THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 5, 3894. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES The animal meeting-of the stockuold era of the PenmylTania Steel eompany was held Wednesday at tba offio of tbe company in Philadelphia. Effingham fi. Morris and Luther S. Bent, tbe re ceivers of the concern, submitted their annual report which showed the net Srofits during tbe pait year to have eeb $150,000, notwithstanding that tbe output of tbe plant was fer several months reduced nearly one-half on ac count of tbe coal and coke strike. Tbe report goes into detail giving figures and will be submitted to the stoek boldert. It was annonneed that 94 per ceut, of tbe creditors and praetis ally all of the stockholders bave signed tbe re-organization plan. Tbe following members of the re organization committee with Mr. Bnt added, were elected to auoeeed tbe old board of directors: Effingham B. Mor ris, John B. Gest, , N. Parker Short ridee, George Pbiler, Howland Davis, Alfred Earnehaw. Lather S. Bent. Tbe new directors will serve until tbe re organization of the company should bave been effected. It was stated at tbe meetings that subscriptions amounting to $1,730,000 bad been made for tbe $1,500,000 issue of preferred stock. Tbe meeting wis presided over by Colonel John Cassels, of Washing ton. D. C. . Saward's Coal Trade Jonrnal says that "it is evident that the producers of anthracite acted wisely when, at tbe last meeting, they agreed to a curtail ment of production and the regrading of prices to accord with tbe market conditions. We can bat congratulate all coneerned on the very great ad vanoe wbiob has taken place in tbe method of conducting the business. when tbey are willing to accept tbe situation as they have done. Certain critics fancv that if such action had been taken a month ago there wonld be just so much tbe greater cause for tUUon. Undoubtedly; out tnere is so much that looks like a return of wis dom at present that one can overlook ibe errors of tbe past If tbe general trend of affairs as outlined early in tbe year hnd been pursued an outDut of but 83,000,000 tons fixed for this year, as was then sueuested by those con servative men in the business who know tbe business and its capabilities, all would bave been well and no neces sity for tbe recent movement bave - existed. The past week bas shown some improvement in trade circles, in that there has been a some what wider demand for coal, and with a movement of tbe stoek in band from the vards of the retailers, there will come a stronger condition. Tbe re' tailor now bas confidence in the aeser tion of tbe producer tbat proper care will be taken of tbe best interests of tbe business. On the New York mar ket we note a better tone to tbe anthra cite trade, and there is tbe chanoe tbat a good deal of business may yet be done during this year at tbe prices lately agreed upon: tbey are low for the value of the fuel considered from tbe standpoint of quality, and it only re mains for the producers to continue to view conditions m a thoroughly dusi-ness-like way the adjustment of sup plies to tbe demand. This being done, there is no reason why tbe retailers and consumers wiil not take in their supplies, and thus tbe result be of great good to the produeing and carry tying companies.' The movement of ears over the Penn sylvania railroad through tbe yards at Columbia for the month of September aggregated 114,874 cars. Eastward there were 1896 trains, containing 08,- 750 cars, of which 804 were loaded. The movement westward consisted of 893 trains, made up of 12,344 loaded nod 43,774 empties. Tbe movement of cars for September was 14 217 less than during Anenst. and 7,569 more than tbe month of September 1893, Not withstanding a decrease in the move' meut of cars for September over that of August, the freight receipts were greater, as a higher class of freight was carried. . There have been some changes among tbe clerks In tbe railroad sup erintendents' offices in Wilkes-Barre withia tbe last few day a Thomas Devanney, clerk for Superintendent iaser, wbose office bas been removed to Sayre, will take a clerkship in Sup erintendent Mitchell's office in place of Clerk Scott, who will go to Philadel pbia to study dentistry at tbe Univer sity of Pennsylvania. Superintendent josser s lorce will remove to Sayre. e Minob Industrial Notes: The Cameron colliery at Bbamokin re sumed operations Thursday ana will con tinue working on lull time. President Ingalls nays the Chesapeake and Ohio will apnd 2, 000, 000 in depot and oiner improvements at uicnmond, va. There are signs of a decreasing tendency in me national Dan it cirrmatiug volume. -which aecnnea i,wo,wiauring septem- per. W. F. Wlttrldge, counsel for the Earle' Olcott committee, has gone abroad with reference to the Beading reorganization plan. Chauncer H. Denew states definitely tnat the Lake Shore presidency has not oeen ouereu to mi. ou uonn, oi ine IvocK isiana. The Chicago Herald savs there are now about 5,000 cars of grain on side tracks at uuicsgo; out tnere is no uiteiinood of blockade. The Delaware. Lackawanna & Western directors have declared tbe regular 1 per cans. uiTiaenr, payaoio irci. zu, cooks cloS' ing uct. e ana reopening ucc. w. Tbe Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad company reports gross earnings for tbe third week of September to have been $75,000, an increase of $6,100 over last year. The trouble about wages at the mills of 'X nomas Dolan & Co., Second and Uxford streets. PbiladelDbia. has been amicably arranged. Tbe firm, the bands say, gave i- ' ALL OVER THE GLOBE -Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel , lets are known. They are far more effective in ' arousing the liver to action than tbe old-fash ioned cathartic pills, calo mel or other preparations. and ara Durelv vegetable and . perfectly harmless in any con- rl tt inn if thm mvaiam n mpa Is required while using them. They cure biliousness, sick headache, cos tiyeness, tour itomach. windv bek-hings. beart-burn" pain and distress after eating, nd kindred derangemento of the liver, stomach and bowels. Montgomery, Orange Co.. If. T. Dr. Pnracs! Jjear &rl suffered untold In',sr'IT ,with bleeding piles. I could get no relief night or day, until I commenced using your "Pleasant Pellota," and now for two vears or more, I have not been troubled with the plies; Jf my bowel get In a constipated condition, I take a dose of Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pel Ma, and tho trouble is all dispelled Iby next daj. ... -atO v i - 74. mi .is them ever information in reference to the condition of trade and proved conclusively mat tne alteration in tue scneauie oau been forced upon them by tariff tinkering. Tbe employes at a meeting decided by a vote of 122 to 93 to accede to tbe firm's pro posals,' , President Cable, of the Bock Island, says he thinks freight business oat of Chicago is better on all roads than at this time last year, but it is llyht eastbouud traffia that nurcs. The Pennsylvania freitrht agent at Chi cago says: "There bas been a big improve ment in business in the last few months, and moderate improvement in the past sixty days." It Ib announced that John Good's elec tric spinner is to be placed on exhibition in a few days, and that this machine prom ises to make a great revolution in the cord age industry. Offlcinla of the traffic department of the Pennsylvania railroad say that there is a decided improvement in freight offered, and that from now on they expect tbe company to make good showing. The state line branch of tbe Lebigb Valley will change its train schedule some- wliat, and a passenger connection win oe made in tbe morning and evening with the W. & N. B. trains at Setternelu. The average of anthracite coal prises in Snhuylklll county for September was f'J 27 against $2,23 0-10 in August, 1:2.04 in September lust year, 13.60 in Sod- temoer, ibhs, aud Ti.m in September, lavi. Tbe increase in the capital of American railroads during tbe ten years from 1883 to 1SU3 was: Stoelc. Cl.37L97S.KiI: bonds, ti,- 009,412,6'JO; othar debt, (131,486,218. , Tbe increase in the .number of miles was 54, 935. W. W. Brvan. who came to Wilkes Barre about a year ago from the west as passenger agent for the Lehigh Valley rail road has resigned and will locate in Phila delphia. Air. Bryan bad bis office under tbe First national bank on Publio square. The territory will be covered by Passenger Agent Charles Ueller of Allentown, wbo bad cnarge oi tue Lienlgn division, out whose torritorv has been extended to lu- clude ail tbe coal branches aud the Wyom lug division. Bptolmen Cases. & H. Clifford. New CasseL Wis., was troubled with nouralgia, and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly reduced in nesn and streugtn. xnree Domes or Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Bhepherd, Earrisburg. 111., bad a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Halve and bis leg is ouud and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad Bve largo fever sores on bis leg, doctors said be was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Halve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat thew Bros, drug store. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Etocks and Bonds. Ksw York, Oct. 4. For some time past it has been tbe fashion at the stock ex change to sell a little Chicago Gas for a turn. Today Intimations were receivod from the west that tbe Universal aud Chi' cneo Gas companies had reached an amica ble settlement. J. bis immediately upset the calculations of the traders, who im mediately started to cover. As a result tbe stock bounced up from 70 to Tilt on transactions or 5U,51K) snares, bugar, wnlcn bas been tbe leader of tbe market nereto fore in point of activity, but tbe cbanges in the Bhares were fur less important The stock held at 83aS3.! and closed nt 85. Distilling and cattle reeding rose irom 1 to 10nO,V. In railroad stocks a firmer tone prevailed and tbe covering movement wnicn was noted early In the week made farther prrgresB, and in the closing hours tbe railway list was strong. Tbe improve' ment in these stocks ranged from to Per cent. Tbe market closed firm and L to 1 per cent, higher. Total transactions were 194,001 shares. The ranee of vetrlav'sTr:eea fur thn tlve slocks of the New York stock market are given below. Tbe ciuotations ara furnished THE Thiuunb by Q. du B. Dimmlek, mana ger oi wuiiain Linn. Alien to., stock brok ers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton: Open- UUb' Low ent. mi - m !M. 61 1 WW 704 lt?s KH ' m SUS-4 CIos. In?. eii. i"g, 31 Am. Cot. Oil W . 81 Am Bugar. 8-1 'i Ml - 8W 16 raw A.T.&8.F IH, IM Can. So. 51 MS 61 Chespeake&Ohio... lMj Wfi umo. uu. iv i Chle A N. W !(! 10:tu C, B. & O ; Tli'fi C, C. O. ft 8t. Ij.... S'M C. M. A 8t- Paul.... V Chicago,R. I. & Pac. COW 60K D. & H D Li. Si W D.&C.F b (i. E. Co 87H Ills. Cent UkeHhore 1&5 M Ij. A N M14. M Mtnbattau 115 115 Jliob. Cent MImi. Pan 27W 27? Nat. Cordage........ V' l'H Nat Lead SUfi New Jersey Cent.. .111 111 lis" m 12 3 111 i 14 16 lis" jiiti lit iro n. J. central wm iuu N. y. AN. E l and SI 14 N. Y..L. E. AW.... UH UU N. Y.,8. A W IUU im N. Y., 8. Sc W, pr North Pao North Pao.rr 17K isti 17i JtM WW O. A W IBM VHfl luafi Phil. A Reading 18 lttti in Rich & W. P ItStf 14 1K 1., TeiasPao 4 I'M M V Union Pacific 11 11 11 1 Wabash 014. 4 Mi DM Wahash pr 14U lot ml Uu Westorn Union. 87 .... .... 879$ CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICE8. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, oat. est. ing. M14 tmt 59 M 04M &H 54 HI 0194 4l;a 51 Mi H 3414 30 3J . 2W 2iJft 6014 60i6 4I1J4 W 41) 47 47 4SJ ' WJ 4.S?i Ui 7 42 7 48 7 22 7 32 7 &1 7 W) 1 50 7 m WI1EAT. May Deo. Oct OATS. Mar......... Dec CORN. May Deo. Oct LARD. Jan., Oct Nov PORK. Jan Oct 11 8T , 12 85 12 85 12 85 12 53 12 85 15 75 12 85 New York Product Market New Yonn Oct. 4. Floor Qniet, freely offered, light demand, weak. Whiat c higher, firm, fairly active to arrive; JNo. 2 red. store and elevator. o&ita&Dc.: auoat, aoaDoc; r. o. o, 5Cn57c:. ungraded red. SOaoSc: No. 1, northerd, 65VfC5Xc; options were fairly active and o. higher. December and 11 ay, most active. Sales included No. 2, red closing October, 55c: November, Bise.: DecemDero7c; MaytK,c. oorn Dull, firmer; No. 2, 500. el. vator; ooaobiio. alloat; options were dull, firm nt l&alc. advance; ilny moBt active; October, 60!c.; November, 60a December. 64Wa ; May, 64Jic Oats Fairly active, Hrmor; options stronger, fairly active; October, 83'.c. November, 83;fc; December, 84c. January. 85Kc; Februarv. 80Wc: May. 88tfo.; No. a white, 80c.; November, 80c. Spot prices-No. 2. 82s325ic; No. white, 85Wa35Kc; No. 2 Chicago, 88a 83Xc: No. 8, 33c; No. 8 white. 85c. mixed western, 83a38c; white do, S5a39e.; white state, 8ia39c. Beef Dull. Tikrced beev Inactive. Cut Meats Quiet, unsettled; middles nominal. Labd Quiet, lower; western steam, 8a W.); city. 7Xc,i October, olosed, 18.00 Dorainal; January, closed, $7.85; nominal retlnnd.dull; continent, 18.46: South Amer ica, to. 00; componnd, OWnOc. Pobk Dull, steady; mess 14.7Cal.25 extra prime. ci8.ouai4. UUTTER-Qulit; . cbolce, steady, state dairy, HaViSc.: do. rreamery, 18a25Wa; Pennsylvania do., 1825Jc.s western dairy, iosiic; uo. creamery, ioa.De.; ao. lactory, 12i4alx&; elglns, 26c; imitation creamery, 15al9c Jone creamery, 20a23o. Chissi Quiet, firm; state large, 8a luftc.! do. fancy white, JOalOxc uo. coiorea, iu,c; ao. small, . BHalOJio. part skims, 4a8o.; full skims, 83Kc Eoos-qulet, easy; state and Penn sylvanla, I9a20c; ice boose, l&alOxc western iresn, iaiwo,j do., per case, r.Aa.w. The Baby and Its Mamma. About the first thing the man with a traveliug case and drooping mustache noticed upon entering the train was tho pretty young woman with a baby sitting by herself in tbe forward end of tbe car. The man looked exceedingly affable as be slid into the seat immediately behind the pretty woman, and within tbe space of a minute and a half he had made friends with the baby by means of a series of Wild pantomimic demonstrations. "A-gool a-gool" The man with the drooping mus tache thrust his head forward ostenta tiously and emitted a sound resembling the gurgle of water running from a jug. The infant was visibly pleased. "Whose baby is oof" The man was clearly work ing tbe child only as a meanB to an end. He glanced furtively now and then at tbe pretty woman. She looked steadily from tho window. "Does oo love oo mamma?" The man thrust his finger playfully among the baby's ribs and was rewarded with a delighted screech. "Pretty babyl Pretty mamma!" The man thrust his head forward with still greater ostentation and opened his eyes very wldo. The woman gazed ab stractedly at the landscape. "Pardon me, madam er" He leaned over the back of the seat with respectful mien. "I am er very fond of children er" The pretty woman turned her bead at last. "Indeed t" she remarket "Ah, yes." The man with the drooping l. ,tache sighed. "And this cherub" He chucked the baby under the chin. "Of yours is the sweetest" A look of horrified astonishment invested the pretty woman's countenance. "Dear me!" sho hurriedly exclaimed, "you mistake. The baby belongs to the lady over there." And when she pointed to a redhaired wo man with a mole on the end of ber nose tho man with the drooping mustache sud denly forgot bis love for children and re tired to the smoking cor. Detroit Tribune. Authors' Knowledge of Medicine. We laughed when Mark Twain proposed to deliver a course of lectures upon chem istry before the Koyal society, adding that he was "in a position to do this with greater freedom, because he knew nothing whatever about the science," but tbe pub lic do not laugh at, but take in all serious ness, the medical incidents and opinions scattered up and down the pages of the novels and poems which so commonly deal with medical matters. One of the strange medical things in "Monte Christo" is the way in which the old revolutionist, Noir- ticr, manages to live on, paralyzed in every part of bis body except his eyelids, which bo winks freely. 1 et the old fellow reasons acutely and finds no difficulty' whatever in swallowing food and drink. Dumas seemed absolutely unaware that such a paralytic condition as be describes in Noirtier's case involved of necessity brain damage of tbe most serious kind Elsewhere Dumas made a guillotined head speak aud weep. In one of bis tales in the volume "Les niille et un Fantomes" there is a story of a man engaged in making ex periments on heads fresh from the guillo tine in the Keign of Terror. Then there was Krook, the Lord Chan. ccllor in "Bleak House," who went off the earthly stage by spontaneous com' bustion. Dickens might well be excused for falling into nil error which was at that time commonly believed in by people wbo ought to know better. Bulwer Lytton went in for medical marvels in "Zauoni," but as he was a student of mystic lore, and actually learned mngic from a professed thaumaturgist, tbe Abbe Constant, his wonders were attributable not so much to bis ignorance of medical science as to his belief in the elixir of life and the transmu tation of metals. British MedicalJournaL Beating Many Railroads. "I once rode from Denver o New York for less than seven dollars on a wager with a prominent railway official," said O. P. Schuyler. "By the terms of the wager I was to ride first class, to be put off no train aud to pay for less than one mile in three. I won easily. I wonld board train at the end of a division with a ticket good for fifteen or twenty miles. Before riding out my ticket I would manage to ask the conductor several questions about the town at the other end of his division, our time of arrival there, etc. I would then don a smoking cap and go forward to the smoker and take my ease. Frequently the conductor would pay no further atten tion to me and I wonld go through nicely, Sometimes a conductor would come along looking for checks. I would name the town at the end of his division. That gen erally satisliod him. "If he insisted on seeing my check I would tell him my hat was in the next oar. Only one came to report that my tile con talncd no check. I was a trifle indignant at being so frequently disturbed, looked through my pockets, went back and stared at my hat, and then tendered lnra fare, which he declined to take. Of course I afterward paid full fare over the line, but I won my wager and proved to the skeTv tlcal railroad odicial that even the most careful conductor may be done brown by a deadueat. ' fat. Liouis Ulobe-Democrat, A Gentle Bint. Colonel II. W. Fuller, general passenger agentot the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad. has an acquaintance in Washington who strikes him every now aud then for a loan and nbout half the tlnio forgets to return it. The only day the man met Colonel F. on the street. "By the way, Ilarry," he said familiarly. "can you let me bave ten dollars to keep ine going lor a week J" The colonel wasn't feeling genial or Jovial. "io," no responded, "l can't, but i can let you have a railroad pass that will keen you going that long if you will agree tu use it," and the borrower took the gentle Dint, but not the puss. Detroit Free Press. Tub essential lung-healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine, Dr. Wood's Norway Flue Syrup, bold by all dealers on a guarantee of sat isfaction. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Oct. 4 Tallow is In. active and weak. We quote: city, prime, in hogsheads, 4Ka: eon n try, prime, in barrels, 4c; country dark, in barrels, 5'a4Xc. ; rakes. 5c. : grease, 4c. CUBES Constipation. C1T1XES Constipation. CURES Constipation. Iwriti that you may know the Rood I bave received from B. B. B. I was all ont of health and suffvritiR with con stipation and biliousness, 1 tried other medicines, but they failed to do any good. At Inst I bonghta bottle of a B. a and before I had uand It all I went to work a well a ver. Gus Nkioi, Box tMrvhuton,WarrSMO.Pa Acts On the Bowels. me Scranton Tribune Job Department J well equipped with the latest styles of type, . Superior Workmanship Low Prices : and Promptness agbt to be Inducement to tbe trade, TUB ' 1 Convalescent AND Over-Worked Need Proper Nourishment. In these cases Bovinine is indispensable; being so perfect a nutrient, it is easily digested; acceptable to tbe. most delicate stomach, it quickly restores strength, flesh, and color. largely increases the number of red blood corpuscles over eight per cent, a week expands the muscular activity, nour ishes all the vital organs, and is recognized by the medical profession as the greatest flesh producer known. Contains no medication. Endorsed by 25,000 physicians. Sold by all druggists. THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Pirapto Liver Molet. Blackhead, Sunburn and Tan, and ru stores the skin to its origi nal freshness, producing a rliwr and houllhv oom- Tlp-.lnn. fiiiTrinr w all f flA '- preparations and perfectly harmless. At "all arugglsts, or mailed lor Mcta. Send lor Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP U lnplr liwprbto u a k purlMni Sap, rattuM tor the toll, and irtUmt llnl or U D.nrry. AMotautr jm auk tohtuMj matlr ratal. AtdnmlM, Prioe25 Cents. G. C. BITTNERcV CO., Toledo, O. For tale bv Matthew liroi. and John B. Phelps. EMDomiD T TMt HioHttr MtoicAL AmnomTtei 'SMEHTIIOLliMER L,MIMrtnn rrPAnniJ WTNMAvnLnnnn HEADACHE yjjf?, 3 lNHALin will cure you. A wonderful boon to uiTuran from Cold., BoreThroaC, Inaarnra, RranchltU, Or HAY l'EVK. Alnrilk immrdiaUrtlltf. Aneftlcleiit remedy, conrcnlent to carrr In pocket, ready to on nrrt trxllaiiion of coli (If to llfle on Hr?t tndlmtinn nf Rold. Continued lite kffecta Permanent Core. Pfttltfacllon guaranteed or money refunded. Prlee, CO ct. Trial freo ai DmrelMUi. mnil. 60 coma. ILD.CUSmtMr..ItireRiaiJc)i..D.8. 1. OTTSHB4LA.Iw-'S MrMTUni The "nrf't and aafeat remedy for TIL. 11 1 nUL, ji,kinfjleaeJKcierfi.lth.8alt RheoniiOld Sore, Burnt, Cuu. wonderful rem My for PILES. Prlee, t6 eta. at Drug- D AI ' Cta or hy mull prepaid. Addretiri a abova. DALR. For sale by Mutthews llros. and John B. Phelps. RE VIVO 0P!pB t-vk RESTARTS VITal ITY " f tsT rv. n - '' -i '7. Made a We!i Mar. iu.D-T.x of Me. THE OREAT 30th iSay. FnENon n.uiviEi3"sr produces the above results In 30 days. It arU powerfully and quickly. Cure when all other fail Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using KEVIVO. It tiulckly and surely restores Nervouti ni!K8, Lout Vitality, Impotent?, Nightly KnitHaionK, Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Dlneatsea, and all effects of self-abut or excerisand Indiscretion, which nntlta one for attidy, bnalneaa or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but ib a great nerve tonic and brood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale check and re storing the lire of youth. It wards oil Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having KK VIVO, do other. It can be carried Id vest pocket. By mcll. 1.00 per package, or alx lor 85.00, with a posl tlve written guarantee to cure or refund 1 lie money. Circularfree. Address 10YAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River St, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Matthews llros., Drngglsts Sorantou , Pa. BOVUDE The Original Raw Food UtDay.lMlAJV THETRQJLLEY SOAP UOS.b.KTHOS. PHiunoaupHiA ' For Washing Clothes CLP, AN and SWEET. It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps. " Price FIVE CENTS a bar. 700-fUaiLE By tho Beautiful New Steamships of the Old Dominion Line TO OLD POINT COMFORT (EYGEIA HOTEL), OB (PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL), AND RETURN Most Delightful Resorts ou the Atlantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS -FOR- I" Old Point Comfort U Virginia Beach - . , A, day aud a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING " ' EVKRT EXFI2N8E of meals and berths en route, a day and a quarter's board at either hotel This trip is an ideal one, as the course Bkirts the coast, with lit tle likelihood of seasickness, and passes in review many watering places and points of interest. For printed matter and full particu lars address OLD DOMINION S. S. COMPANY W. I. GUILIAUDEU, Trafflo Manager. Pler 26, North River, New York. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS. $250,000 This bank offers to depesltors every facility warranted by their balanoca, bust Bess and responsibility. Special amcLlonslTen to business a, count. WIL2.IAM CONNKLT President UKO. H. CA-TL1N, Vlce-Preslden. tVILLIAH B. PKCU, Casliie DIRECTOR& William Connell, George H. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Archbald, Henry llelin, Jr., Wllllau X oitb- Lntber TUB TRADERS National Bank of Scranton OHQANIZEO 1893. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30.ooa BA1TUEL RTNESJPresMenli. W. W. WATSON.ioe Presldsot . A. A WlLXJAMd, Cushier. SiBicrons. S AyrrsL Hrnrs, james M' EvunnART, Ihvino A. Fincr, Pierce R Finux; Joseph J. Jkhuviv, M, 8. Kemehbr,, Cuas, e. JlA'lTUKWS, John T. PoHl'BBj, W. W. Waisow. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage of business fneu and firms generally. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HDNT WELL CO. CVJTF.B BBOK CO., Inc'p. Caaltal.ll, 000.000. BEST 1)1.60 SHOK IN TUB WORLD, "A dollar luted i a dollar tamed." , TblsLadlee' Holld rrencb Dontola Kid not ion Boot dellrertd free anywhere in the U.S.. on receipt or jau, uorwy uroor, or Postal Note for IliO. Equals rrery way the boots sold In all retail stores (or t'4.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar antrt thajtf, itplt aid wear, and if any oue Is sot satltSaa wm reruna ue money send another ntir. Opera Toe or Common Bente, widths V, 1.1. E, St KB, mini ana hall ilxes, SendyouriUe; win it you. iiiunratea Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe CMS5K . MASS, Special itrmt (o ueaurt. Rill ELnlNTON. If SEA TRIPS mn1 VIRGINIA BEACH 16.00 $17.00 $17 GAUTIOH: To Washburn-Crosby Co. patrons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take NO BISKS, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to placed Washburn-Cro3by other brands. MEGARGEL k Wholesale Agents. SHAW LTM A IV SHAW J. Lawrence Sfelle FORMERLY BTELLE Ss 8EELEY, MUSIC DEALER 131 Wyoming Ayenue, Scranton, Pa. SHAW PIANOS to the front EMERSON Clough& Warren Waterloo ORGANS TRICES SATISFACTORY. DSD YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight,ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. All Grades, Sizes aud Kinda Of every description on Land. Prompt shipments guaranteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. BITTENBENDER & CO. SCRANTON, PA. We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at prices tbat warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade. Paciflo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Prandtof White Pine and White Cedar BhiDglea, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short sad Long Leaf Yel low Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Eails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO, Commonwealth Building, Scranton Pa. HOOD sumption or Insanity. KpFflRP IN II SCTCD IJCIUC . v. -. a.ih. i' . .. r.. .l kn.r e-.iremiStaEMVjiiii For Sale in Scranton, Pa.,byH. C. SANDERSON, .Druggist, oc. Washington and Soruoe streets. in and Uti'OlUt AMD Ajri'tH UaLMO. ntec to cure or loraW.OO. 1111. For Sale by a M. rtARRIS, Dmeglut, 1K3-',iwdl'"T,rl.- FsnuAsiniMiti .'-J InTQlunUrT Kml.lonl Bsfjis Slid Alter Uaiss. eonumpu w iniaouy, (i.iKiptr Dos y m an, a boics for (6. With e?r f ' 1 IMMiatiras ' ' ' ' " ' r ' ' - PKAli MKlllOlNS roraaU by JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. Our Patrons wish to assure their many every detail of milling has Co.'s flour far above all I "N a v EMERSON EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. Carpenter Crown & Connell kept in stock. . Jnnlata County, PeBntyLraaiWhlU Oak. SalliTan County Hemlock Lniaber anl Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Board, Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Stadr ding. RESTORED!" NERVE SEEDS. Tai. wMferfll rltr tut saw 4Utmr.allan i.a. elf CONNELL such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Headaelie, Wakefulness, IiostManuood, NlxhUr Bmlsiions, Nerrousnesi, all drains and loss of power In (XiueratlTe Divans of eRber sex caused by OTereiertlon. s-Mlkful errere. excewlve use of tobaoco. onluin or stimulants, which lend to lnflrmHT, Co- Can be oarrled In Test pocket. 1 per boi, f or , u.M k llrfniaol.l. A ah fnr 1 1 take l v K ucvn'oj. . u.nlA ifmnlm. rnlfiojl. ILL RESTORED MANHOOD DR. MOTH l n asMllll 1 1 1 i sai riLL sss a m ffl, nwmwi. ItKutMt inn n. all havmmb Ibubu the generatlTo organs of either sex. such as Nerroas ProssraUeo. Fall llltf Or lAWt Manhood. ImnotencT. Nlvhtlv Rmlaalnna. Viuithtnt SrmM alontal Worry,excesalTeisof Tobacco or OMnm. which l 1 to Con- Insanity. With erery order we f rre a wi refund the man... Rni-i at aii.aiA Mphnv skam. JUOTT'et cut XM1CAX. O.i testsU.ttaUa 1ST Penn Avenne. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will ersee Ten opln a weak, Bol wHIk WIITTII h-ttqo. Debility, LossofSwnal Powsr la eMkei stt from any caniie. If neglsotsd, suck treaties load l' i . it u .uuMin w w niUV IS. HH.T1 SHI CO. Claraland, Okie. r Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avanua aiul