The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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the Grocery Business Suffered While the Can
' dldate Hiutled for Votes.
The Mournful Tale of the Fate of a
I Philanthrophic Citizen Who Sought
-I to Purify Politic In His District and
Found, Too Late, mat wara worn-
1 ers Are Deceivers, All.
For the Saturday Tribune.
' No man In that part of town was moro
thoroughly respected by his neighbors than
Chris Elberson.
He was a good eiamplo of the modestly
successful business iuan. His cottage was
a cleanly and well kept establishment.
Jlrs. Elberson was a large, beaming wom
an of happy disposition, and the children
iwere red choefeod and well dressed. -
His etoro was but throe blocks distant
from his homo and was noar the corner
where the horse cars were boarded for tho
ride down town. A model grocery, it
'might have been termed. The shelf goods
aeoiued always spick and span, the show
cases were shiny, and the outdoor display
ot vegetables and fruits under tho cool
owning was a constant delight. Hut a nco
essury part of tho picture was Chris, port'
ly, good natured and incased In a white
apron. Ho woro an admirable patch of
,chln whiskers, and on his blue necktie was
,a gold badgo of the Foresters. This is the
.description of Chris given by the Chicago
Record man. ,
Presumably ho was contented. Ho own
M tho store and house, his family relations
were pleasant, and he had enough trade
to keep his varnished delivery wugon on
the go most of the tune. In tho summer
tho family attended a few picnics, and In
the winter he and his wife patronized the
dances glvon by neighborhood lodges.
Chris was a Knight of Pythias as well as
a Forester.
The first Indication of his desire to en
tor politics was his joining the Masons,
Shortly after that he sent In his name to
a singing society, although he could not
elng. Then ho was chosen delegate to the
county convention.
Theso early symptoms were hardly no
ticed by tho neighbors and customers. It
was when ho joined tho Cook County
Democrntio Marching club that his friends
began to say, "Chris is mixing in politics."
He went with the club to open the state
campaign at Springfield. When he came
"back, ho was hoarse and seemed to have
lost sleep. Some of his best friends began
,to remonstrate with him. Straub, the feed
I store man, dropped Into the grocery and
(asked him in so many words, "Chris,
.what's youi- object In getting into poll-
'Can I trust you, FolixP" asked Chris,
leading tho way bock to the desk, so the
clerk couldn't overhear anything. "The
reason I'm going to tell you this is that I
know you'ro a friend of nilno. Now, I've
teen talking on the quiet to some of the
biggest Democrats In this district, and
they want mo to be a candidate for repre
sentative." ; "There's nothing In that for you. If
you're elected, you'll have to neglect your
business. I shouldn't think you'd want
"I don't want it, but a lot of my friends
ere after roe to take It. Some one must
go In and smash that McClintock gang.
't's been running this district too long."
i "That's all right. Let some one elsodo
1 ''The boys say I can do It, and I've
promised to stlek. Don't you know it's an
(outrage for this district to be represented
,ln the legislature by such a man as Mo
iClintockf Say, you'd bo surprised if I
told you the names ot some of the people
.that are with me In this thing. Do you
(think you can swing any of tho Germans
ln your precinct?"
Mr. Straub saw It was of no use to ar
.cruo, and so he said he would do all he
J ! Chris Elborson was In politics, sure
. plough, with all the symptoms plainly
4 showing. He began Brooking cigars all
Jils waking hours, and the back end of his
Sir ,1 ' 5
J tore buzzed, buzzed, buzzed all day as
ila "friends" oaiuoln and whispered their
cheering reports and then received tholr
whispered Instructions.
. Mystery, deep mystery back rooms
mumbling close to the ear figuring in
Imall books taken from instdo pockets
nanaing over cigars casting up figures
theso aro tho morbid pleasures of polities.
Chris Elberson, a member in good stand
ing of tho Lutheran church, hold dally
consultations with Bite Johnson, colored.
keeper of a doggery over by the river; Bull
jttonenzie, wno nan latoly "done time,"
cue was stipposouio own the "boost" on
the other side of thetraoks; Fat Tom Wil
liams, who always had a three storv lonV
lng house stored with "bums" for election
day, and many other influential men of
ino district. A nearly as he could gather,
there was an overwhelming sentiment in
nis favor, hut in order to l tvi
nom lc intact against we corruDtlnir lnuu
nce of McClintock certain sums of mon
V.weujd Have -pope judlolously expended
m occr. llo nau Deen assured that ne
would not have to attend to tho details.
Dull MoKensle had explained that.
'Gl'me a pinch o' dough," said Mr. Mo-
Kenzle, "an I can pipe oil th' push; gl'mi
jolly, an you 11 have a lead pipe, eavoyr
Chris began to see that his campaign
would need lubricating, But bo was mora
tnaa ever doterminod to win, not oniy to
make a triumph for the taxpayers, but to
humiliate MoCUntock. who had boon re
ported by Butch Magnus as saying that
ho would "give tho goat a kibosh an
t'row tho boots into Mm." Tho applica
tion of "goat" naturally Inflamed Chris, as
tlicro was an Implied reference to tho chin
Before the campaign was many weeks
old Chris ascertained that it would be nco-
essary to "light the devil with flro," as he
put It Ho folt sure thnt along any resi
dence street he could get ten votes to wc-
Clintock's one, but in tho dark end of the
district McClintock had an all powerful
"drag." .The legislator owned a saloon
with back room attachment for ladles, he
was an honorary member of the "social"
and "pleasure" clubs and had rescued so
many prisonora from the Bridewell and
police stations that a large proportion ol
voters were under heavy obligations to
McClintock had his enemies, however,
and Bull McKenzle was one of them. It
was the latter who escorted Chris through
tho dark end of tho district whilo tho sa
loon canvass was being made. Chris wore
all his badges and came home at night
rooking with ginger ale and loaded down
with cigars.
Tho front of tho grocery was plnstored
with announcements of German concerts,
Swedish dances, Irish demonstrations, col
orert people's cake walks. Chris bought
tickets for everything that cume along.
He orunrod union label cigars and gave
stick candy to tho Irish children, In order
to soften any possible prejudice against
his nnino. He sat up at night to calculate
tho strength of the soeret society voto and
paid $15 to get his picture into a paper
that ho had never licanl of before.
On tho morning of primary day ho was
seen to jump into his buggy, lash tho poor
sorrel and dash wildly away. Mrs. Elber
son come running to tho front gate and
watched tho rattling buggy swing around
the corner.
That evening she went to the Maxwells,
crying ovor an evening paper which said
that Chris Elberson, leader of tho antl
McClintock crowd, had challenged the
voto of Buck Plunders, a colored stevedore,
and had been attacked and chased through
a laundry.
Mr. Maxwell went to look for ChrU and
found him In Mctzgcr's saloon, pounding
tho bar with his hat and declaring that
tho cause of good government would "get
there, and don't you forget It." For the
first tlmo In his llfo Chris was undor the
influence of liquor.
At tho convention next day McClintock,
the people's choice, was renominated by
acclamation and was vociferously cheered
by tho active managers of tho Elberson
Chris stood in tho doorway and saw it
all. A man next to him grinned and said,
"They give you tho doublo cross."
He reached his store in a tranco. The
clerk looked at him and said nothing. Fe
lix Straub camo in.
"Havo you got enough, Chris?" he ask
ed gently.
"They throw me down," shouted Chris.
"All the voting was done by his gang.
They wouldn't let my men inside. The
police stood in with them, too, and would
not arrest that nigger when he struck mo. "
I told you to keep out of it."
"Several people have been after me to
run independent."
"Don't do it. For heaven s sake, don't
Keep out of politics."
After dressing his eye and thinking It
over Chris concluded that he would keep
One Wlie Man on the Jury.
"I saw a man saved from llfo imprison
ment or hanging once by tho one wise
man on a jury, who stood out against 11
fools," said T. J. Stephens of Baltimore
to o St. Lonls Globe-Democrat reporter.
"Tho man was found stundlngoveradcad
body in a field with a knife In his hand
and blood smeared over his clothes. Ho
swore ho hod found tho man lying dead
and had drawn tho knife from the wound,
where the murderer had left it sticking.
It was shown that tho men wero enemies
and that tho accused had even threatened
repeatedly to kill him.' On this and other
circumstantial evldonco 11 of the jury
wero for convlotion. The foreman alono
stood out and so steadfastly that at length,
ono by one, the others joined him, and the
prisoner was acquitted. Many thought
tho man guilty, and he finally left the
country because of the cold shoulder ho
got from old friends. Years afterward,
when tho foreman of tho jury was dying,
he acknowledged that ho killed the man
Asleep oil the Bottom of the lllver.
A strango Incident In connection with
tho work of clearing away the debris of
tho recently wrecked bridge at Louisville
is rolated of a submarino dlvor. Ono day
he remained beneath the surface for more an hour. There was no response
when signals wero made, and thoro was
uneasiness felt. At length tho diver who
goes on as a relief reported for duty, and
ho was at onco sent down to ascertain
what was wrong. In a few minutes both
men camo up. The first diver was found
seated on a pilo of iron fast asleep.
An Interesting Photograph Gallery.
Scotland Yard has tho photographs of
some 116,000 criminals taken during tho
last 80 years. Of theso 70,000 are recent
Taklng Treasure from the Sea.
A scientist of Christianla proposes to Im
mortalize himself by proving the feasibili
ty of reclaiming the gold and silver in sa
water by electrolytic action. He suggests
that a channel about sixty meters wide
should he selected for experiment The
place should be well sheltered from sea
and wind, and there should be a current of
about four meters per minute.
Across this channel sixty plates of gal
vanized iron, cam two meters by three
meters, should be fixed at an angle Of 80
dega. with the stream, and an electrio cur
rent be scot through the scries to precipi
tate the precious metals. HerrMunster,
to whom the credit of this conception is
due, has hit on a very fascinating idea.
PitUbUrg Dispatch.
Make Some Difference.
DouttoD I didn't meet Jack Goodheart
at the restaurant today.
Upton No; Jack Is a married man now,
and it's three days since pay day. New
York Weekly.
Fickleness, Therefore, Should Hot Sur
prise Any Fcrson.
The Romantic Story of His Descent
from the Head of the Signal Service
to a Prison Cell For Twelve Years
a Fugitive Caught After a Long
For tht Saturday Tribune.
From the bead of the signal service to a
prison cell; from the first circles of Wash
ington society, with an unsullied nami
and a brilliant army record, to the folon'i
dock; traveling In every part of the coun
try with alleged "Bhrowd detectives" after
him for 12 years; six years in business in
New York city and actually serving on a
jury while a fugitive from justice I Such
ore tho salient points In tho career of Cap
tain Henry W. Uowgato since 1831.
Nor is this all. Ho was a veteran of the
Army of the Cumberland, an officer in the
regular army and a scientist of some stand
ing and withal tho projector of a scheme
for reaching the north polo which mot
with such approval that it came very near
being adopted by congress, and all this
ended in his defrauding the government
of about 1376,000 and fleeing from Wash'
ington with a woman whoso beauty was
long a popular toast in that city.
Henry W. Howgute was born In Eng.
land, and his first enrollment in publio
service was as a volunteer In 1803 In the
Twenty-second Michigan Infantry. Al
most exactly 82 years later he was enrolled
as a prisoner in Washington city but this
Is anticipating. Ho had some military
knowledge and was elected second llouten
aut, was promoted to brevet major for spe
cial gallantry at Chickamauga and came
out a cuptain, after which he secured a
lioutonantcy In tho regular army. In 18GS
General Albert J. Myerwas organizing
the weather bureau and found great diffi
culty in securing assistants with the sci
entific knowledge aud special aptitudes de
sirable. In Captain Howgato he believed
he had secured a treasure, and the latter's
promotion was rapid.
In 1876 he projected a scheme for reach
ing the north polo which made scientific
explorers laugh, but congressmen wero so
Impressed that a bill to carry out his plan
was introduced and favorably reported by
the house committee on naval affairs. His
clan was to go to a convenient point In
tho tar north and establish a post and base
of supplies. Tho next summer posts wero
to be established farther north at inter
vals of B0 miles, and thus on till the polo
was reached. Congress having rejected his
scheme, he astonished tho world by an'
nouncing that ho would carry It out at his
own expense, and soon tho little steamship
Gulnaro was anchored in tho Potomac
and fitted out for tho voyage. She start
ed and was abandoned in the far north,
tho navigators in charge declaring that
she was totally unfit for such work and
would havo been crushed to splinters in
tho llrst loe pack encountered.
Everybody wondered where Captain
Howgato got the money for such work.
Tho answer was soon forthcoming he
was stealing It from tho government.
He had become chief of the signal serv
ice and disbursing officer of the bureau,
lived In tiptop style with his wife and an
unmarried daughter, maintained a mis
tress In luxury, was socially prominent
and owned Washington real estate valued
at liaiOOa, AH at .once "lrxarjaJaTiycsI'
ulscovered in liis accounts, and he re
signed with (.great show of innocence and
Indignation. Then tho Investigators went
to work, and Aug. 15, 1881, ho was arrest
ed on a spoclilo charge of embezzling $40,
000. It was a nino days' wonder, yet this
wa-i only tho beginning. Fraud after fraud
was unearthed till tho aggregate reached
$370,000 or more, and yet ho had Influence
enough to securo boil and postpone action,
Finally bis bondsmen surrendered him,
and he became a prisonor in fact. It was
on April 13, 1883, that ho mado his sensa
tional escape. -
Many stories have beon told about this,
but the admitted facts aro these: In chargo
of Deputy Marshal Dewing ho was permit-
tod to go to his own house to take a bath
and secure a change of linen. His daugb
tor entertained tho officer whllo Captain
Howgate retired to tho bathroom. An
hour passed. Tho officer wanted his prls
oner, but he was not to bo found. Twelve
years and a half wero to pass before Mar
shal Dewing saw him again. It now op
pears that he slipped through a rear win'
dow to an alley little used, and ten mln
utes after leaving the Sofllcer was going
down tho l'otomao on a fast steamer,
further appears that tho whole scheme
was clovorly arranged by Nettie Burrill
Twelve years and more had passed away
when Captain A. L. Drummond ot tho
Unltod States secret scrvico got lnforma'
tion which led hiui to suspect that Cap
tain Howgate was In Now York. A clerk
who knew the fugitlvo well wont to that
city, but it was not easy to see in the bow
ed and decrepit man of 00 tho stalwart and
handsome soldier of 1881-3. The two be-
camo confidential, however, and then tho
clerk oould swear to him. Ono flno morn
ing tho old book dealer (tlutt bad been his
business for five years) stepped out of his
dusty shop at 80 Fourth avenue. A littlo
way up tho street Captain Drummond
took him by tho nrra and said:
"Captain Howgate, I want you. I have
a warrant for your arrost "
For ono Instant tho man stood as If daz
ed. Thon, recovering hliusolf, ho said,
with a laugh:
"All right I'll go with you. I know
when I am beat"
Later he admitted that he had boon ex
pecting arrest for years and was satisfied
with it, was tired of being a fugitive. His
travols and advontures in tho 13 years
Would suffice for a three volume novel, and
altogether his story is sufficient for a Zola
esque romance. Jerome J acquis
A Lottery to Build a Charon.
Among the ancient documents recently
deposited with the Westerly (B. I.) Libra
ry association Is a copy of the Connecticut
Gazette, published at Mow London and
dated Feb. IS, 1794. In this paper Is an
advertisement of a lottery to raise the
funds needed to build a meeting house at
She Rode TS Miles on an Axle Unking 780
Revolutions a Minute.
Cat have shown wonderful powers ot
coming unscathed ont of perilous posi
tions If half the stories which have been
told are true, and the latest cat story,
wbloh comes from England via the Now
York World, proves no exception to the
rule. The cat In this caso lived in London,
but for some reason it porohed itself upon
an axle of ono of the cars composing an
express train on tho Midland rallw ay. The
train is a fast ono and did not stop until
reached Kettering, 78 miles from the
starting point. There tho trainmen, milk
ing their rounds of inspection, found pussy
still perched upon the axle, somewhat diz
zy and much rumpled as to fur, but still
ready for moro advontures.
Tho railroad men wore puzzled to know
how tho cat could havo retained her bold
upon a piece of iron revolving hundreds ol
times every minute, and tho moro they
discussed it the greator was their astonish-
mcnt. Finally a Manchester engineer do
terminod to figure out Just what that cat 'i
endurance amounted to. He consulted the
time table to find the speed ot the train
and got tho dimensions of the car whccli
from tho company's officials. Thon he
started his figuring.
Supposing tho wheels to bob foet 6 inch
es in diumetcr and tho distance from the
terminus at St. Fancros to Kettering tc
bo 73 miles, he found that tho pussy cat
must have performed 84,600 revolution!
In 1 hour and 37 minutes, which is a jot
that only a vory big, powerful and excep
tionally determined tun pound cat could
hope to tacklo with any hope of success.
Then the englner had recourso to a dia
gram of tho cat slung to tho axle to aid
him In his further calculations. Pussy'i
center of gravity, ho figured, would fall
about 13 inches from the center of the
axlo, and at a speed of 60 miles an hour it
would reel off the mero bagatelle of 48C
revolutions a minute, the velocity of hei
center of gravity meanwhile being 68 feel
per second. Ho then found that tlicro had
been something liko 700 pounds weight
thrown upon the leading claws when trav
eling at full speed.
Tho engineer then mado a personal ex
amination of tho cat, taking exact meas
urements ot ber too nails, aud as a result
of more calculations of a very flno nature
ho found that pussy's resistance to centrif
ugal forco was equal to 17 tons per square
Inch of claw section. There wero othei
factors to bo considered in a really exact
solution of tho matter, such as wind re
sistance whon passing through tho top
centers. But the engineer thought ho had
gone about far enough.
Just Cut BU Tall Off Short When Ton
See One.
Ono morning recently Jack Lansdow ot
Dyercounty, Teim., picked up a hatchot
and 'started out to tho wood pile to cut
some kindling. As ho stepped from the
kitchen door he was surprised to see a
largo hemlock porcupine climbing a troe
about ton feet from tho door. Lansdow
bad often heard that if a porcupine's tall
Is cut off wbilo in tho act of climbing
It will stop and refuse to climb hlghor oi
doscend. As tho prickly little animal wai
only about four feet from the ground, Jack
had no difficulty lu springing forward and
with a quick blow of the hatchet severing
tho tail of tho porcupine in twain. Sure
enough, tho animal stopped its ascent and
has romalned in the same position since.
A porcupine is rarely ever seen In that
part of tho country and is therefore qultt
a curiosity to Tonnessceans. Jack's neigh-
bors soon heard of tho porcupluo and bo
gan coming to see it Lansdow oould see
no season why ho should not make some
money out of tho thing, so ho placed a 18
foot board peep tight fence around It and
began charging 10 cents admission. He
made several dollars a day with his prize
and ono Sunday collected $4.10.
The animal has become perfectly used
to tho crowd end readily cats and drinks
from Its master's hands. Iunsdow says
ho would out off a section of tho treo with
the porouptno on It and carry tho animal
around and exhibit It but for the f.iot that
It is on a valuable, shnilo treo, and 1 bat the
porcupine may not bo able to l.old on
much longer. At present, though, accord
Ing to a veracious correspondent ot the
Cincinnati Kuqulrer, it looks as chipper
as It did before it lost Its caudal append-
Caalmlr-Perler! Rclto of Satan.
According to a logond current In tbo
country around Grenoble, tho auclentwall
surrounding tho park of M. Lasimlr-l'e
rior's superb Chateau de Vlzillo, in that
distrlot, was built by the devil.
Feach Dnihpllnc.
Into a quart of sifted flour rub a table
ipoonful of lard, add 8 toaspoontuls of
salt and milk enough to make a soft
dough; roll out the dough and out Into
rounds, and in the middle of eaoh of those
place, a peach, parod, but not stoned. Put
the dumplings on plate, steam thorn for
little less than three-quartursof an hour
yid com hot with cream sauce.
Bank holidays were first established by
statute passed in the year ihti. The noil'
davs were at first only intended to relieve
banks, but were subsequently extended to
onstamt,inland revenue oflloes, etc. -
A I "'!!,
The Ncclnrnal Amusement cf a Recluse Who
Was Disappointed la Love.
Allanson de Witt, Who Lives Near
Cattle Ground, is an Ardent Sup
porter of the Suicide Theory He
Has Completed His Own Grave and
Has Ordered a Monument Contain
ing a Suitable Inscription in Inspired
Versa The Days of His Youth Was
Crossed in Love.
For the Saturday Tribune.
Any night the last week as the moon rose
through the tops of the tall and lonely
woods about that hlstorlo spot known as
Battlo Ground tho uncanny spectacle of
an aged and bearded figure, spading sol-
emnly away at tho turf beneath the pines,
might have been witnessed by the adven
turous visitor, writes a Lognnsport corre
spondent of tbo Chicago Times. It was a
weird sceno, rendered all tho more unnat
ural by the fact that the solitary workman
was digging at his own grave.
For several years Allanson do Witt has
lived near Battle Ground in a rudo log
cabin, unloving and unloved, and has
spent his hours of leisure at his desk and
books. Rumor has it that in his younger
days ho was crossed in love and retired to
tho solltudo of his forest homo to brood
over his misfortunes and live a lifo of mel
ancholy contemplation. His appearance
as the years passed by has becomo that of
the hermit and tho rocluso, but his reading
has embraced all tho latest literature.
Constant brooding over his earlier disap
pointment, however, had Its inevitable
effect. He bocamo a misanthrope, a pessi
mist and of latoan ardent supporter of tho
New York World's views regarding sui
cide. In tho light of this his actions aro
rogardod with no littlo concern. Not only
has ho completed the digging of his own
grave, but iio has ordered his own monu
ment, which is now being finished at one
of tho shops in Lognnsport. It will be a
plain, unassuming graulte shaft, and the
only feature worthy of note will be its
epitaph, which ho himself composed. It
reads as follows, his instructions to tho
carver being that thcro should be no capi
tal letters in tho verse other than that In
A bachelor lies beneath this sod
Who disobeyed tho lows of God.
Advice to others thus 1 give,
Don't live a "bach" us 1 did live regret.
Whon completed, tho monument dealer
has orders to erect tho stono at tho head of
the newly excavated grave, and what the
next chapter In this unnatural talo may
bo tlmo alone can tell.
lie Sought to Cover Up Forgery and Othei
Crimes by Anton.
Tho recent Indictment and arrest at
Memphis of E. M. Wcoms, a local society
loader, clubman, prominent a. lurch work
er and all around good fellow, created a
tremendous sensation In that conservative
city. Weoms was llrst arrested for for-
gory and has now been indited for conspir
acy to commit arson. His purpose was bj
burnlDg his largo cotton shod to destroy
evidence of his stealings.
No one had a better social position than
Wcoms. Ha was oulturud, clover, his wife
was beautiful, ho was fond of society, and
his domestic relations were happy. Though
be was regarded as a worker in the cause
of religion, Weenis had a weakness foi
club, poker and horses. At the spring
meeting of the Jockoy club ho backed horses
With phenomenally bad luck. Being in
tho cotton business, ho sought to recoup
through other cotton dealers. Ho operat
ed an extensive cotton warehouse, and go
ing to tho firm of J. T. Furguson & Co.
bo represented thut bohadsevonu hundred
bales ot cotton stored In his shed and got
an ndvanco on It. Ho inado similar rep
resentations to Chism, Churchill & Co.
and got from thorn an advance of $4,000.
Goodman & Co, wero also prevailed on to
make an advance to him. Ho exhibited
samples of cotton and letters from a plant
er Indicating that tho cotton had boon
consigned to him. Investigation showed,
howovor, that Wcoms did not havo the oot
ton, and the firms set aliout to recover the
money he had obtained from tbem. Weemi
fled and was arrested later at Lake Charles,
Wccrus had two negro men In bis em
rjloy Charley King aud Ed Whito. He
told tlicni he would glvo them $J00 each
niul a two years' position at $15 a week
If thoy would burn his shod. This ollor
was mado tho day beforo he left. Tho mon
partly assented. Weenis instructed thorn
to truck nil of tho cotton into ono shod,
throw tho bales on tho side, cut tho hoops
and placo lighted candles on two bales,
then lock the shed and leave. They were
to go to another part ot tho city so as to
prove an alibi, for tho candles would not
burn down for an hour or more. Weoms
Raid that ho would leave tho night before
tho lire for New Orleans. Tho nogroca
weakened when tho tlmo camo and finally
betrayed their employer.
In view of tho fact that tho recent lynch
ings grow out of wholesale arson, Weemi
will havo a hard time, it Is thought, in
getting out of this trouble. Insurance men
are Interested because ho ordered the no
groca to plaoo old cotton hoops in tho shed,
In tho hope that ho oould prove that he
bad the number of hales ot cotton he bad
represented that ho had, in order to roooup
himsolf and cover up all shortages.
Gambled for (he itime.
"Whllo wo havo boon away this sum
mer," relates a woman, ''my littlo girls,
It and 18 respectively, learned for the llrst
tlmo that by roadlng throe chapters every
weekday and five on Sunday the Bible
could be finished In a year. They forth
with resolved to begin, and all would havo
been well except that there was only ono
Bltdo between thorn. This fact created
difficulty every day, for, with tho perversi
ty of children, thoy Invariably selected the
name time to do their reading. Tho cli
max was reached tho other day when I
found them deep In their favorite game of
arlbbage and waa warned not to Interrupt
them, 'because. Arm le and I aro playing a
gajneof odbbage to see wbloh of us can
have the Bible first, ' which w an In
termingling ot gambling and religious in
wtmcUoA which I thought best to (shook."
Long Hair and Genius.
Long hair was in vogue among musi
cians and artists long after it ceased to be
worn by the reBfAof mankind. The long
haired artist, with his velvet coat, his
sombrero and his mysterious cloak, has
altogether disappeared, aud lengthy locks
only linger nowadays, with a few excep
tions, on the head of the musician. Indeed
this luxuriant thatch would appear to ex
ercise a potent Influence on audiences, for
it is said that, In the agreement of a nota
ble pianist about to go on a foreign tour,
there Is a special clause that he shall not
have his hair cut. This possibly is an in
vention, hut it is an extraordinary thing
that musicians are well nigh the only peo
ple left who give but limited employment
to the Bhears of the barber. It is also a
fact that their hair flourishes better than
most people.
I have recently heard a theory that the
great prevalence of baldness In the present
day is entirely due to the constant close
cropping which has existed for the last
five and tweuty years. If you look at the
portraits of celebrities of thirty or forty
years ago, you will be perfectly astonished
at the carefully arranged coiffure which
meandered over their coat collars, and you
feel inclined to begin ranging, "Get yer 'air
cut," without further delay. You will
also be amazed to learn that most of them
retained this extraordinary growth to the
end of their days. London Graphic.
Tho Intense Coldness of Space.
We rarely realize, I think, how easily the
earth parts with its heat, and how cold
space is through which the earth sweeps in
its orbit. Nor do we commonly appreciate
how relentlessly space sucks away the heat
which the earth has garnered from the
sunbeams out Into its illimitable depths.
Awny out in space Ib a cold so intense that
we fairly fail to grasp its meaning. Per
haps 800 or 400 degs. ImjIow the freezing
point of water, some philosophers think,
are the dark recesses beyond our atmos
phere. And night and day, summer and
winter, this insatiate space is robbing us
of our heat aud fighting with demoniac
power to reduce our globe to its own bitter
So, after all, our summer and winter
temperatures aro only maintained by the
residue of the sun's heat which we have
been able to store up and keep hold of in
spite of the pitiless domandsof space. Our
margin sometimes gets so reduced on
nights in winter that wo can readily be
lieve tho astronomers and physicists when
they tell us that a reduction of the sun's
heat by 7 per cent, and a slight increase in
the number of winter days would fuIUcc to
bring again to our hemisphere a new age
of Ice, with its inevitable desolation. The
balance Is really a nice one between tho
heat we daily gather from the sun and tho
share of it which we lose in space. T.
Mitchell Prudden in Harper's.
An English Clergyman Who Finds Inspira
tion In Stage lances.
A preacher as a champion of the corps
do ballot, of tho dancers and tho dancing,
certainly presents an Interesting subjoct
for reQcctlon. This Is the position occu
pied by Kov. Stewart Huadlara of London.
Rev. Headlnm is a curate in the English
Episcopal church and has mado the ballot
girl, her profession and her mode of living
a matter of earnest study for a number ol
years. Ho has since its organization been
secretary of thb Church and Stage guild,
which was founded some timo ago.
This organization, as he explained its
purpose to tho representative of a London
paper, "is rather directed to tho art than
tiio lives of the players and dancers. So
far as they aro simple human beings, we
should have founded no society in relation
to them, but it is becauso tho art that they
represent is, through ignorance, despised
by many guod folk, and beuauso, conse
quently, tho artists suffer with some folk
lu esteem, that we exist. We wish to make
tho clergy and those who accept tholr
Tiows understand tho trno nature of the
stago aud of billet dancing, and so causo
tlieiu to lose tho gross prejudlco under
which thoy now labor.
''Tho society is a success. Wo havo now
gome 50 members. Souio of the clergy
who Joined us havo gono away from us on
account of the episcopal attacks upon us,
for they feared to lono their power for good
in other directions if they openly adhered
to the society. Wo havo monthly meet
ings of the guild, when members of it and
of the stago aro brought into con t not, and
also In summer picnics, dances and
when we can lectures and discussions. I
belle vo wo aro succeeding and that a broad
er, truer view is being taken of tho once
despised dancer."
On tho subject of ballet dancing Itself
Row Headlnm Is a connoisseur. "Until
tho peoplo recognize stago dancing as a lo
gitimato branch of tho lino arts," he says,
'its full dtivolopmout cannot bo reached.
Tho unenlightened conscience Is really a
groat prejudice to tho community. To mo
a danco executed by a real dancer Is full
not only of beauty, but of dignity."
Baffling Bibles on the Communion Table.
A communion tahlo Is, one would lrn
ngtno, tho very last placo to carry out a
raillo on. Clorgymon, though thoy con
stantly lond tholr support to this naughty
form of gnmbl!ng, draw tho lino at tho
church door. Vet a rnfllo for Bibles re
cently took place on tho communion tablo
ot the parish church ot St. Ives, in Lon
don. Tho custom Is an annual one, and
tho money for the Bibles Is obtained un
der an old charity known as Wyldo'sohar
lty, which provides six Blblos, to be won
by thrco boys aud thrco girls who shall
score tho highest numlicr of points whilo
raCling on tho holy table.
Horse Races lu King Solomon's Time.
King Solomon was a sportsman, but not
a Nimroil. Ho was tho first king in Israel
who introduced in his country "horse
races." Dr. Jellinek some years sgo pub
lished au ancient booklet of the Taliuudical
era, wherein a full account of "Solomon's
races" Is given. The Bible says that King
Solomon was the owner of 40,000 stables.
A respectable number more even titan
the sport loving lords of England possess.
As the country was divided into twelve
military provinces corresponding to the
settlement of the twelve trilx's, each gov
erned by a nasib (governor), who hail to
provide for the king's wants and needs a
month in the year, so it may be probable
that the races were also arranged; that
each month a raco took place in the
province under the patronage of that gov
ernor whose monthly service was on the
list, while the Derby once a year was run
under the control of King Solomon him
self. Boston Transcript.
Ant.rAHtA rnnl nuid axcliurivfllv. insnrliur
clcauUness sad comfort.
TIKI TABLI I if iniOl MAT 20, ISM. "
Trains Un HpHnlnn far PHtan WIIIrM- '
Bsrre. etc.. at sai u is. n..m . m.. 12.80. 1 OA
(j.ou, 7.25, 11.06 p. m. Sundays, .U0 a. m.
no, T.iop. m.
rur Aiiautio city, b.hj s. m.
For New Yni-U K.n ml TCHuhath. fl 20
(express) a. m., 12.30 (expross with Buff at
parlor car), 8.30 (expreu; p. m. Sunday, &13
P. in.
For Mauoh Chchk, Allkntowr, Bbthh-
li.,0, 3.W, 0.U0 (swept Philadelphia) p. Ui
Suntlny, S IS p. m.
For LONO HRAHCn, Ockar Gbovs, sto. at
&'0 a. m., l2.Mp. m.
For Howling, Lebanon and Barrlsbnrg, via
jAnenterwn, H-20 a. at, 12.S0, 6.007p.m. Buaday,
For Pottevllte, 1.20 a. m.. 12.60 p. m.
HotuinliiB, leava Mew York, tout of LlbertT
street, North river, at fLIQ (express) a. hw
LID, l.!, (express with Bufret parlor car)
p, m. Kiindar, tJ a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, UN
a. ra., H.00 aud 4.1U p. m. Bonday, IJB a. to.
ThreHah tickets to all points at lowest rates
may be had aa fcppUaauoo in advance td thS
ticket at eut at tus station.
(Jan. Pass. AnnL
wen. supt.
MAY 1H. 1B4.
Train lcsvns Bcranton far Philadelphia sn4
New York vis. 1). & a. R K. at 7. 46 a.m.. 12.05.
UB and ll.SH p. m via D., LAW; & iL, B0t
D.UM1.W a. m.,ana i.ji p. in.
Leave Hcrnnton fur Pit to ton and Wilkas
Barrs via O., U A W. K. K.( B.0U, &08, 11.29
a. ra., 1.80, 3.41. 8.07. R.M) p. ra.
Lravn Bcranton for Whlto Haven, Basleton.
PottsTille and all points on the bearer
Meadow and PoUsvilU braiKbes, via E. & W:
V.. 6 40 a.m., via U. St HRE. at 7.45a.m.. 1105.
W, .(0 p.m., via D Li. A W; B. tt, tUH, 8.UB,
ll.aia.rn.. 1.30, awp-m.
Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Easton,
Readinit, Harrlubnr? and all Intermediate
Boints via D.AH.K.a.T.46 a.m , 14S1, tM, 11. Si
p.rt,vla D UsW.K. B.,B.U0,6.(Hl 11.W a. ro
LiCi p.m.
Leave Bcranton for Tankhanneck, Tnwandj,
Qmtrn, Ithaca, Geneva and all letermedltt
points via D. A H. K.R..8.I6 a.nM2.U6ad ILSa
p. nu,ria D.UV. R B-. 8 0S ajn.,1.) p. m.
Leave Hnranton far Rochester, buffalo, Ni
agara Falls, Detroit. L'lnraao and sUoolati
West via 1). A H. If, R., H.4ia.m.,12.(B,Ui.llJi
n. ul, via D. L. A W, B. K. and Piatstoa
Junction, AOS a.m , 1), SAO p, bl, via B. A Wi
B fU8.41t.rn. . '
ForJElmira and the west via Ralamvmv via
D. A B. It. R M' a.m., lOo,.g p. ra.. via Da
LtW.RH, ,8.0a a,m., 1.M) and 4.07 n. B.
Pullman parlor ana sleeping or L. V chair'
ears en all trains between L. A B. Sanction or
Wilkes-Darre and New xork. PhUaifclpllla,
Buffalo Sail Baspeaiion Bridge
AW.NONN'BMAOlIKriAsa't Oaa-Psas. Lt
rmia a T.irn pu. ah Phn p.
Bouth Batmenem, ra.
Trains leave Bcranton as follows Express
for New York and aL points tiaat 1.40, S.&4,
6. IN 8. W aud a. m. UiSt and a. 50 p, m.
Eipress fur Kastoa. Trenton. Philadelphia
and tho Bouth, U.B.0U and .6i a. m.) UJI
and 3.60 p. m.
Watdiinfrton and way stations, I.GS p. nt,
Tobyhanna nervinmodatloo, s.10 p. m.
Expr as for Blnijliamton, Osweio, Elmlra,
CornW, Bath, DansvUla, Mount bonis and
Buffalo, U. M, U 15 a. m. and 1 24 p. m., making
close connections at Buffalo to all points la the
West. Northwest and Bouthweab
Bath accommodation, a. m.
BlDguamton aud way stations, 12.37 p. nv
Muuul-ou acoommodatiou, at 4 p. nn ansj
U0 . m.
Blnirhamton and Elmlra Express, 405 p, m.
Express for Cortland, Byracusa, Obws
Ctlca and IiichQeld Springs, 115 a. m. and IJt
p. in.
Ithsca, tli and Bath a m. and lit p. m.
For Northumberland, Pittston, Willi os-Brra,
Plymouth, bloonuburg and Danville, making
cIiiho connections at Northumberland for
WilUumsport, Barrisburg, Baltimore, WasW
ington and the Bouth.
Korthunibt-rland : nd Intermediate stations,
tm, .lw a. m. and 1-30 and B.07 p. m.
NuntKXiCj sua intermediate stations, B.W
and 11.191 a. m Plymouth and Intermediate
stations, 8.t and 8 5 : p. m. .
Pullman narlor and sleeping coachea on all
express trams. . . . . 4 . ,
For detailed Information, pocket tinjj tables,
etc.. apply to id. L. Binith, dtr ticket office,
Lackawannaaveuaa. or depot ticket offio
Commenclns Mondav.Jnlr
3D, all trains will arrive and
depart from the new Lack
awanna avenue station as
f Trains will leave Seraa.
ton station for Carbondaie
and intrrmediete points at
enn ft jr. ?ia q -it A 1,1 in
mV, U.1U, .W, IUU JV.AW
s.m , 15.00, 2,20, 8.M, o.u,o.Ki, Jja, 1.10 and
11.20 p.m.
For Far view. Waymart and Hosasdale at
7 00 8.23 and 10.10 a.m U.OO.lfO and 4.14 p. m.
Tat Albanv, Saratoga, the Adirondack and
Montreal at 5.4" am. and x.20 p.m.
For Wilkes-Barre and intermediate point
at 7.4 8.4-"). U.3 and 105 a m, U00, lit), tii,
Aim, 6.10, 0.06, . 15 and 11,8s p.m.
Trains will arrive at Bcranton Station from
Carbondaie and intermediate points at 7 40,
I.4U, .S4 and 10.40 a.m., 18 C, LIT, &84 8.40,
4.64, 5. 66, T. 46, 0.11 and 1U3 p.m.
From Uonesdale. Waymart and Farview at
I.S4 a.m.- 1100, 1 17, 8.40. iio and 7.43 p.m.
From Montreal, raratoia, Albany, etc, at
IMand ll-aap.m.
From 1 llkes-Barre and Intermediate potnts
at J 15. 8.01. 10.1 S aud It 66 a m., 1 IS, 2,14. 8.39,
IM, 4.0S, 1:U, U.08 and p.m.
In EflTrct June 84lb, 1894.
North Bound.
oath Bound,.
lK0i"4 SOfl
(Trains Bally, Ex.
eepi Miiiauy.)
Arrive Lesvei
N. Y. Franklin st.i
West 4'Jiid street
Arrive Leave!
1 IS .
10 ,
IS 56 ,
18 18 .
ilaucock Junction
Preston park
Pleasant Mt,
Forset City
Vi'bito Bridge
May Held
OlT pliant
Park Place
IS 111(1 01
7 OH
V 48
9 15
6 61
111 81
41(11801 9 lil
ft 4.41
19 0!
6 41
tl S3. 9 01
6 82
6 in
11 18: 8 5;
mis, mm
8 Ml
11 111 8 60
7 46' 8 59) I
11 OTi 8 44
7 68
! 4 041 6 04
11 0.Y 8 41
7 54 4 07
11 081 8 89
7D8. 419 610
11 imi 8 38
(1067, 8 93
80IK 4 l-U 614
8 0(14 171 611
ft 18
10 5ft 8 W
8051 4 6
r a
'A MA Ml
Leave Arrive
A vr VP M
All trains run dally except Sunday,
t slitnldes that trains stop on signal for pi.
secure rates via Ontario Western txror
piircbastnir tickets and save money. Bay m
KlUgt Xiprees to tbe West.
J.C. Andorson, Gen. Pass AgU
T. FUtcrolt, Dlv. Pass, Agt. Bcranton, Pa.
Trains lave Poranton for New York an! liv
termed late points on the Erie railroad At 11
a. m. aud 8.94 p. m. Alse tut HoDesaale. ,
Hawley and local point at 6. 88, 9.43 s-m.,an4
Ail tbe above are through train to and.
from tinnfsdale.
it a additional trala Waves Bar tn ton M
Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran'
ten from tbe Lake at 7.4i p.m.
Trains leave (or Wilkes-Barr at 6.40 a. Uj
and Ail p in.
Come and set us about the Joh
WorR you will need soon.
The Scranton Tribune Job Dept.
203 803.2011
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