The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 08, 1894, Image 1

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' ' ' ' ' ' " - -
Andrew G. Curtln Is Summoned by the Dark
An Active and Eventful Life Ends
OulMIu Thn Celebrated Son of
Pennsylvania Lies Down to Pleasant
Dreams Surrounded by Loving
Friends-Governor Pattison's Proc
lamationArrangements for Fun
eralBrief History of a Life of
Activity and Interest. ,
Belwfonte, Ph., Oct. 6
war governor of Panneylvanin,
n diod this morning at 5 o'clock.
U U His death wub not only pRioksi,
lut calm; the lust vitil spark going
out after a sleep of twelve hours; a
peaceful ending to the long, useful and
even turbulent pnblto life of this great
and distinguished man. It was too ap
parent from the first that, stalwart and
and strong though Mr. Curtln was, he
could not rally from an attack that
would have proved a quicker death to
a much yonnger man than he.
His family and friends knew yester
day that it was only a question of hours
an'd nerved themselves to be resigned
to the Inevitable. During a part of
yesterday the governor would at-times
become quite delirious,imagimng there
was something he bad rjroinised to do
and bad not yet done, and begged to be
allowed to get ud and do it, as ne dbu
never yet broken a promise made. To
quiet bis nervous system it was neoes'
tary to administer an opiate, and an
der its influence be sank into a qniet
sleeD in tbe afternoon, losing all
consciousness, and from which be never
woke. His wonderful vitality, bow.
ever, crolonced the final dissolution
until 6 o'clock this morning, when be
breathed bis last, surrounded only by
tbe immediate members of the family,
consisting of bis aged wife, bis daugh
ters. Mary W. wife of Dr. Ueorsre Jt,
Harris: Marie J., widow of Captain
K. R. Breeze and Kate W.. wife of M.
D. Burnet, of Syracuse, N. Y., and bis
ton. W. W. Curtin, of Philadelphia,
Ihe direct cause of tbe ex-governor's
death was a general breaking down of
his nervous system. Always a healthy
man. when tbe final attack eame he
was not able to withstand it. It cu
be trnly said that there is more genuine
sorrow in tJellelonte today over tne
death of Governor Curtin than was
ever before known.
The funeral has been set for Wednea
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, interment
kV UV UinU. iU HUD IS U.UM VCTUiViril 1 U
this place. The final arrangement for
the obsequies have not yet been com
pleted, and probably will not be until
late tomorrow. Telegrams or eondo
lence have been received from Governor
Pattieon and Colonel A. C. McClure,
editor of the Philadelphia Times, both
of whom bare signified their intention
of attending the funeral.
Andrew Gregg Curtin was born at
Bellefonte. Ps.. on April 22. 1817. His
father, Roland Cnrtln, who exme from
Ireland, and who built one of tbe first
iron foundries in Pennsylvania, mar
ried the dnughter of Andrew Gregg,
who bad been a United States senator,
longressman and secretary of state.
Young Cnrtin began bis school life in
jrlvate institutions in Bellefonte and
after a term of sehool at Harrisburg
,ie ended bis aoademio edncation at
Curtln began tbe study of law and
began to practice in 1337. He took a
leading position in bis profession and
toon identified himself with the Whig
party. From 1854 to 18C0, when the
Republican party waa springing into
life as a resnlt of tbe agitation of the
alavery question, Mr, Curtin took a
leading position In the stirring events
Which attended tbe birth of tbe new
party, and in I860 was made its candi
date for governor, He was elected by
a good majority and was re-elected for
a second term, serving dnring tbe en
tire war.
It followed close upon bis first inaug
ation as chief executive of the state.
when the first gun of the Civil war was
fired and be sprang to the duty of rla
ing troops for tbe general government.
with an energy and spirit unequalled
In any other state executive, lie en
couraged enlistments in every possible
way, and in an eloquent war speech
lust after tbe fall of bumster. he
kindled camp fires upon almost every
hearth in Pennsylvania, and called
more men into service than was asked
for by the general government.
It was the aspiration of Governor
Curtin's friends that he should be made
United States senator at the end of his
second gubernatorial term, but in
fineness which had been hostile to him
prevented. In 18G8 be was a prominent
candidate for nomination for vlce-presi
dent with General Grant, but was
defeated. Soon after the letter's eleo
tion Governor Curtin was nominated
and confirmed at minister to Russia,
and spent nearly four years tat St,
He returned borne in 1873 and took
part in the Liberal Republican move
ment wbleh nominated Horace Greeley.
He was prominently spoken of for the
second place on .that ticket, and was
tne enoice or tne Pennsylvania dele
gation in the Greely convention for
president. His connection with tbe
Liberal Republican movement, and the
fact that bis powers and influence in
tne jtepuDiioan party which was em
inent while be remained in tbe conn
try but which had been broken dur.
inghii absenoe carried bim into the
Demooratln party.
He was chosen ty tbe Demoorats to
represent the Twentieth Pennsylvania
district in tne.ioriy-ieventb, Forty
eighth and forty-ninth sessions of
- -congress. For many years he was
chairman of tbe . foreign affairs com-
. mlttee.
He married Miss Catharine Wilton,
and their four daughters and a son are
still living. The ex-governor was sup-
nosed to be one or the wealthiest men
in Bellefonte.
In recent years be bad been living a
retired life at Bellefonte, where be wis
a conspicuous figure and where bis
borne was pointed out as one of the
most interesting features of that
Haurisduro. Pa., dot. 7. Governor
Pattison issued a proclamation tonight
In whieb he annouuees the death of ex-
Governor Andrew Gregg Curtin, at
Bellefonte. this morning, "leaving enr-
viving but a single one of tbe present
governor's predecessors in the execu
tive office of Pennsylvania." In tbe
language of the proclamation "be was
one of the most distinguished in that
long line of illustrious men who few
if any of the citizens of our state ever
maintained so lasting a bold upon the
affections of the people. Reference
is made to his great ability as a lawyer,
and to bis prominence in the work of
securely establishing tbe publio school
system of Pennsylvania, "which
gaiued great Impulse toward its future
usefulness from his wise counsel."
With regard to his valuable aid to
the federal government as the great
war governor," the proclamation.
among other things, says:
He was active iu raising and equipping
troops and the splendid organization of
renusvivama reserves was owiug to nis
exertions. He was indefatigable in his
minUtrations for the comfort of Pennsyl
vania's soldiers in tbe field, on the march,
in tbe cnmD or in the hospital. To him.
above all others, the state W Indebted for
tbe establishment of tne soldiers' orpnans
schools, and the country owes to bim the
splendid example of Pennsylvania's care
lor tne cmiuren oi ner soldier aeau.
After reviewing his distingnisbing
services to bis state and country, the
proclamation concludes as follows:
In honor of bis memory and in recogni
tion of his eminent public services, 1 in
voke for hiB bereaved family the sympathy
of tbe people or Pennsylvania ana l rec
ommeua aim order tnat on toe nay or ms
funeral the flags upon the public build
ings be displayed at half stuff and that
tlie several departments or tne Btate gov
ercment within executive control bl clossd
upon that day.
Governor Pattison and staff and
other state officials will attend tbe
funeral at Bellefonte on Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Adjutant-Ge
neral Greenland bad a conference with
the Governor tonight and a military
funeral was decided npon. It is under
stood the Sheridan Troop and tbe Fifth
regiment, N. G. P., will be ordered to
Bellefonte on Wednesday.
Bellefonte, Pa., Got. 7. Arrange
ments for tbe funeral of ex Governor
Cnrtin are so far perfected that nt tbe
orgeot solicitation of Uovemor Paul
son tne family nave consented to a
fnneral with military honors. Governor
Beaver will have full obarge and there
will be an escort of a company of In
fantry, a troop of cavalry and a battery
of artillery with tbe G. A. R .-tinder
commaad of tbe Brigade Commander,
Governor Pattison will attend with bis
Oliver Wendell Holmes Passes Away
at His Residence at Beverly
Boston. Oct. 7 Oliver Wendell
Holm-8, tbe poet, died at bis residence
at Beverly Farms this afternoon.
Oliver Wendell Holmes was born at
Cambridge. Mass.. Aug. 29, 1809. H
graduated at Harvard college in 1839
and began the study of law, which be
subsequently abandoned for that of
medicine, having attended the hospi
tals of Paris and other European cities
he commenced practice In Boston in
1830, Iu 1833 be was elected profes
sor or anatomy and puyeioiogy
in Dartmouth college and in
1847 was anoointed to a similar nrofes
sorebiD in tbe Massachusetts Med i oil
school, from whiob be retired in 1883
As early as 1S30 bis eontrioutiona lc
verse appeared in various periodicals,
and bis reputation as poet was estab'
lisbed by delivery of a metrical essay,
entitled "Poetry, which was followed
by others in rapid succession. As
a writer or songs, lynot, and
poems for festive oecasiout he
occupied first place. He was for many
years a popular leoturer. in 18 jV do
commenced tbe Atlantic Montnly, a
series of articles under tbe title, "The
Autocrat of the Breakfast Table,"
which were followed by a long series
of works. In 18S6 he visited England
where be was received with great cor
He has contributed largely to enr
rent modioal literature as well as to
tbe literary journals and rsvlews. A
series of general papers from bit pen
entitled "Over the Tea-Cops," appeared
in the Atlantic Monthly during tbe
year 1890.
The Williarnsport (Pa.) Sua says the
Democratic majority in Lycoming county
will be l.ouu.
A business friend of Russell B. Harrison
says the latter thinks bis father will not
an active candidate for the presidency in
It was given out sernl-offiolaliy in New
York that Bourke Cochran will not be a
candidate for congress again. There is
some talk of nominating De Lancey Niooll
in nis aistriot.
If the Republicans carry the apportion
ment decreed by the constitutional con
vention Senator Hill (and all his friends
say that it is good bye tor Democratic
supremacy in New Yore state for twenty
When candidate for ooneress. Joe Hart
or new Minora, visited Eastou recently,
be was completely Ignored. Hart a nomln
ation has thrown a wet blanket over the
Democrats of Easton and they are not lift
ing a nnger for mm.
Senator Hill, on learning of Judge Gay
nor's declination, said: "Of course I am
sorry that Judge Gaynor has declined.
Personally, as you know, I didn't want
this nomination for governor, but you can
depend upon it that I am going to stick to
the ship. Let's pull together and give our
opponents tbe . biggest licking they ever
Here is one significant sentence in Judge
Oaynor's letter of withdrawal; "If I
thought that the withdrawal of my name
would injure Senator Hill's canvass I would
try to see come way to allow it to remain,
for bis recent development In the national
senate places bim with the foremost publio
men of his day. Between bim and bis op
ponent he should, and, I trust, Will pre
vail." . . . .
Bad Accident on
the Southern
An Entire Train Leaves the Tracks
Near Chattanooga and the Cars Are
Soon Consumed hy Fire Engineer
Is Seriously Injured Many of the
Passengers Cut and Bruised, But
No Lives Are Lost All of the Bag
gage is burned up -Heroic Pas
Chattanooga. Tenn.. Oot. 7.
n SPECIAL from Bristol savs: At
M 8fsw!
tAi York
Al a few minutes past 1 o'clock this
fternoon the train from New
on the Southern railway
jumped the track about three miles
north of Bristol. Tne engine fell across
the track and the express and mail
cars jumped over it and, lulling on
their sides, were soon a prey to the
flames, which consumed all of the
train sight coaches with the excep
tion of tbe last car, a Pullman sleeper,
which was cut loose and backed from
tbe train.
Engineer Samuels bad bis leg broken.
scalded and bruised under the wreck ;
will probably die. Tbe fireman, ex
press messenger, two postal clerks and
five passengers were all severely cut
and bruised. Ail the passengers were
badly shaken up and that several
deaths did not result was wonderful.
All the buggage was consumed in tbe
fl imes.
Tbe accident happened in a deep cut
and was the result of a bolt having
been designedly placed on the rail by
some nnknown persons. Great heroism
was displayed by tbe passengers and
or w who were unharmed in reaching
tbe injured.
The engineer was taken from bis en
gine and the burning couches by pas
sengers at the risk of their own lives.
Seven Negroes are Slala in a Row at
an Ixourtion.
Hawesville. Ky.. Oct. 7. A terrible
race war ocenrred at 6 o'clock last even
ing at Powers station, west of this city.
between three dczin negroes And a few
white men. An exonrsion train was
returning from the Oweosboro fair,
wheu the negroes, enraged because
they were made to ride in
a separate coach, made a rush
for the other cars. Women
and children were roughly treated and
a panio followed soon the blacks be
gan shooting and United States Deputy
Marshal Mose Bullington, squire
Amdricb, Marshal Joues nnd Colonel
John Patterson, with two or three
others replied. There was a fearful
fusikde and then the train pulled out
leaving the blacks.
Stjverul of tbe whites were wounle I,
but none killed, though every window
in one car was shot out. Bullington
and his comrades assert that at least
seven negro 'S were killed, and many
others wounded.
Ex-Congressman Tar.n.y Catti a Bomb
shell Into Fi-hr' Camp.
Chicago, Oct. 7 A speciul from Dc
troitsays: Ex-Congressman Tarsney,
formerly oi Saginaw and now of thi
city, has thrown a bombshell into
the camp of spencer U. Fisher, of
Bay City, Democratic candidate for
Governor of Miehigan, by writing
letter to a member of tbe Democratic
State Central Committee declining to
deliver an address at a meeting for
the reason that Mr. Fisher was nffi
Hated with tbe A. P. A, organiz
tlon where objects were radi
cally opposed to true Democratic
principles. Ihe result of this letter
was a conferenoe of Democrats from
different parts of the state at Lansing
yesterday and the antt-rererees pre
seated all they could to nurse the feel
Ing toward a threatening split in the
Toe outcome oi tne conference wa
that C. O. Casterline, of Mason, and
Samuel Rjbinson, of Cbnrlottle, wrote
letters of resignation from tbe state
central committee to tbe chairman, E!
liott G. Stephenson, law partner of
Don M. Dickinson, which, however,
have not been received here.
Aa Italiaa and Hi. Qua at a Political
Chicago. Oct. 7. 0CHr Durantl,
president of the Italian McKinley club,
narrowly escaped assassination last
night at the hands of R ff isll Bertola,
a fellow member of tbe association.
Dnranti was making a speech In a pub
lio nolitloHl meeting wben liertolo, who
was in the audience, suddenly tired at
the sneaker, the bullet passing inst
above hit head. Berlolo was knocked
down with a chair by a spectator, but
escaped. The meeting came to an
abrnpt end. The police are searching
tor Bertoio.
Managar Cable Thinks Thanksgiving
Day Will Not bi Propsrlv Obierved.
Boston. Mass., Oot 7. Mansgor
Cable of the Yale eleven laid last night
that there was not a possibility or
Yale-Priooeton Thanksgiving game.
Yale declared to the Prinoeton dele
gates, be said at tbe pre'.itainarey meet
ing of tbe interuonegiate root Dan as
sociation on October 8, tbat Yale
bad no definite arrangements for
gam before November 10,
Given for tbe Btneflt of St. Luke
A deserving charitable event will be
tbe concert at tne crotningnam next
Monday evening for ,the benefit of St.
Luke i kindergarten, it win oe under
the patronage and supervision of tbe
Board of Lady managers of tbe church,
Aside from sentiment the concert
should prove highly successful on tbe
merit of tbe artiste engaged, among
whom are Mme, Lillian Blauvelt, the
famous soprano of New York, who
needs no introduction in Seranton;
Miss Draeger. Mr. Wooler, John T.
I Watkins and George Carter. The dia-
J. 1 1 1 U it I A mt eV Ti t
gram, win vw uiBpiruu n ruwena
Thursday. Prices will be $1, 75 oenU
and GO eeuts.
They Ask tbe Publlo to Assist Thsm
Their Work.
The Twentieth Century assembly.
nights of Labor, composed of olerks
in the city'i retail stores, met yester
day morning in tbe ball at 408 Spruce
street, and adopted radical measures in
lution to stores whioh do not close at
80 o'clock each evening except Satur
Fifteen new candidates were admitted
the assembly, and all tbe district
officers and representatives of the Cen
tral .Labor unions were present A
press committee was appointed and
delegates to solioit the aid of the news
papers in promoting tbe early closing
movement and to ask tbe publio not to
purchase from any storekeeper in any
ne of bnsines who refnses to abide by
tbe clerks' request.
Three delegates were elected to at
tend the convention at Jessuo Oct. 15.
The assembly will meet next Thursday.
The Anniversary of the Great Apri
tator's Death Celebrated
Dublin, Oct. 7. The anniversary of
Charles Stewart s Jfarnell s death was
celebrated Impressively here today. No
neb crowd has been in ttlasuevln
cemetery sinoe tbe day of his funeral.
special trains came from all parts of
Ireland bringing thousands of the
eud loaders admirers. Among
tne most conspiciuous persons
the procession were J. H.
Parnell, the agitator'! brother,
Mrs. Dickinson, bis sister, John Red
mond, William Redmond, James Ma-
guire, John Nolan, J. B. Kenney, John
Clancy, William Field, L. IL Haydn.
all members of parliament and ex-
members of Parliament, the Lord
Mayor of Duolin and the Mayor of
Cork, eaoh in the full robes of bis offioe.
Tbe prooession was marshalled by
Timothy Harrington It was formed
at St. Stephen's Green and was punc
tual aud orderly from beginning to
end. It wut led by a mounted guard
of citizens who wore mourning scarfs.
Tbe band wuion came next was
followed by tbe memorial car, on
whioh were countless wreath and
designs in flowers from Ireland,
America, Australia, India and several
continental countries. The most note
ble piece was a great barp of lilies.
sent bv tbe stoa of the lud-pamlent.
Around it were the flowers from
America, Dublin, Cork and Waterford.
There were forty-nine bands besides
the large one near the head of tbe pro
cession, and all played tbs "Dead
March from Saul as they marched to
When tbe procession arrived at Glas
nevon tbe crowd near f anien s grave
was parted and tbe delegations tiled
slowly by, oach placing flowers within
tbe grave circle. A) tbey left tbe line
the delegates retired to the outskirts of
tbe cemetery aud dispersed.
I'arnell s widow, once Mrs. O Shea,
tent a wreath inscribed: "To tbe
lving memory of my husband, the
teuderest, trut heart tbat ever lived."
1 he Misses U Dea nlso sent wreaths.
Mill Kaiser's Singing- and Min Allen's
Playing Capture Welih Favor.
Saturday's Truth contained an Inter
esting letter from John H. Blackwood.
business manager of tbe Haydn Evans
VJambro-Amerioan concert company,
now touring in Wales. Of the com
pany's reception Mr. Blackwood writes
"The success of Mr. Evans a concert
company has been Immense so far
wherever concerts nave been given,
The violin playing of Miss Julia C,
Allen lias made a big bit with th
audiences, aud she is invariably com
pelled to give three encores eaoh night,
Tbe sweet soprano ol Miss Sadie E,
Kaiser bus also been rapturously re
ceived, particularly her solo, 'Lo Hear
tbe lien tie Lark, tbe rendering of
which has been almost a revelation to
the musicians of Wales. 'Morien.
who is perhaps the most celebrated
writer of Wales, at the conoert at
Trebarris on last Wednesday, made
seen in wnion ne said be did not
have to go to Cralg-y-Nos to bear
Patti wben Miss Kaiser was singing.
lbe health of tbe party bat been excel
An interesting letter from Miss
Kaiser begins on the first page of this
morning's Tribune. It it tbe fifth of
the series which she it writing for this
Oj of Wi ke-Barr' Prominent
ioians Dies Suddenly.
Wilke8-Barrk. Pa, Oot. 7. Dr.
B. Crawford, aged 67, of this city, one
at tbe most prominent pnysiotant
this seotion of tbe state, died suddenly
today at bis summer mansion at Har
vey's lake, twelve miles from here.
He was turgson-gansral of the Fifty
second regiment during tbe late war,
The deceased comes from old revolu
lionary ttoek and dnring bis collegi
life wat a class mate of Senator David
B. Hill.
They Will Organlae a Branoh of the
Young- Men's Institute.
Preliminary ttept have been taken
to organize a branch of the Young
lien s institute on tbe West side.
A number of the young men who
are interested in tbe project met at tbe
rooms of John Boyle O'Reilly eounoll
on Lackawanna avenue yesterday at
ternoon and listened to Ian address by
Attorney M. A, McGlnley on the ob
jeelt of the Institute.
This week another meeting will be
held at which a temporary organisation
will be formed.
'rue History of the Composition of the Welsh
National Hymn.
Miss Kaiser Relates a Spirited Rem
iniscence of the Site of the Hotel in
Pont-y-Pridd Which Professor
Haydn Evans' Party Makes Its
Headquarters Welsh Church Mu
sic, Welsh Peaches and Tomatoes
and Welsh Weather.
Special Correspondenca of the Tribune.
Pont-Y-Pridd, S. W., Sept. 21.
HAVE just been reading and en
joying George B. Carter's letter to
The Tribune; in defense of elasslo
musio, and I liked it immensely. I
do not know bow loug ago it was writ
ten, as it takes things so long to get
from America to Wales; but for all
tbat I am glad indeed to have seen it,
as good things can never be too old to
read. Just as be says, olasslo music
will never, while this world laBts, be
too old or abstruse to play. He ex
presses splendid sentiments in a splen
did way. 1 have shown toe article in
question to all the rest of tbe party
nd tbey have enioyed it very much
Indeed, and we all say "bravo" for the
writer of it.
We heard a very interesting bit of
news at tbe concert on Wednesday
night. I hope I can tell it faithfully,
ior it moved me very maob at tbe
time, and I know it will deeply interest
all tbe Welsh-Americans over there in
Seranton and Wilkes Barre. You see,
over here it is tbe custom, at the close
of n concert, to sing "God Save tbe
Queen" always in England and usually
iu Wales, But at some of our concerts
when we sang "God Save the Queen,"
it rail rather nut, i must say, tne audi
ence in one case not even rising on
their feet to salute the song. 1 am
sure if Queen Victoria could have seen
tbe etteet oi her national hymn on
those people, she would not have felt
very chipper, to sny tbe least. So, the
next night, at Trebarris, for a change.
we arranged to sing the Welsh national
byuin, instead of the English, with Mr
Anwyi leaning err. and tne rest or us
joinlug in, iu Welsh. Well, it seemed
like the end of a big eistedJoJ, the
nterett was so intense. Every man,
woman and child rose up as one as
soon as the first notes fell on their ears,
and joined In witn us heart and soul
Then, before anyone nad stirred, one
of tbe gentlemen ou the platform,
Morien, I think, began to talk la this
"Friends, Cymry, all of us, I bear
that these visitors of onrs are staying
at Pontypridd, and that their bead
quarters is the County hotel at that
place. Now, I want to tell you and
them something tbat tbey do not know,
as yet, and tbat is that they are living
every day right over tbe spot where
this great Welsh song, "lien Wlad
Fy Nhadau," was composed. Instead
of the hotel which now stands there,
there were an old factory and tome
houses and here Owaiu Alaw, tbe com
poser of the words, lived. He was at
borne one Sunday night.and In a rather
sentimental mood, wrote off the verses
of the song. After chapel, borne came
James James and be said to hie friend
'"James, bere I have written some
verses, and I am not muob of a mus
ielau, but you are, so go get some por
ter, and we will make np a tune for it.'
"Well, the Sunday closing law was
not then in force, and the port.r was
fetched, and between them and tbe
barp. and the porter, tbe tune of this
never-dying Welsh song was composed,
And when these dear young ladies close
their eyes in sleep tonight, 1 want them
to remember tbat by a special provi
dence, it seems to me, tbey have been
guided to the very spot upon whiob
this Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau, whioh
they love so to sing, was composed.
He spoke more, of course, and much
more entertainingly than 1 can remem
ber, and very wittily, too, but tbat is
the gist of what he said. 1 confess to
you- tbat as I dropped to sleep that
night I did feel very thankful that we
bad been so privileged as to pitch our
tents in tnoh a hallowed spot as this,
By tbe way, 1 am becoming very
fond of Welsh. Mr. Anwyl and
have a pretty Welsh duet la our rper
torle, whioh we sing with good success,
and, of course, we all sing the old
Welsh "Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" an
other Weleh songs. I can say ''good
morning" and "goon night and "good
afternoon" in Welsh besides "thank
you" and tuoh wordt, I have also
"boy and "girl" and "driver in my
vocabulary and hope to enlarge it as
the time of ourttay bere wears on. The
other night at onr little banquet after
tbe conoert at Trebarris Morien tpok
from aorost the table to me in Welsh
and I wat to torry to have to tbake my
bead and ask for English Instead.
We have had no Welsh weather what
ever ttnoe we were over here until to
day, when it began to rata Of coarse
we are very torry, aa the rain inter
fered aomewhat with onr delightful
drivel into the turrounding country,
There hat not been a drop ot rsin
here for four weeks, a very unusual
thing, they tell me. Last evening at I
was talking to a gentleman wbo is
visiting his relatives bere I mentioned
that I had been told it always rained
over bere in September. He informed
me tbat tblt wat true, but tbat tblt
wat American weather, he thoucht,
Sept. 23. It it all true, I am afraid,
about tbe rain In Wales. They say
tbat when it onoe starts it doet net
stop for a fortnight, and erer tines
Friday the 21st it has been raining at
qnlte a lively rate, and at this minute
is coming down in a very stratgutfor
ward manner, to put it mildly. . We
are to ting this afternoon in some
church in town bere, and how I dread
going out in tblt weather I But the
people here do not mind it at all. The
children run out and In, just the tame
in tunny weather and tbake tbe
moisture off just like little ducks,
bile to tbe average adnlt Welshman
is only in tbe natural course of
things that it sbonld rain.
This morning, at I wat bemoaning
e weather a Welsh lady said to mo
that from my own point of'
view I ought to bs grateful for
the rain, as rainy weather was
very favorable to contert-glv-
ing, consequently, if it rains we
shall be blessed with better audiences
than ever. I asked why this was so,
as in onr dear country people know
enough to stay in wben it rains, to uie
the every-ready slang; instead of going
concerts. She said in reply tbat
Wales has to little tunshiny weather
that the people employ it in playing
and walking ont of doors, and then tbe
rain comes, they settle down to eon
certs, eisteddvodau, and big minor
cburoh services, by way of diversion of
nights. So it is in rainy weather that
the Welshman settles down to business.
is when the sun shines that he lart
his sol-fa books aside and takes a holi
dayalmost ceases to be Welsh, for
Continued on Page 8.
Outsiders Pull Down Saturday's
Races Little Agnes, Duke and Fred
Among the Disappointments!
Saturday's raeet of tbt Gentlemen's
Driving elub were featured chiefly by
small attendance and a mowing on'
der of favorites, not an event being
won by a popular choiee.
In tbe brst race Beauty J. won two
traigbt heats from Mr. Crawford's
Fred end J. F. Siegel's W. F. H.;
Fanny Blair showed Duke a olean pair
of heels in tbe 2 40 event; Little Ages
was beaten out by Blue in the 2 80
class, and Alex Dunn's Fred won from
Mr. Crawford's Dan Hull in the road
The lammaries follow:
3 00 CLASS.
Dasher, g. g. (Thomas Hughes) 4
Fred, b. g. (J. L. Crawford) 3
W. F. H.,
Jr.. b. e. (J.
F. Biegel).
Beauty J, s. m, (GK M.
Time, 1.11 1.15.
2.40 CLASS.
Browny S. b. a. IS. H. Snencerl
inier, o. g. (A. u spencer)..
Fanny Blair, b. in. (G. M. Sbelly...2
Duke, hi. g. (L. T. Payne) 1 2
Time,, Llotf, 1.HK.
3 00 CLASS.
Little Agnes, g. m. (E. J. Goodwin.... 8
blue. s. it. j. ii. Ladwnri 1 1
Star Dudley, s, g. (Joe Hull) 2 2
The 3-mlnnte raoe wss an easv thins
for Mr. Shelley's toriel mare,'thongh
any of tbe other three entries might
have given the winner a race if they
bad been more tractable. The horsos
finished both beats in the tame order.
Dnke was selected by the talent to
win tbe 2 40 race and in the first beat
gave his admirers a trot for their con
hdence, He lost the second heat to
Fanny Blair after a struggle but tbe
same mare palled down tbe last lap
quite handily. Tbat Mr. Sutherland s
Browny finished in the ruok is no re
flection on tbe horse nor tbe owners
ability as a driver. The handicap ap
pears in the heavy weight on the sulky
and the consequent drag on the turns.
The horse has speed and will be better
with a lighter driver.
Blue, an old time Driving park fa
vorite, added another win to an already
arge string of viotories, by defeating
Agues. The time was slow, and the
mare, which behaved badly, may turn
tbe tablet at a future meeting.
Numerous scratches for the road race
left J. W, Crawford's Dan Hall, and
Fred, the only starters. Tbe latter was
given the race.
Big Ifualoal Festival at the FrothlaR-
bam Thursday Night.
Thursday evening at the Frothing-
ham a menster reproduction of the re
cent Laurel Hill park musical festival
will be given on a scale never before
attempted at any musical event in this
city. The proceeds will go aa a benefit
to tbe Cymrio association to assist it in
meeting the deficiency in expenses of
tne recent festival.
Ia this coneert the Mendelssohn
Choral society, tbe winner of the $000
cash prize: Mr. D. B. Thomas' female
Darty, the Seranton United Catholio
choir, J. T. Watkins, direotor; the
Druid Glee club; the excellent chil
dren's chorus, Master EJdie Davies
condnetor, and quartette and doable
quartette will give their splendid melo
dies. Among the special soloists are the
following: Miss Lewis, soprano; Mrs,
Boston Williams, contralto; Mr. Elwin
Bo wen, tenor: Mr. John T, Watkinr,
baritone; Mr. Llew Herbert, basso;
and Miss .Nellie Chandler s Boston
Ladies' Symphony orobestra.
Upon this oocaaiou tbe White or
chestra of the Frothingham will assist.
Sale of seats commences this evening
at the t rothingbam box office.
Orders That Have Been luntd for a
Journey of Thirteenth Begimeut.
Officers of the Thirteenth regiment
will be very busy today making ar
rangements for tomorrow s trip to
Bifbamton and participation, la tbe
parade attending the corner-stone lay
ing or tne uimmeroiai iraveiers'
Tbe staff, mounted, and the city
companies will report at the armory
at 8 o dock. Tbe JNortn &na ana west
Side companies will report at ton
Lackawanna station as 8 45 o'clock, and
Company G of Montrose will board the
train at Airoro. company th will re
port at tbe station if satisfactory ar
rangements can be made for transpor
tation from Honesdale.
The regiment will depart in light
marohing order unlest the weather it
threatening, in which case rubber blsn
kett will be worn in a shoulder roll.
I J Washington. Oot. 7. Forsmsl
J for rattem 1'ennnylvnnia: Fair
niyht or Tuetday, warmer Monday after
noon, colder Tuesday, increasing timth
Fall and Winter
We have now open the most
complete stock of Underwear and
Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemen
and Children ever shown in this
vv e mention a few specials:
The Stnttgarten Sanitary Wool
In Vests, Pants and Com
bination Suits.
The "Wrifiir Health Underwear
For gentlemen.
Special drive in CEXTS' NAT
Ladies' Swiss Ribbed
In Silk, Silk and Wool and
Cashmere, Black, White and
We call special attention to
Ladios' Egyptian Vests
nnd Pants at
25 and 50c. Each.
The Best for the Honey Ever Offered.
And Ladies' Combination Suits.
Our special at $1, $1.23
and 1,50 up.
Full line of Children's Goods, in
Scarlet, White and Natural
Wool, Vests, Pants and
Union Suits.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly & Dayies
Ton know how that lively, enoriretlo hov of
tour's knocks ont his shoos. We'T ben
thinking of him providing rr him anl hti
dBtructiva encrffy. We have a regular woar
defying shoe from 50c. upward.
Lewis, Rellly & DaYies
New Store
New Goods
Wedding Presents
Fine line of DOEFLINGEIi'S
ceived. Also, a lino lino of
408 Spruce Street Y
W. J. WEICHEL, Jeweler, 4