THE SCKAXTON TRIBUNE SA TTJBDAY MOUSING, OCTOBER C, 1894. A - A 1 Reader of this column will be inter ested in a brief account of one of tbe most original aud unique weddiug an niversaries celebrated iu this region. It illustrates wbat an ingenious boat aud hostess can do to relieve tbe gath ering of even tbe slightest degree of formal stiffness. Allusion ia made to tbe celebration of tbe twenty-flret an niversary of Professor and Mrs. C. Coles at'Kiugston recently. The word "Welcome" was emblaz oned over the portal, aud indeed made each Kuewt feel that the occasion was to mean something at least more than a mere matter of social form. On en tering the door the visitors were greeted by Professor Cole attired in his wed ding suit of more than a score of years before. This happy deviance from tbe stereotyped custom of being admitted by a servant and not meeting the host until after descending from the dressing-room, was the second notable ab sence of conventionality. The guests were agreeably disap pointed in any anticipations tbey may nave had of "refreshments" included in the same old, old list of salad, rried oysters, patties, hashed chicken sand wiches, chips, ice cream, coffee and rake. Instead of "refreshments," which makes one's flesh creep nowa days if attending more than two social attairs a week, an "astrological lunch" was served by the host aud hostess nnd their daughter. It was the most uovel feature of the evening and was a'- artistic as it was original. The lunch was selected by chance from an elaborate menu, each person being restricted to a half dozen arti cles, though later no restriction of kind o; quality was made. This was done by passing a plate of cards, blank side up, containing' the names of the arti cles on the menu list. Each guest drew six cards, and was supplied with the articles corresponding to tbe name on the card. If the guest drew more than one of a kind: he was permitted another chance, announcing aloud his choice. Each article was appropri ately illustrated on the card, as follows: Hetrt Sandwich, Fried Chicken, i ocoa uake, Variety Candy, Garfield Grapes, J cm) Banana, JJHon Pencil. Pickled Candy, Bmoked Oyster. Proverb Biscuit, Cream Blocks, Apple and Pear, Wince Pickle, Steamed Tea, citron uake, Lemonade, Mars Cake, Fruit Ctke, Cone Pie, Jelly (ieiua. Potato Chip. Sliced Orange, Mince Celery, Salmon, filtered Coffee, Pickled Apple, Warn Piid, ctweei rotato tuocits. - rms original "Menu" win be pre served as a memento of the memorable event. A Dleasant sunwise nartv was ten dered Mis9 Julia Loftus at the home of her parents, on Monsey avenue, last evening, Those present were: Misses Louisa A. Foye, Anna Rowley, Katie Kweeney, Loretta Rowley, Genevieve Manley, Celia Manley, Nora Caddon, Veronica Mooney, Madeline Toll man, Marcy Gavin, Stella Davis, Anna Mangan, Anna Loftus, Annie O'Hara, Katie Fahey, Harry Grattan, Frank Grattan, Frank McTague, Eddie Manley, R. VV. Moran, John.McGuire, Patrick Quinn, Sydney Adams, Emmet Walsh, John Kelly, Jacob Hill, Hubert Eoran, Thomas Fahey. Singing and games were indulged in till a seasonable hour, when refreshments were served and the young people dispersed. One of the most fashionable and largely attended weddings of the sea son was that of Miss Jessie Penny packer, daughter of Mrs. J. E. Penny packer, of Terrace row, to Attorney T. Cramer von Btorch, at 4 o'clock Thurs day afternoon, in St. Luke's Episcopal church. Tbe church was completely filled with guests and friends of tbe bridal couple, who were made man and wife, by Rev. Rogers Israel, rector. The marriage on Wednesday of Jos eph Arch bald to Miss Bessie Baird at Pottsvllle was attended by a large number of Scranton friends, who made the round trip in a special car over, the Delaware & Hudson and Lehigh Val ley railroads. The party left Scranton Wed nesday morning and returned the day following. Miss Emma Ward, tbe eldest daugh ter of Mrs. Ward, of Adams avenue, vas married Wednesday at noon to tames McWilliams, at the home of her not her, by Rev. James McLeod, of the First Presbyterian church. The opening social of the Enterprise Dancing class was given in Excelsior ball Thursday evening. Personal Miction: Mrs. M. R. Kays visited Montrose on Thursday. Miss Mary Lally spent the week with Clmhnrst friend. George H. Jesenp visited frleuds at Iprlngville thi week. Mis Anna Gorman of Penn avenue 1 ylsiting" in Carbondale. Attorney Jam- E. Burr, of Carbondale, Iras yesterday in the city. Miw Lizzie Steward of Bethlehem is Visiting Mrs. Mary Doster. Mis Florence Capwell, of Olive street, Is visiting rectory vine irienas. Mis Florence Edgar of Capon arenas I visiting Bingham ton friend. Mr. E. B. Pickering and daughter re lumed to Montrose on Thursday. Charles A. Summers attended the Sua inehanna Agricultural fair pn Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cole, of Green Riilge, were visitors to Montroie this week. Mis Winnie Bmytb of Pi Us ton ha been risking Mis Jennie Andrew of (Julncy ivenue Mrs. Fred Brewster and daughter, Mis Claire, visited Montrose friend during the past weea. Mr. W. H. Errett, of New York city, la visiting Mr. and Mr. J. W, McLean, )f New (treet. Mia Snile Morria of Hyde Park avenue (a returned from a few week' visit to New York city. Dr. Van Bergen of Van Ridge street ex rects to spend tomorrow with friendstin Elizabeth, N. J. Mrs, Schiveren visited the county Jail on 'inursaay ana Rave very acceptable ad' vice to tho prisoner. Mr. Clara Fowler and children, of Ox ford, N. J., are visiting Mr. William Kelly, si o: Auams avenue. F. u Phillips, of Sanderson avenue, leaves today to join bit wife, who U visit ing in New York city. J. W. Bchiebel and family, of the North End, have moved Into their new house on the Elmhurst boulevard, Miss Katherine Parker, elocutionist and : : Deleartean. give an entertainment at Nich- olion on Tuesday evening. General Managor C. W. McKluney, of tbe Lackawanna Iron and Steal xoinpany, la at Labanon on business. B. F. Killam and family of Capouse venue have returned from Paupack, where tbey spent the lummer. Mrs John Chapman, of Green Ridge, hai returned from a brief vliit with friend in Brooklyn, Susquehanna county. Rev. A. H. Irvine, P. E., of Milton, will preach at 7.30 o'ciock this evening in the Trinity Evangelical church, "Little Eng land," and hold the third qnarterly ser vices. Clysse Brook of North Hyde Park avenue and John Jobnaon of Eynon etrret have returned from a two month' trip abroad. Mm. Q. M. WaUon of Jefferson avenue and Mr. J. L. Chapman of Adams avenue have returned from a visit with friend in Allentown. A daughter was born to Dlstriot At torney and Mr. John P. Kelly yesterday, and many friend called at tbe house to teuder congratulations. J. L. Sullivan yesterday presented Mrs. Truman of the Westminster, with a beau tiful enlarged photograph of himself. Tbe picture is much admired. Mrs. Will Miller, formerly Mis Blanche Begreavea, aud MUs May Miller, of Easton, are tbe gueet of Miss Miller's uucle. Chief of Police W. D. Biropson. Miss Linda Bmitn, of Montrose, I visit ing her brother, M. L. Smith, division passenger agentot tbe Lackawanna road, at bis home, on Hallstead piace. Mis Margaret Newman, Harry New man and Will Loomls attended the wed ding of Adel Moore and Miss Vau Wor mer at Port Jervts on Thursday evening. Rev. Richard Hierns, of Scran ton, will preach In tbe Parn-h Street Methodist Episcopal church, Wilkes-Barre, funday, Oct. 7, owing to tbe unavoidable absence of the pastor, Rev S, C. Murdock Judge:Jeaup and W. H. Jessup, Jr.. at tended tbe fair of the Susquehanna Coanty Agricultural society last Wednesday and Thursday. The judite is a life member of the agricultural society, aud exhibits at the fair some of the finest blooded stock cattle in this section of the state At the Theaters. That picturesque opera bouff "Hendrick Hudson, on tbe Discovery of America," will be produced at the Academv ot Music Monday uigbt by the Kimball Opera i.omique organization, needed or peerles Corinne. The work is by William Gill and Kooert rrater, and wag nrst produced by ray xempieton. its possibilities were een by Mr. Kimball, the shrewd mother of Corinne, and the secured it for that lit tie artist. The wisdom of the selection ha already been shown in the long run and great success of the production in Chicago, where it met with a great favor as has ever been accorded to "Monte Crlto, Jr.," or, 'Arcadia," II II II Tuesday and Wednesday night and Wednesday afternoon Rice's Surprise rarty win produce " at tbe trotniag ham. It has been running for several years In New York and is still filling tbe Garden theatre in that city nightly. Ot the company that will be seen here in "1492," the Buffalo Courier ays: "Tbe performers are all excellent, individually, and in the large collective croUDines. There i a dash and vim about tbe marche and dance that 1 most attractive. The ballets and such special feature a the Daily Uinta from Pari, the Hurrah Dudes and the Newsboys were excellent. W. H. riioan as Ferdinand and the Tramp.thowed transoendant ability a low comedian. nnd he had a very good second in Ross Snow, who played tbe Royal Treasurer. Mark Smith made a bit in tbe cart of Isa bella. Of the women Nelly Selma wa the leader. She acted most delightfully the pert of Joanna and sang beautifully, Ber uaaar wouldn't Bar Me a Luien-Cbien" brought down tbe house. Another engag ng singer who won hearty aDDlauie was Gertrude Rutledge, who had the part of tne cnapple. Marie Hilton did a clever bit ol character acting as Bridge de Murphy." II II II One of the delightful concerts of the season will be that wblch will be given one week from Monday night at tbe Frothingbam for the benefit ot St. Luke's kindergarten. Mme. Lil nan tsianveit, tbe charming soprano: MistDraeger and Miss Woller will partici pate in tne concert ana win be assisted by otner artists oi equal merit. - . . II U H people wno went to the theater Ove or ten years ago delighted to bear tbe sav ings of the effervescent "Colonel Mulberry sellers," as tney rell rrom tue lips or tbe late Joun r. nayinond. It Is many rear since tne -uuaea Age," tne Drlgat emana tion rrom the brain or Mark Twain, has been seen on the stage, but the "Colonel" is as much a living every-day character in this year of 1894 as he ever was. Uidney Drew, wbose work with the Drew com pany was applauded last season when tbey appeared here, is playing "The Gilded Age." He will be seen here at the Academy of Mnsic next Wednesday night and if the word of the newapaper men of Philadel phia are worth anything, will give a charming performance of tbe park Be will be supported by the company with wnicn ne nas surrounded nimseir well trained players, all of them. Tbe famous conrt room scene will be mad a feature of the uerformance. and the nlav cannot fail to pieaae onr tneater goer. JOCKEY TARAL FOR REFEREE. The Hottd. Mount If ay Officiate at the Ezoilaior Tournament. President Joseph J. McNally. of tbe Ex celsior Atmetio club, bad talk to r red W. Burns, of the Varuua Boat club of Brooklyn, at Philadelphia recently. Mr Burns is reputed to be tbe best master of ceremonies in tbe country at a sporting event and from tne understanding be tween him and Mr. McNally it I af to aay that he will be here as announcer and master of ceremonlee at tbe Excelsior tournament at Musio ball on tbe night ot aov. itu ana l. Mr. Burns said that if the club desired it be would arrange with Fred Taral, the famous jockey, to aot as referee, There mi to b a favorable sentiment among tne club's member to see Mr. Taral coma, a a he i "star" at the business. Joe Wil lischek, who ha ingratiated himself as a favorite, will box with either Anthony Gordon oi Barry Mitchell, of the Exoei lor. N'N&IL IN IRISH INSPIRATION. The Mew Melodrama Presented la a Clever Manner. Barry O'Neil made his appearance at the Academy of Musio last night In hi melo drama, "Irish Inspiration." The story of the play is similar in dres and construc tion to the "Colleen Bawo," perhaps a lit tle more modern, but quite as picturesque. Barry O'Neil for many years travelled as leading man to the late Sadie Scanlon and in other well known stage productions. He is a tuneful singer, aud like the famous W. J. Bcanlon, writes his own songs He did a clever bit ot Irish comedy work in "Irish Inspiration" last night, and was snrronnded by a good company. Gentlemen. Call and sec onr fall ttvlet of wing tipped shoes, in calf, russett, patent leather aud pig skin. Commonwealth Shoe store, Washington avenue. 1UU Glimpses of irt ind Artists In the World or Barmonj. THE FATE OF THE SMITH FAMILY A Local Opera Thai Contained Merit, but Died Young Musical Novelties at the Frothlngham The Success of the Oratorio Society Bethany to Be Presented by a West Side Choir. The Coming Appearance of Madame Blauvelt in Scranton Princess Bon nie on the Road Miscellaneous Notes. For the Satnrday Tribune, Mr. and Mr. Sum Speek of Philadel phia have been In this vicinity recently. having bfn snmtnonei by the death f a relative. Tbe visit of Mr. Speck recalls to mind the presentation of Speek anil Niven' comic opera "Tbe bmltb Family" which were given In this cltv toin years ago. The opra wa brought oat by Wilkes-Burr a in i. tenri, and npon it first presentation In Scranton many prominent society and musical people of Wilkes Birr were inolnded in tue exit. Substqiv ntly the opera whs purchased by J. Uldgway Wright and an attempt was made to bring it into pnblio favor. Tbe com position was taken to Pniladepbia and the libretto wai re-written with tbe view of reducing the east of ohuraut-is Hnd tbe name of "smith Family was dropped. When the "Smith Fa mily' was again presented in Scranton, abont five or six year ago. It wa under tbe name of Elanor, 1th Ida Mali in the title role. Upon tbe last presentation In Scranton tbe opera was handsomely mounted and wac Interpreted by an excellent com- paiy. The aire were tunerni ana catchy: tbe libretto was bright, but tor tome resson tbe opera was not a snccsss, and attar a brier icaion on tne road tbe company disbanded and "Tbe Smith Family" wa placed upon tbe record ot mytteriout failure. Myster ious becsnse it was a failare in tbe year when success smiled npon enter prise that bad uota shadow ot merit as compared with tbe work of Messrs Speck and Niven. Mr. Speek is now manager of the Standard theater of Putlad.lphia. II II II Mrs H. E. A. B?acb, wbose musical composition, tried by tbe bett stan dards, place her at the bead of Ameri can women composers, is the wife of a leading surgeon ot iiostou. Tbey occupy ous of tbe leait pretention resi dences on Commonwealth avenue, tbe most fashionable portion ot the May fair of that city, and have as much social prominence at cither Dr. or Mr. Beach find time or inclination to accept. Mrs. Beaeb. as Amy Marcy Cheney, aWeut ten years ago, was in troduced to the music loving world, a mis in short drtases, who wis ad- jadged by musical connoisseurs to b a phenomenon in piano forte playing. Almost before she had time to make good their prophtstee Dr. Beacb, who is old enough to be her father, made ber hie second wife, and induced her to withdraw from public life. She now plays in public only occasionally for charity. II II II The Scranton Oratorio coolety met on Monday evening at Powell's music store for its first rehearsal under Rich ard Lindsay. About seventy -five mem bers were present. Work wa com tuenced in earnest upon Cowan's "Koe Maiden, whioh will be presented by tbe society later In the season. The proapeots of tb coolety are very flut tering, and it t expected that tbe en tire membership of tbe organizitlon will be represented at tbe next re hearsal II II 11 Tbe musical novelty introduced at the Frothingbam in shape of an or chestra composed entirely of lady musi cians is liable to prove one of tbe asost attractive feature yet discovered. Manager Laine.whe bas had unli mited experience in the musical world manager ot Uilmore band, secured tbe White orchestra as it is called in Boston. He intends to give couoerts with tbe orobeitra in nearby cities during tbe winter when tbe player are not engaged at the Frothinghsm, il II II Tbe concert to be given at tbe Froth inghsm In tbe Interest of St. Lnke'e Free Klndergarteu will occur on Oct IS and not on Oct 8 at hac been pre viously announced, Madame Lillian Blauvelt, principal coloist, will be ably assisted by tome of tbe bett looal tal cur. both vocal and instrumental. II II II The choir of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will perform the ora torio "Bethany' tome time next month under direction of Choir Master W. W Jones. Tbe presentation will be given by a chorus of fifty voice, with Mitt Drager at toloist. II II II The regular rehearial ef tb Sym phony tociety, under tbe direction of Professor Hemberger, will probably be ppitpotcd tbi week on account of tbe numerous engtgtmenti of Bauer't or- cbettra. II II II Mrsic and Its Makers A cycle of Berliot't opera will shortly be given at carisrune. "Mane Mndeleine," by Massenet, will be given iu t'lortuenn. Brshms, in bis spare moments, bas made a collection or national uerinan song. Edward Lloyd, tbe English tenor, bas postponed bis American tour until next year. Rose CaroD will sine In "Alceste." by Gluck, and "Rhelngold," by Waguer, in Brussels. Tallle Morgan now lead tbe malc at the tent meeting in plaoe of Fred. Whittemora. ' Ben Davie and Watkin Mill are to make a concert tour in tbi country the coming winter. Cb Oct. SO tbe Beetboven bust, which was won by tb German societies of Brooklyn, will be unveiled iu Prospect cBeechams pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. FORI READERS park. AH publio offices are to be closed ana nags displayed on the public build ings the afternoon ot that day. ' i . . Barasate baa had thirty-two watches given bim by different admirers, most of mem in tbe sbape ot a violin. The literary worts of Han von Bnlow are being collected and edited by Or. H. Kiemann ror publication in one volume. "Raffaeilo." an opera by N. Mafetzoll, director of tbe principal theater in Per- nambuco, Brazil, obtained a great success. The fourth centeuarv of the poet shoe maker, Hans Sachs, will be celebrated in Nuremberg by tbe representation of Wag ner's "liaatersiugers." Mme. Nordics, the American prim donna, wbose Else received sui b unstinted praise in Bayrenth tbis summer, has been enguged for a series of "Lohengrin" per- lormances in fans. "Flagstaff ." bv Verdi. "I Pagllacci.n by Leoncavallo, "Samson and Delilah," by Saint-Saene; "La Navarralse" and "Thais," by Massenet, will be tbe novelties given at tbe Monaie theater In Brussels this winter. Llewellyn Jones bas presided at the organ at tbe tent meetings in a creditable manner aurlng tbe past weec. Mr. Jones is not only an excellent aceompaniet, but possesie a fine baritone voice, which has beeu beard to advantage npon many occasion in this city. "Jeans Christ at the Feast of Pnrim." a famous Italian drama by HoviT, has been tranalated into German aud will be pre sented at Frankfurt. Thie work, which waa proteetd against by the clericals wben given in Italy, bas a political and social bearing which might be as object ionable to Protestants as to tbe Israelites wbo live in Germany. Tbis vear has been a most prolific one In its addition to music literature. A volume of Litzt's correspondence, inrludlug let ters of Rubenxtein, Von Lent, Cornelius and others; Tschaikow-ky t aalry wrltteu for publication; A valuable collection of Bulow letters to Richard Pobl, tbe critic and biographer, and in France the Gounod Memoirs, wblch will be eaited oy nit wire. Eduard Jacobowskl bas contracted to compose operas for Lillian Kusse:! and Francis Wilson. The nrst is to bave a lib retto from the German and Mise Russell ill open with it her London season of lb90. Tbe book ot tbe other Is by Cbivot aud Duru, tbe French librettists, and it win be produced by Mr. wuson at ad bey's theater in New York in September 01 next year. Mme. Melba and the principal members of ber company, who are to give twenty concerts in tbis country previous to the opening ot tb grand opera season at tbe Metropolitan in New York are expected to arrive Irom Europe in a fortnight. Asso ciated with Mme. Melba as principal ol. 1st are Mm. Scalcbt, M. Magulre and M. Planuon. Siirnor Beviananl will be tbe musical director. SOME HEALTH HINTS. f or the Saturday Tribune. Woman, it is claimed by high au thority, has the advantage of man as regards longevity; she sutlers less trom accidents, injuries and many forms of disease; sue is, in fact, more tenacious than man of tue limited enjoyments allowed her. Dr. Brandreth Symonds has collected and studied a large num ber of statistics to illustrate tills inter estiug fact. The comparative mortal ity of tha sexes at different ages shows tnat in tne nrst year or lire tne mortal ity of the female is much less than that of the male, being at birth 92.04 per 1,000 as against 112.80, and at tbe end of the vear 31.87 as against 35.03. The difference continues up to the fourth vear. From 5 to 12 the female mortali ty is greater than that of tbe male, being at the latter period 3.56 for males and 4.28 for females. At the age of 40 tbe male mortality equals that of the female, toe latter naving been up to this time slightly in excess. During the years 46 and 56, the period of the climacteric, the male mortality gains rapidly on tbe female, being 0.32 per annum for the one and only 3.47 for the other. Hence the climacteric is really a much more serious time for man than for woman. After 55 the female mortality gains on that of the male, but is always slightly below it. Woman nas not only a less mortality, but greater longevity than man. There is, also, a plurality of female blrtbs. It II II A enp of clam broth made from fresh clams and unseasoned is a most accept able bit of nourishment after a sick headache. Often the stomach will tol erate it when all other forms of food are exceedingly distasteful. The broth should be made strong and can then be diluted according to taste. A little of it may be frozen, or diluted with ice- water. If cold rood is advisable. If at a distance from supplies, it is well to have few Dot ties of clam mice in tne storeroom. II II II Fleshy women should avoid every thing in the shape of liquors (especially beer), starchy cereals, like cornmeal, hominy, rye, oatmeal and brown bread; also they should avoid too much seasoning in tlie way of salt, pepper or sauces; these ceate an unnatural thirst which nothing but liquid of some kind can quench. And water enters largely into tue composition ot tat. Meats can be eaten freely, as they enter into mus cle, not fat. Fleshy people should ex ereise vigorously every day and not. be given to too many hours of sleep. They should also sleep on hard beds; rani pering the body in habits of luxury predisposes oue to embonpoint. II II II A noteworthy feature of the congress of physicians at Vienna a few days ago was the discussion of the discovery of i rotessor Uehring, of Halle, or a cure for diphtheria by the inoculation of the i .i , i . 4 I,. 1 1 i moon oi uif parieni wim uioou serum, Professor liehriiig, in an interview said It was his belief that his discovery would eventually tie applied as a cure for typhus fever, cholera and ptieu monla He contended that inocula tion for diphtheria ought to be com piilsnry, the fame as in the treatment of smallpox. During the debate in the congress, rroiessor unriicn, or Herun stated his belief that the milk of inocu lated animals would tend to asxist in effecting cures. In support of Profes sor Hen ring's Idea he held that blood serum was as powerful against dtpn therla as vaccine wm against small pox. The present expense of procur ing the blood serum puts it beyond tne reach of most persons, as it is manu factured in only two places in Ger many, in Hoechst, near Frankfort, and Berlin. Two Injections of the remedy cost $7.20, and as many cases require six, the costliness of the treatment may readily be seen. Despite tne expense however, the treatment haa already been applied to a great extent in tbe larger hospitals In Germany and Aub tria. II II II Health for thi Million: Don't use towels provided for general use in publio lavatories, restaurants and sometimes hi schools. They have been found by microscopic investiga tion to contain bacteria ot several con tagious diseases. Don't swallow grape seeds. They were not meant to form part or any civilized man's meal. Imagine your stomach trying o digest teacupful of peDbies. urape seeds are even worse than pebbles, because their sharp ends tear the delicate lining of the stomach and intestines and may at any time lodge somewhere inside one ana play navoc HONORS TO y le b Presented With the Freedom of the Cltj of Inrerness. FORMALLY WEDDED TO THE BURGH A Strange Experiment With Ocean Steam Cutters Civilization Appa rent on the Criminal Records. Lillian Russell'i Notable First Night Gusty Harris's New Drama. For ike Saturday Tribunt. The Earl of Rose ber v on opening the annual exhibition of Highland in dustries and arts at Inverness, Scot land, was presented with the freedom of the city. He was assured by "Pro vost" K.)ss that all parlies in tbe burg, Whig and Tory alike, had sunk political differences and with heartv good will welcomed the prime minister of the Highlands. Lord Rosebery commenced his speech with a sly dig at the critics who look with distrust upon his so-called "youthfulness," and remarked that the days were approach ing when a man would come of age at fifty or sixty! He apiluuded the sen timent that prompted the people to combine to honor bun and at the same time lay aside all their polit cal differ ences of opinion, and regarded such a feature as singular and peculiar to this country alone, aud explained his rea sons for his asseveration by pointing to the age of the countrv and the long p oliticaleducation and experience its nbaoitants nave undergone. He re marked with some warmth that "he could not go over the long line of statesmen who have held cabinet office since the beginning of the century and nnd one who has lett a name to be ashamed of." Throughout the speech was of a social nature aud carefully avoided party polities. Lord Rose bery was presented with a massive gold ring to commemorate his being "wedded to tne burgu." Owners of steam cutters are not con tent with the carrying capacity of their steamers and are about to start a some what strange experiment. The steam ersuill in the near future tug barges in tneirvan, tne said barges carrying 800 to 1 ,000 tons of coal. A number of barges are being specially built for the sea trade between tbe Humber and the rhames. The barges will be battened down at the port of departure and will not carry any steering gear. The latest tning in torpedo boats is "just out." The latest thing's name Is the Daring, and is one of the fastest boats that has ever been constructed, its speed on a trial trip showing twenty-uine miles, In addition to n powerful torpedo equipment the Daring carrys one 12- pounder and three b-pounder quick bring guns. The miners In various parts of Scotland are still on strike and are causing considerable trouble. At a place called Motherwell a riot took place and the police had a somewhat ively time of it, several being injured. The latest is a telegram to Mr. Asquith, the house secretary, irom the secretary or the bcottmu Miners' federation "A brutal aud unwarrantable attack by English 'crastables on unoffending miners, women and children at Mother well last night, iliners urgently de mand immediate public inquiry by you in person." tor pure uuaduitur aled cheek this is hard to beat! A remarkable diniinuation in the number of convicts sent to peual servi tude is shown in last year's records of tbe prisons report. In 1859 the popn lation was 19,259,000, and the number of prisoners sentenced to penal servi tude was 2,589. Last year the Inhabl tants had increased by 10,000,000 and tbe penal servitude prisoners numbered only 833. Civilization cannot after all (despite alarming newspaper contribu tors) be a failure with such results to show. The hop pickers have had a wonder fully good year and wages ha,ve ruled high. The crops, despite the rain, are good generally nd the farmer is for lorn, for he really has but little to grumble at, which is distinctly hard Hues on the liritisn agriculturist. Sir Augustus Harris bas scored an other success with his new melodrama, Every Christmas "Gussy" produces ut old Drury Lane theater a new panto mime and the papers say the knight of the boards has once more surpassed himself, and every autumn he brings on a new drama and tbe critics aver that it is the "best thing Harris has giveu u," and indeed tbe "Derby Winner" Is worthy or great praise, The niece is full of daring novelties. In it ve have a woman who acts through one entire scene ou horseback, a "new" woman of theoigarette-smok ing-gum-slangy school, training sta bles, a race course and a real live race, a military bull and other "plums." A curious incident took place on the opening night. In the great race scene the awful "vtllitis" Uee-Uee should, or course, get a bad beating, whilst that of the hero should win hands down But the Inst named horse would do nothing but iibb, and instead of land ing 50,000, the aforexaid hero evident ly lost that amount. Many pieces would be abso'utely wre Red by such an incident, but the drama was of such an interesting character throughout that I lie uiisliun oul v caused good hti mored amusemeut. Harris, iu a short speech after tne fall ol the curtain scored" happily wheu he assured the audience that he was at thewinuiug post and saw the hero's horse come in nrst. Another notable first night was the fair Lillian Russell's appearance in a new piece entitled the "Queen of Bril liants." Lillian is of course the queen, Gil more' s Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down. Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes diges tion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scran-ton. MR and a beautiful nnd awpot-vnlmw) queen, too. Her waist is not quite so small as u used to be, but her voice and acting have hnth mlnwl iwinalifar- ably by her long experience. The sup- 1) ib a gwu hub, uut tne piot is poor, the wit is execrable and the music. thoUL'h tuneful, not of a. hrtlliant der. The scenery and mounting are both magnificent and must have cost a mint of money. Lillian hus of course beeu interviewed, and tbe illustrated papers and photo shops I beg pardon niuicB mo wio vihii auu smiling T.illlnn Rnsaoll. Kha pnnlil nnt ki hit upon a better theater than Irvine's mime, luougu -us Birauge logo wine Lyceum for comic opera. Road racing among our wheelmen is extremely popular, especially on that roau Known as tne "north." uut our noble police authorities object to as much as the sportsmen love the excit ing tnougn somewhat dangerous road "scorching." So after warning the promoters of the "North road twenty four hours' ride," they posted them selves at intervals along the advertised route; but the wily wheelmen altered the track and the race came off, al though several competitors lost their way, aud the men in blue leant against the lamp posts and banks and only bad tbe satisfaction of taking the names and addresses of a few rash youths who chanced, riding after pro nihited hours without a lamp! Fon taine is aucged to bave covered 370 miles, while F. T. Bidlake only did 16 miles worse on a three-wheeler, which is a record. Willis. NtWS NOTES FROM WALES. Special to the Scranton Tribune, London. Sept. 28. Tne newt of tie musical wnr of Somotoa bat reaobtd little Wale, tad judging from tbt psitoqalitiat thi itsus bat been loat sight of. Tbe fight ia tbe column of 1UB Tribune ba gradually ttld IdIo au attaok aud dtftnie of Wtltb national mnsic. A brir skstch of W1iq matle at home may not be amiss. Walat ha alway been mutieal, and wltb Italy rank first In the musical world. For thi Bsncb is due to Carwen't tonla solfa system, or tbe new notation, a it it tomtimt called. Practically all the Sunday ttbool in Wale poises s tbe modulator which hang in tb ehool room, and almost every Sunday eobool rejoiee in one or mor gradu ate holding certificates of proBoleoty from Mr. Curwttn and at toon st children are abl to toeak they are regularly tent to tbe Sunday tchool to that one of the first things which many ohildren recollect is tbe scale of tht solar tytttm. The writer knowt teveral boyt of from eigbt to ten yeart of age, able to read at sight minor tnnet Dotnwitbttanding frequent accidental notss, Honee in a ohoir the majority, witbont exception are able to read musit and toon grasp the difficult detail of an anthem which otherwise would be taught by ear. So much for the early faoiluiet for musical trainiog, the result can be teen in very -village in Walet and in every chapel or chnroh oan tbe "dob, ray, nit" ot young voioes b btara . A few word with regard to the dis advantages under whioh th Welsh labor. We often bear the remark that if tbe Welsh are to uutiaal, how it it that they bare not produeed a Mozart, Handel or Haydn. Tbe an swer it easy, unfortunately the came it blind patriotism. Men like Dr. Parry, Owain Alaw, Ambrose Lloyd David Jenkint and other tbrongh een turlet have eompoted for the Welsh rxprteily and no one else, and on tbe other hand tbe Wtlth bave been satis fied with tht work of their own com posers, to that tbe ttyle and character lttict of tbt one hart been imbued by the other. It it the oil ory of Wale for tke Welih. Had there ben more enterprise or bad Dr. Jetepb rarrv lived in uermany ait name Intttad ot being known all over the . world to the Cymru would have been known to all musital nation. Wlb wordatet to music cannot be translated without losing the original charm, and tbe tame mty bt laid to a leu extent of tbe vice vena prooMS, sntb tt Sir Joseph Barnby't Antbem. ' O Lrrd How Manifold Art Tby Work," which touudi vory different in Welsh at coinpand with tho English rendition. Penile who are not cognizant with the p.callarltie of Wlh musi cian und their diaadvantaget tbould be (low to charge them with ignor ance of music until ttcy bavt inquire! a to wbetber ibe veun are not mm ten of the music they are accustomed to. If they did tbis, tbey would have reaaon to change tusir opiniont. Owbn. Adolf Lalloz, carriage manufacturer, 11 Carroll street, Bnflalo, Js. ., states I was troubled with nausea of th stom ach, Hok headache aud general deblliy. Burdock liiooa uitters cared me. We Linn Allen & Co, STOCK BROKERS. Buy and tell S'ooka,Bondt and Grab. On New York Exchangee aad Chicugr Board of Trade, cither for oath or on margin, 412 Spruce Street. C3TLoeai Sleeks a Specialty. i doE DlnlCK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6,003. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. CM) of the bent quality tjr dome tie ascent: r au sixes, aouverea m mur pan t sua viij at lowest pnoe. Order bit at my offloe, NO. lit, WYOMING ATEfTCB, Bear room, first floor, Third National Bank, er eeot br mall or telephone to the miaa, will teoMT prompt anenuoo. t-rclal eoDtraoU vUl be made tot th tall CM delivery ot Buckwheat OoaL WM. T. SMITH. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market Tbe Finest la tbe Citj. The Utett Improrcd fur nishing and epparatu for keeping meat, butter tad tggt, M tTraiBUa At. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHAM PRI SAT SANDOW AND THE Trooodera Vaudevilles Prices, $1.00, 76a, 60a, 25c. Seoure Your Sesttsi. ACADEMY OF MUSIC MONDAY, OCT. 8. THE KIMBALL OPERA COlilQUE AND Duniii.eujs, tuaruil AND CORINNE In th 3-Mt Operatic Burlesque HENDRICK HUDSON Under tb managements! Hra. Jennie Kimball. LARGE COMPANY. .W BlJ&NEnY AND EFFECT P, OORUEOUd COSTUMES. Sale of seats opens Friday at the box offlos. THE FROTHLNGHAM Tuesday ?;0cL9and 10 Matinee 2.10 ana Wed WeduM'r Rice's Surprise Party 100-PEOPLE-100 In tb Big Operatic Extraragnxa VUII i Electrlo Effects I 6oraeoo v IT 11 I Additional Orchestra. Put-tain -u m fl nUA,V , . n . .V, 2 30 at matinee. Prices, $1,61, 1X00. 75c. ana 60o.; Gallery, 25c. Bale of Seat corn men net aaturoay at v a. m. A.CADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 10. THE COMEDIAN, Mr. Sidney Drew In bia inimitable impersonation of COL MULBERRY SELLERS la Mark Twain's Groat Comedy The Gilded Age Prcaented by a Strong CaaL Sale ot seats opens Monday, Oct. 8. THE FROTHINGHAM SPECIAL GRAND CONCERT ' MONDAY, OCTOBER IS, Under the Direct Ampler and Management ot the BOARD OF LADV MANAGERS For the Benefit of the St. Luke's Kindergarten The following artists will appear: MMU. L1LLIAS BLiACVELT The foremost American Prima Donna) Soprano. MISS DRAEGKR in German Song. Mil WALLER in English Ballads. MK. JOHN WATKINS.Bat Soloist. Daaanm Qaata RA aw1 ! T;mhwm aamva iLrveusi, wuvit vajhj mm ty a. Asiuf. a aa open at Powell' Thursday, Oct 11. Ticket on Bale at Price' Cash Btore, Washington arenue, and Scranton Supply Oo.'s Buire, Wyoming arenue. Davis' Theater. Week Commencing Monday, OCT. 1. Erery afternoon and eyening. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, THE SCRANTON FAVORITES, WILLETT & THORNE And their New Company of HOYELTYARTISTS NEW FACESI NEW ACT81 ALL ARTISTSt GWe "Maegie" and "Harry" th reeeptioa they deserve. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two Performance Daily at 2 30 and lit p.m, H. A. HULBERT3 City Musio Store, tin WIOM1MO AYvf. BGftJbMXQaV TKIN WAY A SOU DKCKKR BROTHER ' Am KRAKIGH BACK cm UXLTZ UAUattk PIANOS ORGANS tfXSICAL MEKCBATTDIJta aUaUQ MCO, aSSU FOR SALE FARM STOCK AND ALL FARM. ING VTBNSIIiH, HEAR LAKE ARIEL. INQUIRE 09 v J. M. tjBti.l-Vll-.LD. 711 Borutoa street beraaton, Pa.