rnE SCRANTON ITUBUJra-MOJTDAY MORNING, f OCTOBER 1, 1894. Best Flour (3 75 Best Pantry 3 75 Fead. ...... 1 20 Corn 1 20 Mewl . 1 20 Hums...... 13J California llama ii Bacon... 9 fresh Ecgs. ; 18 unutr (.reciters ,.. o J liamowi Oyster 5 Canned Tomatoes lit White Wax Bunns... 9 150 lb. riiil Jolly 99 20 lb. P.41 Prwers 1 25 Bristle Siioe Brush 15 bixby's Blackiuir, 3 Lr8 Box -a 10 Liberty tfewiiu Machine 9 95 Every article in the above list is war ranted strictly first class in every re spect. We only mention d lew figures but will state that all our prices are v,ery low and will be kept so during the re mainder of 1894. There are a few things that we wish to speak of specially, first of these "Our Best" brand offlour of which we are selling about i.ooo barrels and sacks a month and hearing nothing but most favorable reports , from all sources. Then our Tea Department is worthy of mention, we have the finest line of teas that is possible to get to gether. Our garden growth teas at 85c. per pound are a thing: of beauty and a joy forever. We also have a package tea at 30c, a pound with a splendid solid nickel spoon in each pound, this is a de cided bargain. We think we have the largest retail coffee trade of any store in the state. Nothing has built up this big trade but the ex cellency of iDur cof fees and the, low fig ures at ' which we sell them. , In confectionery we always have a fine .stock of fresh, pure candies of all kinds and as in all other departments at very low prices. And last but not least our butcher shop is worth the price of admission in itself, always well stocked with the very best grade of meats at prices about 25 per cent, below regular rates. Re member our new de livery plan is in op ? eration now all or ders going out as soon as received. THE SCRANTON CASH STORE WELSH SCENES AND Concluded from Page I and took dinner, and from there on to Aberdare, passing through the town and putt Lord A herd are, which are very line places indeed. On we went through Aberdare parke, np the moun tain roads, till we reached the famous little Black Hone inn, at the top of the mountain, where we took bread and cheese and tea. and then we rolled back again tbrongb the delightful eoenery to Mountain Ash, where we bad suppor, aud after that a peep at the moat delightful old house in the world, all full of beautiful old china and sil ver, and polished old mahogany book cases and cup boards and spindle legged chairs. There was the hiindBomest old clock there, also, that I erer saw iu uiy life, and the huge-posted beds, and the polished brass eandle sticks, stand ing in a; row above the Ore place, and the and irons and old and white eups and snucern, aud the huge solid oak cabi nets ob goodness, gracious, how my heart stood still, rr I tip-toed around over the sanded floors, looking npon these treasures I If anyone wants to see untiquities, let him eomo to little old Wales. To make this charming old house complete, there were the lovely old couple in it, too, to weloome us. The oi l lady is simply a beauty, ruddy cheeks and bright eyes, uud as happy an the day is long with us. She kissed me good-bye, too, wbluti made me feel very proud indeed. H?r bus band sut by the fire place smoking a long white ''church-warden" and ( very once in a .while telling some in teresting little anecdote about a piece of old furniture he saw us raving over. That was a glimpse of a paradise, surely, I shall never forget ibis lovely day as long as I live. Every one is so good and cor dial to os tbiit one would tuiuk we were related to them I While at Monntain Ash, too, wo callod, at her urgent request, on Mrs. Miles Ed munds, wno is a relative of the Aowylr, and the kindness of her reaeptiou of us cannot le described, She ..simply took us to her heart. Again and again we find ourselves exclaiming to one an other "How hospitable aud generous a people these are I indeed, we are ell very thankful for onr opportumties-of meeting and knowing such men mid women, and of seeing such wonderful scenery as these liHie valleys and iui- meuse mountains nfnr J. SOME NOTABLE COLLIERIES Un onr ride home wo pissed by tin deepest colliory or "ooitl pit'' in all Wales. I forut the name of it, but it is located nearly ou the top of a mouu tuin, near Treharris, wh"re we give our concert lost evening, and I repiu her Mr. Anwyl mlling us that it it 2, MO feet deep. Further ou in quite huuu.ii purt of the valley, we cume to the it ut Cilfynydd where tliut dreadful in cident occurred lu June. In wliio i nearly 300 miners were killed by an explosion. In snuio of the bouses ia tli is town the shutters of the windows were cloned and Mr. Anwyl told in that iu those boustij, they had suff r.-d the loss of brother or father in this ex plosion, the bodies of which had nn been recovered. Apropos of Anwyl we are very pioud of hiia. Jt seems to know everybody in Wulef, and everybody seems to know and ro mtmber him. He sings iik a tenor angel, and has creat I a great furor?, I must any. with his eiquisite voice and artistic use of it, and neither the compmy nor the audience would exchange him for uny other tenor on this side of the At lantio or the other. In fact the peoul-j here seem to think that we are one au I all very fine indeed. It is a vetw pleas ant state of nffairs, for us, I am sura. There is not much to write about, as each concert is something like the pre ceding one, aud they all have become very uuinteresliug from the cone -rt giver's point of view. Of course, there is something always different in enoii town we come to, and its people, an l we get onr goodly sbaro nf the spies of life, but one finds it difficult to describe these things in words. I will incloa a critique abont us from one of the pa pers bore. It iu '.y. perhaps, interest our friends at luiin. It is from the Curdiil Western Mail, of Sept. 21, and the writer gets soiuoof bis facts a trifle twisted, lut I guess that most be a journalistic hu'nit, on both sides t.'.e water, isu t lit II re it is: THEIR COEDIAL RECEPTION. The iubHbitauts of Wales will be inter ested to know that there is lu South Wales at the present moment a Welsh-American choir, composed of notable Welsh vocalists and instrumcntalista from those crem Welsh centers of the United States. Wilkes- Barre, Scranton and Chicago. Tliev landed at Southampton on the first of the present month ami made direct for Gls- inorgnnsnire, ana tney Have already beld several highly-successful concerts and no doubt when their compatriots become more generally acquainted with them and learn what splendid vocalists and instrumentalists they are, and, therefore, how well they are able to sustain in America the great reputation of Wales as a nursery of music, - tbeir "ancestors" ou the west side of the Severn Sea will troop to hear them In still greater numbers. They have already been heartily received at Mouu tola Ash and Treharris at the first place on Tnesday night and on Wednesday at the latter town. The con cert at Treharris, which was held at the Town-hall, was nuder the presidency of Mr. Jacob Ray, the general manager of the extensive works iu that populous locality. The next concert will be held at Ynysybwl on Monday night. - The accom panist is Professor Haydn Evans, the winner of the 1,000 at the World's Fair eisteddfod. Ho was selected to accompany mo uuiieu cuuirs onucr me conauctorstnp of our "Caradog," in rendering the "Halle lujah Chorus" at that great musical cath- eriug of tbe Kymry of America and Wales. Professor Haydn ttvana was born at Aber dare. When still a babe his family crossed the Atlantic to tbe laad where tbe mighty Missouri pours down to the sea. There is also Mr. James W. Anwyl, whose boyhood was spent in Wales,andMr.Joseph P.Burns, and there are three ladies viz., Miss Sadie Kaiser, Miss Julia C. Allen and Miss Cordelia Freeman each distinguished in tbe great western republic. They are accompanied by a typical member of the American fourth estate, charged with tbe duty of keeping the teeming thousands of the Welsh settlements of Wyoming valley and the other populous Kymrio centers of the United States well posted respecting the receptions which their vocal representa tives receive in Yr Hen Wlad I It is highly iuteresting to hear the visitors relating, now in Welsh and then in English, tbeir day dreams in tbe past respecting the "Old Country, " as all Welsh-Americans designate Wales, the land of their.'ancestors. While not otherwise engaged they roam among the mountains of Glamorgan like so many William Tells, re-visiting the country of their aucestora, and, they, like the Swiss hero, refer to tbe mountains as "old guards of liberty 1" There is something supremely touching In tbe visit, and it is to be hoped they will be aooordod such a welcome as to convince them that "blood is thicker than water." For the present their residence in the CountyHotel, Mill street, Pont-y-Pridd. primitive illumination. Bat I must close this rambling letter and get to bed. You see, till the writ ing I do is done at night, after I come home from tbe concerts, about eleven or twelve o'cloek, and by tbe light of candles, which thouzh picturesque are not powerful. Id Wales, the hotels never ourn gas. fciverv guest is sup plied with candles. You would' die laughing to see our party separate at night, each ascending the dark, polished stairoase with a tiny taper in his hand, for all the world like so many eonsplr- ators or spooks. The fun isn't half so fanny, however, when you have to sit in your lonesome room and 'scribble twenty or thirty pages of manuscript by the light of. these glimmering things. Why don't they have an American hotel's facilities for corres pondence, I wonder? But if I get started ou that line of comparison heaven only knowa where I shall end. So here goes for a sudden conclusion; out with tbe candle, and good night. Sadie . Kaiser. The Lehigh Valley Riilroad company bas received a large number of new cars from the Lebanon Car works, which order was placed some time ago. The Howell Mining unil Drill company, Of l'O ujkULj, 11,1 UctitUOU H UiWllllU of ivV.. . o c.l.. and those about to become mothers, should know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription robs childbirth of its torture, terrors and dangers to both mother and child, by aiding nuture in preparing tbe system for parturi tion. Thereby " labor " and the period of confinement is greatly shortened. It also promotes an abundant secretion of nourish ment for the child. Smith Bend. Pacific Co., Wcuh. TJb. H. V. Pierck. Bullulo. N. Y.: Dear sir i DPfran ra ing your " Favorite Pre serlptlon" tbe first month of pregnancy, and have continued taking It since confinement. I did not experience the nausea or any of the ail ments due to pregnan cy, after I began taking your " Prescription." I was only in labor a short time, and the physician said I got along uu usually well. Mns. Bakeu. We think It saved n a great deal of suf fering. I was troubled a great deal with leu eorrhea also, and It line done a world of good lor me. Sincerely yours, , Mas. W. (J. BAK.EB. 1 PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. Let Railway's Beady Relief be used oa the flrit Indication of Fata or Uneasiness; if threatened with Disease or Sickness, the Cnre will be made before the fnmily doctor would ordinarily reach the house. CUBES THE WORST PAINS in from one to twenty minutes Not one hour after read ing this advertisement need any one SUF FER WITH PAIN. ACHES AND PAINS For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and weakness iu the bank, spin) or kidneys, rains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints and pains of all kinds, thn application of Kadway's Heady Kelief will a If or (I immediate ease, and its continued use for a few days eff jot a permanent cure. A CURE FOR ALL . Summer Complaints, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. A halt to a teaspoonful of Ready Relief in a halt tumbler of water, repeated as often as the discharges continue, anil a flannel sat urated with Heady Kelief placed over the stomach and bowels will afford immediate relief and aocn eftuct a cure. Internally a half to a teaspoonful In'half a tumbler of water will, in a few minutes, cure Cramps. Spasms. Sour 8tomanh,Nanaea, Vomitinc, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleep lessness. Sick Headache, Flatulency aud all internal pains. I alalia in Its Varlons Forms Cured aud Prevented. a here is not a remedial agonr.y in the world that will cure fever and ague and all other malarious, bilious and all other fovein, aided by KAUWAY'S PIl.Li-. so quickly as HAD WAY'S READY RELIEF. Travelers should always curry a bottle of Bad way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water wtll prevent sickuesa or pal us from change of water. It i) better than French brandy or bitters as a stimulant. Uiners and lumbermen should always be provided with it. Price 60 coats per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. U MB 9 ft UWIYS RELIABLE. PURELY VEGETABLE. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coatsd.purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. RADWAY S HLL8 for the cure of all dis orders of the Stomach, Dowels. Kidn-ys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, D zziuesa, Ver tigo, Coutivenees, Piles, SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS Ol-' THE LIVER. Observe the following symptoms ro9ultlng f rom diseases of the digestive organs Con stipation, (nward piles, fullness of blood in the head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust of fool, fullness of weight of the ntomach. sour eructations, sinking or fluttering of the heart, chok ng or suffocat ing sensations when in a lying posture, dim ntss of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the h-ad. deficiency of pcrnpliation, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain In the sido, chest, limbs, and sud den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh. A fewdoseaof RAD WAY H PlLi.8 will free the system of all the above-named disorders. Prioe 20c. per box. Sold br druggists or sent by mail. Bend to DR. RADWAY ft CO., Lock Box 806, Hew York, for Book of Advice. LARGEST DIVIDENDS ON RECORD. 01 per rent, average monthly dividend paid tbe first six monthsof im by THE AMERICAN SYNDICATE To their clients as the result of profitable speculation un Stocks. Bonds, eta. JANUARY, FEBRUARY, HAROH, , APRIL, MAY, . 1 JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 100 PER CENT. 20 i. 40 it i ii 100 30 0 . 0 . 80 IS ii , f i Conservativemanagomont. Established ISfl'i. Bank reference. $10 to $1,000 can be invested with more than tha usual degree of safety by our plan of . SYNDICATE SPECULATION, i Whlchassuresthe largest roturtii com- , i patiiue witn sarety. do not uo inuu , i enceu oy anyone wno Bays it is impos. i siote to pay audi large uiviuenas un- I til you nave reau our manual or i information. That which is impos i sible to some is comparatively , ay w otnera. i A O. H nuil I ton X Cn , Managers ; S f.cino AVenue, Chicago, 111. fm frit jfi flu V N. A. HULBERT3 City Musio Store, ii' WSOIUNQ AVg, SCBiATO WKIVWAT ft SON DECKER BROTHERS Am lHAWUIH A BACK YTUXCZ BAUER PIANOS Abca large .took of fint-elu. s MUSICAL MERCHANDISE MLblO, ETU. EX1 Third national Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, . $200,000 8DRPL0S, $250,000 This bank offer, to depositor ever faeillty mrrastal by their balanoea, bail tie M and reapiMtalttility. ' Hpecial attention given to buelnees ae count. Interest paid on time depeelte. WIL1IAM COTmitUt President fcfcO. B. CATUS, Vloe-Praldent WILLIAM H. PUCK, Caableft, DIRECTORS. William . Connell, George R. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Arrlibatd. Henry Hello, jr.. Will turn Switn- Luther Kallon THE) National Bank of Scranton. C1KUNIZED una CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000, FAMUKL HINES.rPresMent V.W. WATSON. Vice President A. & WILLI AUS, Cashier. DIRBCTORS. rUMITir, niWES, JAMtS M' E7ERHART, lunNo A. Kikcr, Pieucs R FiNLtr, J08KPH J. JlKMVl. M. 8. KXMERKH ClUS, 1. 2LmilKWS, JoBIf T.PuUTIH. W. W. WATSO PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage of business men and firms generally. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND 6POBTINO iWOER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Hills, Lo seme county Pan and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELINJr. General Agent for the Wyoming DUtriot, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa, Third National Dank Building.. AoiKcrrs. TH09. FORD, Pituton, Pa JOHN B BMITH BON; Plymouth. Pa, E. W. MULLIUA-N, W ilk ee Barre, Pa. Agents for the Hopaun Chemloal Oom tany's High Explosive ORXTFB BHOK CO., Ino'p. Capital, l .000,009. 11KST SJl.SO UUOK IN TUB WORLD. "A dollar iwtd ii a dollar mtntd." ThlsLaillea' Nolld rrench Oongola Kid But ton Boot delivered free anywhere In the U.S.. on reoaipt or jaso, atoney uraar, or 1'oatal Note for l.iO. Equals every way the boots sold In ell retail store for IJ.W. We make this boot ourselves, Uiorefore we guar' ante the JU, tlyU aud rmr. and It any oae u not saOslled we will refund the money sendanothorpalr. Opera oe or uominon Dams, widths O, D, E, k KK, sue 1 to 8 and naif izes. and your tit; J IK, iujtratca Cat.- Dexter Shoe Co FEDERAL ST., I IkOSTOaT. MASS. Bueeiat Urmt t Ptaltn. Maloney Oil and Mahufactur.'g Co, U c, ii VINEGAR AND ' CIDER 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. HAS80N STARK. AT THE OLD, DEPOT HOTEL, .FACTORYVILLE, Is prepared to receive summer boarders and furnish rifts for tourists to surrounding towns aud summer .resorts. TRADERS liSl V K Will II if BAAjaUa.k.tS "i'-,!:V FOR SALE . FAUM " STOCK. AXU ALL FARM . ING tl K.NBILS, NEAR LAKE ARIEL. INQUIRE OF J. M. HHh-FFIl' LU. Til Scranton street Mcrantoa, Pa. ' BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1'UVSICIAMS AND htlttir-ONH. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN ha. removed to 618 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa (Just op posite oourt-houseSauare.) DR. A. J. CONNELL, Olfioe 2U1 Washington avenue, corner Spruce street, over Jrancke . drug Btore. Itesidence, W Vlnest Pce hours: 10.80 to 12 a, m. and to and ii2l'SudJLJ?! DR. W. E. ALLEN7 Office cor. Lack wanna and Washington aves. : over Leon ard shoe store; office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and Uto p. m.; evenings at residence. &UN. Washington eve. I1B.HU FREY, Practice limited to Dls XJ eases of the Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat; office, m Wyoming eve. Residence, 52V Vine street. IR. L.M. GATES. 125 Waauinirtou Avenue. XS Office hours, to 0 am., 1.30 to U and I to 8 p.m. Residence tin) Madison avenue IOHN L WENTZ, M. D Offices Si and 51 jl Commonwealth building; residence 711 Madison ave: office hours, 1 J to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to e; Sunday. 2.80 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. R. K A Y, 206 PennAve. ; 1 to 8 p.m ; snll 20I1J wuuibu. uusteincs anu ais. oi cnii. I.AWYKRS. JM. a RANCH'S Law and Collection of . flee, Na 817 Spruce St., opposite Forest House. Scranton, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond uiu ui every couiliy JhSSUPSHAD, Attornoysand Counsel, lor. at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington ave. w. H. Jessup, Horace E. Hxna ' W. H. Jessup, Jr. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, Attor neys and Counselors at Law, Republican uujiuiuh, t aamnyton ave.. gcranton, ra. UATTERSON & WILCOX. Attoruoys and , ,v?uneouors at L,aw; offices o and a wnrary building, bcranton, Pa. KOSWEM. H. PATTlO-SOi. William A. Wilcox. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM. J. HAND, At . torneys aud Counsellors, Commonwealth umnuiitf. nooms iif, ana sl. WF. DOYLE, Attorney-at-Law,No.10 and 20. Burr buildini. WRAhtnvtnn Avnnue. HENRY M, SEEL Y -Law office, iu Price buildini?. 136 Washington arenne. I'RANK T. OKELL, Attorney at Law. Room fc.U?al Eichanire. Scranton. Pa MILTON W. LOWRY, I Att'ya, iK7 Washing C. H. VON STORca I ton av C. H. square 1AMESW. OAKKORD, Attorney at Law. rooms 63, 64 and 65, Commonwealth b'l g. S'AMUEL W. EDGAR, Attorney at Law. Office, 017 Snrucest., Scranton, Pa. f A. WATRES, Attorney at Law. 42) IJ. Lackawanna sue.. Scranton, Pa I P KM1TH r--ll. t - - VUHUKUVI It, UO 1 , V . rooms 54. 55. 116 Commonwealth building. 1 R. PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Com- monwealth bnllaing. Scranton, Pa! C. COMEGYS, S!l Spruce at. D B. KKl'LOULE. Attorney Lnnna naira. tinted on real ertate securlty.40l) Spruca F. KILLAM, Attornev-at-Law, I'M Wy oming avenue. Hrrantnn. SCHOOLS. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for colicga or business: thorougltly train, voung children. Catalogue at request Opens September la Rev. Thomas M. cars, WALTBR H. BUBI.L. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 41- Adams avenue, pupils received at all times. Next term will open September 1(1. UKNI1STS. p C. LA0BACH, biugeou Dentist, No. Ill -1 . Wyoming ave. It. M. STRATTON. nfflf. fvl KTi-hi-nr-g LOANS. IHE REPUBLIC Saving, and Loan Asao ciatlou will loan you money ou easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. CALLEN 1F.R. Dimo Bantr bnildini- SF.KOS. GR. CLARK CO., Seedsmen, Florists and Nurserymen; store lo Washington avenue; green bonne, lJjO North Main avenue; store tnlephone 7W. TKAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. WIRE SCHEKNS- JOS. KUETTEL, Di5 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., mauuf'r of Wire Screens. HOTELS AMI RESTAURANTS. rpHE ELK CAFE, 1S5 and 127 Franklin ave--l nue. Uates reasonable. J -j-i EQLER. Proprietor. 1 1 r ESl'AllASTEK HOTEtl W. G. KCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan, 6u per day and npwarfl. S'CRANTON HOUSE, near D L &vTpas. ) senger depot Conducted on the European plan. Victor Koch, proprietor. Alt( 1I1TKCT.S. D AVIS VON STORCH. Architects. Rooms ill 25 and 26 1'ommonw'lth b'ld'g. Scranton. 1? L. WALTER, Architect. Office, rear of A-J 006 Washington avenue. If L. BROWN. Arch U. Architect, Price i. building, 126 Washington Ave., Scranton, Mist KLI.AM-:oiIS. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and eoncert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, condnctor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Ilulbert's music store. HORTON a SWARTS-WHOLE8ALB lumber. Price building; Scranton, Pa. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twins. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scranton, Pa. H OHSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE at liW Capo use avenue. D. L. FOOTE, Agent URANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE V sale dealers iu Woodware, Cordage aud OU Cloth, 7V0 W. Lackawanna avenue. L Robinson's Sons' Lager Bbbr Brewery Kaanfmotarsri of tn Clskrt4 PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100.000 Bbls. Per Annum, For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Pouom's Powder. , AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, OCT. 1. THE GREAT COMEDT, The Amazons . WITH MISS " , OHNSTONE BENNETT, SoAnJf? J?s,r. rraB?nnt with DAKIEb York Manager Lyceum Theater, New By a Speoial Company, under the MANAGEMENT OF CHA8, FKOHHAN. Prices 25, BO, 75 and tl Sale of scats opens at the box office Friday, Sept. !& ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, OCT. a PRIMROSE & WEST'S BIG MINSTRELS. 70 PEOPLE 70 40 WHITES 40 30 i ENUINE BLACKS 30 A Grand Array of Talent and Features. The Largest Minstrel Company on tour at the present time. Grand Spectacular Street Pa rade at ri.'M p, m. PRICES-First Floor, $1.00 and 70c. ; Bal cony, i5o. and Gallery, 2!ic. Sale of seats opens at the box olUce Saturday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3. MR. ROLAND AND HIS COMPANY Under the auspices of the Scranton l odge of Elkg, No. 123, fn a new Satirical Comedy, The Politician OR, THE WOMAN'S PLANK, Tho Great Convention Scene. The Twentieth Century Woman. Seoure Seats at Academy Box Office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, OCT. Vlr. Jos. S. H s worth (Direction Mr. H. S. Taylor) Presenting Lester Walhu-k's Great Military lomeay-urama, ROSEDALE And a star cast, including Mr. M. A Kennedy, Chan. B. Hauford, Chaa. Abott. David H, Voung, Mias Isabolle Ererson, Minn Maud HiiMlam, Mrs. E. A. liberie, And others. fiale of seats opens Tuesday at the box o fflce, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anttracito coal used exclusively, Insuring cleauliucss and comfort TIME TAIILC IN It'KKCT MAY 20, 189 1. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes Barre, etc., at 8.21, D.1 3, 11.30 a. m., 1150. 10J, &:), 6.00, 7 11. 0.'. p. ui. Sundays, V.UU a m., l.on, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Ai lantic City. 8.30 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.3) (express) a. m, 12.60 (exprosj with Buffet parlor car), 3.30 (express) p. iu. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Matjch Chunk, Allentowk, BETnLC hem, Eastoh aud Philadelphia, 8.aj a m.. 12,00, 3.iU, 6.U0 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Bunday, 2.15 p. m. For Lo.no Bit a ncr, Oceax Gkove, etc., at 8..0 a. in.. llMp. m. For Heading. Lebanon and Harrisbnrg, via ADentown, b.20 a, m., 12.oO, 6.00, p.m. Sunday, 2.P) p. m. For Pottavflle, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Liberty street. North river, at MO (express) a in., l.ld, 1.90. 4.30 (express with BnfTet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.3D a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.91 p. m. . Sunday, 0.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest ratos may be had on application iu advance to ths ticket agent at tna station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHATJSEN, Uen. Supt MAY is. 1BU4. Train leave Bcranton for Philadelphia an New York via, D,tHt& at 7.45 am.. 12.05, S.88 and 11.38 p. m. yia D., L. W. B. B, 8.00, I. 08.11.20 a. m., and 1.30 n. m. Leave Bcranton for Pittston and Wllkes Barre via D.. L & W. R. K., .00, 80S, U.2U a. m , L80, a 50. 8.07. 8.50 p. m. Leave Scranton for Whito Baven, Hazleton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvilb branches, via E. ft W. V.. . 40a.m., via D. a RR.R. at 7.45a.m., 12.0&. e.88. 4.(4) p.nv, ria D., L. A W. B. B, 8.00, 8.U8, II. 20 a.m., 1.30, 150 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Kaaton, Reading, Harrlaburg and all intermediate points via D.& H.R.B. 7.15 a.m..ll0i, i.3 II JH DXL.vla D LtW.lt, B.,6.00,8.08, 11.20 a nu, L80 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tnnkhannock, To wand , Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate pointa via D. A H. R.R..8.46 a.m.,12 05 and 11.34 p. m..vla D. U & W. R. B., 8.0B .m.,1.3) p, ra. Leave Hi'rantoo for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all nointi went via D. H. B. R., H.45 a-m.,12.05,S.15.U.8S p. m via D. L. It W. R. B. and Pituton Junction, 808 a.m., 1J0, 8.60 p. m., via E. 4 W. B.K..K.41 p. m. . For Ehnira and the went via Salamanot, via D. A H. K. B. H,4n a.m., UO5.8.06 p. ra.. via D. L A W. RE., ,8.08 a.m., U0 and 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains betwnen LAB. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, PhUadelpols, Buffalo and Snepenaion Bridiro. BOLLIN H. WILBUR, dm. Supt. CHAS. S, LKE, Oen. Pass. Ag't, Phila.P. AW.NONNsMACHEB.Asa't Oen.Pau. Ag't, South Bethlehem, Pa DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and an points East. 1.40, 2,50, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.6a a m.; 11 65 and 8 50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, 6,15, 8.00 and R.&j a m.; Utl and 8.60 p. m. Waahington and way stations. 8.55 p. m, Tobyhanna aonommodation, 6.10 p. m. Expr as for Blngbamton, Oswevo, Elmira, roruing, Bath. Dansville, Mount Morris ana Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. m. and 124 p. m., making close connections at Bnffalo to all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation. It a. m. Biugbawton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nlciiolwn aecommodauon, at 4 p. m. and (,10 p. m. Blngbamton and Elmira Express, 6.05 p, m, Exureea for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Utica and Bichfleld Springs, 116 a. m. and U p. ra. Ithaca, 2.16 and Bath 0 a. m and lit p m For Northumberland, Pittston, Wllkea Barre, Plymouth, Bloonuborg and Danville, nuking rinse oonnections at Kortbnnibecland tor WUIiamsport, Uarrisburg, Balumore, Wash ington arid the South. Northumberland and Intermediate station. 6.00, 0.65 a. m. and 1J0 and 6.07 p. nt- A Nanuroae ana intermediate etatlons, 8. mju i,.m, ra. .tii if uwuui .. u stauons, etiu ana O.OJ p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on 'FodVuUeiUnformatlon, Pkt'lm,,uO to., apply to M. L. Smith, oity "jSJ it Lackawannaavenue. or depot ticket 17BIE AND WYOMING VALLEY kJU i:j road . ..... L.ii. Trmin l,v, nrTuitnn fnr New York termediate points ou the Erie railroad,! a, m. and 8.24 p. m. Also for Hrn at 6.86 - iwlale, and REED P-m. ' L ,j All the above are through trait" na from Honeedale. ... I. . An additioual train leaves Sor"1?" Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. aud arrive) M Bcru- ton from the Lake at 7.4i p.m. t . 4, Trains leave for Wilkes-Barre f -w and 8.41 p. m- . . j SCRANTON, PITTSBURG, PHILADELHHIA, Only Pennsylvania cities 8ANDO W appears hi THE SCRANTON, PA bndav tnl R 0 I Matines Saturday vW. J"U Saturday Oct. 6. ONLY OPPORTUNITIES TO SER THE GREAT AND ONLY , iN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SANDOW TROCADERO VAUDEVILLES 1 3 European Artists 1 3 Including TIE MARVELOUS JORDAN FAMILY AND A HOST OF , Vaudeville Wonders "MISS SCOTTIE," "AMAO" the Mimic, SANDOW DOH'T MISS THEM I BEATS ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE REGULAR PRICES, $1, 75o., 50o., 25c, MATINEE 75c, 50c. Gallery; 23o. Sale of seats commences Tuesday 9 am. THE FEOTHINOnAM WEDNESDAY. OCT. 8. Last Appearance in Scranton of tbe World Famous JOM L. SULLIYAH 'n His Latest and Greatest Success, A TRUE AMERICAN Prices-Jl, ?oc..50c. and i'ic. No higher. 8a(a ot seats commences Saturday morninK at V o'clork. THE FROTIIINGHAM For ths Benefit of the Stage Employes. THURSDAY EVENING, OCX 4. The Famous New York Company in Augustus Thomas' Alasterpiec ALABAMA, A STORY OF THE SOUTH. Prioes-25c.. Me., 75c. and JL Seats on sals Monday at a.m. Davis' Theater. IVeek Commencing Monday, OtT, I. Every afioruoou and evening. M01DAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. The Musical Comedy, ' Our Irish. Visitors Don't do anything until yon see it Introducing the Fminent Comedian, W. J, MAJiUN and a strong company of artists. New and Novel Features. Bright and Pleasing Specialties, A First-class Show at Popular Prices. i i ADMS8I0N, JO, 20 OR aLCffUfiV Two erformancea DalUtf at 2 80 and 8.18 p.m. DELAWARE AND HUD. SON BAILBOAD. Commencing Monday.July 30. m ftraina will . . . 1 " - arriTeana depart fToen the new Lack- " aTenue station as fullowa: "... uQran ton station for Carbnndalt and hifctmialla x a. ' x tMi ' . 8 and 10 It Km.. 1X.00. 2.30, 8.64, 6.16, dl5, VJ, ,"o d li-ix) pjn. j e--v-, vuo AaironuaojLa ana -Montreal at 6.4i m. and H.28 n m. - ioo.s.ia an, audiTaiT-,'" " ' Trams wlU arriye at Scranton BUtlon from . rmrlMiiinalan anil MlaMi:.i. i- . In ft i TiaTa u,"uuw p)DW a. i 4 tlj UT' From Boneedale. Wavm.rt and Far .a '- 1.34 a.m... U0U. 1 17. s in a i u - . IMaTd aSlTm. fc""t'-' AlbA"7' . "a' ?. and 11 55 am.. 1 W. iltTaai . IU. a,U. J.. W.OJ.nrt 11 )S nn wmw jK jj mi J,rr n Mr - I Ay ...i .a.