THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER C, 1894. 5 4 A pure cream of tartar; powder. w 1 "Pure" The true composition i manufacturer:-,. You know vh Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avonuo mm If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. Williams k McAnully 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. School teachers will be paid during next week. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, 2 p. m. Et. Aloyslus cadets will meet at St. Thomas' college Sunday evening at 7:30. Evangelist Ucbiverea will preach at the Elm Park church Sunday morning at 10.80. The holy communion will lie celebrated in St. Luke's church twice on Sunday, at 8 a. m. aud 10.30 a. m. A marriage license was granted yester- Jay by the clerk of the courts to John Connolly and Anne Harrington, of Scran- Plans for the new high school sewer, with an esti mated cost of t810, have been prepared by the city engineer's depart ment. f Rev. P. J. McManus has been elected (resident of the Green Ridge Library as bciation. Rev. W. F. Btahl, secretary, and ar. Etarke, treasurer. Today will be the last opportunity of eelng the Willett and Thome company at )avls's theater. They give a very enter- aining variety performance. A writ of replevin was served yesterday t the instance of the Singer Manufactur- 1g company for a horse and wagon, valued 1 170, held by David R. Thomas. A sight reading music class for children fill be formed by Tallie Morgan at the cranton School of Music, 402 Lackawanna ivenue, at a o'clock this afternoon. I Workmen employed by the Economy 'team Heat company yesterday began to ly steam pipes into the court house for he purpose of beating that building, The city companies of the Thirteenth jgiment will participate in the parade at lingbamton on Tuesday next, the day of ! io cornerstone laying .the Commercial ' ravelers' home.' W. H. Hills, of Pottaville, one of the ading organists of toe state, wili give an j "gan recital in Scranton at an early date. r. Bills is a nephew of Messrs. Hills, the ilebrated ortran bnlldnrs nf London. ,nd. " The alarm from box 51 last night about 1.80 o'olock was caused by a Are upon the remises of John Schsuer, Brook street, te South Side. The cause of the fire was oknown, and the loss is covered by in- irance. J1 icretary F. W. Pearsall will eive a in talk to Christians at the Railroad de- rtment of the Young Men's Christian ociation, 55 Laokawanna avenue, to- krrow afternoon at 8.45. There will be cial music. Professor F. E. Wood treated the stu Jnts of the business college yesterday to iae on toe street cars, and points of in- t-est in the city were visited. The fcrks of the Scranton Stove company. Dunmore, was inspected. the Keystone Social club of the North d met last nleht at the armorv of Com. nay H, Providence, for its first meeting. -a neuin iurran aiscnargea me aatle pianist and Professor George Taylor ed as instructor. io many complaints have been made of i crowds of spectators about the ge buildings in course of construction, t uuuuing inspector nelson nas bad ns posted to the effect that sidewalks st be kept clear of idlers. lome of Scranton's best talent are to ttcipste at the M. E. church on Sun evening. Lovers of sacred music will well to attend, as there is a special rt made to make this occasion the best most worshipful ever held in the ch. The sermon will also beesne- oi interest. le case of Michael Connollv. who Is nn I Dan ior an aeirravatea laseauit noon lael Bickell and William Schaltz about veeks ago. was informally discussed Iderman Fuller's yesterday, when the ppai parties interested met. An en It was made to settle the matter My, but no settlement was arrived Lrick Fritsche, a brakeman on the are ana Hudson rai rnnii off a train near Green Ridae last put 7:30 p. m., and was conveyed vuinuuB uuspiuti wnere it was (at he snstalned a fracture of the . niscne lives at Carbondale, iported to be resting ! t 't night. 1 Tm THM1al urst Baptist cburoh all next and song service beginning Ipreachlngat 8 p. m. Rev. Mien of Newark, N. J., will ii ur vuuiui unnng tusse ser IHommedleu la an eloanent clally in the evanmtllitln tar nim. meetintr of tha tin wun.u VI ay because a nnornm . lot present. The report of r unggs snows that dur- tntre were lis deaths: Ilea, 88; not stated, 10; total ear so far, 1148. Births, ll r$v aisv ,V .1 JT1 ,'1 II ii-.. nn B m trjm mm and "Sure.': M ; published on every label, information not given by other it you are eating when you use Cleveland's. dilates, 29; diphtheria, 10; typhoid, 10, aud icarlet fever, 9. The Florence mission wishes to grate full; acknowledge the following donation for September: Mm. V. H. Hallstead, E. (i. Brooks. E. N. WluVd, W. H. Pearce, Aiiss Meycrol, Mies M. Has tie, Aroca: MUs A. K. Sanderson, Miss Mary Bpeece, Pitta ton; Coinsumera' Ice company, Mrs. Feid ler, F. P. Price, Mm. Olliver, Mrs. Amanro, Scranton Republican, Scranton Times, .Scranton Tribune; medical attendance, Dr. Dean and Dr. Conneli. Miss Bertha Powett, daughter of County Treasurer D. W. Bowett, recited at an entertainment Id Carbondale Wednesday night. Her work was thus commented upon by the Carbondnle Leader: "Miss Powell is a charming young lady whose natural gifts have been heightened by long training in a recitatiouist's role. She has admirable command of voice inflec tions and fncial expressions and her se lections of "Virginlui" and "The Burn iog Ship" were roundly applauded. Ow ing to a cold from which she was suffer ing, she was unable to respond to the demands of the audience for a third time. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, 2 p. m. Fabst's Milwaukee Bker, cool and sparkling, at Lohnian'a, Spruce street Ladles' Day at Russian Bath. At the request of physicians and ladies, arrangements have been msdo to give bathB to ladies on Tuesdays from 8 a, m. to 0 p. in. Private entrance through Owens' cloak parlors on bpruce street. M. J. Parcel, proprietor. MODEL STORES. The Departments of the Lackawanna Association Marvels of Completeness. Few people about the city who are not acquainted with the establishment have any idea of the magnitude of the business of the immense stores of the Lackawanna Store AssoeUtioD, limited, sitnateJ at cornor of Lackawanna and Jefferson avenues, To people ac quainted with the eoneeru, however, and to the wholesale trade the status of the "company store" Is well and favorably known. A trip through the Various depart ments of the store cannot fail to con vince one that it Is one of the most complete and most admirably arranged establisbmenta of the kind in the eouu try. The four main departments may be entered from Lackawanna avenue. The lower store next to the new office of the Laokawanna Iron and Coal company is to devoted to dry goods, dress goods, notions, gents' fnrnisbings, etc., and is replete with a large stock of the finest fabrios in its partiealar lines. Stepping from the dry goods depart ment one enters the grooery store which contains an immense stock of first-class groceries and canned goods of every description. The next store is devoted to hardware and miners' supplies. Boots and shoes are also sold ou this floor. Directly over the hardware and boots and shoe department li situated the of fice of Mr. James S. Mott, general man uger of the store, and also of the sontb store and grist mill, On this floor may be found an immense stock of ladies fine shoes of almost every description, inciaaing buivp, Turners and otrjer well known mukus, and a comfortable room for those who desire to order shoes by special measurement direct from the manufacturers. In fact there is scarcely any style of shoe made that is not fonnd on the shelves of the com pany store shoe department. I he third floor is devoted to sheet rubber packing and leather belting and is used as a general store room, also for supply stock for all departments. The oasement is used as an immense store room, where the heavy groceries, mine supplies, etc, are kept, and directly back of the store is a most complete lie house and cold storage rooms for the reception of vegetables, batter, etc. A large water pipe runs throueh all the departments, which are heated bv steam, and fire pings are situated at various points, with hose attached ready for instant use, muds to connect with city fire hose it neeesssry. Throughout the entire establishment a spirit of good order and cleanliness pre vails, and the manner in which the business is conducted tbrouehont re flects great credit upoa the manage menu Uenest weight, measurement and courteous treatment are guaranteed to all. Goods can be returned and money refunded if not satisfactory. This store whs started when Scranton was a village and has grown with the city. The employes of the Lacka wanna Iron and Steel company have received all the benefit possible, but all are welcome. An inspection of the building and contents will prove the above. Ladles' and gents' fine shoes of all styles at the Common wealth shoe store. SCRANTON IN 1896. That Will Be the Cry of Deligatse to State Endsavor Convention. A special meeting of the Scranton Chris tian Endeavor nnlon was held at the ifoung Men's Christian association rooms yesterday, when It was decided that the nnlon forego making an effort for holding the convention of 1S95 in Scranton, I oat, much as there was a lack of accommoda tion for holding of meetings, and espe cially as tbe nnlon of V-.rk, Pa., where this year's convention will be held, Is pre paring for nearly 8,000 delegates outside of others who will attend. Efforte will be made, however, for hold ing the convention of 18M In Scranton, and the delegates will be iustructed ac cordingly. The Scranton delegates will I0e,,,?r2,"h1 w,tn bdBa1 'Woranton, 1800," for the purpose of distribution among other delegates at the convention. Can We Be of XTse to YonP Some business or processional man comes to ns almost evory day for clerical ueiu. We have now a young man with five years experience as bookkeeper, a yonug lady, good penman and bright, for posi tion as bookkeeper, a pleasing young man, good address, will make good collector and assistant bookkeeper. No charge for our services. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand, F. E. Wood, Principal. ''A, " N , ladles. Cloning out rnssett, oxfords and russett dlucbers at reduced prices. Also ladies' bog, foxed, congress, razor toes, pretty styles. ' A. C. Nrrrurrow St Co., Commonwealth building. OF Social of the Electric City Conclave of Hep tasophs. Gi;:::3 and members affiliate Spirit of Good Cheer Reigned Su preme in Music Hall Last Night, Where an Excellent Entertainment Was Provided The Affair Was Completed with a Tempting Colla tionSomething About the Prin ciples of the Order. That tbe Improved Order of Ilepta sopbs know how to have a good time themselves aud share their festivities with a large number of friends was shown by the entertainment given tn Mnsio hall night under the auspices of Eliotrlo City conclave, No. 295. From tbe opening of an interesting programme at 8 o'olock until the last sandwich and swallow of ice-water had disappeared In the early hours of this morning the jovial feeling of good-fellowship did not falter nor the halo of welcome grow dim. One of the most commendable features of the eveuing wits the faot that the Hepta sophians were anxious to share their good time with the guests who equalled the members In numbers. The main hall was deeorated with palms and ferns and filled with mem bers and guests, while the following programme was rendered: A SPLENDID PROGRAMME. Overture. . . . Professor Guth and Orchestra Address.... F. L. Brown, Supreme Archon Chorus Sorautoa Leiderkranz Violin Solo Fred H. Widmeyer Vocal Solo Fred Muller Selection Orchestra Presentation of Orgau, By C. G.Boland, District Deputy Organ Solo Professor Albion Korn Cornet Solo Professor Guth Remarks. J. Elliot Ross Vocal Solo William A. Kelly Village Bell quartette Gordon Morgan. Watkiu Morgana, Fred Evans, Daniel Hughes, Tbe appreciation of the audience is perhaps sufficient criterion of the ex cellence of the entertainment, whioh was followed by a discussion of a tempting array of edibles in the rear hall. COMMITTEES IS CHARGE. To the suecess of tbe evening la all its enjoyable features tbe following well-known committeemen materially contributed: General committee C. L. Swartz, H. J. Collins, H. E. Yost, George Kirby. O. Zang, F. Kapmeyer. Reception committee M. K Sando, George Wahl, F. Thompson, H. J. Collins, T. J. Lane, Thomas Holtham, Dr. E. J, Pierce. Refreshment committee L. P. Ziedler, H. U. Hopewell, W. A. Kemmerer, A. L. Martin, W. B. Carr, G. H. Eaaterle, Considerable Inquiry has been madeof late owing to the growing; nrominence of Heptasophs, its aims and what tbe word means. As Supreme Archon Brown stated In his address, hepta means "seven and soph means "wise," and Heptasophs applies to the seven wise men. Its principles includes fra ternity and an insurance death benefit. Of tbe Electric City conclave Frank Ibompson is past archon; M. F. Sando, arcnon; Henry J. uollins, provost; ur. hi. J. Fierce, prelate; C. L. Swartz, secretary; u. u. xost, nnanolal secre tary; George Kirby, treasurer. The fcranton Business Coll sire. New students have entered every day this week. A large number joined on Monday. The growth of the night school Is re markable. All (trades of students attend. There are men studying reading, writing aou aruumaiic; scnooi teacners pursuing tbe higher branches of etudy, stenog raphers taking bookkeeping and book keepers taking stenography. An addi tional teacber was added to the foroe on Monday evening. Tbe last two days have brought reqneets 1 rum OU8IUOB8 wuu ior oiuce neip. uae lady began yesterday and another will en ter upon lier duties Monday next. Some positions we were unable to fill. None bnt competent students will be recouv mended. Much interest is manifested in commer cial law. Night students arrange to tome in on rriaay aiternoons in order to hear tne lectures. The college office Is always open. The $40,000 School House for Columbia avenue has been let and will do commenced immediately. There are sim a lew iota lert at a low price. ARTHUR FROTHINOHAir, Office. Theater Lobby. DIED. WILTSHIRE Edward, a 11-montha-old son of James and Sarah Wiltshire, BID Larch street, died on Thuradsy night. Funeral tomorrow afternoon at the Green itioge evangelical cnurch. iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiuiimiiiiii I THI3 COUPON I IS Worth 50c. I S To teat tbe bonents received from advertising in Tm Tmbuik, I will m uw wo. ior mis coupon. Kaob Cou 5 pon requires the purchase at one time or merchandise amounting to SG.0Q or mm over, (snuar excepted). S LSigned k Q. COURSEN. nuiiiiDwiiuiiJuiuniiminnniiunji NEW CANNED GOODS Early June Teas 13c., Snear uorn iae; $loo per dozen, wortn m.uw. importation, Aspsranus.'l ips. French Boneloaa U wl i. u i C' . . i. a ii i a ... hub ovti., rrniuu ouruinrs jJ. 10 Yokohoma Tea 85o. per lb., 6 11. for 11.00; New Oolong and Japan TeaaftOo.. Faaov CWv Inn fT aji- 1 I 1. (.... ' vw vm m WVU AIWi Ue till PLEASURE EG. GOURSEH 429 Lacka. Ave. DO You want any thing in the fol lowing list? If vou do, come to the Scranton Cash Store. We have a fine stock and vou know how our prices run: Ammonia, . Chocolate, Butter, Cocoa, Creamery, Crackers, Dairy, Cakes, Baking Pow- Coffee, aer, uulse, Irish, Confection Extracts, ery, aiiJSggs, kinds in Fruits. Green boxes, pails Fruits, Dried and barrels Flour. Cigars, Feed, Imported Farinaceous Key West Goods, and Domes- Fi3h, tic. Gelatine. Cigarettes, Hay, Cheroots, Honey, Capers, Hops, Candles, Herbs. Beeswax, Jam, Par a fine Jelly, and Ada- Lard, man tine, Lye, 4s., 6s., 8s. Matches, and 12s. Molasses, Canned Fruit Meats, Fresh Peaches, Mince Meat, ApriCOtS, NutS, All Kinds Cherries, Olives, Pine Apple, Oils, Strawber- Pickles, ries, Rasp- Pipes, berries, Paper Wrap-Blackber- ping, ries, Pears, Preserves, Plums. Prunes. Canned Yeg-Potash, etabies, Powder, Cat Corn, Peas, tie, Beans, Bice, Tomatoes, Shoe Black- Succotash, ing, Day & Mushrooms Martin's, Canned Fish, Frank Mil- Lobster, ler's. Bix- Salmon, by's and Sardines, Bartlett's. Shrimp. Soap, Canned Meat, Laundry, Corned Beef Bath, Roast Beef, Barber, Chipped Toilet. Beef, Starch, Potted Meat Spices. Boned Meat Seeds, Bird, Condense d Seed, Field Milk, andGard'n Cheese, Sauces, Ta Factory, ble. Edam, Stove Polish Swiss, Ginger, English, Tea, Catsup, Tobacco, Cocoanut, Tanks, Oil. Above are a few of the goods we han die. We have a com- plete stock in each line in some cases 50 kinds in a line and can suit any class of buyer from the highest to lowest All Orders go out as soon as received. AH 1 MARY SNYDER'S SHEET She Made a Noose of It and Tried to Commit Suicide. EFFORT ALISIOST SUCCESSFUL Cut Down by Deputy J heriff Gaffney Just In Time to Save Her Life It Took an Hour to Revive Her De clares That She Has No Recollec tion of Trying to Kill Herself. Miss Marv bnvder. a nineteen vear old girl, attempted to commit suicide at the conntv jail Thnrsdav nlubt aooul 8:30. She was discovered jost In lime to save her lite. Hiss Snyder has been in tbe conntv jail fur the last (our Wdeks. She was committed to await trial for tbe theft of clothes on the West Side. The yon a it woman u snbieot to fits and ber enflbring while ibey lust is said io da areaaroi to behold. Wednesday she bad one of these attacks and the condition of body and mind in wbioh it leit her is ouliuved to be responsible for ber effort at self destruction. MARY QUINNAN'S DISOOVKHY. Mary Quinnau. one of tha orisoners in the jil, was on ber way from the prison Uundty to ber 11 in tbe cor ridor ibnrsday night, when she saw Miss bnvder susnended inside the eell door. She gave the alarm, and Deputy Sheriff Gaffuiy eat Mis Snyder down. ine work or stranealation was well nigh completed and it waa almost an hour before she revived. Yesterday Miss Snyder bad entirely reoovered and ciared she hail no recollection rr Having attempted to tak her life. It is said that she made a aimilar attempt sume time ago in Wilk -a-Birre. BUli L'9ED A BIIKkT. Miss Snyder went about the work of self destruction in a v-ry methodical way. She mads a noose of a sheet whioh she tore Into stripes, fastened It aoove the door or her cell and having inserted ber head iu tbe noose allowed herself to drop. naa sue remained hanging but a short time longer life would have been extinct. J. Frank Slesela Academy of Danoins?. Afternoon socliil for misara. masters and ladies Saturday, Oct. 6. Parents and their menus cordially Invited. Evening class iur taunts ann gentlemen TueaUay evening, wci. v, nrst lesson ior beginners. " Millinery Opening. Priflntf .nil Kottifilnw ri.fnltA. R .mi A n lO.ln Kl .u m - t. . unuituuu juuiu avenue, ricase can ana see our trimmed goods, All latest styles ansa xj. ti. xjeach, ecanton, r. The First Pope. Dr. McLeod. castor of the First Preabv- terian church, will preach on the above topio on Sunday evening in the First Presbyterian chnrcb. This discussion will be the first of a series of Sundxy even ng sermons, which Dr. McLeod will preach on "The Early Years of Chris tianity." T IV npannMil fA. VAalira a .nm L. a - 1 r- . wrui piana pupiis, r or leims, etc., aa lress Ricitard V. Lindsay. bVl Mulberry Street, Or at Powell's Musio Store. WOOD'S COLLEGE NOTES. The college increases in Interest averv day. Thirty-two came this week. The night school has over two hundred excel lent fellows, besides a large number of ladies. Tbe visit to the stove works waa full of pleasure and profit. Messrs. Lansing & Duller treated the students with great courtesy. The foot ball team is well onrnnit'pil. iiorey et note win rurnlsu the suits. Professor Woodls eivinu his oeraonal at- MDiion 10 every aepartment ana his ser vices prove very effective. Extra teachers will be added to meet the demands of the work. The great influx of etndents has caused tne management to discontinue the adver tlsetnenta There are applications enough 10 ou me Dnumng. Fred D. Rutty, Kate Walsh and Alfred Wickbain have secured positions, 424 have registered. Restful to tired toilers, bread made from Pillsbury'e Best I have just received a new line of Cut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in and Bee my new stock. HlRI'l TMI IK TMK CELEBRATED MM PIAKTOO Irs st rrsaaot tt Mwt PopnJar and fnfmmd by Warerarast OppoilteCotumbcallonament, 209 Washington Av. Scrarrton.Pa. DUNN'S Best SetsofTeeth,$8.ool jnoiooiUB the paimeee t'",av.Hna of . teeth by aa entirely new pro- l.,."?i!.?" 1. Kfv w.w.berpy fe!fi l;.:a Jeweler SftT fc" .! 417 Lstkaan sAve.fcjfl asm I HATS S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. ISO WYOMING! AVE. Musio Boxes Xxotaaively. Best made. Play any desired number of runes. Oaatechi & Sons., manufacturers. 1080 Chestnut street Philadelphia. Won. derful orcheskrial organs, only IS and $10. Specialty: Old mnaio boxes oarefally re paired and improved with new tunes. UUIHIIIIIiillllllllllHIllllllllKllHIIIU I WHY I have if our a AND Tinning 5 done by competent work- g S men? We make a specialty 3 3 of jobbing. You leave your a 3 orer; we do the rest. C 2 K m E! BO I H. BATTIN k CO. f 5 120 PI3NN AVEN'UE. B nmimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiisiiiiiiiiiir. 1 ffl'S A fine Music Box at a Bargain. In first class condition. Worth 35100- We will sell it at $35.00. C. S. W00LW0RTH, 319 Lacka. Ave. GREEN AND GOLD STORK FRONT. do you dread Monday washdayt Can't blame you much slop dirt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send your whole family witsh to us every week! Special "FOUND HATES" to families. Write for these terms. Drop a postal our wagons will call promptly. Laundry 322 Ave. Plumbing LWO The Following. 6 TO 8 AT -8K TO UK AT 12 TO 2 AT - Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's School Shoes, not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good Dongola Calf Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace or button; every pair warranted. It will pay you to buy your Shoes at BiLNISTER'S All the latest novelties in FALL FOOTWEAR. glllUIUIUIIIIIIII!IIIUIimilllUUIIllllllll!3IIH!ilUIUIIIIIrlIiniUKmnil!l2 Special Display of BROWN'S 224 LAOKAWANNA AVE. J BOLZ Carries the largest line of and TAILOR-MADE GAEMEUT3 in the city. Come and look through our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. We also carry a large line of MACKINTOSHES Children's Furs, from 1.50 set In our Millinery Department we show the latest in French Hovelties Have your Furg repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city, 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANE. IN THESE TIMES People want a Brest doal for tholr money. They require good things at little expense. That's Just how THE STANLEY COMBINA TION came to be created. It's an outfit con sisting of a Double-breasted Cost, two (2) pairs of pauta, and the latest style Stanley cap of same material to match. Also extra Buttons with each outfit. Th goods are of stylish fabrics, of a most excellent quality especially adapted for service, and we caa Mill you the WHOLE COM HIMATION as cheap aa you can buy the bare suit from other dealers. FOR SALE ONLY BY Clofa, M&rj&. fumisnera OUE COESET FITTER, MISS STOUT OF" NEW YORK Will remain until Saturday of this week to accommodate those who could not be fit. OS LAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. $1.00 1.25 1.75 Special Display BEE HIVE! females, ou. Contagious Eiimunuunuiiuiinitnm