THE 6CKANTON TKIJJUNE-SATURDAY MOUNTED. SEPTEMBER 21). 1894. nUEER ROMANCE OF AN ITALIAN It b DtTeloped Id Intrigue and Is Culminat ing la Crime. EXPLOITS OF A MODERN BORGIA Roman Girl of Extraordinary Beauty Who Poisoned Her First Husband, Planned to Kill Her Second and In duced Him to Murder Her Lover. For til Saturday Tribune Penelope Caroevali, a young Roman Ionian of rare beauty, appeared In the Troslnono criminal court lato In August Xo bo tried for murdering her llrst hus band. Mario Carnevall, her second hus band, took his place bcsldo her to answer the charge of killing her lover. This Uou iblo trial is the culmination of a criminal romance such as has been seldom equaled PENELOPE. Sot Intricacy and novelty oven In tho va ried experience of the Roman police, j Penelope Alonghinl was 15 years old in 11883. She was tho daughter of a prosper ous Roman tradesman and had been care fully educated by a governess. Her prepa ration for society was to bo finished In a young women's Bcmliiary In Home. She was exceptionally handsome, was to have a large dowry nnd was expected to make the line matuh which these conditions al most Invariably guaranteo In Italy. Her mother had set her cap for a nobleman. Early In 1S83, however, Penelope mot on her way to tho seminary Mnrio Carno vall, a retired cavalry officer with only his face and flguro to recommend him, Ho was generally worthless, had spent all his money and was looking for an opportuni ty to marry for money. He learned what Penelope's prospects were and proposed an elope "t. Old Mcnghini heura that his duug or had been tempted by a cavalry officer, and to protect her sent a maidserv ant with her to school every day. Never theless Penelope eventually smuggled out of tho house a letter telling her cavalry man that she would run away with him. On her sixteenth birthday ho called at the seminary, Introduced himself as her undo, and under the pretext of taking her to see a sick aunt carried her oil to a Ro man suburb. Site lived with him a year. When she returned home, still Penelope iUengliinl, she had a baby, but It was hur ried into an orphan asylum. Her beauty was unimpaired, and in her eighteenth year was striking enough to gain for ber the love of William Jones, a young English engineer, who knew noth ing of her past. He had money, and she married him. He worshiped her. Slio had her bos at the theater, her horses and carriages and a largo house, In which she entertained her friends lavishly, yet when Carnevall, her old lover, caiuo back to Rome sho welcomed him secretly. Jones soon discovered that his wife was deceiving him. He did not have tho cour age to leavo her. The struggle between his sense of honor and bis love unnerved him, and he fell 111. One morning his phy sician found him dead In bed. It was a suspicious case, but as Jones was only an Englishman and did not have a kinsman In all Italy tho Italian doctor let the body be buried without an examination. In Italy a widow must wait at least ten. months after her husband's death before marrying again. On the day. when her ten months expired Mrs. Penelope Jones became the wife of Mario Carnevall. Sho had her dowry and tho property left by Jones, and for a year or moro she and her cavalryman lived In royal stylo. Tho mon ey was scattered right and left on serv ants, horses, theaters and races. In sport ing society of the bettor class nobody cut i wider swath than did Carnevall and his beautiful wife. Although their home was ji Palllano, tbeir faces were familiar at til the race tracks of Rome and Naples, and Carnevall ran a few horses, but With out bucccss. When the money had van ished, they borrowed moro, bought a vino yard and tried to pay their expenses by growing grapes. Carnevali reformed. The change lost him his wife's affection. She made lovo to Augusto d'Ottavl, a postoffloe official, entrapped him and sep arated him from his wife and two chll- AUQfeSTO D'OTTAVI. , drcn. She uworo to him that he was the first man She had ever loved, but he got an Inkling of hor history: One day, after he hl reproached her for unfaithfulness, he snatched a letter frdm her pockot and explained: 'Take this, and If I am over unfaithful you will bavo my lifo and my husband's in yjur hands. That Is my guarantee." The letter had been written by Penelope to Carnevali juso t... (.caiii. It said: Darx-ino Mario William died a moment ago. I tremble for fear that an examination will be made, for, as yon must have guessed, I poisoned him so as to be yours and yours only. If 1 am discovered and imprisoned, I shall pray that yon remain faithful to your Penklope. D'Ottavl took the letter, but the discov ery of Penelope's crime changed his feel ings toward her. She notloed the ohango, ' ' tnea ToTjnng mm tclc and proposed tnas he and she put Carnevall out of the way. D'Ottavl called her an ogress, loft ber an declined to answer her letters. Onoe convinced that she had lost him, the planned bar re von go. Her husband went to Rome for a few days. Ho bad hardly arrived when he received Penelope's letter confessing her Intimacy with D'Ot tavl and placing the entire blamo of her behavior on his shoulders. After telling an Ingenious story of temptations laid by D'Ottavl In her way and of his eventual success In misleading hor she closed tho letter in apparent penitence: "I must suffer for my sin, although It was forced upon mo. When you receive this lottcr, I shall be no longer in this world, for I am about to take potson. Darliug Mario, care for our beloved chil dren. Toll them that I loved you dearly, and that I foil through no fault of my own. Forglvo mo, Mario. Goodby for ever." All the show of penitence, however, hod the one object of Inciting Carnevall to avenge his supposed wrongs upon D'Otta vl. Penolope had no more Idea of taking her own life than of tolling the truth about hor rotations to her last lover. Promptly aftorsoniling tho let ter sho swal lowed some harmless fluid from a bottle labeled "poison," rejected the nssistnnco of the frightened servants, who thought Bbe was killing herself, and then disap peared, so as to leave the Impression that sho bad gone away to die, altbough, In fact, sho wont to tho house of an ofUcer In Palermo. Carnovall meantime had returned tolils home. Ho board that his wife had taken poison and disappeared. Ho loaded bis revolver, went to the postofflco and with out a word of explanation shot D'Ottavl flvo times. D'Ottavi fell dead by his desk. Carnevall wt to tho police station and justified his with the story told in his wife's lettu Up to this time tho police know nothing of tho poisoning of Jones. When they searched D'Ottavl's desk, however, they found the Incriminating lottcr which Pe nelope had given him as a guarantee of her faithfulness. They found also other let tors, which proved tho falseness of the sto ry told In tho letter recoivud by Carnevall In Home. The search for Penelope was begun, but was long fruitless. When found in Paler mo, sho was living under on assumed name with a cavalry captain of the Italian army. Sho had not remuinod faithful to him even for the short time she had pass ed under his protection. Ho had fought two duels on her account and was still nursing tho wound from tho last one. Ho had been lucky enough, howevor, to en gage a nurse; otherwise he might have 1- it MARIO CARNEVALI. been Penclopo's third victim, for sho was tired of him and was socking a pretext to leave him for o young count. Pcnclopo is described by the Romo dal H ns wondcrfnlly beautiful, desplto hor 11 years of lntrlguo and crlino.. HE EATS RATTLESNAKE FRIES. John Heury Howard Says They Are Very Succulent When Properly Prepared. John Henry Howard of Kentuoky eats rattlesnakes. Ho says there is no finer del ioacy than a juicy rnttlor If wall cooked. Mr. Howard has been eating rattlesnakes for about ten years. Possibly this accounts for his fine, robust appearance and general good health and in a measure for tho faot that he weighs $20 pounds. To a St. Louis Post-Dispatch correspondent, who asked him to tell how ho acquired this strange liking for rattlesnakes, he said: ''One of my uncles told mo ho had heard of peoplo eatin rattlesnakos, so out of curiosity I thought I'd try one. . The woods In tho section whor I live has al lers been full of snakes. The next day after I had boon told snakes was good I started out on a hunt for a rattler. I wasn't long In flmlin one. I hammered his head off, took htm home, skinned him and soon had him In the fryin pan. "My mother and sisters wouldn't 6tay in the houso whllo I was a-cookln of the thing, but I couldn't help that. Arter the sarpent was dono I took him out, put him on a pinto, peppered him over, sloshed a little vinegar on him and went to work. My stomaeh kinder humped up in protest at the first bite, but on tho second it quiet ed down and received tho snako with evi dent satisfaction. "Tho next day I had another sarpent tinder my belt, and tho day after that, and so on, until I formed a perfect passion for snako fries. Thar ain t no food on earth that's any bettor than a fine, fat, well fried rattlesnake. "Young rabbits Is good, squirrels Is toothsome, quails is awful Lies, young chickens Is not to bo sneezed at, but uone of 'cm has any chance with mo if I can git a big, fat rattlesuako. Tho rattler's flesh looks a good deal like chicken, and when it is fryin tho odors of it is exactly Uko young chickens fryin. I tell you, you won't noTcr know first olass eatin until you l'arn to cat rattlesnake.". "Did you over try eating any other snako?" 'yas; tried a copperhead one bito. That dono mo from then till now. Itmado me sick. Whew! I don't like to think about that!" Mother Itandelbaum Rcdlvlvtu. A Coluii'bus newspaper claims that Mother Masdolbaum, tho notorious fence who fled from New York a few years ago and whoso death was reported at Montreal recently, Is now living in Columbus. Tho reported death was only a ruse to divert tho eagle eyo of the law. THE LAND OF DREAMS. The twilight deepens, the shadows creep, Tho moonlight quivers in silver beams, And silent weslep in the boat of sleep, And drift to the shadowy laud of dreams. Ob, mystic land where the dead return, And warm lips cllug in tho deathless kiss; And tho years are not, and the weary learn That anguish dies In the arms of bliss. Afar in that holy, ontaiown land. Ambition gathers the flower of fame; And fortune reaches hor golden wand, ' And pure and white is the soul of shame. The shackles fall from the prisonot there, The peasant sits on the throno a king; . The bliud eyes open to all that's fair, And deaf ears iiear, and the dumb Hps sing. Dreams! Who can toll what moHscngcrs stray Around us all in the hush of night; When the form lies still as the soulless clay. 1 And we follow ourselves through love and ' "ht. And who shall any but the land of dreams Is tho land of the living, after all; And daily Ufc, with its sears and seams, ' Is only a dream when the shadows fall. -Martha Bonner In boston Globe, WILL RENOUNCE soul IS Hiss Catherine Drexel Ma; SOn Emerge from the Convent. SHE WAS DISAPPOINTED IN LOVE Washington Correspondent Says the Wealthy Nun Will Marry an Old Lover After Leaving the Convent. Some American Precedents Cited In Support of This Course. For the Saturday Tr.bunt. A sensational story is sent out from Washington by the correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer concerning the re ported defection of MissCatberino Drexel, a daughter of the Philadelphia branch of the wealthy Drexel family, from the ranks of tho Cutholio sisterhood. The story la the more Interesting as It is coupled with the rumor that the lady is shortly to enter Into tho holy bonds of matrimony. This bus created considerable of a stir in the highest social circles of New York and Philadelphia. Miss Catherine Drexel's story Is u very romautio one. She Is the second of three daughters of the late Francis Drexel. In very early youth she placed her affections on Walter Georgo Smith, the son of an intimate friend and near neighbor of the Drexel family, at their country home at Torresdale, near Philadelphia. Hor suc cessful rival was her oldcHt sister, Eliza beth, though tho latter hod no suspicion that sho was such. When all arrangements for the marriage of Elizobeth Drexel nnd Walter Georgo Smith were completed, Catborino Drexel announced her intention of retiring from tho world and of devoting her great for tune to the church in missionary work among tho Indians. She took her vows at a convent in Pittsburg and was there after known In religion as Sister Gather lue. In a short time Sister Catherine bO' came superioress of a new convent that owed its cxistenco to ber wealth. Mr. and Mrs. Smith passed tho first year of tholr married lifo In Europe. Mrs. Smith's fulling health induced tho pair to return to tho IVresdale homestead, whero she died. And it Is the brother-in-law to whom Sister Cutheritio had so long ago given her heart that sho is to marry, ao cording to the story as it conies from Phil adelphia. Now arises the question, "Aro nuns' vows irrevocablef" Tho popular notion is that a woman once vowed to tho cloister is under a sort of life sentence. And yet no tli lug is further from the truth. The pope has the power of fully dispcnS' lng from what are called ''solemn vows." The bishops have tho right to release from CATHERINE DREXEL. "simple vows." Both the holy father and tho bishops aro called upon to exercise their rights in this matter much oftoner than peoplo think, for as a matter of church policy tho promoters of a monas tic lifo do not furnish such data to the public In these latter times there does not seem to bo much oncourogomont given to tho practico of perpetual vows. By tho laws of Franco life vows are Invalid, but sucb disapproval by the civil power has no weight with the canon law. St Vincent do Paul, who established the order of the Sisters of Charity in 1634, ordained that their vows should be taken for one yeai only. Ho was tho first founder of a reli gious ordor wbo took the ground that It was possible for tho members of a reli gious community to boldly use their tal ent and labor with it in the world Instead of burying it in tho seclusion of the clois ter. He said: "Your convents must be the bouses of the sick; your cell, the cbambei of suffering; your chapel, tho parish church; your cloister, the wards of the hospital; your rule, the vow of obedience; your grille, the fear of God; your veil to shut out the world, holy modesty." In the many political upheavals ot France, during which various religious orders have suffered abolishment, tho Sis ters of Charity bavo been always allowed to exist, oven in the days of the terror and of tho directory. Tho Little Sisters of tho Poor Is the only other ordor looked upon with government favor in Franoe. There are many American precedent for Miss Drexel's action. Tliero is th case of Miss RoaocmnB, daughter of Gen eral Rosecrans of Ohio, who for some years was an Ursullno nun in an Ohio convent. She secured a release from her vows and is now the companion of her father In hit declining days. Then one of the daugh ters of the late General Phil Kearny, aftet spending several years as a nun, first In the Sacred Hoart convent and subsequent ly with tho Carmelites In Paris, found that she was unfitted for the lifo of the cloister. A dispensation from tho vowe was granted by tho holy father, and she now makes her home with her mother In Washington. In this country, as in Europe, tho nun neries have bad many distinguished in mates, with the great difference that, while here the clolstored lifo Is an entirely vol untary ono, In tho old world a girl Is fre quently, from her very birth, destined for a convent. One of the daughters of General Win field Scott was a nun of the Visitation con vent of Georgetown, D. C, where she dlod some years before hor distinguished fa ttier. It Is not genornlly known that Fan nie Allen, the beautiful daughter of rug ged old Ethan Allen ot Tlconderoga fame, forsook all the joys and pleasures of the world for a life of prayer and meditation In a Canadian convent of the strictest rulo. Her parents made many efforts to luro hor from hor nunnery, but to tho eud she was steadfast and faithful. Sho dlod In her Montreal convent Machine Ma As Alt, "Is it conceivable that embroidery done on a sewing machine can be a work of art?" a correspondent asks. It is conoeivablo, but highly improbable. ' A person of genius might give expression to his art through any modi tun, how ever unpromising, but it ia difficult to imagino any one of ordinary artistic in telligence, still loss of genius, making the attempt on a sewing machine. A worker on a sewing machine may impart to the objoct he ia engaged upon something of the artistio qualities of good design and good color, but that personal factor which distinguishes all handicraft will in all probability, be missing, and wifboutlt there can beno uirog as work of art Mere perfec tion of .execution will not save it Auold fashioned "sampler," indicat ing tho bent of a child's imagination, however halting the execution, might more justly be considered a work of art than the most "highly finished repro duction of a painting" wrought on a sewing machine such as I saw recently commended as something to be admired. Art Amateur. THE STORY OF A BARGAIN. Bow a Young Man Bought Borne Books lie Did Not Want. The young man had more books than he could carry away with him when he mov ed from one furnished room to another. His hours of work were such that he had very llttlo time for reading, and If he had chosen to read he had good books of his own. Moreover, ho didn't like Bulwer Lytton; had nover read him, except in short extracts, and dfdn't care if he never read him. Therefore the agent who came in to sell him a set ot Bulwer on the installment plan was on an apparently hopeless mis sion. But these clever, well dressed agents make tholr boavy commissions by selling books to people who don't went to buy, says tho Chicago Record man. And the IIE LISTENED AND WAS LOST. real agent, tho successful one, isn't a cheap, long haired creature of chattering tongue, but a bright and cautious man, who can chat on all topics and who brings bis arguments to bear gradually. Ho knows Bulwer and can talk rather brilliantly of his qualities, He points out in the sample volumo certain beauties of typography and illustration such as might have been overlooked. Then he shows by comparison with other editions, of which you bave never heard, that his set is ridic ulously cheap at $12, and the advantage ot tho whole thing is that It can be paid for at the rate of 25 cents a week! The col lector will call once a month to get the Installment of $1, and in thooourso of time the books will bo paid for, and the pur chaser will never "feel it." That's tho groat argument. Ho will say: "You can pay $1 a month and never feel it. Probubly you'd spend tho money anyway and not get anything for it. The first thing you know you will have your sot paid for." Tho young man listened to this sodac tlvo talk and was lost. Ho didn't want a sot of Bulwer, It is true, but so long as he could get it for practically nothing and pay without "feeling It" ho might as well tako advantngo of a good thing. The books would be delivered to him on payment of $1, an exhibition of confidence on tbejiart of the publishing concern. The contract read well, and ho signed it. One day, a month later, ho was leaving tho office whon a small man with a rusty beard stoppod him and asked for$l. "Oh, that sot ot Bulwer!" said he, feeling In his pockets. "I had forgotten all about that. " But ho borrowed l and gave it to tho collector. Next month the collector came just as ho was arranging to goto tho theater. If he hadn't paid, ho might bavo squandered his money for a ticket. Tho set of Bulwer was thrown back Into his closet, and bo repented the purchase, but tho collector came ovary month, and he paid tho dollar without "feeling It" At tho end of six months tho set of books had depreciated in value so much, In his own estimation, that ho came to regard tho collector as bis natural enemy. But ho was never really angry until in passing a secondhand book store one day ho saw a duplicate set, as good as new, marked $3. And now ho lays the books along his trousers at night to hold the creases. He Got a Scoop. "You newspaper men aro always look ing out for 'scoops,' " said M. C. Brown to a St. Louis Globe-Democrat reporter, "I onoo know a man who got into a peck of troublo because ot a 'scoop' he got. It was In a Missouri town where there were two papers, and whero really thore was not room for moro than one. A 'scoop,' therefore, counted for something, and the lucky editor who got it crowed mightily over bis coutomporory. Well, one day while out squirrel hunting with a small rifle ono of tho newspaper men found the body of a man with a bullet bole in his head. Both papers went to press next day. Hero was a ehanco for a 'sooop.' Ho dragged tho body behind a fallen tree, cov ered it with brush and leaves and thon wrote a two column story about it. The unpleasant result was that be was arrested on suspicion of being tho murderer. Ho alone knew whero the body was to be found, the bullet that caused death fitted his squirrel gan, and things looked blaok for him. Tho rival paper dwelt on all these suspicious circumstances at great length. After my friend had lain in jail a couple of weeks, ball being refused, evi dence was discovered which led to his ac quittal and ultimate conviction of the guilty man." Foretold Her Own Death. The death of Miss Emily Cecilia Prim rose ot Brooklyn was foretold by herself a week prior to Its occurrence. Miss Prim rose was only 10 years old. tall, striking ly handsome, of fine physique and cheer ful disposition. She had many friends, and while seated with several of them on the front stoop ot ber residence on the Thursday evening preceding her death she suddenly eiolaimod: "I shall not live another week. I have had a presentiment tonight by seeing the craps hanging from tho door." From that day until the day of her death Miss Primrose talked of hardly anything but ber approaching death. She bade all her friends goodby, explaining ber reasons for taking leave ot them. At 8 o'clock tho next Wednesday morn' ing she was taken ill with pains in the re gion of the hoart She bad been troubled In a similar manner on other occasions, but thought nothing of it In three hours she, was dead. Changed From Black to Wnlte. In Chambers county, Ala., there resides K 18-year-old girl whose skin is as white and smooth as that of an albino. Nine yean ago she was as black as the regula tion southerner. The change Is the result of a skin disease called lencopatby. A little girl who was taken by her mam ma to see the waxworks told ber they might be wax, but they didn't work. Si PULE FACE IN THE MIRROR It Was the Figure or a Han Who Drew a Spanish Dagger. HIS ARM WAS RAISED TO STRIKE Queer Picture That Spoke a Mysteri ous Message of Warning Dissi pated Son of a Neighbor Ta ke This Means of Trying to Pay His Debts The Would-Be Assassin Caught. "In my youth wo nover heard of this thing you call mental telegraphy, theoso phy and tho like, but every now and then thero took place, as now, occurrences which puzzled the thoughtful, though they had no name to give the phenomena. But, like most young girls, I was skeptical of all that was not directly natural when I thought of It at all, which was not often, until I bad the experience I am going to tell you of," said an elderly lady at are cent social gathering in Philadelphia, ac cording to the Times of that city. "When I was 17, I visited New York at the height of the social season and partici pated in many of tho gayetles of the time. One night, after returning from a recep tion, I disrobed myself ot my trained even ing dress and sat down to brush my hair before retiring. My seat was just in front of a large glass above my dresser, or what was then called a ' bureau, ' on wh lch I had placed the jewelry I had worn, Including some very valuable diamonds. "As I plied tho brush my eyes naturally fell on this mirror, which reflected the room behind me, and as I continued to look I saw evolving Itself apparently from empty air the figure of a man. lie was well dressed, oven stylishly, and was after a fashion handsomo, but deathly palo, and his eyes glittered feverishly. Ho crept nearer and nearer to me, scorning to look only at the diamonds loosely strewn upon the tablo before me, but his right band was thrust into his breast, and as he stood over mo ho suddenly jerked it out and ruised hijili above me a small Spanish dag ger, tho hilt of which was of a dead gold, or Etruscan gold, as it Is called. This was set with rubies, which I noticed with that peculiar attention to trifles so often displayed in moments ot danger. "Up to this point I hud been too torri fled to call out or even to move, not eveu turning my bead to look behind me, but watching the movements ot the assassin as they wcro reflected In tho mirror. But as he brought down his hand, with a swift, murderous motion, to strike mo from my choir with a sing blow, tho spell that bad held me snapped, and I sprang to my feet with a shriek of terror and rushed to the door. "Even os I ran I wondered at not en countering tho man, but though I could not remember afterward seeing him at all I did not stay, but unlocking the door flung It open, still screamingas fast as tho sounds could issuo from my Hps. It hap pened that two of my young men cousins had lingered later than tho rest of tho family at the entertainment referred to, and having just conio In were coming up the main staircase, close to my room. Rushing to these, I threw myself Into tho arms of the nearest, Christopher, shriek ing: 'The man! Oh, the man!' "Tho two young men hurried to my room and looked about, but could sec no one. The windows were all fastened, and as I bad myself just come out of the sin glo door to the apartment and from which no ono else could have slipped without our seeing them tho only cbanco was for the burglar to have concealed himself in the room. "By this time tho rest of the household were aroused, and a thorough search was made, but no trace of the strange visitor THE APTABIT10N IK THE MIRROR. could be found, so It was thought I had fallen asleep in my chair and my fright was the result of a dream. "By tho next night I had so thoroughly been laughed into believing this that I took my seat before tho mirror and began brushing my hair as nonchalantly as at first, when, to my utter horror, I saw that figure form Itself from nothing absolute ly nothing and again advance upon me with that menacing attitude Again it raised its hand to strike, tho terrible eyes seemed to glare into mine, fixed on them In tho mirror, and, as beforo, released from the horror that held me stricken into mar ble, I leaped to my feet and ran, scream ing, into the corridor without. I glanced back into the room, but there was no ono visible there, but I was not to bo convinc ed this time that an overheated imagina tion was to blamo. I flod to my aunt's door, and as she opened it fell, fainting, in her arms. "The next night I Insisted that Marian, my maid, should occupy a little antecham ber opening into mine, and my stalwart cousin Christopher slept on a cot In the hall just outside my door. Returning lato from a ball, I wivs too fatigued to brush my hair as usual, bnt sat for 6omo mo ments looking nt myself In the glass I was a little vain in those days when all at onco I saw behind mo tho man, with his knife In his bond. "But this time bo did not evolve from air, bnt was there real flesh and blood, his hot breath nearly scorching Die back of my neck. I leaped to my feet, with a scream, and as I did so he struck at mo, but the blado ghinccd aside, wounding me only slightly In the shoulder. I screamed aloud, and he felled me with a blow just lit Marian and Christopher came rushing in. Seeing them, the robber and assassin sprang for tho open window and would have escaped by leaping an easy feat for a muscular man in the window of the bouse next door, which was also open and only about thrco feet distant (this had evidently been the way by whloh he had entered and whloh he used as an ogress), but Christopher caught him and dragged him back, and after a struggle secured him, aided by his brothers, who had been summoned by Marian. So when I opened my eye from my swoon It was to see the would be murderer lying bound, while near mo lay a small dagger, with a han dle cf Etruscan gold, studded with rubles. "My assailant was the son of the family residing next door, and from the love ot dross and pleasure beyond his means had Involved himsolf hopelessly in debt, and aafilniimx .diamonds hod. colvexL the. iifsi y laeo of killing or it least llfcnofng me and stealing them to pay his debts. But, though his mind had dwelt persistently on the sebemo, ho hod lacked courage to carry It out until the nlghtof the ball." THE MISSING LINK. Paris It Mow Interested In a Troglodyte Oddity. Paris now boasts of the possession of a troglodyte oddity which surpasses in ac tion and appearance anything ot tho kind that has ever been exhibited in circus or menagerie. The young aspirunt to mor phological distinction Is called Mllo. Juli ette All wbo have formed the acquaint ance of this young m mkey aro astonished at her deliberate, seniihuiuan deportment. This not so much on account of the clover tricks sho has learned as becauso of tho In telligence displayed in her looks, in her familiarity with visitors and in all her manipulations. In tho llttlo Rue do Pontolso, not far from the Boulevard St. Germain, a small store has been transformed Into a recep tion room for mademoiselle. A large sign bears the Inscription, "Zoologlo Parlsl enne." "On entering the room," says a French correspondent, "wo find Julietto chastely attired in a long chemisette with red ribbons, seated on a high Infant chair. She Is preoccupied with the Inspection of an album containing portraits and auto graphs. The leaves are carefully turned. Little attention is paid to tho Latin hlero- A BOOK LOVER. glyphics on the written pages, but each portrait is minutely examined, and disgust or approval finds expression In apish lingo. "As wo draw nearer to tho chair Juli etto offers us her right hand very politely. Sho Insists on proper decorum, for one of our party had bis beard pulled in no gen tlo manner when ho offered his left hand in return. It seems that the young lady has a penchant for bearded visitors, a sort of reservound ill will characterizing her demeanor toward tbo ladles or toward beardless males. "Successful monkey mashers niustralso full beards. ' "Whilo Julietto is busy f tamlnlng the faces In her album M. Jon eln, her own er, furnishes ber biography. A few months ago a German coasting vessel spent some time on tho Kongo shoro. Somo of tho sailors who had penetrated into ono of tho numerous shore forests found themselves In the pregenco of two strange yet perfect ly docilo beings. At their approach the larger of tho pair, which was about 5 feet in height nnd which appeared to l;o the mother, uttered cries of astonishment and climbed Into tho nearest tree, Juliette, tho smaller monkey, was readily induced to accompany tho sailors. Oue of tho party had somo red ribbon In his pocket, with which ho coaxed the llttlo ono away. Tho mother, however, soon came down from her perch and followed the daughter. When tho ship sailed, both were on board and on good terms with all tho Inmates except the cook, who was obliged to keep everything In tho lockers. Tho mother died ufter two days at sea, according to the doctor's opinion, from indigostion. A young Degress aboard nursed the Infant monkey and kept it in good hcolth until Havro was reached, when the captain In duced M. Jousscin to buy it 'I lovo Juli etto as trv own child,' assured tho geolo gist. 'Sue sleeps, cats and plays with mo and appreciates my affection as much as would a human child.' " NO LONGER A TERRORIST. A Convicted Spanish Anarchist Bepenti the Error of Ilia Ways. The Anarchist Salvador Franco, lying under sentence of death for the outrage at the Liceo theater, Barcelona, has admit ted his guilt and has ncccptcd the reli gious ministrations which he at first re jected. It appears that tho chango In bis disposition was effected through a perusal ot the works of Balmcs, tho learned priest and writer who was 6tyled by Cardinal Wiseman ''a light of tho western church." The books wero lent him by his sister, who is a nun, and who was allowed to visit him in lils cell in Barcelona prison. Speaking of himself, Franch said: "It has been belioved that the Llceo crime was tho result of a preconceived purpose to avengo the death of Pallas. Thlj Is not so. My resolution matured during tho tiino of my Imprisonment In Valencia. I then Inwardly resolved that every stroke of tho lash I thero received should cost society tears of blood. I had no motive for avonging1 Pallas. I had my SALVADOR FRANCO". own exclusive schemo for making society pay dearly for its Injustice and exploitation of poor men. "For some time it was my bolicf that terror was to bring about the termination of social Inequality, and that I was acting justly In tho deed of the Liceo. I am now convinced that justico could not inspire such deeds. In anything I am now do ing or may do in future I follow the teachings of Balmcs. Political clubs that flatter us are our worst advisors. It is bad enough to frequent taverns and other places of corruption, but it is worse to be long to associations that work upon the credulity and Ignorance of ttie people. "I am no longer an anarchist. I now deplore with all my soul tho deeds I have dono. I then refused religious counsels, Which I now listen to and admire. Had not divine grace touched mo I would have gone to the scaffold more boldly and calm ly than Pallas, believing I was thus sorv ing the cause of humanity. I now moan to die a believing Christian, with true contrition nnd repentanco In proportion to tho enormity of tho crime I have com mitted. " Retaliation. We are all prone to retaliate for personal slights, but perhaps the funniest Incident of it is one of an old Irish woman who, see ing a funeral to which slie had expected an Invitation pass ber door, expostulated angrily: "Oh, go on wid yel g on wid yel go on wid yel But maybe there'll be a funeral at oar house soon, and then we'll see who'll be axed." Boston Saturday Galeae. ' BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL rtlYMClAN AMU OVKObUNS, DR. 3- KDGAK DEAN has removed to tli Bpruee treet, Kcranton, t'a. (J tut Of H. A. J. CON NELL, Office 2U1 Waetuugtoa iJ avenue, corner gpruoa etreot. over Fraucke drag store. Residence, Tti Vine U Onicenoura: liuutoliia. m. and to 4 and y.uv v p. Bunuay, is to B p. m. )K. W. E. ALLEN. Offloe oor. Lack - wanna and Wuhinirtnn avea. ; over Leon ard ahue store; office hoars, 10 to U a, m. and a to i p. m.; evening at resldeuoe, U2tf. w anhiiigton Kve. IjlCCU KKKY. Practice limited to Die U enttes of the Eye, Ear, Noe and Throat; office, tat Wyoming ava. Beaideuoe, SB Viae ttreet. I U. Ul. OATES. 126 Washington Avenue, U Office hours, S to u a.m.. l.ini to 8 and t to 8 p.m. Residence !)u Madison avenue If UN L. WENXZ, M. D, Ouloea 68 and ii O Commonwealth boildlnir; residence 711 Wadisonevo: office hours, 1 J to 1J, 8 to 4, 1 to 8; Sundays 130 to 4, eveninfti at realdenoe. A specialty made of disease of the eye, ear, now and throat and gynecology. 1) K. K A Y, m PennAve. ; 1 to 3 p.m ; call sm Dw.of women, obstetric and dis. ot chil LAWYKU8. T M. (J. RANCH'S Law and Collection of. tJ . flee. No. 817 Spruce opposite Forest 11 oi ye. Scran ton, fa,; eollectiouia specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond cnta i a every county. B- JLoaUt-tt ft HA.11), Attorneys and Counsel lors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington aye. W. H. Jirrop, Horuci E. Hand, W. H. Jebsop, J a. ILI.ARD, WABItEN & KNAPH, Attor neva and Counselor at Law. Reoubllcaa building, WashlnKton aye.. Bcranton, Pa. IJATlhKnoN & WILCOX, Attorneys aod X Counsellors at Law; office and It Library building, bcranton, Pa. t HoewiLt. H. PATnnsot, William A. Wilcox. ALKKED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At- , torneys and Couneellora, CctnuioawoeUbr' building. Roping 18, W and ii. WF. BoYLE, Attornoy-at-Law,Nos.l an iiO, Purr building, Washington avenue. II ENRY M. SEELY Law offices in Prk building, 128 Washington avenue. I.1 HANK T. OKiiLL, Attorney at Law. Boom b. Coal Exchange. Bcranton. Pa. MILTON W. LOWRY, I Atfya, 127 Washing C H. VON BTOKCH, f ton av., C H. qnar TAMES W. OAKKORD, Attorney at Law. J room 3, 64 and 65, Commonwealth bTg. , C AMUEL W. EDUAH, Attorney at Lam . p Office, 317 Bprucest. Hcranton. Pa. f A. WATRES. Attorney at 4Zt I J. Lackawanna aue., Bcranton, Pa, I) P. HMIT1L Counsellor at Law. Offloe, X . rooms 54. 65. 611 Commonwealth btrfkiing. 1 Ii. PITCHER, Attorney at Law. Com- . monwcalth building. Bcranton. Pa. (.' COMEUYB, It'lSprooe st J) 11. KKI'LOULE. Attornev-LiKna narro- tiated on real estate security. Spraca, I ) f. K1LLAM, Attornev-at-Law. 1 Wy l omintraveniM, Bcranton. SCHOOLS. OCIIOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton. Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly trains voong childrvn. Catalogue at reyueot. Oi eas (September 10. Rev. TROMAa M. CAB Walter H. Buell. MIS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, Hi Adams avenue, pupil rt'coived at all times. Next term wiQ opea Kopteniber 10. 1KN11ST p C. LAUBACH, burgoou Dentist, No, lit v . Wyoming ave. R. M. f-TKATTOM, nmc CnI KTchn LOANS. 'PDK REPUBLIC Savings aod Loan Anso X ciation will loan vou money on easier termi and pay you batter on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. CAL.Lt.N TKR. Tlimc Bnnlr btiitdintr S EICON. GK. CLARK & CO., Boeusmon, Florists and Nurserymen; store 146 Wasnixtgtoa avenne; green house, l&D North Alain avenue; store ti-lpphone 7H? TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. WIRE SCREENS. OS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avenu ' Bcranton, Pa., manuf'r ot Wire Screens. HOTELS AMI) KKST AURA NTH. THE ELK CAFE, IS and 127 Frunkliu ave nue. Rates reasonable. v. ziEOLBR. Proprietor. 1 1 1 KSTAilJVNTVI? Hrt'l'PT VV W. O. BCHKNCK, Manage Sixteenth street, one block east ot Broadway, at Union Bquare, New York. American plan. 60 per day and upward. SCR AN TON HOUSE, near D L, & W. pas senger depot Conducted on tb European plsn. Victor Koch. rrpr"rj ARCHITECTS, DAVIS VN8TORCH. Architects: Boom 'il4!6 and 36 Commouwlth Dld'g, Seranten. y L. WALTER, Architect. Office, rear o 606 Washington avenue. f L. BROWN. Arch a Architect. Price 1 building. 119) W ashington AvevSemntoa, MIKrKLI.AKKOCH BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MTJSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, reception, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avc. over Hulbert's music store. HORTON D. 8WART8- WHOLESAI lumber, Price building, Bcranton, Pa. M1 KOAROEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS sunnlles. envelopes, naner hairs, twtnsw Warehouse, 130 Washington ava. tJcrantoo. Pa H ORSES AND CARRIAUK3 FOR 8ALQ" at 1633 Capouae avenue D. L. POOTK. Agent. URANK P. BROWN A CO., WHOLB : V sale dealer in Wood ware. Cordage and Oii Cloth, 7:0 W. Lackawanna avtnue. Ei Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery lfanufaeturtrs ot the CeltWattl PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100000 Bbk Per Annum, What Is More Attractive I Than a pretty (see with a fresh, bright complexion! For it, use Pononl'a Powder. St A.