The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1894, Page 11, Image 11

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A Crael Thing, and Yet the Fair and Ten
; der Sex Ienutnd It.
Notwithstanding tho protests of the
merciful and the active opposition of In
fluential women, who disdain a fashion
which Booms to justify so much cruelty,
the slaughter of the innocents still goes
on. An enormous trafflo is carried on In
blrdeklns and colored feathers, of Which
London and Paris are the two great marts
of supply. One famous dealer In London
has been known to receive In one single
aonsignment 82,000 dea Vatamhig birds,
80,000 skins of differont anuutlo birds and
800,000 pairs of wings of different small
and brilliantly colored birds, while a sim
ilar Parisian dealer advertises lor a con
tract to supply 40,000 for ono special
The early importations of fall millinery
are now on exhibition and are, most of
them, exceedingly pretty. A great deal of
velvet is used on them and much lace,
both light and heavy, in whlto, tinted and
black. Moire is beginning to full into the
background, satin taking its place. There
was a time when flowers, evon of silk and
velvet, wore considered out of place on a
winter hot, but fashion flnr.Uy abolished
that notion, and flowers may now be
worn at all seasons, as is freshly ovlddnecd
by these now articles of headwear.
The new felts aro as brilliant and dl
vorso in tints as ore tho gowns with which
they may be worn. Besides various shades
of rose, rod, green, brown and purplo thero
are shown bluet and petunia shades of the
brightest quality. In somo of tho shapes
these colors aro combined with black in a
way that tones them down somewhat, a
hat with a bluet crown having a black
brim with a bluet border, or vico versa.
These two toned shapes will bo apt to bo
more offectivo when properly trimmed
than thoso of solid color.
The Illustration shows a toquo of ruby
velvet. It has a narrow, upright brim
covered with gaipuro. A chou of pearl
velvet, with lace, trims tho front, whllo ut
the bock aro several volvet choux, from
tho midst of which spring two black os
trlch feathery "' " ' "
rretty Things That May Ito Seen In a
Stroll In Furls.
Tho Parisian Is a vivcur, but there is
ono thing ho is not, and that is a shop
keeper, says 'a recent writer on Parisian
llfo, who evidently does not hold to gener
ally accepted ideas. A stroll along the
boulevard soon demonstrates that tho art
of window dressing still leaves room for
improvement. Tho Porisionno never goes
out shopping to satisfy her curiosity, or to
"have a look around," or to kill time, or
"price" goods. Before setting out to make
a purchase she bos exactly determined on
what sho requires. Sho docs not troublo
the young man behind the counter with a
Tugue description of pattern oi) material,
In the search for which he turns over bales
upon bales of goods on tho counter, to be
finally told that tho fair purchaser cannot
at all see what she wants. Tho French
cullcot would not stand that, so madame
enters, shows a small pattern o asks for
exactly what she wants, gets I and re
turns homo, with tho result that persuasive
powers on tho part of the shopman, cheap
ness of price as an inducement to purchoso
and so forth aro not needed, and, al
though keenly alive to tho advantages of
seizing upon a bonne occasion, or "bar
gain," sho docs not give troublo for noth
ing In a shop.
Perhaps it Is becauso tho Porlslcnno has
the dry goods instinct doveloped to such
perfection that she is so ideal a customer.
However slmplo bar inodo of selections
may be, she has a kean eye to the true
money valuo of what she buys, and It
would be dlQloult to overreach her. But
tho chief charm of her gowns is their Pa
risian quality and not their cost. Only
Paris could produce such aoostcmeas that
shown In the sketch, for instance. It is
of myrtle green glace silk, tho plain skirt
being covered half way up with an appli
cation of heavy cream lace. The round
Waist is shirred lengthwise and bos a yoke
of the same lace bordered with a frill of
cream mousscline do sole. Tho balloon
elbow sleeves are finished With a similar
frill. The choox and the puffing that
borders the lace on the skirt ore at silk,
Ilka the gown. -1
Cyclone In Mauritius.
At 8 p. m. on April 29, 18QQ, the Island
of Mauritius had lost its beauty, the
cane Its promise, the planter his hopes
said the gardens their charms. A short
twenty-four hours had sufficed to perpe
trate this end, and fortunate had it been
could the mischief have stopped there, for
the soil s fertility cannot be alloc ted by a
storm, and the soil of Mauritius is pre
eminently fertile and recuperative; bnt
1,100 people had been killed, 2,000 had been
wounded; one-third of the capital had
been leveled to tho ground; thirty out of
fifty churches and chapels had been de
molished or rendered .useless; sugar mills
had been wrecked, crushing mercilessly
men, women and ohlldren Who had sought
refuge nnder their solid walls; every In
dian hut had been blown away, whole vil
lages swept from .Ihejlace where the
stood, and some 50,000 homeless peopTe
were left to seek for shelter and food,
which a few hours before they were qui
etly ..enjoying, through their own exer
tions and labor. Blackwood's Magazine.
Drowning Sensations.
As there is a considerable discussion in
regard to death by drowning, I oner my
experience. I csed to go swimming with
the other lioys, but could never learn to
swim well. Hence, one day, when playing
on some logs that were quite a distance
from shore, I fell off and came near drown
ing. I struggled desperately of course and
tried to swim, but could not, and was sink
ing for the third time when I was rescued.
Just before I had given myself up for lost
everything I ever thought or did seemed
to pass with lightning speed before me,
and it was as though I could separate the
evil things from the good oues of my past
life. Tho sensation was torturing rather
than pleasant, I can assure you. My
brother, who wituessed my struggling,
could never forget the utterly despairing
expression of my face. Alexander AIo
cauley in New York Sun.
Autumn Styles la a Grrat Variety
Weights and Weaves.
Tho autumn Importations of wool and
silk and wool goods aro beautiful and va
ried. In black goods ulono there aro shown
n great number of different weights and
weaves, crepon effects, stripes and figures
being all soen. Plain goods also, henrlet
ta, sergu und tho new waterproof material
called cravenctto n hnrd twisted light
weight stuff that does not crumple are
fashionable, while on entering the domain
of color so largo a flold for choice is open
ed that it is confusing to a woman who
lias not previously decided upon what she
requires. A wide variety of two toned
woolen goods is shown in all tints, fig
ured und plain, woven on the same prin
ciple as changeable silk, while in solid
colored materials covert cloth and serge,
with smooth finished cloth, aro in the ma-
jority. Besides thoso already mentioned
there is an endless show of checks and
plaids, both largo and small, mixed goods,
boncle goods, nud goods with a pattern of
ono color laid on a ground of another.
Thcso last materials aro better for com
bining with plain stuff than for making
up into entire gowns.
Velvet and satin re-employed for trim
ming, molro having begun to decline in
favor. It has already outlived its useful
ness, being of transient beauty and quick
ly rendered shabby by dampness ond wear.
A good quality of satin or peau do soio is
tho most serviceablo of silk goods. Span
gled passoincntcrio has fallen greatly in
price, which may be taken as an indica
tion that it is no longer esteemed by fash
ion authorities. It would naturally do
clino with moire, as it belongs to the same
era of glitter.
A sketch is given of a pretty wool gown
of bluet and beigo goods. Tho skirt has
two largo plaits at tho back and opens
over a panel of bluet velvet. The round
bod loo is crossed In front and confined by
a velvot bolt fastened with a gold buckle.
The bock has two velvot bretcllcs termi
nating in two long onds falling over the
skirt. The vest and rovers aro of velvet,
the latter being trimmed with gold and
black spangled lace. The glgot sleeves are
If You Are Thin, Eat Peanuts, and if Wrin
kled Don't Worry.
Peanuts, long despised as vulgar and in
digestible, are now stated to be a health
ful and valuable nrticlo of food and aro
recommended to thin women as i!u easily
obtained and inexpensive fattening diet.
If you would avoid wrinkles, caro net
only for your skin, but your nerves. Co:i
trol your temper and do not try to havo a
too exprcssivo and vivacious countenance.
Sleep nine hours a night and an hour a
day. Decline to worry. Wear smoked
glasses, instead of scowling fiercely at tbo
sunlight and the water. Refuse to try to
distinguish thinicv ufar off. Wash your
faco In warm watetV'tth pure soap onco a
day and rub it softy with flannel after
Silk potticoats aro to be the only fash
ionable ones this winter, tho necessary
warmth being secured by a lining of silk
or light flannel. Tho faint rustlo of silk,
like the tinkling of ornamonts, is consid
ered by many persons to be ono of the
greatest charms of feminine costume.
Tho favorlto coiffures continue- to be
simple ones, tho hair being waved and or-
ranged in a knot either high or ,low, as
best suits the shape of the head. The elab
orate arrangements seen In hairdressers'
.models are seldom adopted by women of
the best tasto. ' ,
Crocheted thread lace Is still the popu
lar fancy work of the moment. A number
of pretty patterns ore shown for detached
squares, 4 or 6 inches in diameter. Those
squares are often crocheted of tinted oot
ton and are used in curtains and for other
decorative purposes.
.-- Pockets are owning Into fashion again.
Some of tho new capos have them placed
conspicuously on the outside, and thoy
have even mode themselves evident in the
Now that the time of afternoon teas ap
proaches tbo tea eoxy becomes of interest.
The sketch shows one made of smooth
eloth, wadded and edged with silk cord.
The decoration consists of t design em
broidered in chenille ami Uurlhbops.
o o o
Tailor Hade Gown and Stylish OnUide
The now autumn covert cloths aro darker
in color than thoso worn during the spring
and summer, the tan and gray shades of
warm weather being replaced by brown,
groen, olive and wino tones. Thcso and
other worsted fabrics intended for full and
winter wear conibino warmth of appear
ance with lightness and softness. Somo
pretty dark plaids are shown, largo, but in
conspicuous, In two or more tones of the
same colorL while a line of rough, Jooscly
woven goods has appeared, also TTarkT with
a bouclo effect in bright threads on the
surface. Thero aro indications that curly
astrakhan cloth will be used as trimming
this winter. Its popularity usually coin
cides with that of boucle goods.
Tailor made gowns havo a plain skirt
with a silk lining, stitching being, of
courso, the accepted stylo of decoration.
White linen collars and cuffs aro again In
voguo os the accompaniments of these
sovoro costumes.
An nttempt is being mado to rovlvo the
loose sack form in outer garments, but
it will probably fail, for tho stylo is an ugly
and disfiguring one. A much more desir
ablo fashion is that of tho long tight red
ingoto, which shows signs of coming to the
front again. This is ono of tho few gar
ments becoming to both largo and slendor
women. As for capes, they are too conven
ient to bo abandoned so long as large
sleeves predominate, and their popularity
is therefore likely to bo prolonged indefi
nitely. Plain skirts aro still seen in tho major
ity of gowns, although a recognition of the
claims of tho draped skirt is sometimes
shown by means of plaited panels at tho
sides or a lace covered tablier. These de
vices glvo variety, whllo they do not add
greatly to tho weight.
An illustration is given of a costumo of
brown cloth. Tho plain skirt has plaits
nt the sido and bock and is finished around
tho foot with five rows of stitching. A
stitched strap trims cither side of tho front
at tho bottom. Tho plain round bodice
opens over n crossed vest of whito benga-
iino and that again over a cloth plastron,
Tho bodice has a pointed ripple basque
and a cloth belt, from which depend two
stitched straps. Straps also form tho cuffs
of tho cdaot sleeves
Keep the Fingers Rosy, the Feet Warm
and the Ilalr Glossy.
Tho manicure is an institution useful
and proper, but personal attention to the
nails and hand is better. The woman of
good taste has her finger nail cut exactly
to tho round of her finger, matching the
bnlf moon below and just portraying the
tip. It is filed simply to smoothness and
rubbed only to remove roughness and
marks. A woekly polish with the roso
tinted and rose scented salve, washed awny
witn the brush in warm wator before fin
ishing, answers all the needs of the nails
thuskept, while before the polishing the
nail hasTjeon ITiaroughly cleansed, so that
no looso skin or bard partiolos adhere to
tho sides or base, in order that no hang
nail can bo formed to work or tear down
tho quick flesh. Kvcry woman who wishes
this done can do itforhersolf.
A slmplo and often effectual remedy for
cold feet consists in substituting lino wool
en hosiery for that made of cotton und
lisle thread. Many women have a pre in
dice against woolen stockings, but the
smooth oashmero weaves have very little
of the Irritating quality common to coarso
worsted and are quite as pretty as thread
hosiery, besides holding tho color butter,
They aro particularly recommended to per
sons who go out in rainy weather, as the
danger of catching cold from wet shoes is
less when wool is worn next tho foot.
Fashion is unusually sensible in the
matter of footwear just now. Low heels
and medium width toes nro the rulo for
street boots, with a vamp long enough to
give slenderness to tho foot. The Bluoher
style still holds its own, but should bo
worn only by a woman having narrow
feet, as it emphasizes breadth.
Tortoise shell articles are to bo obtained
at wonderfully reduced cost. Largo and
small combs and ornamentiU pins, both
carved and plain, as well as tho ordinary
hairpins that many women prefer to thoso
mode of wire, may now bo bought at al
most as low a price as was once charged
for the Imitation goods. The eatogan roll
of tbo coiffure in tho sketch is held in
place by a shell pin like a slondor, curved
triangle one of the prettiest, because the
most natural seaming of the many styles
of ornament. Jumc Chollet.
A Mmtache Over Seven Feet Long;
Tbo pooplo of Bellfngton, W. Va., are
proad of one of their cltlzons, whoso only
claim to groutnofis Is his enormous beard
and mustache. Ills narno is Brown-
plain James Brown but nature could not
hide his Identity even in the Virginia
mountains, especially after bestowing up
on him such an enormous beard. Brown
is 0 feet 1 inch in height, but even his
groat stature doe not hinder his ehin
beard from trailing on the floor when he
stands erect The mnstache is even
creator curiosity than his beard, being ex
actly 7 feet 4 inches "from tip to tip."
St. Louis Republic
England's Great General Must n.ive Had
a Remarkable Vitality to Uavo rullcd
Dim Through So Many Encounters with
Death A Uocord of Wounds.
"I am worth a good many dead men
yet," was the characteristic remark of the
man when regurded as a "dead un" by the
army doctor in the Crimea. Lord Wolse
ley's remarkable vitality helped him to
pass with success through many such ex
periences, and to impress his murk on the
modern military history of Great Britain
in a way unequaled by any other soldier
since the great Wellington died.
The career of the commander in chief of
her majesty's forces in Ireland began in
1853, when, as a young enthusiastic Irish
lad, he joined the army as ensign. He at
once tasted blood. lie passed through the
Burmese war. aud then returned to Eng
land. Few have had Lord Wolseley's
luck, and few Lis ill luck. While he has
won more victories than his fellows, so Lis
he been wounded tfteuer than most soldiers
in his position. Ilia life has been one full
of narrow escapes from death.
His first experience was ugly enough In
all conscience. Burmah was the scene; and
here, while heading an attacking party,
youug Wolselcy saved himself lroin de
struction by falling into a pit. Then, in
the second attempt, ho and his fellow of
ficer were each struck in the left thigh by
large iron jiugal balls. His friend lived
but a few miuutes, while olscley himself
needed all his strength in the light be
tween life and death. Ho recovered only
to meet experiences as hard in the Crimea.
His biographer, Mr. Lowe, tells that
during the progress of the Crimean war
Captain Wolseley was wounded severely
on Aug. 30, and slightly on April 10 and
June 7. On Feb. 15 his coat was pierced
by a ball; on April 10 a round shot struck
the embrasure at which he was working,
and his trousers were cut, and on Juno 7
a ball passed through his forage cap from
the peak to the back, knocking it off his
"It may be said without exaggeration
that he bore a charmed life, for at the ter
mination of the siege, of three messes of
four members each, he was the only re
maining officer in the Crimea, all the
others having been killed or forced to leave
through wounds."
It was not without truth that his fellow
officers regarded him ns possessing more
lives than even the proverbial cat.
But these hairbreadth escapes from death
were trivial compared to some of Lord
Wolseley's other experiences. Outside
Sebastopol he was giving orders to two
sappers in the trenches, when "suddenly a
round shot took off one man's head and
drove his jawbone into the other man's
face, to which it adhered, bespattering the
party with blood." Aug. 30 was a bloody
day In the trenches.
A sortie by the Russians, successful for
the moment, made it Important that the
gap opened by the attack should be re
paired. Wolselcy and two sappers btgSa
the work of repair, but their labor was
stopped by the appearance of a round shot,
which struck the gabion, "which was full
of stones, and striking its contents with
terrific force, instantly killed the poor fel
lows by his side, the head of one being
taken off, whilo the other was disem
boweled." Wolseley did not escape.
Thrown senseless to the ground, he lay for
n time as one deud. At length he came to
himself, staggered to the doctor's hnt, and
again fell unconscious. It was then that
the doctor said, "He's a dead un." This
roused wolseley, who, turning in his
blood, said, "I am worth a good many
men yet."
The young captain's wonnds on this oc
casion presented a shocking appearance.
The doctor fancied, after probing the
wound, that his jawbone was shattered,
but Wolsely made him pull ont the sub
stance in his mouth, when a large stone
came away. The surgeon then lifted up
and stitched the cheek.
Both his eyes were completely closed,
and the injury done to one of them was so
serious that the sight has been perma
nently lost Not a square inch of his face
but was battered and cut about, while his
body was wounded all over, just as if he
had been peppered with small shot. He
had received also a severe wound on his
right leg, so both his limbs had now been
injured. The wound In the left thigh re
ceived in Burmah rendered him slightly
Many opportunities havesince been given
him of fulfilling the instructions often de
livered by Sir Hope Grant In China, "Take
Wolseley; he will do the work for you."
It is certain, too, that he has thoroughly
acted throughout life up to his own dic
tumthat the only way for a young man
to get on in the army is to try and get
killed in every way he possibly can.
Three years after the close of the Crimean
war Wolseley was ordered to China.
Wrecked on the way, he made for India,
and greatly distinguished himself in t he
suppression of the Indian mutiny. For
one of his deeds he deserved an honor
which every soldier most cherishes the
ictoria Cross. Lord W olseley has him
self told the story. He was leading the
Storming party against the Metee Mohul
in November, 1S57, which opened up the
wuy into the Lucknow residency, when
Private Andrews, of his own company,
"one of the very bravest private soldiers"
he knew, fell wounded.
Wolselcy at once took tho stricken mnn in
his arms and made a rush for shelter.
Before reaching a friendly hoase, however,
poor Andrews was again shot by a bullet
intended by a rebel Sepoy for his rescuer.
The end of the mutiny saw Wolseley, .it
the age of twenty-six, n lieutenant colonel.
An experience in China came of ter, to bo
followed by his appointment in 1801 as
quartermaster general in Canada. Years
of quiet elapsed unt il the Red ltiver expe
dition and the Aslmntee war, when Wolse
ley became known among the natives
against whom he fought as "tho general
who never stops."
He came out of the Ashautce campaign
n major general. A rest of five years
brought him to the wars in Zululand, t he
Egyptian cumpaign, Tel el Kebir and a
peerage, and, in 1884, the war in tho Sou
dan, when he was only forty -eight hours
too late to save General Gordon. Million.
The Ilorao Is Uneful Even If Dead.
' The whale can be put to a great number
of uses when dead, as can also the horse, the
various parts of which are utilized as fol
lows: Hair of mane aud tail for haircloth,
stuffing mattresses nnd making bags for
crushing seed in oil mills, etc.; hide and
skin tanned for leather for covering tables,
etc.; tendons used for glue and gelatin;
flesh for food for dogs, poultry and man;
fat used for lamps, etc.; intestines used
for covering sausages, making gut strings,
etc.; heart and tongue for food; hoofs for
gelatin, prusBiate, fancy snuff boxes, etc.;
bones for knife handles, phosphorous, su
perphosphate of lime aniAanure; blood
for manure and shoes for reuse or for old
Iron. Spare Moments.
Tutelary Trees,
' Ancient people hod their tutelary trees
just as they had their tutelary gods the
former being the altars and shrines of the
latter. Among the Scandinavians the ash
was held to be the most sacred tree. Ser
pents, according to their belief, dared not
approach it. Hence the women left their
children with entire confidence nnder It
shade while they went on with their har
vesting. Gsntlemaa's Magssine.
She Got the Place.
A young woman of this city with Bome
literary tsste, prompted by a commendable
desire to become self supporting, set out to
find congenial employment upon some one
of the Chicago dailies. Resolutely she
knocked at the door of each, but in vain.
All the places were filled and no prospect
of a vacancy. Nothing daunted, she nuide
a list from the directory of all the publish
ing houses and trade papers, determined to
persevere until success crowned her efforts.
One by ono these places were visited, until
finally, when she had nearly come to the
rnd of her rounds, she found a most agree
able gentleman, who, In bland voice, in
quired the object of her call '
"I desire editorial employment upon your
paper, sir," she said. -
"I should be glad toengsjje your serv
ices," replied the gentleman pleasantly,
"but I fear you could not possibly meet
the requirements of an editor upon my
paper. We are specialists, and ladies do
not usually inform themselves upon our
"I don't know about that, sir. Indeed I
feel that I can write upon almost any sub
ject Although young, I have had con
siderable experience."
"Doubtless, miss, but, you see, ours is
is a a hog paper."
"Well, sir," she spoke up bravely, 'It's
quite true that I haven't read very mnch
about those very interesting animals, but
I have an uncle who has reared quite a
number of them, and I guess ho could post
me for the position."
She got a place, and a good one. Such
perseverence ulways wins. Chicago Mail.
Did Ills Duty.
An old gentleman on the Rochester and
Pittsburg railroad anxiously inquired of
the conductor whether the train stopped at
a little crossroad town on tne line, it did
not, and the old man seemed very much dis
turbed In consequence.
"What am I goin to dof" he asked
"Did you want to get off there?" a sym
pathetic passenger inquired.
"No; but you see I've got a box of clothes
pins that I wanted to leave off there for my
"Why, you can drop them off the rear
platform," said some one; and as they ap
proached the little town four or five people
followed the old man out on the rear plat
form of the train, where bo descended to
the lower step, and as the train sped past
a shanty he leaned forward until the
alarmed conductor grabbed his coat tails.
The box struck the end of a log, and a
couple of gross of clothes pins shot into
the air as though fired out of a gun, and
scattered like shot from the muzzle of a
bell pointed blunderbuss.
For a moment the old man was a picture
of perplexity, but when he looked back up
the track and saw his "darter" and grand
children had witnessed the mishap and
were hurrying out with the evident inten
tion of picking up the scattered merchan
dise he turned and entered the cur, and
glancing with an amused expression at the
laughing passengers he said as he took his
scat, "Well, I'm glad them pins are deliv
ered." Harper's Young People.
Ono of Moore's "Balls."
Sitting after dinner one evening at Slop
ertou cottage, the conversation turned on
the Irish aptitude to "bulls."
"By the way, Mr. Moore," said a young
Englishman, "I've found you oat in an
Irish bull."
"Indeed," said the gnilty poet, "pray,
what is iM"
"Oh," said young Literal, "in that song
of 'The Watchman' you say in the last
"And see tho sky 'tis morning
So now Indeed cood nieht.
"Now of course 'good night' in the morning
Is a blunder."
"Upon my word," said an old gentleman,
"I never observed that bull before."
"Nor I either," said Moore gravely.
To do justice to both parties we shall give
the verse of the song in question:
Again that fearful narniuKl
Had ever timo such night?
And see the sky 'tis morning
So now Indeed Rood night.
The watchman having himself bawled out,
"Past 12," 'Tast 1," "Past 2," at length
calls, "Past 3," and the startled lover sings
the above "Good night." Westminster lie
view. Giving Alms.
On a recent morning, while a number of
men were seated near the front door in a
Broadway wholesale dry goods store, an
old but neatly dressed German woman en
tered. She carried an open basket contain
ing boxes of wax matches. She looked de
serving and honest, and ono of tho men
bought a box from her. While she was
making change the door opened aud a one
armed beggar entered, lie looked dirty
and dissipated. lie appealed to each man
separately, but in vain. As he turned to
go out the woman stopped him, took acent
out of her basket aud handed it to him.
He took it readily enough and passed on.
She calmly picked up her basket and fol
lowed, leaving the men to regard each
other in wonder.
"Is that a put up job?" asked one.
He jumped up and looked out of the
door. He could wn the beggar comiugout
of a store a few doors above. The woman
was going down Broadway. New York
A Milk White Lake.
Hcrr Thoroddsen announces that he has
found "a very long lake," stretching from
the margin of the mighty glacier which
forms the western side of tho Yutna-Jokull,
in Iceland. It is milk white, from the gla
cier water of which it is composed, and has
been named tho Iiangisjor. The scenery
around it is described us very beautiful,
though the discoverer adds that "vegeta
tion is quite absent."
Un the other side of the chain which ter
minates tho lake in the south there is an
extensive plateau, on which was seen the
glitter of a largo watercourse, probably
the Skapta, aud far to the south some great
lava stream, dating probably from tho 1783
eruption. Chicago Tribune.
An Explanation.
In the year 1830 tho aurora borealis was
seen one night as far south as Wiltshire.
The inhabitants of a certain village assem
bled to witness the unwonted spectacle.
Many were the Inquiries us to what it was,
when a woman exclaimed, "Do thee send
for our Jock, he's a scholard; I'll be bouud
he'll gie un a neatnel" When Jock arrived
he looked upward and said, "Oh! its only
a phenomenon!" "There," said tho do
lighted mother, "didn't I tell 'ce he'd gie
un a neamef" Notes and Queries.
A Question of Etiquette Settled.
In a Bowery museum there is a "con
cress of ladv uio eaters." and thev are
depicted on tbo "oil painting" outside Ihvl
eagerly devouring great segments of pie
without the aid of either knlfo or fork, a,
fact that ought to settle the vexed ques-!
tion of etiquette, how a ludy should cot
pie. New York Tribune.
Tea For Neuralgia.
"Nothing," says a physician who has
been experimenting in diets in his hos
pital, "brings pence to tho sufferer from
malarial ohlll equal to that which comes
from strong coften, with a little loinon
Julco added." Tho same authority pro
nounces tea almost a specific for neuralgia
in its simple, uncomplicated form.
Where His Interest Lay.
An Irish counselor was asked by the
judge "for whom he was concerned t"
He answered, "1 am concerned, my lord,
for the plaintiff, butl am employed by the
defendant." Kxchange.
A Singular Blackboard.
When Mr. Whymper was in Quito he re
ceived a polite message from his excellency
the president of the republic, expressing a
wish to see him. Accompanied by Mr.
Hamilton, the British minister, Mr.
Whymper obeyed the summons. The presi
dent received him without formality and
with much cordiality, dismissing a visitor
a colonel in the Ecuadorian army to the
farther end of the apartment
The president became interested In Chim
borazo "I should have thought it was 30,
000 feet high at the least," he said, and
asked for a description of the ascent This
Mr. Hamilton proceeded to give him. Mr.
Whymper continues:
Finding himself in want of a blackboard
and seeing nothing more like one than a
black chimneypot hat which was on the
table, Mr. Hamilton used it to illustrato
the spiral ascent, and excited my admira
tion by the vigor and accuracy with which
he traced our route as he drew a deep fur
row through the shining nap to show how
we sank in the snow.
While this tete-a-tete was progressing,
the president leaning forward on his el
bows, intently following Mr. Hamilton's
discourse, I noticed a movement at the
other end of the room, and glancing
around found that the colonel was writh
ing in agony.
It was his hat And h"" ' " . -uC
of exploding with sup .age at see
ing his Sunday headgear used as a black
board for "that wretched gringo." He
glared and scowled, and seemed ready to
spring forward aud assassinate all three
of us.
Mr. Hamilton was quite unconscious
that he was raising a storm, but the presi
dent noticed inv glnnce, and turning his
head perceived the stute of affairs. His
smile caused our minister to look up, and
he dropped the hat.
With grim humor which I fear made
the colonel go over to the revolutionary
party the president requested Mr. Hamil
ton to continue, as he was much inter
ested, and then by a few slight touches,
which fortunately went in the direction of
the nnp, the ascent was completed.
Youth's Companion.
A Seal's Skin.
If we look at a lady's sealskin jacket, we
at once observe its rich brown color, and
the velvety softness and denseness of the
fine hairs composing It.
If this be com pa vd with the coarse, hard
or dry salted skin ai imported, or, still bet
ter, with the coat c' the living fur seals,
one is struck with t-ie vast difference be
tween them, and wonders how the coarse,
oily looking, close pressed hair of the live
animal can ever be transformed Into the
rich and costly garment above spoken of.
Passing our fingers among tho hairs of
the cat or dog, we may notice fine short
hairs at the roots of the longer, coarser,
general covering of the animal. This is so
called under fur. But in the greater num
ber of animals the short baits are so few
and often so fine as to be, comparatively
speaking, lost sight of among what to our
eyes constitute the coat.
The remarkable feature then in the fur
seals is its abundancy and density. The
operation which tho skin undergoes to
bring out, so to say, the fur, may be briefly
described as follows:
Tho skin, after being washed free of
grease, etc., is laid flat on the stretch, flesh
side up. A flat knife is then passed across
the flesh substance, thining it to a very
considerable extent. In doing this the
blade severs the roots of the long strong
hairs, which penetrate the skin deeper than
does the soft, delicate ones under the fur.
The rough hairs are then got rid of while
the fnr retains its hold.
A variety of subsidiary manipulations in
which the pelt is softened and preserved
are next gone through. Exchange.
Tho Dog Felt II art.
"Speaking of the brain power of ani
mals," said E. E. Martin, "reminds me of
an incident I witnessed while living at St,
Joseph. A ne ighbor of mine had a large
Newfoundland dog, which did the market
ing for the family. His mistress would
give him a basket, put in it a note and send
him to the grocer or butcher. On the day
iu question he was carrying home a fine
roast, and half a doxen curs were trotting
at his side trying to get their noses into
basket. Ho turned his head, first to one
side then to the other, growling fiercely,
but they were not to be thus Intimidated.
Finally his patience gave way; he pat the
basket down and sailed Into the hungry
"But whilo ho gave battle to some the
others made oil with the coveted prize.
When he realized that he had been de
spoiled he looked tho very picture of de
spair. Ho sat down by the empty basket
and howled like a schoolboy that had lost
his circus ticket. Ho took np the basket
and walked home at a snail's pace, put it
down on the porch and fled under the
house, where he remained all day, despite
attempts to coax him out." St. Louis
The New York Girl.
There are no women in the country who
can touch the New Yorker on the question
of dress. With her, dressing is an art, the
toilet a sacred rite. Her conversational
powers are not of the highest order, but they
are fine, nevertheless. A real New York
girl ot society, who has been brought np in
the atmosphere of society, who loves it and
lives for it, is generally a remarkably good
She is keen, supple, ready to lead the con
versation or to follow when the lead is
given by another. She can be amusing, at
times almost witty. The way sho covers
up her ignorance and mokes the most of
tho meager smattering of knowledge she
possesses is little short of miraculous. The
third attribute for praise her self posses
sion, her extraordinary savoir faire is ad
mirablebun ! runcisco Argonaut.
Stormy 'iVcathcr for Biliousness.
G. S. Whitslar, general agent of the
Graham & Morton line, tells of a class of
lake travelers which be frequently en
"There nre people," he said, "who come
to theolliceund ask if I think there is
going to be a storm. If I tell them such
uro the indications they buy tickets. Now,
most iwople want to avoid the lake when
it is rough. I have asked these peoplt? why
they always wanted to travel iu rough
weather and they have told me that It
agreed with them. That is, they believe
that a night on the lake, on a rough sea,
relieves them of biliousness. They watch
tho wind, and as surely as it is a nor'easter
they buy tickets. That is their medicine.
It would astonish you to know the number
of such people in Chicago. I used to think
It was a kind of fad with them, but they
come so often that I havo concluded that
they believe iu it." Chicago Tribune.
A Judge of Sermons.
A clergyman iu Scotland invited Bishop
Selwyn to preach in his church. As usual
his losrbjhip gave an Impressive end beau
tiful sermon, which at tho some time was
perfectly plain und simple. The rector
was delighted and, said as much on meet
ing ono' of the moat regular members of
his eongregation.
"Well, sir, I don't think so much of it,"
rejoined the man; "It was so simple any
child could have understood it. For my
part I like a sermon which confuses your
bead for a week. 1 don't know any which
beat yours for that, sir." London Tit-Bits.
A Fashion Net,
It Is whispered about among the select
foshlonablo circles of Willio boys In Lon
don that sido whiskers aro to be tho cor
rect thing iu face foliage as tho season ad
Tun cua.
1 )R. O. EDQAB DEAN has removed to Sit
7 Spruce street, Bcranton, Pa. (Just op
posits court-houseBquara)
Dlt. A. J. CON NULL, Office Sul Washington
SVentla. enrnnr RittiM afpMA nw..
,lucke 8 """J Residence, ra Vine
m. and tot and
MJJto7.3Up. m.
Sunday, I to 8 p.m.
im W. E. ALLEN. Office cor.
XJ, waima and Washington aves.: over Leon.
sra snoo Bture; othoe hours, 10 to 13 a. m. anil
to I p. m.; evenings at residence, SUN,
washing-ton ave.
11K.U L. FREY.
Practice limited to Dl
Kjir. Nn. mr,A Thrust.
yl eases of the Eva Ear.
office, lai Wyomimr ave. Residence, US Via
H L M. OATKS. 125 Washington Avenue,
AS Olllce hours, S to am., to 8 and t
tosp.m. Residence ait Madison avenue
JOHN L. WEN'XZ, M. D Offloes M and M
Commonwealth bunding: residence 7U
Madlsonave; othoe boors. 10 to 13, 2 to 4, 7 to
6; Sundays 2.80 to 4. evenings at residnnoa, A
specialty made of dlwvwea of the eye, ear, nose
and throat and gynecology.
DK. KA y, 206 HennAve. ; 1 to 8 p. m ; call 2083
Dm.of women, obstetrics and din. ot chu.
JM. C. BANUK'U Law aud Collection of
. flee. Ma 817 Spruce U ODooslte Forest
House. Scran ton, Fa,; collections a specialty
thronehout Pennsylvania: reliable corruanond--
ents In every county.
I ESS UPS ItANU, Attorneys and Counsel
O lore at Law, Commonwealth building
nasuington ave. W. H. Jisscp,
W. H. Jessqp, J a.
nevs and Counselors at Law. Rennblicaa
ullding, Washington ave.. Soranton, Pa,
) ATTEKSON ts WILCOX, Attorneys and
. CouuseUors at T j - ottlma a anil H I.lhra ire
building, Horanton, Pa
William a. Wilcox.
torneys and Counsellors. CommonwealtJi
bnildhig. Rooms 19, a) and 2L
WF. BOYLE, and
20, Burr building, Washington avenne.
HENRY M. SEF.LY- Law offices la Price
building. 126 Waafainirton avenue.
pRANK T. OKliLL, Attorney at Law. Room
-L 6. Coal Exchange. Hcranton. Pa.
MlL'l'ON W
LOWRY, I Att'ys,
227 Washintf
ton sv- C. H. square.
TAMES W. OAKfOKD, Attorney at Law.
u rooms M. M snq to, Commonwealth DTg,
OAMUEL W. EDQAB, Attorney at
O Office, 817 8trcest., tiarajiton. Pa.
T A. WATRE3, Attorney at Law, 2
.1 J t Lackawanna sue Bcranton. Pa
P. BM1TH, Counsellor at Law. Office,
rooms 64. 66. 60 Commonwealth boilulngu
R. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com
nionwpalth ImlldlnK, Bcranton, Po
C. COMKUYB, 1BI Bprnoest.
Dli. REPLOULE, Attorney-Loans neco
tlated on real estate security. 4U8 Bon toe.
1 i KILL-AM, Attoraev-at-Law,
I) omlntf avenue, Br-rsnton.
13U Wr
ton. Pa. DreDaTea bovs and air 1m far ooIImh
or business: thoroughly trains young chudrea.
catalogue at reuoest. Opens September 10.
rev. Thomas M. gajms,
Waltsb H. Bcjill.
and Bchool, Hi Adams avenue. Pupils
received at all tlmos. Next term will opea
September 10.
1J in Dorcelain. crown.
and brldira work.
ton avenue.
Office 101 North Washing
p C. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist, No.
i Wyoming ave.
R. M. hTKATTON, nfflc. Coal Exrh-mse.
THE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso
ciation will loan yon money on easier terms
ana pay you oeiier on investment tnan any
other association. Call on S. N. CALLLN
DER, Tlme Bank building
GR. CLARK ft CO., Beedsmen, Florists
and Nurserymen; store 1W Washington
avenue; green house, 1300 North Main avenus;
tore tnlepbone 7b2
JOS. KTJETTEL, 6ii Lackawanna avenus,
Bcranton. Pa, manufr ot Wire Screens.
rpUE ELK CAFE, 126 and Lf7 Franklin ave
X nue. Rates reasonable.
P. Znoum. Proprietor.
W. O. 8CHENCK, Manager i
Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadwajt
at Union Square, New York.
Amerlran plan. Hi&l) per day and upward.
SCR ANTON HOUSE, near D., L. W. pas
senger depot Conducted on the European
DAV18 ft VON 8TORCH, Architects. Boom
t 26 and it Commonw'lth D'kl'g, Bcranton.
L. WALTKR, Asukltect. Office, I
60S Washington avenue.
L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Prlos
building. 128 Washington Ave, Scran ton.
balls, picnics, partita, receptions, wed
dings ana concert work furnished. For terms
address R. J. Bauer, conductor. U? Wyoming
ve., over Hulberfs music store.
lumber, Price building, Scran ton, Pa
supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
180 Washington ave., Scran too.
11 at 1633 Caponss avenne.
D. L. FOOTE, Agent.
' ssle dealers in Woodware, Cordage and
Oil Cloth, 7v0 W. Lackawanna avenue.
L Robinson's Sons'
Kannfactnrsrs of the Cdebnte
100.000 Bblt Per Annum.
A Handsome Complexion
b one ot the greatest charms a woman eaa
possess. Foanun'a Ookflbxion fuwnaa
gives it.