The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 29, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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Th Baptist denomination has re
esntir soforsd great loss in the deatb
of two of its most prominent anl use
fal men. One was Rav. E. Q. Robin
son, D. D , formerly president of brown
university and reoently leotnrer in
Crozer Theological, seminary. The
other was Rsv. J. C. Long, LL.D.
professor of ohnreh history in Crozer
seminary. In their respective lives of
study, tbese two men bad no superiors
in the denomination, and the Baptist
aonterenees tbronghont the country
are recording their appreciation of trie
worth and work of these men, and
their sense of the lcsi sustained by this
double bereavement. Tbe faculty of
Crozer seminary has unanimonsly
chosen Henry C. Vender, of the New
YorK Examiner, to fill the place of Dr.
Long as lecturer on church' history.
Mr. Vedder is an author of consider
able fame, and has written a "History
of the Baptist Church,' and also "Tbe
Dawn of Christianity.'' He haa mani
fested pre-eminent qualities as a his
torian of sacred history. He is a yonng
man, but his accuracy, impartiality,
good judgment and indefatigable re
search give promise of very efficient
service in future years.
Tbe members of the Green Ridge
Baptist church sympathize with tbetr
pastor. Rev. W. J. Ford, who mourns
the death of his brother, Frank E.
Ford, of Colgate university, Hamilton.
Tbe deceased was in tbe city when
Rev. Ford was married last July, ami
acted tbe part of best man. He was in
his junior year in tbe university, and
was regarded as one of tbe most prom
ising students. He distinguished him
self in athletics and was tbe captain
of the foot ball team and the base ball
team. On Sept 18 inst. be was in
perfect health, but on the following
day be was taken siek very suddoaly
and removed to the hospital. Tbe phy
sicians said that it was necessary to
perform an operation, which took
place Friday, and on the following
Saturday he died. Rv. Mr. Ford was
called to his side Wednesday, S.-pt. 19,
and staid with him to tbe last. tU re
turned to the city last Tuesday evening-
' '
- The state convrntipn of Christian En
deavor societies will be held next October
at York. The executive committee sent
forth circulars, asKing each society to
promptly forward them the require 1
statistics, so that a complete report may
be presented at the convention by the
general secretary. Tbe societies of tbe
City will be well represented, and the del
egates expect to go prepared to invite tbe
state convention of ISM to meet in onr
city. This bat not been acted upon by the
city union, but next Friday evening a
meeting will be held in the Young lien's
Christian Association parlorj, when tbe
question will be brought before the mem
bers. Scranton is a favorite city for con
ventions, and the Endeavorers cannot have
a better place to convene in 1895 than this
A new Christian Endeavor society bas
been organized in ttie Bttllevue Calvinistia
Methodist church. They start out with
forty-tlva -active member ThefoHowing
Officers -were elected. President, iaao
Davis; vice-presideut, John Davis; secret
ary, Alius Maggie Davis; treasurer, Mrs.
Thomas Morgan. - They will meet Sunday
evening, to-morrow evening being tbe
first meeting after organization,. The
young people are enthusiastic and mean to
The Welsh Baptist church, of Provi
dence, has made improvements in tbe ves
try room, which adds much to the comfort
of the room tor Sunday school and prayer
meeting services.
The Ladies' Aid society, of the Park
Place Methodist Episcopal church, are
having a section of the vestry partitioned
oft for kitchen purposes. A large cup
board bas been erected, where tbe crock
ery can be safely kept, and a range bas
been put in. Tbese conveniences will
greatly facilitate the necessary prepara
tions for socials and will make' it far more
pleasant for the patrons and waiters.
Last Sunday the congregation of the
Zion Lutheran German church on Mifflin
avenue, was delighted with the sweet
strains of a vocation that was placed in
position the previous Saturday, it is a
12,500 instrument, and in outward appear
ance adds much to tbe elegant furniture of
the cburob. Gilded tubes are placed over
the triple manipulating boards in imita
tion of a pipe orgun, and the rich tones of
the vocation as well as the variety in
volume greatly resemble the tones and
volnms of a genuine pipe organ. The
name .was given the instrument by W. E.
Gladstone, the Grand Old Man of England.
Tbe people of Zion church are delighted
vm tue uiumo luruisueu mem.
The Sherman Avenue mission, under the
care of the Plymouth' Congregational
church, will beat the building bV steam
during the-coming winter. 'The property
belongs to the Delaware, Lackawanna and
.; Western Coal company, which, through
the kindness of W, R. Storrs, has greatlv
enlarged it in order to accommodate the
increased attendance. Tbe company has
also laid pipes from the boilers of tbe
shaft to tbe school house building and
will furnish steam heat free - of oharcre.
The members of the school will purchase
tour radiators ana piece tnem in position.
so that during tbe winter no place will be
more comiortaoie tnan tins mission build
ing. Tbe infant department is also very
grateful to the Simpson Methodist Episco
pal church for a donation of eight low
forms, which add much to the comfort of
tns little folks. Miss Delia it, Evans is in
charge of the work and ii verv snccwsfnl
The Wednesday night prayer meeting bas
a memoersblpof over llfty, and tbe regis
ter of the Sunday school bas tbe names of
276 scholars. -
v The Yonng Ladies Guild of the St.
David's cnurch, will civs one of their ex
cellent oyster suppers abont the middle of
next montn.
Tbe yonng people of the St. Paul's Evan
gelical cnurch on Prospect avenue, will
give an entertainment and social iu tbe
. vestry of the church on Friday evening
Next Thursday evening a social will be
beld in tbe parlors of tbe Simpson Meth
odist Episcopal church. A miuical and
literary programme is being prepared by
Misses Lizzie Herman, Gussie Blair and
Emma Lewis. Tbe gathering will' be of
the nature of a reunion of tbe members of
the church and congregation. '
A good entertainment will be given next
Tuesday evening in tbe Providence Meth
odist Episcopal church under the auspices
of tbe Ladies' Aid society. It will be con
ducted by tbe celebrated brother and sis
ter, Ralph and Ruth Bingham, who have
appeared before large audiences In New
York state and given perfect satisfaction.
o-inorrow will be memorial day in the
Sunday achool ofr Elm Park cbarcb, when
a programme Will be presented by one of
the classes in the school, , . -y ...
The Sunday school of tbe .Green Ridge
Presbyterian cbarcb, bas added one more
item to tbe list of their charities. The
member have unanimously passed to con-
tribute 1130 during the coming year to
support a colored student in FUfc univer
sity. Tbe scholarship will be sent in quar
terly instalments.
The Bt. David's Sunday school picnic,
beld In Lsnrel Hill park lust Saturday, was
well attended and all had a good time.
Hector Mill secured sole control of tbe
merry-go-rounds for two hours, and the
little loiKsnaa an tbe rides tneir young
hearts desired.
The Sunday school of tbe Cedar Avenue
Bletuouist Episcopal church, will picnic to
day at Mountain lake. Tbe members will
be transported there in a large wagon en
gaged for tbe purpose. Three trips will be
made at U.3U and U.M a. m., and a. sup. m.,
so that those employed in the mills may
have an opportunity to go and enjoy tbe
Tbe Evangelical Lutheran ministerlnm
held its first Sunday school convention last
Tuesday and Wednesday, in St, John's
church. Wilkes-Barre, Rev. V. O. Sandt,
pastor. Rev. E. L. Miller, of our city,
snoke on "The Officers in our Sunday
School." Tbe following were elected of-
ncers lor tne ensuing year: rieswenc.
Rev. J. O. Scblenker. of Hazleton; secra
tary, Miss Gebhardt. of Pittston: treasurer,
Rev. U. r . J. beuecker, or Wilkes-Barre.
Tbe Park Place Methodist Episcopal
Sundav school is well favored in baviug
among its corps of workers an artist of
considerable skill in chalk drawing. The
RMUtleman is Dr. Rosa, of Short avenue.
His illustrations of tbe lesson are admira
bly made, and the Sunday school at large,
as well as the Infant department, are de
lighted with tbe doctor's artistic way of
teaching the lesson. He gives special at
tention to tbe primary department, and
there is no one wbocun equal bim in mack
board exorcises.
Rev. M. H. Hill, rector of St. David's
church, has been laboring under a heavy
cold during the week.
Rev. R. S. Jones, D. D., of Providence,
will administer communion tomorrow
morning, and iu the evening will preach an
hnglisn sermon.
The clorev of the West Side will meet
next Tuesday afternoon in the borne of
Dr. L. C, Floyd at 4 o'clock.No special pro
gramme bas uoeu prepared for tne occa
Rev. J. Luter. of the South Side, will
preach tomorrow evening in the German
Jlethpdist Episcopal church on Adams
aveuue. George Deitzol will preach there
in tbe morning.
Rev. G. Hausser. of tbe First German
Methodist Episcopal church, left last
Wednesday for Buffalo to visit his son
He will preach there tomorrow and will
return to the city Tuesday.
Rev. D. M. Kinter Is called upon by his
friends to exercise the duties of bis office
fur beyond the limits of bis parish. Lat
Tuesday he was called to Iionesdale to
join in one, two of the young people of
tbnt town. ,
Rev. D. A. Evans will preach his fare'
well sermon tomorrow evenin at tbe
Puritan church of Providence. Last
Thursday lie forwarded his eooils by
freight, and on Thursday next he find bis
family will leave the city for Vaugbsville,
Rev. George Forsyth and wife, of Nantl
coke, spent a few days in the city visiting
friends. Mr. Forsyth was in charge of
the Providence charge some years ago,
and bis old friends have not forgotten hi in
tie left for btromlnburg, where be win
preach Sunday and visit bis daughter, who
boids a position iu tne normal scnooi there,
The Eoworth league of the Asbury Meth
oaist Episcopal cburca win noia its an
nual business meeting next Monday even
lng and elect officers for tbe ensuing year.
Thel Literary Biblical society of the
Bellevue Calvinistiu Methodi-t church be
gan its thirty-first year last Friday even
ing. Tbe society is in a nourishing con
dition. The leading teacher at present is
Lie wis itooerts.
A series of Bible readings will be given
by Rev. u. Hausser to tbe young people of
tbe fetersuurg .mission cnapel of tne tier
man Methodist Episcopal church. The
first will be delivered next Tuesday even
ing and will be continued for two weeks,
excepting Saturday evenings.
Tomorrow will be gathering-la day at
tne Greeh Ridge Presbyterian church
The members of the Sunday school and
Christian Endeavor will make a special ef
fort to reach those who have grown indif
ferent or fallen off and bring them into
the church during tbe day. The day is
one of the most profitable in the church
calendar, and its beneficent effect is gen
erally felt during the remainder of the
year. It blesses tbe Seeking nnd the
sought, aud bos a general reviving effect
The district meeting of the Wyomln
conference will be held at Lehman, Lu
zerne county, on Oct. is and iu.
The quarterly conference will be beld
next Friday evening in tbe Providence
Methodist Episcopal church, conducted by
Presiding Elder J. U. Eckmau.
Charles Fraser.alay reader of St. David
parish, together with hi wife, who have
spent their vacntlon In Syracuse and the
Thousand Islands, are expected home next
Monday. .
The Church News, which was published
by the rector of tne Good hhapherd churcn
for tbe last six years, tells its readers in
the. last issue that it will be discontinued
Tne rector feels tbat it consumes too much
of bis time, and other duties take up all
his energies.
Rev. M. D. Fuller and Rov. D. M. Kin
ter, of tbe North End, will bold special
services in their respective churches next
weok. Tbe work of air. buss closes to
morrow eveninir, but these clergymen will
continue tbe effort made In tbe evangel
istic work, and follows up tbe meeting of
the past two weeks by trying to gather
Into tbe fold those who bave professed
conversion or have expressed a desire to
lead a better life.
Tomorrow's order of services in Provi
dence will be similar to lust Sunday's. In
tbe morning tbe pastors will presch to
their congregations in their respective
cnurcnes, and tne regular session oc sun
day school will be held. At 3.80 and 7.30
p. m. Evangelist BUxs will speak in the
tent, when tbe congregations of the sev
eral churches are exp cted to unite in
worship. The services bave been well at
tended, and tomorrow will be the last
day of tbese cervices. Tbe evening ser
vice will close Mr. Bliss' work in our city,
and those wbo bave not heard the even
gelist should make a special effort to be
at tomorrow eveuiug's service,
Gcran ton's Business Interssta.
TBI Tbibumi will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of tbe
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ins and professional interest of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
In book form, beautifully illustrated with
nhototrravure views of our pnbllc build'
lugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits or leading citizens, no
similar work has ever elven an equal rep
resentation of Scranton's many indus
tries. It will be an invaluable exposition
of onr business resonrces. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers., ..sod be an unequalled
advertisement of tbe c tr. Tbe circu
lation is on a plan tbat cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
at large. Representatives of TBC Thibunb
will call npon THoer whobs names
are debibjeo In this edition and explai
its nature more fu lv.
Those desiring views of their residences
in wis edition will please kave notice at
tae omce.
us to mwm
Martin Joyce Contributes to the Recent
Discussion Concerning Them. '.
Days and Nights, Ha Contends, Are
Always Equal at the Equator The
Polar Day and the Polar Night Are
Each Six Months Long Some Re
flections and Suggestions Derived
from a Contemplation of the As
tronomical Sciencei
For thfi Saturday Tribune
In this busy world very little atten
tion is given to the science of astrono
my, as it is reirarded as coming within
the particular sphere of tbe astrono
mer, and therefore considered beyond
the reach of ordinary observers. Jvven
mathematical geography, outside of
the schools, seems to attract no public
attention. The people accept tbe
equinoxes and the equinoctial storms
without stopping to make calculations
as to their periodical occurrence, the
quatiou ot time, tue vicissitude or ine
seasons, the sun's declination and tne
various other phenomena connected
with the earth as a planet, ueuerany
peakinjr, there is more attention given
to the religious sphere, eternal salva
tion and the future habitation beyond
the grave, than to tne globe which we
inhabit. Such, of course, is natural,
and belief in the future world, whether
it shall exist on this earth or else
where, seems to be one of the Innate
attributes of the human mind.
But some Importance should be at
tached to a general knowledge of the
earth, such as Ebeu P. Davis has un
dertaken to discuss; for the reason that
the universal laws governing our
planet are worthy of thought and in
vestigation which the globe demands
as our present nbode, the ground of
our existence, and the sense of our
subsistence and life. It is not our pur
pose to assume the role of the Free
Press "astronomer," or to enter the
field of discussion with Davis in order
to detract from his true merit. But it
seems to us that it is due to the people
who might feel interested in such dis
cussions, that the subject should not
bo summarily dn-missed by the J? ree
Press with slight reference to "pri
mary geography." If Mr. Davis is
mistaken iu attempting to wipe out the
"old rut" from the face of the globe.he
should certainly bo corrected, and let
the old rut remain.
Now. in justice to Mr. Davies, to say
that lie hns gone far beyond the nar
row shallow coast of primary geogra
phy. lie has scaled the lofty summits
and "hills of frost where the rapid
reindeer crossed" he has viewed the
mighty ice belt of the North Polar re
gions, and has gazed with amazing
wonder and admiration upon the
quadrant altitude of the brilliant lord
of the day, as that great luminary
darts his benign rays to animate the
vestiges of liviug matter and organic
existence in the frigid quarters of our
globe, Jiut while Mr. Davies might
not have tieen driven to eccentricities
and epicycles in the course of his trav
els and observations. Yet be might
possibly have been led into the laby
rinth of mistaken ideas. At least we
think so, in one instance which we
now note:
Mr. Davis says: "The very fact that
the cause of day and night being equal
on the equator, demands that the day
should be at each pole twenty-four
hours long ana the night nothing."
This assertion gives a wrong impres
sion and should be corrected. Actual
measurement and the concurrent testi
monyand authority of every distin
guished writer on the subject, shows
that Mr. Davis is mistaken. The cor
rect idea is: The day Is twenty four
hours long at the polar circles aud not
at the poles, which are 'S degrees ana
28 minutes away from the polar circles
(mark the dincrence). Then between
the polar circles and the poles the days
are recKonea as niontus, Keeping in
mind the antipodean or alternate
changes of the six months days and
the six months night aud the six cli
mate within the Frigid zones, both
north and south, as marked by the
limitation of the circles of illumination
We are not writing for the express
purpose of correcting Mr. Davis, nor
for the information of person already
familiar with the laws ana conditions
of the earth as a planet. We write for
such as have not familiarized them
selves with such laws and conditions
of the globe. Therefore, we coll atten
tion to the following as a matter of
general information:
Thecircloof illumination, just men
tioned, is a great circle, its variation
and location, at different periods of
the year, must be accurately under
stood in order to iret a clear concention
of the subject matter which Mr. Davis
bus undertaken to djtscuss and which
the Free Press limits to, the child's
knowledge of geography. That great
circle divides the day from the night,
and as all great; circles bisect each
other, the circle of illumination, in
every location of the earth and in ev
ery situation in its orbit, divides tne
equator into two equal parts. And
this is the reason why the day and the
night are always equal at the equator
during tne whole year.
On March 21, at the vernal equinox,
and on Sept. 22, at the autumnal equi
nox, the axis ot the earth is, not in
clined to nor declined from the sun.
There, the celestial equator and the
terrestrial equator coincide or corre
spond, ana in this position ana situa
tion of the earth, the circle ot lllumi
nation bisects the poles, thus dividing
the earth into two equal parts, giving
the day hemisphere and the night
hemisphere equul day ana equal night
Gil mores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
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vous; are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
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Mothers, use it lor your
daughters. It. is the best
regulator; and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. . It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
pives lastin? strength. Sold
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all over the world. When we say say
that the celestial and terrestrial equa
tors coincide or correspond, we don't
mean to convey a dual idea, as the ter
restrial equator is simply a point or
part oi the celestial equator, reached
by the earth at the equinoxes. At
every other portion of the year the
earth s path or orbit is in tne ecliptic.
To these explauatious we add tbe
following summaries:
First. On any other days or month
of the year, when the suu is north of
the equator, in our latitude, the length
of the day and the night corresponds
to the sun's declination. The sume is
true when the sun is south of the
equator; the length of days and nights
depends on the sun's declination.
(Second. The sun is north of the
equator from the vernal to the autum
nal equinox, and south of the equator
until the 21st of March again.
Third. While the circle of illumina
tion, at any period of the year, bisects
the earth into two equal parts, yet its
location as to the sun's declination de
termines the length of days and nights
and the vicissitude of the seasons in
the temperate zones.
Fourth. On the 22d of June the sun's
declination is 23 degrees 28 minutes
north, and then shines beyond tho
north pole, giving the long polar day
and night alternately at the south
f ilth The sun appears above tue
horizon In the Arctic regions from
March 21 until Sept. 22. when the
dawn of the south polar begins, the sun
ascending above the horizon until
Dec 21,when it is midday at the south
pole, and midnight at the north pole
where it continues without the rays of
the sun until March 21. Man can only
conjecture the appearunce of the sun
in the polar regions as he majestically
seems to move horizontally in his
course around the sky. But he does
not reign supreme aud annihilate the
niirht. for she follows him iu his an-
pareutcourse disputing every inch of
territory ana casting ner manue over
one-halt or the globe. Ana noiwiut
standing the precession of the equinoxs,
they will staua tor many generations
aa there is no probable uunger or tneir
immediate extinction or abatement of
the equinoctial storms.
Editor of Tns Tribcni.
Sir: Referring to an article nnder the
above title wbicb appeared m last wedueS'
dnv's Tribune in answer to an article un
der a similar title which had appeared in
tne rree rress. Last t-unday's Mens
after an unworthy insinuation as to our
motive spoke as follow: "iuis paper
made no assertion that tbe days aud nights
are eaual all over the globe on Sept. -1
Any school Doy wno nas studied primary
geography knows better, and we did not
consider it necessary to specify where the
days and nights were ot equal lengtb on
tbat day, we assumed our readers knew
that without being told."
It is true that tbe correspondent did not
say that days and nights were equal on
Sept. 21, but be did say that they wero
equul all over tbe globe on Sept. '-3; at
least, we presume tbat be intended to say
wben be suoKe oi tue equinox as "ine
time when days and nignts are of equal
lengtb." and wben "Tne equality as to tne
lengtb of days and nights is tbe same in
all parts of tbe globe." I respectfully ask
tbe readers ot TUE TRIOUNC wbetber tney
would, from tbe above quotations, come
to any conclusion other than that he in
tended to say that day nnd night were
equal in all parts of the globe. But we are
persuaded now tbat ne meant only ise
what he succeeded to Say, namely, "Tbat
tbe equinox is the time when equality is
eqnality in all parts of the globe." Stripped
ot its ambiguity, the bare sentence would
read that: rue equinox is tne time wnen
equality is the same in all parts of the
globe." What a piece or information l
Little did we think that it was necessary
to Inform even the Bmall boy who is not
old enough to be a "school boy" of the
fact; so we took it lor granted that the
writer was still speaking of the equality of
dav and night: but It seems that ho bad
suddenly left tbat subject, and bad under
taken tbe arduous task of informing bis
readers "tbat equality is equality on the
datts mentioned in all parts of the
globe." Having "assumed that bis read
ers knew without being tola wnere day
and night are at equal length'" he would
do them no injustice to assume also that
they kuew "without being told" that
equality means the same thing at all times,
and in ail parts oc tne globe.
Ebeu P. Da vies,
BcnASTON, Pa., Sept. '2b. '
Editor of The Tnini'Nt:
Sir: It is beld by high ecclesiastical and
civil authority that no laws should be
panned regulating the observauce of day.
It is claimed that in themselves all days
are alike. Any one is just as good as an
other so far as the inherent worth is con
cerned. This is most cheerfully conceded
but no day stands or falls wholly npon its
own lutrluklo worth, social and political
and religious wants may and do invest
days with a certaiu moral value. Iutriu
sically Sunday may be worth no more tUnn
Friday: but no muu dare say tbat the two
days have the same moral effeot upon the
nation and the race. Keligious custom
bas so inwrought certain ordinances and
teachings of the fibre of tbe tlrst day of
the week, Lord's day or Sunday, tbat the
non-observauce ol the day by the nation
Involves the corrnption and overthrow ot
the fountains of national morality. No
nation can exist without morality.
Virine and intelligence do not spring
Into existence without an adequate cause.
There may be regular systematic teaching
to supply tbe moral qualities essential to
the existence ot the republic. Suppose
that tbe Lord s day should cease to D t ob
served. Lot a universal desecration of tbo
day reign throughout the nation. Then
from what source would be derived our
moral growth? Can we look to state or
municipal government for moral pabulum
necessary to keep the body polttie sound
No; for from year to year a secularism, iu
some cnsi'S approaching ntuoism, bas ex
eluded God and His word wholly from the
realm of civilizod education, bnall we
look to tbe daily newspapers? No, for
exists not to create a .moral sentiment re
qnisite to preserve peace aud order; but to
parade to tne vicious taste tuut oemnuus
a sensational paper, niled wun escapades,
divorces, seductions, murders ana what'
ever makes for moral ruin.
Shall we rely upon the political rostrum
to sunulv moral backbone? No. lor roliti
cian- are tjo busy defeatiug rivals aud
uiuklng their own calling and election
sure to sork moral reforms. Shall we look
to great railway corporations working for
the highest material and uiornl good c
their employes to assert and secure th
need of morality for citizenship? N, for,
as a rule, great corporations know and
seek solely their owu wealth. If moral
eduation come at all. It will spring not
from tbe secularized public school system,
nor from the political rostrum or Dress,
The moral health of the natiou will bo so'
cured only wben the Lord's day is devoted
to New Testsment religion, of which an
essential part must ever remain the moral
Hence, the people wbo constitute our
nation should bave access to the Lord's
day witb all its moraliziug influences. No
man should be forced to read bis Bible,
attend Sunday school or listen to preach
ins: but low. civil law should make it
possible for all who so wish to have the
boueflts that custom bas located in tbe
first day of the weok. Today not less
than two millions ot people are shut ou
of all participation in the blessings that
are touud In tue observance or me tiora s
dav. A cruel and avart. ious secularism
compels conductors, flagmen, brakemeo,
expressmen, postmen,' telegraphmen and
newspapermen to minister to necessary
wants. No civil or religious law forces
these men from the good which w loeated
in observing (be Lord's day. But tvranl
oal custom asyi It 1 your business to
serve on tbe Lord's day thouen tnat
service rob you of all pnrt or lot
iu the morality generated, fostered
nnd sustained by buudny education.
Either abandon your position or your
right to moral education on Sunday. This
is the issue. The sreat mass of men ad
just their moral natures to tbe situation.
lue conBCleuoe is weaKeued and Dy de
grees tbe moral luw perishes, Sunday dese
cration annually extends its way over a
mrer nuniDer or people aud tue mngni
tudu ot the evil by its very proximity is
overlooked. Let us shut the doors that
lead from tbe observance of the Lord's
day to moral ruin. Let us open tbe doors
tuut lead out ot tbe liotnlaiie cl avarice
and indifference. This liberty for thous
ands can be secured. United effort is
It may be objected that "religion Is
purely a personal and individual concern
and ran n-tverbe made tbe subject of hu
man legislation lu any manner;" but this
obji'ction Ignores tbe fact tbat while civil
law must leave the cnscisnce free to
worship as it chooses, murder, theft, adul
tery, slauder are forbidden by religion, and
that tbe state in legislating against tbem
does so far at least, by human legislation
encroach upon the domain of religion.
Moral law and civil law do, in pare, coin
cide. The state has a right to pans what
ever laws may be ensential to its exist
ence. A law to suppress th present in
fluence that destroys tbe citizenship of all
forced absentees from the bouse of God is
what the facts in tbe case absolutely de
The strong nrm of secularism bas forced
its wuy into the domaiu'ot religion. It
now waves an imperious scepter over mill
ions. It fears not God and regards not
man. Greedv cain reigns over tne vast
army of Sunday workers, caring not for
tbeir moral and re clous rights. It some
thing is not sneedilv doue to check and
suppress this uurighteous and unjust de
struction of the moral rights of so many
citizens, tbe moral contagion ot ijoru desecration will doom us to speedy
national docai aud deatb. Let all God's
neonle forget all their religious quarrels
and speculative differences and unite tor
tbe preservation and satetv i an KObP"!
ordinances aud privileges, Will tbey do it?
ltllV. V, M. KINTER.
Scrauton, Fa., Sept. '22.
Editor of tub Tribune:
Sir: Would you please allow me a
small space in your valuable paper to
prove to fit. Carter tbe ability ot 1. J
Davies as a teacher and composer? '.
will quote a few lines whicii appeared
in the Musical News of Ran iin. u pu-
tier which is nnblisbed in the interest of
musicians and edited by snoh a learned
gentleman as Stock Hammond, Mas,
Doc, of Beadinz:
Tho "Radiant Morn." composed by T. J,
Davis (Muu. Bsc), of Scranton, is a beau
tiful composition particularly well adapted
for nuartutte choir. Thero is a fund of
pure melody in all this yonng writer's
clever efforts and bis past writing is ex
cellent. Mr. Dans is a resideut of Scran
ton and that citv should be proud to
itossess a composer and teacher of such
nromluepco. Mr. Gwilym Amos, of
Wilkea-Barre: lira. Balckman and Mr,
Lewys Watcyn, of Scranton, have passed
the first examination lor oacneior in
muslo at Trimly university, Toronto,
Canada. Messrs. Amos and Watcyn passe l
first class. This miiUos twenty candidates
that have succeeded iu Trinity university
who have beeu prepared by T. J. Davies,
(Mus. Bacl. It is no wonder that Mr,
Davies is conceded to be one of the most
successful aud scholarly teachers iu PoiiU'
svlvania. A clauce through bis much ad'
mired compositions never fails to interest
the fancies of the modern musician.
Mr. Carter, your superior, has judged
M . Davies and finds in mm. a taleuied
mjslciau, and now we take no heed
to your newspaper pulls in trying to
lower your superior. A good tree produces
good fruit. Among Mr. Davis' pupils are
such eminent musicians as J. Hadyn
Morrs, mus. bac. organist of the Calvary
chnrch. New lork: Professor Harry Jones
the well known and educated basso in
I'hiladelnhia. and W. Rhys Herbert, mus,
bac. of llazletun. Is that not sufficient
frnit to prove Mr. Davies' ability? Mr.
Carter, heed what Schumann Bays, "Seek
anion z voar associates those who know
more than you." Thaukiug you for your
space, I remain very truly
Morris Tiiomas.
Scranton, Pa., Sept. 28, 18U1.
All Souls' Church Pine street noar
Adams avenue, Iiev. George W. Powell
pastor. Services today at VkH) a. m,
Thome, "If Unlversali-im Be True Why
Has it Not Grown Faster." and at 7:30 p,
m.. theme, "What is Conversion? Who
Are They That Need Converting." Strang'
ers welcome. Good muslo. come.
Pens Avenie Baptist Church The
pastor, Rev. Warren G. Partridgo will
preach at 10.9U a, m., aud 7.SJ p. m,
All are welcome.
The Second Piiesbyterias Church
Rev. Charles E. Robinson, D. D., pastor.
Services at 10.30 a, m.: Sunday school rally
at noon. Christian tnueavor prayer meet
ing at 0.30 p. in. Mr. Fred Sbiviera will
proach at the morning service, with Mr
Weeden to sing Tney will both tuko part
nlso in the Sunday school rally immediate
ly after the morning service. The con
gregation is invited to unite with tho
First Presbyterian church in tbe eveuiug,
when the pastor, Rov. Dr. Robinson, will
At the Simpson Methodist CncRCH
Love feast In the nioruiug at 9 o'clock.
Preaching nt 10:31) by Rev. J. G. Eckmau.
In the eveuiug the pastor, R-v. Dr. L. C.
Floyd, will conduct tbo communion ser
vice and receive members luto the church,
beat 8 free.
First Baptist Church Pastor Collins
will preach next Sabbath at 10.30 s. ni. and
7.30 p.m. Morning theme, "The Smitten
Roclt." Evening theme, "Dead Fuitb."
Seats free; all wolcome.
Grken Ridce Baptist Church, Rev. W.
J. Ford, pastur Services at 10.30 a.m. nnd
7.30 p.m. Subject in the moruiug, "The
Cliri-tian's Hope; " in tbe evening, "The
Ninth Comuiaudment."
Trinity English Lutheran Church,
Adams aveuue, corner Mulberry street
Rev. E. L. Miller, puslor. Tue holy com
munion will be celubrated at the morning
service. Evening service at 7.30. Pews
are free and visitiug worshippers are al
ways welcome.
Elm Park Methodist Episcopal
Church, W. H. Pearce, pastor. Morning
subject, "Added Service." In tbe evening
Rev. J. G. Eckman, presiding elder of
Wyoming district, will preach, lu idny
school at 'i p.m. Epworth league at 6.30
Grace Reformed Episcopal Church
Wyoming avenue, near Mulberry street.
Divine worship at 10:30 a. in., 7:30 p.m.
Sabbath school at the close of morning
worship. Young People's Society Chrit
tian Endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Preaching bv
tho pastor. Morning subject, "Sowing,"
Ecclesiastics xi., 6. Evening subjnet, "The
Cleansing of the Leper." Leviticus xiv.,'J.
St. Lukic's Parish Rev. Rogers Israel,
recti 'r.. Nineteen ih Sunday after Trinity;
8a. m., holy communion; 10:30a in., ser
vice aud sermon; 2:30 p. ni., Sunday school;
7:80 p. m., evening prayer and sermon.
St. Luke's Mission, Duumore Rev. A.
L, Urban in charge. 8 p. m., Suuday
school. ; 4 p. in., eveuiug prayer and ser
mon. Grace English Lutheran CnuRCH
Rev. Foster U, Gift, pastor. Services on
Sunday at the Y. M. C. A. at 10:30 a. ni.
und soug service at 7:30 p. m. Suuday
school at:i:V0 a. m. Everybody wel
come. First Presbyterian CnuRcn, Rev.
James McLeod, D. D., pastor Diviue ser
vice 10.30 a.m.. 7.30 p.m. Dr. McLeod will
preach in the morning. Dr. Robinson will
preach iu the evening, wben the First aud
Second churches will unite in the First
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For nearly fifty years this wonderful rem
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ittired. It la thus tbatthe HEADY RKLIEi
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In using medicines to atop pain we should
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Opium, Morphine, Ether, Gncaine and Chloral
Biop jiuju uy uufuruyuia uo neumj ui iciuui'
tion, when the patient loses the power of
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tien; it masks thi- symptoms, shuts tip, and,
instead of removing trouble, brooks down
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tinued for a length oi time, kills tbe nerves
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There is no necessity for using those un
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HAD WAY'S READ if RELIEF will stop the
most excruciating pain quloker, withont en
tailing the leat dilflculty lu either infant or
Summer Complaints
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus.
A half to a teaspoonful ol Ready Relief in
a half tumbler of water, repeated as often
as the discharges continue, and a flannel sat
urated with Ready Roliof placed over tha
stomach and bowels, will afford immediate
relief and to in effect a cure.
A half to a teapoonful in half a tumbler of
water will in a few minutos cure Cramps,
Spasms, Hour Stomach, Heartburn, Nervous
ness, Sleeplessness, Siok Headache, Diarrhea.
Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency and all internal
Kot only cures the patient seized with this
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tricts, where the Malaria or Ague exists, bai
if pooplo exp ose l to It will every morning,
on getting out of bed, take twentr or tuirt y
drops of the Ready Relief in water, and eat,
say, a cracker, tbey will euape attacks. This
must be done before going out.
1 here is not a remedial aneut in the world
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Malarious, Bil.ous aided by RADW.iY'8
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50c. Per Bottle. Sold bv Druaatsts.
The Great Liver and Stomsch Remedy
For tho cure of all disorders of tbe Stomach,
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rrioe, 26 cents per box. Sold by all drug
Dr. Bad way's PlUs ara a cure for this oom
pluint. They restore strength to the stomsoh
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If-Sond a letter stamp to DR. RADWAY
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It will positively romove Fraeklea, Tmm)
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eeds and
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Guano, Bone Dust
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City Music Store,
Aiwa lart stsek at flns-slasi
uvmo, urn. era
Third Mod
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
This baak offer to depositors overy
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Bpvcial atlaiitli.a given to bn.lneas
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GEO. n. CATLIN, Vice-l'rBildent
1TII1 lam fAtifinll. frr. IT Ciktlla
Alfrrd Hand. James Arohbald. U
Delia, Jr., William I. oUB- Latuet
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wen man
of Me.
THE GREAT fmth Dny.
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Youhk muu will regain their lost maubood, and old
men will recover their youthful vntor by using
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Is .(treat nerve tonlo aud blood builder, bring
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storing the fire of youth. It ward, off Insanity
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4 1 .OU per package, or sil for WS-OO, with a po.1
live written eunrantee to cure or refund
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For sale by Matthews Tiros,
Scranton , l'a.