The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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A Pittsburg dispatch says: Breakers
are in tho path of the steal rail tmst.
Its monopoly of the wills and markets
east of the Mississippi issorions threat
ened. Down from the Mahonlup; val
ley in Ohio comes the danger. Ia the
outskirts of the iron towu of Younps
towD a big iroo plant has been quietly
erected by the OoioShpl c rapauy at a
a cost of $1,500,000, 1md on January
next it will h started and will iuu day
ami night. The iilnnt will be capable
of turniuu out 1,000 tont of gtottl rails
every day, and by reason of many im
provements it is stated that the new
mill will tarn out the rails at h cost
less than that entailed at the Elgar
Thompson plant of the Carnegie SU-ol
company. The new development in
the steel rail situation and the danger
it threatens to the colossal pool which
now virtually controls steel rail pro
duction in the United States is all the
talk in iron and steel circles. What
the combine will do to offset the now
competitor , is yet problematical,
but it seems certain that steel
mils will be cheaper in a few months
than ever before in America. A strong
possibility is a tearing to pieces of the
pool and a price war among the giants.
The present pool was formud late l ist
year and went into effect Jan, 1, ISO I.
It includes the Carnegie, Illinois, C'uui
bria, Lackawanna and Bethlehem
Sluel companies. Tlie pool secured
cnntrol of the Pennsylvania Steul com
pany's Hue plant at Sparrows' Point,
IM.", an a oIds'.'i it down, thus shutting
oil: all competition in the east. The
puce or rails was reduced to if'.'l pr
ton. They hav been sold ut $'i'3
recently, however. The agreement
was to last one year, with the tacit
understanding that it was to ba con
tinued. The raiils in tli9 AUhonine Valley
have for years beiMi gutting their sup
ply of steel biilnts from Pittsburg
manufacturers. L ist year tho Youngs
town iniiuuf:ictur--rs docid"d to build
n billet mill of tlmir own. A compin y
was organiz;d, twnrly every plaut in
tho Mahoning Vilify beiu:? a stock -bolder.
lienry Yviok waseluctel proai
ilent; JoBepli (. Butler, vice-president;
t.ll. Baldwin, secrtnry. 1 he capi
tal w is at first f 1. 000,000. Subs qumit
ly this lignre v..s increased. bveral
hundred ncrs of laud wera pvtrcluvjil
outside of Yountntown and a biff plant
was projected. The Mahouing Valley
inaunfacturers did not wish to d-pen-l
upon an oiusi le cotircj for their billets.
They wanted a billet mill uudjr their
own direct control nuJ tlie oiiU wny
to get one was to buil.1 it,
B'.U their plana have grown
on them. The original idea of the val
ley manufacturers has bean widened
bu I the mill now aporoaehing comple
tion, although not originally intended
as such, will be a powerful competitor
in the billet market as goon as opera
tions begin i;i January, and in tho rail
market as soon thereafter as the own
ers wish. The plant has been built,
The nuisbing touches nre being put
upon it. I s goneral superintendent,
Tuomns McDonald, says it vill ba pat
into operation the first of the year.
But the company is prepared to tnru,
out much more besides the billots that
will be required by the Youngstown
mills. It will ba able to make half of
its prodnct ateel rails without unduly
decreasing the billet output.
Secretary Baldwin of the new com
pany saya: "It is the calculation of the
company to make steel rails here. A-i
a matter of policy they do not wish
that feature to be talked about ja3t
now, It is a little too early. V hy,
this plant can turn out twice as many
billets as will be used by the Mahnuiiu
Valley mills. It can turu out billets
and rails both. The maehinery here
beats that of any rail mill in the comi
try. The mill is attracting universal
attention among steel men, and has
been inspeoted by some promiunut en
gineers who declare that itcnnmik
rails even more cheaply than they nra
now tuannl'actund. Is the company
liU-ly to go into the steel mil pool V
Yell, not likely, in view of tho fast
that it cau make rails choapar tho
pel. The company will be nlil-j to
ilifconnt the pool on rails and billets
We have four hydraulic mtwa that will
cdt rails like paper. In sliort, this
mill cau couipet i with any csUolial:
li), nt iu the country ou eituer rails or
billets, it makes no difference which.
11 the iuarktt offers opportunity tliu
Ohio iSUel company will undoubtodly
go to making rails. It wonld be a
foolish thing to leave a million do'.hr
plant lie idle or Dirtly so if It coul I
sell rails which may be mado in this
mill jnat as readily una choaply as t i 1
leis. The mill has such n oup.iciiy
that additions to the fiuUhitig or roll
ii.g department may be made wiihoti
ti uuble. The start in January will b :
ou billets, bnt it will not ba long bo
fore rails aro shipped from hero."
The main building of tho plant con
tains long rolling tables which
LiiVM been placed partially. This put
is 750 feet long. There are two 10-ton
L s-iemer cod vtr tors. The machine
shop bus been in operation foe. some
w -tiks. The first set of rolls has al
ready been twined and Is in shape to
be put into position. The converting
bouse is completed. Tracks have been
luid on trestles above the stock yard
and the delivery of coke tins bogu.i.
Two big boiler houses are fully equip
ped to start. Everything bus' been
done to put the plant in shape for a
start ezci pt the placing of some rolling
tables and allied machinery in the main
braiding. Crews of workmen have
been formed for many departments. A
number of old Homestead men. nme of
whom were in tbe strike of 1892. will
work for the new company. Other
men have been engaged in Chicago.
The new plant covers several aores and
ia supplied with large electric cranes
nid a system of narrow gange locomo
tives to haul the metal from one de
partment to another. In tbe minds of
ptwel men no doubt exists that the new
Youngstown will make steel rails. The
iutentions of the companies in the
present pool is an important factor in
the case. One thing is certain, and
that is steel rails will become cheaper,
Officers of the Carnegie Steel company,
leading members of tbe steel rail pool,
had nothing to say for publication to
day on tbe matter. There will be some
lively developments in the matter be
fore long.
One of the officials of tbe Lacka
wanna Iron and Steol company, com
menting on tbe foregoing dispatch
branded it as a canard. lie gave the
following reasons: First, the steel
- combination is a gigantic conoern, now
controlling mills thitt represent mill
ions of dollars of capital. It would be
as absurd, to believe that a minnow
coold swallow whale as to credit tbe
story that an upstart company
beginning in the Mahoning val
ley with bnt one million and
a half dollars behind it would break
the steel treat; . seeond, it wonld be a
suicidal policy for any -set of
capitalists to Invest their money
in an Industry that stsrts oat with
the avowed purpose of selling rails
oheaper than the price now paid under
agreement, although tbe ezouse is offered-that
improved machinery will
lessen tbe eost of production: for the
mills operated by the combination aro
fitted up with the latest patterned ser
vice, which can not possibly in this
agn be improved npon, and even at
that, nnder the schedule- per tou re
ceived at trust price, the combination
is not earning any dividend;. Lastly,
if there were any possibility of the dis
ruption of tho Steel combination
through tbe cut in prices as the out
come of the now mill at Youngstown,
as apprehended in the Pittsburg die
patch, the news surely would have
reached the officials of the Lackawanna
Iron aud Steel company, not one of
whom Las heard a whispor about it.
Tbe Spring Brook Water company,
in wbicU Governor Wutres aud ex
Congressmann Amorman of this city
nre interested, is to have competition.
Tbe name of the competitive concern
is the Consumers' Water company of
Wilkes-Barre. This company's capitul
stock is $40,000. divided into forty
shares. The directors aro E. T. Lonu,
Thomas English, E. B. Long, B. F.
Mahoney and George 11, Butler, tho
latter of whom ie treasurer. The
charter of tbe Campbell Ledge Water
company has also been filed, formed
for furnishing water in Wyoming and
Lickawauua valleys. The capital
stock und directors are the same as
those of the Consumers' Water com
pany. The business of the company
will be transacted iu Wilkes-Barre.
Tbe company intends getting its water
(roin the Susquehanna, above Camp
bell's ledge, near Pittston, and will ex
tend its pipes to all tho towns along
the line, east and west side, as far as
Wilkes-Barre. It will be pumped into
a large distributing reservoir.
Siystho Philadelphia Trass: 'The
first series of weekly experiments
which the Traction company will make
with the creations of ambitious trolley-fender
inventors, was made yester
day on the line of the Erie avenue
branch, Thirteenth aud Fifteenth
streets lines. Two fenders were tried,
bnt tbe experiments were decidedly un
satisfactory. The first fender tried
was one of heavy iron ecreeniug bent
us a ecoop and attached beneath the
car to the wooden guard in trout of the
wheels, A dummy, of scarecrow mien
aud sanl intorior, was laii on the
track a hundred feet or so in front of
the car. The car c ime whirring nlong.
Tbe body was struck by the guard, a
screeching noise was made as the car
came alonr, and the poor dummy was
dragged for fifteen or more feet. Had
t been a living in in at taa beginning
of the experiment, an ambulance and
a corps of physicians would have been
necessary at the end. The spectators
then boarded the car for a trial on the
road. Several times load bumps were
heard under the car, but no attention
was paid to them, When Broad aud
Erie avenue was reached and the test
about to be repeated, ic was discov
ered that the fender bad been
badly twisted up, probably by con
tact with a stone on the road. The
party boarded tbe car and returned to
the depot, tbe inventors crestfallen,
bnt full of explanations. Another test
will be given to this fendor next Thurs
day afternoon.
The second fender tried consisted of
two portions, a series of loops of strong
wire jutting down iu front, and an
other s Ties of loops attached to a
beard, in frout of the wheels, standing
out horizontally, and about two inches
above the ground. The first experi
ment was conducted in tbe depot. The
dummy was scooped np by tbe rear
loops, but was carried along and partly
dragged over the ground. When the
dummy was laid bead on towards thi
trolley or. the whRck with which I be
fender hit the head wonld have caused
a fr.icture of the skull at least. It wue
determined, however, to make a street
trial. The car proceeded up Broad
utreot to Venango street, and there the
J u in in y was laid ou the uneven B.d
v;i n blocks svrfuce. The ear shot to
ward it, there vtvs it wbil of noise, mid
in a whirl of duet the dummy was
dragged over the Belgian block.
D.atli, or horrible mutilations would
ha.i-3 boon the fate or a human bin,r
nad. r eimilar circumstances. Wheu
the dummy was pulled oat from nuder
the car it was dissoversd that several
of the loops had been twisted and torn
way. A promisingfenor, constructed
on n V Bhnped plan, with the top ot
soft rubber, will be tried next Thurs
lay." The priucipal descriptions of pig
ron produced iu Great Britaiu in the
lint hulf of thu year 1894 were as un-l-r:
forge nud fonndrv 1, WW, SOS
Hematite 1,578,585
Spiegel and ferro 58,7.i8
basic iron 131,070
Totals 3,008,270
It is stated that a considerable quan
tity of biisio iron, and probably 40 000
tons of rplegsl and ferro, are included
under the bead of betnatete; but this
does not, of course, aflaut the general
It Is given out that Dr. Daniel B.
Starrncca and Edward Bnrus, of Car
bondale have bought of Patrick Burua,
of Clinton,, a forty acre traet of coal
and timber land near Forest City on
tbe coal road. It is part of the Peter
Roker traet which was purchased some
forty years ago by John Burns.
Mikoh Industrial Notes :
In September the Indianapolis & Yin
cennes brought into Indianapolis 1,'JSO car
loads of coal from mines on Its lines.
The Daily Railway Times, published in
New York, has discontinued publication,
assigning as a reason that it did not pay.
Both Wagner and Pnllm an coaches will
be bandied on the Delaware. Lackawanna
and Western's new through Hue to Chicago
over tlie JNickol 1'iate.
Tbe winter rates on iron articles went
into effect in Centre! Trafllo association
territory Oct. 1. On carload lots there is
an advance ot cents por 100 po nnds.
The Pennsylvania In the first nine
months of this year, has carried 10,895,710
tons of coal and cuke, against 13,040,103 in
the corresponding period of 18U3, a de
crease of 2,714,447 tons.
The net earnings of the Wabash for
Angust were $420, 60S, an Increase over
August, 1303, of $123,640. The net earn
ings since January 1, were $1,601,822, l
decrease this year ot $329,724.
A new cuoola will be put in operation at
tne Delaware iron Works, Hew castle,
Del., today. The works are busy on
trolley poles, with a prospect of continu
ing in active operation nntu next spring,
Tbe managers of the Philadelphia, Read
ing aud New England Railroad company
have notified the employes of the road tliat
the 15 per cent, redaction in wages, which
took effoct last February, re
stored Nov. 1. i j.
Johnson & Swartz's furnltnre factory at
Allentown has started in f ufl blast. They
have received some big orders and expect
to work over time. About forty haAds will
be employed. Tba factory has been all but
idle for many months.
The Lake Erie and Western shows an in
crease in SeDteniber ot nearly t4,Oi)t) in its
gross earnings over September, 18U3. The
last quarter of the mouth of &itember,
this year, although one day hhorter than
last year, shows an increase of 128.
The New York, New Haven and Hart
ford, which iucluden the Old Colony linos,
is again talking of potting on a four hour
train betweeu New York and Boston. To
make this time a train must run fitty-3ii
miles an hour, stops to be deducted.
The wave of returning prosperity, hns.
it is said, reached tho mill district ot Mau
uyunk aud though there ure ye: many op
eratives out ot employ men t, the cheorlal
rattle of the loom is becouiiug more in ev
idence every day, aud prosyects for gen
eral resumption ot business nre brighter
than at any time for more than a year
past. '
Stocks end Bondi.
New Yoiik. Oct. 5. There was a mate
rial falling off in the dealings at the Stock
Exchange today, the irausactlons having
amounted to only 160,045 shares, of which
37,001) were American buger, 27,000 tSt.
Paul, 22,000 Chicago Gas, and 20,000 Bur
lington aud Quincy. The dealings lacked
the excitement which has characterized
the trading in Sugar and Chicago Uas of
late and the only feature to speculation
was tbe evident desire ot the shorts to got
back tbeir contracts. The bears have been
badly worstod in Chicago Gas and us a re
sult nre less confident of tbeir
position iu the other stocks, . notably the
Grangers. The latter were In demand
throughout and scored gains cf to ls
percent.: St. Paul advanced IK to Gi'lL
li. Q. Hi to 74. Northwest ;'' to 74. Iu the
industrials Chicago Uas and Sunr were
stronger, (ins ranged between 73" and
74,V, closinir at 7.18- Sugar sold at
Mji, to 8i" and left off unchanged at
85u. The market closed 11 i m and 1 to
Vi per cent, higher.
Theranae of vefterdav'siirlces for Iheao
tivo sioekn cf tlio New York stock market aro
civen below. Tne quotations are furnished
Tim TuniL'NK by l. du B. Uimniick, niana
Bit of William Linn. Allen & Co., stock brok
ers, 41- .v.iruce ttreet. bcrautoii:
Opua- ai.:u-
am .
Am. Cot, Oil
Am Sugar. tl.
A. T. & S. i 0
Can. Ho
Chespcako& Ohio... hijii
Chic. Can 4
Chic & M. W MH
c, b. & q :m
C, C.C. Bt. I.
C. M. A St. Paul.... Ul6
Chicaeo.H. I. & Pac. li0!H
d. & a
D. , L. & W
74 U
u. u. r :"j
4. E. Co,
lib. Cent
LakeKbore Vi'i
L. &N fi.jj
JMeb. Cent..
Slum. Pan 2
Nat. Cm-dago l!u
Nat. Lead 311
Now Jersey Cout...ll-l
N. Y. Central Km
N. Y. & X. E 3e4
X. Y., L. E. & V
a. v., w. a w 4ii'i
N. Y., S. & W., nr.. 4o
54 mj
II ill
nortn rac...
North Pac. jr
lo4 ln4 . I'M
Phil. & Reading..... lfs I'
Rich & W. P 1SK 1S.4
T.,C.S I
Toms Pac W$ I'M
CnionPaclllc T L!!
Wabash "" ....
Wabash pi- 14kJ U'4
Western Union 68 ti
Onon- HiKh- Low- Cloa-
mi;. el. est. log.
Oct ,
7 2n
7 55
12 50
12 70
a i4
7 35
7 00
, 5im
, 5UJ4
7 30
, 7 0)
12 73
. 12 7J
51 4
7 6.1
12 (10
12 70
Scranton Wboltsale Markst.
Dried aoclos per pound, ejiaio. : evap
orated apples, lOallc. per pouud; Turkish
rrunes, 5a5;c.: cugltsh curraut Ja'JJic;
layer raisins. ifl.iual.W: muscatels, 9i.oia
1.40 per box; new Vnlencias, bare, por
14KANS iMarrow-iats, f-.on per ousnei;
mediums. (l.TUal. 75.
rEAS Green, fl.lsal.20 per bushel; split,
I2.50a2.00; leutels. ft tofc. per poena.
Potatoes 65 to 70c. tier bushel.
Onions liushel, 70 to 75c
Butteh 17c. to 23c. por lb.
Cheese 01 lic. per ponud.
Ecus-Fresh, l'Jn20c.
Meats Hams, 12kc; small hams. 13c:
skinned hams. 14c; California hams,
9c: ehonlders, 6'lle.; bellies, 10Wc; smokod
breakfast bacon, 12Wc
15c: iusides and knuckles, lOVto. Acme
iliced smoked beef, 1 pound cans, $2.45
PoitK Mess at f 17: short cnt, $i8.
Larh Leaf in tierces 10'; in tubs
lo?c.: In 10-ponnd palls, like, per pound
5-pound pails. HMc. per pound; 8-pound
pails. UXt. per pound; coinponna lard
tieroox, 7?ic; tubs, 8c; lOpound palli
8)liC. per pound; 5-pound pails, ho. per
nouuil; S-piuina pails, 83ic per pound.
floor Minnesota patent, per Barrel.
M.0(ia4.2 ; Ohio and Indiana amber, at
(3.25; Graham ut $3.23; rye Hour, at
I ked Mixed, per cwt., at $1.25.
Giiatn Rye, 05e.; corn, Oil to 03c; oats,
38 to 45c. per bushel
P.Y' Stiiaw Per tou, $!2al4.
N.w York Frrduce Market.
New VonK, Oct. 5. Flour Dull and
weak, freelv offered.
Wheat Dull aud lower, closing steady
No. 13 red. store and elevator. 55kc,
nfloat, C554'c: f.o.b., 50a50"ic; unrradod
red. 50a50c: No. 1 northwestern. oHiic.
optioua closed steady at c. under yester
day; December and May most active
No. 14 closed, October, 5S4c; November
BOc: December 57cj March, CUC
aiav 02Jc
corn Dull, unsettled; lo. 2, 67)658o,
eievator; 57 J;57Xc. afloat; No. 2 white,
57,'i'a 50c; options closed weak at )ic down
Vti dull; Slav inactive; October. 60);c.
November, 5UgC; Decembor, 544; May,
Oats Dull and firm, options moderately
active; easier; October, 32;c; JNovomoer,
83Kct December, 84Hc; May, 9VAc.
No. 3 white, November, 8ic; Spot prices
No. 2. 83MB830.: No. 3 white. 30a30c
No. 2 Chicauo, 83ka: No. 3. 3214c: No,
8 white. 85Wn35?o. ; mixed western, 83U
a34c; white do., 35n31lc. white state, 85a
Beef Inactive: cnt meats quiet and
easy; dried beef easy; pickled shoulders,
6Wc: d ckled bams. Uinl0.c
Lard Oniet, lower: wentern steam, $7
citv. 7c: October, 00: January. $7.80,
nominal; refined, quiet; South America,
$9.00: compound. OWnOc
Pork Quiet, steady; old mess 114.75a
15.25: extra prime. I13.45al3.50.
Butter Quiet and steady; rest weak
state dairy. 14u20c: do. creamery, 18a
254o; Pennsylvania do., )8254o.; western
dairy, 13al7c; do. creamery, 15a2flc; do,
factory, 12Hal54c; elgins, 2Cc; imitation
creamery. lealOc Juno creamery, 2Ua2.ia
Cbkesb Quiet and uuohauged; state
large, SalOXc; do fancy white, 8al0c; do
colored, SolOc; part skims, 4u8c; full
skims, 8Wc s
Eoas DnlL largo supply, weak; state
and Pennsylvania, 18a20c; ice house, 15
10kc; western fresh, lTal'Jc; do ice
house, 15al5c; lime, lOj-t'c a
Philadelphia TaUow Mark.t.
Fbilapelpfia, Oct. 0. Tallow is dull
and weak. We Quote: city, prime, in
hogsheads, 45ic; country, prime, in
barrels, 4c; country dark, la barrels,
434c; cakes, 6c; grease, 4o.
Review of Pictures, Living or Other
wise, Caught oa tbe Rlalto,
He Thinks the Playwright is Lean
ing Toward Cynicism and Sermons
Rather Than Creative Work Will
iam Winter's Greeting to Tim Mur
phy Manager Laine's Excellent
Bookings at the Frothingham.
Notes of General and Local In
terest. I or the Saturday 1'riLune.
Heaven save w. after this: "George
W. Loderer ami William M. Dunlevy
are to be partners iu a forthcoming; pro
duction of a play written by Edmund
K. Price. It is entitled 'In the Ten
derloin.' The purpose is to bring upon
the stage tho woncs from the various
noted renorts that make a background
for the night side of life in the cele
brated Tenderloin district of New York.
Old hati n ts of vice such nsTotn Gould'H,
Billy Memory's and 'Tho' Allen's will
be scenically reproduced. Gould, Mc
Glory, Alien, George Appo, tho green
goods man, and the old Harry Hill will
be in the company. It is said that one
of the recently-deposed police captains
win aino strut before tlie lootiitfhts in
the piece. The tour is to begiu, ac
cording to present arrangements, in
Philadelphia in about a month."
Nym Crinkle thinks the present ten
deney of the playwright is toward cyu aiui sermons rather thun creative
work. "The American people are
more deadly iu eurnest with life than
any other people on earth," he fays,
iney are not sitting in ine parquet of
existence to sneer at the abiding veri
ties or to clap their hands at the push-
ing hollowness. When they are tired
tney win luugli at the absurdities or
cheer the jovialities, but the moment
you begin to jibe the et-stsntials upon
wuicli they bave built their homes
they yawn. The cold-blooded nihilism
of such w it as Oscar Wilde's is ns for
eign to the American temperament
and character as elephantiasis is for
eign in its glandular system. Every
man and woman in America- who is
willing and able to work expects to
nave a home it he or sue hasn't gotoue
already. When, therefore, a sneeriug
cynic of Fleet street, who never lives
outside of a shop -house, or a boulevar-
dier ot Pans, who defines virtue to bo
a cocotte who is faithtul for six weeks,
undertakes to sprinkle an American
audience with his Klitterlug views
of life, the American, audience
is sensible of being bored by an
undue amount of impudence and con
ccit, and cannot for its lite see why it
should pay $1.50 for a literury pin Uzz
tliat can be picked up lor nothing
any Bohemian resort. The amount of
this sort of thing is sullicient to war
rant the suspicion tliut I he smart fel
lows are all trying to outdo each other
in brilliant aua reckless bitterues. A
play was once an occurrence. The ef
fort now Is to make it a conversation
and a conversation with strychnine in
it. There is something deeply inter
esting in this cynical attitude of the
current drama, because it is undoubt
edly the reflection of a critical and not
ol a creative epoch. It Is bringing to
tlie front the clever, not tho procrea
tivenian. Tho best of the English
(Iiamas that ure now snapped up do
not reverberate the best aspirations,
the deepest sorrows, (he fiercest wrongs
or the perennial gladness ot the imi
glish people. JNeither lis laith nor its
failures, ils stress nor its triumphs
come leaping into evidence on the
boards. Onlv ils follies. Itsevery-day
heroes who die working and hoping
have no ellleieut chronicler, instead
we get its wantons, ils adventuresses,
its court fools ami its smart imbeciles,
And the clever Mr. Crinkle brings
proof that the great muss of peoplo
(lon't like them.
'11ns is how William Winter erects
Tim iuui'iihy's new stellar aspirations:
'The name ot 'lim Murphy Is more
suitable lor a tin whistle thau to till
the resounding trump of fame, and so
is Henry (.iuy Curleton's play of 'Lent
Kettle,' which lie has fashioned for the
guilekss Tim. It must remain a mys
tery why tins amiable person named
Murphy, chiefly known on the stage in
a part of small importance in a furce of
Himll Importance, 'A 'lexas bteer.
should ever have imagined that he had
sullicient equipment of talent or power
or ciiarm to sticce en as a star. "The
Old Homestead' is not poetical. 'Shore
Acres' remains close to the sea level,
Neither play fours, but both give faith
ful pictures of New England' farm life
which have gained extensive popular
ity. 15tit 'i.em Kettle' 111 com
purison with either 'The Old
Homestead' or 'hhore Acres,' has the
barren and murky uir of the woodshed
rather than the fragrant breeze of the
meadow. It is a simple play for a
simple star, but both are too simple
'Tim' Murphy smacks of old Sol Smith
Russell. Tliereisauuirked resemblauce
iu aspect, manner, movement and
speech, but Mr. Murphy's acting Is by
no means equal to tbat of Mr. llussell
lu true ouaintneHS aud drollery. The
best that can lie said of hi;n as a star is
that he is mild and iuoficnsive. He not gleam. He rarely twinkles,
His light is pule, like that of the watery
moon, uud, moreover, it eauiy lacks
Tho same authority says of Crane'
new venture: "The player of Falstalf
in 'The Merry wives' has a much eas
ier task than he who attempts the part
of the histories. Mr. Crane realized
capitally the jovial temper and the
rich, oily humor of the character, and
he showed that he luul studied and ex
cellently mastered the details of the
knight's nature, tastes, habits, bthav
lor and appearance. He was free aud
broad in his expression without being
at any time vulgar, auu he lnuicaiea
FalstaQ's self-indulgence and overfed
appetite without any approach to
coarseness. It was altogether a Btudi-
oub and appreciative embodiment,
careful idea to carry out the poet's in
tentiou, aud an entertaining portrait
ure of an interesting and fascinating
personality. Mr. Crano has, moreover.
find the good taste not to make the
play a mere opportunity for tbe exhl
hi turn of a star. There are some long
scenes, and pleasing scenes, too, lu
which he does not appear at all.
One of the bookings of Manager
Laine, of the Frothingham, which will
attract great interest is a two-nignt
engagement of thoMarle Tavary Grand
Opera company, with I3u voicesstrong,
It will appear here after the holidays,
This company, in Pittsburg, the other
day, gave Leoncavallo's tragic two-act
opera, "I Pagllaccl," with Tavary,
Guille, Mertens, Warren aud Schuster
in the leading parts. The new work
as been given but a few times in this
country. The opera, it is sold, is in
tensely dramatic, and tbe libretto con
tains numerous recitatives, making the
demand on the principals most severe.
Marie Tavery. in this Pittsburg en
gagement, replaced Emma Mariana in
the rust as Neuda, owing to the indis
position of the latter, and rendered the
do with spirit and finish. Bignor
Otiille was received with much favor
as Cunio, his superb tenor lieing heard
10 excellent ouvautage. Mr. Mertens,
as Touio, gave an adequate rendition
of the character, and the others in the
cast were worthy of praise. Three and
iour curtain cans at the end or each act
testified to tho complete success of the
performance. The concluding part of
he programme was "Cavalleria Itus
ieana," that picturesque and ingeni
ously tuneful creation of Mascagui.
Then Uorre, Signor Guile, William
Mertens, Dora Scott and Sofia Romani
comprised the cast, which, according
to all accounts, was one of the strong
est ever heard on the Pittsburg stage.
II !l II
To illustrate the scarcity of theatri
cal work iu the summer time. Hurt
Clarke, who plays Colonel Sandusky
Doolittle in "In Old Kentucy" in such
an inimitable manner, tells this story:
An actor with whom he was well
acquainted called on his doctor and
as,;ed: "Will you do me a favor?" "I
suppose so, if you don't ask too much."
'it's something easy. Now. I've got
a friend that's playing a good part and
ve unuers turned htm. He hasn't
been feeling well f ,r a few days, and I
induced him to come and see you.
He'll be around here tomorrow. Now,
I'll tell you what I want you to do.
You make him think he's about to die
unless he takes a rest. Do you see? If
you give him a little dose to help him
feel sick it wouldn't do any hurt. As
soon as he lays oil' I can fill in a week,
at least, and make some monev."
'You wouldn't ask nie to deceive a
patient or give;him something to make
him sick?" "Of course I would. After
ward I'd tell him about it aud he
wouldn't care." "I'll think about it."
The doctor refused to be a "good fel
low," however, and the unemployed
actor has not felt kindly toward him
There will bo hut one "Princess Ilou-
nie" company on the road this season.
The organization, embracing seventy
people, and including f rank Daniels,
'J en no re Alavo, .Lillian Kwain Marion,
Will M. Armstrong, Robert Broderick,
Joseph Greeusfelder, N. S. Buruhaui,
JMabeiia uakcr, trances ltnsseau anu
Mountjny Walker, will make a tour of
the principal cities of the slate of Penn
sylvania. At the conclusion of the tour
the company will play long engage
ments in Boston, Chicago and Aew
York. The present enogoment at the
Broad Street theater, Philadelphia, is
limited to four weeks.
I! II Jl . '
FooTLiQirr Flashes:
Vernona Jarbeau has joined "The
Passing Show."
"A Trip to tbe City" Is the title of
Neil Burgess' new pluy.
Joseph Jellerson Is to revive "The
Cricket on the Hea th."
Oscar Wilde's uew comedy is said to
have no social problem in it.
fc-ara tfemiiarut is going to piny the
"Second Mrs. Tunqueray" in French.
Sardou's annual income irom the
royalties on his plays amounts to f 150,
000. It is said that Wilton Lackaye has
become the husband of a Milwaukee
Elita Proctor Otis proposes to star
jointly with Frank Keenau iu "Oliver
Augustus Thomas has signed a con
tract to write a new play for Nat C.
Oscar Wilde has just completed a
new play The title has not yet been
made public.
Anna O'Keere, long with De olf
Hopper,1s to pluy and sing a boy's part
in "lion uoy.'
Alexander Salvinl ban adapted
comedy Which is Called "The Student
of Salamanca."
Augustus Thomas signed a contract
with Nat C. Goodwin to write that ac
tor anew play.
Jeaunettc tit. Henry, long with De
Wolf Hopper, has " becu engaged
by Pauline Hall.
Hubert wiiue, ot tue uinan Kusseii
company, wa9 Hissed ou the opening
night in London.
James T. rowers has been engaged
by Charles Frohman and will be starred
in "Tho New Hoy."
Now it is announced that Mrs. Lang
try will sail for this country Oct. -7, lo
remain until next June.
tieorge F. Marion, the comedian, hat
married Lillian Swain, late of the bud'
Uomie opera company.
Miss Fannie JUee has purchased the
rights to Frank C. Drake's one-act
, "Hoseberry tslirub c."
Wilson Barrett will open his season
at the American theater, New York,
Nov. 0, in "The Manxman."
The play called "Gossip" recently
completed by Clyde Fitch, has been j
purchased uy Augustin uaiiy.
Felix Morris will oiieu his season in
Syracuse on Oct. 15 with .Ralph Ltnn-1
ley s new ptay, "ine uest iuau."
Richard Uolden and "Old Jed
rrouty" are continuing to reap a big
harvest of dollars iu New Englaud.
Marie Burroughs begins her tour at
Detroit, Oct. 15, with the first Ameri
can production of "Tho Scapegoat."
Francis Wilson will tuts season pity
the only oue night stands since the
organization of his compauy in 1880.
Richard Mansfield has made ar
rangements with Lorlnier Stoddard to
produce his version of "Napoleon Bona
parte." nenry irving anu tsir Artnur suin
van occupied boxes on the occasion of
Lillian ltussell's debut at the Loudou
Sarah Jewett, long the leading lady
of the famous stock company at the
Union Square theatre, mourns the loss
of her mother.
Edward E. Kidder Is writing a new
play for Sol Smith Russell aud nego
tiating for the production ot his war
play, "Among the Missing."
I'reuericK warue nas purcuaseu a
play by William Geer Harrison, en
titled "Ruunymede." ltobiu Hood
and Mariou Lea are leading charac
"The Case of Rebellious Susan" is
the name of a uew comedy from the
pen of Henry Arthur Jones. It will
bo first presented by Charles Wyud
hain. It is said that Crintie Palruoul has
been otl'ered for next season the part of
Falstall", now being played by Louis
James iu the Wardo-James combina
Alexander Salviul begins the rehear
sals of his new romantic comedy, "The
Student of Salamanca," at au early
date. He expects to produce the piece
The elder Coqueliu has engaged to
appear with Sarah Bernhardt at the
Paris Renaissance, and will make bis
,1., I,,, 4 V, ...... Hn 1...! ., L2nni. ..!....!..
1 uuul bucio so i- tuBiau. qhibu uiaviuu
P.l ITol ' '
tnuvi..a,, ,
W. H Pruno will mnitmia "Tim
Merry Wives of Windsor" for four
five week., when ha will hrinn- out
w " "
play by Paul M. Potter, entitled'
''The Pacific Mail."
Madeline Pollard has wisely aban
doned her intention to become a star
actress. She is said to be writing a
book on her experience with Congress
man Breckinridge.
Pauline Hall appears to have made
a success in her new operatic comedy,
"D ircits," the book of which is by the
Piiultoiis, wl h inusio borrowed from
Ofli'iibaeh, Flotow, Hirschflcld. etc.
Anuie Russell will make her reap
pearance on the stage, after several
years' absence, on Nov. 15, at Palmer's
theater, New York, iu the principle
role in Sydney Grundy's comedy,"The
New Woman,"
J. W. Shannon's excellent work is
recognized by the critics wherever
Rose Coughlnn's compauy appears. It
is rare to find a man who is at the
same time a capital actor aud a skillful
stage manager.
It is practically settled that Olga
Nethersole, Marcus Mayer's new Eng
lish star, will open her American sea
son at the Fifth Avenue theatre in
New York utter the close of the Lilli
putians' engagement.
Miss Julia Marlowe (now Mrs. Ta
ber) once told a friend that she would
be the most unhappy girl in the world
if she thought for a moment that she
would not one day get married and be
contented, just like the girls who do
not come out before the great public in
tbe arts,
The Princess Ronnie Opera company
of seventy people will make a tour of
Pennsylvania at the conclusion of the
four weeks' engagement nt the Broad
Street theater, Philadelphia. The tour,
which will be initiated at Harrisburg
ou Oct. , will include Wilkes-Barre,
Scrantou aud all the important cities
111 the state. This is a rattier serious
undertaking on Mr. Spencer's part, In
asmuch as his company costs him
clo?e to $4,000 a week to run. The pro
duction will be given in the one night
stands in the same manner as during
the famous Philadelphia run. Frank
Daniels, Lillian Swain Merion, Elean
ore Mayo, Wiliium Armstrong and the
entire compauy will appear in every
Let Railway's Heady Relief be used on
the first indication of Fain or Uueaslneu;
If threatened with Disease or SlcUneis,
the Cure will be made before the family
doctor would ordinarily reach the house.
to twenty minutes Not one hour aftor read
ing this advertisement need any one SUF
For headache (whether sick or nervous),
toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago,
pains and weakness in the b.i-k, spins or
Kidneys, pains luound the liver, pleurisy,
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th application of Kodways Keady Relief
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I Summer Complaints,
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A half to a teasnoontul of Ready Rollef in
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urated with Keady Relief plsced ovr the
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I Internally a half to a tvaspoonful in half
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cure Cramps. Spusins. Sour Stouiacb.Nausea,
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j Internal pains.
Ualarlain III Various Forms Cured and
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1 that will cure fever and a cue and all other
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by RAUWAY'S Hl.Lv. so quickly as RAD
Travelers should always curry a bottlo of
Rad way's Ready Reliof with them. A few
drops In water will prevent slckuem or pains
from change of water. It It better thau
French brandy or tiitti ra as a stimulant
Miners and lumbermen should always be
provided with it.
Price 60 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
Perfoctly tsstelosa, elegantly coatod, purge,
reifnlato, purify, cloause and atreuctuun.
RADWAY S 1 ILLS for the euro of ail dis
j orders of the btomocii, Bowels, Kidneys,
I Illadde-, Njrv-ius Diseaiei, D zzineas, Ver
1 tlgo, Costivouet-a, Piles,
Observe the following symptoms resulting
from diseases of the digestive organs Con
Bttpatiou, inward piles, fullnoss of blood in
tbe head, acidity of the Btoiuacb, nausea,
heartburn, disgust ot fooJ. luilness of weight
of the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or
fluttering of the heart, chok ng or suffocat
ing sensations wheu in a lying posture, dim
ntas of vision, dots or webs before the sight,
fever and dull pain in tbe h ad. deficiency of
Derspiiation, yellowncHS of tbe skin and
yes, pain lu the Bide, chest, limbs, und sud
den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh.
A fowdoeesof RAD W' AY'S PILi.B will free
the system of all the above-named disorders.
Prloe X5c per bos. Sold bv druggist! or
sent by mall.
Bend to DR. RADWAY ft CO., Lock Box
W6KJNew York, for Book cf Advice.
Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mill La
feme county Pa and at WU"
Diington, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District,
118 Wyoming Av Scranton Pa,
Third National Bank Buildlnfr
IHOH. FORD, Pittnton, To.
JOHN B. SMITH ft BON; Plymonth. Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkfls-Barro, Pa.
Agents for tbe Kepanne Chemical Com
pany's High Explosives.
i . . n
I , i PAPToR VVII.t.B . i
or l?pr?Pred to receive summer boarder anu
a ,?"2".rJ -niu..i-
" 1 rhu luwuifr rnuiMi
Torturing DisfiRurine
Skin Diseases
CrnnjEA, the great skin cure, Instantly allays
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mation, permits rent and sleep, uenls raw anil
lrritateil surfaces, cleanses the scalp of cnun
and scales, and restores the hair. Citiccba
8oap, the only meilicatnd toilet soap, is inilli
ponsuble in cleaiiain;; diseased surfaces. CtTi
CL'UA llicsoLVENT, the new blood and skin puri
fier and crdiitcst of humor remedies, clcanwt
the blood of all impurities, and thus removes
the cause. Hence theCCTiecKA Rehediks cure
every humor of the ekin, scalp, and blood, with
loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula, from
Infancy to age.
Bold throughout the world. Pries, CuTlctnu,
&0c; Soap, lie; Kn-wLVRNT, $1. PottkrDbi
and Chsm. Coup., Sole Proprietors, Boiton.
How to Cure Skin Disease!,' mailed free.
eetis and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
U. E. CItOFUT Proprietor.
1'HIS HOUSE is strictly temperance, is new
and well furnished and UPEN'KD TO
located midway between Uontrose onl Scran
ton, on Montros9 and Lacltawaan Railroad,
ix miles from D.. L, ft W. R. R. at Alford
Station, and Ave miles from Sluntro-n; ca
ia"ity, eighty-five; three minutes' walk f rora
VS. K. station.
Altitude about 2.000 foet, equalling In this
1 espect the Adirondack and CaUkill Moun
tain Hue groves, plenty of shale and bsantiful
sconei-v, making a Summer Resort unex
celled in beauty and cheapness.
Dancing pavilion. win;s, croqnet gr onrjdj,
Cold Sprlug Water and plenty of Milk.
Itntes, ST to SIO per week. SJ1.60 per
r.xrurslon tickots sold at ail stations on D.
L. ft W. lines.
i'orttr meots all trains.
Stand at the Head.
For thirty years
Dueber Watch Cases
have been endorsed by
every prominent dca
lcrinthcUnitcdStatcs. Tbo Dueber trado
wark in this country,
and tho Hall mark iu
Encland are a guaran
tee of rure metal. 17-
Jcwcl Hampden move-
nni. 111 Dueucr cases
stand nt the head.
If your dealer does not keep our watches mnll
.'..,.. .ml wn will vend you llm
liarne of a dealer who does. This Cuk
Watcu WOaJtBi Canton, O.
DKITEB BHOE Cf)., IWp. Capital, l U WW.
Thisl. adieu' Solid Freix Doal KMBH
ton Boot delivered free anywhere ly the u-S-t-
receipt or cue, sobj ww,
or Peaul Note for (lAO.
Equals every way the booU
eold in all retail stores toi
iiW. We make this boot
ourselves, therefore we mr
anttt thejtt, fflis and mr
II any one dot satuiiria
4I1 Mfiinft tlut miiacM
or nd another pair. Opera!
00 or loraraon snw,
widths O, D. E, fc EK
1 to s ana aai
Sin J your titr
I vitlfit ye
Dexter Shoe Co.,
anvroN. MASH
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THE GREAT 30th Day.
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Young men will retain their lost mi
men will recover their youthful
HE VIVO. It quickly and surely r
nens. Lost vitality, Iinpotencv. Mil
Lost Power, Failing Memory, Waal
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not onlv cures bv Btartiua at tho se
is a great nervr tonic slid blooirt
ing back tho pink alow to pal-
storing the Ore of youth. It i
and Consumption, lusitt on hsv
other. It can be carried in vest
1.00 per package, or six tor 86
tlvo written guarantee to
lie money. Circular tree, aau
I0YAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River 3
For sal by Matthews B
Seronten , fa
1 a
1st Day. n JT'S 'tafjk
18th Day. S'