THE SCRANTON. TBIBUNE-MONDAT MORNING. OCTOBER 1, 1S94. GENERA L OF NEWS The people of Wilkes-Barre, accord ing t the Leader, like the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road on ao coantot iti regularity in time and it record for few aocidenta. Under Mr. Eallatead'a management the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western has grown to be one of the greatest and foremost railroads in the country. This is readily aoconnted for in the fact that it is the potior of tbe management to give tbe pablio the best possible servica. In the first place the, road bed is well con structed, being heavily ballasted with gravel and sand, thus affording a solid fonndation for the heavy steel rails with which the road is laid. Tbis, to gether with the fact that new rolling stock, of the latest improved construc tion, is almost exclusively nsed, ac counts for the smoothness for which tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern has gained such an enviable reputa tion. All through .trains are vestibnled and Pullinnn's best drawing-room and sleeping cars' are attached. The en gines Are built with Special reference to speed, and the fast trains are re markably ' accurate in compliance with tholr sebedule. On n Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western flyer one may skip through with country at almest lightning speed and surrounded by all tbe comforts of tbe most elaborately appointed borne, for there is nothing in tbe way of modern railroad service equipment that is not utilized for tbe comfort and oonvein ence of this road's patrons. Farther than tbis the line from New York to Buffalo traverses a section of country that is rich in scenicbeauty, presenting an ever-changing picture of enchant ing loveliness, liiver. mountain and valley present their varied attractions, while some of tbe molt beautiful pastoral views are obtained from the windows of theswiftly-flying trains as tbey whirl through tbe finest famine lands of the Empire state. Nothing more dellrhtful oan be imagined than tbe pleasures and comforts which are assured tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and ' Western's patrons audit is not to be wondered at that tbe line is one of tbe most popular, as it is one of the best, in tbe country. Then, too, its employes are trained and true and their polite and courteous attention is- another popular feature of the. popular road. In the opinion of the Phila. Inquirer, the anthracite coal trade has not been stimulated in any degree by the aotion of the sales agents in fixing tbe October production at 3,000,000 tons and in ad vancing prices sharply. There is uni versal oomplaint that the retail trade is extremely dull, Consumers in all sections are buying leas coal than usual and are holding back even on their moderate purchases. ' Wholesale and retail dealers have laid in large stocks at the low prices prevailing, and most of them have contracts calling for fut ure deliveries at the same low prices, so that the change in tbe attitude of tbe companies has had no effect. It is true the advanced prices agreed upon by the presidents are being maintained by all of the large companies, bnt tbe smaller ones were not expected to do 3)0, and, as a matter of fact, are not rfioinr bo. The new prices nominally inre $3.00 for broken and egg and (3.75 for stove and chestnut in New York harbor ; $4.75 for broken and $5 for egg, stove and nut per net ton in Chicago and $4 for broken and $4 15 for egg. stove and nut per gross ton in Buffalo. No cuts from tbese figures are yet reported, although it is known some of the sales agents are donbtfnl about their ability to pro cure them. The difficulty is tbe light demand from consumers and tbe fact that the stocks above ground are ex cessive. There is a rather better sun ply of pea coal, but buekwheat is still scarce. All tbe large sizes are in abun dant supply. The production for tbe first three weeks of September was 2.233,71)3 tons. In the fourth week it will probably exceed 000,000 tons, so that the total tonnage for tbe month will be abont 700.000 tons in excess of the amonnt agreed upon by the sales agents. With this enormous stock un sold above ground this large production scares dealers and renders any advance in prices nugatory. Among tbe operations of northern capitalists in tbe south reported during the week are the purchase of an im portant Florida railroad and 100,000 acres of adjicent land by New York people; a plan to testabliab 6,000 people from Pennsylvania on 80,000 acres of land in West Virginia; southern men ,, have purohed large tracts of land in Tennessee and West Virginia for min ing purposes; New York lumbermen have organized a $000,000 company and purchased 70,000 acres of land in Wes tern Carolina. New railroads iueludo twenty miles in North Carotins, twenty-five miles in Kentucky and forty, five miles in Virginia. The increased interest in immigration is shown by the formation lof several Immigration companies. Letters from tbe north and west to the Manufacturers' Reoord and tbe Southern States Magazine show a very marked growth in the southward trend of population move ment A Nw England cotton mill com pany bas decided to build a $000,000 mill in Georgia; another company is now looking for a site for a mill of about the same cost. Several western bankers are looking for good locations for four or five banks in the south. Among tbe industrial enterprises re ported for tbe week are $100,000 iron works, $25,000 investment company, $20,000 wire works, knitting mill, ma chine shops, water works, $10,000 shoe company, rope factory, tile works in Georgia; $25,000 colonization company, large planing mills, barrel factory, lumber mills, gas works, furnaces re suming, water works, telephone eys- Mothers, when nursing babies, neod a nourishment that will give them strength and . make their milk rich. Scott's Emulsion atXSS nsssr the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, nourishes mothers andmakes babies fat and healthy. Gives strength to growing children., Physicians, the world over, en dorse it . Don't be deeeiiedby Substitutes! hmMdbraooUBok,H.Y. All DroKiet tem, cannery in, Vircioia; $50,000 oil mill company, $100,000 commission company, $200,000 land improvement companv, coal mines, furnaoe resum ing; $20,000 improvement company, electric light plants, water works, wook working faotory, flour mill in Texas; glass works, coal min ', coke ovens, lumber mills in West V rginia; 150,000bnshel grain elevator, extensive coal developments, large marble mill in Tennessee; $10,000 publishing company, $00,000 improvement com pany, new cotton mill to replaoe one burned, $50,000 importing company, lumber mill, brick works, .eleotrto light plant in Suth Carolina; $10,000 cigar company, Water works in Maryland; $15 000 fibar factory, coal mines, saw mills, cannery, in Alabama; $25,000 boiler works, telephone exchange, lum ber mills, machine shop in Louisiana; $12,000 lumber company, water works, oil wells in Arkansas; ice plant, saw mill, electrle light plants, planing mill, marine railway, water work in Flor ida; $3,000 eleotrio plant, abattoir and coal mine in Kentucky ; electric Dlant, water works, planing mill, cannery in Mississippi; 100-barrel flour mill, $000, 000 lumber manufacturing company in North Carolina. Among the new buildings announced are two hotels in Florida, theater in Maryland, $30,000 conrt bouse in Texas, $225,000 hotel compauy in Vnst Virginia, $30,000 freight sheds in Virginia, $03,000 com pany to bnild botdl in South Carolina, new depots, bank buildings and others. ... Minor Industrial Notes: The pay-rolls of the Ohio falls car works show nearly 1,000 men at work in tbeir shops at Jeffersonville. G. J. Grammar, as goneral freight agent of the Lake Shore road, will receive asalary of $0,000 a year. ' Tbe net earnings of the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul (or the month of August were $S24,IU2, an increase of $185, 000 over the same month of last year. Coiil people estimate the output last week nearly 1,000,000 tons, as all the companies are pushing produc tion. This will make 8,850,000 tons for the mouth, against 2,400,000 agreed npon. Those in a position to know say that it i not likely that a dividend will be declared on tbe common stock ot the Outario and Western in order to release the power of the small amount of outstanding preferred. The Pittsburg, Shenango and Lake Erie has entered iuto a contract with tbe Grand Trunk of Canada whioh will eive the lat ter an entrance into Pittsburg and the former a Canadian outlet. In railroad circles this is looked npon as an important alliance. The Bryden Horseshoe works of Catasaqna one day last week closed down its entire establishment to give tbe emploves an op portunity to attend the Allentown fair. Tbe company furnished tbein free tran sportation to and from the electric road and also a ticket to the fair. Meal tick ets were also furnished free of charge. Married men were allowed two tickets. The works were closed down until today. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced in tlesb and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg ot eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and his leg is ound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had live larse fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica alve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat- bew Bros, drug store. 'TnE essential lung-healing principal of the pine tree lias finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect congh medicine, Dr. Wood's Norway Piue Syrup, bold bv all dealers on a. friifirAiitpn nf out.. isfactiun. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Etocks and Bonds. New York, Sept. 29.-The Industrials were again tbe feature of tbe railway and miscellaneous share list, American Sugar aud Chicago Gas having figured for 42,200 shares in a total for tbe entire list of 81,524 shares. Socar was foro-d down 3 per cent, to 88i and later rallied to Siltf bSU,1. Tbe weakness of tba stock waa due to the reported unsatisfactory condition of tbe refinery industry, Chicago (ins pre sented a firm .front and rose to 70 on semi-official statements that the regular dividend of IX per cent, for the quarter will be announced tefore or on Mouday. The range of yesterday's prices or toe ac tive stocka of tliuNew York ilflck market are eivnu below; i Tbe quotations are f uriiisliud Tub Thibuns by G.du 11, Dimniick, manager ot Willla n Linn Alien & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, ticranton. Open- ttUh- Low Clos lour. est. eat. me. Am. Cot Oil ... Am Buxar. Wi W4 A.T.&8.K. 0)4 till 0)2 Can. So...., , Chospoako Obio... liaj ju lir.(j ri CUlc. Gas. .ii W2 isiu 7oi CUic A M. W lO-i? lieS l(tt3 llfiS fcfcfitex:? I8 v4 C. M. A St. Paul..:. 04)4 ")4 H 0" Chicago,!. I. & Pac (Jl M flj li COM D. A H.. . CURKS HEADACHE CURES HEADACHE CUKK9 . HEADACHE Miss Lottie Carson, of Bar anac, Mich., wrltiw: 'I have lwen troubled with a terrible headache for about two years and could not get anything to help me, but at last a friend advised mo to takovour Bub dock Blood Bittkiis, which I did, and after taking two bottles, I have not bad the headache since." Fhotrwnphwt REVIVC RESTORES VITALITY. Made a 1st Day. T Weil Man IK ta TV. y of Me. ncuHLAl 30th Dav. produces the above results In 30 days, it actt powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall Young men will rcuain their lost manhood, and old L'l recover their youthful vigor by using KKV10. It qulokly and surely restores Nervous iidss, Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, LostPower.l'alling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects. of self-abuso or excexsand Indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at tbe seat ot diBeaae, but la a great nerve touk) and blood builder, bring iu1b be P'nk glow to pale cheeks and re storing the tiro of youth. It wards off Tnsanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO. no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By msil 1.00 per packsge. or six tor SS.OO, with a post tlve written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ilOYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River 81., CHICAGO, ILL. For sals by Matthews Tiros., Druggists Scranton , I'a. MYfWIFF CANNOT Iff HOW VOO DO VSms)FJt ITAHDPAf FRCI6HT. Sin fmyt wr t drawer mint or Mk l T I TnroMsl Hlsk Arm HltMratala nki flfltW tiniahH- uk'kal nUbd mAntA o4 hfivy work; fnft .14 tot 10 limi with laliLi Bobbin M ladtr, Rir.TkrM4Ui C'M 4sr Kh-Ul,Hir.8Ult. Rltandacouipltl tt of 8ll lltMhfMatii btppl4 tnt wbtra oft lODar'lTrUL No mMf reuakttl la ndvanr. tt,OMoow fltt. WovJd'HrfdftUarddmwkiMudtUcB ttMntfc ttuy from f ictory and urt jVtlTa Rtid Bfnt'i proita, ffDCt CalTkUfwt and atnd ltdav for nacittt ot Urr (rat Tntt MUloffW,Uit1tDO(nlinnrl UUmMtaof tb WarltHa Fs4r OXFORD MFB. CO. Ml WUi7.CHICAB0,lll, Restores Lost Health TV,- Jl H R" V m r -en its s kjMVTI LI D., L. A VT D. A O. F UU U)i 9 Uto O. E. Co 38H Ills. Cent .... .... Ukebhor ltttt lttw MS 185 L.AM W ' j mi HH Manhattan US Utttt 116 IW Mich. Cent .! ' .Mim. Pao g!ii 27 W 27U tii Nat. Cordage- HU HS UU W Nat Uad m Wt 88 h New Jersey Cent N. Y. Central.,..,,, SU 6! tfM VM N. T, A N. E....,". 81 81 81 81 N. Y..L.E.A W..., 15 16 15 15 Ht VM H. A W(.tk N. Y., a A W- nr .... North Pao.. ......... ii 4)i Uty North Pao. pr Wtl lHVt ) O.AW 16&2 1GH lt Phil. A Reading.,... 17 17?i 17a 17W Kich & W. P )8)2 18)2 ItIM 1 T., C. A 1 Texas Pao X X Union Paclflo Wabash Wabash pr Western Union. 87 87 87)4 87 New York Produos Market New York. 6ept. 29. Floob Dull, neglected, weak. Wheat Moderately aotlvs, firmi No. 8 red, store and elevator, 63)0.; afloat, 560.; t. o. b., 5U)a57o.: ungraded red, 60a5t!c.: No. 1 northern, 02a63o.; options closed firm at 30. over yesterday, with a light trade, December and May most active; sales included No. 8 red, closing, October. 55c; December, 67c. X; May, 62K. cobm Dull, firmer; No. 2, 84c els vator; 5io., afloat; options were dull and Arm at advance: May most active: October, S-lXc; November, Mc.; December, 6i!Jo. ; ilay, CSJic. . Oats Quiet, firm; options, moderately active, firmer; October, 32c; November, 83o.( December, 34c; May, 88c; spot prices, No. 2, 32Kaaac; No. 8 white, a5;ia;No. 2 Chicago, tii.; No. 3, 31Hc: No. 2 white, 84Xc; mixed western, 83 a4c; white do,,35a39c; white state, 85a3Uc. Bkep Dull; family, $10al8; extra mess, 8a8.50. Beef hams Quiet, $19.50. Tikrced beev Dull, city extra India mere, $17. Cut Meats Quiet, unchanged; pickled bellies, 18.75; pickled shoulders, (3.50; pickled hams, 10)iallc., middles, nominal. Lard Quiet, steady; western steam, (3.05: city, Bsbc; October, (8.95; Janu ary, (8.15; refined, quiet, continent, 9.35: South America, (9.75; compound, Ga7c. Pork Fairly active: firm mess (14,75a 15.25; extra prime, (13.60al4. Butter Quiet: fanvy, firm; state dairy, 14a23c; do. creamery, 18a250.; Pennsyl vania do., 18a25$c.; western dairy, 13al7c; do. creamery, 15a26c; do. factory, 12Ha 16c.; elglns, 25c; imitation oreamary, 16a 19c. Cheese Quiet, steady; large, 8al0c.f do. fancy white, lUal0c.; do. colored, 10al0,Vc.; do. small, 8a 10c; part skims, 4a8c; full skims, 3a3Ho. Egos Quiet; fancy, steady; stats and Pennsylvania, 81c; ice house, 15)al7c; western freeb, 18a20o., limed, 10Aal7c; western, per case, (2.85a4.5U. Philadelphia Tallow Karkst Philadelphia, Sept. i9. Tallow is steady, but the demand is llgbr. We quote city, prime in hogsheads, 4a4c;. country, prime, in barrels, 4a4c; coun try dark, In barrels, 4)c.; cakes, E&; grease, 4c. Great Ship Builder, JOHN ROACH, lived wholly for two months on Bovinine. , His son Stephen says, " As solid food was totally precluded, we feared my father's strength would fail rapidly, but, to our surprise, supplied every need of the system, it beine in a Dilatable. highly condensed form, and easily digested a one it was enabled to sustain mv father's strength for two months." A A an .. ... As a food tor the sick, inva lids, and infants. Bovinine is indispensable. 25,000 physicians endorse it. Sold by all druMlsts. rare bovixine co., ajgw iw, Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust , and Phosphates for . Farm3, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. a. E. CBOFUT Proprietor. filHIS HOUSE is strictly temperanc. Is saw I and well furnished and OPEN HID TO 1 HE PUBLIC THIS YEAR ROUND; is located midway batwaen Montrosaanl Soran ton, on Montroa and Lackawanna Railroad, six mllaa trom D., U A W. H R. at Alford Station, and five milss from Muntrois; ca pacity, eighty- fire; thres minutes' walk ( rom R. R. station. GOOD BOAT. FISI1INO TACKLE, &e; rilEE TO QUESTS. Altitude about 1,000 fast, quailing In this respect tha Adirondack and Catitlll lfoun taina tin (Toras, plenty of sha and beautiful scenery, making a Suinmar Kasort untx celled In beauty and cheapness. Danolne; pavilion, awlum oroqnst rr onnds, 4-c. Cold Hprtng Water and plenty of Milk. Hates, SJ7 so 10 per week. 1.60 per day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations on IX Li. & W. lines. Forter meets aQ trains. ' I The 1 ; The Original Raw Food What is Castoris is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by BLUIlons of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting' Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of ita good effect upon their children." Do. Q. O. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castorla is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castorla in stead of thevarlousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Pa. J. F. KracHxtoa, Conway, Ark. The) Centaur Company, TT TEY Tn;E9iLEY50AP PrIIIlADBIlPHIA For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWfiliT. It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps. Price FIVE CENTS a bar. 700 MILE By the Beautiful New Steamships of the Old Dominion Line TO OLD POINT COMFORT (HYGEIA nOTEL), Oft VIRGINIA BEACH (PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL), AND RETURN Most Delightful llesorta on the Atlantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS -FOK- $16 Old Point Comfort Virginia Bezch - A day and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING EVERY EXPENSE of ruoals and berth en route, a day and a quarter's board at either hotel. This trip is an ideal one, as the course skirts the coast, with lit tle likelihood of seasickness, and passes in review many watering places and points of interest. For printed matter and full particu lars address OLD DOMINIONS. S. COMPANY W. I. GUILlAUDEU, Trefflo Managor. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO KCKANTON AND W1LEE8 BARRE, PA- MANUFACTURERS Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. EUOQD siiaipiionorinsaiiHT. uj uisll pmnnld. With ah H...n.l MnnAV oLrun.sitUMr l.nuoinu.uootuer, Auurou at,uti sttuui., juasuuio luuiyie, tuu.uu.iut For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. Washington md Soruce streets. RESTORED MANHOOD jjSjS" The:reatreiiiedy BU'OlUk ANO AFTKH DSUtt. For Sale by C. M. BABHI8, Druggist, fisf jta aud almr lnug. oriifr wo pits a wrIUtD ttkh MXliUUMB 00. For salt by JOHN H, PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S i VIOLA: CREAH Removes Fraeklit , Plmplss, Uer . Morn, Blaekh.sdi; Suaburn and Tsa. and to. storoa the slcla to Its origi nal Ireshness, produoliiK a, rlmr and health v com- nlATlnn. RiitMrinrtnall ouvi frrepamtions end perfetjtly harmless, At "all druguuita, or mailed lor 58cts. fieadiorClioulsr, VIOLA tKIN 80AP u'.lpl- ipsr-hta as a stla purlfitu, Soap, iUMqtuk4 ft ta WIS, Siva wllhout a rlTsI te us asnwy. AbMhrtr jwr. sal aMtt smso. A4r-sfiits, Price 2SCnh. Q. C. BITTNtB 4 CO.,Tolcdo, O. For tele by Matthew Bros, and John H. Phelpa, , UK v-4 ...'K,JI-5f. at ilisMtan Castoria.' " Castorla Is so well adapted to children thai I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." E. A. Arobxr, U. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wo are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it" Ukitid Hospital and Disputuar, Boston, Uast Aura C. Smith, Pres., Hurray Street, New York City. SEA TRIPS $ 1 6.oo $17.00 $17 Pier 26, North Rlv.r, New York. General Office, SCRANTON, PA. RESTORES!'! ERVE SEEDS. TkLwONdtrfnl rtnri; (nil'. l.d lACar til D.roa enwn. such i Vek Memory, Lous of Brain Power, Ilcadacbe, Wakefulness, Lost Slanliood. Nightly Emissions, NerTousness.nlldralusaiidloHsot power lnUe-,iTiiUveOr!flnsof either sox caused by over oxwrtlon, youthful errorm. excesflTeuso of tohacoo. opium or stimulants, which It-nd to Intirrnlly.Con- L'an uecarneain vesipocjtou ei iwrBui.piureu, a SS order we It written iiiurantre to euro PlNinl..fM. H..M h. .1 1 1 .1 Ml HUl ... A .k f AF I f. til A i dr. lion's AtBVEKDiK PILLS fornerrous prostration and allnerrouidlsensea of w uv ., uimji ui.i,urR..,uiuBB nenuuB rrunirwiK n, rail ; Inj or Lost Manhood, Im potency, rilshtly Kmlssloui. Youthful Errors, ) Mental Worrr.exoesslTa use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Con sumption and Insanity. With svery US order we nlo a wriitcn guar antee to cure or refund the moner. Bold at Sll.trO perbox. U boxes for 5.0v. Sib UOITU CliEMIl AL to., llcTCUttO. Vbiu! l1 l'ann Arenue. RESTORE LOST 160! Will nr. MA mi nnln A Mb Aa14 mltU WOfPT" MUARAN i g to Care Vsrfons Debility, Loss of Ssiual Power in ellh-i n-- ln,elanlsrr ImliiioM frosj any csusa. If nsgltcted, such troubloa l.od i ' consumption or iui.nllf.ll.w pr boi bf mtll, 6 boie, for .v with e'r-, gusisntet to cuts rsfuud the mou.r. Ad.i - ClsMlaud.Ohle, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and CsjaoaaiD wr Tut Hisxtrr Maaiut Avmsamsa ininOLlnnnlXn xavcvou riTnniJ MSTrnnAVAiinnnn INHALIB will cure you. A wonderful boon to sufferer, from Colas, SoreThroat, "luunn... Ilia, or HAY FEVJKH. AfonU jTnTnrauuvTtmj, Jiu eiuCICnt In poctet,rean- to on first Indication of cold. Continued Use Kffeeta rcrmsnenl run. Bstlsf aotion ffuaranteed or money ret unded. Price. 80 eta. Trial free at Drngflsta. Racist-red mall, tu cants. B.B.CU3Hxil(,Mtr.,!llmijY,Mi0i,0 Tli crrrrirMjvir' MENTHOL T.lf,J,,ui;"t n1 ",Mt for nicril nuu all sln diseases, Kcsema.ltch.Halt Bhenmld Sorea, Hurqa, l uia. Woaeerfal ram riyforPILKsl. Prlee.CScta. at Drucn at s, Hl or by mail prepaid. Address as anoTe. DnL.fl For sale bj Matthews Bros, and John B. Pbeius, GAUTIOH: To Washburn-Cro3by Co. wish to assure their many patrons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take NO RISES, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Cro3by Co.'s flour far above all other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. SHAW SHAW PIANOS J. Lawrence Stelle FORMERLY STELLE & BEE LEY, MUSIC DEALER 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. SHAW PIANOS to the front EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable, Cloug:h& Warren iWkf A Caroenter ttr . i til ra hobst M Waterloo a I RICKS SATISFACTORY. Jtk. enrraM iisitiiaitjuuaasir)! , LOUIS B. SMITH- Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits. BEEAD AND CAEES A SPECIALTY, FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenua DID VOO KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal wei;ht,ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau 807 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. All Grades,. Sizes and Kinds kept in Stock. IRON Of every description on hand. Prompt shipments guar anteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. BITTENBENDER & CO. Scranton, Pa. We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade. Paclflo Oosst Rd Csdar BMogles. "Victor" and other MibhiRan Brands of Whits Pine and Whits ; Cedar Shingles, Mohican White nd Norway Pine Lam ber and BUI Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Lest Yel low Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine and Mine Supplies In general. THE RICHARDS LUMtjER CO, i Commonwealth Building, Scranton P Our Patrons EMERSON EMERSON arm iai aa. - 31 OUU Crown PARLORS OPEN FROM T A.M. TO 11 T.JgL SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BOiC PLYINU FAMILIES WITH ICJ5 CBflAJa. & Connell Juniata County, PennsylTania, White Oak. Stilltran County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Board. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Stud ding. Bails, , Mine Ties, Mine Props HELL