THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE "WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 1894. Bread and cake raised with keep their freshness and flavor. 'Pure "and "Sure Norrman& Moore . FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenuo lf2 If you want Carpets. Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of gaaBjajBHBHBHaWBMMWBa goods, and our prices are very low. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Gentlemen'sJ Driving Club races Satur day, 2 p. m. Scranton Typographical uniqn will hold it annual ball at Turner ball on Thanks giving night. Tbe diagram for "Irish Inspiration" opens at tbe Academy of llusio box office this morning. Eugene Kleberg hasfhown sign of great mental improvement since be was taken to the Hillside home. Tomorrow evening will be held the opening of the Enterprise Dancing class at Exeelaior hall on Wyoming avenue. Burglar proof safes are being placed on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Hudson trains by the United States Express com pany. Tbe Loyal Temperance legion will meet Thursday afternoon, Oct. 4, at 4 o'clock in the primary room of Grace Reformed church. A social session will be held by the Elks tonight at U o'clock in honor of Roland Reed. A friend may be invited by each member. 'Onr Irish Visitors" has proved a great Buccesa at Davis- ineater. 11 nas oeea drawing crowded houses at each perform once. Last night tbe tbeater was crowded to the door. Manager J. B. Lslne, of the Frotbing ham, has issued invitations for a private exbibition to be given by Eugene Sandow at tbe Wyoming house on Friday after coon at 8 o'olook.; - - v The residents of Dal ton want to have it created a borongb, and with that end in view will make an application to the court on jnov. o. uaiton at present is a portion of North Abiugton township. Tbe singers of tbe city are invited to attend the rehearsal to-night of the Men delssohn Choral society, wnen a cbolr will be organized to compete at the coming Allentown and Wilkjs-Barre eisteddfods The resolution of councils directing the city, engineer to prepare plans and esti mates for a. lateral sewer on Wyoming avenue, between Green Ridge and Marion .streets, waa approved by Mayor Connell yesterday.. Attorney Fred W. Fleitr has moved bis law office from the Coal exchange to the Price building, where be will occupy the handsome chambers formerly occupied by ex-Judge Seeley. Mr. Fleitz now re sides on Quinoy avenue, near Pine. Thursday afternoon at the base ball park the Morning Glories, of Dunmore, and tbe James Buys, of Pine Brook, will play a game of base ball for the champion ship of Lackawanna county. Admission fifteen cents, grand stand ten cents; ladles free to ground. Game called at 8:130. , Tbe wood carving class has been formed at the Young Womeu's Christian associa tion, and is a rare opportunity for learn ing tbis art. Tbe teacher is a native of Switzerland and shows beautirul work In inkstands, salad sets, penholders, etc., and is a competent teacher. Tbe class meets every Monday night at 7:30. Terms, t3 for ten lessons to members: non-members can join by paying tl additional, wblctt gives membership privileges for one year. ' Attorney E. H. House with a docnment the size of a roll of wall paper under bis arm walked into the county commission ers' offioe yesterday and banded it to Clerk Wagner. It was a petition for nomination papers in tbe Interest of William T, Jenk ins, independent candidate for sheriff of Lackawanua county, It was sworn to before 3. Elliot Ross, notary public, and waa aigned by P. A. Phillips. John B. Drvis, P. J. Doyle, James Fanchon, Wil liam Fechter and N. J. Neary, In accord ance with the law, tbe commissioners will " insert Mr. Jenkins' name on tut official ballot. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, 2 p. m. Pabst's Milwackie Bsir, cool and sparkling, at Lohman'a, Spruce street V. M. C. . NOTES, Tbe evening classes opened on Monday with a record attendance over four-hund red students being registered in all the branches. The new class rooms are exceedingly well ntted up, eleolrto lights being con veniently placed and the ventilation well arranged. Professor Tappln Is In charge of the business and edncatlonal department and is nappy in saving two nunarea pupus , nnacr ois ouarge. Scranton will also lead Pennsylvania In the manual training classes, being the first city or town in the state to offer sucb Inducements to young men. It Is a credit to tbe dtv that other nlaces are oopyingtbs methods of the Scranton Young Men's Christian association and en. quiring a to its courses with a view to spreading tna movement.' . A noteworthy feature is the wheelmen's branch wbo meet on Thursday evening in all tbe members are knights of tba wheel m t Williams McAnulty CORNER Next Tuesday's Exercises at Traveler's Home, SCRANTON DRUMMERS MEETING It Was Held Last Night at the Board of Trade Rooms All Arrangements Completed for the Excursion Dia tinguished Speakers Will Be There. Committee to Escort Governor Robert E. Pattison. , . An important meeting of tba com mercial travelers of Scranton was held at the board of trade rooms last nigbt, tbe object being to complete all the details connected with their excursion to Bingbamton next Tuesday, tbe date of tbe corner stone laying of tbe Home for indigent commercial travelers. Tbe Scranton association, except tboss members who will be required to take obarge or tba arrangements of Tues day's excursion, will leave on a special train Monday afternoon at 1.4Uo clock. The regular excursion train will leave the Delaware, Lackawanna and West era depot at 9 o'olook Tuesday morn ing, and it is expected that tbere will be over a tbonsand people from Soran- ton and Cerbondate. Tbe mayor of Bingbamton has issued a greeting; to nil visitors the opening lines of wblsb are: "Bingbamton, one of the finest cities on earib, ex tends to her numerous guests a rordlal, hearty and sincere welcome." The Invited guests, according to the official programme, are President Cleveland, ex - President Harrison, Governor Flower, Governor Pattison, Govsrnor McKinley, Levi P. Morton, Cbauncey M. Depew. Senator Hill, (senator Murphy, ex-bpaker Thomas B. Reed, and all the officers, members of con gress and of the legislature of the state of New York. MONDAY EVENING RECEPTION- On Monday evening a reception will be tendered to the distinguished guests by tbe citizens of Binghamton at tbe armory, and after the reception there will be a banquet. On Tuesday the annual convention will begin at 10 o'elock a. m., and adjourn precisely at noon. Tbe parade will start at 1:30 sharp, forming on court bouse square, and after traversing tbe main streets o: the city will oollect at the Home build lng. It promises to be one of tbe long est lines of march on record. Tbe or dtr of exercises has been thns arranged Assemblage called to order by Hon. F, W. Downs, chairman of committee on ceremonies: prayer by Rev. G. Parsons Nicbolls, D. D.s laying of corner stone, by K. W. John Hodge, grand master or Ma sons in tbe state of New York, assisted by the officers of tbe grand lodge; introduc tion of mavor by William Mason: oration by Cbauncey M. Depew, and an address by President Uleveiand. Other distingnished visitors will de liver addresses. The meeting Inst night was notified that tbe Hyde Park and North End lodges of masons and Ro bert Morris Lodge of Odd Fellows, of tbe West Side, will attend the exr cises in a body and they asked that tickets be sent to them for pnrcbase. John Costello, of Syracuse, was pre sent and addressed tbe meeting on tbe subject of recent preliminary conven tion held at Syracuse.- It was tbonght by many that tbe convention 'was a snap meeting to farther the personal ends of a lew insurance commercial travelers la the West, MR. CASTELLO EXPLAINS Mr. Costello explained satisfactorily that the Syracuse meeting was simply for tbs Durpose of determining a plan to distribute the offloes and board of managers, in a ssnse that tbe associa tion would become national and broaden out. Tbere were no under handed methods concocted. Everything discussed was for tbe good of tbe asso elation as far as the delegates could see and would only be placed before the annual convention as mere sugges tions, not as preconcerted moves to feather anyone's nest. One member reported tbat a com mittee Bent oat .by tbe Wilkes-Barre association, bad gons to Bingbamton for tba ournose of securing hotel ao oommodation for 450 members. In tbis connection tbe question ot deoo rating the cars of the train was ad' versely acted npon. Mr. Scblager made a motion tbat i committee of three bs appointed to meet in connection with a committee from tbe Wilkes Barre association the train upon which Governor Pattison arrives and act as an esoort from Northumberland to Binghamton. It was unanimously agreed to invite Lieutenant Governor Wat res and Gen eral Manager Hallstead, of tbe Dels ware, Lackawanna and Western, as gnests on the oceatlon, and tbe presi dent and seoretary were appointed committee to wait npon them. 1 Against tbe objection or several members it was decided to wear as uniform on parade, a eane, and over coat on tbe arm, In some of the city papers it was incorreotly reported tbat tbe excursion is under the anapicea ot the Wiikes-Barrs arsociatioo. PIGEON SHOOTING. Last Friday's Oreat Event to Be Con tinu.d This Week Other Evtnts Tbe Green Kidge Gun club bas nr ranged to finish the competition for prizss started last Friday at the bur tiail cars:, ana nave oeciaea to con tinae the contest next Friday. Th fourth, fifth, sixth and eigbtb priz are to be contested tor on tbat dU Several otber events are aoooanoed for tbe same day, as follows: Second event Ex-Sheriff Charles Roberson and Alex Dunn, jr., shoot their Dutch for $50 a side. HI Third event C. C. Stackbouse and G. H Maldox will shoot tbelr match for 125 a aide. Fourth event F. M. Bpencer Thomas Eley and H. D. Swarte will give an exbibition in shooting at flf tee birds each, under the American aaso elation rules, from five unknown traps. thirty yards rise. They will Use both barrels. Tuts is the way all of th champion wing shots of tbe world shoot, and this event alone is worth seeing. Fifth event Mr. Walter Jermyn and G. H. Maddox will shoot their matsn Four hundred to five hundred pigeon win be inot at. Tbe sboot win ootamenoe at 10 a. m at the Seranton ball park. BLIND EVANGELIST COMING. Will Hold Bsrlie of Meltings at Green Ridge Ivengslloal thuroh. J. N. Males, the blind evangelist of Washington, 1). U, at present engaged in evangellBtlo work ; in mntleoks. will come to this city on Saturday an will begin a serlea of meetings on San day evening In the Green Kldg Evangelioal sburoU. The .Williams port Republican ssys of hit work In tbat city: .;- "The meetings condnoted by the blind evangelist at Bennett tract Evangelical ebnroh, eontlnna with on. bated Intexeat; many are turned away every night tor want of room. The speaker certainly baa tba happy faculty of drawing a large arowd and then bold inn tbem. Many daring tbtae meet ing! bare been converted and othera led to eeriontly think about the matter. rersons nave been attending bia ser- vicea wbo have not been to anarch for manyyeare." " AUTUMN ARBOR DAY. It Will Be Observed in This State on . Oot. 19. The state department of pnbllo in struction baa reoommended Friday, Oct. 19, as Autumn Arbor Day, and has by oironlar presented numerous and coRnent reasons for its observation in all the public schools. Tbe autuma is chosen in preference to spring from the fact tbat many rural sobools close before the two days appointed as Arbor Days In tbe spring, Tbe state department offsra many interesting suggestions concerning tbe plautlng of trees, which should be of native apeoles. For instance it is bet ter to plant tbe elm in damp soil, tbe white oak and the sngar maple in richer, drier soli, tban it is to plant the too short lived borse-shestnut or the silver maple, which is too weak for its enormous size. Trees which have be come famous in history should not be forgotten. Tbe elm, under which Penn uitde bis great treaty with tbe Indian, may bs made to teaob a lesson in jus tice to all mankind Tbe stoiy which clusters around tbe linden tree, under which stood a brave boy white bis ather, William Tell, took aim and shot tbe apple from bis head can be nsed to fire young bearts with a spirit of .heroism, love of liberty and hatred of oppression as lasting as life itself. Tbe eelet ration of Ariior Day o n thus be made helpful in preparing onr pupils for tbe best kind of citizenship. ' OLD TIME MINSTREL!. Fine Performancs Gi,vn at the Aoadsmv of Muilo. Tbe audience tbat greeted Primrose & West's minstrels at tbe Academy of Musio last evening taxed tbe capacity of tbat house to its utmost. Tbe first part was a representation of genuine negro minstrelsy, commencing with the overture "Way Djwb in Dixie," in which the old plantation songs, humor and dancing found natural interpreters and performers. A grand transformation took plaoe at the eonclnsion of tbis ovsrture in wbieb the entire company appeared. Then tbe atar sessioa of the evening followed, G. H. Primrose and George Wilson taking the ends. W. H. Windom's singing of "The Girl I Love," captivated the audience. ueorge Wilson was as fanny ss ever and scored a bit by bis rsndition of "Pietty Girl" and afterward in his original sayings. Ueorge H. Primrose gave satlsfaetion with bis new song "Standing on tbe Corner." Tbe banjo playing of Thos. E. Glynn, the musical numbers by Howe, Wall and McLeod. and tbe bar performing of Kice and Elmer were exoellent. A very lively oonoinslon of tbe perform auee was the tumbling Arabs. NOT FERDINAND'S DAUGHTER. Girt Whose Boom Was Entsrsd, Daughter of Joseph Arlgoot. Monday's Tribune contained the statement that Rosa Arigoni, the young girl wbose room 1. a, (J. Maloney entered at toe noma Hotel, was a daughter of Ferdinand Arigona of Penn avenue. Sueh waa not the case. The girl in question la a neics ot Ferdinand Art gona and a daughter of Joseph Artgona, wbo died at Binghamton last r Tiday, SCHIVEREA MISSION NOTES. Efforts are being made to retain Evan gelist scniverea another week in the city, A sensational thrill passed through the 3,000 in tbe Gospel tent last nigbt when bchiverea made his definite charge against toe "laay ot eoranton." The rendition of "Calvary" last night bv tbe cbolr was superb and tbe manner in which tbey accompanied Mr. Weeden, wbo was at its Pest, was perfect. - The meetings today will be: Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Machine sbops at noon, uioie reading "Christ uur tx ample" at the tent at 8.30 p. m., and ser vice at 7.80. Mr. Weeden whose excellent mnslo is so eagerly listened to, will prepare some special music by the midnight meetings of today and will help considerably to draw tbe auaience required. A s pedal feature of today will be a meet. ing for ladies at the Florence mission at 10.30 tonight aud a meeting tor men at midnight at tbe Rescue mission when re freshments will be served. Several wish to see the evangelist priv ately and fear to trespass upon his leisure time, scnirerea, nowever, has no leisure time as he is always working aud timid seeker's need not fear his wrath by calling upon mm attne Westminster, Several will avail themselves of the crlv liege aocorded by tbe campaign committee to the evangelist wbo will "make a oollec lion" on rlday arternoon at the tent to swell the amount be personally collects for foreign mission work. A large sum will be subscribed if ouly as a token of eattem in which the evangelist is beld. Holmes & Goolt's CELEBRATED (100 Kinds) SPECIAL DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT REDUCED PRICES. E. G.. COURSEN t 429 Lacka. Ave. THI OELIIRATU PIANOD trt at Pinssat tbe Mart ropalar aad tntttU ay WarsreemS t Oppeslle Columbus Monument, BACKERS 908 Washington Av. 8oranton,Pa,' BARGAINS. Best Floor ...13 75 Best Pastry a 75 Feed 1 20 Corn 1 20 Meal 1 20 Hams. 13J California Hams 9 Bacon ' 9 Fresh Eitgs 18 Butter Cracker 0 Diamond Oyster. 6 Canned Tomatoes ?i White Wax Beans 9 801b. Pail Jelly 99 20 lb. Pail Preserves 1 25 Bristle Shoe Brush 10 Bixby's Blacking, 8 Large Box.'S 10 Liberty Sewing Machine 9 95 Every article in the above list is war ranted strictly first class in every re spect. We only mention a few figures but will state that all our prices are .very low and will be kept so during the re mainder of 1894. There are a few things that we wish to speak of specially, first of these "Our Best" brand of flour of which weare selling about 1,000 barrels and sacks a month and hearing nothing but most favorable reports from all sources. Then our Tea Department is worthy of mention, we- have the finest line of teas that is possible to get to gether. Our garden growth teas at 85c. per pound are thing of beauty, and a joy forever. We also have a package tea at 30c, a pound with a splendid solid nickel spoon in each pound, this is a de- cided bargain. We think we have the largest retail coffee trade of any store in the state. Nothing has built up this big trade but the ex cellency of our cof- fees and the low fig ures at which we sell them. In confectionery we always have a fine stock of fresh, pure candies of all kinds and as in all other departments at very low prices. And last but not least our butcher shop is worth the price of. admission in itself, always wel stocked with the very best grade o meats at prices about ter cent, below regular rates. Re member our, new de livery plan is in op eration now all or ders going out as soon as received. THE SCRANTON ! CASH STORE IB THE THEME Tangellst Schiverea Brings Els Audience to Tears. - SCRANTON LADY INDICTED Strong; Charges Made In the Sermon Creates Sensations in the Gospel Tent Many Local Topics Touched Upon Heaven Was Clearly Defined. Schiverea Will Probably Stay An other Week Other Mission Notes. Evangelist Schiverea addressed large crowds yesterday afternoon and last evening in tbe tent on Linden strsst. in tbe evening all were not able to gam admission to the tent In tbe evening Mr.Sobivers addressed his large audience upon tbe words, Rejolee that your names sre written in htaven,"and said: "I have a few reasons why I speak upon hoaven to night The Bible Is full of it; almost every one of you have someone dear to you in heaven. I have a mother there who saved me from the j-iws of hell, and ninety-nine ont of a hundred be Here tbere is sneb a place as heaven. Everyone wanta to go there. Where is Heaven. I don t know. U near enough for God to hear tbe poor broken-lienrtrd sinner. Is Wblnky Jake benT lam tola ot Whisky Juke who drinks a gallon (f wliwky daily and says be likes Schiverea. Well, let mu tell him th'it Sfhlverea lovra Whiskey Jk, nnd God would save Whiskey Jake's sonl if Juke will l ot call upon him a id in stead of being Jake tbe wlskey keg be would be Jake tbe gentleman. what is not in heaven. There is one thought, Siu cannot en- tr Heaven, so you must be free of sin, and that must be settled in this world let go sin and get Heaven, There is no sickness tbere and tbe doctors and undertakers will enjoy one long vaca tion. No disease tbere; no siokness. No pains of the broken-hearted mother caused by her profligate son ; there win be no pain to tbe bnsbands near! bv tbe wife's unfaithfulness. Tbis afternoon I looked into the face of a beautiful woman, the wife of one or tne nnest men in rioranton, and i know ber to be uafaitfnl to her hns band, It is bad enough for a man to be Impure but my God for a woman it is a thousand times worse. The expo sure is sore to come to the surface. It is bound to come. "Bs sure your sin will nnd you oot. Tbere will be no libertines in heaven ; none of those infernel things wbo ruin the pure girls, but tbere will be a bsre after and a great retribution. Thank God there is no death in heaven. Look at this widow in front of me, and tbe mother tbere with tears trickling down their faces; there Is bsrdly one bnt that tbe grim monster bas visited tbem. All of you have some one in heaven. Do yon love them enough to want to meet tbem again? What is in beovenT eternal rest. and all men need rest. Tbere is eter nal rest, eternal joy and eternal peace. There will be no children In bell; all tbe children will bu In heaven. Do you love children? uo you want to go where tbe children are? Hell will be lonesome, so heaven will be a place of joy. Tbe loved ones and angels are anxious to know your decision. Let tbem know tbat you have determined for heaven and they will rejoice tbat your names are written In beaven. IHK AFTERNOON ADDRESS. Yesterday afternoon Evangelist Sehi verea preached upon "Christ, the Sin ner'a Friend," and showed, first: How Jesus proved himself to De a friend of sinners. He was a rnena to tbe tiuo gry. He was a friend to publicans an sinners. He was a friend to the blind He was a friend to the fallen and un fortunate. He was a friend to tbe widow. He was a friend to tbe unclean and the leper, and for all these he died. Secondly, What klud of a friend was Jesus? He is not like the people wbo declare tbelr love for us while we can entertain tbtm and tomorrow we miss tbem, and ean easier And a neidle in a haystack tban find them when we want their help and love. Jesus loves all, whether in joy or sorrow ; sobriety or alcohol insauity. His love is mot only unebaageable, but reliable and faithful. He Is a friend wbo will give faithful counsel. At the end ot the sermon the evan gelist asked those who wanted thi Friend to lift up their band. Severs did so, and accepted bis invitation to walk down to the platform where he prayed earnestly with tbem. J. Frank Sisesl'a Academy of Dancing, now open for the reception of pupils. Office at ball. Traders Nattoual bank. Opening social Tuesday night Oct. 2nd. All former pupils and mends invited. I have just received a new line of Gut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in and see my new stock. Him thi IMA rttjp BI HATS AT DUNN'S Best Sets of Teeth,$300 Including the painless extracting ef teeth by an entirely new (w S, C. Snyder, D.D.S. . tu wYouiHa av& 1 ft -J W.W. BERRY y 417 Lackawanas avs. I . ' Koele Bozsa EzalnslTsly. Best made. Plav anr desired nnmbar or tunes. Gautschl & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. derful orrhaatrial ornn. mil. aa mr,A am Specialty! Old musio boxes earofully re- paired ana improved with new tones. SfiiuiiimmiiinniiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiu a I WHY I NOT HAVE YOUR AND Tinning done by competent work- g ment We make a specially g otjobDiug. You leave your S order; we do the rest. S I H. BATTIN & CO. I S M p1 OA Trt,-V.T tlfnusrn sn aiElllllHUEIIsDIJIHIIlIllllllllIlllIllin A QUEER COMBINATION Most people say when they look at Wool worth's show windows: '0ne window is fitted with fine Decorated China and Glassware and the other window has a display of Coal Hods, Stove Pipes, etc. Now this last mentioned display is Just What We Want to Talk About. We have here: Coal Hods as cheap as 19c. and from that np to qOc. each, either black Japan finish or gal van ized iron. Stove Pipe Elbows lOo Stove Pipe per joint Ordinary Black Fire Shovels l5o 3o So Long Handle Fire Shovels (20 in.) Long Handle Galvanized Fire Shovels I On Galvanized Iron 5 gal. Oil Cans, patent pumD attachment SI. 75 Galvanized Iron Ash Cans 2.2 Alsska Cover Lifters, nickel platsd 1 0o C. S. W00LW0RTH. t 319 Lacka. Ave. GREEN AND GOLD STORE FRONT. do you dread Monday washday! Can't blame you much slop dirt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send your whole family wash to us every week! Special "POUND RATES" to families. Write for these terms. Crop a postal-our wagons will call promptly. Euireka Lamodry 322 Ave. Plumbing The Following. 6 TO 8 AT 8 TO UK 12 TO 2 AT Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's School Shoes, not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good Dongola Calf Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace or button; every pair warranted. It will pay you to buy your Shoes at BilHISTER'S All the latest novelties in FALL FOOTWEAR. giiiiuiiiiiumtutm I Special Display I of BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. J. BOI-Z Carries the largest line of and TAILOE-MADE GAEMENTS in the city. Come and look through our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. We also carry a large line of MACKINTOSHES Children's Furs, from $1.50 set up. In our Millinery Department w show the latest in French Novelties Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city. J. BOILZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANE. IN THESE TIMES People want a great deal for tbelr money. They require good things at HtUe exponas. That's just how THE BTANLBY COMBINA TION came to be created. It's an outfit eoa sistinK of a Double-breasted Coat, two (2) pairs of pants, and the latest style Stanley cap of same mat rial to match. Ahe extra Huttons with each outfit Th mode are ot stylish fabrics, of a most excellent quality especially adapted for aerrlca, and m cm sell you the WHOLE COMHIMATIOH aa cheap as yon can boy tbe bare suit from otber dealers. FOR SALE ONLY B7 Clothiers, HdteraAfumishera OUR CORSET FITTER, MISS STOUT OF NEW YORK Will remain until Saturday of this week to accommodate those who could not be fit. OS LANDS 128 Wyoming Ave. - AT - $1.00 1.25 1.75 Special Display FOBS ana are experts m gymnastics. liuumiiuiiiiuiiiiiiinnnniiimiiiiiiuniiiiiifuianuiniiiiuiiiinnmsu )