TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING-, OCTOBER 2, 1894. WEST SIDEI mm Trie MuCK I Al.L. Court Waa Held b7 Umbr of the Cbl UpiiloD. The mock trial conducted by tbe Chi Upsilon society of the Washington Street Presbyterian oho rob last even inn was a decided success. After tbe regular business of the society tbe en tertainment committee took charge of tbe meeting. Professor D. A. Stone was on trial for tbe laroany of one or more bricks from tbe old church. President George Waters acted as judge. The defendant was brought before the court by Sheriff Horace Keen. After the Clerk of tbe Courts Artcmns Morse read the ohrage Prose outing Attorney Maurice Miller opened for tbe prosecution. Jaines Griffiths was tbe first witness called. He testi fied to seeing Professor Stone take tbe bricks from the church. Tbe cross examination by Defending Attorney D. L. Morgan caused much mirth. C. P. Hall and Arch Mears were the next witnesses called, after which the prosecution rested. Attor ney Morgan opened for the defense by calling Frank Thornton to the witness stand, followed by Thomas Patten and Fred Keltenaner. : After a fair char ire by the jadge, the case was given to tbe jury, whioh con sisted of Rev. D. W. Kkellenger. C' J. Holms, C. C. Battenberg. William Rfitenaner, Arthur Clark, George Keen. After a consultation the jury reiurned stating they stood four to two in favor of conviction. DEBATERS MEET. We Will Have the Course of University I X'.enalon. The Hyde Park Litorary and Djbat ing society met in regular session last evening in the Philosophical society room on South Main avenue. Ttie coin ing university extension course was discussed with a most happy resnlt. The course is a certainty. The com mittee reported progress and informed the society that Colonel H. B. Spragne had been engaged to lecture on the lives and chief productions of tbe poets Milton and Goldsmith, The lectures will take pi ioe in a centrally located buildiug, comtnncing next Monday night, and continuing until tbe series of six lectures are completed. Petitions can be Bigned t tbe diffir ent West Side drug store or by con sulting tbe members of tbe society's committee, C. . Daniels and W.Hadyn Evans. A debate took place on the question: "Resolved that organizations such as Tammany ball are beneficial to the coun try,'' Those who spoke were on tbe affirmative side are C. E. Daniels, A. Davis and Louis Howell. On tbe ne gative sldtt Wallace Moser, John House and Emerson D. Owen. The de bate was interesting throughout. The judges as appointed by President Ed wards were W. A Price, Tallie Lewis nnd Jonathan Harrij. They returned a verdict in favor of tbe affirmative. JOHN HUGHES BURIED. 8rvlC9s Will Be Hold at the Family Hem. Tbe funeral of John Poland Hughes, eon of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hughes, who died at the borne of bis parents on touta Rebecca avenue, Saturday morn ing, ocenrred yesterday afternoon at 3.80 o'clock. Services were conducted at the family home by Rev. W. S. Jones, pastor of tbe First Welsh Bap tist cnurcn, who spoke in tbe Welsh language, and Rey. D. C. Hughes, D. D., of tbe Jackson Street Baptist, who delivered impressive remarks in Eng lish. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. Among them was a pillow inscribed "Classmate." The casket was carried by young men to the Washburn Street cemetery, not far distant, where interment was made. Tbe pall bearers were Thomas Howells, Alfred Bvan, Albert Davies, Hirry Davies, George Nichols, George Rey nolds, William Davies, Gsorge Hoff man, Thomas Hopkins, David Morley, and Arthur Jenkins. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Z. A. Storer, of Lafayette street, web at Wilkes-Barre yesterday on business. Hiss Anna J. Emmet of Luzerne street, is visiting at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. A.;L. Lindsay and family, of Wyoming, spent Sunday at the borne of T. M. Richards. Tho, Mendelssohn Choral society will meet tomorrow evening at the First Welsh Baptist church. Will Davies of Providence, a 94' graduate at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, has accepted a position in Davies drug store. Beese D. Davis, of Buffalo, who has been visiting his parents, Air. and Mrs. J. D. Davis, on Bromley avenue, returned home yesterday. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lamb, of m Twentieth street, died yes terday afternoon. The funeral will occur on Wednesday afternoon. A preliminary meeting of the "'Degree of Naomi will be held tomorrow evening in Morgans hall by Hyde Park Castle, No. 8. Order of Knights of the Mytio Chain, James Crawford, a clerk at Davies' drug store, left yesterday for Philadelphia whore he will take a course In dentmtry. Air. Crawford was formerly of Easton, and For Five Hundred Years and over, the whole world has been coming to Carlsbad to be cured. Disorders of tho stomach, of the liver, of the bowels, of the kidneys and bladder, gout, rheu matism, diabetes, obesity all have been sent to Carlsbad. Here is the very same remedy now, right at your own door the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt (the water solidified and put into powder form at the spring.) You need it for constipation, for indi gestion,' for biliousness, just as inuoh aa in other and graver ail ments. All druggists keep it. But see that you obtain the genuine imported, with the sig nature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every botjfe, V. was a graduate at the Philadelphia College if Pharmacy. The fire at 4:30 yesterday morning origi nated in tbe home of Joseph Thomas a drayman residing on Wasbburn street. There was much difficulty in finding a key fur box 89 at the corner of Main avenue and Jackson street and a still alarm-was seut into tbe Columbia boae bouse. Tbe fire was canoed by a bad flue in tbe chim ney. Thn kitchen and a room above it were badly bamozed. The funeral of Alius Mary Rooney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rooney, who died on Saturday evening, after a short illness, occurred yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. A solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated in St. Patrick's churcu by Rev. Father McNally. Fathers Dunne sud Whelan were deacons. After tbe cermony tbe funeral cortege moved out to the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery, where interment was made. The pall bearers were Peter Richards, Hugh Fin nen, Michael O'Hara, John O'Hara, John and Timothy Larkin. SOUTH SIDE. AN ENTERPRISING SOUTH bIDER. Ferdinand Hag-en, of Alder Etrest, In a New Line of Business. Ferdinand Hagen, of Alder street, has purchased four improved planing machines which are set np and in op eration in his planing mill' by which be is enabled to manufacture boxes for tbe bottling trade. It Is the only shop nearer than Albuny that manufactures these boxes. Some time ago Mr. Hagen attempted to interest tbe South Side board of trade in materially assisting him to make it a local industry, but ultimate ly without their assistance be under took the task on his own responsibility, and the success resulting has fully justified bis foresight. This is a matter of public interest to the South Side as it furnishes work to a score or more of wood finishers and Scranton money, which heretofore weut to Albany and other points dis tant, now circulates in tbe city among our own people. Lst week Mr. Hagen purchased 40,000 feet of pine lumber for the fall season. CLOSING OF THE MILLS. A Serious Question Statei South Eldsre 1 In tha Faos. With the suspension of operations at tbe North and South works after to night at least fifteen hundred men and boys will be thrown out of work, It is a most serious mutter to contemplate, since there is no telling when trade will be resumed. The management of the mills is on record as stating that tbe rails manu factured for many months past have not been sold, that the yards have been stocked up with tbe output until it is no longer possible to continue in that way. Therefore when small orders are placed with tbe mills hereafter instead of starting up the mills to fill them tbe stock in trade will be drawn upon. As tie winter approaches it foreshad ows under the circumstance acondition among tbe people of the South Side that assumes an alarming phase. Nat urally the question arises, where will the men thrown out of employment find work? SOUTH SIOE JOTTINGS. Forty hours' devotion will be?in at St. John's church next Sunday evening. The Star bocial club will hold its first annual social tonight at Geruiania hall. Miss Kate Clifford, of Prospect avenue, has gone to Montreal, Canada, to reside permanently. Joseph J. McNally and Timothy Qnin nan, of this side, returned borne yesterday from Philadelphia. The newly elected officers of tha James Connell lodge of Odd Fellows will be in stalled tomorrow night. The sight reading class at St John's church started out last night most ausni clously with twenty membors. John Matbias, of Stone avenue, left for the Philadelphia College of Dentistry yes terday to begin a thred years' cunrse. Frank Ritterbeck, of Hoboken, spent tbe East few days as tbe guest ef his friend, eputy Clerk of the Courts Emil Bonn. Tbe congregation of the German Evan gelical cburcb, of Prospect avenue, is vig orously preparing for the churoh fair that begins next week. Tbe police report that there have been no burglaries on this side in three weeks. There has not been a fire alarm sounded in nearly seven weeks. George Wagner, of Birch street, is criti cally ill and his death Is not regarded as far off. He has been suffering for a long period with Brigbt s disease. All the Jewish stores were closed yester day in observance of the Jewish New Year festival, which was appropriately observed at the Hiokory Street synagogue. The educational classes at the Souih Side Young Women's Christian association will begin this eveningat8.45 o'clock under tbe supervision of the secretary, Miss Tom kinson. Peter Lofe, of Willow street, will go to New York city tonight to moot his two daughters, who hava been spending the past six months in Germany on a pleasure trip and who are expected to reach port tomorrow. Tbe death of Martin Gibbons, of 2110 Pitteton avenue, is momentarily expected, lie is well known and held the position of watchman at the Elm street crossing of the Delaware and Hudson railroad, and later at the Steel Works crossing for over thirty years. Michael J. Cusick, of Brook street, was attacked with acute vertigo Sunday night, and his condition became so alarming that his folks felt that medical aid could not reach him in time. Dr. Manly was sent for and revived bim; he is now out of dan ger but quite weak. PUNTS AND PASSES. According to reports from various col leges, the new football rules are working very well. For tbe past week men have ben put ting Manhattan Field in shape for the coming football season. Princeton and Pennsylvania will proba bly play their annual game on election day at Manhattan field. Perry Trafford, of Harvard's graduate advisory committee. Is said to be opposed to a Harvard-Princeton game this year. The annual meeting of the Ititercolle- flate Football association, consisting of 'rinceton and Yale, will be held in New York next week, Lewis will be greatly missed') by Har vard. Barring Balliet, of Princeton, lie was regarded the best center rfcsh in the country last year. I E. B. Talcott, of the Now York Use ball club says that he would rat her see the Yale-Princeton game played at Manhattan Field than at the Polo grounds. ( Trencbard Is playing (quarter bak in practice with great regularity. If be Is ompelled to fill this position it will be very hard to find an end rusher capable of taking bis place. , The management of tbe New Yfrk Football club has signed Garvin of the Longfellows, to play right wing In tue series of games for the cbampiousbip of the Professional Football league. Garvin is one of the cleverest association football players In the country. The naval reserve of New York will have a strong eleven this year and have made arrangements to practice at Man hattan field. Thoy have two matches In view, one with the officers of the United States cruiser New York and another with the Seventh regiment team. 5E82C83 The 8. F. P. C. is arrauging to celebrate its fourth anniversary. . Tbe gospel tent was removed from Elec trio City park yesterday. The Cbsntanqua circle will begin its wiuter course of atudy this week. Tbe repairs that are being made at tbe Manville shaft are nearly completed. Company H will bold the first of their monthly socials on Thursday evening. Misses Margaret and Anna Price, of Spring street, are visiting friends at Rich mondale. The Young People's society of the Prim itive Methodist church, will bold a basket picuicounext Monday evening. Deputy Sheriff Griswoid seized a horse bolongiug to V. T. Setzer last night on an execution issued by W. L. Boyce. The Green Ridge Prohibition league will hold a meeting at their rooms on Green Ridge street next Holiday evening. The Ep worth League of the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church will hold an entertainment and supper at the church parlors on Thursday evening. Tbe regular monthly business meeting of tbe North Main avenue Baptist church wi 11 be held on Thursday evening. Spec ial business will be transacted. Ralph Bingham, the boy orator, assisted by his sister, will hold an entertainment in the Methodist Episcopal church, uuder the auspices of tbe Ladiei' Aid society, to night. The "Passion Play," consisting of over sixty stereopticau views will be given next Sunday evoning at the Park Plnce Methodist Episcopal church by the pastor. Rev. Dr. Uawxhurst. , The covenant meeting will be held in the North Mniri Avenue Baptist church tomorrow evening uud it is requested that all who expressed a desire to join this church during the Bliss meetings will be rresont, Tbe Green Kidge Republican club has arrauged to bold a meetingi in the office of tbe Green Ridge Item every Tuesday even ing. A committee consisting of George Sanderson. Marion Finn, Charles Fowler and Thomas. Allen was appointed to pro cure speakers. A large number of the boys living around the corner of Brick avenue and Market street were gathered on the cor ner Sunday night about 7:30 and insulted the people who passed. N ot satisfied with that some one started to stone a Polander who immediately caught the offender aud gave him a sound thrashing. Although a large crowd gathered no one interfered. J. M. Badders recently swore out a war. rant before Alderman Bailey, of the Thir teenth wnrd, for the arrest of C. W. Brun dageon the charge of jumping bis bonid bill. The wnrrant was given Constable Bernard Davis, of the Second ward, but the prisoner kept out of the state until ye terday, when he was arrested and brought before Alderman Bailey, who iu default of bail committed Brundage to the county jail. $$& $$$$ it DUNMORE. I George Alger spent yesterday ou a busi ness trip to Scott. M. J. McIIale nnd M. J. Keegau, of Oly. phant, spent Sunday in town. The Misses Mid a nnd Phebo Englers are spending a few days in Huuley., All of the Penn Coal company's breakers are working except Barnum No, 5 and No. 0. L. P. West, Dr. Winters, and Frank Winters, will spend today on a hunting trip through Jefferson township. Remember tbe election of officers of the Epworth league tonight at 7.45 o'clock. Every member is requested to be present. Friday evening of this week the League members will attend the City Union Meet ing in the Providence Methodist Episeopal church. Ellen Jordan, an old lady aged 70 years, died at her home on Ward street yester day morning. Funeral will be held Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from St. Mary's church. Word has been received that Miss Bertha Swartz of Electric avenue is dangerously ill iu one ot the Southern States. Miss Swartz has very many friends here that are sorry to hear of her illness. The Loyal Legion will hold a special entertainment in the near future. Notice will, be given later. They wish to inaugu rate plans for winter work, meeting will be made more interesting. They are an xious to fill the hall every meeting night, JEWISH NEW YEAR. Manner in Which it Was Celebrated In the City. The first day of the Jewish new year. CG56, which began Sunday morning at 6 o'clock and continued until tbe same hour last evening was generally observed by Jewish people throughout the city. At the Linden Street temple, Rabbi J. Fonerlicht preached a special New Year's sermon to a large congregation at 10:30 o'clock In the morning. Nearly all the Jewish business meu closed their stores or offices and devoted tbe day to social calls and informal gatherings which were sur rounded by a spirit of good cheer. Bucklsn'a Arnloa Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts BrniBes, Bores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and allbkiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It if guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction cr money refunded. Price U5 cent per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. The Frothingham Tuesday Eve. OCTOBER 2 Under Auspices of Central Republican Club. Hon. Galusha A. Grow, Hon. George B. Orlady, Linn Hartranft, Esq., A. J. Colburn, Jr., "Will positively address the meet ing. (Jome out and hear the issnes jafhe day discussed. VI AS S MEETING AT T A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much, when paid for, in advance. When a book ac count is made; no charge will be less than tS cents. This rule applies to all small want eds, except Situations Wanted, which art inserted FUKE. Agents Wanted. WANTED - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Salary, $75 per month and expenmn paid to al'. Owls entirely new. Apply quickly. P. U. Box 60O4 Boston, Alans, Auevts wanted everywhere to sail the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, sells at sight, delivered free, se cure territory. Sample in velvet lined cass with full information, lite. Catalogue frej. Aluminum Novelty Co.. 1)33 Broadway, New York. Helo Wanted Females. L'"aT)IEsTaN 15 weekly; no canvas-lug. Reply with stamp Miss Fannie F.lknur. South Bnnd, Ind. For Sale. FOR SALE-CKJAR, fruit and candy stand, coruor Fi-nn avenue and Spruce street, No. 31C, for rale reasonable. , CQUABS IN ANY QUANTITY, 118 CLIFF O street. For Bent vuwwwwwwwwwwwww Vj"N "IOR KKNI'-ONK-HALF STOKE. IS) -L Penn avenue. gWpor month. . TXK BENT-NICELY-FUtt.ISHED HALL V suitable for lodtfu rooms. JOHN JEB MYN, 111) Wyoming aveutie. Furnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED TWO BOOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. AddregJ Booms, 1128 Division street. Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie'11 Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations lSUl-lSitf. Two Volumes Folio, 1".5M; payable monthly, $-.00. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. AlOODY, UlsUibson street, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA zines, etc, bound or rebound at Tim Thibunh offlce. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce Btreet aud Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tn-.HoU for &J.5U. Good table board. In Pound. TN HYDE PARK POUND, ii SOUTH X Main avenue, a black helfeifer about three years old, white hind legs and white spot be tween shoulders. If not called for in five days from date will bo sold according to law. Jacob Melllrk, I'ouud master. Found. A BUNCH OF KEYS WAS FOUND LAST XV. nigh:, and brought to this office, owner can have the same by paying for this adver tiNoment, Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RK coivd at the ollice of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7. 3U o'clock p. m., Thurs day, 1 ctober 4th, 18m, to furnish coal for the current lineal year for Fir Dept. He Btntlou Housi'suud Municipal build ng. F.. firoposals will be received, each to bo enc o ou n a separate envelope, and bidders shall en close w.th each proposal the sum of U-n dol lars, cash or certille I chick, as a iraarnnico to comply with proposal if awurded the contract. Proposal No. 1 to be for furnlslilng the um berland, Excelsior, Liberty, Nliga a and Gen eral Pbinney Fire Di pt. Houses; also the Mar ket Str et btation House. Proposal No. 2 to furnlih the Frai.klin, Col.imbia an l Eagle Fire Dept Houses; also Hvde Park Station Honae. Proposal No. 3, to furnivh the Municipal Buildin; and lious -s occupied by the Urystid, Nay Aug. I hcecli. Hook and Ladder and Re lief Kiro Dept. Companies. Propifcal Ni. 4, to furnish Aldsr Street Sta tion llouso'iud the houses occupied by the Neptune, Century and Wm. lunnell Fire Dept. Companies. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of city Cauncils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., Sept. !25, ISM. Charter Applications. TVJOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 appli'atiou will be made to thoUovornor of the State of Pennsylvania, on Friday, the twelfth day of October, ltD4. by Louise P. Burt, Grinnell Burt, John 8y,.r, Charlug t aldwell, Edgar M, Keynolds.Charles L. Haw ley, G10. L. Weaver Jan. D. Evans, under the Act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide tor us incorporation anu regulation 01 cer tain corporali ns," approved April 2itth, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intruded corporation to be culled "The scranton Land and Improvement company." the character nnd obiuct of which is tue purchnsi' g of real estate and the im- J movement thereof and the selling and leadi ng ot the sume, with or wl hout improve ment, aud for these purposes to have ana possess and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and privileges ot said act of assem bly and its supplements. CHARLES U HAWLEY, Solicitor. Situations Wanted. AlfANTED SEWING AND DRESS MAK V ing by the day to go out. Address lock dox 101, uunniore, ra. WIDOW WITH ONE CHILD 10 YEARS of age, would like a po-it'on as house keeper or seamstress. Best references. Ad dress Willing, Tribune odice. OITTTATTOV WiKTpn nv a dtuo-ii 13 class engineer, machinist and rigger, is well recommended, must have work of some description. Address W. C, Tribune. SITUATION WANTED ABOUT NOVEM ber 1, by a middle aged American lady; a situation as managing bonsoknsper or com panion, or would assist with liht housework and sewing; also competent to assist In busi ness. Address F., Truth office. CITUAT10N WANTED YOUNG MAN O desires a situation as book-keeper. Ex perienced and good references. Willing to begin on small wages. Address J. W, L. 437 Wyoming aveuut. WANT ED-8ITUATION AS SALESMAN, bookkeeper or shipping clork.by young man with five years' experience. Address fc. O. SHERltlOh, HJO Wyoming avenue.city. SITUATION WANTED BY A wrir a v by the day. Ad drew 3. LJ tn fin hmiaa a nshinu 1 or Uicf's, or WHBhlng ti'ts yuo mm. AN AO I' IV 1 M 1 ) 1 1 MAN, WITH good references, of middle axe wishes employment. Quick and correct in figures, five years experience as single entry ljook keeper and clerk. Will work for any wages that will payboard. Addresi W. B. Tribune office. ioney Oil and Manofacta'g Co, VINEGAR AND CIDER 141 TO 152 MERIDIAN ST. O OOF tinning and soldering all done away 3 with hyths use ot HAKTWAN S HAT NT PA1.4T, which consist of lngredl-nta well-known to ad. It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet iron roofs, also to briok dwellings, which will prsrent absolutely any crumbling, cracking or breaking of th brick. It will outlast tinning o( any kind by snany yars,and it's cost does not exceed one fifth that of iheoost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts taken by MTOIUO HA1U JUANM, 627 Birch Si 0 CO CONNOLLY & VJ A 209 WASHINGTON AVE. HO BETTER BEDDING Is anywhere made than 13 manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES. A Child's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new S9 A Child's Bicycle, Kuboer Tire, new 10 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, now 13 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 18 4 Boys' or Girls' Bicycle Cushion Tiro, new (JOdowu to 28 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire.new . . 35 2 Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatic Tire.seo- ond hand TO 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneuinatio Tire, new 80 1 Secure B cycle, Pneumatic Tiro, second-band 60 1 Lovel Diamond IKoyclo, Solid Tiro, second-hand 10 1 Ladies' Bicycle, Solid Tire, second hand 25 2 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second hand 15 1 Victor C Bicycle, 1 in. cushion Tiro, second-baud 35 a Victor B Bicycle, in. Cushion Tire, . secondhand 40 1 Columbian '83 BIcycle.PneumaticTire, 65 1 Chainless Bicycle, Pneumatlo Tire, nearly new 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a discount of one-third for two weeks. J. D. WILLIAMS &BR0, 314 LACKA. AVENUE. We Linn Allen k Co, STOCK BE0KER3. Boy and sell R'ocks.Bonds and Gralr on New York Exchanges and Chicag' Board of Trade, aitber fur cash or oi margin. 412 Spruce Street. "Local Stocks a Specialty. & M DmCK, Manepr, TELEPHONE 5,002. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Goal of tha best qnality for domostlo use,and ef all slzoa, dolivered in any part ot tha oltj at bwwt price. Orders left at my offlce, NO, 118, WYOMING AVENTJE, ftaar room, drat floor, Third National Bank, or snt by mall or telephone to tha mine, will (ealvt prompt attention. Ppacial contracts will be made tor the salt M delivery of Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market Tbe Finest Id the Citj, The latest improved fur nishings and apparatns for keeping meat, batter and eggs, las Wyoming Are. Hotel WaYerly European Plan. F!rtt-olas Bar ettsehad. Liepot for Berliner bagel's Tennhatuaer Bear. I i Cor, 15tb End Filbert Ih, tthti Host deairabl for residents of N.E. Porn sylvania. All eocvvnlenoM (or travelers to and from Broad Street station and tbe Twelfth and Market Htret statiou. De sirable for visiting Serautoulaus aad pec le In the Anthracite Begtuo. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. A Handsome Complexion la one ot tbe groatest charms a woman can poesera. Pozaoai's Canpuixjoa Pownaa (Ives It. These crisp,.cold days will probably brintr to your no tice that you need a new outer gar ment this season. Have you decided upon a Cloth Coat or a Far Cape? We would ad vise you to buy early. The styles are settled and prices are sure to be higher. Visit our new Cloak Parlors. LLAGE Opposite SCRANTON CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN Creditors' otice Notice is hereby given that auc tion Bales will be conducted daily, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., in tho store of C.W. Freeman, Jeweler, corner Penn avenue an j Spruce street. The sale is positive and no goods are reserved. Proceeds will be applied to liquidate creditors' claims. JOHN E. LEWIS, Manager for Creditors. W. L. Douglas CI CUftST IS THE BEST. yO OnWb NOSQUEAKINQ. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH& ENAMELLED CALF! 4.$3.5-FlNECALF&k3JGAR(H 3.5P POLICE.3S01XS. 0502. WQRKINGMENs EXTRA FINE. L"S 2.L7-5BoysSchoih5hcei LADIES' BesTD0 M. SEND FOR CATALOGUE iLXfi W'L'DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Von can sbtc mnney by purchasing VV. V Uuuglas Hheea, Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, aud guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on tbe bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for tlie value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot iupply you, we can. Sold by E. J. LEONARD. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Gendron, Eclipse, Lovell. Dlamon andOthor Wheels. "si atkt.t.-isj'' COMPLEXION BLEMISHES Bay b hidden impsrfeotlT by cosmetics anj powders, but can only be removed perma nntljr or HetSQl's Snpsrior Face Bleach It IU positively remove FreekUa, Tan, Moth, Haliownpx, and cure any diseases of tbe skin, such as l'lmplos, Aone, Black heads, lllne and renders tbe skin sort soil beautiful. Price 11 per buttle. For sale at E. M. HETSEL'S (30 Lacks. At 8eraatea.I,B. ... j Jpas si jj$t,tA ip y .if$-;pj? T ' ; Court House. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. BEDDING CO. THE CITY. Atlantis Refining Go. Manufacturers and Dealers in mnminating and Lubricating Linseed Oil, Kapthas and Gaeoi lines ot all grades. Axle Grtase, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com. pound; also, a larixa line ot PftT ' lafiine Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Ollice: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Aye. Works at Plue Brook. Well, Sir! "Spectacles!" Yes, sirl We have a special- tr ist hero to All you who dooi nothing eUe. Sit rizhtdowa FT -f,-- and have your eyes fitted iu a scientific manner. lloydTjeieler 423 LACKAWANNA AYL Booms 1 and 2 Cmx-olth Bid's - 6CKANTON, PA. MINING ardBLASTINQ POWDER Hade at the MOOSIO and KUfcjll DALE WORKS. Lsfflln & Rand Powder Ca's ORANGE GUN P0WDEB Elsctrlo Batteries, Fuses far explod- ' ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RepaunoChemicaJ Co. 'a High Explosive! KSTAULIsllliD 1808. 20,009 IN Instrsmentv In every sense of the term aS appled to J' anoa. . Eicei tional In holding their ori(rlaal full . "'ne'Iv YORK WAREHOUSE, No, 80 Fli 5 1 avenna. V 1 BOLD BY f ' E.C. Ricker&Co. 115 Adams Ave. New Telephone Bdg Look Here! aaaiaaaair;; i;;vr::aa . There are a great many cards. pamphlets, circulars and other advertising matter constantly being distributed among the public. Not everybody has a taste for read ing. Have your printing done in art attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention' by some thing catchy and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. is able to tileas vnn in evrrv r.. i o y MQOSIC POWDER A respect.