THE SCBAKTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 6, 1894. Norton's New Store 115 Wyoming Ave. (Old Republican Building. ) Entire New Stock received since the fire, which destroyed all our stock in the old store, Lacka. Ave, Miscellaneous Books, in cloth and leather bindings, single vols, and full sets, suitable for wedding and other gifts. Choice Stationery for social use. Mercantile Stationery, all sorts. School Books and School Stationery. Blank Account Books, all sizes and all styles, from Penny Book to Bank Ledger. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books. All the Popular New Books, in cloth and paper covers. RUPTURE Can be curtd by simple treatments and the truss thrown aside in a short time. No detention f rom buslnesi . A safe and radical cuie for every variety of hernia, by a new method. No charge for consultatl n and examlna- SCRANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO. (LIMITED.) 203 WASHINGTON AVE. GOOD BREAD USB THE SHOW WHITE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. V AMUFACTTJBED AND FOB BALB TO THE TBADE BY The Weston Mill Coi EEW1RE OF COUNTERFEITS I THE CENUINE POPDUB Punch Cigars HAVE THE IWITIA13 Ca B. & Co., ImnrWJnaaofcJBJfJft Garner, Brown & Co. M1V1. tUUUT bUUAHK. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, ME and THROAT 406 Spruce Street. Offles Honrs: j ! 19 TO 11.1 9 Tii S Tha Long Dltar.03 Telephones. Following is a list of those who have been recently connected on Metallio cir cuits with Long Distance Telephones, tneir numbers are given, although a new list or subscribers will shortly be issued: No. 28'JO Dr. Gardner, Residence. " 8563 J. W. Pellio, ". 4473 R. Q. Brooks, " jfctiSii Dr. Wentz, ' ' 8213 E. G. Coursen. " " 2204 P. 8. Page, Contractor of Electrio itanways. " 4J42 Academy of Music. 11 9?i Broad Fruit Company, oysters. " 73 H. Battin & Co., hardware and plumbing. " 6194 Jones Brothers, Grand Union Tea company. : " 8073 W. E. Pmith & Co., general store. oioa uity uiera. " 963 Dime Deposit and Discount Bank. " 2420 Anderson's Pay Station. " 4944 P. F.& M. T. Howley, plumbers ana gas niters. " 2203 P. P. Smith, attorney-at-law. ' 6164 City Engineer. 11 8102 Reere & Long, bill posters " 2424 L. V. K. R. Co., ticket and freight omce. " 1482 Armour & Co., dressed meats. " 962 E. Berlowitz, stock broker, " 4154 Nurse's Register. " 4014 Ucranton Republican Club. . " 8606 S. O. Akerley, meat market. " 8104 W. P, Joyce, meat market. " 8283 J. J. Gorman, plumber and gas ntter. " 8762 J. H. Bradshaw & Co., oysters ana clams. " 2423 Highriter's Lanndry and Shirt Factory. " 6812 Terrace Hotel. 11 4014 Republican headauarters. " 6343 Rev. C. E. Robinson, residence. " a. w. Kingsburv. resiaenoe. " 872 Merchanta' and Mechanics' Bank. Kiss Hard.nbirgh's Pianoforte SohooL A thoroughly high-grade school for the study of the pianoforte, harmony and all branches of musical theory and interpre tation. A special tralnlns course for teachers: also special training given children, 437 Wyoming avenue. J. frank ol.g.l'. of Dancing. Afternoon social for misses, masters aod ladles Saturday, Oct. 6. Parents and their friends cordially Invited. Evening class for ladies and gentlemen Tuesday evening, (Jet. y. nrst lesson ror beirlnn.ra. 1 I foe to Dyspepsia WONDERFUL S Harveloas Exhibition of Bis Powers Hut He Gave Yesterday. EXHIBITION AT THE WYOMING Medical and Newspaper Men Exam. Ine the Layers of Muscles That Coyer His Body Lifted a Two Hun dred and Fifty Pound Man as if He Had Been a Child -He is Assisted by a Splendid Company. Sandow save an exhibition of his wonderful strength t the Frothing- bam last night. There is little donbt that he la the strongest man In the world and he is moreover perfectly and symmetrically developed. Liaet night be nrst save an exmoi- tion of the marvelous layers of muscles with which his body is covered, and then made the mnsoles of his arms and logs dance, conelnding by toying with a 3u0-pound dumbell, turning somersaults with a CO- EXHIBITING CHEST MUSCLES. pound dumbell in each band and doing tome remarkable work on the Roman column. Hia closing feat wai the holding of three hordes on a banrd placed uoross hia chest. THE OTHER PERFORMERS. Sandow is assisted in th perform ance by one of the best vaudeville com panies ever seen in this city. Nothing in the line of bleb kicking siien here approaches tbe work of William Lnci tor, and tbe aerial work of tbe Jordan ftmily and Dunham on tba bars and flying trapeze was remarkable. Auiann. a clever Impersonator: Billy Van, the wall-known blaok-face aou eilian; Tom Browne, whistler, and June Chantenae. were loudly applauded for their fine work. It is not often that snob a eollectlon of vandeviile artists are fonnd together. The com pany will appear at tbs Aoadeniy again this afternoon anl evening. SANDOW 8 PRIVATE EXHIBITION. In bia parlor at the Wyoming daring yesterday afternoon bnudow gave private exhibition of hia wonderfully developed pbysiqa before an andlence composed principally of medical and newBDaper men. lie had just returned from a bicycle spin and alter a moment in hia private apartment appeared be fore bia critical audience with bis nppsr body node and wearing knee bicycle trousers and corded stockings. He nrst showed tbe oontraetioa of tbe principle muscles of tbe front and back whiob were more than wonderful and daring the remainder of the ex hibition the bsantyof bis development to tbe individual eye appeared In its svmetry and nniformiry. Neither bis arms nor legs are exceedingly large but were perfectly rorrma. When not contracted the muscles felt to the toncb as smooth and pliable as the elcin of a child, whieh condition, phyal cal experts say, should appear la a healthful body. . does not resemble any other strong man, but represents rather tbe ordinary mun of good mor ala. His neok, for instance, while not abnormally large, showed the faint tracings of small round mnsoles al most unknown in the medical profes sion. ALMOST A PERFECT MAN. Tbe chart of Dr. Ssrgont, the noted Boston physical critio, shows Sandow's development to exoeed Dj per cent, and none of the former's anthropome tric machines were strong enough to register the athlete's mnsoles. He is 27 years old. weighs iiUU pounds ana has a chest expansion of loarteea in ches. He began a system of exrolae wnen eignieen years or age, ana is a firm believer taat no man oaa be nesitny witnont it. tie never has a cold, and attributes tbs fact to the eold shower batbs whidh always follow his exercise. ' A praotioal example of Sandow's great strength was shown daring the private exhibition. He rested his right band on tbe floor and Manager Laine, of tbe Frothingbam, who weighs 250 pounds, while standing rigidly on tbe athlete's palm was lifted with tbe one hand to tbe level of an ordinary taois npon wmon air. juaine was safely deposited. Tbe feat was performed essily. ihose present were Drs. B. H. Throop, Dolan, Fisher and F. C, John- sob, representing the Wilkes-Barre Record ; E. R 8tnrges, W. R. Storrs, Physical Director Weston, of tha Young Mns Christian association; a. a. Pratt, ot Wilkes-Barre; Arthur Frothingbam and Mr. Laine. John E. Barrett and James O'Connor, of the iriun; uapiain maay and J. J. (Jamp bell, of tbe Times; J. F. Mitobell, of ihb Tribune, Sahdow has ascepted an Invitation to be present at the Yonng Men'e Christian association gymnasium boy s oiass at it o cioeg mis morning. Was A SICKLY YOUTH. Sandow says that in bis youth he was ratbsr delioate, and that he did not begin to develop bis wonderful strengtb nntll be wss eighteen years of sgs. He now tskes little exeroise save what he obtains in tbe stage exblbl tions be gives. It is bis opinion thai ANDOW no man can be healthy who doss not exercise, and he belisves that the work of body building can bs undertaken an to toe time a parson, it sat yeara or age. Last night after his exhibition he plunpod into a eold bath, In which he remained for half an hoar. THE ORIENT TRANSPLANTED. An Enterprising; Hotel Froprlttor Gives Els OoHti a Taat of Eastern Luxury. A new idea in the wav of hotel lnxurv has just fceen introduced by E. N. An able, of the Westminster, Sixteenth street and Irving place, New York. It consists of a beautiful little smoking room furnished in true oriental fashion, to which the guests ot both sexes repair to sip their after din ner coffee or liquors, thus permitting the inveterate smoker to enjoy the company of his fair companion while indulging in a posi-pranuiai cigar or cigarette. About this inviting little salon there hovers nil the languorous charm of the Orient. The sensuous enjoyment ot the hour, the per- inme or tne cigar, the aroma of the coffee, are increased by the subdued bsrmonv and richness of the surroundings. The room is softly lighted by tiny electric globes, whose red silk shades suffuse it with a warm, roseate glow which blends harmoniously with the rich Turkish drap eries and exquisite colorings ot the soft cushioned divans and luxusious armchairs. Low tables carved in Egyptian pattern are scattered about, holding match boxes and ash trays of polished brass. At the far ther end of the room Bmall standards sup porting candles, whose soft light shim mers through scarlet Bilk shades, are half hidden among pain trees, giviug a grace ful finish to the artistic whole. ine innovation bun met with the en. thusiastlo approval of the gnests of the Westminster. Every evenine the apart ment is toe garnering place or all wno are socially inclined, and the scene presented are ray and charming to a degree, and unlike anything found in any other hotel in New York. SHOOTING OFF THE TIES. Those Who Woo Frizn at Clan Clubs Tournament. At the base ball park yesterday the ties in tne great . pigeon sweepstage matcn shot last week were decided as the first number on tbe programme in yesterday's vents under the auspices ol tbe Ureen Ridge Gun clnb. For fourth prize there were nve ties ana it wm won oy Joiin Hughes; for fifth prize there were six ties and it was won by Will Anuaman; the Bixtn prize, two ties, was won by John Coyne, and the eighth, two ties, was won Dy uuaries uaroner. The shooting off of ties began at 10 a.m. aud was ended at noon. Then the first sweepstake match was started, for which four prizes were offered 110. 130. 120 and $10. The following shots were entered H. D. Swartz, F. M. Spencer, T. J. Eley. George H. Maddox. Richard Grimes, W. G. Fry. Sim Davis. Dr. J. W. Honser. A. C Monies. Robert Wallace, Robert Clayton, John Hughes, Charles Gardner aud William Davenport. Seven birds nbiniKUb nuiv buuu nu ninety nuu on.i,a, dim Davis, Hughes and Gardner killed seven straight. Thev divided the first prize among them. The second prize was won by r. Al. spen cer, who shot 5 out of 7. The third was di vided among T. l. Eley, A. C atonies una Robert Clayton. The fourth was divioed between William Davenport and W. G. Fry. At this point tbe match between ex-Sheriff Charles Robinson and Alex, Dunn, jr., was called np, bnt Mr. Robin son did not respond and the match was awaraea to mr, uann tnroogn aeiauit. Tbe terms or tbe match were sau a siae, each man to shoot at twenty-nve pigeons, Tne match becween C. l. Aladaox ana C. C. Stackhonse was won bv the former, The final event of the day was another sweepstake, in which tbe following were entered: H. D. Bwarts, E. Glover, Sim Davis. R. Grimes. G. Maddox. Walter Jer mvn. A. C. Monies, W. G. Fry, J. W. Honser. a. Klauminzer. mem Marsn, ir. It was for a purse ot 141.25. divided in the following percentages: One-half, 3-10 and 1-5. Tbe first prize was divided among H. D. Swarts. Sim Davis and G. Maddox; the second between Walter Jermyn and Clem Marsh, Jr., and the third was won by A. C. Monies. SOUTHARD SOLO THE HORSE. He Will Have to Explain at Court Why He Did So. George A. Southard, until recently in tbe employ of the binger Machine Manu facturing company, was arrested and brought before Alderman Wright yester day upon a charge or larceny by bailee. bombard, when in tbe employ ol tne company, leased a hone, and when he went to work for another firm kept the horse and sold it. No defense was entered, and the alder man held the accused in tbe sum of 200 to appear at court, D. R. Thomas, of North tiromiey avenue, becoming nis bondsman. NEWSPAPER MEN'S IDLE HOUR. They Dined with Proprietor Brook to an Oroheatrlan Aoeompanlm.nt. Representatives of the press of the city enjoyed the hospitality ot Proprietor T. Hurst Brock, of the Windsor hotel, yes terday afternoon, the occasion being an orchestral concert of twenty-five selections from tbe masters played by a musical ma chine, which sounds the notes of a full orchestra. The music and good cheer of Mr. Brock's were or the first quality and were keenly enjoyed. City Editor James J O'Connor.of the Truth, thanked Mr. Brock on the part of the newspaper men, and Mr. Brock re sponded in a neat speech. Editor A. N. Leete, of the flews, also spoke pleasantly. Women In That a woman can't run a business suc cessfully Is one of the mistakes of tbe mid dle ages. We strolled into the dental rooms of the late J. a Walden on Sprnoe street and found business rushing. Mrs. Airs, wamen Is ably assisted by one of New York's best dentists, a gold medal young doctor, whose bridge work and con necting of irregular teeth la receiving special attention. J. Frank Sleg.l's Aoadsmy of Danolng. Afternoon social for misses, masters and ladies Saturday, Oct. A. Parents and their friends cordially invited. Evening class for ladies and gentlemen Tuesday evening, uct. v, nrst lesson lor beginners. Dr. Gibbons, of New York city, will be In his Scranton ofilce, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from 8 in tbe morning until 9 in the evening. Buy the W.ber and get the best At Guernsey Bros. Gintlemen's Driving clnb races Satnr- nay, x o'clock- p. m. more rnisburv Flonr sold than anv other brand made in the United States. Saturday and Monday SPECIAL SALE Of Ladies' Trimmed Hats. All new and late stvlea made and trimmed within the last week. n m . - . see winuow display ana our as sortment in show room. Haslacher's Millinery 9k LaNCFELD, Succeeaaa 324 Lackawanna Ave.. HE WANTS TO Evangelist Schlverea Telh Bow God Knocks at the Human Heart. HIS GREAT CONDESCENSION Speaker Asks Why We Should Flee from God Who is Our Best Friend. His Patience Far Exceeds that of Finite Beings Man Is Stubborn, Self-Willed and Sinful, and Does Not Obey. The Sohl versa missions were attended by large crowds yesterday, despite the inslement weather. In the afternoon Mr. Sehiverea delivered a Bible read ing which waa attentively followed. In the evening be preached with bis usual eloqaenoe on tbe words: "Be hold, I stand at the door and knoek, and said: Let ns tonight consider the attitude of God toward man and tbe attitude of man toward God. Note the condescension of God;thiuk but for one moment who is knocking at your heart touigbt. Can yon, my friends, realize that it is tbt great God, the great "I."He tonight is knocking at the heart of tbe oreatnre this momeut begging, yea, a begger. to come in. What condescension. And yet this is the power that yon have refused to obey and have insulted; this is the God who holds your lives in his band. Is it not the height of insanity to rebel against him. If you re bel against him you are like the girl ren dered insane by novel reading and who rnshed from her mother in her insanity to tbe arms ol those who constantly Ill-used her. Why should yon flee from God. your best friend, into the arms of the ruuiseller. yonr worst enemy. Again tbe Savior is loaded with blessings. He doesn't come to damn ns, but comes as our friend loaded with bis good things for our salvation. In the next place note that be says "I stand." bee how bumble, standing at every heart long enough to know that he is there. HOW EARNEST OOP IS. Then again, 'see his patience, not like human patience, which vanishes so quickly, now earnest, also, is Uoa to man. w bat brings all this crowd together night after nightf Not curiosity: that has worn off. Something must attract yon in face of the lays, theaters, ana otner amusements, t is the voice of God speaking to the peo ple. God speaks to tbe people through tbe conscience. i3od Is willing also to forgive. I don't believe in gradual salvation, it 1b instantaneous; It only requires two seconds, if yon will yield yourself to God. out man s attitude to uoa is amerent. Man U stnbborn. self-willed, and Binfui I beg of yon. bear God knocking at your nearts tonignt,you nave Kept mm too long, Let the Master in now I Mr. Weiden then sung "Knocking, Knocking," in a pleading style, and at the same time Mr. Sehiverea urged those who were yet unsaved and who felt concerned as to their souls to stand up. Many did so, and afterwards Mr. Werden sang "Almost Persuaded, while many others stood up. A con siderable number were "preached and sang into oonversioa SCHFVBREA MISSION NOTES. Yesterday's "Scheverea's foreign mission work collection" amounted to over sou, Millionaires and very poorly clad men figured in the service yesterday afternoon. Church members are urged not to at tend tomorrow's meetings, as all the tent is required lor "the masses. Professor Weston has an excellent photograph, taken at the Dickson meeting. The ushers have eoples to dispose. Evangelist Sehiverea takes a course of exercise at the Yonng Men's Christian As sociation gymnasium eaoh morning. Arrangements are being made to hold noon meetings at tbe Academy of Music on Monday, Tuesday ana Wednesday. Sehiverea say that be "is not gone" on photographs and regrets that be eannot supply the demand for a picture of what he terms his "physlog." Mrs. B. F. Jsyne has rendered much valuable assistance at ths gospel tent in relisviug Mr. Weeden from tbe great strain upon him during the past few days. Today's services will be principally mo nopolized by the farewell address to men at the tent at 7.30 p. m. Tomorrow at 3. 80 a meeting will be held at which those who have become converts will take part. An 'inquiry meeting" will be held duriug the service. CREATING NEW CITIZENS. Court Waa Busy at the Task Y.s- tsrday. Tbe court house corridors, conrt rooms and offices of the clerk of courts, prothon otary and sheriff, were beseiged yesterday witn prospective citizens and their wit nesses. Judge Gunster devoted the greater part ot the day to bold naturalization court in the main conrt room, but was unable to dispose of all of the applications during tne regular court Hours ana a special ses sion was bold last night. The greater part of applicants for honors as citizens are Polanders, Hungarians and Italians. Within tbe last three weeks naturalization papers hart been granted to more than 1.000 men. BAPTISTS WILL CELEBRATE. To Commemorate Two Annlv.raarl.s is th. Fenn Avenue Church. On October 10 and 17 the Baptists of Scranton and vicinity will celebrate the one hundredth anniversary ot their denom lnatlop in borauton, and tbe centennial of tbe beginning of Baptist history will be appropriately observed on this occasion. Among tbe visiting clergymen will be Rev. George L. Lorim.r, 1). D., of Boston, rxev. i,awara juuson, u. u., ot new York city: and Rev. W. P. Hellings. D. D.. df Omaha, who waa formerly paatorof the renn avonne cnurcn. At tbe same time the Penn Avenne cbnrch will celebrate tbe tbirty-flftb an nivenary of the organization of their church, which was originally started in Uncle Sam And Twenty Styles Up-to Date Brownies Real Enamel 7 cents Silver Oxidized, o. ,,..S cents Belt Pins 7o.nts The 26c. kind. Rexford Jewelry Co. 213 Lacks. Ave. Scliool Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Photograph and Scrap Albums, Teacher and Family Bibles, Pictures for Wedding Gifts, Qold Pens, Fine Sta tionery and Writing Tablets. PRATT STATIONERY STORE COME IN 319 LAOKA, AVE. the house of Nathaniel Halataad, with twenty-five charter membere. The church baa now over 800 membere. and they will observe this jubilee with grrat enthusiasm. Both anniversaries will be held iu the Peun Avenue Baptist eburoh of this city. VERDICT IN THE PHELPS CASE. Jury Awards tha Land Utentiontd in the Writ to Plaintiff. The case of Isaac E. LaBar against the Greenwood coal company was given to the jury yesterday morning. At 8 o'clock it filed into cour( and asked to havo tbe testimony concerning tbe lease read. It returned again and at 6.80 agreed upon a verdict and sealed it. The jury in tbe case of C. M. Putnam against J. A. Barron retired to deliberate at 8.45 yesterday afternoon and agreed on its verdict an hour later. It will, be brought into court this morning. in the case or Martha a. rbeips against Cornelius Ruddy the jury returned a ver dict for the plaintiff for the land named in the writ. FUNERAL OF HATTIE MURPHY. Btqulsm Hast Oolebratsd at St. Peter's Cathedral by Bv. J. A. O'Reilly. A large number of friends of tba late Miss Hat tie Murphy attended the funeral of that much beloved yonng lady yester day morning from St. Peter's cathedral, wbere the remains were taken from tne family home on Webster avenue. A high mass or rcaulem was celebrated by Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, who also preached sermon from the twenty-third peaim. He toucbingly referred to the model life and angeile disposition of tbe deceased, Tbe burial was made in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery, Tbe pall-bearers ware James McDonald, Thomas Potter, James Clifford, John Moore, Terrenes McCann and Manrice Noon. V. M. C A. NOTES. This evening at 8 o'clock tbe Beginners' Bible Study club will meat in tbe lecture room. All who have recently become Christians are urged to become members of this club, which will meet every Saturday evening. On Sunday afternoon at 8.45 the men's service will be a praise service and will be devoted to songs and testimonials. All Christians, especially young Christians, will find this meeting very helpful, while men of every creed are invited to be present Bneklen's Arnloa Salve. The beet salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bbsnm, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively oures Piles, or no pay required. It It guaranteea to give periect sansiaotion or monev refunded. Pr; rice 86 ceaU per box. For sale by Matthew Bros. China Hall 2 rn o o Q no m CO m 2 H 0) WEICHEL k MILLAR n6 Wyoming Ave. WE'RE OPEN And every shoe in the house is No old We can fit new. stock. your, feet and tickle your purse to the opening point SGHANI! YOTJK SHOE MAN 410 Spruce Street LADIES J ARE BETTER JUDGES Of what looks well on a man than men are. They have studied harmony In color and style, and know what will suit yon. Briug your wife, your sister or some one else's sister, and let her look over those dellghtfnl new things In Neckwear. All grades. She will be pleased and so will you. Prices alike at both stores 412 Spruce and 206 Lackawanna avenue. Christian, The Hatter. 2 YES RECEIVED TODAY Martin & Delaxiy Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. iiiiiiuiiiiKiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiniiuiiiiiisiiigiitSiiiiiaiissiiEiniiDsiiiE1: 11 tm 308 Lacka. Ave. Will offer 4 Great Bargains for the Week I I 50 dozen Men's Natural regular price, 30c, for a 1 case Men's Natural regular price, 75c, for a 50 dozen Children's Ribbed Underwear, in all sizes, worth 18c, 1 case Corsets, in three Corset, for A LARGE ASSORTMENT j Cloak and Millinery Dept. i rslIKIIlI0IIIllUlUllliaUIIC9inilligilllSIUIIIIlilllllll!IIISBItiIIIIiSI13Ull29!9B13l Scientific Eye "On the Fence" Soon be over the season for riding. II you want a Biojrcls now is the time to get it. We are clearing op all stock, and will give yon such a obance as yoa never bad Before. One ot our bargains: A Flr.t class. Hlah Grade 1150 Bioycli for $05. Brine your cash and (JET OFF THE PENCE. CLARENCE M. FLORE Y Successor to Florey ftfiolL S ELF PRESERVATION is the first law of Nature Obey Nature's law by onable Underwear. Also protect your pocketbook by buy-, ing it here. We buy direct from the mills and sell direct to the consumer, thereby saving you two profits. Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, ribbed tail, drawers reinforced throughout; a gar ment reinforced throughout. OUR PRICE, 50c, Men's Fancy Mixed Shirts and Drawers, silk sewed seams, would be cheap at $1. OUR PRICE, 75c. A lot of Fine Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, bought a little under the price. They are ' supposed to retail at $1.50. YOUR CHOICE AT $1 Genuine Australian Lambs' Wool Shirt3 and Drawers, the very best value ever sold. AT $1. 50 See Tbese Goods. ffll GLOTHIE k Ml HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE. Complete Outfitters. S. L. GAtlEN CLOSE UVEXINGS AT 0.80 O'CLOCK. LARGE LINE OB Mackintoshes in Blue and Black Box Coata j Also, a first- class stock of Imported Suitings and Trous erings. Wool One-half Hose, I ... 19c g Ribbed Underwear. ... . 49c. a SM' for . . . 12a up S colors, regular 75c. 50c. if OP N0VELTIE3 IN OUR Testing Free By DR. SHLUBEEG, 01 Tbe Specialist en tbe Ere. Headaches and Ner. vonsntta relieved. Latest and Improved Style ot Eyeglasses and Spectacles at the Prices, Best Artificial yes inserted for 15. 803 8FRCCK ST., Opp. Old Post Office. Matthews Bros; NEW STORE 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now doing a general Drug, Paint anil Oil business at the above location, during thl erection of our store building reoently de stroyed by fire. In EYery Departmsnt. OUR TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 833, All orders promptly filled and delivered to any part of the city. 133 Franklin Av. protecting yourself with Seas Compare These Prices. NEW GOODS 1