THUBSDAlv A Lg. OCTOBER 4, 1894. THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE t or wag devoted to muslo am) dancing, w bicb were kept up until a ' late boar. Refreshments were served at ita oloae. SOUTH SIDE. IWEST SIDE -- : : 8 nRir nrw? z?5 an a hai ii b I H II sill n I W IB H a u n M mar r VW 1 J I, M I ett n .. M . LITTLE WEST SIOE NEWS NOTES. The Bvde Park Father Matthew society WELCOMING FrflfcNO. Henry F. Evans divan B? option Last Evening. Despite tb inolemencr of the weather, a large number were present in St. David's ball last evening at tbe reception tendered by tbe people of Hyde Park to Henry F. Evans, of Salt Luke city, a former rosident of tbii tide, who bus been spending the inm ,mer in Europe, and ia now visiting bis (many friends here. Tbe meeting was called to order by City Assessor Henry D Jones, who an nounced Attorney W. Gaylord Thom as as chairman of tha evening. Mr. Thomas made muny very pleasant re marks in connection with the oareer of Mr. Evans, lie stated that tbe latter was a resident here abont twenty seven years ago. After the late war Mr. Evans went west, and has risen Krently in the esteem of tbe residents in that seotion. Mr. Evans was tha past grand master of tbe Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The able address of Mr. Thomas was followed with a Vocal solo entitled, "Guard My Baloved Ones,'' by the well known contralto, Mrs. Charles Melzgar. It was received with much applause. benjamin Hnghes, superintendent of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West tern mines, expressed himself very much gratified at meeting bis old friend whom be knew in his boyhood days. Mr. His witty manner stated that he was very particular in watchiug Mr. Evans because, "I bad three daughters.' Mr. Hughos told many anecdotes in connection with the career of Mr. Evans. City Treasurer Reels G. Brooks poke of tbe boyish pranks of Assessor Jones and Mr. Evans at the home of Becjtmin Uuofbes. He stated that the two Harrys once pretended to go to cbnicb, but did not go. When Mr. Brooks, on returning to tbe bouse, saw Harry holding tbe clock, the other Harry delivering a pathetic sermon from bis perch on a chair, with an oc casional amen from tbe crowd. He said that now Mr. Evans bad proven himself a worthy man and he was very happy to congratulate him on bis suc cess in life. Miss Jemina Jones, tbe elocutionist , delivered a pathetic declamation en titled "Tbe Martyrs." She responded to an encore with a comio reciaation entitled "Jimmy Butler and the Owl," Miss Jenning gave a solo entitled ' Queen of the Earth." After a well delivered though short address by Hon. D. M. Jones, Thomas Allen, one of the oldest members of tbe IraDkua Fire company, gave a very amusing song In German dialect. Tbe last speaker was Judge H, M. Edwards. He expressed great delight at being here to welcome Mr. Evans and spoke of the latter's oareer. . The olosing selection was a solo by Mrs. Metzirar. A response was mads by Mr. Evans, ana at the close rerresbments were served and a social time indulged in. Mr. Evans will spend a few mora days on this side. A USEFUL INVENTION. New Appllanoes for the Franklin Engine Company, A very useful applianea to the night permanent men at the Franklin Engine bonss bas just been Invented by John Kime, of tbe company, and when tested last eveniug was found to work remarkably well. It is a mechanical contrivance which raises the clothes from tbe beds of the men on night duty and also arouses tbe men from their slumbers- The mechanism is attached to the stable doors, which open as the alarm sounds. A lid has beon placed over the opening where the sliding pole is kept, to prevent any accident by falling through It, and this is raised by means of this same contrivance. In addition to these improvements, a patent rack for the horses bedding was made by Hleenback & Kline. Bv this means the bed is placed ont of the way and thoroughly aired each day. It can well be said that the Franklin engine souse is one or the Onest in tbe city, HONORING THE BRIDE. Mr. and Mrs. J. White Tendered I Rop'.ion. A reception was tendered last even ing to Mr. and Mrs. J. White of Car boodale at the bome of Mrs. Effle Bayers of Frioe street, Mr. and Mrs. White were married abont a week ago and are in the city on their wedding tour, . , Among the guests were Miss Mamie Phillips, of this side, who was brides maid, and Frank Timmons, of Carbon- dale, lhe bouie was prettily decorated and was filled with the immediate friends of tbe bridal party. Th even- "As Well Off as the Richest" Charles V., Maria Theresa, the Empress of Austria, Goethe, Bee thoven, Bismarck, the Trincess Louise of England, Count Von Caprivi, and a host of other eel ebrities nave visited the famous Bprudel Spring of Carlsbad, and we are not all Goethes and Bis tnarcks, but we may enjoy the greater advantage of havinc the Spring v with all its benefits brought directly home to us. The more rapid means of transit and the march of invention is bring Ing every one within easy reach of every creative blessing. The Carlsbad Water bottled at the Spring, or the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, the solid evaporations of the water, may be had of any drug gist, and are without an equal' in all disorders of the stomach, in testines, spleen, hver. prostrate, kidneys and bladder, and in gout and diabetes. Beware of imita Hons, Eisner & Mendelson Co, Bole Agents, New York. will give a ball ia Mear's hall Oct. 10. Conductor Nicholson, of the Eynon street line, is on duty after an illness. David J. Williams, of North Hyde Park avenue, baB returned from a trip to Wales. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. Davies, of Lafayette street, died yesterday. J. C. Roberts, of Utica, Editor of Y. Drycb, has returned home from a visit with John C, Powell, of Eyuon street. The resignation of Rev. D. W. Skel- llnger as pastor of the Washburn Street rresuyioriau cnurcu win iuao eueui. Wov. 1. The ladles of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal chnrch will give a free social and entertainment in the church parlors this evening. The Iroquois Pleasure club will give their opening social in Mear's hall this evening. Tbe members of tbe cluD are Daniel Trailer, George Kern, Charles i3ren nimau and Fred Wei run. . Mrs. Clara Lake, daughter of Mas. Bikly, who resides at tbe corner of Filmoro ave nue and Rice street, and James Mean, of this'side, were'married yesterdav'urternoon by Alderman Blair, of the Fifth ward, at ma ottice. The young couple will reside on this side. An entertainment and social will be held at Bellevue Wehh Calvinistic Methodist church on Tuesday evening, Oct. 0, under tbe auspices of classes Nob. 7, 10, 17 and 20. Admission to entertainment and social nve cents. Refreshments of all kinds will be served. The young people of the Bellevue Welsh Calvinistic Methodist church recently or ganized a Christina Endeavor society, with tne following omcers: president, isaao DavieB; vice-president. Miss Maggie Davies: correipouding-flnancial secretary, John James; recording secretary. Miss Mary J. Davies; treasurer, Rob.irt Roberts. James Crossiu, a resident of the West Side, was arrested at an earlv hour yester day morning for creatine a disturbance at bis home. Crossiu was drunk and fright ened his invalid mother by smashing sev eral pieces of furniture and howling at tbe top oi ms voice, uuioers brans and Dyer escorted bim to the station hcuse. Conrad Shaw and William Faulkner, the two men who were arrested on complaint of Mrs. W. W. Davies, of North Main ave nue, a week ago, for stealing peaches, wore givon a hearing before Alderman John, of the Fourth ward, yesterday morning. It seems that Mrs. Connolly, who owns tbe property has given these men tbe privilege of picking tbe frnit from cue tree, and as in reality there had been no larceny, the case was settled, John Zimms. of llnrk. t street, l.ft yes terday for a trip through the west. Tbe new residence of Ivor Lewis, on Spring street, is nearly ready for occu pancy. John Andrews is making a number of improvements on bis property on bpriog street. William Evans, of School street, who bns been ill for the last few weeks, has re covered. Tho sidewalk in front of William Briehts blackxmitb shop is being put into first-class condition. Professor Richard Burke will reooen bis niuht school ia St. Mary's Hall next Mon day evening. Thomas J. Lewis, of Spring lane, expects to remove his household effects to Hyde Parte next Friday. The flair stone walk in front of the Von Storch property on Electrlo City park, is being raised to the grade. Mr. William J. Thomas, who has been in the eye hospital m Philadelphia for some time past, returned bome last evening. The Epworth leaeue of the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church, will hold an entertainment and supper in tbe chnrch parlors tonight. The Providonce anxilliarvof the Chris- tian Women's Board of Foreign Missions bold its monthly meeting yesterday in the unristain cnnpei, on JNortn Main avenue. Aaron Herbert was sliehtlv injured on the scalp by a piece of coal falling on blm while at work yesterday morning in tbe Leggett Creek shaft. Dr. Thompson dressed the wound. James Sullivan was arrested vesterdav by Officer Johler on a warrant sworn out by his brother before Alderman Williams on the charge of abusing his sister and de stroying the furniture. The general committee in charee of the benefit concert for William J. Thomas, which was' held lat month, reauests the ladies.wbo sold tickets to settle all ac counts during the first part of next week. William Cousins was arrested last night on a warrant sworn out a few days ago by jure, uuggau, or tne Associated tsonrd or Charities, on the charge of neglecting bis children. He was drunk and resisted ar rest. The F. P. D. F.. which is a social orean- lzation composed of n large number of the best young people of this end, will open ttielr dancing school tonight in O'Malley's ball. Miss Kate Saltrv will act as Dianiat and Peter Sal try as dancing master. Thomas Woolev. who was killed in Storr's shnft on Tuesday, will be buried today at 2.80. Interment at Priceburg. Deceased was 43 years old and is survived by a wife and child. The Order of St. George and the Accidental fund of Storr's shaft will attend in a body. ! AAA DUNMORE. Thomas Luton, of Chestnut streuL ia very ill. , M. Chambnrlln hfts returned home from visiting at White Haven. Mrs. Conrad aud child, who have been very ill with typhoid fever, are improving. John Webber, of Center at roof, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, ia im proving. Fred Yost and eranddauzhter.of Easton. uncle nnd cousin of Mrs. Depuy, are visit ing at tbe bome of Mr. and Mrs. Depuy on Blakely street. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Frost, of Drinker street, left yesterday morning to Spend several days visiting friends at South Caanan, Wayne couuty. Miss Ellen McAndrew and Hugh Oar- soney, were married yesterday morning at bt. juary -s cnurcn. xney lert ror a wed ding tour through tbe west. Subscribe for The Tribune, all tbe latest news. Subscriptions, news Item, orders for job printing left at Harvey Jones' mill! depot win receive prompt attention. The Ladies Catholio Benefit association held a banquet with the Catholic Mutual Benefit association last night at Boland's nail. Many visitors irom out oi town at tended. P. D. Manley's new three story brick building, ia progressing rapidly. The brick work Is compli'ted aud the whole bnilding will be finished as soon aa pos sible. A large force of men are employed there. Street rar employe should be more care ful bow they run their cars down Chest nut street. They run so fast that they en danger lire, especially ot school children wno cross tne street in largo numbers The company should look into the matter at once before an accident haptens aud causes them trouble and expense. The members of Pride of the Valley Ca. tie. KnlKbta of tbe Golden Kacle. No. 153. of tbls borough, deeerve mucU credit for raising over f 1UU by appeal for Mrs. Fink, a wiuow or one oi tueir oeceasea mem' bers. There is no other older In town that is doing mote for its sick and die tressed members and widows. The order is one of the best and should have a larger memoersnip. . OFFICERS INSTALLED. Newly Eleoted Cfflolali of Janus nail Led? of Odd Fellow. Last night at Fruehan's ball tbe cere monies incident to tha installation of the 'newly elected officers of James Connell lodge of Odd Fellows were carried ont: The officers installed were: Noble grand, William Nicholls; vice-grand, William Lush; assistant secretary, D. J. Clearwater; represen sative to grand lodge, Louis Scbantz. The installation was conducted by six past grands from other lodges and was most impressive. M. ltooert Heany becomes past grand, bavlDg beld the office of noble grand for the past term. Every member of the lodge was present, as well as many visitors of sister lodges. FOR THANKSGIVING. Ladles Aid Society of Cedar Avenue M. E. Church Flans. At the church yesterday afternoon the Ladies Aid society of the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church mot in the afternoon for tbe purpose of disensjing an appropriate programme for Thanksgiving Day services at the chnrch. No definite urrangement was effected but tbe subject was discussed in a gen eral way. It is tbe intention to form ulate a programme of exercises that will be eminently fitting for the occa sion. Pastor E. L. Santeo bas determ ined to make the occasion a noteworthy holiday in the history of the cbnrcb. EX-JUDGE SMITH FOSTER FATHER. Tha Twentieth Ward Damooratlo Club Named After Him, The weeping skies bad no horrors for the nnterrihed Democrats ot tne Twentieth ward last night Notwith standing the steady downpour of wet tbe ardor of the young element was not dampened and a result was that quite an enthusiastic number of them congregated at Dr. Manly's ball. Ex-Judge P. P. Smith was tbe orator of the evening and lie spoke in an elo quent manner to the large audience. Tho purpose of tbe club is to organize for (lfective work in the present cam paign. It is now in order for a Repub lican club and it Is to be hoped that no lime will be wasted in following ont this suggestion. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Jamos Gallagher, of Wilke?-Barre, is visiting Edward Uummler, ot Pittstou avenue. Tbe Second district convention of the Scrnnton Diocean union will be held at St. John's hall this evening. iiartiu Gibbous, of 216 Pittston avenue. died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at !) o'clock. The funeral of Martin Murphy, of 534 Maple street, will bn beld at 0 o'clock this morning. Interment in llyde Park cemG' tery. Iieury Hener, ot Pittston avenue, who wont to Germany a few months ago, has returned home and brought with him wife. . . St. Patrick's Total Abstinence Benevo lent socioty, of the Twoutietb ward, will attend the funeral of Martin Gibbons in a body. The marriace of Joseph Oswald, the Pittston avenue tailor, to Miss Mury Viol hauer, of Lehighton, will be solemnized at St. Mary's German Catholic church on Tuesday, Oct. 14. THE HOUSE WAS WITH HIM, Holand flsed Eailly Captures a Eoraoton Convention, Roland Reed ran for coneress last nieht in the Academy ot Music and was unanim ously nominated, an Hatrorm was strong declaration iu favor of amusement only: ana lie nau anie lieutenants in fetor Wooloy. of Wooleyvillei Charles Mont comory, Cleopatra SturKesn, Anna Wooloy and Mrs. Susan Mufllu. The resolutions were originally drafted by the late David D. Lloyd, who elected illiara H. Crano, "Senator": but they have been somewhat revised and modernized by Sid ney Rotenfeld. The convention at which Mr. Keed was nominated was strongly pacltea la uls favor, prominent among ni loudest supporters being a delegation from I rauklin avenue, who are Bald to repre sent a secret organization. This Intro duction of the oath bound element into the politics of Manager Burirunder's district instead of being relented by tbe freemen of our city, appeared really to win their favor, and when Reed, at last, was nomin ated they actually tendered him an ova' tion. It must be confessed that Inst evening's convention appeared, at certain places, to be on the order of cut and dried. There were symptoms of artificiality about it Indeed, one could in plucrs detect resem blances to tne theatric: yet wnen the con vention broke from lieiggs to Wooloy, and Ueneral Limber, in bis eloquent and im pressive manner announced the returns. the massive audienco spontaneously burst into tnmaltuons cneerlug. Of Mr. Reed'a election upon such ticket there can ba little doubt. He powerful auxiliary In tbe person of Mi: iandore Rush, and, nlthough his candiducy is irequentiy wnimsicni una more oiten Btagey, the compromise candidate is good ouougn "foutician" to eaten tne manses and capture a second term. Roland Ried and Company Feted by the Eike. After the performance of "The Politi Clan" at the Academy, the t-'crantou lod of EIks gave a social session in thei Franklin avenue club rooms in honor of Rolaud Reed and company. Dr. P. F. Uuuster acted as toastiuastor. After the discussion ot elaborate refreshments th se'sion' listened to a programme ot much wit, eloquence, melody and mirth. Mr. Reed occupied the position of honor to the toastmaater's right. He was the first sneaker. His remarks were hluhly com plimentary to tktt new lodge rooms, which he pronounced the finest in the United States, wlthont exceptiou. The muslo of the' evening was supplltd by Bauer's orchestra, the Elk' duet, and by solo numbers from Max FrahM, Will Watktnn, and severl others. Will Bar card, of the Reed company, recited several humorous anecdotes. Postmaster Vaud ling was at this stage of the ;so-slon fined $1 for coming in late. Dr. Leete then sang a humorous song, and there was another period of fining. A. F. Pennoyer, a charter membprof Philadelphia lodge No 2 was introduced. W. A. Bunny, of the Reed company, followed with humorous recita tions in dialect. There were many other bright features, aud at a Into hour the Elks were still making merry, and the flues were flying fast and furiously.. Tha Crcwda Ar Unir Than ever at tbe 5 Bros big shoe sale, 608 Licks, ave. Real Merit is the characteristic of Hood's Sarsnparilla, and it Is manifested every day iu the' remarkable cures that medicine accomplishes. Hood's fcarsapa rilla is the kind. Try it. Hood's Pills are the best family cathar tio aud liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, cure. Snoklan'a Arnica Balv. The beet salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all bkia Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price Ufi cent per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. Word. TTanU ofaU kinds cost that much, when paid for, tit advance. When a booh ac count it made, no charge will be less man So cents. This rule applies to all small want eds, except Situations Wanted, which are inserted h'HKE. Agent Wanted. UTANTED ACTIVE SALESMEN TO V llniulln nnr lmn. no uedUlitlif, Salary, ITS nor month and nxnpliHifl Daid to all Goons ntirelv new. Annlv cuicklv. P. 0. Box W08, Boston, Slahs, Agents wanted everywhere to soil the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, aelli at sight, delivered free, Be cure territory. Sample in velvet lined case with full information, 10c. Catalogue fie-'. Aluminum Novelty Co.. iU Broadway, New i or. . Help Wanted Male. MASONS AND STONE CUTTERS CAN find (rood work at silk mill, Hawley, Pa. For Rent. .OB RKNT ONE-HALF STORE. DM . lJenn avenue. 8-'t0 per month. i OB RENT-NICELY-FUMaISHKD HALL Bultabl for lodire rooms. JOHN JER- MYN, UU Wyominif avenue. For Sale. FOR SALE-ONE OP THE BEST LOTS in Summit Park. Inquire at fiU2 Cedar Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie'x Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations lrtol-lSiij. Two Volumes Folio, I1M.50; payable monthly. JiOU. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Andreas f. O. MOODY, Uls Oibson street, Bcranton, Pa. DLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MAOA J ginee, otc, bound or rebound at Tna TitiBUNB otlice. Quick work. Uoaaonable prices. 1IEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, ill corner Spruce street and Franklin avo- nue. iwenty meal tickets tor 1.50. Good table ooaru In Pound. TN HYDE PARK POUND, 48 KOUTH 1 Main avonu , a blark heifeifer about thrco years old. white hind lee and white spot be tween shoulders. If not called for in uvo days froradato will lie Hold accoriliii( to law. JHCOIJ MUllll'K. i'OUUU lUIlMlT, Proposals. CEALLD PROPOSALS WILL BE It Iv O coived at the ollico of the City Clork, Hcranton. Pa., until 7. 3U o clock n. m.. Thurs day, ( clober 4th, 1S!H, to furnish coal for the cuirfnt nscoi yar lor nr.' Liopt. uonies, Matiou Houii s and Municipal build n ?. Four roi oshis win oe roro.vod, earn ui do enc o ou n a B' liarato envelope, nii't manors aunueti close each Drouoxnl the sum of tin do! lars, cash or com lien h n k. as a imaramoe t o comply with proposal if awarded the con;ra t l'ronosai ino. i to bo ror lurmsuinir tnu i uni' beriavfl. Excelsior. Liberty. Nl iaa a and Hen' cral l hlniiey Fire D pt. Iluusea; also the liar Hot Str et Matlon House. Pronosal bo. 2 to furnish the Fraikl n, Columbia anil Kaislo Firo Dept Houses; also Hviie rart matlon iiousa. Pio'iosil no. 8. lo furnish the Municiral Building and nous occupied by the Crystnl. Nay Aug. l b mix. Hnok and Ladder and Ro ller Hro Dept. Companies. Prouosal No. 4. to furnish Alder Street Stai tlon House. Hid the nouses occupied by the Neptune. Century aud Wm. Conuoll Fire Dent. Comuanius. The city reserves the rlftht to reject any anu all bias, liy order T city Councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scrnnton. Pa., Sept. ", lXHi. Charter Applications. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 application will be made to tho govornor of the oouiin' n wealth of 1'ennsrlvauia on the 28th day of October next, at K o'clock in tho forenoon under an act ot ossomiiiy, entitle "An act to urovidu for tbe iiicouorution ani reiruhtion of curtain corporations," approved April illl, JaT4, and the several supplements thereto by, X O. Poland, Charles du Pon lireck. Ezra tl. Ripple, P. I). Manly, Jacob F, Miller, Jacob Kurz, Victor Kocli, and others for the chartor of an Intended corporation, to be called the "Progressive Building- and Loan association" or Hcranton, ra. The character and object of which is the nc cumulation of a lund by the periodical contri hut ions of tho members thereof, and of safely investing the same, and for those ; urposps to have, posses and enjoy, all the rights, benefits and pr.vueges conurrea dv tna act oi assem bly aioresaiu, ana its supplements. WATSON Si. Zl J1 M ERMAN, Solicitors. Octnlier 4. 1!H. Situations Wanted. UTANTED A POSIT ON BY A YOUNG i V man of good habits and good business education, nest or references lurutsnou. AU dress R. w. M., Tribune ollico. WANTED BEWIXU AND DRESS MAK- V ing by the day to go out. Address lock cox 154, Dunmore, Pa. WIDOW WITH ONE CHILD 10 YEARS of age, would like a po ition as house keeper or seamstress. Host references. Ad- dress V llling, Tnbunn otlice. SITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST kJ class engineer, machinist and rigger, is woll recommended, must have work of some description. Address W. u., Tribune. CITUATION WANTED YOUNQ MAN VJ uuslros a situation aa book-keeper. Ex Kirieuced and good relerences. Willln(r I g.n on small wsucs. Address J. W. L. 41 Wyoming avenue. CITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN IJ to do house cleaning or llloos, or washing by tho day. Address J, C., SB Twontietu strept, Hyde Park. AC I' IV I lilliin MAN, WITH employment Quick and correct in figure! live yeart experience ns single entry book aoopor anu cierg. will wora ror any -wages that will payboard. Addresi W. B. Tribune oltlce O OOF tinning and eoldering all done away wim uy me use ot juahimain b ENT PAINT, which cousistj of iniri ENT PAINT, which consist! of ingredi- nta well-known to alL It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofs, al so to brick Qwoiiinirs, wmcn win prevent uMoiutely any crumbling, cracking or breuklnx of tbs krick. it will ontlaHt tlnuins ot anv kind li ! many ynrs,and it's cost does not exceed one fifth that of ihe ooet of tinning. Is sold by (he Job or pound. Contracts taknn by AMTOMU UAU1UANM, &fl Btroh Bt Th 5 Hro.' BtoRliamtou shoe sale is the tnlk ot town. Everybody is interested in it. tho SOME SPORTING DOTS. A Dumber of 8crantonlatii contemplate gi ing to New York to witness some of th Bmes ot the championship series between New York and Baltimore. The Green Ridge wheelmen will attend tbe bicycle races at Honesdale today under the atiBptces t tbe Maple City wheelman. White and Wambold, of tbe Green Ridge club, will compete in several events. Tbe North End foot ball team would like to kuow it the Green Ridge foot ball tenm could play thorn on Friday. Answer through Frldiiy'a Tbihunb. If yon camiot piny on Friday tbe game will be played on baturday at 2.30 p. m. - This afternoon at 8. 80 o'clock at the' ball park turre will be a game for the champi onship of the county between the Janus Boys, of Pine Brook, and tbe .Yominir glorief, of Dunmore. It will be an excit ing there is great rivalry between the clnbs. Each club has wagered $25 on the result ot tbe contest. Mark Baldwin, who pitohel tor Allen town the rant season, baa signed to play with the Philadelphia National league team next season. Mark's aceission will strengthen the "Phillies" at a point where tbey were weak all senaon. Tbe Phila delphia Times regards bim as one of tbe best pitchers in the profession and ex pects nls work next year to be ot a high standard. A Harvest cf Sera-etna, At the 6 Bros, big shoe sale, SOS Lioka, are. New Things Opened This Week Among tliem are many Btyles and novelties controlled by us. Changeable Silk and Wool Effect. Silk and Wool Novelties. New Persian Designs. 115 pieces POPLIN OTTO MAN, in all the popular Bliatles, 45 inches wide; a wonderful cloth that is worth under the new tariff $1 per yd. Our special price,7 5c. G INHOLLi k m BETTER BEDDING Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES. A Child's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new tt9 A ( hild's Bicycle, Anblier Tire, new 10 A Boy'B Bicycle, Rubber Tiro, new 13 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubbor Tire, now 18 4 Boys' or (iirla1 Bicycle Cusuinn Tire, new uuuown o " 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic 85 t Vietor B Bicyclos, Puoumatio Tire.soc- ona nanu i 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatic Tiro, new 80 1 Secure B.cyclo, Pneumatics Tire, sec ond-hand ou 1 Lovel Diamond Bioyclo Solid Tiro, socond-bund iu 1 Ladios' Bicyclo, golid Tire, second hand 88 2 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second nana to I Vlotor 0 Bicyclo, 14 in. cnshlon Tire, secondhand 35 I Victor B Bicycle, li$ in. Cushion Tire, second-hand 40 1 Columbian 'Ui Bicycle.PneumntioTire, 55 1 t'lmlnless Bicyclo, Pueuinatio Tiro, nearly new 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a discount of one-third for two weeks. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 9U LACKA. ATKNIE. We- Linn Allen & Co, STOCK BE0KEK3. Bay and tell R'ock,Bjndi and on New York Exchanges and Chieac Board of. Trade, either fur ensa or or margin. 412 Spruce Street. CLocal Stocks a Specialty. G, duB. DIKfiiCK, Maneger. TELEPHONE 5,002. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal of th boat quality for domeatlo nsanj ef all sizes, delivered In any port ot the citj t lowest prios. Orders left at my offloe. NO. 118, WYOMING AVENtTB, Rear room, drat floor. Third National Bank, or sent by moil or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Bpeclal eontraots wilt be made far tna delivery of Buckwheat UoaL tbe sab WM. T. SMITH. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market Tbe Finest la the Citf, Tha latest Improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, batter and eggs. IDS Wyoming Ave. Hotel Wayerly European Plan. First-elam Bar attehell. ppot tor Bergner Kugal'a l'annhauser Ber. . IE Cor. M imlFtktSti, Ftildi Hot deelrabl for residents ot N.E. Perm? eylvaiila. AU eocveiiiniiciM for travelers to and from Broad Btrent station and the Twelfth and Market Btrett fttattou. 1 Sirable for via tlnf rMirantonians aud p Sis In the AitUuroolto KgiuQ. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. ' A Handaomo Complexion la one of the greatest charms a woman oaa possess. Pousmii Oohpuzion fowoaa irlvm It. with Boucle Covert Clotjis, Plain and Changeable. Mountaineer Cloths. Scotch Friezes. Domestic and Imported Serges. THREE GREAT SPECIALS 2--A large line of Two-Tone TAFFETAS at - . . 75c. Former price, $1. CALLAGE 209 CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN Creditors' Notice Xotice is hereby given that auc tion sales will be conducted daily, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., in the store of C.W. Freeman, Jeweler, corner Pcnn avenue and Spruce street. The sale is positive and no goods are reserved. Proceeds will be applied to liquidate creditors' claims. JOITNT E. LEWIS, Manager for Creditors. W. L Oouclas S3 S HOE NO 8QUEAK?N4 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH A ENAME1ID CALT. 4.?3.5-0 FINECALF&KWJ6AHH 3.s?P0LICE,3 Soles. oSf2.W0RKINGHQ,- EXTRA FINE. W,i 2.1.?5 BOYSSCHOflSHOES. LADIES' .n.fi1 1173 SEND FOB CATALOGUE WL'DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MA3S. Von can save money by purchasing VI. It. lonulna Shves, Because, we are tbe largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in tbe world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on tbe bottom, which protects you against high nrleea and the middleman nrofita. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have thetn sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply yon, we can. Bold by E. J. LEONARD. lit:. K, A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. tVtari Oendron. Eeltpsa, LovelL Diamond andOthor Whoeuk if COMPLEXION BLEMISHES May be hiddon imperfectly by cosmetics and! eowdnrs, bat can only he removed purms. nuntly by Hotsal's Snpsrior Face BleacH J It will nositivety remove Frselcles. Tar. Moth, haliowiwo, and care any dlseaaos ot the akin, such as l'ltuplea, Aene, llldnk lieaits, olllneaa and renders the skin Boftf anil beautifuL Price SI per bottle. For sal st E. M. HETSEL5 SGRMTOt BEDDING CO. sf A J. ?fc -.1. Si I 3 890 Lacks. toJ&KlflaJE.tA.. and Silks 3 Only three pieces. All we could buy. So, with us it is first come first served. It is a BLACK SILK EHA DAME, and the price is 50o It's every thread silk. WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. Atlantic Refining Ca Kanniaoturers and Dealers la! tUamiaating and Lubricating 1 JL Llwteed OU, Napthas and Gaw lines of all grades. Axle Qrsase, Pinion Qrewe and Colliery Comv ponnd; also, a large line of Vu taffine Wax Candles. We also handle the Famons CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Office: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Ave. Works at Pine Brook. Well, Sir. "Spectacle3l" Yes, sir! Wa have a special- Ciet liere to fin you who doai .nothing eUe. Sit right do wa T and have your eyes fitted ia ascientiflo manner LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. Booms 1 Vii I Commonwealth Btd'g, 6CUANTO.V, PA. MINING anTBLASTINQ Hade at the MOOSIO and BUSH DALE WORKS. Lafflln & Band Powder Oa'i OSANGE GUN FOWDEB Electrlo Batteries, Foses for explod ing blasts, Safety Vase and ftepaunoChemicaJ Co.'sHich Exploalvei tSTABLISUED 1806. 6,000 IN TJSE, Inatrnmf nt In every sense of the term i appl.ed to Flonos. ..... Exceptional in holding their original false:s NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, Kc 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BT E.ORicker&Co. IIS Adams Ave. New Telephone Bdg Look Here! There art a great many cards, pamphlets, circulars and other advertising matter constantly being distributed among the public. Not everybody has a taste for read ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention by somt thing catchy and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. able to please you in every Ail 1 1 POWDER A AM raped. e&ML