The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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In connection with
our display of Au
tumn Millinery, will
make our annual dis
play of
You are cordially in
vited to attend.
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
Dr. Rcovos is now fully estaMlshod at 412
Suruco stroot. Kcrantou. Ho has performed
B"ino wonderful cures and 1ms Ruined tbe
contideiico of tho public. Ho hnx come to
STAY and will rcmaiu PERMANENTLY at
bis fcpruco street parlors. Hh lias had long
and varied experience in hospital amTprlvate
practice and treats all acuto and chronic
ilisoases of men, women and children
Jl gives advice, ser
vices a mm examinations
No ono is turned awav.
He. with his assistants, treat all diseases of
the nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear,
ihis and throat, dvsnend i. rheumatism, lost
vitality, premature weakness or decay in
uutn sexes leinale weaKuesses ana irregu
larities, nervous dcliility, catarrh, tumor.,
cancers, eruntions. blood Doisoninir. fits, eni-
ilopsy, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
mannoou, C7.eraa, seroruia, sc. vitas uance,
asthma, diseases ot the heart, lungs, liver,
Kiuueys, wanner, stomucn, etc
Tho doctor has opened a foraalo department
for those who wish treatment exclusively for
ailments peculiar to females, so that those
whom "delicacy" has Heretofore kept away
limy now receive the services of a "ladv"
whose treatment will prove her ability in
buen cases.
Any ono snfferinK with "Catarrh" who
wishes to be I'KKM aNENTLY Biid QUICKLY
cured mav receive FOUK MONTHS' TREAT
nffiT holds good for thirty days. The doctor
has discovered a BPEt'Il' IO for this dreaded
disease. You can treat and cure yourself and
lamiiy witu it at Home, it never tans to cure,
A trial treatment free.
Oilice hours: Daily. 9 a.m. to 9 p. m. Sun
days. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or
Remember the name and number.
412 Spruce St, ScrantoD.
Oil Cloths,
Window Shades and
Wall Papers.
All the Latest Designs.
J. Scott Inglis
our doors abore Wyoming Bouse.
Moth.rsI Motharall Moth.rslll
Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has bea
used for over fifty years by millions Of
mothers lor their omidren while tentninr,
with perfect success. It soothes tbe child,
softens the cums, allays all pain; cores
wind colic and is tbe best remedy for di
arrhoea. Sold by dmggists in every part
of tbe world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
no other kind. Uweuty-ttye cents a foot
tl. ' "
Highest of all in Leavening Powei. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
rl IF. B O
Procurations are under way on An
elaborate scale for tbe great fair of St.
Thomas' congregation which opens in
the basement of tbe church next Mon-
ny evening. It will undoubtedly be
one of the grandest events of the sea
son and will far eclipse anything of
tbat nature ever held here. 1 he solici
tors who have been at work in and out
ceived, and have been very cordially
received and the number nnd tbe va
riety of the articles donated have never
been excelled. Among tbe principal
articles are a Brand piano, a parlor
fcuite, bedroom suites, several stoves
na ninny otner pieces ci vai-
able household furniture. There will
be several contests and a gold
watch will be disposed of by chance.
Each evening during the continuance
of tbe fair, a musical programme will
he rendered and many or tbe best local
singers have already been engaged for
tbat purpose, in a day or two the
basement will be decorated, electric
lights will be added and the varions
booths will be erected, A decorative
artist of note has been engaged to do
this work and something very beauti
ful may be looked for. There will be
many features at this fair which will
make it a very desirable place to spend
i me and money, it will aertainly be a
great success.
It is said tbat the Lackawanna Tran
sit company will begin work on its
Laurel street line in a day or two. Tbe
roles and tools for workmen have been
ordered and work will be commenced
at the southern end of the borongh.
Lvery one will hope that tbe work will
not be attended by such trouble as ac
companied the layiug of the track on
Main street.
James H. Feeley baa brilliantly
lighted bis place of business with elec
Miss Lizzie JIcHale, of the East aide,
visited friends in Scranton yesterday.
Miss Acnes Currnn. of Scranton, is
visiting Miss Jennie Kearney, of Laurel
Miss Akin a Eaton has gone to Jer
sey Heights, N. J to visit her brother.
Her nephew, Charles, and neice.Bessie
who nave been here lor the past month
went home with her.
Mrs. Sarah Marley.of Fine street,
will in a day or two open a millinery
store in tbe Brodrick bnilding at the
upper iron bridge. Miss Marley has
learned the art from some of the best
milliner's of the metropolis.
Mrs. Michal Kelly, of Uhurcb street,
called on friends in Scranton yester
day, i
Patrick J. ' 0 Bonke, who recently
bought the property on Railroad street
owned by tbe John Atkinson estate
has torn down tbe old building which
stood on the premises and will erect
one nearer tbe road.
Mrs. Walker, of Carbondale, called
on friends bere yesterday.
Patrick Bound, ot Laurel street,
whose knee was badly hurt a few days
ago, is improving.
Postmaster UKourke is making an
addition to tbe postomce to accom
modate bis growing business.
Mr. V. L. bamson, of Stamford,
Conn., will open a watch repairing and
jewelry store in the Odd Fellow's
bnilding on Mam street on Monday
A large number of people from bere
attended tbe rally in scranton last
Ibe school board at its meeting on
Monday evening appointed William
Qaugban, William Neaion, Mamie
Corcoran, .Mora Barrett and Tulle
Kielty night school teachers for tbe
coming term. Mr. Gaugban will prob
ably teach at the Ridge and Mr. Neaion
at the Hill school. It was also decided
tbat all tbe directors attend the county
Institute on "Director's" day.
1, has purchased a hose carriage of tbe
Linta company, ofTowanda.
Mrs. E. D. Rundell, of Towanda,
visited at Mrs, Hines' Saturday last.
Messrs. Quy and Walter Welles and
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wells, of this place,
attended tbe Wells reunion at Beebe
Woods, Tuscorora, Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong, of
Athens, are visiting Mrs. Armstrong's
parent, Mr. and Mrs. Warde.
The officers who will ofiloiate at the
races of tbe Maple City wheelmen, Oct.
4, are: Referee, H. B. Chase, S. B. S..
bcranton, Pa. Judges: Frank Dfitrick,
w. w., Wilkes-Bare, fa.; William
Reicbenbaker, M. C. W., Honesdale,
Pa.; L. B. Smith, G. R W., Scranton,
Pa. Timekeepers r H E. Jordan. W.
E. W.. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. : W. L. Carr.
G. R. W., Scranton, Pa. ; J. L. Mitch
ell, S, B. C, Scranton, Pit. Starter,
Dr. U K. Brady. M. U. W., Honesdale.
Pa. ; clerk of course. C M. Price. S. B
C, Scranton, Pa, and assistants; um
pires from Maple City wheelmen. One
o( the principal attractions of tbe meet
will be tbe trial against time of Charles
E. Coleman, of Scranton, who will
make an attempt to- lower the boys
world's record of one-half mile. If be
suceeeds he will receive a prize from
the Maple city Wheelmen.
I he Green Ridge wheelmen bave
signified tbeir Intention of taking part
in tbe parade of wheelmen in tbe
morning. A handsome silver enp will
be given as the prize to tbe best ap
pearing visiting club.
Horace Andrews, of New York city,
is tbe guest of bis grandmother, Mrs.
H. O. Woodhonae.
Miss Elizabeth Bentley intends
tnkiug a course or tnstrnction in musio
of Professor Weisr, in New York, this
There was a auiet wedding at the
home of Mrs, J. N. Sharpsteen Monday
afternoon, ber daughter. Miss Mary H.
was united in marriage to Dr. G, T.
Rodman, of Hawley. Tbe bride and
groom left on a trip op the Hudson and
to other points, and on returning will
reside at Hawley.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Cltv.
111., was told by ber doctors she had Con
sumption and that there was no bone for
her, bnt two bottles Dr. King's New Dis
covery complotely cured ber and she says
it saved her life. Mr. Tbos. Eggers, 139
Florida St., fan Francisco, suffered from a
dreadful cold, approaching Consumption,
trieu wituont result everything else then
nought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery and in two weeks was cured. He
is naturally thankful. It is such results
of which these are examples, that prove
the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in
Coughs and .Colds. Free triall bottles at
Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size
60c. and 11.
Old Forge.
William Thomas left for Philadel
phia last week to undergo treatment
lor bis eyes.
Mrs. E. A. Blair, of Nobraska, gave
her celebrated chalk talk to a large
audience in the Brick church on Sun
day evening. It was of a high order
and was well received by tbe audi
Mr. and Mrs. John Willis and their
little 2 year-old son, who were Injured
in a rnnaway last Sunday, are improv
ing. Mr. Willis was severely bruised,
but no bones were broken. Mrs. Willis
has not folly regained conscionsness.
Tbe little boy bad just reoovered from
a broken thigh and it was again broken
when be was tbrown from the bridge
into tbe river.
At tbe regular monthly meeting of
tbe Brlok church on Monday evening
it was decided to give the pastor, Rev.
J. L. Race, an assistant for the remain
der of tbe conference year.
Prof. L. B. Brodbead attened a meet
ing of teachers of the county at Oly-
pbant on Saturday.
Mrs. E. Drake has returned home
after a week's visit to Philadelphia.
One of the best entertainments ever
given in Montrose is promised for the1
evening when the Buglar aDnears. The
reserved seats are well taken and a
good house will greet them.
Professor John Race, of Kingston,
occupied tbe pulpit at the Methodist
Episcopal cburcb last Sunday morning.
In tbe evening he was introduced as
Kev. John Race, pastor of Bingham
ton Centenary church.
On Friday of this week occurs the
parade of the Montrose fire depart
County Treasurer A. B. Burns has
been confined to his home recently by
Richard Watrous.a student at Kings
ton, was obliged to come home on ac
count ot sickness. He is a member of
Company G.
Will Minkler is confined to his home
with an attack of fever.. He is also one
of tbe boys who encamped at Gettys-
onrg witn company U.
Mrs. E. C. Schmidt and son Merrill
will go to Scranton tomorrow where
they expect to spend the winter.
Great improvements are about to be
made on tbe Presbyterian church.
Tbe fair being held bere today
promises to be the most successful yet
held by the society. The Susquehanna
eounty fair seems to be growing in
popularity from year to year.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Baldwin and
Mr. and Mrs, William H. Dennis at
tended a reunion of Company D,
Fiftieth regiment. Pennsylvania Vet
eran Volunteers, at Mrs. Elmira Beebe
at Dranklin Forks on Saturday lait.
Mrs. D. C. Morton ia anAndinor a few
uuys at ren oosoot.
Miss Elanor Conkev and Apnaa Hi it
j i a
gar, were visitors at Plttston yester
Charles Hoban ariant finnlav with
nains mentis.
MiR Ella Dnnirhnrtv nf Main afraat
left for New Jersey on Monday, where
sne win spena some time with friends
ana relatives.
Mrs. Jamaa Mnrtnn nf Wait A vnnn
nent veatardav with PannVin fron.l
Miss Lou Johnson, of Plains, is the
guest or miss Jennie JNewlin.
jonn iwran, ol Minooka, spani Sun
any in town.
Miss Tillie Lfiwin an nWnlinniot
considerable fume, will give an even
ing of reading in Avoca Methodist
Episcopal churoh on Tuesday evening
v. AumisHion is oniy ten cents.
Mrs. M. A Flock left for Pbiladel
pbia yesterday to make purchases in
tbe latest Stvles of fall and winter mil
The Literarv and rhtlno annUfv
have arranged an excellent programme
ror tomorrow Avaninir wnan that wvtii
meet at me usual time and place,
Frank Allis, of New York, who is the
proprietor of a milk store in New York
18 visiting mends in town.
W. L. VanAuken. ot Wilkes-Barre.
has been spending a few days with bis
parents in this town.
G. Mortimer Lewis, of Wilkes-Barre,
spent inesdny with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Hlnes returned
to tbeir home at Pasadena, Cal.. Mon
day, Oct. 1, after spending three
months with relatives and friends In
this vicinity. ,
Mr. J. 8. Hamacker has sold tbe
Rocket to J. G. Keelor & Sous.
Miner Terry left Friday for Phila
delphia, where he will enter a medioal
college. '
Miss Lizzie Hines is spending a few
weeks with hot brother, T. B. Hines,
at fcoranton.- , t . ..
The Wyalusing Hose company, No.
Duryea. ,
The work of pnmping the water ont
of tbe Halstead mine is going on' rap
idly and it ia thought tbat the mini
will be able to work in a couple of
Postoffice M. J. Corcoran has re
moved tbe postoffios into bis new build
ing opposite Pear s drng store.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin are
spending a few days with relatives In
A number of onr young people at
tended a party at Hugbsstowa last
Wires are being pleased along the
thorough tare for the neweleetrio road,
Dr. Smythe of Wilkes-Barre has
opened up an office over 0. Donnell &
Co s. drag store.
D. W. Richards called on friends at
Spring Brook yesterday, t
For earache, toothache, sore throat,
swelled neck, and tbe results of cold and
inflammation,' use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo
Oil the great pain destroyer, .
When Baby was sick, wo gave bcr Castorta.
When she was a Child, she oried for Castoris.
When she becama Miss, ah clung to Castorla.
Whan she had Children, she gave thorn Castorta,
,,, . ....... ..
There was a very beavy frost one
morning last week.
Justice Drake reo ntly married
Eugene A Longshore to Annie Felker,
of Jackson township. .
a. a. Detrich his a gang of men lay-
ng water pipes in Prospect street. Eist
Judge Craig has refused to natural-
ze Hnngarians who cannot tell tbeir
ge nor answer questions of the court.
l. li. waters, who has been clerking
it Bush's drng store in East Stronds
barg, has entered the senior olass in
tbe Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
J. ft. Shafer. L U. Case. U. F.
Scbwarz, Jndge Honck,of Pike county;
W. Correll. ofEaston; W. Case. W.
S. Shafer and Isaao Stanfer, have left
for a deer bunt in the Adirondacks...
In court last week. Hoover, who was
arrested for stealing fruit off Jesse
Smith's farm, was found not gnilty.
forger Lesh pleaded guilty and was
fined $3, with three months in county
ill and costs. Court also ordered
tome of the bad roads worked.
Dr. W, E. KelUr. who has been trav
eling through Europe, writes some
very interesting letters about tbe
ancient cities, there inhabitants, build
ings and other things of interest
A man by the name of Wood on last
Friday tried to sell his horse and wagon.
Before he sneoesded tbe polioe had or-
IT3 to bold tbe wagon and horse.
Wood seemed very nervous about it
and left for parts unknown.
foxes are plenty in Pike county this
Miss Ella Edmunds, of Blairstown,
is returned to town. She will be with
Longmire, the milliner, on Main
Tbe Delaware Valley Electrio rail
road has secured a recent charter to
run steam oars through the valley.
This is to prevent any other company
from getting same and using it.
On Saturday evening a large and en
tbusiastio audience greeted the par
tioipants of in the opening meeting of
tbe Minnesink society. The exercises
opened with an instrumental duet by
Misses Connm and Grey, followed by
musical recitation by Miss Newbart,
which was greatly appreciated. An
essay, "Civios In Onr Schools, was
then read by Miss Roouter. "Hey
Rube, or a Day Circus," was given by
Zachnrias Snodgrass. who was obliged
to respond to an encore. Miss Laura
Evans, in her vocal solo, showed
bility and we hope to hear her many
times during tbe coining year, lue
tariff was the subject of Mr. Eilen
bergr's oration, wnioh was delivered
in a dramatic and forciable manner.
Miss Johnson s recital of "Custer s
Lost charge'' gave evidence ot talent
and power. One of tbe most pleasing
features ot tbe evening was tbe vocal
duet by Miss Edwards and Mr. Megley
who were encortd with characteristic
normal vim. Tbe "Blroh book con
tainlng many interesting articles was
read bv Miss Katharine Hioks. ine
laughable faree. "Declined with
Thanks" was well played. Tbe follow
ing is the east: Mr. Gritty, Ellas
Bacbman: Captain Taunbon. K i.
Mulligan; Eiward Mallingford, Geo.
Bicklev: Samuel S. Kruff. Theodore
Fes ley; Susie, Miss Reap; Sally, Miss
Tally; Florence Halliday, Miss E 11th
Gray, Hettie Halliday. Miss Covam
Tbe young ladies were charming as
usual and every one voted tbe pro
gramme an entire snccess. President
Fsgley is to be eongratulated as the
gratifying results were largely due to
bis untiring energy.
In Holland. Mich.. C. J. Doesbury pub
lishes the - News, and in its columns
strongly commends Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio
Uil lor coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrn
and asthma. "
Miss Ida White who has been visit
ing Miss Annie Murphy has returned
Miss Riley of Wilkes-Barre is visit
ing Mrs. Thomas Gillmartin,
Tbe Father Matthew Society will
hold their annual ball in O'Brien's hall
Oct. 10th.
Mrs. David Jones and Miss Maggie
Jones bave returned to tbeir home in
Iowa after a months visit with their
brother. Griffith Jones. ,
Mrs. Jobnatbnn Davis will sail for
Europe this week where she wiil make
ber f utnre home.
Thomas Evans has returned from
New York.
Mrs. Raohnel Pritchard is ill at her
home on Lackawanna street.
Last evening about 7 o'clock two
Polanders were seriously injured in the
Lackawanna Coal company's tnnnel
by a fall of "bony." shortly after
ward tbey were conveyed to their
boarding bouse on River street
The Jewish people of this place.
fittingly observed their new year yes
terday in the new synagogue on Water
Maggie Cooney and Era McGown.
Dunmore, oalled on Miss Mame O'Mtl
loy yesterday.
H. C. Jones was at Nantieoke jester
ay. Burgess Lloyd was at Scranton yes
Miss Nelson Hoffman and Mrs. Frank
Rose were at Wilkes-BaTre yesterday.
The Magic Touch
Hood's Sarsaparilla
You smile at the idea.. But
if you are a sufferer from
And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be
fore you have taken half a dozen doses,
you will Involuntarily think, and no
doubt exclaim, .
That Just Hits It!"
"That soothing effect is a magic
touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently
tones and strengthens the stomach
and digestive organs, invigorates the
liver, creates a natural, healthy desire
for food, gives refreshing sleep, and
in short, raises the health tone of tbe
entire system. Remember
Hood's Pilla cure liver ills, consttnatlon
tlllousness, jaundice, sick headache, lndlgeantm
Wish to draw attention to their
stock of
Men's and Boys
Manufactured expressly for them.
A great attraction is our
Ten Dollar
Gents' Fall Suits
and Overcoats
They are strictly all-wool, in
all the fashionable colors and
shapes and made by good tailors.
We offer in our
Boys' Department
200 All-wool Suits, sizes 4
to 15 years, $2.85, which
are cheap at $5.
Two pairs of Knee Pants
for 25c.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
tSTAll good3 left over
from the fire sale, which
are damaged by water only,
at your own price.
Philander Hornbaker and family
moved to Ransom, Monday, where be
is engaged in the lumber business.
Tbe Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school was organized last banday with
nlty-two members. Tbe following ofa
cers wer eleoted: Superintendent,
liinmet Broadhead; assistant sansrln
tenuent. upward Miller: secretary.
George Tregallis; treasurer. Charles
Snyder; John King; organist. Mies
Etta Mosteiier; teachers, E. Miller.
Mrs. Qeorge Tregallis. Mrs. Elmer
Berley, Mrs. Milton Levau, Harrey
Jacques, DranK Howard, Misses Emma
Mosteller, Minnie bouse, Carrie Broad
bead. Sabbath school at 2 o clock.
Mrs. Carrie Caton is visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Mos
teller. The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will meet Thursday afternoon at
o ad o clock at tbe usual place.
Cboir practice Saturday evening.
All members are requested to be pres
The eleotrlo railway is progressing
slowly through this place.
The High Sun tribe, No. 220, Inde
pendent Order Red Men, celebrated
their second anniversary with a public
raising up of chief's and sooial at their
hall on Main street Monday evening.
Among those who were present from
out of town are as follows: A. A
Ayer, D. Q. S., PsckvilLe, Pa., and A.
L. Sloat. Maplewood, Pa.
Rev. J. J. Rankin and wife went to
Scranton Monday to spnd the day.
Richard Simmons, of Hamllnton,was
in town Tuesday.
Miss Mattle Rl niter has just returned
from a six weeks' visit at JNantleoke.
Miss Miller, of AUentowu, is visiting
at Lewis Rinkor's.
Mrs. A. B. Palen met wittt quite a
painful accident on Monday by tailing
down cellar.
Thomas Bsdne is grading and sod
ding bis front yard.
DEPT. . .
P VERY description of Job Printing
Lf ' in the best style of the art.
Promptness and Punctuality
particular point.
Experienced, practical and com
petent men in charge of each branch
ot the work.
We do not make a sham show of
cheapness and curtail the quantity
or quality of the work.
Dancing Orders, Hangers
Cards and Posters
Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed
at short notice.
Estimates on all kinds of printings
small as well as large,
cheerfully given.
The Scranton Tribune Job Dept
tt tillaiiraAMhil
Kl prmuMBUvau4
,'M . iVk a ail ka
Mnscto Ronn-
I edy. vn(Wr runnt? . bMkad br aw
IftwtiTCpnwfitiMl book, iUutfratad tnm
life from by natL fttMoBoLAyriRp
a Mmr;lbU, Our Mania Sremedy "in
400-402 Lackawanna Ayc.
Friday and .
September 27, 28, 29
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
Furnished Complete, for $
As Follows:
TDil-, Silk Plush Parlor Suiter consisting of Tete, Corner Chair.
ITCXL AC I Arm Chair, Keceptlon Chair and Side Chair, Centre
Table, a pair of Lace Curtains with Poles and set of Brass Trimmings com
plete, Brussels Carpet (made and laid free.)
,J trr f-i-i Bestead, Dresser (with large glass), Waahatand,
Xt?irUJI J.1 2 Chairs, Eocker, Table, Towel Rack, Husk aud
Cotton Mattresses (best quality), Wooven Wire Spring, Pair Pillows, Carpet
(made and laid free.)
DJn'-irr T j-b A Bls-foot Ertenaion Table, Chai
iriing JTVIJUIII Lamp, Carpet (made and laid free.)
IV -i f-V- Three Choirs, Table, Square of Oil Cloth, Two Win
AA. 1 1 C 1 1 ti 1 1 dow Shades.
And with the "Economy's compliments a 100 piece Dinner Set to all pur
chasem of the above outHt for CASH OR CREDIT. "Good delivered free
A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American
Onyx Finish, with every purchase of $50 or over.
Or an Elegant 100-Pleoe Dinner Set with every $75
purchase or over, for Cash or Credit.
J. -Viv fin ils j'-j i Mi-firm i - - - r-