10 THE SCRAXTON TRIBUNE-SATCJRDAT MORNING. OCTOBER G 1894. WAX FIGURE MAKING THE SLOW CREATION OF HAIR, EYES, WRINKLES AND POflES. Jt Require Considerable Intelligence and Skill to Color id Tone a Dummy Cor rectly or to Provide It with Clothe As Intvrcitlng ProccM. Nearly every one bas at some tirue seen It collection of good wax works; peruupM at tbe Eden Mimee in New York or at Mme. TiiRsaml's hi London orlhe Mnsee Greviu In Paris. Yet to how many lias it occurred that the making of thfse figures requires a very largo amount of time, labor, atid artistic skill? Tbe process of making wax ligures is much uioro complicated than one would at first sight imagine. Take, for iustauce, tbe group of Lincoln liberat ing the Degrees. Suppose such a croup has been decided upon and tbe Rcuc.ral arrangement ell oralwl, perhis witJi tbe aid of some pencil sketches. Then tbe first step Ls to model the figures in clay, which is very necessary in ordtir that tbe presence of the body may 1hi felt under the clothes, which otherwise as in poor wax works wriukle and flap round the body in a most unnatural way. Tbe first class musenm keeps a regular sculptor, usually a very clever artist, who works on a sabiTy und is kept busy enough iu a large and well i.ppoiiitcil studio. When lie bas finished bis figure Abraham Lin coln in this case in clay, a plaster mold is made. Then it is ready to be reproduced in wax that is, tbe bead and bauds, but Cot the body. Right hero we learn a curious fact. Very little of the "wax figure" is really made of wax. The exposed portions of tho body, bead and hands are, hut those cov ered by clothes are not. The latter uro mado of carton picrre, which consists of Ftrips of paper and linen pressed alternate ly into tbe plastvr mold, the inner side of tiic latter being lined iu this manner to a thickness of about a quarter of an inch. This layer is then pressed down by a thin coating of plaster, and when the carton thus funned is dry and ready to be taken out it is as hard as sUme. If Indians, Af ricans or other savages are to appear in ft group their lightly clad bodies are cast in plaster, painted over with tbe colorot their iiuky skins. Dut to return to wax work proper. Pres ident Lincoln's body, we see, is hciug re produced in carton as rapidly as the lively plump Frenchwoman to whom the work is intrusted can get the paper and linen into tho mold. The mold of the head meanwhile goes to tho room of the wax worker or ciricr, as he is called, for the Trench produce the cleverest work in this line. Here it is filled with hot wax, and when the wax nearest tho outside lias cooled and hardened, clinging to the inner sido of the mold, the rest, still warm, is poured off, so that the wax bead is hollow when it is taken out of the mold. It would he difficult at this stage to dis cover much resemblance to President Lin coln, for the head hairless, eyeless and colorless looks exceedingly ghastly. It is now that the cirier must show his skill, fmd put the appennineo of life into this corpselike face. His tools are of the sim plesta spatula and sonic blunted needles eet iu small pieces of wood or matches but with these he works wonders. Hair nml beard, eyelashes aud eyebrows are first put on, a mot, laborious task. r in a care fully and well made head eacn individual hair is pushed into the wax with tbe needle. After this a bole is punched through each eye aud a ball, set ou the end of a curved rod so that it will pass into the ltead from below, is heated and pressed ngainst the eye from the inside. This pro duces a hollow into which glass eyes are set. Finally the heated spatula is used to trace wrinkles and crow's feet, produce pimplrs, and the cracks iu tbe lips, and to form teeth and tongue if tbe mouth ap pears half open. The pores in the skin are produced by drawing lines ou the face across each other by means of a number of blunt needles set in a wooden handle. The ibaven portions of the face are well indi cted by dots of color pushed in with the jeedle, while for a bristly beard of recent growth short hairs ore used. Lastly the lips are covered with colored wax, teeth, tongue and finger nails being indicated in the same way. bo wo see that thero is work enough in the mere making of a wax figure, ami that the work increases in proportion as moro care and artisticskill is employed. Furth ermore, when a large group is to be made like that of Columbus before Ferdinand und Isabella at tbe Eden Mu-sefi the com position (that is the relative position of the various figures) has to be carefully con sidered. For thu purpose pencil sketches ore first made, and these are usually re peated in a clay sketch, that is, a small bas-relief in clay. This, though rough in execution, "blocked out" as tbe sculptor days, nevertheless gives thu artist a good idejv of the arrangement and general etf eet of the group. Only then, after careful con sideration, is the modeling of the figures begun. When tbe figures are finished there is still enough to be done. The ligures must be dressed, furniture and other accessories must be selected and placed with care, t he background prepared, the matter of effect ive lighting carefully considered, and with all this tho arrangement aud color effect of Uie whole must be always kept in view. The matter of cbitlies presents not a few diUiculties, even iu figures of modern peo ple. Fashions change rapidly, and to bo correct Lincoln must be dressed in tho particular style of loose coat and huggy trousers which was worn while he was president, nor would it do to put the Vir ginia militiamen who are guardingJohn 15rown ou his way to executiou into tho uniform of a United tate.s regular of to day. lUit Biicb costumes are not always easy to get, and foreign uniforms, even of the present time, are usually made iu Eu rope and imported. And even then errors will creep iu. For that group of the Em peror William II of tJermany, his wife the empress, and the little crown prince, the uniforms wer marie by the emperor's own tailor the hofschiieider. And then there are all those paraphernalia belts, sashes, epaulets, ornaments, decorations, medals and all sorts of t rappings which are also generally Imught abroad, so as to make sure that they are correct. New York Bun. Hard to Undcratuna. Little I3oy-jI shu'd think these "thou an leg" bugs would sturve or sometbin. Little Girl-Whyr "They've got to hunt for things to eat,' lame as other bugs, haveu't theyf" "Of course." "Well, I don't see bow they can keep all those legs goin an think of any tiling else." Good News. A strange story comes from Wellsville, Mo., where a stroke of lightning about six years ago is stud to have left on the ceiling of a church an imago of a human face. Noliody dared todisiurb it, aud it remained tint il the recent removal of the church. A soft rubber tube passed through tbe now into the esophagus, or gullet, and at tached to a funnel, forms a good method of forced feeding when that becomes ueces suxy. During the Eleventh century a fashion of tmbmiriuring tbe initials of the name and the family arms on the garments begun in Italy and spread all over Europe. It Is not a waste to bavo your coats and trousers, gowns and jackets well mode, for they will wear much longer. FRIENDSHIPS MADE ON STEAMERS, i Just How Far tho Acquaintanceship Made . on Ocean Linen Coea. Among the steerage passengers on a steamer which arrived here recently was a young man, apparently twenty-seven to thirty years old, who had plainly enough seen better days. As be leaned over tbe side of the steamer, about tbe moment the gangplank was be ing pushed aboard, he peered intently along the line of openings in the shed, as if hop ing yet fearing that somebody would rec ognize him. There was jnst enough leisure after the tide of wealth, fame and fashion, which came first class, bad made its exit from customs corral, for a reporter to bespeak an interview with tbe young man. He proved reticent at first, but thawed out after an expressman had removed the valise, which seemed to constitute his sole worldly possessions and cares. "This is not tho first time I have been iu San Francisco," he said. "If you have been here longer than four years aud have ever boarded a Panama steamer we have surely met. "I am the victim of that illusion which is a disease, as homesickness is a disease. Tho doctors call homesickness nostalgia and prescribe for it. But my disease is the result of what every traveler ought to know a 'steamer friendship.' "Let me explain. Five years ago I came here by sea from New York city with about J1.800 or JU.OOO in my purse. "Of course I made friends on board. "Hefore wo reached the Ilattcras, three days out, I had got into the good graces of two or throe gentlemen, who kindly taught me to play poker and generously allowed ine to pay fur the drinks. "Theu I obtained the easiest kind of an introduction to a young lady, who pro fessed great intercut iu tho first glimpse of rlie Southern cross as we passed dowu through the liahamos amid balmy breezes and tranquil nights following sunsets that 1 love to think of now. "I met, too, a California somimillion aire, who professed the greatest interest in me, aud who paid for wine about once in twenty times when it was passed around. "A lady of doubtful ago talked Neo platonism and transcendental philosophy to me, and asked if I knew Boston. "Keally I felt quite a warm friendship springing up iu my heart for all these peo ple, and as usually happens, 1 believe, the friendship became tropical with the cli mate. On the way upon this side I sub mitted with the best grace to t lie whims and caprices of the young lady, who in sisted on landiug at every port, aud of course I had to foot the bills. 'Everything was perfectly respectable. "When we reached this city I bad a pocketful of addresses of my steamer friends. "It is true that their acquaintance had cost me about $WX) up to date, and that I had been compelled to plead poverty to save further demands. "I suppose I bad tl.OOO still on hand when I went around to pay respects to my steamer friends. "Perhaps they did not know it or I might have been diflereutly treated. "Tbe cold shoulder is a mild term.' I got the cold, cruel shake. Mind you, I had not been a fool, a pure unadulterated fool, fori had traveled a bit before. But when I went over to Australia I consoled myself with the reflection that among all my steamer friends I left not one to regret. "Since then I have traveled largely over southern seas, and it has always been the same. "There is nothing so ephemeral as a steamer friendship. "Even iu the steerage aud I came that way for a change it is the same. I am not as rich us I was, but I like San Fran cisco better than any place I have seen iu four years of constant travel. "But if a man talks friendship to yon on a steamer, don't be deceived. He may mean no hurmnd you may not suffer iu purse as I have done. "As for women, I ln-lieve they form Bteamer friendships to pass away tbe time." San Francisco Call. Meutly Mended. Among the bnshelmen employed by a large Murket street clothing firm there is one who is a wonder iu the repairing branch of tho business. An example of bis skill with the needle was furnished recently which astonished oven those familiar witli liis work. A gentleman came into the place with a dress coat, almost new in cp earance, but whieli the moths bad gotten into and gutted a bole as large as a silver quarter in tho back. Since there was not another coat in thu place which would fit the owner, and he was extremely anxious to huvu it by evening, it wus sent to the workrooms and a consultation held. The workman in question asserted that be could mend tho place in a way to defy detection, aud he was told to go ahead. First cutting a piece of cloth to lit the bole he went to a black haired young woman, and by her permission pulled sev eral hairs from her bead. With these he stitched tbe edges of the patch, and when the work was done not a salesman in the establishment could detect the mend. The customer was so much pleased that he sent the workman a neat present. Phila delphia Iiecord. Uariy I'uper Mulling. InUlman.StronH'r's time paper was a rare material, litllu used, and only to bo found in the offices of tbe learned, of scribes and of officers. Tbe supply of Germany and of all northern Europe was brought from Italy and Spain movt of it from the facto ries of FuMiuno, in Italy, where paper mills existed in the Twelfth century, while a lively paper industry flourished in Spaiii, with its principal seat at San Felipe in Valencia, as early as 1130. The paper making art was introduced into both of these lands by the Arabs, who learned it in Samarcuud und spread it through Europe. It was introduced into Samureand in 751 by Chinese prisoners from their country, where it had been car ried ou from extremely ancient times. Eduard Urossc iu Popular Soienee Monthly. Kuther Hard to Suit. Two delightfully typical maiden ladies In a little eastern village recently lout the services of a buxom Irish girl, who had re mained in tln ir employ but n few weeks. "Why did you leave thu Misses L ?" asked her next would Ke mistress. "Sure," replied tlie'glrl, with a twinklo of her merry blue eye, "Miss Est her wanted all the pots in the closet set northeasterly, aud Miss Judith must havo them south westerly, an I couldn't please, both, you know. "-Her Point of View in New York Times. Wanted Stationery. Queer Party Got any barometers? Salesman No; this is a book store. Doii'tjkcep 'em. "Eft use me, but I notice in the weather reports that tho barometer is sometimes stationery." Texan Sittings. How "The Lost Chord" Waa Composed. Under very remarkable circumstances was "The lwt Chord'' composed by that gifted musician, Sir Arthur Sullivan. One night he was in the room next to that in which his brother was dying. Ho bad been watching at the bedside of the dying man and was thoroughly tired out. Sit ting down before an organ that was by chance In the room, he found the noble words before him. He did not rise from bis scat until he bnd composed the nmsie which has since thrilled the people. Lon don Star. It is interesting to learn that the horse Is unknown in the island ot the New Ue- hrMML .. ... - . MANY WILD BEASTS. A HAMBURG FIRM THAT IS READY TO SUPPLY ANY ANIMAL A City to Which Merchants All Over Uie World Go for Wild Animal Supplle and Roving Seamen llring Their Strange Captures Hunting Expeditions. Tbe animal importers have their head quarters in that part of Hamburg known to tourists and others as "St. Paul's," an ill reputed suburb of tbe old II ansa town where sailors of all countries meet. Here the big building is situated, and from the exterior one gets the view of a structure which looks more like a storehouse far cot ton, oil und general merchandise than it does like anything else. It is a plain build ing, but within there is enough to occupy one's attention for months, that is if he be possessed of animal instructs. Within the four walls is a mammoth yard or garden, and this is divided into WO or TOO smaller yards or pens, which are occupied by ani mals from all zones and countries, crowded together. The strong, ferocious gorilla from the primeval wood of Africa, tho "cotton tails" from San Gabriel valley, California, as well as the boM, soaring con dor from tbo highest mountain peaks of the Andes are represented by many speci mens. Ordinarily only purchasers known or in troduced to the firm are allowed to inspect tho garden, but a limited number of cards of admission are issued every month and presented to thoso who wish them. Ou entering onto passes tbe office, where are employed forty clerks or more, of whom several are occupied iu keeping account of the arrival and departure of animals, as these only stay there a few days before leaving for their final destination. In the garden there is an energetic corps of men who, armed with sharp knives and pistols, are willing to dare most any duuger. Many of the keepers have been there ten years or mure, and aro accordingly acquainted with all the peculiarities of the profession. They are, or ought to be for their own safety, ex cellent marksmen, acquainted with the life of an explorer, they being sent as assist ants in the searches for animals iu ult parts of the world. Not a few of these men have been to South America, where they have been seut to capture ostriches. There they were compel led to spend days und some times weeks upon the llanos, the hottest places on earth, and on horseback chaso the lleet monsters and throw the bola at their necks. Six, seven and eight expeditious are seut out every year, but these are not made tip wholly of experieuced men. They general ly consist of a few ot the old hands, a few apprentices and volunteers, mostly ama teur sportsmen, under the direction of a stall officer. They start out maybe for the plains of America, jungles of Africa, Tasmania or Alauka, aud when they ar rive at their destination they employ as many natives as they think necessary and phn the work of capturing certain ani mals in that district. There is some dif ference between catching tigers and ele phants olive aud shooting quail or squir rels, and if a naturalist wants to have fun and a thrilling experience he should send in his application to accompany the next expedition iu search of gorillas or grizzly bears or some other animal known to be no respecter of persons or anything else. Through the lurge menagerie of the bouse of Hagenbeck are leug rows of cages, which vary from small woodeuoncs, built one above tbe other, for birds and other small animals, to high cages formed of heavy bars of iron, some of the bars of which are two inches thick, running at the top and bottom ou small wheel or ball bearings. Every cage or pen is marked iu Latin. The keeper said it was a great sight to behold some wild quadrupeds ac customed to unlimited freedom confined in cages or dens in which they could not stretch their legs, much more turnaround. A few mouths seems to break many of their savage habits, but they are never too good to claw at a piece of human flesh when within reach of their cages, and the majority of the keepers there can exhibit marks of claws as well as those of teeth upon their bands and arms made by a ferocious tiger, perhaps a Tasmunian wolf or some other species of the cut family. The tamer animals are merely fenced in, as it were, in small yards, and hero and there are groups of Japanese chamois, Chilian alpacas, autelopcs, deer, zebras and the like. The firm has no little difficulty iu get ting Asiatic elephants since the govern ment passed a bill for tbeirprotectiou. But there are their African brothers on hand all the time, and occasionally a visitor there may see a herd of a score or more of well cared for elephants. The expeditions find it no easy matter chasing these mon sters in the jungles, aud it's only by sharp games and traps that elephuuts are cap tured. They can tight as no other animal can, and one blow of an elephant's trunk has laid many a sportsman low. Tlie same hardships are experienced in getting croco diles from tho Amuzon and upper Nile. The firm's expedition sent out for them knows of nosueh word us "impossible," and when it returns to the garden it carries crocodiles some thirty feet long with it. It cannot be said tbut all of thu animals are secured by such excdilioiis; for in stance, the dromedaries are simply ordered from Crimen, while a large number of other animuls fall into the concern's htuids by chance. Everything in the line of rare aud peculiarly formed creatures of the for est. Held and seas is bought by the Hagen liecks, and people who devote time to trap ping are aware of this fact. The German city is a good place for bargains, as nearly every deep sea vessel carries something to that port which the firm is anxious to get and for which it is willing to pay good prices. Every sailor is armed with some fine specimen from the tropics or arctic re gions, and from these rare and unlocked for quadrupeds are sometimes secured, Providence Journal. 1'rafcMor Holrtun's View of Mart. Professor Edward S. llolden, the as tronomer aud director of the Lick observa tory iu California, is not very hopeful uhout the present investigations of tho planet Mars. "When we come to an ex amination o tho particularities of Mars' surface we find dissimilarity and not like ness to details of the earth's," be says in The Forum. "Under thesooircumstauces, and so long as such widely divergent views can lie advocated by competent observers, it appears to me that the wise course is if reserve judgment and strive for more light." Wasted Energy. Frances Willard claims tbut tbe amount of force exerted at a given moment to com press the waists of women by artificial methods would, if aggregated, turn all tbe mills bet ween Minneapolis and tbe Merri mac, while the condensed force of their tight shoes, if it could be applied, would run many trains, Exchange. What Curly le Wrote or iennyjon. Tenuysou, iu his prime, was thus de scribed by Thomas Carlyle to Ralph Waldo Emerson ou' Aug. 5, 1844: "One of tbo fin est looking men iu the world. A great shock of rough, dusty dark hair; bright, laughing, hazel eyes; massive aquiline face most massive, yet most delicftte; of sal low brown complexion, almost Indian look ing; clothes cynically loose, free and easy; smokes infinite tobacco. His voice is mu sically metallic, lit for loud laughter and piercing wall, and all that may lie be tween; speech and speculation free nnd plenteous. I do not meet iu these late dec odes such company oyer a uipe." Jferf York Tribune. A Cook in tho Time of Louis XVIII. Louis XV had a genuiue pnssiou for horticulture. He did not content himself with perfecting a system of hothouses aud of beating apparatuses for all his cha teaux, but he gave impulsion also to the growing of grain of all kinds, of vegeta bles, and especially of new varieties of trees, for which so many royal nurseries were at that moment established. But he was most at ease before a cooking furnace, now overseeing his ccufs a la fa natique, browned to a turu over a red hot fire, now preparing in accordance with es tablished rules a beverage called coffee, just then coming into fashion, or concoc ting one of those pies which he sent, care fully wrapped up, to M. de BuiTon iu re turn for a quarter of venison received from that famous naturalist. At the same time as bis father-in-law, Stanislas, Louis XV invented tables which came iu without be ing touched by human bauds to offertheir contents to surfeited palates; but those of the king of France came up from under the floor, while thoso of the king of Polaud desceudetl from the coiling. One can almost imagine a monograph on monurchs who were gourmands, and we do recall Careme's witticism, "Is not the science whivh nourishes the equal of the one that kills?" a profound and sensible thought from a chef of whom Louis XVIII did not besitato to take lessons. That king, who died afflicted with tbe gout for having indulged too freoly in tbe pleasures of the table, merited one day the praises of the celebrated cbef whose counsels he followed with docility. A great lover of mussels, he gave Talley rand the recipe for a snuco which added greatly to the taste of that dish; and as Talleyrand communicated to the king the reflections of his head cook, tbe monarch replied, "Caremc is right, but I very much fear it will be a long time before I shall be able to create a minister of the public cuisine." Paris Intermedinirc. A Cure for Baldness. Is the human race in Uie near future to be entirely bald on the top of its head, where the hair ought to grow? is a ques tion agitating tonsorial circles and tbe manly victims thereof. Some people aro born bald, some achieve baldness aud others have it thrust upon them, and it is with the latter class that the distressing consequences of modern living have the most to do. As everybody is cognizant, the glory of man as well as woman is his hair. Baldness is venerable, but it is not ulways venerated, and then it is frightfully inconvenient. In a woman art supplies nature, but unlucky man has no such remedy that cannot be detected, and how ever indifferent to appearances he mude be, it is not in his disposition to meekly sub mit to the trouble it entails. A wise parent afflicted by a loss of hair should take a lesson in hirsute develop ment from the lower classes in Europe and give his offspring the benefit. Whoever saw a bald workingman or shopkeeper iu France? Whoever found among the peas ants of Europe shining pates? The reason for this natural thatching is a most simple one; these people live outdoors, unbonnet ed, and it is only when tftan becomes reck less and superrefined iu his living that the hair falls. So much for civilization. But having discovered that civilization, not to say dissipation, is at the root of fin de siecle's hair falling, why not counter act this difficulty by starting tbe little chaps aright, not merely in tbe paths of virtue, but by tuking away their huts and cups and making tbem go bareheaded un til they arc fully grown? One of these days the wisdom of some of the Old World I customs will Btrike home in America, and it need not be called onglomania either. Boston Herald. Physicians Centuries Ago. In some countries, where physicians did not thrive, sick people were placed on the roadside, that travelers who bad suffered with like maladies might suggest reme dies. Such crude efforts were supplanted at Rome by shops in which various drugs and medicines were sold. Then, us now, quacks abounded, and the government, for tho protection of tbe people, ordered that ull remedies should bear a label declaring the character of the medicine, the niuue of its inventor, tbe sickness for which it was prepared, with a list of its ingredients aud full directions us to tho way in which it should be taken. For disorders of tho stomach a favorite prescription was to the effect that the suf ferer should read aloud in a clear, distinct tone some book or speech and then take moderate exercise. Physicians were divided, as now, into vorious classes of specialists doctors for the eye, for tbo throat, etc. Even in those old days women practiced medicine, al though they did not reach prominence iu the profession. Surgeons used various instruments, re sembling in some measure those of today. i They bad ear probes, syringes, instruments for cutting bones, and tho like. Iu very early times dentists came into notice, and an ancient author refers to "gold fillings." Professor A. P. Montague in Youth's Companion. Where Mature licats Science. A method of treating mother of penrl shells consists in drawing upon them wit h a brush and wax varnish any designs de sired, after which they are placed in a bnlli of weak muriatic acid. The latter ti'"s away tbe outur coat wherever it is not pro tected by the varnish, the result being a lovely cameo with raised figures in white ou u pearly ground. Nature, however, beats art hollow at this sort of work. Iu the cretaceous epoch, hundreds of thousands of years ago, there lived certain, cephalopods, since extinct, which science calls "ammonites." The pearl they pro duced was of wonderful beauty, and many fossil ammonites dug up today have been so operated upon by the process of decay as to form elaborate patterns ou the shell in pearl und white. English Mechanic. Chinamen Who Are Not Chinese. Thu British cousul in llal-Nuu says that during the past year he has made two journeys in that island, oue to certain prominent hills near lloihow known as the Hummocks, which lie fifteen miles to the west on the road to Choug-Mai, the other a gunboat cruise to Hansul bay. The people at both these places, and pre sumably all along the northwest coast, though believing themselves Chinese, speak a language which is not only not Chinese, but has a large percentage of the words exactly similar to Siamese, Shan Laos or Muong. The type of the people, too, is decidedly Shan, without tbe typical (Chinese almond eye, At one time (1,000 years ago) the Al-lau or Nen-chau empire of the Thai race extended from Yun-Nun to t he sea, and the modern Muongs of Ton quin, like the Slums of Quang-See prov inces, the ancestors of both ot which tribes belonged to that empire, probably sent colonies over to Hai-Nun, or the Chinese generals may have sent prisoners of war over. It is certain that soma at least of the unlettered but by no means uncivilized tribes in the central parts ot Hal-Nan speak a type of language which is totally different from that, spoken by the Shan speaking tribes of tbe northwest coast. Yet the Chinese indiscriminately call all non-Chinese Hui-Nau dialects the LI lan guage. London Nature. How a Pretty Fashion Started. In 1080 the Duchess da Fontanges had the misfortune to have her hat blown off at hunting party and tied her hair with one of her ribbon garters., Hairdresslnfi with ribbons remained a fashion for seven tirfc-St. Louis Globe-Democrat. DECIDING A BET. Difficulties That an Editor Is Occasion ally Called Upon to Answer. "We've got a little bet," said two ex cited callers, addressing an editor in the sanctum, "and we have have come here to decide it. We want to know whether there was ever a regular United States ship ot war that came up the Mississippi river." "Cruiser, you remember," put in the other man. "Ocean vessel. Belonging to the regular United States navy. That's what we're betting on." "Certainly. Straight United States na val vsssel. Ship of war. That's tbe bet. I say there was." "And I say there wasn't. Regular Unit ed States cruiser, now. That's the point we want settled." They had raised their voices to a high pitch already, and the man in the chair re ferred tbera to the files, and said that if they would consult the papers printed about tbe middle of May, when the great Memphis bridge was dedicated, they would see that some kind ot naval vessel had gone up the Mississippi river as far as Memphis anyhow. They pounced on the files with the eager ness ot a boy digging fishvorms. "Here it is!" exclaimed, aftce some search, the one who had spoken first. "It's in tho paper of May 8. 'Memphis' Great Bridge.' 1 hat's the headline, tm let's see. Here it is! I knew it! 'TbeCoucord, gayly bedecked with stars and stripes, moved down the stream.' That's the name of the ship. The Concord! I remember it perfectly. Satisfied now? I'll trouble you for that live dollars." "Hold on!" exclaimed tho other, begin- 1 ning now an investigation on his own ac count. "Let's look a little further. Ah! Here's a littlo more about it in the paper of May 10. 'The United States steamship Concord' that doesn't say it was an ocean cruiser, does it? 'may visit Cairo aud St. Louis.' Let's see 'draws seventeen feet' do you call that a great war steamship? 'This will be the first naval vessel of any description that has visited the upper Mississippi since the war.' See? Nothing but an old tub. Do you suppose" "Going to get out of it that way, are you?" "Get out of what? Didn't wo agree to abide by" "Do you mean to say I haven't proved that a United Stutes war vessel came up tho Mississippi? Hand over that" "Hand it over yourself! Didn't' I bet that no regular ocean cruiser" "Isn't a cruiser a war vessel?" "Yes, but a war vessel isn't necessarily a cruiser. Just you stick to tbo bet!" "You bet that no regular United States ship of war ever came" "And it draws seventeen feet! Call that a regular United States ship of war? I tell you no great oceun cruiser could get over, tbe bar at the mouth of the Missis sippi. There's less than twenty-two feet of water" "If I'd lost a bet I'd own it." "So would I. If I had bet that a govern ment cruiser came up the river and it turned out to be an old mud scow I think I'd" "Well, I'll leave it to this man here." "So will I. Only I want him to under stand that I bet it was a" "And I want him to remember that" "Gentlemen," said the man in the chair. "I think I understand fully the term of your wager. Will you abide by what I have to sav!" " "We will." "Well, one of tho rules of this office is never to answer a question in order to de cide a bet." And they left tbe room and went down the elcvutor still wrangling. Chicago Tribune. Lightning Stroke. The possibilities of lightning stroke are admirably summed up by Dr. J. L. Sulli van, of Maiden, in a paper before the Medico-Legal society, in these words: "Lightning may heal as well as harm; it may abolish sight, hearing and the power of voluntary motion, or it may restore the lost senses and cure paralysis. It may atrip tbe body naked and consume the clothing, while the wearer escapes un hurt, or it may consume the individual and leave his garments untouched. One person who is fatally struck may be hurled violently to a distance, while an other is left in the precise attitude and spot in which death surprised him. One case may present extensive anatomical changes, such as amputation of limbs, rupture of the heart, fracture of the bones, while iu another case no injury will be de tected. "Oue autopsy will reveal softening of bony structures, collapse of the lungs, etc., while another will present precisely opposite conditions. One thunder stricken corpse may undergo rapid putrefaction, while another will remain for days un changed. ' There may be sudden burning of the body, or it may be consumed slowly, us if by spontuneous combustion, and only gradually be reduced to ashes. Lastly, the immediate disappearance of tbe stricken person may occur without leaving a trace of his body or any of its parts, thus sum marily relieving tbe mcdicul examiner of further responsibility," Thackeray's Facial Appearance. In 1849 or lixM) Charlotte Bronte wrote of Thackeray: "To me the broad brow sems to express intellect. Certain lines about ! the nose and cheek betray tbe satirist and I the cynic; the mouth indicates a childlike simplicity perhaps even a degree of irrcso- luteness in consistency weakness, in short, I but a weakness not tinamiuble." And Mr. Motley, writing to his wife in 1858, said: "I believe you have never seen Thackeray. He hus tbe appearance of a coJ&sal infant, smooth, white, shining, ringlety hair, flaxen, alas! with advancing years; u roundish face with a little dab of a nose, upon which it is a perpetual wonder how he keeps his spectacles." This broken nose was always a source of amusement to Thackeray himself; he cari catured it in his drawings, he frequently alluded to it in his speech and in his let ters, and he was fond of repeating Douglas Jcrruld's remark to him when he was to stand as godfather to a friend's son, "Lord, Thackeray, I hope you won't pro sent the child with your own mug!" Har per's. Experiments with Bearings. Experiments have been made iu England to determine definitely the friction of lubri cated bearings, and with the special appa ratus employed iu this inquiry, the result showed that with careful lubrication steel shafts running iu gun metal bearings at from fifty to 300 revolutions per minute would seize with tho following loads: Col lar bearings, 100 pounds per square inch; footstep bearings, 200 pounds per square inch; cylindrical bearings, 000 pounds per square inch, while a pin working inter mittently will stand about ten times the above pressure without seizing. In all the experiments tbe surface was taken as be ing the diameter by the length. It appears that iu the friction of solids it is directly proportionate to the load, while with liquid friction that is, with a perfect lubric-tion where a film ot liquid intervenes between the metallic surfaces tho friction is inde pendent of load. Again, these experiments showed that In bearing with the load applied above, as iu rolling stock, there was an upward pressure of more than 500 pounds, a hole being bored in the crown of the journal and a pressure Range inserted showing as much as 000 pounds pressure per square inch in a bearing four Inches in diameter by six inches long, a total pressure ot up ward of six tons being thus supported by fluid pressure of the lubricant, (Safety Valve. - - flAOTIoiTTo Washburn -Cro3by Co. wish to assure their nany patrons that they will this year hold to their usual custonuof milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New whaat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Wash burn-Crosby Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature bafora grinding. This careful attention to every datail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s fiaur far above all other brands. Wholesale Agents. SHAW G-"J y IVIC EMERSON SHAW ! IAIMUO EMERSON J. Lawrence StelSe FORMERLY STELLE & SEELEY, ' MUSIC DEALER 134 Wyoming Avanue, Scranton, Pa. SHAW PIANOS to the front EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. Clough& Warren Waterloo F RICKS SATISFACTORY. oio you raow? That we will GIVE you beautiful now pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at raercerean C 307 LACKAWAVA AVENCK All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in stock. Of every description ou hand. Prompt shipments guaranteed Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn buckles, Bolt End3, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. BITTENBENDER & CO. SCRANTON, PA. We have tha following supplies of Lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade. Pacifle Coast Bed Cednr Shingles. "Victor" and other Michicnn frauds of White Pine aud WbiU Ctdar ShinifU, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. N'ortb Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yel 1UW riuo. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Eails, Mine Ties, Mme Fropa and Mino Supplios in general. RICHARDS LUMBER CO, Commonwealth Building, Scranton Pa. ' v THE Hiwln um of tobaoeo. lnuinntionorlnnaiiity. ir mini propyl, wun ..EftJWAIiUFTHUSING.iiou:"r? aEhvK SeEUCO.. Ma.rn.lo leu.pl. CJUCA0O.1U. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. WaahlnftoD and Soruce streets. TVTdTfc1 jLSjjp PENNYROYAL Ml Ujawv Ak for DR. KOTT'S MUTITYBOTJUi KIAS said take bo other. m&raSS for cixZT, rtic 1.00 per box, Iwzm Cm S.0 liUU, MOTTS CHBH1CAL OCX, - Cleveland, Oluo. For Sal by C. M. HAEHIS. DrorsLt. EVERY WOMAN Bc(lietiBineeaerHi.bla,nenthlr,roKnlaUnf nedtotn. Only btraUaunj Ihepureatdrugatbeuldbenied. If you want lh bwl. got Dr. Peal's Pennroal Pills ' Tiny are prompt, taf ti4 Foreal by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. or Patrons COMELL Carpenter Crown Juniata County, Penwylreoia, White Oak. SjlliTan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boarda. Ilk County Dry Hemlock Joist and Study diug. NERVEGEEDS. Tbil w.drftll natil? f .M .w.4 lo ni all mtv.u Ata iiicih aa Wen Memory. Lomoi mam run , uv..o, "'---; ii.ijni.BmMinn.ofslUiuriiiixcan.wtibyOTer'xcrUon.ioaUralerrwr opium or .amnlnt& , whtoa irad u lunrmi ly, yn- w ieanwui 'm"" - flZr-i a ma ww ;'-r " rr, -fniii. - ! 9 s Th only eafe nw ft ' ,.liahle Smivl TTT.T. evor offered to Ladies, Vfi ed to married Ladlo. T l'nn Ar.nn. certain In raaaU. The it!t,o (Dr. Pjal'a) aewr dlaae- Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and DillQ I ILL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers