: J 8 THE' SCRANTON TBIBIWE THURSDAY MO OCTOBEE 4. 1894. MILLINERY OPENING Wednesday OCTOBER 3 AND Thursday OCTOBER 4 In connection with our display of Au tumn Millinery, will make our annual dis play of Suits Coats AXD apes You are cordially in vited to attend. GORMAN'S 412 Spruce St, Scranton, c Dr. Beeves iB now fully established at 412 Spruce Ktreet, Scrantou. He has jwrformed b.hiia wonderful cures and has gained the uoiitlduncH of the public. He has come to STAY anil will remain PERMANENTLY at Ma Spruce street parlors. He baa had long and varied experience in hospital and private practice and treats ali acute and chronic diseases of men, women and children, lie givca advice, ser- rnrr nr nninpr .vice, and examination MCt Ul lllAllut No one is turned away. He, with his assistants, treat all diseases of the nervous aystera, diseases of the eye, ear, noa i and throat, dyspepsia, rhouuiatlsm, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay in both auxes, female weaknesses and irro&u luritlas, nervnua debility, catarrh, tuinort, cancers, eruptions, blood poisoning, fits, epi ilpny, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost manhood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vitas' dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc, FEMALE DEPARTMENT. Tlio doctor baa opened a female department for those who wih treatment exclusively for ailments, peculiar to females, so' that those whom "delicacy" has heretofore kept away may now receive the services of a "lady" whose treatment will prove her ability In such cases. OFFER TO THE PUBLIC FOR "CATARRH" Any one suffering with "Catarrh" who wishes to be PKSJI ANENXLY and QUICKLY cured may receive FOUR MONTHS' TREAT 1 KNT FOB ONLY TEN DOLLARS. This offer holds good for thirty davs. The doctor bus discovered a SPECIFIC for this dreaded disease. You can treat and core yourself and family with it at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment free. OftVe hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 9 p. m. Sun days. 10 to li and 2 to 4. Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or teis. Kemornlwr the name and number, 412 Spruce St, Scranton. QARPETS, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Papers. v All the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. our doors aboTo Wyoming House. Mothsn! Uothsrsll Mothsrslll Mrs.Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been mothers for their children while teotblnf, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softeus the gums, allays all pain; cares wind colic and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydtuggisU in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's ootbing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-dye cents a bot tle. - - V J "J UIIIIVUD vi GRAND DEPOT REEVES nil REEVES Carbondale. Hal Torrence, jr., it on a visit to New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilaox. of Fremont, P.( ipent Tuesday evening tn this city as the guest of Mr. and jura. A. & iiewsiey. Will Hathaway and George Male are spending their vacation in New xork city, T. C Oliver, of Wyomina street re ceived two telegrams announcing the serious illness of bis sister in Virginia. He at onee departed for that place sna nis sister aiea soon after bis ar rival. Thomas Lyng died on Monday even ing at the borne of bis nephew, Jobn uoiana, on uanaaa street, xne funer al was beld yesterday af ternoon and the remains were interred in St Rose's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. William MoMallen left yesterday for a visit of several weeks with friends in Kansas and Dakota. Miss Edith Lewis it the guest of Hyde Park friends. The Enigbtt of Father Mathew bat. taiion are making extensive prepara tions for a sooial wbloh will be eiven in Keystone ball on the evening of uct. 1U Miss Ida White is visiting friendt in OlyDbant. Mrs. Frank Hubbard and Mist Belle bowers have returned from an extend ed visit to friends in Danville. Vt. An unusually pleasing entertainment was given in the Methodist church last evening nnder the auspices of the young lames oi the jpswortn league. Among the pleasing numbers of the programme were two reoitationt by Miss Berths Powell, of Sornnton. Agnes, the 12-year-old dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Martiu Brennan. of Dun- am street, died Tuesday evening after a short illness. Fnneral this afternoon at 3 o clock. John A. Lunny has resigned bis do sition as persoription clerk in Reynold's drug store. The Woman s Board of hospital work will hold its monthly meeting this afternoon at 8 o'clock in the board of trade rooms in the MnnieiDal buildlnc Miss Grace Ireland who has been the guest of Miss Jessie Yunnan returned to ber borne in Danville, Pa., yester day. The Ranid Transit comnanv hava a large force of men at work at their power bouse laying foundations for a new engine and several additional gen erators which will be pnt in as speedily as possible. Ihe balloon ascension which was to bave taken plaoe yesterday after noon at the Transit comuauv's sower house has been nostnoned until Friday afternoon, the reason being that the Hillside eompany refused to let the grounds for that purpose. The ascen sions which will be given on Friday and Saturday afternoons will ocour from some field in the vieinity of the power nouse. Patrick Farrell. of Vandlint. who was injured at the mine at tbat place yesterday morning, wat taken to the noipital in tbis city. Miss Jennie Wright, of Scranton. who has been Miss Cora Averv's anest. returned noma yesterday. Mrs. Julia Ann McGoritv died Taes day at the home of her dauebter. Mrs. John Clift. of No. 9 Dickson Hill. De- ceased was 83 years of age and a native or booth Canaan. She bad been resident of this city for many years ana is survived by three sons and two daughters, who are John and Elisha MeUonty. Mrs. John Clift. of this city, Mrs. William Robinson, of South uanaan, and Mrs. Stuart of Scranton. The funeral services will be beld this morning at the residence, after which the remains will be taken to Sontb Canaan for interment The Lackawanna Valley Ranid Tran sit company have at last received their books of trip tickets wbioh they are putting on sale, and exchanging for the outlawed tickets issued by the Trae cion company. They will also intro duce lor the first time in tbis section of the state a novel form of tickets in the shape of a red celluoid "coin" whioh is light and easily carried. It is about the size of a nickel and has been found successful in other cities. . Forest City. The board of trade will meet tomor row evening. All indivlrinala Intnr. ested in the general prosperity of the uorouga are requested io oe present. ToDBorial Artist Richard Gray is at tending the Berwick fair. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Evans, of Gibson, visited relatives in this nlaaa veatar- day. Benilimin F. Maxa haa nnatnnnod the opening of his night sobool until - lr.u j , umb jduuust ivsninv Miss Mav Hnllnnk-. of Parhnnriala la .i. t, v . " i me guesi oi miss lone ryier. justice of the Peace W. J. Msxey has been ill for the past two days. Thomas E. Reynolds nf S rontnn was visiting his brother. W. G. Rey nolds, in iuis piuce yesterday. Quite a number of persons from this Dlaee saw John L. Snlilvan In "Tha True American," at Carbondale Tues day evening. Among those who went from this place to see the once great pugilist were: Postmaster Cunning ham, H. Edward Taylor, James Cun ningham and Charles Leonard. The fnneral of Jatnea Mnrrlann tnnr place yesterday morning. Services were neiain St. Agnes Catbolio church, Rev. Father Coroner ofSniatlnv Tha funeral was largely attended, quite a number going to Carbondale, the plaoe of interment. New Milford. The laro-A atnrahnnaa nvnaA h n n Whitney is reoeiving several oarloads ui uae jersey apples at f l us per barrel. Enirana Parlrar la ott AnHinrr aalirwil air Factoryville. Rnmor has been busy this week cir culating the report that parties bad purchased the vacant tannery site at this place and would soon open busi ness. As far as we can learn the re port Is with very poor foundation. Dons speculator wno is desirous of Gil more' s Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, ana ieei exnausted and ner vous are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness.1 Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes diges tion, enriches the blood and' gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scran ton. opening a brickyard could find no bet ter material than at the southern ex tremity of this borough. A number of our citizens who at tended the Montrose fair report ed a fine display of stock nd fruits, The attendanee was large. William Smith bat moved into Mrs. S. G Cornell's residence, on Church street A pink tea party wat held at the ueinoaist Episcopal cburon last even ing. Honesdale. The body of Rev. David Torrey, of uazenovia, N. Y.t was brought to Honesdale in the 4,24 gravity train. Interment was mads in Glen Dyberry cemetery. At the cemi-annnal election of of fleers of the Amity Social club, beld a their rooms Tuesday evening, the 'i Inst., the following members were eleoted to office: President. Christian Hartung (re-elected); vice president, Jobn Grocer; recording secretary, George Meyer; financial secretary, J, P. Sommer; treasurer. Jacob Ohmer, jr. The club will bold its monthly social on the 25th. The dancing class of Professor Reeves will meet at -Pioneer ball, Friday nignt at a o ciock. Henry Ealkman. the well known clerk in J. T. Brady's pharmacy, left for Philadelphia yesterday morning to complete bis pharmaceutical studies Several of the racing men who will take part in the meet of the Maple City wheelmen today bave arrived and are getting in shape for the day i work. The handicap raw. one mile. will probably be one of the hardest fought races of the day. The scratch man is one of Scranton's popular young riders, ine limit man is also from Scranton, with a handicap of seventy yards. The prizes for the races and parade are on exhibition in the window ot U. h. Sen nailer, nearly opposite city hnll. Dittricb, the crack Hones- dale rider, has received a new Lynd nurst racer. Dorin will ride a Colum bia and Gardner an Eclipse. J. Samuol Brown, who is snendine hla vacation in the Adirondack, has siain bis first deer. Jermyn. Proposals will be received by the secretary of the Cemetery association until Oct. 10 for the laying out and grading walks through the new add! tion. Miss Kate Griffiths and Miss Rosa Wilcox are contenting for a bicycle for tne bennt of Crystal iioie eompnnv. The officers of Rnsbbrook lodge 850. Independent Order Odd Fellows, elected ror tne next term arei U. ju Bell, N G. : Williom Toman. V. G.: J. G. Nicholson, secretary; John Mellow, as sistant secretary. t. U. Ferensen, ot Hamden, N. Y., was a Jermyn visitor yesterday. The Silvr Lake auartett sang in the Metnoaist .episcopal church last even ing to large and appreciative audi ence. John Farrel. of South Main street, is improving bis property by putting down a stone walk. All are invited to be present at the opening of the high school building i ria ay, anernoon. Nicholson. Miss. Catherine ParVar vohn nmi an entertainment in tbe lecture room of tne rresoyterian church last evening, will try to get a class in elooution and Delsarte. Heraaftar tha larva rotat-v nraa. tn the Examiner office will be . run by WAtfir TmWAr Inafaart nf hn... nAva. Mrs. John Rnia An' tktamaA aal dent of this place for many years, is in n .... - r. . . very m. tier emidren are with ber. Ex- Jndire Sntland of Tahnnnanv waa in tnwn Tnaariav lack Ulan atanton. who movari tn Nan Milford last snrlnir. haa ratnrnail tn Tha nfiW milrnart' hriArr rrnaa n tw ft VJ VIVNIII Tunkbannock creek will ha anmnlnUrl in about a month. H. D. Tiffanv is in Mnnrna tnwnaliin tins vfuK looKina- arcar ma nnimnii interests. C. L. Soencer. a resident of thl nlnra ior many years, win move on bis farm soon. Tw Rnllnnil MlMt ft T rn,tin.r nk . v. J . vuu.UUIJ Ul lishes the ftews, and in its columns Btrougiy commenas jjr. inomas' iMMectrle n,i i ...i.i. . i . . , v.! v vuuguo, cuius, awe luroat, cHiarrn and asthma. Arehbald Tha MftlTlnlAV Rannnlionn nlnhnill ti. i . . .. . . . . noiu an important meeting in Lilnde i ball this evening. Mrs. Mnrv Philbin visited in Rerun ton yesterday. Tbefamilv of Hon. A. V MaTTnl of Olypbant, has moved bere and is nAUT AAnnntflnn T fTlilm a.H!U ing on tbe Square. Mr. McAnulty'i interests in tne uuizn mages bis pres ence necessary bere. Mrs. Morgan Jenkins a well-knowu resident of tha Rlrirr diad nn Mnmluv after a short illness. Tbe deceased bad lived on the Ridge for many years and was nigniy esteemed Dy all. Her funeral took place yesterday. It was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. a T. Dv!, of Seran ton, visited Miss Kntie Barrett, o Railroad street on Monday, Two Lives Savd. Mrs. Phoebe Thnma nf '.fnnvti 111.. WSS told hv hap llnnt-nra aha hiM rV.,' snmption and that there was no hope tor . . n . . , . . 1 IF. . . ucr, uub twu uutties ut. iving s jnew Dis covery completely cured her and she savs it Bavfd her life. Mr. Thos. Eggere, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, Him nimuut result cYurytuing eise men boutrht one bottla nf T)r KimrV V. ni. covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are examples, thut prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Concha andffnlria FrMiriult hAn.B. Matthews Bros,, Drag store. Regular site uvu. iuu a i. Moosic. Tha Women's Christian Taninaranna nninn will hnld thair tnnnthlv T)IKIA reading to night (Thursday), in the basement of the Presbyterian church at 7.SU o ciock. John White, leader. Mr. and Mra. Rum anil mnJ. danirhtar. T.ihliia Pillrav dililn. , - j t .a..,ua relatives in Vermont Mrs. William Hailstone and daairh- lar I.illiun of. Prnvdlanna vlaiti.it n few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Frankenfiild re turned to ber home in Philadelphia, after visiting the lattor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gdmmull, of South Main street. When Baliy -ma slcte, we gare her Caatorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, (Vhen she beoame Mist, she clung to Castoria, - When ill had Children, she gars them Uutorla, Dalton. Mrs. 0. C. Stoll and dausbter Carrie) have retarned home after spending a tew weeKs witn relatives in JNev Jersey. . , . Mrs. A. Ball baa been sick for a few days past, but is recovering. The Sobool Directors have bad a new furnace placed in the school building. yalte a number frjm this plaoe at tended tbe sbootintr match atSoranton. The Methodist Epiioapal church of tcis place is holding a week of prayers, Mr. aud -Mrs. A. Terwilliger are visaing relatives at Berwiok. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, of Blnghamton N. Y., were visiting relatives ut this place Tuesday. Dell Enigbt is able to be about his work, at Seranton, after being sick for nearly a month. Tbe Lodies' Aid Socioty of the Meth odist Episcopal church met at Mrs. A. Townsend't, at Clark's Summit, last Wednesday. Asa Eaton it making some improve ments opon the store building occupied by R. E. Phillips, by building a new part on it. Mies Mary Gardner and mother are visiting relatives in Veruont. Miss Eva A. Acken. of Eevston academy, will recite at the school bouse next Friday afternoon, after which she will try to organize a class in elo cution. Everyone come and bear her. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Mason enter tained a large number of their friends at their residence last Tuesday even ing. Mrs. W. E. Smith is sick. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pedrick. of Honesdale, were at tbis place Wednes day. Mrs. Emma Fauhaber leaves today (itti; to spend a lew weeks witn rela lives at Pottsville. Pa. Hon. Galutha A. Grow will speak at this place next Saturday afternoon at J. P. Dickson's. All should coma and bear him. C. J. Walsh is boarding at Scranton Walter Dickson, of Scranton, was in town Wednesday. Hullstead. The Surricks gave one of the best entertainments ever given in this place last evening. Some miserable scamp set fire to Mr. L. a. urooks plaining mill and work shop last night, but luckily the fire was discovered before it had made muoh headway. Jay B. Harding, the young man who disappeared from bis borne in liing hamton on the night of Sept. 11, was found at the Mitchell bous in tbis plaee on Sunday last by bis father, who iook mm borne. Jay, when be left borne took with him some money of his own. and he claims he bas visited the cities of San Francisco, Chicigo, JNew Orleans, Washington and New xork. A meeting will be beld in tbe Rail road Young Men's Christian Associa tion ball in this place tomorrow to or ganize a braooh of the Hallstead Tern- perauce league of Binghamton. J. L a. bunderlin, of tbe Hoboken Yonns Men's Christian association, will ad dress tbe gospel meeting on Sunday at a. au p. m. Mrs. liffiiny. of Montrose, is visiting her son. L. E. Tiffany, the popular urnggiet oi tms puce. The teachers meeting on Friday eve ning win be held at tbe home of Pro fesior Moxley. Taylor. The Pyue mines works four days tnis week School Director William Pawell and Mary Lewis, daughter of David X. Lewis, will be married ou Oct 10. Daniel G. Jones, of Olypbant. was In town yesterday. The willing workers of the Method ist Episcopal church, met at the home oi Carrie wvbardt vesterdav. Joseph Davis wus in Bloomsbnre yesterday. Rehearsals arc being beld nlehtlv tor tne production of "Jeptba and His Daughter" on Oct 11 and 12. Henry Leuthold has returned to his studies for a veterinary surgeon at a unoago school, Austin Cooper has srone back to San Francisco, after many weeks' visit in town. Willett S. Deckr bas retired from the firm of J. B. Winslow & Co. Mr. Decker will go into business in Sulli van county. ihe falrof the Welsh Connreeationiil church has been noetnoned from Oat. 24 and 25 to Nov. 29 am) 30. Tomorrow nlsbt a G. Kerr, of bctaaton, will leotnre at the Price Li brary association on his "Trio to Ire land." Tbis is the first of a series of free lectures to be given, by tbe asso ciation. For earache, toothache, sore throat. swelled neck, and tha result of cold anil inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' Edectric uii the great pain destroyer, , Minooka. Chus. Covoe and Miss Bridget Filz henry, of tbis place, were united in tne bonds of matrimony yesterday af ternoon at St. Joseph's church bv Rsv. H. Green. Miss Maecie Monroe was uriaosmaid and Joseph P. Wa al). served as groomsman. The bride and bridesmaid were prettily attired. Mr. and Mrs. Coyne are popular and hand some and received the well wishes of their numerous friends. Tbe members of tbe Yonnir Man's Institute have organized a new drc- matlo socioty and purchased a new drama entitled "Among the Brokers," i. : . i. . .... . . . 1 wuico. mey intend to present lu the near future. Tea Drinking In Japan. Tea wax first Introduced lnt.n .Tsnnn tm a Buddhist saint, Dangyo Duisbi, about the beginning of tbe Ninth century. But its cultivation made no progress until the Abbot Myoe laid out some plantations at Toua-no-o. anil afterward at ul.li. ' J ( II u tu. are yet the most celebrated in Japan. 'xuougn it was ireeiy drank and used among the upper classes, Mr. Chamber lain, who is an authority, does not think the custom wns at all universal among the lower classes until the Seventeenth century. The first tea drinking was indulged in bV the ZcTl Sect nf Rmlrihiafji almi.ltr vitU ' ...u.g,. j niiu the intAHtion nf kaatdnff I.Kimt!iilvaB .v.1-. during their midnight devotions. The nrst unsTocratic tea drinker of whom there is imy record is Monamoto Sane tomo, a shogiin, who lived in the Thir teenth century. Esal, a Buddhist abbot, tried to reclaim him from bia intemtvrntn habits by inducics: him to drink tra instead of sake. The enthusiastic abbot drew UI) rules tn fravern th n,nr which naturally he made religiftus. First came a very plain, frugal meal, then a serv ice consisting of worshiping departed ancestors, the noisy beating ot drums and mucn burning ot incense. Esal also pub lished a book In wliicl, ha i1 how tea beneflu the "five viscera" the heart, liver? lungs, kidneys ttnd intestines -and its influence against oni, or demons. Owing to the abbot's introduction of the plant and his zeal for its use it is fashiona ble for renl entliuninata tn fain Ma ot Zens), and it is the abbot of Daitokuji from whom credentials of proficiency n the mysteries are obtained. Kim Fran All That's Claimed "I hid a poor appetite, that tired feeling and ttas run down, but Hood's Sarssparlua hu done me a great deal o good. I have a better appetite and do not feel tired, . I can rec ommend Hood's Sarsa, parltla as an excellent spring or fall medicine to keep the blood in order. Myself and three daughters bave taken over six bottles, and it bus done us much good. We do not now have to call '" upon a doctor, as for- i mcrly, In the spring time, and I can say that Hood'.s Sarsanarilla is Albert Kinsey Auburn, Pa. all that is claimed for it I most heartily rec ommend it, and shall always keep It in my nouse." albert sikbet, Auburn, Fa. l-IOOd'S Saraa- JL 1 parilla Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do tot purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. CLOTHING HOUSE Wish to draw attention to their stock of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING Manufactured expressly for them. -a. great attraction is our Ten Dollar Gents' Fall Suits and Overcoats They are strictly all-wool, in all the fashionable colors and shapes and made by good tailors. We offer in our Boys' Department 200 All-wool Suits, sizes 4 to 15 years, $2.85, which are cheap at $5. Two-pairs of Knee Pants for 25c. CLOTHING HOUSE. PIQN OP THE BELL. 230 Lackawanna Ave. tSTAll goods left over from the fire sale, which are damaged by water only, at your own price. Scranton Tribune EVERY description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, nractieal and com- petent men in charge of each branch 01 me wort. We do not make a sham show of cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Deot 18 ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITY. t y ' ' -I'llaihaaihAlaVatf.-iil' tVaaia dy,aa'r.nutr,aufcal 'SofSSalJja!' ftiti iwimJ tia tftn .i - kuk t Uh from pac-plort1,bw try Mfl. rtMnHotfprtntu pmltiTtly or. COOI sUBLUl t)U iiwf i 'It jar..j-4 V lit THE BELL THE BELL mm p JOB. . . A DEPT. '""'"""""''I'HiiHiii.iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimMiiiimiiuaiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiji THE FAIR .402 Lackawanna Aye. FALL OPENING millinery Cloaks Thursday Friday and Saturday September 27, 28, 29 ''"iiiiiiiiiiaisnniuiiigiiuiiiiiiuiDuinuuiiuuiinumuiiaaamiiuniiB m 406 and 408 The Greatest Bargains Offered !y Others I Easily matched and dlieoonted Prore It by a test i ' . ' ' . " ' I Tbe Economy wants the people the exosrienced hoase- 1 keepors and iutelllgent bnyers to reallz) this. They want them to oome to their mammoth stores and investigate fo 1 1 .uv&uaiviTva. They bare stood by the psople and with tha people for the p-.st five years; fnroished hundred of homes to the Satisfaction of their patrons, and are today tbe acknowledge! leaders of tbe Cash or Credit House Furnishing Business of Scranton. RELI ABILITY is the eanse of their (rrea hold upon tlia peopU. When they buy from the Economy they know they are getting- full valne for their money. That is why they ore popular and their boslnss constantly increasing. A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American Onyx Finish, with every purchase of fSO or over. Or an Elegant 100-Piece Dinner Set with every f 75 purchase or over, for Cash or Credit. -OF- AND- TABLE Onyx Top. New SSEBECECEfl Lacka Avenue. ...fe 5.---a g-:... ..: -a-: 7 r Cisco. Calk . ,