The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1894, Image 1
- THE BIG , RALLY IS FULLY REPORTED South Side West Side Providence Dunmoro A On Pages 1 ud & I1WE News sn second page. EIGHT PAGES-5G CO-MXS. - ; .'niVE" SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 3, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPT. THE 7iiidUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER Set GOV. M'KINLEY'S I! ORAT Greeted with Enthusiastic Demonstrations in Western States. GREAT SPEECH IN KANSAS CITY He Is Booked for Twelve Speeches. Besieged at His Hotel by Repre sentatives from All Over the State. Immense Meetings Addressed An Audience of 3,000 People Listens to His Talk in the Republican Wig wam at Kansas City. Kansas City. Mo. Oct. 2. frNOVERNOR M'KINLEY'S recep- I - tion in Kansas City today was II n in the nature of a continuous Vmi ovation. From the -our of bis arrival at the union depot this morning, until he retired tonight, after witnessing the Priests of Pallas parade that marked the inaugura tion of Carnival week, his every ap pearance in public was the signal (or entbusiastio demonstrations. While at the botol his rooms were be sieged by representative Republicans from all over the state as well as from KaDsas. In the afternoon he spoke to three immense meetings. At five in tbe morning he leaves for Topeka and Bntcblnson. ' He is booked for twelve speeches. "What we have got to have in this country is a great patriotio policy," was the keynote of Governor McKin ley's speech at the Auditorium in tbe afternoon. Long before the hour as signed for the opening of the meeting the great structure was packed. THE GOVERNOR'S SPEECH. In his speech the cover nor said, among other things : "We are already reaping tbe work of those who endea vored to tear down the defenses to home industries. Every foreign prod uct upon which the duty has been re duced is floating in and each disDlaces 3 moon American product. "Senator Vest Ust night quoted an IU uunuHU UIUTV1U U3 JUBIilUUUWlUU IDF refraining from throwing dirt upon b president. Yet ever- leader of tbe petnocratio party has been throwing liirt upon the breakfast dish of tana K W , Throughout his speech he was heered to tbe echo. On leaving the all tbe outsi le crowd organized an tarflow whieh he addressed for twenty lnutes. Then be was driven across pa river to Kansas City, Kan., where e repented bis ipeecn to an audience f 8,000 in the Rennblican wigwam. bnight he was tendered an Informal tanquet by the leadfng members of Kansas City club. FAULKNER HOPEFUL. Admit That Thar la Strong Faellngr Against Wllaoa In Weat Virginia. Washington, D. C. Oct. 1. The election in the Second West Virginia Jiatriet, in which Mr. Wilson is tbe handidate, is attracting a great deal of ttention at the beadqnarters of the pemocralio campaign committee, Mr. aulkner, ohairman of tbe committee. aid this afternoon that Mr. Wilson Would at once plunge into tbe work of be campaign immediately upon bis rrival, and that when he reached bis liatriot he would find things well ad vanced and tbe interest growing day Ly day. i Air. raniuoer admits mat a ve ry strong fight is being put tip against tbe coatrman or me wayB ana means com mittee, but hesays there ean be no doubt lis to tbe success of the author of kbe new tariff law. The Republicans re making a big effort to throw the (lining vote to the Republican .eandi- ate, me argument being made against lr. Wilson being ihat if be should be lected be will make another effort to lace coal on the free list Encouraging reports wera said bv yr. Dauutner to bave been received to Vy from Mr. Enloe's district (the lighth Tennessee), against whom a lost determined and vigorous fisrht is Iing waged. Mr. Faulkner predicts return of Mr. Eoloe although his .majority, ne inougnt, mlgtit De cut Mown somewhat. SCnAEFER'S FATE. lFaJla in a Fit upon a Lamp and Is Barnad to Dsath. Somerville, N. J Oct. 2. Jacob Schaefer, an upholsterer living in East Komerville, met a norriDie death last igbt by burning. Sobaefer. who was subject to fits, was alone in hit house at about p. m., wben be fell across a Sable in a convulsion, upsetting a burn ng oil lamp. While be lay in an un oobcioub state tbe lamp ignited his Clothing, After Minor burned in a borrible banner be recovered sufficiently to Valine bit danger and then staggered i .1 a 1 1 i uuua me uuuao auu liuauy piuugeu to the cellar, wbere be attempted to tlngaisb tbe names by covering bim If with mud. When discovered by s family a few hours later, be was ill alive, but died while being re oved from the cellar. SHORTLIDCE IS WORSE. Strain of the Murder Trial Too Much for Hia Narvoua System. Chester, Pa.. Oct. 2 Dr. Riohard- on,: physician in charge of the male Iiepartment at tbe hometown Insane isylam, was in Media yesterday and teDorted that Professor S. C. Short age, accused last week of mnrderinir lis wife because of insanity, has taken onange ior trie worse. The strain upon him was too severe ad bis nervous system has received a Irious set back. LOWER COURT AFFIRM ED,. Daolalon la Handed Sown in the ' - MoLau.hlin Caae. Pittston, Oct. 2. news was received Iiere to-day that the supreme court has ifflrmad the judaeuiant of tbe court be is low in the McLaughlin homicide case. The trial took place in April, fol lowing tbe death or James uu martin, and MoLaughlin was con victed of manslaughter in 1S93. A motion for a new trial was disposed of in November following. AlcJLaugbiin was sentenced to pay a fine of $500 and undergo five years and fivatnnnth. at ho.jl lahr.1. On Jntf 9H 1893. McLaughlin was released on f 10,- J uuu baiit John j. mangan, rv, u. tiogbes, (Jon iJonneliy and Josepn a. Olennon becoming his security. The ease was argued before tbe su preme court, April 10, 1894, by District Attorney Garman and James L. Morris for tbe commonwealth, ana Jobn u Lenahan and tht late General McCart ney for the defendant. Mr. Morris is being warmly congratulated for the able manner in which he bandied the caso, and the fact of him having suob eminent oounsel arrayed against him makes tbe victory achieved all the more great. PITTSTON DIVERSION. The Investigation in the Alleged Boo dle Cases Goes Mer- rily On. Special (o the Scranton Tribunt. Pittston, Oct. 2. The' investigation inquiring into the alleged crookedness of tbe paving contract deal was re sumed today. Councilman Tigue swore to tne statements he made on Main street as noted heretofore in tbe The Tribune and detailed at length how Knowles persued and did his best to bave him (Tigue) abandon Kearney and Henni- iran and identify himself with Knowles and his associates in tbe alleged deal. Councilman Hennigan nest was sworn and told how President of Council Mangan in conversation with him Btated he (Man gan) accompanied Agent Donn to Philadelphia, wbere they both bad a conversation with President Mack, of the paving company. How Mangan told Muck the councilmen wanted $10,000 before they would vote him (Mack) the contract, but Mock refused to give tbe amount unless be would be assured that nothing in the way of injunctions would be served. How Mangan told Mack he conld not guaran tee bim the job. How Mangan on Thursday following tbe awarding of the contract told him (Hennigan) that be (Mangan) did not get one cent out of the deal. Councilman Kearney was next sworn bnt his testimony reyealed nothing new. E. J. Barrett, whose name had been dragged into tbe muddle, was present and stated bis desire to be sworn. He emphatically denied that he ever held one cent much less a dollar of any company's money. He detailed at length bow be heard Con. Donnelly, father of M. X. Donnelly, bad $10,000 for to be paid to six councilmen. He supplimented his remarks by asking JU. JN. Donnelly, "Is that true, Mr. Donnelly)" to which the latter neither affirmed or made denial. This ended the testimony for the day. SUICIDE FOR LOVE. An Aliased Ecrantonlan Beaks Rallaf With a Hope. Philadelphia, Oct. 2. Sadie G. Missinger. said to have been tbe wife of a well-to-do resident of Scranton, banged herself this morning in her room in a bouse frequented by colored persons, at 1103 Wood street. Her dead body was fonnd by one of her colored associates, wben she went to call her for breakfast. The woman, who was still rather good looking, has recently been ill for a long time and was almost helpless from the result of a stroke of paralysis. - She was enamored of a eolorad man named George W. Wash ington, who had ; been quite attentive to her while she was in the hospital and she left a letter addressed to him telling that she intended to die beoause she knew he had another sweetheart and she could not live without him. In the letter she told George to give all her clothing to the girl who had supplanted her in bis affection. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. There is snow three inches deep in sec tions of Minnesota. Detectives mistook Myron L. Green, a milk Dead lor, ror a norse tniel in a oara toga suburb, and shot bim. Mrs. Catherine' Roberts celebrated her centennial at Topeka, Kan., on Sunday, in a gown she had worn at 18. Boven of the Herrick family, who reside in Indiana, will divide an estate of 1300 000 left by an English uncle. St. Louis police set out to parity the city by arresting 114 Chinamen who smoKea opium ana played tan-tan. Boston clothiers yesterday signed the Clothingmakers' union agreement for in creased wages and a nine-hour day. Near tbe grave of her husband, Lawyer Alvab C. Drake, Eunice A. B. Drake, his widow, took Immense doses of poison, at Saratoga, and died. Charles O. Hardin, with confederates, is on trial vt Nashville; Tenn., for stealing $86,000 two years ago while running as Adams express messenger between Cin cinnati and Nashville. - The Adams Express comnanv has oaid A. G. Onmey $5,000 to compromise his $25,000 suit against tbe company for falsely arresting mm a year ago at JNew Orleans ior stealings package containing $25,000, CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. Ninety employes of the National Bolt and Nut works, Reading, yesterday struck against a reauction ol wages. Waees of Schuylkill district miners for tbe present moutb were yesterday inoreaa- ea i per cent, over last montn. While eannina for rahhltn at Rhnmnlrtn Thomas Wilkinson was shot dead by the accidental aisonarge oi ois gun. An offer of $50,000 for his recently dis covered gold mine near Tamaqnn has been rejectea Dy tne owner, Mr. Miller. Farmer Jacob Eershev. at Saluncn. Lan caster county, was found dead with his throat cut, a victim of his own band. Charges of briberv male bv Lawver A. H. Kowaud against an Allegheny grand jury were y eeieraay aismisaeu in court Wrestling with a fallow-student at Ed inboro Mate Normal school. Alvln Cam a ban, of Wesley vllle, bad bia back broken. An attempt will us made todav to have a pardon secured for Justice of the Peace Mitchell, of Mifllntown, wbo defrauded tne state unaer tne tcaip act. , BALTIMORE SHE BLOWS HERSELF Enthusiastic Reception to the .Victorious Oriole Base Ball Club. RED PAINT COVERS THE TOWN The Sluggers Are Greeted by a Com mittee of Three Hundred Citizens and Untold Quantities of Fireworks After Handshaking at the Armory a Banquet is Held at Hotel Rennert Which is Attended by the Governor, Mayor of the City, Clergy and Judges, Who Make Appropriate Remarks. Baltimore, Oet. 2. THE reception which tbe Baltimore Bnse Ball club, champion of the United States, received on its return home tonight surpassed anything of tbe kiud ever attempted in this city. And not alone to tbe city of tfatimore was theenthnsiasm confined, but aujoining cities and states were largely represented in the tbroug. ibe trip from early morning wben the train entered the domain of Mary land until it arrived at Camden station this evening was one triumphal march. It closed in a blaze of glory. At Cumberland thousands greeted the pennant winners and cheered them to the echo. At Martinsburg, Hurper's Ferry and Washington tbe soenes of enthusiasm were repeated. At tbe cap ital a committee from Baltimore took churge of the champions and escorted them to this city.. As the special train rolled into Camden station hundreds of track torpedoes wore exploded and thousands of throats emitted yells of welcome. It is safe to say that half of tbe population of Baltimore was crowd ed as close to tbe station as they conld well get Those that could not get withia sight of the station exit, were scattered al-,sg the line of march. THEY RIDE IN CARIUAOES. The players and the committee of 300 representing tbe larger business inter ests of the city, took carriages and led a procession of enthusiasts and "rooters'' through the business district of the city, eliding at the Fifth regi ment armory. The line was divided into eight divisions with floats ond decorated wagons distributed through out. Fire works were discharged from an enormous platform wagon in ad vanse of the procession. Mounted po lice and a band of musio proceded the marshal and bis aides, mounted on borsermck. In tbe rear of the commit tee of 300 came tbe main group in the show, Manager Hanlon and tbe cham pion base ball club of the Unitsd States. Tbe remaining divisions were com posed of patriot! "rooters." Along tbe ronte of the parade the houses were gorgeously decorated and llluini ated. A terrific jam of humanity was on the streets from start to finish. When the armory was reached there was another special discharge of 'tire works. Inside tbe building the com mittee on comfort received tbe club and lined them up for the great hand shaking ordeal. Governor Brown, Mayor Latrobeand other Btate and city officials were on the platform and made appropriate addresses. Thousands wbo were anxious to shake hands with the men who bad won the pennant for Baltimore passed through the doors. Tbe reception lasted for nearly two hours. The club and its officers were then escorted to the Hotel Rennert, wbere a banquet was given, beginning at 10 o'clock. Among the 800 guests were the gov ernor, several judges and the- mayor, many clergymen and other men prom inent in commercial and financial cir cles. The floral decorations were very beantiful and tbe menu card was orig inal and elaborate. SCARED THEM, ANYWAY. Fottavllle Again Braoaa Up Before the Boaton Nina. Fottsville. Pa,. Oot. 2 The Potts- ville team gave the Bostons quite a scare today. With tbe score five to two in favor of Pottsville in the lost inning, it looked like n sure thing. But a bom run by Duffy and two base bits by Long, after a chance had, been given to retire tne side, aid tne Dust ness. It was one of the most exciting games ever seen on tbe borne grounds. Score: Pottsville 0 000302 0-5 Boston 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4- Hits-Po'.tsville, 10; Boston, a Errors fottsville. : Boston, s. Batteries Uald- win and Dlggins; Slivetts, btaley, Ganzel ana renny. P0WDERLY AND POPULISM. The Labor Leadar Addrasaes a Meeting at Newark. Newark, N. J., Oet. 8 T. V. Pow. derly and Samuel Gorapers addressed a Popnlistio mass meeting i i the Essex Lyceum tonight About 200 Populists aDplanded tbe utterances of tbe labor agitators. Joseph R. Buchanan, the Populist congressional nominee, said he was confident of success and be lieved their party would poll at least 700 votes in bssex couuty. Republicans and Democrats were de nounced as corrupt and unfit to prop erly eonduot the affairs of government and tbe country s only hope, tbe speak ers declared was in Popnlistio supre macy. TO FIGHT ALL COMERS. Corbttt Will Give the Unknowns Chance Before Rotlrlnjr. Boston, Oot. 2. James J. Corbett issned a statement to tbe publio this evening in which he says that his con tracts will prevent him froro righting anyone before July 1 next. He says he will immediately post flU.UUU with Da vid Blanchard, of Boston, as a guaran tee of good faith that be will meet all comers for one weelc after July 1 next. He Uoolares that be will fight one man every night daring that week and then retire permanently from the ring. He concludes by saying that he will fight Filzsimmons first and after him, first come first served, no weight or color barred. LI I1UNG ALL RIGHT. With Lota of Troopa at Hand He Can ' Dlapenee With the Vaat. London. Oct. 2. The Shanghai cor respondent of tbe Central News tele graphs: "There is iio sign in Tien Tain that Li Hung Chang's power is waining. His andiences are as well attended as they ever were. He has several thousand well armed and regularly paid troops wbo protect visiting Europeans. "Much anxiety is felt for tbe foreign residents, as the populace is behaving Insolently and becoming unusually threatening. The removal of tbe treasure and archives from Juonkden has made a bad impression, being re garded as a display of weakness. " NATIONAL INDEBTEDNESS. Thirteen Dollars from Every Citisan Would EQuar Acoounte. Washington. D. C, Oot 2 Tbe treasury circulation statement for Sep tember show an increase of money of all kinds, in circulation of $8,367,501 daring tbe month, making the aggre gate stand $1,055,038,082, or $24 07 ner capita on estimated population of 68, CO J. 000. The public debt of the United States less cash in the treasury in round en ures is $807,000,000 or about $13 for each man, woman and child in tbe United States. DEADLOCK BROKEN. Sixteenth District Republican Con. ferrees Rescue a Dark Horse from Potter. Williamsport. Pa.. Oct. 2. Tbe longest, hottest and most stubborn Ke publican congressional deadlock that tbe Sixteenth district ever knew, earns to an end at 4 o clock this afternoon, when Frederick C. Leonard, of Potter county, received the unanimous vote of tbe conference and was declared the nominee. There were 573 ballots taken during tbe month that the conference was off and on in session. During ' all that time, with the ex ception of tbe last session tody, Tioga and Lycoming voted for Horace 11 Packer and Potter and Clinton for W. L Lewis and Congressman Hopkins. The latter was tbe first to withdraw. followed this forenoon by tbe other two, and the names of Leonard and David Cameron were then presented, resulting in the nomination of the Pot ter count vman. . ... Immediately after the agreement upon Leonard, the nominee a special train was chartered to hasten will all possible speed to Harriscurg with the nomination papers, wnica could not legally be filed in tbe offioe of tbe sec retary of the commonwealth later than today. Harrisburo, Pa., Oct. 2. A messen ger bearing; tbe certificate of nomine- ation of Fred C. Leonard, the Republi can nominee for congress in tbe Six teenth district, arrived at the state department tonight, completing the list of certificates of . all the regnlar party . nominations. The nomination papers of tbe Socialist Labor party were received today, ibe otneial bal lot will probably contain eight col umns. Tbis was tbe last day for filing certificates of nomination, bat nomina tion papers may be filed, one week longer. CYCLONE'S WORK. The City of Little Bock Bwep'. by a Tar- rlbU Hnrricana Houaae Tor Sown. Little Rock, Ark., Oot. 2 A ter rible oyclone swept over the business portion of this city at 7.40 o clock to night, carrying death nod destruction in its path. Shortly after dark a heavy storm came from the west. accompanied by vivid Hashes or lightening and heavy slashes of thunder. The sky suddenly cleared and the storm was thought to be over wben suddenly a heavy gale from the southwest appeared and for three minutes tbe city was on the throes of death and destruction. The wind was terrifio in the extreme Trees, telegraph, telephone and elec tric light poles were uprooted aud car ried a distance of 200 yards. Tbe roofs of abont thirty of tbe largest buildiugs In tbe city were torn from the houses and hurled against it on tbe opposite side of tbe street, leav ing tbe oocupaats and property with it the mercy of tbe drenching rain whieh began to fall in torrents shortly after ward. Wben tbe cyolon bad ceased it was discovered that the residence portion of the city had entirely escaped, but Main street to Third. Markham street from Center to Cumberland and Second from Cumberland was al most total wrecks. This territory covers the principal business portion of the town. Tbe Western Union telegraph office is located in the center of tbis district. Tbe building was wrecked beyond recognition, whieh tbe operators, who were at work at their desks had narrow escapes. WASHINGTON GOSSIP, Deputy Commissioner of Customs H. A. Lock wood, legislated ont of office bv the Dockery law, had been 85 years In office. Secretary Carlisle has again ordered tbst Aoeustln Daly's imported Dronertv man. Henry W. Elliott, shall be sent back as a contract laborer. President Cleveland will Issue a procla mation opening to settlement theunal. loted lands on the Yankton Reservation in South Dakoto, containing over 100,000 acres. Indian Bureau and army officers regard t he reported arrest of Cactain P. H. Kav. Eighth Infantry, Acting Indian Agent at buojnope Agency, as tne result of a con spiracy against him ciiBe by his activity in putting intruders off tbe reservation. CAUGHT FROM THE CABLE. Australia's new premier, Turner, will press forward intercolonial free trade. : New Zealanders will urge Uncle Sam or American capitalists to pnt on a new steamship line that will help to develop two in tnBoutn sea isianas. COUNTY CAMPAIGN OPENED Monster Ratification Meeting at the Frothingham Under Aus pices of Central Republican Club. STATE AND COUNTY Spirited Resolutions Adopted and Stirring Addresses De livered by Hon. George B. Orlady, of Huntingdon, and Hon. Galusha A. Grow, of Glenwood-In Plain and Con cise Language They Described the Condition of the Country Today and the Forces That Have Brought About This Paralyzing of the Industries of the Land. Sage of Glenwood Received a Great Ovation Some of the Well-known Men Who Were Present. ttm lUrps'i WmUj. tEPRESEN'i ATIVE The Father f the I OST entl osinstically and auspi ciously was tbe Republican ' county eampaigu opened lust night at the monster ratifica tion meeting held in the Frothingham theater under the auspices of tbe Cen tral Republican club of this city. Tbe large building was crowded, smong those present being a large num ber of ladies who manifested as great an interest and enthusiasm in the meeting as their husbands, fathers or brothers who accompanied them. Thoy applauded the telling points of the speakers' remarks with great gusto. The presence of so many ladles and their great interest in the meeting is a vivid illustration of tbe absorbing in terest that is felt in tbis campaign by every one. ' Never before have the voters of the country been confronted with so many mournful monuments as the result of blundering In the eonduot of national affairs, and there is a determination till aloug the line, among all kinds and conditions of people to administer a proper rebuke to those wbo have so heartlessly trifled with the prosperity of tbe country. they arrived early. Thoughtful, earnest looking citizens the men who think and then vote ns their good judgment dictates begun to arrive early to secure choiee seats where tbey could bear without diffi culty the words that would drop fiom tbe speakers' Hps. Gradually tbe building began to fill up and at 8 o clock, wben E. P. Kingsbury, presi dent of tbe Central Republican club, called the meeting to order almost every seat was takeu and all the boxes and loges were oceupied, ladies being conspicuous in most of them. The spacious stage was also crowded. Still men Kept nowing into tne ma ster and by 9 o'clock not only were all of the seats taken, but more than 100 men were standing in the rear of tbe house. "Old Glory" had a conspicuous place on tbe stage. . It was draped about tbe heads of the speakers, flanked on either side by portraits of General D. II. Hastings, Republican candidate for governor, and Walter Lyon, Repub lican candidate for lieutenant governor. On the side of tbe stage American flags were fastened and tbe speakers' table was covered by the graceful folds of the same beautiful Aug. The enthusissm was wonderful and proved an inspiration to tbe speakers. QALTJSHA A. GROW'S OVATION. When Major Warren read tbe rati fication resolutions there was an out burst of applause, which was followed by another when George B. Orlady, of Huntingdon was introduced as the first speaker of the evening. It was, however, when Mr. Kings bury introduced Galusha A. Grow, the sage of Glenwood, to the audience, that the greatest demonstration'wiis made. Round after round of applause inter mingled with cheers drowned all effort to speak, and it was several minutes before Mr, Grow could make himself beard. In one of the locos on the balcony were seated Congressman J. A. Scran ton and his wife and among those who occupied seats on tbe platform were E. N. WilUrd, Attorney A J. Col born , jr., Mojor Everett Warren, P. H. Clemons, candidate for sheriff ;John R. Joues, candidate for district attor ney; J. H. Thomas, candidate for clerk of courts; C E. Pryor, candidate for prothonotary; James Vaughan, candi date for senator; Charles P. O'Malley and Alexander T. Connell, candidates for legislature. Among the well-known men noted In the audience were E. E. Robatbam, T. H. Dale, Myron Easson, W. S. Mil lar, W. A St. John, H. L. Taylor. C. S Seamons, George Wahl, Colonel George Sanderson, Colonel H. M. Botes, W. H. Burke, ! Alderman O. B, Wright, Dr. Everhart, H. M. Streeter. Simon Rloe. T. H. Jones, E Moses, Jeremiah Atberton, Aaron McDonald, Wm. Ward, Moses Moray, Frsd Aras den.Isaas Dssn.Mlne Inspector Edward TICKETS ENDORSED Copyright, 1994, by Huper k Brollaah GALUSHA A. GROW Homestead Law, Rodsrick, Dr. Weston, of Taylor; E J. Gaodwin, Arji Powell, R. M. Zim merman, Food Inspector Thomas, Evan Morris, H. D. Holland, Cap tain Eellow, C. H. Soper, B. F. fc'quior, Alddrman Bailey, of the Thirteenth ward; C. H. Chitten den, Dr. Ray, J. H. Williams, Richard Williams, Alderman I. H, Post, Jacob Ritter, Colonel F. L. Hitchcock, W. W. Browning, J. W. Browning. W. K. Beck, John P. Rink, H. E. Paine, C. L. Mercerean, G. M. Watson, R. H. Patterson, Charles Fowler, Alexander Dunn, W. L. Betts, C. G. Boland, F. W. Fleitz, Coroner Kelley, T. P. Hoban and Frank Lsuthner. OPEN ISO THE MEETING. At 8 o'clock. E. P. Kingsbury, presi dent of the Ceutral Republican club, advanced to the front of the stage and opened tbe meeting by a few remarks. He said that be wonld notconsume,time by any extended remarks for he felt that the audience would be much bet ter entertained by the well known speakers it would be bis privilege to in troduce to them. After briefly out lining the purpose of the gathering, Mr. Kingsbury called upon Major Ev erett Warren to read the ratification resolutions. - The resolutions were direct and forci ble and as Mr. Warren finished reading them and moved their adoption, there was a warm outburst of applause. At torney A. J. Col born, jr., seconded the motion to adopt the resolutions and thoy were adopted with enthusiasm. The resolutions were as follows: PARTY PLATFORMS ENDORSED. The Repnblicansof the state of Pennsyl vania assembled iu convention at Harris burg last May, to define the position of tbe party on national and state questions; tbe recent conventions of tbe party in this county adopted that platform.adding such clauses as were local iu their character. These conventions selected candidates for the various ofllces to be filled at the com ing election; aud the Republicans of tbe county of Lackawanna being now assem bled in mass meoting to take action upon the platform and candidates, do hereby re solve, First We enthusiastically subscribe to tbe platform declarations of tbe several conventions, and unanimously indorse tbe just condemnations of tbe present na tional administrations, executive and legis lative, for a polioy of perQdy and dishonor, which impoverishes the rich, pauperizes tbe poor, undermines individuals aud com mercial development, and, if not checked, will squander the accumulated resources of thirty-two years of Republican ad ministration. Second We commend the excellent judgment of the state convention In select ing an experienced, able, loyal, and uni versally respected citizen of magnificent honesty, presence and personality, In Gen eral Daniel 11. Hastings, to be governor of the Kevstone state, and fearlessly honest, zealously patriotic and thoroughly capable citizenB for the oftices of lieuteoaut gov ernor, auditor general, and Beoretary of internal affairs. As the only cure for onr national ills, and tbe surest means of re storing publio prosperity, tbe party throughout the state urge the election of Republican congressman. We take especial pride in the action of the Btate convention in selecting as one of tbe can didates for congressmnn-afc-large onr own loved and honored friend, a citizen of Northeastern Pennsylvania, whose very name is a synonym for all that is truest and best in Republicanism, wbo is hore with us tonight, the Hon. Galusha A. Grow; and we hereby pledge our united and untiring efforts to swell the majorities of Hastings, Lyon, Latia, Mylin, Grow and Huff. ABOUT LOCAL CANDIDATES. Third This great industrial country, which owes its very existence, all its sub sequent development and prosperity to tbe American and Republican policy of protection, recognizes tbe steadfast ad bearance, the firm devotion at all times at Washington to its troe interests of our resent congressman, tne aon aiosepn a Continued on page 6. WEATHER FORECAST. niriD WA8HIRQTOIC. Oct. f. Far ta,tm I ' era Pennsylvania fair, south- " winda,toarmr in ik inter ior; For wtttern .Pii5yi'anta, gm4raUu fair. ' FILEY'S Fall and Winter AND We havo now oBen the moat complete stock of Undorwear ami Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemeu and Children ever shown in this city. "We mention a few specials: The Stattgarten Sanitary Wool In Vests, rants and Com bination Suits. The "Wright" Healtb Underwear For gentlemen. Special drive in GENTS' XAT. TJEAL WOOLand CAMEL'S' IIAIll SUITS. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed In Silk, Silk and "Wool and Cashmere, Black, "White and Natural. We call special attention," ouc Ladies' Egyptian Vesfcj and rants at 25 and 50c. Each. The Bust for the Money Ever Offered. And Ladies' Combination Suits. Our special at 1, $1.23 and 1.50 up. Full line of Children's Goods, in Scarlet, White and Natural Wool, Vesta, Pants and Union Suits. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER WO. Lewis, Reilly & Davies School Shoes 1 V I I 0 I r-. i- I - I T Ton know how that llv!y, nnortetic hoy of Swot's knocks out his shots. VVe'rs leoa thinking of htm iirovkllntr for him and his destructive energy. We havo a regular wear defying shoe from Mo. upward. Lewis, Reilly & Mm J 14 WYOMING AVENUE. $ New Store i) New Goods Wedding Presents Wedding Presents OILCLOTHS! 1 Fine line of DOKFLINGEE'S RICH CUT GLASS just re ceived. Also, a fine line of . . CIIINA, BANQUET LAMPS and Silverware . 408 Spruce Street W. J. WEICHEL, Jeweler, i