The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 02, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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In connection with
our display of Au
tumn Millinery, will
make our annual dis
play of
You are cordially in
vited to attend.
412 Spruce St, Scranton.
Dr. Eepves Is now fully ost.itilisliert at 412
Miruce stroet, Scranton. 118 lias Nerrormcu
s.iiiio wonderful euros mid bus imineit the
I'oiifUlcnci' of the public. Ilu lias couifl to
STAY anil will ivmuin I'KRMANKNTLY at
liis hpruiM street purlors. He ling had long
mm varieii expiTicnce lu Hospital ana prtr ate
practka and treats alt acute and curouic
ilmitasuH of man, women mid children
tin K'vra mlvtoe, nor- rnCC AC PUlQPC
viefs anil rxniiiiiintiouii IIILL Ul lIMIlul.
J0 ono is turned away.
Ik-, with bis assistants, treat all diseases of
the uarvcms system, diseases of the nye, ear,
ml ' anil throat, dyspopsti, rheuinntism, lost
vitality, t.remnture weakness or uocay m
both huxps, tenialo wenkiiesscs and
larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tumor.,
ranwrn, eruptions, blood poisonincc, fits. et)i-
ilepsy. Indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
liiauiiood, ' czeraa, scrofula, St. vitas dance
astbuia, diseases oi the heart, lungs, liver,
kklueys, bladder, stomaeli, etc.
The doctor has opened a female department
'or thoso who wiuu treatment exclusively for
lilments peculiar to females, so that those
whom "delicacy 1 has heretofore kept away
may now receive the services of a "ladv"
whose treatment will prove nor ublllty in
such castas.
Any one sulTerins with "Catarrh" who
wishes to be PKSMANENTLYandOL'K'KLY
enr it inav receive KOUK MONTHS' TREAT
offer holds Rood for thirty davs. The doctor
bus discovered a SPECIFIC! for tbia dreaded
UiseuHe. Yon can treat and core yourself and
family with it at home. It never fails to cure.
A trial treatment free.
Olticn hours: Daily. a.m. to 9 p.m. Sun
days. 10 to 12 and 3 to 4.
Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or
Remember the naino and number,
412 Spruce SL, Scranton.
A refined school home. Prep.iroi for the
lest collegia.
Thorough courses In Musio and Art
Teachers' Class gives best preparation for
Commercial Course Includes Typewriting
and Shorthand.
Positions-secured for Gradnatos.
r'eud for new illustrated circular.
F. M. L00M13, A.M., Principal
Oil Cloths,
Window Shades and
Wall Papers.
Alt the Latest Designs.
our doors abovj Wyominz House.
J: Scott liiglis
George Q. Jacobus, of Scranton, was
vititor in this city yesterday.
Miss Martha Thomas will retnrn to
ber home In Scranton this morning
after few day's visit in this city.
Miss lrona Tyler, or Forest Uty,
spent Sunday in this sity as the sjusst
of Miss Mae Hallock, of Gilbert street
Miss Stella Hathaway will leaf to
day for a month's stay at the Dansvills,
JN. Y sanitarinm.
Frank Cooke, the 10-year-old son of
Henry Cooke, of Cottage street, died
on Saturday evening from the injuries
be receired in the accident be happened
nt No. 1 drift on Saturday morning.
The funeral will occnr this afternoon
at 2:G0o'clofk.
The fire alarm which sonnded Satur
day night was caused by the burning
of en unocenpied bonne in the vicinity
of No. 1 sebntes. The building was
the property of Mrs. Bridget Sardival
and was completely destroyed.
born to Mr. and Mrs. John u. t oi.
of Garfield avenue, a daughter, on
Monday morning.
Miss Grace Rdmson, of Honesdale, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Fow
ler, of Garfield avenue.
On Saturday evening ocoured a busi
ness meeting of Cam brain lodge and
the following officers were eleoted:
Noble grand, James Thompson; vice
erand, W. H. Bowen ; sesretary, C. A
Knse; assistant secretary. Joseph
Wallis: treasurer. S, A. Diets; rep
resentative of Grand lodge. George W.
Williams; trustee, U. E. tusleu; jani
tor, Robert Holland.
A grand balloon ascension ana para
chute leap will occur on Wednesday
and Saturday of this week at 4 o'clock
p. m. by Jewell brothers on the grounds
surrounding the power bouse of the
Lackawanna Valley Rapid Transit
Mrs. JS. R. Reese and two daughters
nre visiting at Lake Idlewild. Susqua
hanna county.
Miss JNora Kuadv returned come
yesterday from a visit with Honesdale
friends since Thursdav of last week.
A meeting was held yesterday after
noon at the home of Dr. aud Mrs. c.
T. Weaker on Luzerne avenue, for the
purpose of organizing a University ex
tendon class. Professor Devine, of the
University of Pennsylvania, was pre
sent, bnt the gathering was not a large
one. A committee was appointed to
canvass the city and assertain the seu-
timeut of tbe people on the subjeot.
Another mooting will be held on Wed
nesday. ,
Miss Marv Lnngan, of Philadelphia,
is visiting at Martin Murray's resi
Miss Mary Schofield, of New York,
is visiting ber brother, John Sehoneid,
The Misses Kate McDonald and Mag
gie Craig, of Arch bald, visited Miss
Maggie AlcCrea the past week and re
turned home yesterday.
Mies B. Luudy, of this Dlaco. who re
sides with Healys, will .leave today for
Irelnud to visit her parents and will be
absent for about six months.
A valuable coat belonging to Miss
JIari'i Nullin, of this place, was stolen
from Weber's rink at Taylor last Thurs
day evening dnring tbe progress of the
dance which followed tbe production
of tbe enntata of "The Flower Queen."
Patrick McDonald, of Main street,
who got ills log Ujured in Greenwood
mines on t riday, is recovering.
A child of John Walsh who died Sat
urday, was interred yesterday ,in Mia
ooka cemetery.
M. H. McDonongb, the delegate of
No. 134, Yonng Men's Institute, who
attended the convention at Louisville,
has returned.
Today tbe work of eicivating for
the ereetion of tbe new Presbyterian
church, at Greenwood, will be com
meneed. Tbe site for the new church
is situated along Main street on the
north side of tbe school bouse. Tbe
size of the church will be twenty-four
feet wide and forty feet long.
Miss Williams is visiting at the resi
dence of Isaao Davis in Greenwood,
On Oot. 22. will be the night of the
Young Men's Institute boy's entertain
ment at tbe Temperanoe ball which
will be one of the finest ever held in
this place.
Two Lives Savtd.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,
111., was told bv her doctors she had Con
sumption and that there was no hope for
ber, cat two Dottles Dr. King's Mew Dis
covery completely cured her and she savs
it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggors, 139
Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a
dreadful cold, approaching Consumption.
tried without result everything else then
nought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery and in two weeks was cured. He
is naturally thankful It is such results
of which these are examples, that prove
the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in
Coughs and 'Colds. Free mail, bottles at
Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size
Wo. and si.
The reunion of tbe descendants and
relatives of Timotby Quick, wss held
at Bacontown on tbe Bacon "flats,"
Saturday, Sept. 29. Tbe were 119 peo
ple present inclnding invited guests.
Of the direct descendants of "Uncle
Tim" were eight children, tbirty-tbree
grandchildren and thirteen great
Mrs. Henry Harding, of Faetoryvllle,
culled on friends Sunday last
Neal Walker, of Buffalo, is boms on
a snort visit.
Jerry Gough has broken ground for
a new house on Main street.
George Stanton, one of Elngsley'i
bnstling merchants, was here Monday
on business.
Mrs. Gunther.of Wilkes-Barre : Mrs.
Jayne, of White Haven; Mrs. Wilcox,
or Luzerne oorongn, and Mrs. uatneid,
of 'lunkbannoak. are visiting Mrs.
Installation of officers of the Inde
pendence Order of Odd Fellows last
night with F. P. Stephens, noble
grand, and George Cnrts, vie grand.
S, G Kerr, of Scranton, will lecture
on bis "Trip to Ireland" at Pries li
brary b riday nigbt at 8 o slock. No
Dr. Houser s trotter Fanny B, is borne
and will be quartered in the doctor's
elegant stables in town for tbe winter.
Mrs. Tidd is In Stroudsburg.
Reception committee of Price library
meets tonight for business. v
l ne ppopie don t want board cross
walks. If anything, stoue. A peony
spent wisely is a penny saved honestly,
T. G. Osborne has beoome Taylor
correspondent of the Scranton Times.
For earache, toothache, sore throat,
swelled neck, and the results of cold and
iullauiraation, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo
Oil the srreat naln destrover.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was Child, ah cried forCaatortlL .
When she became Miss, sneaking- to Castorla, '
When she bod Children, She gar toon Cartort
Clark's Green.
Mrs. L J. Nonhno mid daughter
Marv visited at ber sister's, Mrs. J. C.
Clark, on Friday last -
A preliminary meeting of tbe Coun
try Epworth union will be held in the
Methodist Episcopal chursh here this
afternoon at 8 o'clock. All are wel
Miss Hendricks left here on Friday
afternoon to attend a golden wadding'
in Montrose.
J. D. Aylesworth has treated bis
fense to a new eoat of paint, whioh
adds greatly to the appearance of his
beautiful villa.
Tbe wedding Wednesday evening
last of G. H. Niebols and Miss Fanny
Deacon was a very pleasant affair,
which will be long remembered by tbe
participants. The presents were very
fine and numerous. Tbe party is en
joying a trip to New York state.
Miss Une Ackerly and miss iiizzit
Frace, of Kingston seminary, were
home over Sunday.
Frank Phillips resumed bis residence
in Scranton last week after bis very
pleasant sojonrn here during the sum
mer months.
The Methodist Episcopal church is
once more in good order in the parlance
of the housekeeper, having been thor
oughly cleansed. All are now again
welcomed at Us meetings.
H. & Burdick and family spent Sat
urday and Sunday at bis father-in-law's,
S.imnel Smith's.
H. F. Barrett and family and also
Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman and sons, of
Addison, N. Y., were visitors among
friends here.
Contractors F. A. and G. B. Rey
nolds have begun the ereetion of what
will be the finest carriage house and
stable in town, the same to be owned
and oociiDied by Dr. J. A. Heller.
Mrs. P. M. Green has the plans and
specifications completed for ber new
cottage, to do Duut near tne Baptist
cbureb. i
Dr. W. B. Henwood contemplates
the erection of a dwelling on the lot
adjoining his residence property on
Maple street.
That part of onr borough nortu oi
the railroad is in it a little just now.
Highland avenue is to have new side
walks from Maple to Benton street,
thence down Benton to Main street.
Mrs. M. V. Townsend and Mrs. D. D.
Gardner visited their sister, Mrs. Esrl
Vosbnrg, of Scott Valley, Saturday and
Mrs. Charles Uam and children viS'
ited friends in Scranton Sunday and
The Ladies Aid of ths Baptist chureh
meets at Mrs. Orin Bromines, on Ben
ton street, at 4 o'clock Wednesday
Tbe water company has begun laying
pipes in town.
Tbe Blakely Social club elected tbe
following officers last Friday evening :
President, E, J. Barthold : vice presi
dent. G. B. Reed; treasurer, W. M.
Bell; secretary, Thomas Glover; in
structor, Professor Taylor, of Scranton.
Tbe opening sooiai win occur on uct,
18. 1804.
The home of Mr. and Mr. J. P. Hoi-
lister was gladdened last Sunday
morning by the arrival of an 11-pound
Tbe following officors of Horner
lodge 70, Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, were eleeted last Friday even
ing: Noble grand, John Day; vice
grand, D R. Latbrup; assistant secre
tary. C. x. Kennedy; treasurer, A. U
Hendricks; trustee, eighteen months,
8. M. Rogers.
George Cool has moved into tbe
house recently vacated by El ward
Mrs. John Bone, of Oneonts. is visit
ing ber psrents, Mr. and Mrs. George
W. Thomas.
Maynard Finch, of Cannan, visited
with friends hero over Sunday.
A commission was appointed by tbs
Presbytery to organize a church at
Peckville. Tbe meeting will be held
at tbe church nnilJing Tnesday even
ing. Oct. 3. at 7 30 o'clock. All inter
ested are requested to be present.
A new wooden spun hssbeen erected
across tbe Wallenpaupaek river where
the bridge gave way about two weeks
Mr. and sirs. vv. rt, Tester ana tarn
ilv. of Dunmore. were in town Satur
day and spent a few hours with his
n i . a i -
Wesley unoi ana xsigot uperaior
Joseph McCoy spent Saturday in Scran
George Coll urn is now occupying the
bouse made vacant by D. James Col
Many of the stone quarries are nusy
getting oat building stone for the silk
The man who kept the Star bakery
during tbe summer has left for parts
Mothers! Mothers!! Motb.rttll
Wrs.Wins)ow's Soothiug Syrup bas been
used for over fifty years by millions or
mothers tor tbetr ennuren wnue teeming,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and is tbe best remedy for di
arrhoea. Sold by diuggists in every part
of tbe world. B sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
no other kind. Twenty-nye cents a bot
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bishop, Stewart
Bishop and Miss Lillian Bishop, of
Georgetown, called on friends in town
on Snnday.
Mr. and Mrs. u JU Simons started
for New York on Monday.
Mrs. C. M Loring, accompanied by
Miss Aliee Bid well, of Arlington, went
to Mew York this week.
Onr base ball nine from Lake Ariel
and Hamlinton went to Newfoundland
on Saturday last to meet the Sterling
nine. We understand soma or their
friends went down to cheer tin in, but
wss disgusted with their playing and
dessrted them. We advise our boya to
nraotloe a little before next Saturday
as we understand tbe Sterling boys are
to meet them here on Saturday.
Tbe Epworth league was coudnctsd
by James Simpson on last Sunday even
In Holland, Mich.. 0. J. Doesbury pub
lishes tbe News, and in its columns
strongly commends Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo
Oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrh
sua astnniB. "
Forest City.
James Morrison, nged A3 years, em
ployed as a miner in No. 2 shaft of tbe
Hillside Coal and Iron company, met
with what proved to be a fatal aocl
dent while at work yesterday afternoon,
about 8 o clock. . Mr. Morrison was at
work in bis "sham ber" making prepa
rations for a "collar" to take the place
of a prop .which was standing in ths
middle of tbs road supporting a bad
Dleoe ot roof la order to put tbe col
lar into position tliH prop was reranvd
by Mr. Morrituu, thuj leU'ug it Urge
quantity of rock fall on tu uoforttv
nate man. He was removed to his
home on North Main street, where he
die1.! about 4 o'clock. He was a gentle
man highly esteemed and had a host of
Iriends in this place and eltewber.
who will Hirst to hear of hit untimely
death. He was an active member of
tbe Catholic Mutual Benefit associa
tion, and Father Matthew sosistiss.
Mr. Morrison Is survived by a wife
and thirteen children. Tbe funeral
annenucsment will appear in to-morrow's
Mrs. James P. Simpson returned yes
terday from a three weeks' visit with
friends in Wuyse county. '
R H. Martin, principal of tbe Elm-
hurst public schools, was a Jermyn
visitor Saturday.
Tbe Silver Lake quartette will give a
concert at tbe Methodist ohuroh par
lors tomorrow evening. The admission
has been placed at 10 cents. Doors
open at 7. Conoert begins at 7.80,
Arrangements are being made for
the annual parade of tbe Father
Matfaew sooieties of Lozerns and Lack
awanna counties, which will take place
Oct. 10. Miohael McIInle, of tbe East
Side, bos been appointed grand mar
shal. A picnic will be held in Elm
grove during the day, at whioh tbe
Rev. A P. Doyle, of New York, is ex-
peoted to be present and deliver an ad
dress. The new sohool bnilding was occu
pied today for tbe first time. Professor
Bovnrd may well feel proud ot tbe
splendid quarters furnished by the
board. Tne ten rooms are already
orowded to their utmost capacity.
Tbe following programme has been
proposed for tbe Epworth League con
vention, wniou meets here Uct. 9:
Morning session Devotional exercisss ;
address of welcome, C. F. Baker, Jer
myn ; response, Miss Miller, Dunmore;
business; essay, "The Lsagno and tbe
Missionary Call," Edgar Angnin, Duo
more;tslngiog, League quartette; es
say, "lhe League in Revivals," Miss
Stewart Clifford ; general disenssion,
led by Rev. W. L. Thorpe. Afternoou
session Devotional exercises; reports
from chapters ; duet; essay, "Tbe
League and Amusements," L, D. Wolf,
Carbondale: essay, "The Leagne Prayer
Meeting," Perry La bar, Honesdale;
dnet, Mrs. Moon, Miss Ailller, Carbon
dale; essay, "The Epworth Herald,"
Evan Tncker, Carbondale; essay, "Lit
erary Work." Miss Ryraor, Jermyn;
singing,tke conference trio; disenssion,
led by Uty. J. C. Leacock. in the
evening there will be an address by
tbe Rev. J. H. Race, of Kingston.
George Dyer returned to Wyoming
seminary yesterday after a brief stay
with relatives here.
William J. and A. J. Baker left yes
terday to resume their studies in the
Baltimore Medical college.
Mrs. Loretta Stanton, of Bridge-
water, is the guest of Jermyn friends.
Hiram Wintets, of Stoddardsville,
Monroe county, is visiting here.
Saturday evening a slight fire in the
barn of Erk Bros., caused by a horse
kicking over a lantern, was extin
guished wtthout the aid of the firemen,
who. However, were promptly on band.
On Tuesday, the 16th inst.. Miss
Katie MoHals, of the East Side, will be
married to Thomas Deavy. of Ply
month; on Wednesday, tbe 17th, Miss
Stdie Gilgallon will be married to
Michael McConnell, of Taylor, and on
Wednesday, tbe 24tb, Miss Julia Noon
and Edward Murray, both of Mt.,Ver
non, will be married.
Mrs, Lawrence Farrell and son Ed
win, of Eliztbetb. N. J., who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. James Fer
guson, of Church street, has returned
Mrs. James Ferguson, who has been
serionMy ill for tbe last three weeks is
slowly convalescing.
Rev. Mr. Shaw of tbe Presbyterian
cbnrch preached in Pittston on Sunday.
His pulpit here was occupied by Rev,
Mr. Dreyer.
The sobool board held a regular
meeting last evening. President Lally
presided. Other members present were
Klelty, Myers. O'Rourke, Barrett,
Tool In and Duffy. The secretary pre
sented a number of bills, tbe principal
being one of Henry Revels amounting
to $1149 80 for the addition to the
school bnilding on the Creek, one of
Thomas Law for desks for 341 and one
of a Chioago map firm for $135.
Mrs. Dean Sampson and son, Fred
Atkinson, of Emporium, are the gnests
of Mrs Benjamin Gardner.
Mrs. Caroline Cooper has returned
home after an absence of several
Rt. Rt'V. M. S. Rulison confirmed
class of twelve at Grace churoh Sunday
evening. The bishop preached at both
morning and evening servioes to a Iarg
Edwin F. Torrey, Jr., Is at horn,
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Springer, of
Euglewood, New Jersey, are the gnests
of Mr. and Mrs, Ueorge Steeg.
C. R. De Long, of Ontario, New
York, bas been the guest ot the Rev. A,
Miss Alioe Dsnn, who has been visit
Ing nt the boms of A. J. Smltb. E-q.
has returned to her boms at Brooklyn
New York, i
Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and daugh
ter Lizzie and Florence Potter, ot Paw
tnckett, Rhode Island, and Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Nswton and Mrs. H. a
Newton, of Green Grove, have been
tbe gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. N.
Mr. and Mrs. Newell A. Doty and
son, r red, or Mehonpany, are visiting
at Mr. and Mrs. D. h Doty s.
George Ellis, a wall known tonsorlal
artist of Scranton, wns the a nest of Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Bold last Friday.
our postmistress. Mrs. Louisa Tyler.
is visiting friends In tbe metropolis.
Mr. and Mrs. El. E. Camp, of
Gil mores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness
ana teei exnaustea and ner
is i i
vous; are getting thin and i
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it lor your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes diges-
ttion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength.' Sol
by Matthews . Bros., Scran-
Wilkes-Barre, were tbe guests of Mr.
and Mrs. M. W. Bliss, ir-, on Sunday,
Tbe funeral services of Miss Ruth
Slope," daughter of John L. Stone, esq ,
took pisca in tbe tisptist church suu-
duy at 3 p: ni. A sermon was preached
y tbe pastor, Rev. A. Bergea Brows
from Isaiah lxiv.. 4. Aa imassase oon-
eonrse of people assembled, this lndi-
eailag wide spread sympathy and blgb
estimation. People were present from
Scranton. Tnnkhannoek, Spring vi lie,
Dal ton, Clark's Green, Saramit, Soott
and Faetoryvllle. The final display
was beautifal. When the casket was
carried into the church it was preceded
by tbe Sunday sohool clsss to which
she belonged, The decessed was 14
ysars of age, and bad been a sufferer
lor several months, but she bore It all
with patient resignation. The pall
bearers were Mr. Thnrston. Harold
Steril and Ward Parker, all uncles ot
tbe deceased.
The wedding of Miss Clara M. Squlers
to Mr. George E. Trimby was solemn
ized at tbe home of the bride last
Tbnrsday night, the Rev. A. B. Browe,
of tbe Baptist church, performing the
ceremony. A large number of friends
were present and a great many valu
able presents were reoeived. Tbe
happy couple took tbe midnight train
for York state, and after their retnrn
will make their home here. Tbe fol
lowing ladies and gentlemen were
present: Rev. aud Mrs. Browe, Rev.
and Mrs. S. S. Kennedy, Dr. and Mrs.
N. C. Maekey, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
Bliss, jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Pery,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Byron Hall, Mr. and Mrs. George
Cbauaplaln, Mr. and Mrs. El. Calkin,
Mr. and Mrs S. Bedford, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Lsscb, Mr. and Mrs. W. Swallow,
Airs. A. Reynolds, Mrs. John Miller,
Mrs. Ed. Carpenter, Mrs. John Stone,
Mrs. A. Northup, Mrs. Clara Dean,
Miss Frank, Misses Sarah NorthuD,
Stella Millsr.Maud Millar, Ruth Perry,
Stella Bailey. Editb Stone. May Browe,
Agnes Gntinan, Scranton; Harriet
Phelps, Miss Anna Clark, Willis Squier,
Bingbamton, JN. I. ; M. Stone, Tom
Hall. Will Hall, Sam Hall, John Perry,
Arthur Miller.
Mtsa Grace H'(soii
Like a New Woman
I am feeling since I took Hood's SaraaparlDa. 1
was suffering from ladlgeatioa, Catarrh
1 J-AtV
' Sana-
aad Sick Headache f d aA
and did not have any I UlTC
appetite. I am glad to e a aaa
say Hood's Saxsa partita
bas cored me ot catarrh and all my other
troubles. Crack Wilsox, Haluesvllle, N. J.
Hood's Pills euro all liver ills, constipa
tion, biliousness, sick headache, indigestion.
The times may not
be all they should
be, but our
Will go a great way
toward evening up
thing3 for our cus
tomers. We save you
This Week:
Men's Heavy Pants 9
Men's Heavy Pants $125
Men's Cassimere Pants 165
Men's All-wool Pants 2S5
Men's Baetness Suits (4 25
Regular price, 9.
Men's Fine Dress Suits 113.
Regular price, $15.
Boys Clothing
A Serviceable Kuook-abont Suit. ..85c
A Good Wool Sobool Suit $1.48
X Nobby Dress Snlt 2 75
2 pair Knse Pants 25c
230 Lackawanna Ave.
" w"ww"".smrk
ruth. Ma .o KM.
m Hanarrfui, ot Mfttrta Remedy ""1
auwim, nw iuuii 1..
400402 Lackawanna M
Friday and
September 27, 28, 29
406 and 408 La cka. Avenue.
v i i i v i lossssssa vr
Fnrnished Complete, for $
13 -,1 Silk Plush Parlor Suite, consisting of Tete, Corner Chair.
Sr cXl. IKJl Arm Chair, Eeception Chair and Side Chair, Centre
Table, a pair of Lace Curtains with Poles fcud set of Crass Trimmings com
plete, Brussels Carpet (made and laid free.)
J Bedstead, Dresser (with large glass), Waahstand,
JLjeCJLriJlJIIl 2 Chairs, Rocker, Table, Towel Rack, Husk and
Cotton Mattresses (best quality), Wooven Wire Spring, Pair Pillows, Carpet
(made and laid free.) .
D. . T2rr-m A 8lx-foot Exten8lon Tftble. 8 CbttI
111 lllg JLXOOril Lampi carpet (made and laid free.)
t'j. f Three Chairs, Table, Square of Oil Cloth, Two Win
JlLCraeri dow Shades.
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