THE SCR ANTON" TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORN IN tf, OCTOBER 2, 1894. " I am convinced Cleveland's is the purest baking powder made, and . I have adopted it exclusively in my cooking schools and for daily household use." Sarah T. Rorer, Principal Philadelphia Cooking School. 'I prefer Cleveland's baking powder to others because it is pure and wholesome, it takes less for the same baking. It never fails, and bread and cake keep their fresh ness and flavor." C. C. Bedford, Principal Keui York Cooking School, Norrmanfi Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue If you want Carpets. Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. lit It 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Gentlemen's Driving C .ices Thurs day, 2 p. m. . , . St Martin's Polish society, of Mayfleld, applied to the court yesterday for a char ter. The diagram for "Rosednle" opens this morning at the Academy of Musio bos office. The board of managers of the Florence mission will meet this morning at 10 o'clock. The competition for prizas will be com pleted by the Green Ridge Gun club on Friday. The Women's Christian Temperance Un ion will meet at It rooms on Spruce street this afternoon at 8.80. A charter was yesterday granted by the court to St. Peter's Greek Cathollo Bene ficial society, of Taylor. The Bale of seats for the Sandow engage ment commence at 9 o'clock tbli morning at the Frothingbam bos office. A marriage license was granted yester day to Charles Manstleld Dunham and Ella L. Hummel, of Oneonta, N. Y. Supper wilt be served in the . lecture room of Elm Park church this evening at 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited. In the matter of the assignment of John L. L. Travtfs, time to show cause why the assignee should be removed was esteuded to Oct. a The Singer Manufacturing company yea lerday obtained a writ of replevin to re cover a horse valued at 140 from Peter A. iioubagnac. A Mother's meeting will beheld in the Prohibition rooms, Gteen Ridge street, this afternoon at 8 o'clock. Mothers are invited to attend. The members of the Sacred Music society are requested to be at the Linden street tent this evening at 7 o'clock. Bring gos pel hymns No. 6 and 6. Yesterday morning John MoAlarney. a miner in theHalstead colliery of the Dels- ware, Lackawanna and Western at Dar yea, was brought to the Moses Taylor hos pital Ills leg was fractured from a fall of roof. : The drawing for the suit of clotbes and silver watch of the Mount Pleasant Acci dental fund will take place at Co-operative hall, North Main avenue, tonight at 7:30 o'clock. All holders of tickets are re quested to be present. Three new cases of typhoid fever, five of tcarlet fever and two of diphtheria, and one dr th from diphtheria and two from con?- .option were reported to the board of .oaltn last week. Twenty -four deaths resulted from all causes. - The St. Joseph's 8oclety for the Preven. tion of Cruelty to Children and Aged Per son, acknowledges with thank a donation of 1439.52 from John B. Smith, treasurer of tbe subscrioers to what is known as "Johnstown Relief Fund." taken np in Dunmore in June, 1S8. T. H. C. Hrfalnnav. wtin vmm mwm.A - - J I -' " ' - n. IGOIOU Saturday on a cliarg of entering the room of a girl in the Roma Hotel on the pre vious night, was taken before Judge Ed wards yesterday on a writ of habeas cor pus. He was allowed to enter bail in the sum of $500 and V7. T. Jenkins became his bondsman. Sixty members attended the first re hearsal of the Scrautou Oratorio society last evening when excellent progress was made with the opera "The Rose Maiden." Professor Lindsay gave entire satisfac tion and tbe prospeots are very bright. The next rehearsal will be held on Thurs day at 8 p. m. above Powell's mnslc store. W. T. Jenkins, who some time ago an nounced himself as an independent candi date for sheriff, entered the county com niiCkionera' office yesterday armed with a formidable looking bunch of papers and accompanied by Attorney E. H. House. The enquired for the county commis sioners. None of these gentlemen hap pened to be In just tben and Jeukinl and Honie departed The papers Jenkins car rled are supposed to have been his nomina tion paper. Edward E. Howe, organist of the First Presbyterian church, at Haileton, will f ive the first of a series of free organ re citals at that place next Wednesday at 4 p. m. Among the selections of interest to be performed will be Grey' "Prayer and Temple Dance," "La Gaa Ladra" over ton, Rosalia, ''Elsa's UtfaaM," from Lofeaa- f (Pure) MiiisPowder w (Sure Williams McAnulty grln, Wagner and a finale by Lemmsns. Last season Mr. Howe gave a series of aim lar lecitals. which Droved verv DODular. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Tbnrs- dav. 2 n. m. -1 r Pabst's Milwaukee Biir, cool and sparKiing, ai Lionman'a, bpruce street TICKET NOW COMPLETED. Prohibitionists Name Candidates for the Senate and the Legislature. The Prohibition county committee met yesterday afternoon iu Tallie Murean'a of fice and placed in nomination S. N. Callan der for senator; Guy R. Rlph for repre sentative in tbe First district; Jo seph F. Hangi in tbe Second dis trict; W. F. Clements, of Mos cow, in tbe Third district, and A. G. Shepherd, of Jermyn, in tbe Fourth dis trict. A. G. Thompson was named for clerk of the courts to fill the vacanoy on me county ucKec. The officers of the committee are: Chair man, Pierce Butler, Cardondale; secretary, Trtllie Morgan; treasurer, A. G. Tbomason, lue aecretarv waa author zad to onan headquarters in the room adjoining his office and employ a stenographer. Plans were laid for a most active campaign and a iuw ui ,uw is connuently expected. OFFICERS OF UNION. Elected at a Meeting of City Pastors Held in Y. M. C. A. Hall. The CitV pAatnra' nntnn litM on Im DOrtant mnetlnir vpatanlav mnpntnv at the Young Man's 'Christian Association rooms. The president. Rev. Warren G. Partridge opened tbe meeting by running a portion or scripture, and was iuiiuwwu uy wv. ur. Mice, of Avoca, who offer prayer. The following officers wen then elected for thtt nan(n(? tavm. Pxaal- dent, Rev. N. F. Stahl, of Green Ridge; Yitc-preBuenc, ttev. u. C. angles. U. D., of Jackson Street: secretary and treasurer, Rev. M. D. Fuller, of Pro vidence; thetna eotnraittee, Rev. T. J. Collins, of Scranton Street, Rev. A. W. Cooner. nf Hnmninn St vjat Pa T7. McLaan. of El ui hurst. Tbe impending removal of the Rev. W. Klnallunoui. th. W..kl.... Street Presbyterian ohnrch ws refer- rea to by Rot. W. H. Paro and a committee wus nppolnted to formulate an address expressing tbe regret of tbe m uepariure. jur. S3siienger urimr inanirea nia rs n iunn tnr the unvarying kindness thev had shown toward him and repressed bis pleasure no vim pieasant relations whica bad always existed between them. Rev. Thomas Bell, tbe newly eleoted pastor of the Plv Cburcb. Was Intrnit nnaH K. f Glr.11. i tiger and was accorded a hearty wel come. ReV. F. A. Dnnv illLrnrlnnarl tha nra. tion of the Sunday observance move ment and eXDlaineil that effnrta nrara being mud ft to nnrnli a H.hh.fh nilioil in UOrthsagtern PannairlvanU affiliated with tbe national society and asked tbe meetina- to lnd nran tha mnva. Uient. The reanest was Receded to. Tbe nresidant alan HTnluinorl Ihut tfca Union had atmnlntml aamnmltt.i tn extend tbe movement in the city, but iub majority or the members had de clined to act. and tha quested tbe pastors to secure represen tatives from tbe churches to fill tbe vacancies. The names would not be DUblished anil tha vrnrlr nrnnl.l Urn A nr. in a quiet and prastieal manner. aw. j. cj. ooinson, chairman of tlltt Moodv finanan itnmmlll.. mmA . report of tbe work and tbe thanks of the uujuu were occoraea tor 018 services. A FINE PERFORMANCE. Plnsro'a Farclal Romance. Tha Ami. aonr, Produoed by a Clever Compiny demonstrated by tbe Interesting stage pro duction he has made out of the material with which bis farclal romance. "The Amazons," is constructed. The Slarchi mess of Castlelordan is the mother of three daughter much to her regret. She yearns for a son and her Venrnintr dtnlnm it .v. -. , . . ' v nuvu passion tnai and allows them to hunt, fish, smoke cig- ", ' BCl out lne ma,e cbarac- . nuoiaiijr. meir woman's nature can not DA HIITinrauiul L, . . , , r ; uvp,w, auu a street brawl which Noellne, the eldest daughter ""'7 involved in while doing the West Endof London In m.l. .! ..u. ' - . u .tan o. is buo means of opening the mother's eyes. She aeea I a V ot RttemPt'"g to thwart nature and orders her daughters to don their frocks and the curtain rlnoa young ladles, by the request of their mother, proceed to dinner in their newly acquired garb of womanhood, on the arms of admirers whom they had secretly in troduced into thetr country home durlnir the absence of the bead of tbe family in The lnancnltnn v,m 1.41 1 ... a i. . nr imper sonated by Miss Johnstone Bennett, Miss Isabel Irving and Miss Elaine Edson. The rormer Is tbe most hoydenish of tbe trio and mHliAa har .. . " . . . - ipw auycamuce on tue iXil vau ting over a four bar fence attired in male riding attire. She has all the pert phrases and manners of the youna THAI, nt h. J . -fJwuiiK r :. j peneotion, and makes a tlmromrhi,. v-. Zu 1 ' J """"J nine ienow. JNeZt to nap in . ,1 . rv,ua vi. uiascuuneness is JNoeline, Isabel Irving, a moBt clevni- n,l W,Ln8Si1,,ctre88' whil e youngest sis- ter. WilnAimtnn n. m;iiH ti i. J1 , . n 1 c ."'" aaner sisters rHmlllu.,. null hum I I . .. - v BUKuuwieages tnat she believes Jthat she is very effeminate and Lorlmer Stoddard, an tha Ravi nr t wayes, Tbomnln's admirer, and Beau mont Smith, a. Count de GrivoL who is enamored of Wilhelmina, did some very Clever rhnrmntar n . . , 1 " , , ,v. ' vroorgB Alison made a manly Viscount Litterly, and Lou- ml b"uud oorgeaai DUUtter. meiited a mncb batter audience than it re- COlTOQa COMPETITION FOR PULLMAN. Late Employsa Looking for an Eastern ' Rite for m. Plant FolloVlno tha ft ,.. D..ltM.H . . a . ' " a uiiium mriae or last summer a renort has been circulating in commercial circles to the effect that the cornnratlnn tr li,!.. a i . . i 1 i, " "'' iwr laToraoie location in the east to establish a branch of the western plant. A letter from the Scranton board of trade asking the truth of tbe rumor and kmoi inis city as a desirable location brought a decided denial from George M. rullmnn'a ianrat.. rru stamped as false and without foundation, it nna appeared, however, since the Pnll man letter was received that there was a plausible foundation for the story. Former employes of tbe company have been In conference with business men in various town, of New Jersey with the ob ject of establishing a plant for the manu facture of palace and sleeping car- of a de- '.!?,n.rhloh if U "tid doe not e"0'ot with existing Pullman patents. 3. Frank SUg-al's Academy of Dancing, now open for the reception of pupils. Office at hall Traders National bank. Opening socia'l Tuesday night Oct. 8nd. 1 All 'former pupils and friends Invited. Ladles. Closing out rnssett, oxfords andrnssett dlucbera at reduced prices. Also ladles' bog, foxed, congress, razor toes, prettv styles. , A. O. NtTTLirow A Co., Commonwealth building. .S??" Flonr m lave a capacity of 17,500 barrels a day. . 7 Sieffel'a onanlncr artnl.l rrnA..l. . OUU 8, oau UIKUI, PfiOGRESSJF GOSPEL Demonstrated by Schlrerea list Night to an Overflowing Audience. HE SAKS CIRCULATE THE TRIBilN That Was Hit Advice to Thousands- It Helps the Great Work Along A Notable Incident In Pittston The Great Invitation Eloquently Ex plained And Sixty Fathers an Mothers Respond. Evangelist Sohl versa enjoyed well earned rest yesterday and addressed but one meeting, la givisg out tbe announcements last evening tbe Uvan gelistsaid: "It is bardly worth my wuue giving out tbe notices as von all read Thb Tribune, and 1 would like to say right here that it would be a good thing if friends would buy about ten copies oi THE Tribune and band tbem around to acquaintances so that they oan read what we are doing iu the city i oeueve tnat reading about our meet tngs will belp along tbe work wonder inny." Last nlgbt the great interest and overflowing attendance In tbe meeting was continued. The subject of tbe ad dress was "Come." Tbis was ttod greatest Invitation and tbe evangelist said that it pervaded the whole Scrip ture from GUnesis to Revelations. God distinctly shows bis wish to save fam ilies and never intended man or woman to be divided and if tbey were united in God's love there would be less work for lawyers in Scranton. God made man and wife here to be man and wife in heaven. What oan there be more sad than to see a borne divided, tbe wife saved and tbe cuibana unsaved or tbe children saved and tbe parents unsaved. Mr. scbl versa then said: BIBLE AND BEER BOTTLE. Go Into some bouses and see the Bible on tbe one side and tbe beer bottle on tbe other, tbe wife loving Christ and the B ble. the husband lovins sin and the bottle, and there my friends lies the secret why so many of our boys and girls turn out so Daaiy and it is to De surprised at when vuey are orougnt up in sucn an atmoi pnere. JNot long ago a man asked me where was heaven and I pointed across the street to a mechanic's honse where the man and wife were Christian people and toe cblldren seeing tbis were full of Cbris tian love and made what seemed a plaoe w ii ere tte atmosphere was tull or tbe In fluence of heaven. Whv should not thera be everywhere the same blessed and happy Bbiue ui uomes. Todav I was sneaking to a aaloonkesnnr of Pittston who is juat giving up business and be told me that for months he had not been able to rest and was awakened in his sleep and confronted with the fact that he had been taking the hard-earned money of men wading in mud and water diesins coat in ine Dowels or tbe eartu. money which should have eons to the wives and little cblldren and he conld not stand it any longer. Tbis was an unsolicited testl monial to the work of the mission, and I ask you men why do you give room for the saloonkeeper to say tnis or your now much better if husbands and wives ac- cetel the invitation and entered tbe ark of tbe covenant and be saved. AN EARNEST APPEAL, There is another "come" the come of reason, bod left the association ot angels and comes into tbis tent. Heisherenow. tbis night, and says, "come now." He comes to you men and does not wait for you to go to Him. Why live In sin when there are brighter prospects, great bene fits, joyous hopes? Why ruin body and rum your souir w ny not accept tbe in vi tation tonlehtf There is yet another "Come," "Come ye Weary." This includes all, the wealthy and poverty-stricken, vou all want rest. There is only one way to get rest and that is by throwing your burden on the Lord. Weary soul, Jesus is ready He will give you rest. Will you comer The invitation is for all ton sht the best man and the worst man. He means you. Wbenr Now Mv friends this wrr nisht the invitation la ringing out to all? Not tomorrow. Not next week, but now, this uitfmr SCHIVEREA MISSION NOTES. Tha Rilvnr T.aVa nmrlafta sunn .ITT Died for Me" and was greatly appreciated. SixtV man atnrwl nn tnofc nlrvhf In .tin Kuojjni louv vo sweu me large army ot ovuiverea worit. Todav's mnetincra a.ra TtiMa mmAinrr - jurist, var r nenu," ac o:ou p. m. and service at 7:30 p. m. The Sacred Mnatn juuu iuririLimn js.HRnfliRT.inn iioa Miin v sing ac me tent tonight. jtfr. WftfiRTi nunc th sMn iTha 1. Green Hill Far A His dow one of the most popular of the s,"'ii u7uiua iu me city, in nis rendi tion Of "Coma to M ha itl.ntiuJ .1,1. cauuiaivo .wive toe orancnes ol tne music. BOARD OF APPEALS. Thost Bileotsd At Last Night Joint Mttting of OoudoIIa. PntHllflnf. f ft A Mall Vtt 4lia Ma.Ha. IU. w wm vM mj buv may vi vuq nv lect and common ronnMla mat In lnln ion last ATHninff anr! A)ait4 Ka.. , -.a m vivvvvV SSI SVSJS4U U bear appeals from this f Mi's assessment .. .uon vu bo pmu in loyo. Mr. Chittenden, president of select conn Cil was chosen to Dretida onr tha Inint session. He announced on ansnmlncr i.ti.1. - ! .. . .. " T vui. iui nV i tiruTiaion tnat tne Doard Buuum kuumabui two Beieot oouncnmen and three frnm tha Four nomination! were made by the rviuiuuu cuuucu ana tnree oy tne select. The ballotinic resnlted as followi: Thomas, select. 11; McLean, common, 11; Golden. cuuiwoD, v; iauer, select, ; Godfrey, com mon. 7. Tha rhnlr annnnn. V.. A. 41.. board ihnilM rnnaiaf nt VamKAi.a nuu iucLann, or tne select council, aac Noone, McLean and Golden, ot the com - iu vs Miviuwtn .s. uuuiao Anna aIh tvill h W A ifninM f.Mu " hvhi a uuiiuk luaivu nuu thai nn nmna .1 m, U t. a - wu vpuiuus ui tvuo uoaru mast De atmr ered on or before April 1. Holmes & Conlt's CELEBRATED (100 Kinds) SPECIAL DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT REDUCED PRICES. CRACKERS E. G. COURSEH, 429Laaka.Ava BARGAINS. Best Flonr $3 75 Best Psstry a 75 Feed 1 20 Corn 1 20 Meat 1 20 Hams... , 121 California Hams. 9 uncon l Fresh Egs 18 Batter Crackers Diamond Oyster 5 Canned Tomatoes.. 7i Wbite Wax Beans 80 lb. Pail Jelly 99 20 lb. Pail Prsserres 1 25 Bristle Shoe Brash 15 Bizby's Blacking, 8 Large Boxes 10 Liberty Sewing Machine 9 95 Every article in the above list is war ranted strictly first class in every re spect. We only mention a few figures but will state that all our prices are very low and will be kept so during the re mainder of 1804. There are a few things that we wish to speak of specially, first of these "Our Best" brand of flour of which weare selling about 1,000 barrels and sacks a month and hearing nothing but most favorable reports from all sources. Then our Tea Department is worthy of mention, we have the finest line of teas that is possible to get to gether. Our garden growth teas at 8c. per pound are .a thing of beauty and a joy forever. We also have a package tea at 30c, a pound with a splendid solid nickel spoon in each pound, this is a de cided bargain. We think we have the largest retail coffee trad.e of any store in the state. Nothing has built up this big trade but the ex cellency of our cof fees and the low fig ures at which we sell them. In confectionery we always have a fine stock of fresh, pure candies of all kinds and as in all other departments at very low prices. And last but not least our butcher shop is worth the price of admission in itself, always well stocked with the very best grade of meats at prices about 25 per cent, below regular rates. Re member our newde ivery plan is in op eration now all or ders going out as soon as received. THE SCRANTON CASH STORE T EACHERS Plan to Have City and County Teachsn Hold ' B parate Sessions NOT YET FULLY DECIDED UPON If the Idea Is Carried Out the City Teachers Will Meet in Young Men's Christian Association Hall and Those from the Remainder of the County in the Court House Some Of the Instructors. Tblsyssr tbe institute of the tesobers of tbe couaty will be held daring tbe week besinninz Oct. 29.' Itis nroba- ble tbat this year tbe county and oity teasbers will meet in different places, bat tbe matter has not yet been folly aeciaea npon. Professor Taylor, tu- penntenuent of tne oounty sobools, if Tors sncb a plan. If it is decided to bold seDarate in stitatea tbe eonnty tesobers will meet at tbe Court bonse and tbe city tesob ers at loans; Men s Christian Assooia tion hall. Both bodies will be addres sed by tbe same instructors though on different phases of educational snbieots, tbe idea being to aire tbe different classes of teuobers information and iu stroction along line tbat will be most valuable to tbem. Among tbose who will address the teachers are Dr. Wbite. of Columbus. O., author of works on school manage ment, and Ber. Da SchaefL'r. state snperintendent of Dnblio instrnetion On Thursday, Nor. 1, tbe directors of tbe eonnty will hold an iuiDortant meeting and be addressed by several of tne Institute instructors Hon. John R. Farr and Eon. M. T. Burke will ad dress tbe directors cn tbe subject ot compulsory education. CONVENTION AT YORK. Big Gathering of Christian Endeavo rities at that Place on Oct. 17, 18 and 19. An effort will be made by the Scran ton delegation at the State Christian Endeavor convention at York. Oot 17. 18 and 19, to have tbis oity selected for next year a convention. The Scranton city union will meet Friday evenlug at me xoung Men s (Jbristian Association building to elect nineteen delegates. Xbeeonvention at York bids fair to eclipse all previous gatherings of the Kina, wnetner in tbis or in other states. In point of numbers it is an assured snceess. Already five conntlei promise in all twelve bnndred delegates. There are yet sixty counties to be beard from. f reparations are being; made on an im mense scale. Tbe many hundreds of visitors who will oome to tbe city will an De taken care of. Tbe Entertain msnt Comlttee is busily engaged every day in making arrangements for tbe accommodation of tbe expected tbous and. Tbe highest rate for entertain ment in private homes will be $1.50 per pay. The programme is one of surpassing merit, a clear advance on the very goo l programmes ot nreceedlnz vesrs. It embrsses all the depsrtments of Chris tun endeavor, praetioal reform, and religions advance. A9lde from tbe brilliant array .of Pennsylvania speak ers there will be two notables from outside of tbe state. Rev. J. A. Rond- thaler, D. D., of Indianapolis, wboae vigorous speaking has earned for him tbe soubriquet of "The Indiana Cro lone"; and S. L. Mershon. of Evanaton. in., me lamous leader of toe uisslon ary Extension Movement Dr. Rond- tbaler also conducts tbe "Open Par liament on tne lookout and praytr meeting committees. Wood' ColleR of Bnsintaa anal short hand. old students and to the business men who nave aiueu ua so materially. Tfl hl Suntamhnv rtf 1HQ1 la.d all mpr VMTB In finlnf nf nnmhara onri VAl.m. of business is a source of great joy to the Patrons and prospective students are in Vited to call. Night and day sessions. " F. E. Wood. Principal. Sieeel'S onenins social Tnmdav nloht x I have just received a new line of Cut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in and see my new stock. TNE CILIBRATIft FIANO0 Ire at yraant the Mo Fepnlar aal rntama WsrerooiBJ : Opposlta Caluaibcs lUntraient, 208 Washington Av. Scran ton, P, Best Seta of Teeth,$8.oo Including the painless sitractinf f tee U by as entirely caw pre S. C. Snyder, D.D.s. 4UW IM " f I W.W. BERRY S I g Lackswanaa Ave. I 1 1KB n', 7 BI HATS AT Music Boxes Exclusively. Eest made. Play any desired number of tunes. Ganteohi & Bona., manufacturers, J080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. derfol orchestriai organs, only IS and $10. Specialty: Old musio boxes carefully re. paired and improved with now tones. gllUIIIIIIllliiiiiiiiigiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiu I WHY I NOT S HAVE YOUK S done by competent work- g jjj menf Ve make a specialty jj 5 of jobbing. You leave your 5 order; we do the rest. g M S I H. BATTIN & CO. I IM M m H 126 PENJJ AVENUE. - B amiiuiiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiuil i COMBINATION Moat people say when they look at Wool worth's show windows: "One window is fitted with fine Decorated China and Glassware and the other window has a display of Coal Hods, Stove Pipes, etc. Now this last mentioned display ia Just What We Want to Talk About. We have here: Coal Hods as cheap as 19c. and from that up to 50c. each, either black Japan finish or galvan ized iron. Stove Pipe Elbows lOo Stove Pipe per joint 1 5c Ordlnsry Black Fire Shovels 3d Long Handle Fire Shovels (20 in.) Co Long Handle Galvanized Fire Shovels 0o Galvanized Iro-i 5 gal. Oil Cans, patent pump attachment. ...$1.75 Galvanized Iron Ash Cans 2.25 AlaikaCover Lifters, nickel plated I Oo C. S. WOOLWORTH, 319 Lacka. Ave. GREEN AND GOLD STORE FRON1 do you dread Monday washday! Can't blame you much slop dirt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send your whole family wash to us every week! Special "POUND RATES" to families. Write for these terms. Drop a postal onr wagons will call promptly. Emreka Launradiry 322 on I Plumbing jjj AND I Tinnintf The Following- 6 TO 8 AT -8 TO IV, AT 12 TO 2 AT - Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's School Shoes, not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good Dongola Calf Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace or button; every pair warranted. It will pay you to buy your Shoes at BiUTISTER'S All the latest novelties in FALL FOOTWEAR. gnminnmmi iiniiHuiuim Special Display of BROWNE BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. J.BOLZ Carries the largest line of FURS and TAILOR-MADE GARMENTS in the city. Come and look through our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. We also carry a large line of MACKINTOSHES Children's Furs, from $l.GO set up. In our Millinery Department we show the latest in French Novelties Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. IN THESE TIMES People want a (treat deal for their money. They require good thlugs at little expense, That's Just how THE STANLEY COJJ BIN A TION came to be created, it's an outfit oon sisting of a Double-breasted Coat, two (2) pairs of pants, and the latest style Stanley cap of same mat rial to match. Also extra Huttons with each outfit Th goods are ot stylish labrics, of a most excellent quality especially adapted for serrice, and wa eaa sell you the WHOLE COM HIM Al ION M cheap as you can buy the bare suit from other dealers. FOR SALE ONLY BY ClolhiBr3,H5t(er3,&FurnisfiEra OUR CORSET FITTER, MISS STOUT OF NEW YORK Will remain until Saturday of this week to accommodate those who could not be fit. OSLANDS 128 Wyoming Ave. $1.00 1.25 1.75 1 Special Display 8&VWloaUflQ AVE. iiiuuiiiiiiiuiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiisiuiuiiiiuiiuiuujiiiiaiuul
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers