,6 THE SCBAXTON TRIBUITE-MOS DAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1894- GENERAL MEWS OF - If John WflnninHker can be induced to become a eamlidate for the presi ilenoy of tlie lt'iiditiR Kuilroa'l eoni pany "there will probably be thre ticking in the fieUI at the attnrj il m't intc in J.:nanry. President H irris will, ot conrso, be h oaudi lute for re- lfction iud Iimte L. Ricn bus announced t h:it he will haa.. b ticket of his own making. Already there is a demand for proxies on th purt of frictids of the various enndiduiss, and quit a little sanation WRscroir.ed in liuatieinl circles S-itur-Oiy whvn it wns k-arnol that tba O!cott-E irle reorganization committee will ba glad to receive proxL-B ia blank to be voted as the committee diracta. Who the committee favors is not known, lmt it is supposed to be Mr. llarria. II r. Rica polled laat Jnnnnry about 1.10,000 shnrce, but it is probable that the vote for bim at the eoraiotr flection will full considerably below this figure, us some of hia former frieuda nre now in the E irle-Olcott nnderwritirijr syndicates. Warirqr Brothers & coin p toy- have filed Btr.temeuU in auits njjiius-'t the Pennsv'viinia Riilrmd cnmn.my to re cover $2 300,000. Th" suits wert nrisi nnlly tTuuiit in 1S77 and 1880, but Wfre not pressed nntil now. Thu plain tiffs wer in t'm nil business, and l"-twi-en Nov. 80, 1873, and MnrcU 1. 1873, sliipi'cd irnm Oil City and other pointa nvi r the Prttinfivlvanhi railroad to Phila delphia. 477,77-1 burr-Is of oil, on whicti it ia cliini'i iai dufondauts over thurKed $U79,.99 and which the latter pioniiil tor-par. The Bfcond auit is Tor $1,500,000 damages. Tho plnintiff stateatli.it they invested $1,200,000 in their plant, that tlm All'ji'.cnv Rail road coiup iny, the Standard Oil com pany, tie Atlantic Storage company, Warden, Frew & company and iock hord & Frew, conspired to prevent the plaintiff from shipping their petroleum over the railroads at an equitable ' rate, charging thorn four times hb uuch as other shippeis paid find out of the ovrcharue paying; large anms to the plaintiff competitors. Warden, Frew & company, Contwiok & cuin pHpy, J, D, Ave ibald, Cnnrk-s Pratt & company, the Standard Oil company, Lockhar 1 & Frew and others. As a result, it ia alleged, the plaintiff were forced tn abaudon tueir bnaincss. This suit remind one of the coke suit against the Lshigh Valley. Talking with a Dispatch reporter the other ('ay, a gentleman prominently interested in new railroad enterprises raid: "Pittsburg will have a direct coined ion with Buffalo and New York in lens than a year. Within two years new trunk lines will centor here, ex tending to Boaton on the east and Chi cago on the west, This is not specula tion. It is a positive fact. A bid had just been received and opened for the construction of that portion of the line from a point on the Beech Creek road known in Catfish to Pittsburg. Within fifteen or twenty days the contract will be let. It will stipulate that work shall be;-in immediately on the north ern end of the line, so that by early spring the road will be ready to oper ate to Butler. A traffio agreement will have been effected by that time b sween the Pittsburg and Western rail rnad similar to that now ex isting between the Pittsburg and Western and the Shenango lines, by which the Beech Creek and the Bnffalo, Rochester and Pitts burg roads will run cars directly into Pittsbur;. It is estimated that two years will be n qnir-d to build the line from Butler to Pittsburg. There will be at least oue long tunnel to build and two bridges, one of which will be very large, and more than a year will be required for its construction. The contracts for the Philadelphia and Pittsburg branch route have already been awarded, and the work is now going on. The Philadelphia and Pitts burg branch line is to be 112 miles long, connecting with the Beech Creek road at Mehaffey, which ia only a few miles from Cattish, and passing through Indiana county to the Loyalhanna creek valley will follow it to Littrobe and thence on to a point on Yonghiog lieny river, where it will connect with the Pittsburg. McKeesport & Youg hiogheny. The anthracite coal statement for the weekended S'Tt. 2!) shows shipments aggregating 072 077 tons, a decrease over the eomspouding week last year of only 21,803 tons, all whinb deoreas-, and mor. came from tho Wyoming re gion, as the Lehigh and Schuylkill re piorifl both show increases, t'u former 25,318 tons and the latter 33,050 tons. The latter regions, therefore, either exceeded their allotment, or wore he hind their pere -utages in the preceding weeks of the month. The full state ment is nppended: , Rofjioiis. 8 pt. 29. "H. Fopt. 29. '03 Dif. Wyoming. .Tons 4ft!.r?7 Dec. Hi.tVlt L'liih Tons 1W.HK) ."i,8;2 Inc. 35.HH hehuylkill..Tous oX,.oG 2!il,Ulu Inc, Si.Sijj Total., .HT2.977 1191,370 Dec. iil.SiO Total y'r todate.2!i,5UI,OI631,221,lWl Doc l,C!i8,ltt2 . The revival of coal and eoke business In the Conuellsville region has been unexpectedly heavy of late and the railroada are unable to supply enough cars to accommodate the increasing traffic. I was said Saturdav at the Baltimore and Ohio railway offices that the company would be ablo to utilize 2,000 additional cars iu the next six weeks on the Pittsburg division alone. At the same time the other divison's, while not so much in need, are too much pi.ahed to be able to help out on the Pitttsbnrg divisou. The coal and coke is beln2 huuled principally to the west, and some ot it can be sidetracked for a while. The officials think tbey can eatel) up with the demand without ordering new cars utiles it keopi up longer than is now anticipated. The work of the new high pressure or reinforcing brake of the Westing house company, whioh was given a test with one of the Pennsylvania railroad' standard passonuer trains on the main line between Downington and Ship Road station, on Tuesday, was entirely satisfactory, and the railroad company baa decided to eqnip all of its bigb peed passenger trains with the new brako. The test between it and the emergency brake now in general use Illustrated the ability of the new brake to bring to a standstill a train running at the rate of slxtv miles an hour wilbin a distance of 1,300 feet, as com pared with 1,700 feet with the present brake. The new brake diffors only at present in the addition of an extra or reinforcing valve, which can be at tached to all the present brakes, thus onviatinx the oon.tructioa ot entirely neW' Onen. Minor Industrial Notes: The Phoenix Iron works is said to be burner and to be employing more men at present tban for two years past. Second Vice-President King, of the Bal timore and Ohio, is In Europe, and, In con versation with parties interested in Amer DUSTR S ican railways, said American railways are again showing better results from operat ing them. He thought no more parallel roads wonld be built in the United States. The freight movement over the Alle gheny Valley continues very heavy; every car ia in use, and it is believed busiuass will hold up uutil lake navigation. The Chicago Trihuue says never before ia the history of American railways lias the freight rate situation baan so bad as t piesent not ouly western, but eastern as well. A gentleman in a position to know says that .Mr. Yauamakt:i's friends are quietly making an active canws for the Heading presidency in his behaif, and have beeu large buyer of the stock. John B. Mitchell who, for fifteen years, wan brid ;e superintendent on the Wabash system, but who haa been with the Big Four three years, baa been appointed pur chaser of ties for the entire Big Four sys tem, quite an important position. William F. Shnnk, chief engineer of the proposed intercontinental railway from the Istbmua of Tehanutepee toSonth Peru, has completed his report, lie estimates the cost of the road, complete and equip ped ready for service, at 145,000 a mile. The general merchandise of the rail roads hereabouts is showing considerable improvement: the freight departments of the various lines in the city are busier tnan they liave been tor sometime. All clashes of freight are ottered, and officials think that business will greatly improve. The Na'ional Boring and drilling com pany, of Hcranton, who have the contract for siulting the now artesian well of the Diamond Water company, at Hazleton, are contructing a t am road trout the present dams of the Diamond water com pany to the proposed location of the new well. The Baltimore and Ohio is now expend ing moro money on roadbed improve ments than either of tun trunk lines. This fall it is laying a large mileage of new steel rail, weighing seventy-live pouuds to tue yard, and rebuilding a largo number of bridges, some of thum a width of four tracks. The Evana Coal company, of Bsaver Meadow, who have been prospecting with a diamond drill have cut the Buck Mountain vein about 100 feet below the present bottom of tho vein. The thick-uet-a of the vein is six feet, the beat tbey have ever had. A four foot vein was the thicUoNt heretofore. The Iron Trade Reviewsays: , "The most important development of tho week iu iron and steel is the announcement of the transplanting to the United titntes of the Otto iloffman system of coke making with by-product recovery, and the decision to erect the first plant at Johnstown, Pa. This step is significant of the determina tion of the steel masters of this country to be armed with every economy against all competitions that new conditions may bring from without." SIFTING WHcAT FROM CHAFF. rt.i;addi)hia Record. In the inevitable discussion which must arise iu regard to tho A. P. A., or Ameri can Protective association, it is necessary tocnrirfully distinguish it from th Ameri can Protestant association. The latter is a highly respectable and worthy organization, having nothing iu com mon with tho former. There is uothiug partisan in the American Protestant association, its aim being wholly benevolent aud charitable. It is sectarian ouly in tho sense that it exclud.-s Catholics from membership, just as there are Catholic benevolent associations that do not admit Protestants to membership. With tlm explanation in mind tin publio will not confound a truly meritorious or ganization with a secret partisan cabal whose aims are not compatible with good citizenship or good government. That tired keeling which is so common and so overpoweriug is entirely driveu off uy iiooua tarsapanl.a, tue best blood purifier. Hood's fc-arsapariila overcomes weakness. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c. a box. The world is always interested In the cure of consumption; yet its prevention is of far more importance. Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup is guaranteed to cure coughs and colds. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Ponds. New York. Oct. 6.-Ppecu!ation at the Stock exchange was quiet today, but the nuderstone of the maikot was decidedly strong. There was a material gain in prices, the improvement having ranged from to lJi per cent. Today Chicago G:ta rOfH 13 in TfiG Mint thra tvni-a that the bears were endeavoring to make a private settlement, in tne urangxrs, St. Paul rose to Cti, Burliugton and Quincy tn fitld Knrt It abut t.t Ii.'-iH'' U ..A.n Uuiou, Reading und Northern preferred, wcib uu Binuig aim in uemauii. ciugar waa firmftr.nflvftitfMMir tn Raif Tim mnrba, closed strong at. or near the best, iiijures ot the day. Total sales were 6S.273 shares. The ranee of Saturday's ur cos for the are tivo stocks of tho Mew York stork market an I'ivon hnlnur 'I lin imnliirmna .. .. I,,.1k...l - - - -- " .juvuniuuo ni - iiiiuinuou TiikTiiiiiunk by U. du B. Dimmick, tnana- K-i- ii vm ra i.inn. Alien a Lo., BtocK brok ers, fi- oiiruco uront, ecranton: Open- llk'ti- Lotr pit. ii'iiVj 1(H' (J Clos i' a. t5li ii'iij - w io" litilii 61 nor Am. Tot. OH. Am Siurnr. S.t A.T. &S. F.. Can. Ro a Chcspeako & Ohio.. Line. Utu Ihic N. W , C, B. A Q c.o.c. a Bt. i,... n :) Sin 4 mi Tf'-s lUR", atii C. M. AHU Paul.... CbicaKo,U. 1. & Pac D. A U D., L. A T7 , 1). A Cl. F II) mi . e. co ; Ills. Cent I. a Ice Shore Li. A N Manhattan 13M4 luiiii Mic h. Cent PI W.tCTWWtti Site! ia m a Cougli with a Y7eak Sys tem, Consumplion with Weak Lungs, or Disease with Loss of Flesh. Tako if? 5 jS-i; mii ViVin'S hiirtiiMimiiiiwtX' the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, for any ailment resulting from poor nourishment. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceive:! by Substo! Prepared by Scott & Boirnc, N'. Y. All DroKr.lt. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Oral of the test qnsllty for domestle OM,ani f all elem dellvared la any part of the oilj t lowest lirloe. Ordari toft at my office, VO. 118, WYOMING ATENTIS, Rear room, first floor, Third National Ban, or aont by mail or tulephone to the mlna, rul NealTe jirompt attention. t-iieoial oonlraot will b mad far Uu mM oodalivsry of Buckwheat Coal. T. SMITH. mi Emulsion Mo.Pae 2?M 2? 28t Not. Cordage lit I'M Nat. Uad 3a ' W M '- US New Jersey Ceut H. Y. Central N. Y. AN. IS. N.Y..L.E.AW .... N. Y..H. .t W N. Y., S. A W., nr.. 4, 45 45 45 North Pac 4)s W8 H i Korth t'ac. iir is m 18 ml O. A W lfil HH 1KI V W Phil. A Reading..... 2uii 18J4 gujj, Itich A W.P ..." ..." .... i .. I '. A L Texas Par 8? lrB 6 . 1 I'nion Pacific 1 Waliash Wabash pr Westuin Union. t84 1)4 8d4 8SJ4 N-w Y irk Pr'duca Ma-kot. New York. Oct. 0. Flour Dull and Wrak; linht jolbini demuud. Whkat Dull; o. hiclier: No. 2 red. store aud elevator, S'lJic.; afloat, 56c; f. o. b., 6ti,li5rc.; nngraded red, SOaBCc; No. 1 uor h western, f)5o.; options Oc ober, 5"ii!ic.: November,5C!c.: December, 57!c.; iMay t)2?ic. i'okn Dull, firm, and unchanged; No. 2, 565'ac-; elevator, 511,0. afloat: options closed steady; October. Sfljv--: November, 6Xc; December, 64: Aiarcb. 340.; May, Bi;4'o. Oats Fairly active, white firmer; op tions dull, X, lower, easier; October, 32ic; Novemb.r, 8.'tc; December, Slc Jlny, 8rjs'c; No. 3 white, November. 37c; Spot prices No. 2, 8a32e.;No. 2 whito, 8GKa3f5,Yc.5 No. 2 Chicago, fl3!rfn33l; No. 8, ttiJic; No. 3 white, 803350 ; mixed western, 83! a34H'c; white do. aud whit estate, SS'faSD.i. Bkkf Dull; tierced beef dull, cut meats quiet, unchanged. Lard Doll, steady, western steam, $8; city, 7!c.; October, $9.00; January, 17.85; reflnod, dull, continent, $8.40; South Ameiiea f9.U0; compound, Cn(c. iJuTTER-Steady, qniet, easy; state dairy, 14u23)c.: do. creamery, 13a25fc.; Pennsylvania do., lSa25c.; estern dairy, 13al7c; do. creamnry, 15a2c!c; do. factory, )2al5Vc; elgins, 25)ia20c; imitation creamery, 14il9c. Chkksi Quiet and firm. Eoqs Qniot, easy; state and Pennsyl vania, 19a2Uc: ice house, 15al(Vc;; wes tern fresh, 17ale.; do per case $J.25u 4.25; limed, 10, c. Philadelphia 1 allow Market. PfliLAPKLiTiA. Oct. 6. Tallow is dull and weak. We quote: city, prime, in hogshead, 4c; country, prime, in bnrrels, i'iic; country dark, In barrels, 4fc; enkej, 5c; grease, 4c. iu uu y Li A PAIN REMEDY. For nearly fifty years this wonderful rem dy has proved ltaelf tiro host, quickcist, iiaf set aud surest autidoto for pain in , be world. THE TIIUE RELII'.P. EADWAY'B RFAOY RELIEF is safe, re liable and effectual because of the stimulat iuk action i f the body, adding bine to the one ind inciting to renewed and increased vl-'or the slumbering vita.ity of the physical struc ture, and through this healthful stimulation tnd inirt'asod aotioa the caune ot the PAIN Is driven away aud a natural condition re rtored. It is thus that the KEADY HI-LIEF Is B" admirably adapted for the CUKE OF PAIN and without the rink of injury which is sure to roralt from the nse of many of the so-called pain remedies of the day. In usinc nit'dicines to atop pain we should void nuch as bill ot Injury on the system. Opium, Morphine, Ether C caine and Chloral stop pain by dostroying lie eenso of percep tion, when tho patient loses the power of toclinir. Ihisi tho most destructive prac tiee; it maaka th- symptoms, shuts up, and, inhWd of removing troubl-, breaks down the at much, liver an 1 bowel, and. If con tinued tor a length oi timo, kills the nerves and produces h eal or general paralysis. There in no necHsity for using thea un certain event?, when a positive remody like HAD WAY'S KKAD RELIEF wiU atop the most exoruciat:iiK pain q. ldter, without en tailing tuo least diihcuity in eit er infant or adult. A CUI1E FOR AI L Summer Complaints , Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. Ahalf toa toasiOi)iifal of Readv RH.if in a half tumbler uf water, rei-eated as olteo as tho diaidiKrges continue, and a flannel sat- i urated with Kendy Relief planed over tht ' Btomarh and bowels, will afford immediate relief and to n effi ct a cure. A half toa t asiO mful in half a tnmlilpr nf water will In a tew minuttM -ure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nervous ness, 81epia.-.Huesa, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Flutulency and all internal puins. Malaria HIILi AN1 ri-VI R, l EVlilt AND AGIE ONQUKKEU. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Not only cures tho pationt soizod with this terrible fo to settlurs in ni wly-scttled dis tricts, where the Malaria or Ague exists, but if people expose! to it will every niornlug, on getting out of bed, take twenty or thlrt y drops of tho Ready Relief in water, and eat, say, a cracker, thoy will etonpe attacks. This must be done before going out. 1 here is not a remedial au-ent In the world that will cure Fetor and , gun and all othi-r Malarious, Bil ous aided by RADW Y'9 P l.LS so quiok as KaUWAY'S READ? RELIEF. tOc. Per Bottle. Sold by Drunnists. The Great Liver and Stomecli Hemedy For the cureof a'l disorders of the fjtomaiih, Ltver, Bowola, Kidueys, Bladder, Nervous Diseises, Loss of Appetite, IIoadich", Cos- Hvnnnk. ntiiiramtinn H W i Bammation ot too Bowels, Piles and a I other u -iniiucuiuuis oi in i internal v eeora. rarely veg'-tabls, containing lo mercury, minerals or deleterious drnga I noa. 2fi eanra aat hnv Gilrl , .11 . ' Ml. H1UK- fists. DYSPEPSIA plaint. They restore strength to the atomaoli and enable it to perform Its functions. The yinptoms of DyBponBia disappear, and with tlmm tha HuVilM ,w m .I.a . . . diseaanB. 'lake the medloine according to uirucuous.HD.i ouserve wnat we say ol "raise and True," respecting diet. tV-Quni? - I ...... ........ n Aa Tn n . ni ' "" - ...... . .wimp m un. nAunAl &CO., Lock Box 806, New York, for "False BE St RE TO GET BaDWAY'B. II. A. HULBERT3 City Musio Store, WYOMING AV,. OBAWTO 6TP1NWAT RON DRCKER BltOTHERl m KIUaAIOH BACK HUM VEUlXZ UAUICtt Alsta awg stock e( furat-ataai MUSICAL MEKOHANOiHllt Pius! No Appetite Faint all gone Mrs. C. S. TURNER, says Chelsea, Mass. I was very much run down, no appetite, and had a taint, alt gone feeling- all the time : ordi nary food distressed me. After much urging, I was induced to try It was remarkable how quickly I returned to health and strengtn under its influence. It seems all I needed was proper nourishment many people starve in the midst of plenty, tor the want of a suitable food. J5,ooo physiciant endorse Bovinine as being the only reliable condensed raw food. All dragglsts sell if. TBS DOVINIXS CO., NSW YORK. 6eds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. DUPONT'S MINING, BLA8TINO AND BPORTINO Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lo erne county Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District iia Wyoming Ave., Scrinton F Third National Bank Budding. AOKtVCIFg. THOB. FORD. Pittaton, Pa. JOHN B BMITH & BON: Plymouth. Pa, E. W. MULLIGAN, WiUea-liarre, Pa. Agents for tho Kepaun UheinloaJ Coo any 'a Hitfh Exploaivea. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. E. CROFUT Proprietor. ' HIS HOUHE is strictly temperance, is new I and well furnished and OPEN'.H -To 'i HE PUBLIC TUB YEAR ROUND; Is located midway batweeu Moutro an 1 Scran ton, on Montrose and Lacxawannt Railroad, fix miles from U., L, A W. R. R. at Alford Station, and flvro milei from M mtroi ca pacity, eighty-five; three minutes' walk f rom R. R. station. GOOD BOAT. riSHIXO TACKLE, Ac, UtEE TO tiCKSJS. Altitude about S.00d foet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and CaUtill Moun tains. I ine groves, plenty of shale and beautiful scenery, making a Summer Resort unex celled In beauty and eheipnesa Dancing pavilion, swiuirs, croquet gr onndi &c. Cold Spring Water and plenty of Milk. Katea, 8J to SIO per week. 1.60 per day. Gxcnrsion tlckoti sold at all station onD. L. & W. lines. I'orUr meets all trains. DHXTEB (BOB C0 Ine'p. Ctpltel, l .00fl,000. mcbT mv.no atioE in the world. "A dollar itwtii l a dollar tamed." Tnlil4Mlla' Solid Kronen Doagola KM Bt ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U.S., on receipt oi vaQ, money umrr, or roatal Note for tlJu. Eonala every way the boots old In all retail ttorna for IM. We make this boot ounalvee, therefore we guar anUt bJtt,VyU and wrar, and If any one b not aattaBed we win ruiina me money or eond another pair. Opera Toe or iwmmon Bente, widths C, P. E, k ER. alaea 1 to S and naif ties. Bnd your ittt; u n pott. Illnatrated Ceta logne FRCC Dexter Shoe MSfJLII:' Sptdal Urmt to DtaUr Maloney Oil and ; Manufactur'g Co, VINEGAR AND CIDER HI 10 151 MERIDIAN ST. YOU REQUIRE rvnrrr NOURISHMENT POWDER jiyiran- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1 11 Vsll lAn.S A.yu StKOi.O.NS DR. O. LUGAR DEAN lias removed toSlj bpruce street, bcranton, ta. (Just op- luaiw court-nouaesquare..) 1 til. A. J. tONNLLL, Ofllce UUl Washington J avenue, corner Spruce) street, over irancko edrug storu. Residence, 7i Vine sc. Othce Hours: lU.aitola. m. und 1 tot and t.jDto 7.3U p. m. Bunday, i to 3 p. m. 1R. W. E. ALLEN, Olitce cor Lackv XJ wanna and Washineton avea: over Leon ard shoe store; ollice hours, IU to U! a. m. aud kto 4 p. m.; eveuiuus at residence, Vianhington nvo. I -'. U FHEY, Practice humed to Di XJ easea of the Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat; office, tH Wyoming ave. Residence, US Vine street. I lR. L.M. GATES. K'5 Washington Avenui. XJ OtUce hours, 8 to a m.. VM to a and n p.m. iMuence qrj muuuon avenue IOILm U WENXZ, M. D., Ollices 62 and hi Y Yuul"luuweain ouuuing; reemence m Madison ave: ofllce hours, 10 to 12, 3 to 4, 7 to S; Unndays 2.80 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of dlfeasos of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. 1) R. K A V. 3W1 PennAve. ; 1 to 8 p.m ; call XB Dis.of women, obstetrics and dis. of chil. LA W VKItS. JM. U KANCK'S Luw and Collection of . flee, No. 817 Spruco St., opposite Foreat House. Bcranton, fa,j coUectiousa spocialty throughout Penneylvania; reliable correspond ents in every county. JbttSUi b UA.iy, Attorneys and Coiinaol lors nt Law, Commonwealth buildiua WaalungtoD ave. w. H. Jissup, Horace E. Ha if a W. H. Jessup, Ja. WILi.AKD. WARHKN K.NAl'P. Attor neys and Connaelors at Ijiw, Rcpublicaa t'uimioL-, rvaaningion ave., Bcranton, ra. IiATTEitbOA' & VV1LCOX. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; otlices li aud 8 Library Luildmg. bcranton, Pa. ROSWRLT. H. PATTIRSO Wim.iam A. Wilcox. ALFRED HANU, WILLIAM. I. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth iii ining. rconms iy. 2 anil zl. vv T V. BoYLE, Attoruey-at-Law,Nos.l and Z0, Burr building, Washington avenue. H ENRV M. HEF.L If - Law otlices iu Price uuuillng, I'M Washington avenue. PRANK T. OKiLL, Attorney at Law. Room MILTON W. LOWRY, I Att'ya, 1X7 Washing C. H, VON HTOBCH, f ton ay.. C. II. squaro. TAMES W. OAKFORD, Attorney at iw. I ww.w. o A, I or I ' All. v.,.. '"""in m miu w. v.uuinioiiweaiLU U 1 k- (JAMUEL W. EDliAR, Attorney at Law. O Offlce, 317 Hprncest., Bcranton, Pa. A. WATRES, Attorney at Law. 4IU iv. Lackawanna ane.. Bcranton. Pa. P. tMITH, CounxeUor at Law. Ofllce, ' rooms M. 55, W Commonwealth bnildlnu. R. PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Com J mnnwpaith bnlloing. Bcranton, Pa C COIIKOYS, :l HorureMt. I) R kKPLliril P A,n.. I n. tiated on real estate security. 4MB Hpruca. V. KILL AM, Attorner-at-Law, VOI Wy ominiravenn, Bi-ninton. M'HOiil.S. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Bcran ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly trains young children Catalogue at requent. O, ens Boptember 1U7 HIT. THOMAS M. (-AH.T, WAtTKR H. BUKI.U MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN .1 c..-l ,l .J . ii- -' - uu Kvuuui. 4 atiKuia aveuue. rupilfl received at all times. Next term will opea Sopte-nlicr 10. TVR. WILLIAM A. TAFT-8PE1 IALTY XJ in norcelHiu. rrnwn. nnil riciili-m vnrlr Odontdthreapia. Ofllce 104 North Washing ton avenue. 1 C. LATJBACH, burgoou Dentist, No, 113 yotnini; ave. ! M. i i A 'l I i m.s. rrHE HEPUHsIC SavinKS and Loan Asso X ciatiou will loan ou rn noy on easier tenm iiu yny yuu uenur on investment man any other association. Call on 8. N. CAuL.iN- SEKI1S. CJ. R. CLARK & CO., Beedsmen. Floristi ' and Nurserymen; store 14tt Washington avenue; green house, lJoO North Main aveuue; tfrn telephnne 7ri TKAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. M I UK M 11K1NS. JOS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawnnna avenue, " ncranion, ra.. manui r or vi Wire Screens. IIOI KI.S AM) IlKsTAI'RANTi. PHE ELK CAFE, VS and 117 Franklin ave L nuo. Rates reasonable. P. Zieulbh, Proprietor. LSTj1LsTER HO'I EL." W. G. BCHlSNCK. ManacAF. Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Banare. New Ynrir. American plan. M6U per day and upward. CCRANTON HOUSE, near D U & W. pa O senger depot Conducted on the KnrnnoHii plnn. VirTon K oru. I'roprt etor. AltCIIITIOCTS. 1) AVIS VN8TORCH. Architects. Rooms 21 25 and 28 Cnmmonw'ith b'ld'g. Bcranton. n L. WALTER; Architect. Office, i ear of iJt COS Washimrtou avenue. i; L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prlci. I building.128 W ashlngton Ave., Bcranton. MIM'KI.I.AVKOI'S. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed- dinars and ooncort work furnished. For term address H. J. Buuer, conductor, 117 Wyomiug ave., over Hnlliert's music store. H ORTON D. 8WARTS-WHOLESALB lumber, Price bulldina Bcranton, Pa. MLOARGEE BH0THER8, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper hags, twine. Warehouse, 180 Washington ave., bcranton. Pa. II OK8KS AND CARRIAGES FOR BALE at Vii Capouso n venue. D. L. FOOTE, A(ront IRANK P. BROWN A CO.. WHOLE 1 sale dealers in Woodware. Cordage and Oli Cloth, 7) W. Lackawanna avenue. E. Robinson's Sons' 4 Laoer Bbbr Brewery Vannfactarerf of tbe Celebrate PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Per Annum, Ladles Who Value A refined complexion must use Pononl's Ponrl der. It produoes a soft and beautiful skin. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY QF MUSIC. MONDAY, OCT. 8. THE KIMBALL OPERA COMIQUE AND BURLESQUE COMPANY AND CORJNNE In the 3-aot Operatic Burlesque HENDRICK HUDSON Under tho management of Mrs. Jennie Kimball. LARGE COMPANY. NEW SlENERY AND EFFECTS, GORGEOUS COSTUMES. Bale of seats opens Friday at the box office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WRDXESPAY. OCT. 10. THE COMEDIAN, Mr. Sidney Drew Iu his inimitable Impersonation of COL, MULBERRY SELLERS In Mark Twain's Groat Comedy The Gilded Age Presented by a Strong Cast. Sale of seats opens Monday, Oct. 8. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, OCT. 11. The Great I auchii g Sncce-s, the Bright and Breezy Comedy, Charley's Aunt By BRANDON THOMAS, Management of CHARLES FROilMAN. A large and Succcnst'ul K'-cord in the lurgecities N W YORK 35o NIGHTS BOSTCN aoj CHICAGO oo " Presontod here witn an exceptionally strong cast. Bulo of Seats opens Tuesday, Oct. . CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antbracito coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TlilE TAULX IN XWL'CT MAY 20, IK94. Trains leave Bcranton for Plttston, Wllkus Barre. etc., at 8.30, 11.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.50, 10J. 5.00, 7.2.1, 11.06 p. in. Sundays, 11.00 a. ul, 1.00,2.15,7.10 p.m. For A lantlo City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.33 (express) a. m., 12.50 (oxpross with Buflot parlor car), 8. JO (express; p. m. Bunday, 2.15 p. m. Fob Matjch CnrsK. Allentown, Betbh hem, Eastoh and Philadelphia, 8.30 a. m.. 12.50, 3.'J0, 6.00 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2. 15 p. m. For Long Bhancb, Oceah Grove, eto at 8..0 a. in., 2.!On. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via A lion town, b.20 a. m., 12.50, 5.00, p.m. Bunday, 2.15 p. m. . For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m 12.50 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at Ik 10 (express) a. m., l.H I, l.fO. 4.HI (express with Bullet parlor car) p. m. Bunday, 4.00 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.9) a. m.. 2.00 and 4.1 p. m. Sunday, tiJ-T a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest ratol may be had on application iu advance to the ticket arfout at the station. U. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt MAY IX l(Ot Train lAavea Hci-antnn fur Plilt&ilAlnhi. .A New York via. D. iH.RH at 7. 45 a.m.. 12.05, 188 and 11.88 p. m. via D., L. 4 W. H. R, (1.00, a. m..aud 1.30 p. m. jeave 60 ran ion lor ntcston ana wills. Rari-s via D.. 1. jfe W K It S OU. AOS 11 a. m , 1.80, a 60. 8.07. 8. 0 p. m. Leave bcranton for W tuto Haven, Hazloton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvillo branches, via E. & V. V.. 40 a.m.. via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a.m., tW. . 0 p.m., via D., L. Ss W. R. B., 8.00, 8.U8, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 8.50 p.m. Leave Bcranton for Bothlohem, E as ton, Reading, Harrisbnrg and all intermediate oointi via D.& H.R.R. 7.45 am .IZOi, 2.3H, U.3S p.m., via D L. A W. R. R..6.00,S.CI(i, 11.20 a. m Li p.m. Leave Soranton for Tunkhmnock, Towanda, Elroira. Ithaca, Geneva and all intermediate poiuta via D. & H. R.R..8.40 amliOi and 11.38 p. m.,vi D.L.SW, R. R 8 01 a.m.,l.:p. m.. Leave Bcranton for Rochester, Bnffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all point wet viaD. Se H. R. R., 45 a-m.,12.05, p. m., via D. L. & W. R. R. and Pituton Junction, 808 a.m , 1-30, 8.50 p. m.. via E. ft W. R.R.. 8.41 p. m. For Klmira and the west via Salamanoi, via I. 4U.U.B. M a.m.. 12.05,8.05 p. ra. via D L. A W. R.R., ,8.08 a.m., 1 aud 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. ohalr cars on all trains betweon U & B. Junotlon or Wilkes-Barre and New York, PhiUulilpola, Buffalo and Busponsion Bridge ROLLIN U. WILBUR, Gen. Supt CHAS. a LKB, Gen. Pass. Ag't, Phiuv.Ps. AW.iNONNEMACHER.Aai't Oen.Pass. Ag't, South Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WliSTERM RAILROAD. Trains leave Bcranton as follows: Express for Now York and alt points Kast 1.40, 2.50, 6.15. 8.00 and 9.5o a. m.; 12 56 and 8.50 p, m. Express for Eoston, Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, 515, 8.00 and V.6J a, m.; Mel and 3.60 p. m. Washington and way stations, 8.55 p. m. Tobyhiuina aocommoiatiou, tf.10 p. m. Expr as for Binghamton, Oswego, Elmtra, rorning, Bath. Dansvilie, Mount Morris ana Buffalo, 12.10, 2 15 a. m. and 124 p. m., making c lose connections at Buffalo to all poiuta in Um West, Northwest and Southwest. Bai b accommodation. V a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. ra. Nicnolton acoonimodatioa, at 4 p. m. ant 6,10 p. m. Binghamton and Elmira Express, 8.05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, OnwegiX Utica and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. m. and LiM p. ui. Ithaca. S.15 and Bath 9 a. m. and L!4 p. m. t or N orthumberland, Plttston, Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Willianidport, Harrieburg, Baltimore, Waaa ington aud the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, 6M. W 65 a. m. and L80 and 8 07 p. rn. Nanticoae sua intermediate stations, &09 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and intermediate stations, 8L50and8.6ip. m. , Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all expresa trnins. , . For detailed Information, pocket timetables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, eity ticket otBoe, 828 Lackawannaavenue. or depot ticket otaoe. TWT. A W ATT7 1VH nrtr 4& JL . SON RAILROAD. Commencing Mondav.Julv 30, all trains will arrive and depart trum Vie new Lack awanna avenue station as f t M3B& Trains will leavo Soran fWP ton station for Carbondala rtw ' and intermediate points at P r 2.20. &.4o, 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m , 12.00, 2,20, &55, 5.16, 6.15, 7.26, 1.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farrlew, Waymart and Bonesdale at 7.00 8.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00,t.0 and 5.14 pm. F.r Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack! and Montreal at &.41 am. and 2.20 p.m. For Wilkes-Barre and intermediate pointa at 7.45. 8 45. V 38 and 10 45 a.m, 12.06, L20, 2,88, 100. (UO, 8.05, 8.16 and 1U38 p.m. Trains will arrive at Bcranton Station from farbondale and intermediate points at 7 40, 1.40, 'U and 10.40 a.m.. 121.0, 1.17, 8.84, atO, 164, S 55. 7.45, 8.11 and 11.83 p.m. From Honetdale. Waymart aad Farview at 1.84 a.m.., 12.00, 1 17, 8.40. 5 55 and 7.46 p.m, From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eta, at 154 and lL88p.m. From llksa-Barre and Intermediate points at 8 .16, 8 04, lam and U 56 am., 1 18, 8,14. 8.80, i.10, 1 08, 7.2J, 9.08 and 1L 18 p.m. ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL LOAD Trains leave Bcranton for New York and In termediate pointa en the Erie railroad at 8.35 a. m. aud 8.24 p. m. Also for Uonesdale, Hawley and local pointa at 4.35, 8.16 am., and 3.24 p.m. Ail the above are through trains to and from tiiinradale. au additional train leaves Soranton for Lake Ariol at 6.10 p.m. aud arrives at Bcran ton from the Lake at 7.4i p.m. Trains leave for Wiikos-Barre at (.10 a, ra. and 8,41 p. m. AMUSEMENTS. THE FR0T1IINGHAM :s;!OcL9aD.io;s, Rice's Surprise Party 10O-PEOPLE-10O In the Big Operatic Extravaganza ATTT f Scenery, Cslclums! viVAt-I Electrl Effect I Gorgeoui 0AVM' Costumes! v " A I Additional Orchestra. so?. b?H-J" Prioe?' '""i 76c. and 600,; Gallery. 26o. Sale of Seat commences Saturday at 9 a. m. u " ONE GRAND NIGHT OF MDSIC Tho Prize Winners' Gigantic Musical Festival A Monster Reproduction of the Laurel Hill Park Festival On an Elaborats Scale at The Frothingham, BBS I OCIll, 0.?Kk, THE MENDELSSOHN SOCIETY, MBS. THOMAS' FEMALE PAl'V.9' THE UNITED CATHOLIC CHOI f THE DUUID GLEE CLCB, W VICE3, THE LIEDKRKRAXZ80CIKTHV,BU THE CHILDREN'S CHORVa Grand Double Quartette-Quartetto-Duet, Solo Bingera. NELLIE CHANDLER'S BOSTON LA, "'"a xmrtiurs x ORCHESTRA 8ecnre your seata at box office. Pries I.0O,75c,. 60o.. and 25c. SPECIAL NOTICE-Owing to th extended Uncrlh nt th. cert will cornmenoe at sharp 8 o'oloolc the frothingham: SATURDAY MATIMEE AKO NIGHT, OCT. 13, QUEEN OF COMEDIES UN DEB THE DIRECTION OP Mr. Gnstave Frohinaii. 400 NIGHTS IN LONDON 100 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK ALL FUN, LAUGHTER, MERRIMENT Sale of Seats Thursday morning. Kegular Prices. THE FROTHINGHAM 1 SPECIAL. T GRAND CONCERT I MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, Under the Direct Auspice and Managament of the BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS , For the Benefit of the St. Lake' s Kindergarten The following artists win appear: 31MK. LILLIAN BLAUVKLT The foremost American Prima Donna Soprano. MISS DRAEOER in German Songs. MR WAI.LKR Id Encltsh Ballads. MR. JOHN WA'I KINH.Bass Soloist. MR. GEO. B. CARTER, Oiganist. n .1 o, r . - i at, ri open at Powell's Thursday, Oct 11. Ticket on Sale at Price's Cash Store, Washington avenue, and Scrauton Supply Co.'s Store, Wyouiing avenue. Davis' Theater. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday October 8, 9 and 10, THE EMINENT ACTRESS, MISS LISLE LEIGH In Her Celebrated Comedy Success Entitled OUR REGIMENT By Henry Hamilton, author of "Harvest," "Moths," "A Shadow's Sceptre," The Royal Oak," etc. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS two Performances Dally at 1 30 and 8.16 p.m. We Linn Allan & Co. STOCK BB0KEE3. Bay and stll 8taygBtttBkaGrala on New. York Eiokei ChiMge Board orTraAa, tttteffte "obi! or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. N far-Local Sleek a Specialty. TELEPHONE t,002. FOR SALE FARM STOCK AND ALL FARM. INO UTENSILS, HEAR LAKE ARIEL. INQUIRE OP J. M. 8HKFFIKLD. 711 Bcranton street Soranton, Pa.