The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 29, 1894, Image 8

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M viocial
H Personal j
Little can be said of the social world
except in the perspective sense. Tue
week just passed witnessed no formal
or other affairs but there baa been more
or less food for anticipation in the
many coming weddings of wellknown
people, mention of which is made in
this column.
A large number of relatives and
friends of Joseph Archbald, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Archbald, of Jefferson
avenue, will witness his marriage to
Miss Bessie Baird, at Pottsville, next
Wednesday. The Scranton party will
leave here at 7.45 o'clock the day of the
wedding in a special car attached to
the regular Delaware and Hudson
train. At Wilkes-Barre the car will be
transferred to the Lehigh Valley rail
road, over which the trip will be con
tinued to Pottsville.
The ceremony will be performed at
8 o'clock in the First Presbyterian
church. The maid of honor will be
Miss Margaret Thompson, of Potts
ville, and the bridesmaids will be Miss
Archbald and Miss Augusta Archbald,
Scranton; Miss Holmes, Albany; Miss
Marie Thompson, Miss Lee aiid Miss
Russell, Pottsville. James Archbald,
ir., a brother of the groom, will be the
best man. and Dr. Alfred Hand, jr.,
Philadelphia; F. G. Fisher, Chicago;
A. G. Hunt, Scranton; F. C. Pratt,
Hartford; J. C. Dann, Buffalo; Carl
Miller, New Rochelle, N. Y., will be
the ushers.
James Archbald and family and A.
G. Hunt will go to Pottsville on Mon
day and among those who will com.
prise the special party of Wednesday
are Judge and Mrs. it. W. Archbald,
Miss Nan Archbald, Mr. and Mrs. G.
H. Catlin, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Simp
son, Major and Mrs. Everett Warren,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Welles, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kingsbury, Mrs. R. J. Een
nell, Miss Bennell, Mrs. Masser, Mrs.
Henry Belin, jr., Mrs. N. G. Robert
son, Mrs. E. L. Allen, Mrs. Powell,
Mrs. Allen, Miss Hunt, Miss Holmes,
Honesdnle; J. W. Oakford.
. Miss Baird is an orphan and a niece
of Heber 8. Thompson, manager of the
Glrard estate trusts in and about Potts
ville. Miss JesBie Pennypacker and T.
Cramer von Storch will be married in
St. Luke's Episcopal church Thursday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. A reception will
follow at the home of Miss Penny
packer's mother, Mrs. Jennie Penny
packer, on Terrace row
Miss Margaret Fiuley, daughter of
r. u. xiniey, win ue married on Wed
nesday next to Mr. Adams, of Califor nia.
The ceremony will be attended
by only the immediate friends and
relatives at the home of Miss Finley's
parents, 444 Jefferson avenue.
The marriage of Miss Kate Jay to
T)..n n t ?. ii.- r
.iwnu u. jeiiuyu win occur eunes
day, Oct. 10, at the home of the bride
elect's parents, 014 Spruce street. They
will reside in Oswego, N Y., where
Mr. Jermyn is engaged in business.
A weddintr of the near future will be
that of Miss Cora Brooks, daughter of
n. u. urooKs, to vvillara Matthews.
The latter is a son of (J. P. Matthews.
The Mendelssohn Glee club was en
tertained bv Judee and Mrs. R. W.
Archbald at their residence on Monroe
avenue Thursday evening.
Personal Mention:
E. 3. Mishler, of Reading, spent yeiter
day in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis have returned
from their weddiDg trip.
Miss Welles, of this city, will not return
from Europe until ADril.
. Miss Clara Simpson leaves for Miss Ely's
ftew York school next week.
Dr. H. E. Lntz has retnrned from a trip
Hi. muumure anu wasniDglou.
Henry June, of Towanda, Pa., is viait
lngMiss Hereon, of Qtiincy avenue.
Miss Sue Pyle, of Moscow, it In the city,
the guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. 8. Birnes.
Ml RallU nvnlt rf Pllnfnn M V I.
visiting Mrs. E. B. Qermyn, of Jefferson
' Miss Augusta Archbald, is in Pottsville,
, visiting her brother's nance, Hiss Baird.
' William Hanley, Jr., will spend Sunday
at Easton with Lafayette college friends.
Miss Belin sailed from Antwerp Satur
day and is expected in Scranton early next
Christian Gerstonecker has relinquished
his business position in Brandt, Pa., and
has returned to this city.
E. B. Bylngton, passenger agent of the
Lehigh Vulley company, was registered at
the Westminster yesterday.
Mis Annie Hand, of Jefferson avenue,
left Wednesday for Brooklyn, N. Y.,
where she is a student at a school on the
- P. L. Phillips, of the Traders' bank, and
nuiiaj., uavo rMirueu irom uiara s ureen,
where they spent the summer, and are at
.1..:. i. j i ti . '
tucir uuuio iu ureen mage.
Bev. Dr. Tnrrov nf runnil r v
who has frequently preached in Scranton,
is unexpected to live. His son, James H
iTorrey, of this city, is at his father's bed
Professor Putnam and Mistes Leigbton,
BfittlfM and Mnrrta all laaffhaM in m.v.
lie schools of Towanda, were in the city
yesterday and made a tour of observation
luung lue scnoois.
Professor H. D. Walker, one of the old
est school instructors In the state, and ai
old-time graduate of Brown university, i
in the city in the interest of the People'
Encyclopedia company.
V. W. C. A. NOTES.
The Sunday service for voiinc women
will be conducted by Mr. Scbieverea and
Mr. Weeden tomorrow at 4 o'clock in
Linden street tent. All young women in-
Applications for daces in tha ednca.
tinnal, industrial and gymnasium clauses
win oe received alter Uct. l. Informa
tion concerning the classes will be given
a iueomce.
Miss a Lots Bhardlow. the physical di
rector, returned today after an extended
vacation and will be pi ad to welcome
former and new pupils after Oct. 1 at
tue rooms.
lta Celebration Will Begin at Sanest on
On Sunday evening next at innset
the Jewish year 6054 will have bean
gathered to its fathers, and the new
year OUOO. according to the Jewish oal
endar, will be ushered in with the de
vout prayers of every Israelite. Rosh
Hashono and Yam Klppnr tha day of
atonement which latter ooours on
Wednesday, Oct. 10, are the great Jew
ish religious holidays, and every Jew,
no matter how seldom he visits tut
synagogue during the year, ia to be
found there on the Jewish New Year's
Eve and at the morning ssrvioti held
on New Year's Day. At all the syna-
pognes, orthodox and reformed, ser
vices wlil be held on Sunday night and
Monday morning. Augmented choirs
and sermons SDDropriate to the occa
sion, as well as deooratlons of plants
and nowers in the crowded synagogues,
win make the day memorable.
A feature of the moruing servie-s on
New Year's Day will be the blowing of
tbeshofar, or the ram i horn, peculiar
to that day. Tbt Jewish New Year is
a time of rejoining and merry-making,
rurally reunions and similar festivities.
The orthodox Jews seleorate Tuesday
nlso, the holidays lasting from sunset
on Sunday to starlight on Tuesday.
At the Theaters,
"Wife for Wife" will be the attraction
at the Academy of Music this evening. The
Philadelphia Ledger says: "That ro
mance melo-arama. 'Wile lor wire.'
amused a large audience at tha National
theater Inst night. The mot is laid in the
south during the period fjjust previous to
toe war, ana the character delineations, to
gether with the absorbing action of the
piay, allow the interest at no time to nag."
T t t
Of that famous vocal orcauization. the
Silver Lake quartette, that will appear
with Mead, the lecturer, at the Fro thin g
ham next Monday night, the Chattanooga
Times says: "The singing captured every
body, ltis speech was original, unique and
T t t
One of the best paring attractions on
the road will make its last appearnuce at
the Frotbiueham on next Wednesday
evening. John L. Sullivan In "A True
American" is a consDicuous nttura on the
dramatic horizon at present. The piece
was written especially for Mr. Sullivan
by Lawyer Edmund E. Price, of New
lorn, f rom the moment wueu Mr. Sulli
van, as John Desmond, arrives on tbe
stage the interest never flags. The second
and third acts gives a programme of well
selected specialties, and tbe last act serves
as a sort of climax, for it is then that tbe
redoubtable and long invincible John L. is
nimseir, ana givos an exhibition or tbe
manly art of boxing that is all too short
in tbe opinion of the audiences.
t t t
Aognstos Thomas, the author of "Ala
bama," was for many years a reporter on
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. His salary
was ws per ween. Hive years ago be
turned his attention to play writing. He
is worth 2110,000 today. His most success
ful play, "Alabama," will be presented at
tbe Frotbioptaam next Thursday evening
for the benefit of the stage employes.
t t t
Manager Bcrrandcr of the Academy of
Musio writes as follows to This Tbibune
concerning those attractions tbit will be
seen at his house next week: "I am
pleased to call special attention to the pro
duction Monday evening of tbe delightful
comedy 'The Amazons' from tbe Lyceum
theater, New York, with Johnstone Ben
nett, Isabella Irviug, Elaine EIIUod, Ida
Vernon, Lonise Lyle, George Ellison,
Beaumont Smith, Lorimer Stoddart and
others in the cast. The novelty of its con
struction, the oddity of some of the ladies
in Dioomer costumes ana the general
modern idea of the plot makes it a truly
dellghtfnl performance. Those who fail
to attend will miss one of tbe roost
thoroughly enjoyable and refined enter
tainments that we will have this season.
"Tuesday evening. Oct. 2. Primrose and
West's colossal aggregation of minstrel
talent, forty white aud thirty black, will
give a unique entertainment deserving
patronage of all who appreciate original
ity, eutorpnze and liberality. Nothing
of this kind has ever before been at
"Thursday. Oct. 4. JoseDh S. Hawortb.
M. A. Kennedy, Charles B. Hanford,
Charles Abbott, Isabelle Evesson, Maud
Haslain, Mrs, E. A. Eberle and others will
present in au elaborate form Lester Wal
laek's pleuaantly remembered play, 'Roe
dale.' The production is of exceptional
merit and refreshing to tbeater-goers who
do not care for, or who have been surfeited
with farce comedy. It is a legitimate
dramatic performance.
"1 make this timely announcement of
these three special entertainments, to en
able those may desire to have an evening
of much pleasure to make tbe arrange
ments itccord i ugly, aud not miss them. I
appreciate the confidence of tbe patrons
of tbe Academy of Musio for my special
indorsements, aud know that by comply
ing witn my suggestion it will add to the
fact that L irrespective of pecuniary con
siderations, recommend specially only
entertainments worthy tbe patronage of a
uiscriminating puuuc.
V. M. C. A. NOTES.
The men's gospel meeting At 3.45 tomor
row afternoon will be especially bright
and attractive. The songs and addresses
will deal especially with "Hindrances iu
beginning Christian life.
At 8. 30 tomorrow afternoon in the rail
road department Secretary Pearsall will
conduct a Bible cluss: subject "Ruth's
As a result of the reception on Thurs
day evening forty-three new members
were enrolled with Secretary JUaby, all
boing $7 subscribers.
The boy orator and boy soprano of New
York will appear at tbe rooms during next
Tlonttdale Tier aid.
The Cambro-American Concert com
pnny composed of our former townsmen
Joseph Barns, Miss Allen, of Scranton, and
others under tbe direction of Professor
Haydn Evans, are now giving concerts in
Wales to enthusiastic audiences. Monday's
scranton tribune contains a most en
tertaining letter from MivsSadieE. Kaiser,
the soprano of tbe troupe.
According to ber account of it our folks
are having a most delightful time and are
being recuived everywhere iu the most
cordial munner. she states that music is
much more generally cultivated there than
with us. In the Rhondda valley, where
the company is at present, there are about
800,000 people, the villages fuirly jostling
each other, so close are tbey. Tbe scenery
is delightful and tbe people seem to be
nappy, we are pleased to know tbat our
young folks are having so good a time.
isn ' t neces
sary .now
Carlsbad is
At leair, the
hea th-giving
part of it is,
You get every
curative qual
ity that has
famous for
hundreds of
years in the
Sprudel Salt
and Water,
the genuine
is if you get
Beware of the many worthless
imitations sold as "improved'
or "artificial" Carlsbad Salt,
These are onld a mixture of com
mon Glauber Salt or Seidlitz
Powder, sold by unscrupulous
dealers for the greater profit they
yield. Take the genuine import
ed natural remedy only, which
has the signature of "Eisner &
Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New
York," on every bottle.
Write for pamphlet.
Current Topics in (be Fogy City Entertain
ingly Discussed.
Brief and Interesting Sketch of the
Life of the Late Royalist A Remark
able Career of Unrest The Expert
ence of the Count in the United
States Army A Daring Robbery.
Corbett Not Wanted In England.
Word About Yachts Success of
Nellie Farren.
Sptcial Correipontltnet of the Tribttni.
London, Seut. 15. The most nota
ble event this past week has been a
sad one. I refer, of course, to the death
of the Comte do Parisv His loss will
be felt more in ingianu tnan iu tne
land of his birth. For many years oft
and on he has resided in England.
The late cointe's residence at Btowe
Buckingham is a beautiful house sur
rounded by well timbered grounds and
commanding a glorious view. He was
a just and generous landlord and a
charitable gentleman. His illness has
lasted over two years, cut uas been
kept very quiet, and toward the last
he suffered terribly with the greatest
His career was a curious one. At
the age of 4 he and his brother were
robbed of a good father, who was
killed through jumping from a car
riage the horses of which were run
ning away. lie bad married a uer
ninn princess wiio had been a good and
faithful wife, their union being in
every way a happy one. The widow
devoted all her attention to her little
sous, the comte and his brother, the
Uuc de unartres, and tney were pro
vided with the best of tutors. The
comte proved au apt scholar and made
rapid progress. Misfortune set in
when his grandfather, Louis Phillipe,
abdicated in his favor, the French ob
jecting to the rule or a woman, and it
was necessary that the comte's mother
should rule his actions. The people
also held strong objoctions to the Due
de Nemours as regent. Consequently
a provisional government was drawn,
the duohess and her sons listening to
the speeches thai expelled them from
their Home, xuey were ouugeu to ny
the chamber owing; to the mob break
ing in, the little boys being separated
lrom their mother and only being res
cued with dilllculty.
All hows of a monarchv belnir at an
end they fled to Belgium, and from
thence on to jungiana. me aucness
died in 1849 aud in 1800 the comte and
his brother paid a visit to the east,
and the comte started on his literary
career by publishing an accouut of the
In 18G1 they journeyed to America
and joined the forces of General Mc
Clellan, witnessing the various strug
gles at loriuown, wuuarasburg, air
Oaks and Gaines' mill. Owing to the
interference of Napoleon, however,
they retired, and returned to England
the following year. In 1871, the ban
ishment law being repealed, the uuKes
again entered France aud lived quietly
at Eu. The death of the Comte do
Chambord, however, again brought
trouble and pretext was soon made for
further banishment.
After a further visit to the States the
comte resided quietly at Btowe until
his death. He died surrounded by his
family, including his eldest daughter.
the Queen ot Portugal, ana nis son, tne
Due d'Orleans. His tenants and neigh'
bors will miss him greatly. His funeral
was very impressive and attended by
several princes anu many noble per
sonages. Mis literary euoris luciuueu
the eight-volume history of the war of
Y i.i... r a i.. .,! t
geccsHiuu, it uiMiury ui uuuo uuiuuinui
In England, ana numerous smaller
works and magazine articles.
A history attaches to the tri-coioi ed
flag that rested on the coffin. When
the Comte de Paris was driven a sec
ond time from his fatherland he em-
bar-ed on a little vessel by name
'Victoria." In honor of tbe count
she carried the tri colored flag, which
the captain presented to him as a me
mento. The comte cherished the flag
and kept it on his study shelf until the
dav of his death. Btraugcly enough
the little piece of bunting was all that
remained of the "Victoria," as she was
totally wrecked In the channel two
years later.
n.. ...1 ...
Hie uuc U'urieaus, wuo succeeueu
his father, is a line looking young rel
low. Up to the prcseut he has been
somewhat go-ahead and was connected
with the Madame Melba divorce case.
He achieved considerable, but fleeting
popularity when he defied the exile
law ana returned to raris ami ciaimea
to serve as a conscript. He took the
occasion after his father's funeral to
address a few words to his followers.
Who knows what mny not happen to
favor the young man, as the country
whose throne he aspires to is very
fickle and changes its front in a tew
A daring robbery has been commit
ted at the general postofllce. A porter,
whilst earring three mall bags contain
Ine registered letters from the mail-cart
to the sorting room, was intercepted by
a postman and relieved of the bags, It
never entered the porter's head that
the man was a thief aud ho returned
for another load. But on checking the
bncs three had mysteriously disap
peared. A few days later fifty pounds
was exchanged at the postoftice for
postal orders, the notes being indorsed.
The notes turned out to be amougst
those stolen in the bags. The indorse
ments were compared with the em
ployes' handwritings and the thief was
Boon cornered. The man was engaged
to be married on nineteen shillings per
week or about $4.50.
At a general court of the proprietors
of the Bank of England a great scene
occurred owing to one or two members
requiring to know the particulars of
the last cashier's (Mr. May) several
transactions. Mr. May played a great
deal into the hands of his sons, who
were stockbrokers, and it is Btated that
25,000 was lost over various transac
tions. He quoted several Instances
and when he bad finished the governor
stated that he bad a letter from Adrian
Hope (one of the persons mentioned)
stating that he did not authorize the
statements circulated, and that al
though he certainly lost something by
Mr. May's advice, he was fully satis
fled with all arrangements made by
the bank to recompense him. His
statements were regarded as wholly
satisfactory aud the rest of the pro
ceedings were amicable:. Among other
statements that which pertained to
the "Baring smash" was of a reassur
ing nature, as there seems little doubt
that no loss will fall upon the guaran
tors. ... . i
Boo-hoo! Corbett says he will not
fight in England, not even if he was
given Windsor bastlle. We don't want
to give him Windsor bastlle; it Co&t too
much to furnish. And, stiungeto say,
we don't want Corbett! Admirers of
the iistlc art (?) are sick of big fights
and find more fun and determined
pluck among the lesser lights of the
profession, and of a surety it costs less.
ii n ii
A subcommittee has met to consider
the best means of checking the ten
dency to cut away the hulls of yachts
underwater. They consider that the
cutting away process has gone far
enough, but recommend that before
altering any rule an attempt should be
made to introduce an International
rating principle, and suggested that
negotiations should be forthwith
opened with the New York Yacht club
with the view or bringing about this
Anyone from the old country and
many who have only visited it will
know the name of Nellie Farren, the
burlesque actress, and will rejoice with
her at the instantaneous success of her
son Farren Sou tar, as an actor. He
appeared as Bobbie Itlvers in the
"Gaiety Girl" and made a great hit,
his dancing and singing pleasing the
audience greatly.
The lords aud commoners are scat
tered far and wide. A few have re
tired to their country seats for a per
fect rest, aud many have gone abroad,
amongst the latter being Sir William
vernon uarcourt, wiio bas naa a very
trying ordeal to pass through during
his first year as leader of the house of
commons, lie has had to Keep so
many sections of the Liberal party in a
good numor. JSoth the boot en ana
Welsh contingents have proved can
tankerous at times, and the Irish have
more than once broken into open re
volt. During the recent session fifty-
three bills were introduced and thirty-
seven have become law, so Sir William
nas certainly sometning to be proud or.
But considerable apprehension is felt
by the government at the failure of
tne big Irish measure. The ma ority
being composed purely of Irishmen,
who if they revolt and there is every
indication that they' will will of a
surety upset the Liberal party's power.
Eir wiuiam. wnen ne went awav.
looked very jaded and showed slgDS of
oreaKiug; lie was tne recipient ot a
kindly letter from Lord Roseberry,
wishing him good health, good weath
er and strength for the coming winter
!l II II
Amonirst other important bills Sir
William hopes to introduce during the
winter session a bill giving effect to a
resolution passed in the commons last
year recommending payment or mem
bers, jonn Money is visiting Andrew
Carnegie at Cluny Castle, which is the
millionaire's favorite residence. It is
an interesting place and is the property
or me cniet ot tbe Clan Macpnersou
The castle with its square tower and
small turrets is about looyears old only.
tne preceding buuctng naving been
burnt down by the king's troops in a
Jacobite rising. The estate comprises
several thousands of acres, but is much
smaller tnan it used to be.
Southend seems to be a happv haven
for suicides and murders. Two suicides
have taken place there this week, and
a great deal of concern was occasioned
there owing to the sudden disappear
ance of a good looking girl. She was
eventually discovered at a married
sister's house at liourford. In the
police court the girl told an extra
ordinary story. Her "young man"
was in a despondent state and the girl
proposed to nim that tney should die
together, consequently she left her
home suddenly and met him near
itourtord in fessex where he took and
gave her a dose of poison, but it was
not strong euougn and alter enduring
it an hour sue told him to stab her
which he did in the neck. After a
while she told him to stab her again
and the unfeeling wretch indicted a
wound on her breast and again on the
neck But it was not to be, for neither
died and they took separate trains, she
going to Rourford where a doctor pro
nounced tne wounds not dangerous.
The heartless lover is suffering from
the eileets of a cut throataud will have
to answer iu a police court.
I, II Ii
A man of the name of John Davies
has just died. Davies was one of the
very few survivors of the "Light Bri
gade, whose famous charge Tennyson
has Immortalized. He served tbrougn
the Ciunean campaign, sharing in the
perils and dangers of that awful war.
But John Davies has had an ample re
ward, lor did he not die in a work
house? He, poor fellow, was admitted
in an advanced state or consumption,
and a tund is being raised in tiiedis
trict of Kettering, where the work
house is situated, to give this member
of the "noble six hundred" a prlval
funeral. Another death of interest is
that of George Barrett, the brother of
Wilson .Barrett, the actor. George
was only forty five and started life in
a printing office, but he soon followed
in the footsteps of his brother and took
to the stage. His two great successes
were in the "Silver King." when be
played the part of Juikcs. aud as the
grave digger in "Hamlet." He was
well liked aud will be greatly missed
ll II II
A smart capture by a detective of an
Americau who was "wanted" on the
other side is reported by a Liverpool
paper. He was traced to one of tbe
boats running between Liverpool and
North Wales. The "tec" started for
Llandudno by train, but arrived at the
pier to see the boat making olt with
his quarry on board. A knowledge of
tbis part or tne country served bun
well and he took an immediate train
to Bangor, where he took a cab a mile
and a half to Garth Point. The boat
was in sight and he must reach Beau
maris before it arrived, so he offered
some boatman ten shillings to land
him at Beaumaris pier, which is three
miles across the water, before the
steamer arrived. The rowers did a
record aud reached their goal two min
utes before the boat arrived, when Mr,
Detective calmly awaited its arrival
and secured his prey.
The Bev. A. W. Carlisle has just de
livered a violent sermon on tne "Liv
ing Pictures" at the music halls, de
claring tfcem to be powerful entice
ments to sin. A representative of the
morning newspaper on reading an ac
count of the sermon, persuaded the
reverend gentleman to accompany him
to see a series or tbe onendlng pictures.
At the Empire the clergyman expressed
nimseir as wen pleased witn tne beau
tiful presentiments of noted painters,
but at the Palace he was far more
shocked, and one or two pictures such
as "The Storm" and "A Naiad" were
severely reprobated. He declared one
picture, "The Polar Star," consisting
oi saia star ana an exquisitely iormea
woman witn very little on, to be dan
gerous in its beauty. He had a chat
with tbe manager afterward and
especially depreciated the offensive
"foiar Btar," but the manager saia
that she was in no danger of contami
nation on his stage and be thought
that she was a lucky young lady to
possess a ngure tnat oiougnt o a
wees. .
The Dunottar Castle, a fine steamer
trading between England and the
Caie. narrowly escaped being wrecked
not long ago. tsne was ruatung for
Plymouth in a dense fog when the cry
we'nt up of "breakers ahead." Tbe
engines were put full speed astern and
in auotber moment tier bow grazed
the rocks with a dull scraping sound.
The fog lifted and the Eddystone light
was just anead or them, it was some
time before the ship drew off and
glided serenely into deep water again.
The damage done was very slight,
but a Jobannesbury man who was on
board, Informed me tbat several ladies
fainted, and that had the boat been
going full speedon,a miracle could only
nave averted a terrible wreck. While
on the sabject of boats I would men
tion the new Peninsular and Oriental
company's new steamer, the Caledonia,
On her trial trip in the Clyde she easily
did nineteen knots, her engines indi
cating 11,000 horse power. She is fully
expected to take the London mails via
the Suez canal to Bombay in twelve
and a hair days, and to Adelaide,
South Australia, in twenty-five days.
Things are exceedingly flat in the
sporting world. Cricket is now over,
and Surry, a southern county, bos
again won the championship. York
shire had very hard luck in not being
bracKetea witn tiieir soutnern rivals,
their last match, in which thev held a
strong lead, not being finished owing
to bad weatner and consequently be
ing drawn, whereas had they won the
match they would likewise have come
out "on top." The team from South
Ainca that has been trying its luck
over here this summer is now return
ing. The captain says that they have
only taaen ouo in gate money, conse
quently the gentlemen bold enough to
guarantee their expenses will have to
ante up VI shillings in the 1. Other
wise the tour has been a success. One
of the team, a sterling bat, in the per
son of Sewell. will stav over and Qual
ify for Gloucestershire. They have
several times got into monetary dim
cultles, from which 'they have been
rescued in a liberal manner bv South
African merchants and Sir Donald
Currie, the steamship owner.
The brilliant yachting duels between
the Vigilant aud the Britannia are,
alas, at aneud, if all that is said be
true. Certain enough it is that the
Prince of Wales has telegraphed to his
captain scratching his yacht for all en
gagements this season, owing to the
sad drowning of the mate and one of the
crew of the Britannia. Captain Carter
is very sad at the loss of his trusty
compauion aud was not at all sorry to
finish racing this year. The Mguunt,
too, has been "in the wars," but is now
racing again. During tbe repairs to
ber center board the latter twice sun it
and had to be recovered by means iof
divers. The German emperor is select
ing new designs for a yacht for next
season, it is to be built in Germany.
This is a new departure, and the
yacht's appearance next season will be
a matter of Interest. The champion
swimmer of America, James McCus-
ker, and James Jr inner, a one-time
ciiampion of England, are matched to
swim a mile at Blackpool, but very
little interest attaches to tiie race, as
unless the American has gone oil con
siderably it is a foregone conclusion for
Miss Francis Grey, doctor of laws, is a
strauge young woman, in appear
ance she Is tall and slender, pretty, and
has a pleasant voice and is anything
but a "bluestocking," being fond of
tennis aud other games, bhe studied
law more for an outlet for her excep
tional abilities than anything else, but
has no intention ot practicing, bhe is
excellent at languages and drawing,
and is very tond ol music, bhe was
engaged to be married to a young doc
tor, but the poor fellow died ou the
very clay nxed lor the wedding, anu
Miss Grey is seeking congenial work
to drown' her grief. She entertains the
highest opinions or the American
methods of education how she would
"get on" on the other side ! There is
so mucn more cuance tor a ciever wo
man in the new world.
ii II II
Whv do people make tTiemselves so
obnoxious wbeu traveling? bix ng
lish excursionists, aud certainly hor
rible "cads," were arrested at Boulogne
on tbe trench coast. The good people
of that sunny little town were cele
brating the festival of the assumption
of the Virgin Mary. The blackguards
iu uuestiou ridiculed the procession ana
amongst other things affected to go
round witn the nat. ine outraged
gendarmes promptly ran them in aud
they remained iu prison for two days,
the captain or the boat re Rising to in
tercede for them and rightly so.
in tbe band of a Bunreon
Elves you a feeling ot
orror and dread. There
18 no longer necessity for
its use In manr diseases
formerly regarded as in-
I curable, without cutting.
w i l . .
me iriumpn oi
Conservative Surgery
Is well illustrated by tbo
iaci tnat
iiwi iw.8nowrot
ically cured without the Icnlfo and without
pain. ClumBy, dialing trusses can be thrown
away 1 xney never euro dui oiwn iuuuw iu
A..Mnt..n Mnmilntlnn anil Hnntli
HHMIIliniK'li, oil HUB UllH'H aii M, i. vi. .
TIIMURn Ovarian, Fibroid (Uterine) and
I UlCIUIIv) many others, are now removed
without the Dcrlls of cuttinir operations.
Pll F TilMORQ however large. Fistula
rllX lUIIIUrtO. and other diseases of
the lower bowel, are permanently cured with-
mit nnln nr rennrt t.n thn knife.
CT hwC in the Illadder, no matter bow
J I U II I. large. Is crushed, pulverized, wash
ed out and perfectly removed without cutting.
CTRIPTIIRC of Ufinary Passage is also
OI nlwl UnC removed without cutting in
hundreds of cases. For pamphlet, references
and all particulars, send 10 cents (in stamps)
to World's Dispensary Medical Association,
No. otsi Alain Btreet, uunaio, . i.
MITCH SnOS C..Ioe,p. Capital, 11.000,000.
"A dollar $ared It a dollar tamed." K
This Ladles' Solid French DongoU BJd But
ton Boot dellvorad tn anywhu in tin U.S., on
rtcMptori'uft, Money vraer,
or Potl Not for U0.
Equal every way th boot
old in all retail store for
ti.60. W mak thl boot
outmItm, therelor we guar
antit Mi Jit, ttylt and wmr.
and if aay one it not utliflcd
.'V. i. '
wm remoa in moaey
rnd another pair. Opera
To or Common Bene.
WIQIO v, a. a, m nn..
ilte I to 8 ana Btir
jlu. Btndyourtltt;
vlll nt you.
LIeytod Sunc n7W"EM. ST.,
ioteial lermt ft JHaltr.
J. M. SHKFFli'.LD.
711 Scranton street Scranton, Pa.
Uatlers or General Interest Concerning Art
ists at Home and Abroad.
Successful Organization of an Ora
torio Society A Handsome Dona
tion for Free Tuition Sight Read.
Ing Work of Mr. Morgan's Pupil.
The Symphony Orchestra at Work.
Brief Mention of the Movements of
Local Instructors and Composers.
The interest of Scrantoniana In mnaln
is illustrated in the announcement
made by Dr. Leete. prejldent of the
ssranton urmorio society, to the effect
that a well-known business man of the
city has denoted $230 to tbe soelety to
be mtd in paying the membership fees
of people who have mnslcnl talent but
do not feel able to spare the sash for
mnsieal instrnotion. Tbis will pay
doss for tbe first qnarter for nearly
eighty people. Tbis will afford
grand opportunity to those not feeling
to meet the requirements of fees, to
become members of this society. All
applicants are requested to meet Mr.
Lindsay next Monday nltrtit over
Powell s Musio stor from 7.4-j to 10.
t t t
t)n Friday evening; W, J. Wee-
den, father of the young vocalist who
has charmed the attendants at the tent
meetings with bis magnificent voice,
after tbe rendition of Tallia Morgan's
latest song, announeed tbat be was just
about to publish a book of songs and
tbat tbe work was ready for the prin
ter. He said, however, that while in
tbis city be had been so favorably Im
pressed with tbe musio in Mr, Morgan's
compositions that he bad decided to
destroy the plates of six musical cum
bers tbat bad been prepared for the
book in order to make room for Mr.
Morgan's compositions, which ha re
garded as smong tbe finest he had ever
listened to.
t t t
Dhe Fuller building on Lackawanna
avenue, over tbe Fair, ia being fitted
up for the Scranton School ot Musio,
which will open with a beginners
class in sight singing next Thursday
evening. Tallie Morgan established
this school two years ago, and last
winter nearly 700 students attended
the various sight singing olasies. So
large has tbe school become tbat it has
become nssessary to seoure new quar
ters, and be has been fortunate in get
ting such a central loeation. Sight
singing bas been a positivo neoessity
in a musical education, and when one
can secure tbe best of Instruction for
(1 a month it would seem tbat hun
dreds would avail themselves of tbe
opportunity. George C. btebbins,
while here a week or two ago, said tbat
Mr. Morgan had the finest svstem of
sight singing he had ever seen, and
strongly urged bim to publish it in
book form at onee.
t t t
A visit to the Young Men's Christian
Assoeintion hall last Saturday after
noon revealed an interesting sight.
There wsre a great crowd of children.
ranging in ages between 9 and 13 years,
receiving tbeir weekly musio in read
ing from Tallie Morgan. After some
time spent iu skipping from note to
note ou the scale marked on tbe black
board, the teacher dictated in fig; ores
a new marohtog aoug he had just then
composed. Every obild took down tbe
figures met as quickly given, and then
ang tbe song from the figures just as
if they had always known it Then
tbey were instructed to translate the
song into notes, some in tbe key of C,
others in D, A flat, B and other keys.
It is simply wonderful bow readily
these children did the work, and a
work that would put to shame a great
many of our growu up singers.
n n ii
Acoording to tbe Rssord, "levers of
mnslc in Wilkes-Btrre may expeot a
rich entertainment or two in tbe course
of a month, as about sixty mnsioians
of Wyoming an l Lackuwanna vtlleys
hnve combined in tbe formation of a
symphony orchestra, under the direc
tion or frotessor Hemoerger, ot boran
ton, whose violin renditions have been
much appreciated in this city.1 Amontr
tbe WilkeE-Barre musieians included
are: Professor AUxandor, A. Hansen,
Arnold Lohnano, the Riegs, Sim
L ici tr. James E Idy (trombone), Alex
ander Rippard uud Frank Inness. The
wood aud brass will be largely made np
ot members ot uauer s excellent hand.
The first rehf a sal whs held iu Scia Hon
on Wednesday evening. One concert
will be given iu Wilkes-Birre and ona
ia Scranton, and tbe selections being
rehearsed are Sohnberts 13 minor sym
phony, Haydn's second symphony and
the overture from Mendelssohn's Ruy
t t t
The re constructed pipe organ of the
Second Presbyterian ohuroti is now
nearly r'auy for use. .Numerous add!
tional pipes have been placed in the
instrument, as well as apparatus for
producing voice rffects. Wuen com'
pleted the new organ will be equal iu
tone and compass to any iu tbis part
of tbe state.
t t t
Minor Musical Mention:
Miss De Long, pianist, has retnrned
from a vacation spent at Ucean Urove,
Mi-s Annie Williams, pianist, hns re
opened ln.T school for the winter saseu in
roweii's ouiMing.
Composer Max Fraukel has temporarily
abuuduned music aud will engage in busi
ness on hpruce street.
Charles B. Derman has again been
chosen musical director of the Pittston
publio schools for tbe ensuing year.
H D. Guernsey, formerly a musio dealer
ot Scranton, is now a sulesman in the
Weber piano warerooms in JNew Vork.
Copies of tt. Allen Norton Leete's new
song, "Takes Day Off," are distributed
free to patrons of the Academy of Musio.
Mrs. George Du Bols Dimmlck, soprano,
and Eugene Ham, flutist, of tbis city, took
part in a musical held at tbe residence of
Hon. W. U. Dimmlck, iu Hooesdale, lost
Fred Meyer, the art dealer, is one of the
most enthusiastic connoisseurs of violins.
Mr. Meyer has beeu experimenting to a
considerable extent recently, and has in
vented several attachments tor deepening
the tone of tbe instrument, which are
liable to prove valuable in future.
Maloney Oil and
Manufacture Co.
In tho sensational drama of Bonthern life.
ATT V TP.Hnw TT l VT. -
" num. in nan I'rivaii
Jealousy and Suspicion. Husband and Wifa.
ACT ill-Life for Life. Wife for Wife. Th
uui. A(JT IV-Retributlon. Tha Harv4
Is liuaued.
Sulo of Boats onena At tha har nfflna at fl
The Amazons
Presented per arrangement with DAN'IELi
FHOHMAN, Manager Lyceum Theater, NeW
By a Special Company, under the
Prices 2fi Hi Tr. tl nt .uit. mum
t the box office Friday, Sept. 28.
70 PEOPLE 70 X
40 WHITES 40 s
A ft fan1 A.,fT.W.n,irnni m,
- vuuijiau; vii iuui SSj Ul
preterit time. Grand Spectacular Street P-
cony, Toe. and SUc. : Gallery, 25c. Sale of seats
opens at the box office Saturday.
Last Appearance in 8cranton of the World
In His Latest and Greatest Success,
Prlcea-ll. TSc.SOc. and 25c. N'o hhrher. Sal
ot seats commences Saturday morning at V
For the Benefit of the Stage Employe.
The Famous New York Company In Augustus
1 nomas Masterpiece.
Prices 2So.. GOo.. 75a. and SI. Saatl an aala
Tuesday at V a.m.
Davis' Theater,
Week Commencing Monday, OCT. 1.
ETery afternoon and evening.
The Musical Comedy,
Our Irish Visitors
Don't do anything until you see It.
Introdu"lng the Eminent Comedian, W. J,
MASON, and a strong company of artists
New and Novel Features.
Bright and Pleasing Specialties.
A First-class Show at Popular Prices.
Two Performances Dally at 1 80 and 8.15 p.m.
A Child's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new
A Child's Bicycle, Hob ber Tire, new IO
A Boy's Bicyole, Rubber Tire, new 1'
A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 1
4 Boys' or Olrta' Bicycle Cushion Tire,
new 80 down to
1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic 35
t Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatic Tire,ssc-
ond hand 70
1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatio Tire, new 80
1 Secure Bicycle, Pneumatio Tire, sea-
ond-hand 00
lLovel Diamond Bicycle, Solid Tire,
secondhand 10
1 Ladies' Bicycle, Solid Tire, second-
3 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second-
hand 1
1 Victor C Bicycle, 1M m. cushion Tire,
second-hand 83
1 Victor B Bicycle, 1 in. Cuahlou Tire,
1 Columbian '92 Bicycle.PneumatloTlre,
1 Chaiuless Bicycle, Pneumatio Tire,
nearly new
Come Early for Bargains.
Lawn Tennis Racquets at a
discount of one-third
for two weeks.
51 per cent, average monthly dividend paid
tbe first six months of im by
To their clients as the result ot profitable
speculation on Blocks. Bonds, etc
APRIL, 100
MAY, 30 "
JUNE, - ' . CO " M
JULY, . 80 "
AUGUST, . . ao " '
Conservative management. Established 188
Bank reference. JH to $1,000 can be Invested
with more titan the usual degree ot safety sy
onr plan ot
I WMnh aunm th laraoat rnrnsl COIDDAt-l
lible with safety. Donotb influenced ly
anyone who lays it le impoesioiv w yj
mifn i si P0 n i i n trt n a nnni vnu nan sussuu
lour manual of information. Tbat whlchfl
Iia lmDoeslble to some ts comperauvwy a
Inaay to otbera.
Paciflo Avenue, Cbloago, Oil