r THE SCR ANTON TBIB1 lE-THURSDAX MORNING. OCTOBER "Y," 1894. GENERAL NEWS OF This view of the anthracite situation i( taken by the Philadelphia Inquirer: "It it jait oue week mgo tbat the un noaneement was made of (be anthra cite coal presidents' meeting, and their determination to stand by tbe May circular. Yet It is now admitted tbat some of tbe companies have violated tbli agreement. Coal bas been shipped to New England points since tbat agreement was made tbat bns been bought at $3 10 for egg aud $3 23 for store, whereas the May circular prices Bre $3 85 and (3 60 respectively. More over, it is understood that more tban one company is thus catting And yet no other result was possible in view of tbe conditions of tbe trade. There are 8,000.000 tons of unsold coal above ground in tbe bands of producers, stocks all through tbe conntry in con sumers' bands'are heavy and the car rent demand is exceptionally light; yet the sales agents agreed to move 8,000, 000 tons in October. With this quan tity of coal coming upon an overstocked market, it was only a question of wbo Sould cnt first. In fact, tbe presidents' etermination had hardly been tele graphed over tbe conntry before some of the companies were selling coal at tbe old figures. Tbis last attempt to lave tbe trade from demoralization bas ended in utter failure, and tbe season is now so far advanced tbat no measure tbat could possibly be adopted wonld be of any value. Tbe companies have thrown away 20 cents a ton on almost 40,000,000 tons of product, and all be cause a race for tonnage was indulged in. It was only yesterday tbat tbe figures for the September wages draw ing came out, showing tbe average price of Sobuyikill coal at Scbuvlkill Haven in tbat month was $3 27, as against $2.64 in September lust year, and, while this drop of 37 cents is rather greater tban was reported in previons months tbis year, it ie fair to say that tbe loss bas been 20 cents when all the sizes are included. And yet, in spite of this enormous drop in prices and a decreasing demand from consumers, tbe companies persist in piling op coal where it is not needed and where it will be a source of de moralization in tbe coming year. For the only question now is, can next spring's trade be saved? If tbe busi ness is to be at all remunerative next year, steps must soon be taken to re strict tbe output, and restriet it most rigidly. Tbis year's business it beyond redemption." Tbe Philadelphia Inquirer thinks that the apathy with wbieh the Bead ing reorganization plan is regarded is due more to tbe decline In the coal trade tban to any other factor. Al though the fact has been concealed un der a cloud of percentages and traffic arrangements, the troth ie, all the coal roads have suffered a severe blow through tbe reduction in the rates for transportation. This reduction has been about 20 cents a ton, and no road ie now getting more than $1 50 per ton for hauling its coal to New Yrk har bor, as against $170 and $1.75 a year ago. It is trne tbe Beading shows by a tariff sheet tbat its rate is still $1.70. but as tbe coal and iron company is al most the only shipper, and as its deficit is always assumed by tbe railroad com pany, tbe case would not be altered a particle if its tariff were made $3. Tbe Beading gets but $1.50 a ton for carry ing their coal. Now this redaction, coming after other reductions in late years, is a matter of prime import ance. Ten years ago, when tbe Bead ing did 21.71 per cent, of the mthra cite business, the rate was $2 from Fort Carbon, and an additional lateral toll was imposed tbat aver aged about 30 cents a ton, making rates from tbe mines $2.30. Bat about 1885 a through rate from tbe miuos of $2 was made, and tbis was cut down to $1.70 a few years ago. Now it is fur ther reduced to $1.50. Of course, tbis loss would be mule good if tbe com pany bad increased tbe volume of its ' coal trade, bat this it has failed to do. It carried in 1893 bat 2 500,000 more tons than in 1884. and at 80 cents a ton lees money. Nor was it possible to maAnna nvnantaa mnh haAansa fit K touuw f Avuacv uiuuui vavnuav v hid larger volume of business. The low price lor tbe company s shares is due primarily to tbis inability of the man agement to get as moon oat of tbe coal trade as they onoe did. The mere ban dise and passenger business of tbe road is entirely satisfactory in every way, but it does not admit of doubt tba t tbe coal trade is in very bad shape. It is, of course, impossible to get rates back again to the old figures, aud, this be ing tbe case, tbe only alternative is to make tbe output as large as possible and crowd ont of the market bitumin ous fuel as far as can be done. Wbile tbe present conditions are in force tbe stock will continue to shrink in im portance, and it is a recognition of tbis Isct tbat keeps tbe shares down and causes suoh a cool reception to the re organization plan." It is a pity about the poor railroads. No doubt they ought to get all the profit out of toal . mining, and be pensioned, besides, , Magaret S. Dennison, executrix, and Abram Nesbitt, executor of tbe estate of Maria Hughes and others, have filed a suit in assumpsit against coal opera John O. Haddock for $101,205. It is alleged by the plaintiffs tbat the de - fendant leased a tract of eleven and . one half acres of coal land from tbe Hughes estate at an annual rental of $14,000, and that a statement of the amount of coal mined has never been made. The plaintiffs, however, claim tbat 245.600 tons have been mined frem the property, Tbe suit is one of tbe largest brought before the Luzerne courts in soma time and tbe result of the litigation, says the Record, will be closely followed. L. H. Bennett, D. O. Coughlin and W, 8. McLaan are the attorneys for the plaintiffs. A dispttcb from Tamnqua says: Mrs. William Roberts, Bridgeport, If, y, writes: "If I bad not taken your Modi cine, I would not be here now. The doctors did me no good, I was just a mere akeic- ujd, couiu uoc eat, i would have awful pain in my stomach pain Id , tny side, bowels and X chest j soreness In my fuicK ana womo; was tweak, nervous, and 'could not sleep. After I took your i 'Favorite Prescrin- ' Uon,' and 'Golden Med ical Discovery,' I com menced to Improve. - In two weeks could walk about tbe house could eat did not . have any more pain la MRS. Robbrts. way my morphine powders. Whon I first commenced taking the medicine It made me feel Worts. -1 was hoarse, could not speak aloud for three days: as I rot better my pains and bad feelings left me and I could sleep good ; my nerves got bettor. Before I took your medicine I kept . my bed four month got worse all the while. I am now quite fleohy and can work all day." DUSTHIES JtT fly" $f "The gold field of Reynold," near here, reported some tims ago. Is once more attracting attention and people in tbis vicinity are anxiously awaiting future developments in the Miller gold mine. The leading scientist of tbe state have always held tbat tbe quarts roek of tbe Western states was not to be found near our ooal deposits and consequently are slow to believe that snob is the case. Specimens of tbis ore Have been sent to leading mineralogists and geologists and tbe rock Is pronounced the genuine gold-bearing qmtriz. Mr. Miller is awaiting returus as to tho quantity or per cent, of gold found in a ton of ore. Mr. Miller has hail nam-i-roas offers for leasing bis mine,wbiob be bas decline! Ha bas refused one offer of $500, 000. " Minor Industrial Notes: James E. Childs bas been reappointed general manager of tbe New York, Ontario and Western. John H. Williams, of Lee, bas accepted tbe'poeition'of inside foreman for.tbe Bnub Coal company. Tbe Southern railway bas a mileage of 4.7U1 miles and Its bonded debt is just 1100, 1)00,000 under tbe reorganization. It is stated that M. B. Cutter, formerly with the Chesapeake and Ohio Southwest ern, is to be the successor of (i. ti. Gram mar, who eoes to tbe Lake Shore. Samuel Griffiths, who bas been mining boss at the Empire colliery for three yeara, bas been removed to the Holleuback No. 2, where he will act as assistant mine fore man. Thomas H. Hall bas resigned his posi tion as outbids forman at A. S. Van Wickie's &linersvi)le works to accept a position as general agent for tbe Emmons & Evnne Manufacturing company of Phil adelphia. At the meeting of . tbe directors of the Pennsylvania liues in Philadelphia last week tbe subject of making Saturday a half holiday all the year round, as during tbe Bummer months, was discussed, but will not be settled until the next meeting. One of the latest innovations in railroad equipments is coal cars with air brakes. Tbe Lehigh Valley bas had some large gondolas just turned out at tbe Buffalo shopj fitted up with air horse brakes, and is no running them oh tbe Wyomiug di vision. - An attempt is being made to secure con certed action by tbe leading western roads lookiug to the wiping out of tbe ticket scalpiug offices. Heretofore it bas been impossible to secure united actiou, and it is feared tbe present attempt will" meet tbe fate of preceding ones. On botb the St. Louis and the Indiau apolis divisions of tbe Big Four the new fast trains are hauled by the Qarstang en gines, which have shown themselves cap able of hauling four to five cars per train at a speed of sixty to seventy miles an hour without much seeming extra effort. By a vote of tbe general passenger agents at their meeting in (Quebec ail questions of dispute which come up between n ads are to be settled by arbitration, tbe arbitrat ors to be appointed by tbe president of tbe association. It is hoped tbis method of settling disputes will aid in preventing rate wars. An exchange says tbat the managers of the Central, Lebigb Valley, Beading and Belvidore and Delaware roads are to meet at Jersey City to discues tbe important matter of a uniform rate of wages for train hands. Tbis is likely to attrack the attention of railroad managers through out the country, and if tbe managers can agree it means much to the men. The Vandalia bas commenced tbe firing up of locomotives wheu cold with crude oil and waste at a great saving over doiug It with wood. The coal is placed in the firebox, then covered up witli waste, and crude oil that costs but a trifle per gallon poured upon it, tbe beat being intensified by putting on a blower run by a stationery engine. By this process an engine can be fired up in forty-live minutes or less, while it requires one hour or- more to fire it np witn woou ana costs a mucn larger sum oi money than the crude oiL ' Till essential lung-bealing principal of tbe pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of sat isfaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. , Stocks and Bonds. Nbw York, Oct. 3. Today's dealings at the Stock exchange aggregated SSI, 447 snares, or wnicli 13S.H0O were Amencau Sugar. This is the best analysis of today's b toe it speculation tnnt can be ottered, it was Sugar from start to fluieh, the other prominent issues naving Deen neglected to a sucsiaiary positition. Lionaon was ac credited with soiling about 80,000 shareB of various stocks, of which Louisville and Nashville figured for 6,000 shares. This stock was unfavorably influenced by a forecast of tbe annnal report, but when the statement was published the stock re covered about a point to 54 after selling down ix to 04. Kock Island end St. raui were lower early in tne uay on tbe poor exhibits for September sugar, however, was the great feature, the stock falling to 82 tbe lowest poiut yet touched. After tbis there was a sharp rally and the stock advanced to 86, tuny 3u,wu snares oi snorts naving been covered on tne way up. This was fol lowed by a break to 83tf(g88. Chicago gas advanced to 71V, broke to ti9 owing to tue cleaning or realizing orders ana later recovered to 70 (it to. . Ueneril Elec tric was weak earlier in tbe day, but olosed unchanged at 37. Tbe general list left off barely steady. Net losses were to 1 per cent. The range of vesterdav'snrices for the an tlve slocks of the Mew York stock market are given belnw. Tbe quotations are furnished j. his i mi iiunb uy u. uu 11. uimmick, niai:a ger of William Linn. Allon Sc Co., stock brok ers, 412 Spruce street, Bcranton: Open- Mitch- Low CIos. inn. eat eat. in if. Am. Cot oil mi 3t aw SI Am Bnfrar. tia 81146 Mf, p:iu A.T.&8.F 5j 6 6j 6'.2 Can.80. " .... Cbespeake Ohio... lfl loU IV 1UU Pl.l timm 7IW(I ?ILZ (iMJlt l Chic A N. W lVM 1U!)' 1ili2 HO C, B. & Q ?i T'JU C..C.C. A8t. L.... 8!Ui 8HM 3M ffltu O. M. A st. PruI.... my m tu ml Chicago.K. I. & Pac. HoaJ sn;8 -fins, so$ u, ac a too i JO j,m lifij D L. AW U. ft C. F HM HH HU H7. O. E. Co. 87i m 3t$ 8754 111. lUUb Lake Shore , L.AM Manhattan Mich. Cent Mlu. Pao Nat Cordate Nnt Lead NawJersov Cent. .110 N. Y. Central N. Y. AN. K. N, Y., L. E. ft W N. V..H. A W N.Y., 8. ft W., pr.. V& North Pao 4& North Pac. nr 1VA in 18 lil O. A W Hit 1IIU Phil, ft Reading 17-lJ 17' Rich ft W. P im 1M T.. C. & 1. .... 184 Texas Pao 9W Union Pacific IWi Wabash ni Wabash pr, MJ4 Western Union. 7 Ut 114 HV 8m 14W CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES, X)pon- Hinh- Low- Clos ing. WHEAT. May MU Deo. 5J) OATS. - May 83tl Dec 2Vti ' CORN. May- 44 Deo. 47 LARD. Jan 7 10 Oct 7 n't Nov 7 SO .POHK. Jan 12 75 Q,it 12 DO est oak ing. MM MH 64 55-X 110 110 115 116 ct" iiii aVU jiii i:it Jutf A vM 37M inw H'lU ma no lin no mi H wix 6S-K M 6-SU iH b'4 53 i an 211 2V'i 0) 60W 491.4 4W 47JJ 47 474 7 60 7 40 T 40 8 00 7 S7. 7 87 I 60 7 65 7 46 13 M 12 75 15 82 12 W 12 DO lfl HO ' Hew York Frcdooi Market Ntw York, Oct 8. -Flock Wesk, neglected. Wheat Dull for export, nore aotive to arrive; red Xe. np: spring, ko. np; No. 2 red, store and elevator, MjiaoSo.t afloat, oStfaMKo.: f. o. b.. 65$aouVc;.' ungraded red. 5Ua55c.: No. 1 northern. 63)a63o.; options closed steady at K over yesterday: October, 54c. De cember 5tSXc- i MayBlJic (Joan Dull, firmer; No. 2, 64a55a ele vator; 64a55o., afloat; options, with wheat, firmer west, local covering, de clined - KaKo. on liquidation and easier west, advanced c. on covering, closed steady at Hac. over yesterday, with i railing fair, May and December most act ire: October, 64c; November, 64c.; December, 53o.: Aiay, oiic Oats Dnll, Urmer; options dull, firmer; October, S'iKe.; November, 811)C( De cember, 844c; January, 85Xc; May, 37c; No. 8, 82c.; No. 2 white, 85c; No. 2 Chicago, 80.: No. 8, 85c; No. 3 wuite, Blc.; mixed western, twxnaijc. ; white do., 85a38e.; white state, IMa38c. MEEK-yniet. TlERCED BEEF Dull, Cut AIkats Quiet, middles nominal. Lard Quiet, unsettled: western stonm. $8.40; city, 7ia8o.: October, closed, 18.38; January, closed, $7.90; nominal, refined, quir, continent $8.55; South America, f0.25; compound, 0Jia7c Pork Dull, steady; mess tU.75al5.25; extra prime, $18.50al4. Butter Moderate demand, steady, state dairy, 14a23c: do. creamery, lSa'J5a; fennsylvanla do., 18a25xc.; western dairy, 13al7c; do. creamery, l&a2So.;do. factory, l'alJt'c.; elgins, 20c; imitation creamery, 15a 19a June creamery. !30a28o. Cheese Light receipts; quiet, firm; state large, 8al0c.; do. fancy white, 10c: do. colored, l(al0c.; do. small, SMalOc; part skims, 4a8c.; full skim?, Euaa-quiet, weaker: state and Penn sylvania, 19rt20c; ice house, lo)al7c; western fresh, 17al0c; do., per case, I2.25a4.25; limed, lOaUa Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Oct. 8. Tallow Is steady, and trsde Improving. We quote: city, prime, in nogeueaue, ec; country, prime. In barrels. 4lc: coun try dark, in barrels, 4Jc; cakos, Sc.; grease, 4c. Bpeolmen Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Cassel. Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, bis stomach was disordered, bis liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced iu flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his log of eight years' standing. Used three bottlej of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and bis leg is onnd and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had Ave larare fever sores on his leg, doctors said be wsb incurable. One bottle Electrio Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Siilve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat thew Bros, drug store. WEAK MEN Y0UR ATTENTION Gray's Specific medicine IF YOU SUFFER from Nor- . vous De- MfOKTWM. Mill 1UML billtr. Weakness of Body and Mind. Sperma torrhea, aud Impoteucy, and all diseases that arise from over-indulgence rod self -abuse, as Loss of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vis ion, Promature Old Aire and inauy other dis eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early pravo. write for a pamphlet. AddrefH GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. The Spooiflo Medicine is sold by all druggists at 8 per package, or six packages for $5,or sent by mail on receipt of money. unci with overy $6.00 ordor Wr". GUARANTEE a cure or muney reiuaueu. WOu account of counterfeits we have adopted tho Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine, bold in Bcranton bv Matthews liros. Dueber-Hampden 17-Jewel Watches are known by rail, road men and other experts to be tin. equalled for we at and accuracy. Tbe Dneber Watch Works, Canton, ti. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CON NELL CO. DRITEB SnOB CO., Ino'p. Capital, 1 1.000,0 W EEST St.BO 8UOE IN THE WOULD. "A dtllnr land it a dollar tarnrd." ThlsT.n1' Solid French Dongoln Eld Bat. tou oat uciirered free tnywhare Id tbe U.S., on receipt otuuu, uoooy uracr, or I'oiUl Note for I1JKJ. ICquals every wty the boots old la ell retail stores for li.40. We nuke this boot ournlres, therefore we guar- iht jit, huh ana nicif, any oae Is sot laUiflea rill refund tbe money tod another pair. Opera oe or Common BfDRe, widths C, I), B, fc EK. sties 1 to S ana nan uee. Btn&youriiu; ii you. uttrated i.y.iWewH C Ctta- L.-.,.ii.oit.-jMi' cart Dexter Shoe Co., 3 FEDERAL ST.. BOSTON. MASS. fiptrtnl term 10 lab. "fflae4 REViVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a iiv.WJy5p4etftweii war. IBthDay.lf 0f Me. THE GREAT 30th FRENOn Xl333VX33I5Tr proilnoes tbn above results In 30 lny. It S'-tt powerfully aud quickly. Cures when all otbors fall YoiiDsmiuwlllru(Uu tboir Inst niaiibvoil, aud old meu will recover tunir youthful vixor by imIiuz IIKV1VO. It quickly ud nurdjlMstofH Nnrvous newt. LoHt Vitality, Impotuncy, Nmutly Emissions, IxKt Power, Fall! lift Mt-uiorv, Wwtliur inscai-, unl all effects of eelfbuee or eicriwaud ludiHCretloa, which iintlteoneforsudy,bn8lneiia or marriage. It not only cures by atarting at tho arat of dim ase. but lsasnat nervotonle and blood bnlldor, bring Ids back tbe pink glow to alo cheek and ro atoriiur the fire of youth. It wards off fnnanity and CouBuroptloD. Inais. on hivitm RKVIVO, no other. It can be carried In teat pockot. Cy mail. 41.00 per peckane, or sU for aS.OO, with a pfal :ire written erueranlee to rare or refund he money. Olronlar free. Address UVM MEDICINE CO., B1 River St., CHICAGO, ILL. For sal by Matthews Broa, Druggists ) Cerantau fa. I RUBlf JEWELED! ADJUSTED ctfff Vvja WATCHES Arjf VA.THE '.' rTiS antet T hny SEATED AND UNSEATED LANDS By the Commleiloners of Laekawanua County, THURSDAY, OCT.' 1 1, 1 894 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Notice Is hereby given, that la pursuance of the general Acts of Assembly of tbe Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, directing the mode of selling Boated and Ui seated Lands that have been In the possession of the County Cjmmissionere and romaiuing unrod.iumod for two yors aud upwards, there will be exposed to publio halo on the Uth day of October, A. V. IS!)!, at 111 o'clock a. m., at the Arbitrntiou Room, in the Court House in the city of Scran ton, the following propertios, uulesi tho same are redeemed previous to that time to wit: UNSEATED LAND CAKBONDALE TOWNSHIP. . Amount of Aa. Ifo.ofAcrtt. Oimer or Keputtd Detcripiion of Property. Taxes, Ilr- Owner. ttt and Cost. 250 acres. Silas Leach Jonathan Dllly, jr., tract 101 68 ' iUOacres. Whiteford and Tliomas Charles Hurst tract Ht 51 FELL TOWNSHIP. 8 60 acres Owner unknown Peter Lee tract, west of Lackawanna river 2183 31 acres Owner unknown. Peter Reach tract, east of Lackawanna river 645 70 5 125acros. Owner unknown Paulsome tract, east of Lackawanna river 30 10 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. 8 105 acres Whiteford and Thomas Robert Irwin tract 65 08 1 1U5 acres II. B. Reynolds. Susauah Ojlesby tract 87 8'1 8 438 acres. K. Pettibone and J.F. Nuss.D. Kidnewav tract 140 70 V HO acres. Silas Leach 10 110 acrei silai Leach 11 870 acres. Gaige and Cloiuents IiKHIGII 230acrea Whiteford and Thomas. u'iu acres ti. u. Keynoias Jamea Morroll tract 417 acres Owner unknown ....John Reed tract , , 4-4 ai res Owner uukuown William Wheeler tract ., 2-'l acres. Oaigeand Clements John btlne tract '. 100 dores Gaige and CItimenta. James Burnaide tract 86 acres. John J. Fabi-y Abraham Scott tract MADISON TOW.VSHIP. 19 178 acres Hannick and William ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP. 20 21 30 acre Owner unknown U acres Owner unknown Elizabeth Guise tract 22 8u SPKING BROOK TOWNSHIP. 800 acroa Davis, McMurtrie & Co Casper Thiol tract 177 40 WINTON BOROUGH. 22 23 430 acres I. X. Grior and Mrs. Davis. SEATED LAND DUNMORE 1 Messengor not. .Henr; 1 lot.. ,B. H. i nroop 1 lot Anthony Henry i lot J. u. Morse 1 lot A. Frntlilnghnm 9 lots A. 1- rothinghuin Hot E. Gallaghxr 1 lot Daniel B. Bee JEFFERSON 32 63 acres Warren Tnorpe OLYPHANT BOROUGH. 83 Hot Richard R. Jones. Throop's land, First ward..... 5 01 SCRANTON, FIRST WARD. 3t Hot Bridge and Turnpike Company , , , 6 10 SCRANTON, NINETEENTH WARD. 't't n ,-. TT ... T T)I ...1. 11 1 1 ,,t nr. r. . 1 - - . tuts jwuuini.ya 86 1 lot Charles Uraff SCRANTON, TWENTIETH WARD. 37 Hot William Corrigan Block 28, lot 9 5 25 88 1 lot Michael Junowaky Block J9, lot 7. Irving avenue 6 3i 39 Hot JobnKaswaiki Block 88, lot 20. Irving avenue 6 ll! 40 Hot Euirene Kebartfe Block 87, lot 8, Fig Btreet, Crown ave.. 4 77 auv lurcguiuv prupuriioif win oe eoiu ior caa 8. JilHiHi: liHAKI.ES F . WAONliK, UlerK. Bcranton, August 1st, 1894. TRY Thtrqjlley soap liigliESBir - -g-f Y--""--"""-Vi tr.i -"i PHIUAODUPHIfl For Washing Clothes CLJIAN and SWEET. It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps. Price FIVE CENTS a bar. 700-HSLE ' By the Beautiful New Steamships of the Old Dominion Line TO OLD POINT COMFORT (HYGEIA HOTEL), Olt VIRGINIA BEACH (PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL), . AND RETURN i Most Delightful Kesortsm the Atlantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS FOR Ejff. Old Point Comfort - $16.00 (t I U Virginia Beach - - - $17.00 9 B A day and a quarter at cither hotel. IXCLTJDIXG EVERY EXPENSE of meals aud berths en route, a day and a quarter's board at cither hotel. This trip is an ideal one, as tho courso skirts tho coast, with lit tle likelihood of seasickness, and places and points of interest. For lars address OLD DOMINION W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Trafflo Manager. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO ECHANTON AND WILKG8-BARRE. PA. MANUFACTURERS () LocomotiYes and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Offin. SCRANTON, PA. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL" $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 Ttila bank offora to drnciattor rj facility narrauttd by tlialr balaaeu, buab Baa and rcapunalblllty. Bpaeial a(tuiitloiijtlTap (.a bqlnfao ounta WIL1TAM CONNFI.t, Praaldfat. QKO. It. CATXI IN, Ira-Fraaldml WILLIAM B. FKCK, Caahlak DIRECTOIta William Coaaall. Qaeraa R. Catlln, Alfred Hud. Jamaa Arahbald, Manry llalln, Jn. William X. tVaitk- Latfaar Waiua OF- Kllzabeth Branhain tract 83 28 J. Dil ey, jr 61 61 Mary Conrad tract 126 41) TOWNSHIP. Herbert T. Ifoore tract 20 16 22 45 84 IV 31 06 18 44 11 09 14 56 John 8kyron tract. 1S8 69 J. RIchtie traot 20 6: .J. Steinheizor tract 837 30 BOROUGH. Madison avenue, 8lxth ward. 25 51 Ureeiiville, Fourth ward. 7 s; (juincy avenue, Siith ward 47 13 r.iontrlc avenue. Sixth ward 3.1 o Ouincy avenue. Sixth ward 19 32 Electric avenue. Sixth ward 86 6'J Clavavonue, Sixth ward 20 38 Jackson streot, Third wiird 22 !0 TOWNSHIP. 46 2 wl, IUI , UDOCU 8treet O li Bio k 48, lot 10, Beach street 5 15 niuy. W. ROBERTS. GI E- ROBERTS, County Commissioners. JU11W UtMUTU, SEA passes in review many watering printed matter and full particu S. S. COMPANY Pier 26, North River, New York, THB TRADERS National Bank of Scranton OltQANlZED 18901 CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. f AMUEL HirJKS.tPreaMont. V'. W. WATSON, Vice Preaidanl. A. E WILLI Alia. Uahlar. DIUICTORA, AMFlr, ITlNE, JAYtn M" EvtRHART, limno A. FiNCRi Piaiics a Finlbt, Jusbpu J. jKKunr, M. ti. Kbmbiiir., Cuai. f. Matthkvts, John T. Puuiiu. W. W. WAISOJf. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Thla bank larltea the patroDage at tmalnan toan and firm ganarally. CAUTION: To Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many patrons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above all other brands. IEGARGEL k Wholesale Agents. SHAW r-l A IV PIANOS SHAW J. Lawrence Sfelle FORMERLY STELLE & SEELEY, MUSIC DEALER 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. SHAW PIANOS to the front. EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. Clouh& Warren LHI A EM dt Carpenter ORGANS Waterloo I KICKS SATISFACTORY. YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORES for an equal wei3ht,ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau 307 LACKAWANNA AVUSUH All Grades, Sizes and Kinds Of every description on hand. Prompt shipments guaranteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn buckles, Eolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. BITTENBENDER k CO. SCRANTON, PA. We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at prices tbat warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade. Paclflo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Eranda of White Flue and White Cedar Shinfilea, Michiunn White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. "orth Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yel- low Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Kails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplios in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO, Commonwealth Building Scranton Pa. H liy mall prepaid. WIUi '..M..-k.nrf ih.MMi.v. BEFORE ANUfifTtRUSING.no other. Addruaa kRV WEED CO.. IdaaouLe Temple, CBit0O.lU. For Sale In Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, . WaahlngnoD and Snruoe streets. ' snaiss..-. TUfrTtf-h" r-rrV PFNNYRHYAI a am a a a a b a a aaa a aaeiVB ou vu awmN uuuti, Aak for DA. MOTT'S PE5TBTK0TAL PXLI.B and take no other. ..wr" w. ntM.,!.. ipi,ia ai iui n.. har. ft doim fnr a tii fc-ltr tw oena ror circular, crice ii.uu per M XH. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO, For Snln by O. M. HAIIRIS. nrnselat, EVERY WOMAN SomaUmai need! a reliable, monthly, reirnlaUni medlelne. Only barmalaaa n4 the puroit druga ahould be oaed. 11 you want the beat, ret Dr. Psal's Pennyroyal Pills They are prompt, aafa and certain In renlt Tbe rnlneDr. Faal'a) awrar ilaaa. iwiat, 6unu'',11.W. Ad4roj fsaii Masioua) Oe UeTaland, o, Foraale by JOHN H. PHElPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. Our Patrons liVf - EMERSON EMERSON Crown , a h Conned kept in stock. Juniata Connty, Pennsylvania, Whit Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumbar and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Board. Elk County Dry Hemlock JoiaU and Btnir ding. "NERVE 8EED8. aatMaUtv. .IIBW.MM all C01ELL raw, auch aa Wenk Memory. Isaof Brain Power, Hradaeha. WaketuliMia, Loat Manhood, Ntiihtly Emlnalona, NerTOuaneaa.allilralnaandloaapl powar In UoiitiratlvoOrpHiiaof either aex ctauaeri by oTerexertton.fMitarul errare eioawlvooae of tobaooo. opium or atlmulanta, which lead to InttraUr, Con IHimiplliHinrlniKUiily. Can be oarrlBd In Tal Docket. i par box. tor a Hli order we B" written nriiM m nra fti-itnl.rfrpA MnM hr all drusalftta. Aahforlttaka WW The onlyat&fa, true ancl . reUable Fomala Pitt. PHIS. ever offered to 7tm, espeolaily recommend, ed to narried Irftdias. 137 Pann ATanua, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue anal 1