12 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MOENING. OCTOBER 6. 1894. HOW? The problem often if bow to be well dressed on little moneyt Looks like a difficult tbiag, bat it iin't- It'i mostly in the buying. Of two women wbo epend the same amount for clothes, one will be well dressed the other poorly dressed. The knack, or the lack of the knack, of right baying does it It'i a knack that can be acquired and cultivated. Theflrit thing ii to find the right atore to boy from. It'i a oommon lay ing, "one woman' money li aa good at another." It isn't true. One woman bnyi here and geti more for her money than the other woman oaa get else where. Money li only good for what it will bay. It ii worth moit where It will bay moit WHERE? We don't believe there'i a better place in Ameriea to buy goods than right in oar etore, Better in the eense of giv ing better valaei and better service we mean, We buy aseloie as we can, and sell as close as we can. In baying and sell ing, we have the interest of oar patrons in mind as well as onr own. Their in terest is ours, for if we do not strive to serve them well, we cannot hope for permanent patronage and that's the kind that pays. We try to gain trade by deserving it, WHEW? Now is the time to begi n to look about for Fall and Winter Goods. In onr recollection there has never been a time when styles and fabries were so beantifnl, or so varied. There certain ly never has been a time when goods were to good for the prices. There certainly was never a time when we hnd so GOOD or so LARGE, or so WELL SELECTED a stock. We are proud of the stock and we'll be glad to show it. Lookers are as weloome as bnyers here. The more people look around and the oftener they come to see us, the surer we are of their trade. Our business is based on solid merit it wilt bear investigation, and the closer it is the better we like it. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St, Scranton. Dr. Reeves is now fully established at 412 Spruce Btreet, Scranton. He bag performed lone wonderful cures and bas gained tbe confidence of tbe public. lie has come to STAY and will remain PERMANENTLY at his bpruce Btreet parlors. He has had long and varied experience in hospital and prtvaie practice and treats all acute and cbronlc diseases of men, women and children. Me girts advice, ser- rnrr fir pusDPC vloes nni examinations lIlLL Ul lIUnUL No one is turned away. He. with his assistants, treat all diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nc.j and throat, dyspepsU, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay in both sexes, temale weaknesses and irregu larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, eruptions, blood poisoning, fits, epi ilepsy, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost manhood, iczema, scrofula. St. Vitas' dance, asthma, diseases ot the Heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc FEMALE DEPARTMENT. The doctor bas opened a female department for those who wish treatment exclusively for ailments peculiar to females, so that those whom "delicacy" has heretofore kept awav may now receive the services of a "lady" whose treatment will prove her ability in such cases. OFFER TO THE PUBLIC FOR "CATARRH" Any one suffering with "Catarrh" who wishes to be PERM ANENTLYand QUICKLY cnri rtmav receive FOUK MONTHS' TREAT MENT FOK ONLY TEN DOLLARS. This offer holds Rood for thirty davs. The doctor has discovered a SPECIFIC for this dreaded dlseaso. You can treat and core yourself and family with it at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment free. Office hunrs: Dally. 9 a.m. to I p. m, Sun days, 10 to 12 and t to 4. Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or steps. Remember the name and number, DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St, Scranton. QARPETS, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Papers. All the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AYE. onr doors above Wyoming House. Mothers! Hothersll Mothers 111 i' Mrs.Wlnelow'a Soothing Brain has bean , need for over fifty years by millions of roomers ror their children while teething, with perfeot success. It soothes the child. softens tbe gums, allay all pain; cures wind collo. and is tbe best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydinggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no outer una. Twenty-Bye cents bot tle. Carboadale. Yesterday afternoon the balloon as cension took place. Tbe soot chosen from where it would aseead was dl reotly opposite the Mayfield house in a voeant lot. The balloon did not go np until S o'clock. Mr. Jewell was in the air about two minutes and descended in his parachute not a great distance from tbe starting pi see. This after noon tbe other of the brothers will per form tbe daring feat. Contraotor John Booth yesterday afternoon finished the work ot grading Terrace street. Yesterday at noon Willie, the year- old baby of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Mc Donongh of Cottage street, had tea pot of boiling tea upset on him, and he was so badly scalded that little hopes of bis rseovery are entertained. The aeoident was tbe result ot tbe little victim's playing with another obild in tbe kitchen. The game of base ball whieh was played yesterday afternoon on tbe blmpson grounds between tbe Simpson clnb and the Alhambras, ef this oity, for a curse of $25, resulted In a quar rel at the end of the seventh tuning. ibe score tben stood 0-0. Miss Hattie Pasooe entertained a large circle of friends to a tea party at ber home on Washington street last evening Miss May Eullosk bas returned from her visit with Forest City friends. siiss Marion trans entertained company last evening at her home on Lincoln avenue in honor of her guests. Misses Blanche and Louise Hull, of Green Ridge. 11 Us Annte Kelly left yesterday lor a visit with friends in Soranton. Daniel J. Robinson, of Fsrn ball, Crystal Lake, was ajplessant visitor in tl.is eity yesterday. Mr. Robinson has ebarge of the constructing of tbe new roadway around tbe lake, and says the work is progressing finely. Born to Mr. and Mrs. 3. . Crocker, of Wyomiag street, a daughter Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Campbell and family ettendedttne "golden wedding" of Mr. Campbell's parents last evening at MinooKa. Mr. and Mis. John Anderson are happy over the arrival ot a daughter at their home. Miss Annie Sweeny, of Dunmore, Is the guest of friends in town. Hush Jennings, tbe shortstop star. will arrive at bis home on North Main street next week. Tbe Avoca Literary and Debating society held its opening entertainment of tbe season Thursday evening. Tbe entertainment opened with tbe society's classloal song, tben followed by a reci tation by Miss Mary Maloney, which was rsndsred In an excellent manner. Next recitation by William Jennings, wno rsspondsd to an encore, xnen a vocal solo by John MoCourtney. After this J. R. George recited two of his ex cellent selections. Tbsn Misses Green and McCrindle pleased the audience by a duet. Tbe journal, the feature of the evening, was next read and created considerable laughter. The next en tertainment will be Held on the 19th inst., when a special programme will oe given. A son bas made bapnv the bom of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sbeehan. Archbald. The John R. Jones Republiean olub will meet in Llnde's ball on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Tbe John P. Kelly club held a meet ing in O'Horo's hall last evening. There was large attendance. Hon. H. T 'Burke, Democratic candidate for the legislature in the Fourth district, made a brief address. The McKinley club held regulsr session at Linde's hall on Thursday svening. There wss a large attendance and several interesting addresses were made. Charles P. O'Malley. the Re publican legislative candidate from this district, was present. Tbe marriage ot Miss Ella Van Doren and Thomas Moine, both well known yonng people, is annouuoed to take plaee on Wednesday, the 17th inst. Tbe grand fair of St. 1 nomas con gregation opens in the basement ot tbe ehurob on Monday evening. There is every proepeet that this will be tbe most snccesstul enterprise ever earried on under the ansploes of the congre gation. Many excellent features have been arranged for oaon evening; large and varied lot of articles have been prooured. and in every respsct this will far eclipse anything ot the kind ever held here. Two Lives Savsd. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, HI., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and that there was no bone for her, bat two bottles Dr. King's New Dis covery completely cured ber and sbs says It saved her lire. Mr. Thos. aggers, lav Florida St., San Franclsoo, suffered from dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried withont result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured, fie is naturally thankful. It is such results ot which these are examples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs and (Colds. Free triall bottles at Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular sise Mc. and II. Hallstead. It is rumored tbat Andrew MeAr- drews will go to Binghamton to live in tbe fntnre. Mrs. Yan Loan fell from the veranda ot her new house on Church street and broke ber arm yestsrday. Tbe Young People's Soolety of Chris tian Endsavor of the Baptist ennroh elected its officers for the ensuing year on Monday evening. They are as fol lows: Presid'-nt, Miss Mary Seotton: Vice president, Miss Jennie Bound ; sec retary, Mrs. John Tyler; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Lawrence. Mrs. Charles Currier is visiting friends in Dalton, Mam. Mrs. M. Cotter, of Elmira, is visit ing ber sister, Miss Anna MoCarty. Andrew Sawyer, who has be-n visiting his parents in Candor, N. Y., baa returned home. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Well so an, of Jermyn, are visitlug at the residence of U. J. Langley, on Front street, Mrs. John Tyler is stopping with friends In Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Irene Hyde, of Afton, N. Y , wbo has been visiting Mrs. John Davis, bas returned home. Annie H. Dunham called on Owego irienas yesteMsy. Mrs. B. F. Smith, of Newark Valley, a. x. is visiting friends in town. For earache, toothache, sore throat, swelled neck, and the reunite of cold and inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' Eelectrio uu the great pain destroyer, ' When Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gavathara Castoria, Honesdale. Mrs. Stone and daughter. MissStone, of New York, who have been spsnding some time with Mrs. John H. Lsrls, re turned home yesterday, The Maple City wheelmen held their first annual ball at the armory Thurs day evening. A large number ot tbe wbewintm wbo attended the races were present and enjoyed the danoiog. Mu- sio was furnished by Metzgar's orches tra. About 10 o clock the prizes were presented to tbe viotorions wheelmen amid mnob applauding aud enthusiasm. The tire en Klilge wheelmen of Beran ton were presented the handsome silver cap for the best sppsaring iolub in the morning's parads. The Wayne Independent ot today will publish the following: "I hereby challenge Robert M. Doun for one mile speeial bicycle championship of Wayne county, time and place to be arranged when challenge is accepted. A prlzs badge will be donated for the event. Answer through Independent. Fred ADittrich." Factory ville. Mrs. Merltt Pddrlok and son Howard, of Madison arena k, Scranton, are tbe guests of Mrs. Henry Reynolds on Maple street Miss Nellie DaGraw, of Ssrsnton, visited friends in town this week. Harry Halatead, who bas been very ill with typhoid fever, is slowly recov ering. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gardner. Miss Loucstta Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. H. V Tonrpe, Mr. and Mrs G. B. Matthew son and a number of others from this plaoe, attended the twenty-third wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Msson at Dalton, Tuesday evening. Fred a. Small is quite serionily ill with typhoid fever. ii A. Capwell, wife and baby left for Indiana Wednesday morning, where Mr. Capwell is fireman on the railroad. Tbey will reside there in tbe future. Taylor. The lecture ot a G. Kerr at tbe Price Library last night was attended by a large and cultured audience. Tbe next ev-nt of tbe association will be on tbe 221, when a grand entertain ment will be given tn tbe rink. jnxi Thursdsy and Friday the cantata ' Mentha and bis Diajbter, will d given. Mr. and Mrs. James Uoodwln enter tained a number ot friends on Thurs day night John C. Richards Is in New York eity. A Ore company is to be organized in tbe Fifth ward. The M. E. ebnroh choir will render special mnsie at Sunday nights services ol tbeeborob. Peckville. Mrs. John Barnes has disoosed ot her property on the corner of Main and Willow street to Jonathan Sebneer, ot Winton. A Fruit social and entertainment will be held at the Grassy chapel next Monday evening. ' Horace Freer moved Into the rooms over Cbancey White. Tbe employes of the Grassy Island Delaware and Hudson breaker were paid yestsrday. Dr. J. W. Beck is visiting at Mill City. Mrs. Julia W. Barnes desires to sell ber household furniture. Anyone In wantof goods in this line will do well to call at her residence, 80S Main street. New Milford. Joseph McConnell is visiting his son. tbe drnggist, in this plaoe. We understand tbat Ualstead is to hsve a new depot. We wish the D., L. & W. Co. would east their west ber eye over this place when they are dis tributing new depots. Charles sabin of Sniqnebanna was in town Wednesday. William Decker, a D. L. & W. brakeman, formerly of this place, fell from a box car in the Hallstead yard reoeatly and was ssverely injured. Cush Cole bas refitted the Isbell cider mill and opened business. Tbe gate receipts of tbe Montross fair aggregated $370, A fine display in all departments is reported. Wyoming. Henry J. Best was at Noxen yester day. William Fowler made a business trip to Duryea and Avoca Friday. Mrs. Joseph McReill is Buffering with tbe quinsy. G. A. Jones, of Wilkas-Birre, was in town on Friday. Frank Nuss wss at Duryea yestsr day. Frank Humphrey has just returned from Tnnkhannock. Old Forge. Rev. J. L. Race wis a visitor tn Kingston on Thursday. a. u. uooper, ot nttston, was call ing on friends Thursday. Mr. Tenant, of Wyoming semlnarv, has been engaged to assist Rev. J. L. T t t . 1 TT ... nacc in nis wore, ne win enter upon bis duties next Sunday. Rev. J. Erwin Rrndhaarl loft tnr Philadelphia ou Wednesday to resume 1 I oil amines Goethe's Visit to Carlsbad. ' There is no doubt that the life of the great poet was greatly prolonged by drinking the waters of the Sprudel Spring. In our day we have the Sprudel Spring Drought to us in the form of Halt, which is obtained by evaporation from the waters of Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. (powder form) is in no sense "a mere pugative, but is an altera tive and elimiuutlve remedy which dissolves tenacious bile, allays irritation and removes ob struction by aiding nature. . It acts soothingly and without pain Beware of imitations. The gen uine article has the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agent, New York," on every bottle. Stroudsburg. Augustus Sharer, u section hand on the Delaware. Lackawanna and West ern railroad, was struck by tbe local rriegbt at Gravel Plaee wbile getting out of the way of auotber engine. Jacob Kinker. n resident of . Jackson township, aged 03, died of old age. ibe public schools are all closed on account of scarlet fever. Harry Traosue, an employe of the woolen mill, broke bis arm last Mon day. Harly Palmer, of this plaee, has two horses entered at the Nazareth fair this year. i red Bahr lost a gray horse from oolic. Linfleld Barton, the proprietor of the Crystal Spring hotel, is seriously ill witn typhoid lever. A competent teacher bas been en gaged to take charge of the bible class to tbs Lutbsran oburcb, commsnolng next Snndav. Tuesday Dr. N. C. Miller and wife. Miss Lou Smith and Mrs. T. F. Hans start to take a trip throngb New Jer sey to Long Branch, Oeean Grove, eta Tbey will return via New York, Pater ton and Washington. annuel Bel lis and Miller, of Uartons- vklln, were put off tbe Wilkes Barre and Eastern railroad train for disor derly oo'idoct They claim they wore not acting rudxly and have engaged Lawyer Lee to bring suit against the con duo tor. Tbe entire board of health examined the school building yesterday and found nothing wrong. All tbe scarlet fever cssjs so far re ported are of a mild type anil are! not spreading. So it is thought schools will resumt next Monlay. Young Mens Christian assooistion elected directors and trustees. The election was as follows : For directors, three years' term George Weaver, Cicero Gesrhart, John S. Brown and Fred Y. Nutt; for two years' terra Anizl B. Wyckoff. VV. H. Taylor, Wil liam Cook and Dr. W. E. Gregory: one year term C. D. Broadtiead, Van C. Peters, W. H Flory nnd Robert Brown. For truitoes: Three years' term F. W. Born, C. G Mott; for two years' term Elmer D. Beardiley, W. A Erduian; for one year term f. C. brown and T. M, Frymire. Sjme very good shooting is shown at the tournament of tbe Gun elub. J. W. Huffman, of New Jersey, hit tbe clay pigeons ninety-nine tiuns out of one hundred. He missed tbe ninety- first one Tbe first earns of football will be played at tbe normal on Saturday aft ernoon, Oct. 6, between Hackettstown and the normal. Vandling. Mrs. Thompson has returned borne after a three months' visit to hsr friends in England. William Farrell, of this place, who was serionsly injured in tbe Erie mines in Forest City, wss removed to Car- boudale bospitsl this morning. He Is in a critical condition. William Case has removed to the Warren lot into a house reoently built by him. The addition to the school house is nearly completed. We expect to have Professor Brennan, of Carbondals, teaching bare next wssk. G-orge Youngs, wbo wot injured a week ago, Is improving. Cbarles Davey is building a bouse for Stephen Fitzpatriek. A sow belonging to Henry Vizztrd hss not rstnrned borne sines a week lest Tuesday, It is quite a loss to him. Robert Burns bas moved into tbe basement of Patrick Gillispie's house. The electric railroad Is improving Main street of Vandling, Supervisors McGirty aud Coughlln are taking tbe steep hill off. Mrs. Patrlek Gillispie is able to be out again, after a severe illness. A son bas arrivsd at the home of ex Constable McHugb. Moscow. A number of young people gave George Fravls quite a surprise on Fri day night, it being tbe last night be fore bis departure for tbe Baltimore Medical college. Mrs. E. Stanley eonduotsd the regular monthly gospel meeting of the Women s Christian Temperance union at their hall on Thursday afternoon. Miss Edna Depew will leave toi'sy (Saturday) for Pottaville to join hsr husband, wbo bas a situation with Jones Bros,, of tbat plsee. Miss Ella Pelton was in Soranton on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Silvester Vangorder and two children, of McKean eoanty, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wardell. Mrs. Malonc and daughter Edna spent bnnday with ber brotber, A. Havenstrite, of North Wyoming street, Carbondale. Isaac Bissecker is on the sick list Mrs. T. B. Howe, of Greeu Ridge, is visiting ber sister, Mrs J. W. Byre. Forest City. The Forest City musical festival will be held at tbe Davis opora bouse Dee. 23, 1894. The following is the programme for the occasion: Chorus (or mixed voices, not less than 60 nor more than 75 voices, "O Father, Whose Almighty Power," Handel. Prize, $150. Male cborui, not leas than 16 nor more than SO voices, ) "The Lord's Fraysr," (r) "Come Uu to Ale," George Marks Evuns. Prize, $10. Ladles' chorus, not less than thirteen nor mure tban seventeen voices, "Arise, GUd Sumrn. r Morn," Leslie. DouMe qaartett-, ''Men ot Harleck," Dr. Parry. Prize. $20. Quartette, "Asn Grove" (Llwynann) Thomas. Prtz, $10. Trio, "God Be Merciful," Dr. Parry Prlz. $9 Duet, (s a) "Song and " Hope," George Mark Evans. Priz. $0 Duet, (t t) "The Two Bares," J. W. Parson Price. Priz , $0. Soprano song, "I Will Extlt The.;" George Marks Evans. Priz, $4 Alto song, "H..W W.ll I Now Re number;" Dr. Parry. Prize, $4. Tenor song, "Shoe Upon the Shore;" Ap Madoe. Prise, $4. Baritone ' song, "Old Lnd of tin Harp;" George Marks Evans, Prize, $4 DELIBERATE SUICIDE. flnkwrst Hgnal "A vote for Repreientatlve Scranton la a vote BRainst tbe sacrifice of home indus tries. A vote for candidate Merrifleld is a leap io the diik." Scranton Tribuni. A leap in the dark I Why, it ia deliberate suicide. With a ballot bearing the name of Joseph A. Scranton the workingman can fui a barrier arouud bis borne tbat will keep out want and give him work the year round. Republican protection means protection to borne, to wife and to child ren. Mr. Bcranton and bis party gives this protection, and be who refuses it Is like a man wbo stabs bis dear ones to the heart and tben commits suicide. In Holland, Mich., G. J. Doeebnry put lialies tbe News, and in its columns strongly commend Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrh aud asthma. . . Mir. Ueo. H. IHetterlch The Plain Facts are that I have had Catarrh i a vi... v. catarrh eure did me any good, but Hood's Bar Hood g Sarsa- sanarllla hatn.H . (TTures Wonderfully Mv ki,a.i ticarcu, sense or smell tv j returning. Hood's Bar- Var AeXiijsasVi wife a world of rood fnr Tk.i TI..J GsoausH. Diettxbich, Bobble, fa. . Hood's Pills are efficient and gentle, sso THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE Wish to draw attention to their stock of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING Manufactured expressly for them. A great attraction 1b our Ten Dollar Gents' Fall Suits and Overcoats They are strictly all-wool, in ail the fashionable colors and shapes and made by good tailors. We offer in our Boys' Department 200 All-wool Suits, sizes 4 to 15 years, $2.85, which are cheap at $5. Two pairs of Knee Pants for 25c. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE. PIQN OF THE BELL. 230 Lackawanna Ave. I2TA11 goods left over from the fire sale, which are damaged by water only, at your own price. Scranton Tribune DEPT. . . D VERY description of Job Printing li in iue uesi style 01 uie an. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point petent men in charge of each branch r .1 vi iue wur.. We do not make a sham show of cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc, printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept IB ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITY. ELGOO POISONS; fdy, safer swnntr.baeM Wr tUHMmtM. rWinprii4 100. mo k IIMraM Inm lir.fnat.nrad.bMkral ftoaBlSp1w tat KnmiTftui, Our Masjle Rorrrady " paHinlrnr.. COOS UalPT Cktac Ul. m job. 'Jiiii'iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiniiuniiiiiiuiiiiuiiiin LEADERS OF LOW PRICES a THE FAIR 400402 Lackawanna Ave, Special attention ia called to out Millinery and Cloak Departments THE FINEST IN SCRANTON. : GRAND THIS GRAND FILL OPENING SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER & r,iiisuiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiunuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuuuiuii5 $5.1 KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.. " - The Greatest Bargains Offered By Others Easily matohsd and discounted Prove it by test The EeonomT wants the people the experienced house, keepers end lntelligotit bnyers to real In this. Tbey want them to come to their mammoth stores and Investigate for themselves. They have stood br the people and with the people for the psst fire years; famished hundred of homes to ths satisfaction of their patrons, and are today the acknowledged leaders of tbe Caeh or Credit HouseFarnishinf Business of Soranton. RSL.IAt3IL.ITV Is the ssnse of thsir (treat hold upon tbe people. When tbey bny from the Economy they know tbey are getting fnll valoe for their money. Tbat ia why the) are popnlar and their business constantly increasing. 4) A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American Onyx Finish, with every purchase of $50 or over. Or an Elegant 100-Piece Dinner Bet with every $75 purchase or over, for Cash or Credit. DISPLAY WEEK. $5.op Onyx Top. New Shape. V(m le