T.nrVo- COMMON PLEAS wanna, trespass. Henry Senlz and others vs. Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad company; ap peal. Robinson & Stone vs. George Highfleld; replevins. R. Mautcsr vs. Jacob Boltz; assumpsit. Mary E. Edgerton vs. a S. Lewis: tres pass. Anna Maxlon vs. Delaware and Hudson Canal oompany; trespass. Bridget O'Hora vs. Delaware and Hud son Canal company; trespass. Michael Devine vs. People's Street Rail way company; trespass. W. P. Connell & Sons vs. J. N. Rice; appeal. Medart Patent Pulley company vs. James Nolan; appeal. Hawley Glass company vs. J. H. Davitt; appeal. August Diesing vs. B. M. Bauschpies: ap peal. . 1U. Laukae vs. Mike Shev; appeal. Wallis Branch vs. Alvis Branch; divorce. William May vs. Carboudale Traotion company; trespass. THIRD WEEK, MONDAY, NOV. 26. Cincinnati Safe and Lock company vs. M. M. DeWitt: assumpsit James M. Everhardt vs. G. S.Nesbit and G. Mortimer Lewis: ejectment. Fisher Bros. vs. E. Gorman; assumpsit. A. L. Spencer vs. Gustav Krugerman appeal. W. t. Reed vs. J. S. Miller; appeal, F. R. Walker & Son vs. W. H. Wither! Paper company assumpsit. P M. Moffltt, and others vs. J. W. Kll Patrick aud Elizabeth Kilpatnck, eject ment. New Tentlo Mining company va. O. F. Smith aud others, administrators, assump sit. , , J. E. Maricle vs. Ackerman Bros., ap peal. New York and Ontario Land company vs. Laura V. Weidner, ejectment. Jemima Davis vs. People's Street Rail way company, trespass. Harrison Wells vs. H. W. Hull, assump sit. '' Strause, Rothschild & Co. vs. Droihea Honeyager, executrix, assumpsit John Dempsey vs. John Koxloski, appeal, Winton Coal company vs. Panooast Coal company, assumpsit A. H. Winton, vs. Panooast Coal com pany, assumpsit. Eliza Small and Walter Small vs. E. J. Ehrgood, ejeotment O. A. Halford vs. William R. Williams and 8, D. Mayer, assumpsit - Griffiths & Joues vs. Frances Seeley. trespass. Henry Revels vs. John W. Pike, sci. fa. C, E. Maxfield vs. F. W. Mason & Co.. appeal. . . ' Michael Dee vs. New ifork and Soranton Coal company, appeal. William Davis vs. New York and Scran ton Coal oompany, appeal. Cleland. Simpson & Taylor vs. Henry Hattin & Son, appeal William von Starch vs. Carringtoa S. von Storoh, ejeotment Margaret Hensel vs. A. A. Fennyvessy, appeal. Catharine Owens vs. Council No. 9, Order of Red Men; appeal. George Bailey vs. Borough of Dickson City trespass. W. C. Townsend vs. Frank Carlucci & Bro.; assumpsit. M. A. Sanborn vs. F. M. Goodrich and T. F. Goodrich; appeal D. Taylor Lacy vs. Patrick Winn; appeal. J. D. Knight and others vs. School Dis trict ot boutu Abingtou Township; tres pass. Miner E. Wordon vj. Siffer Bros.; as sumpsit Julia Waderann vs. Daniel Whitmore and Michael McCann; appeal. Daniel E. Wademan vs. Daniel Whit more; appeal. At the Theaters. The presentation of "Hendrick Hudson" by the Kimball Opera company at the academy last evening delighted a fair sized audience. "Hendrick Hudson" is a burlesque containing a sprinkling of dia logue and alleged musio of tbe "rattle-to-bang" order and numerous special features reminisoent of the variety aud negro min strelsy. The specialties were excellent in their way and tbe popular Corlnne never appeared to better advantage than in the many-sided character ot Hendrick Hud son. Her support was good aud the efforts of the company, as well as those of Cor inne, were loudly applauded. Miss Josephine Foster, an amateurish acting young lady, was scarcely equal to the highly feathered role ot the Indian Princess, but her beautiful bird-like voice covered entirely the deBcionces in acting. Willard Simms, as Kill von Kull, exhibited all the characteristics of a polished come dian and was repeatedly encored. His Imitation of the barnyard fowl was one of the cleverest bits ot comedy work ever seen on the Academy stage, James Sturges, an old favorite In Scran ton, was as funny as ever. Joe Fields and Mark Wooley, the song and dance men, came In for a good share of applause, as did also Harry Dietz, the yodier. The presentation was marked by the usual dazzling costumes, brilliant scenery, marches and tableaux aud spectacular ef fects that accompany the comic opera of the day. "Hendrick Ifudson" ia undoubtedly the best musical burlesque ever brought out by the Kimball Opera company. II II II One of the treats of the current theatri cal season will be the presentation of "1402" at the Frotbingham this and to morrow nights and Wednesday matinee. "1-192" is under the personal direction of E. . Rice. It will be seen identically as produced at New York aud Boston, where it enjoyed the phenomenal run of three years and two years respectively. "1492" is from the prolifio pens of Messrs. Barnett and PUeuger, and deals with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. Its theme has permitted an element of comedy that is so bright and witty that not a dull moment is experienced, and the auditor is kept in a constant state of laughter. This mammoth undertaking re quires 100 people, and carries its own orchestra. II II II Sidney Drew, who is to appear at the Academy of MuBio tomorrow night is playing Mark Twain's great comedy, "The Gilded Age," and playing it well, if what tbe Philadelphia critics say is true. The part of Colonel Mulberry Sellers, which was made fumous by the late John T. Raymond, its creator, could not be placed in better bauds. If Mr. Drew's support is adequate and we are informed that it la ne ought to be greeted by a packed house on bis appearance. II II II Brandon Thomas' bright and bretzy comedy, "Charley's Aunt," which is a model for all writers of successful comedy farce to copy comes to the Academy for an engagement of one performance next Thursday evening. Mr. Thomas has suc ceeded in developing so many ingenious and oonvnlsing complications from;flrat to nnisu. An excellent cast is engaged lor the piece. II II II A well-known New York bank president was so much impressed with "Men and Women" as a lesson as upon the evils of speculating that he bought seats for bis whole force of clerks. A more forcible illustration of the misery and ruin due to this coarse of modern business life has never been put upon the stage. Messrs. De Mille and Belasco have only to take tbe newspapers to get their facts for this drama. This play will be tbe attraction at the Academy of Musio next Friday night. II II II The mere announcement that "Jane" is to be seen at the Frotbingham next Satur day matinee and night has created a com motion In society and fleshy patrons are trying to remember the funny situations in the great laughing success, in order that they may not be caught napping and run tbe risk of being injured by im moderate laughter. J. Frank SWgl' Aoademy of Danolns-. Afternoon social for misses, masters and ladies Saturday, Oct. 8. Parenta and their ineuus coruiauy invuea. evening class for ladiea and gentlemen Tuesday evening, Oct. 9, first lesson for beginners. WE HAVE THE STYLES EVERYBODY SAYS SO If you Lave not seen them you want to. Then you will be one of the many who have feasted their eyes on our love ly Millinery. Xew ideas weekly. Haslacher's Millinery, H. If NGFEID, Successor. , 324 Lackawanna Ave. WE ARE SHOWING Several lines of Ladies', Misses', Boys' and Children's Cotton and All- La In Natural, White and Red; all marked at UNION SUITS A SPECIALTY a- . - a III Fifth and Successful Attempt lo Burn South Side Propjrty. POLICE AFTER THE INCENDIARY Stable of the Casey & Kelly Brewing Company Finally Succumb to Ar sonThree Attempts Made to Fire Scheuer's Bakery The Latest Blaze Made Sure by Its Start In the Hay Loft Net Loss Will Be Over $1,200. An ineendiary is at work on the South side. The'polioe department began last evening a systematic bunt for the fire fisnd, following the total destrnetion of the Casey & Kelly Brewing Com pany stables on Locust strer,ner Rem ington avenue. Tbe fire waa auoh a clear oase of arson that the directors of the company met last night for tbe special purpose of adopting a plan of ascer taining the inoendiary's identity. The fire was the fifth aud successful attempt to burn property owned by the company. Three attempts have also been made to burn Scheuer's bakery on Brook street. Suspicion strongly indi cates that tbe knight of the torch is a woman. Yesterday's blaze was started in the hay loft while the stableman in charge was absent on an errand. Tne alarm was sounded at 3.30 o'olotk. When the three district companies arrived the building was in a mass of flames. All the trucks and stock exoept three horses were out of tbe building when the fire started. The three animals and a num ber of bob-sleighs were saved only by active effort. Three houses became ignited several times, and one owned by tbe company was slightly damaged. At 5.30 o'clook tbe fUuies were eub dued only after the almost complete destruction of tbe buildiug. The property was protected by only $800 of insurance, and the net loss on harnesses, bay, straw, 800 bushels of oats and sqnantitvof implements will be from $1,200 to $1,500. . ABOUT MM:. BLAUVELT. What the loston Advertiser Says of Her Blng-ing. Regarding Mme. Lillian Blauvelt who will take part in tbe concert for the benefit of St. Luke's kindergarten fttthe Frothingham next Monday night, the Boston Daily Advertiser says: "Mme. Lillian Blauvelt wastbesolo ist.and 'With Verdure Clad' was a good transition lo tbe pathos of tbe first theme' of Beethoven's Adagio. The singer made a very good impression, and there was good artiitio work in the management of tbe volse, whiob of it self baa a most agreeable timbre. Io her second number, 'Vol cbe Sapete,' not a nuance was lost, and the beauti ful centrasta made their due effect Especially to be praised was the rich ness of tbe voice in tbe deeper phrases; 'Gelo e poi sento, Palme avvampar' was delivered with just the broad effect on tbe lower tones that the phrase demanded." Sale of seats at Powell's. . RECEPTION AT THE V. M. C. A. The Miion Converts Will be Enter tained Tomorrow Night Evangelist Sohiverea, tbe ministers of tbe eity and tbe oon verts of the mis sion will be tendered a reception on Wednesday night at the Yonng Men's Christian association at tbe conclusion of tbe last meeting of tbe mission. Extensive preparations are being made, and tbe best programme of music will be rendered. Brief addresses will be delivered and light refreshments served. Gold Dollars I Gold Dollars 1 1 Yon can make them by purchasing lots at Wood Lawn Park. Down town office. Clark the florist. GET UP Hard to, though, when you don't wake up, Tho beat Alarm Clock made la the AN SON I A. Clearest alarm bell, accnrato.slin ply set, and it never fails to wake on the minute. And us a TIME KEEPER can't bo beut. 85 cents. . We know some got tl.W. - Rexford Jewelry Co, 813 Lacks. Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Photograph and Scrap Albums, Teacher aud Family Bibles, Pictures for Wedding Gifts, Gold Pens, Fine Sta tionery and Writing Tablets. PRATT STATIONERY STORE 813 LACKA. AVE. y Fl FEND U ffOES 415 Lackawanna Avenue. Women tn Business. That a woman can't run a business suc cessfully is one of the mistakes of tbe mid dle ages. We strolled into the dental rooms of tbe late J. S. Walden on Spruce stieet and found business rushing. Mrs. Jura, walden is ably assisted by one ol New York's best dentists, a gold medal young dootor, whose bridge work and con necting of irregular teeth ia receiving special attention. H. E. Burdick. socialist in scalo di eases, has resumed her fall work at 306 Adams avenue, and is prepared to see all those who desire her attention in restoring tne nair. MUe Hardenbirth'4 Pianoforte School. A thoroughly hieh-erade school for the study of the pianoforte, harmony and all orancneaoi musical tlieory and interpre tation. A BDecial training course for teachers: also special training given children, 4U7 Ynyoming avenue. ' Restful to tired toilers, bread made from Pillabury's Best China WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. Ladies must have Large Buttons on their shoes. The sample in our ladies' window is only one of 200 styles that we have. They have caught the public fancy and are going so fast that we're compelled to order more. We still have your size. Come in and try on a pair. YOUE SHOE MAN 410 Spruce Street LADIES ARE BETTER JUDGES Of what looks woll on a man than inon are. Thoy have studied harmony In color and style, and kuow what will suit you. Bring your wife, your sister or somo one else's sint r, and lot lior look over those delightful now things In Neckwear. All grades. She will bo pleased and so will you. Prices alike at both atores-412 Spruce and 'Aid Lackawanna nvenuo. ' Christian, The Hatter. Popular Prices. 7 Hall IMP 5 ill "W To be In Style SHANK UTFiui RECEIVED TODAY Also' a firstciass stock of Imported Suitings and Trous erings. Martin & Uelany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE- MNIHIliiIlIIHIIiIIII!IISIIinilIllllIIIIIHII!lll!niISIIII0IIIIieHMeilIlllII!!I!13U BUY TNE 308 Lacka. Ave. I THIS WEEK THREE GREAT YALUES I Don't Miss Them. I 1 Case Ladies Fleeced Ribbed Underwear, I a worth 50c, for - - - 25c. s 3 1 Case Men'3 Natural Wool Und s wortn 75c, for - 50 dozen Ladies' 4-Button Kid Gloves, in Drab and Tan, worth $1.50, for DON'T FAIL I Cloak and illinery Dept. ) i EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW AND DFSIRARIF S i CAN BE FOUND THERE. n ElIICIIttm!li;illlMIHIlMIII!llllllllll3!I3ll!IIIIII!IIE HEIIKIillJIIBIiBJR Scientific Eye jggrar The "On the Fence." Boon be over the season for riding. II you want a Bicycle now is tbe time to Ret it. We are clearing tip all stock, and will givo you anch a chance as yon never had before. One ot our bargains: A FirH-claBj, High Grade $150 Bicycls for $05. Bring your cash and GET OFF THE FENCE. CLARENCE LI FLOREY Successor to Florey & Holt. OUR Will Be CLOSED Wednesday, OCT. 10th, on Account of i Govern Yourself Accordingly. PENN CL THfflE & SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE. Complete Outfitters. S, L. GALL EN CLOSE li VEXING 8 AT 0.30 O'CLOCK. LARGE LINE Ot Mackintoshes in Blue and Black Box Coats. AT - . 49c a TO VISIT OUR I Testing Free ,' By DR. SHIMBESGr, Specialist on the Eye. Headaches acd Ner. vuuButma relieve, latest sua Improved Style of Eyeglasses and Speotaolei at the Lowest Pthwj, Best Artificial Eyes inserted for 15. 305 SPHCCli ST., Opp. Old Post Office. Matthews Bros.' NEW STORE 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now doing a g.-nfral Drug, Paint and Oil businoHS at the akovo location, during the orectlon of our store building recently de stroyed by flra. In Every Departmant. OCR TELEPHONE CALL, XO. 23, AH orders promptly filled and delivered to any part of the city, 133 Franklin Av. NEW GOODS STORES