The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 29, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Farswsll Patty Tsndsrid to Professor
Daniel Prothero.
A farewell party was tendered to Pro
fessor D inlnl Protheroe last niht at
the Wolib Calrauistio Methodist
ohuroli upon bit departure from Surau
ton for Milwaukee, Wit.
R?t. Uugb Davie", pastor of the
cbnrob, presided, and Julxe Ei wards
Beted as conductor. Jale Elwartls
referred to tbe objects of the. meeting
in an appropriate speech, after which
Mrs, D. B. TbouiBs' lady choir gave ao
excellent eeleotioa. Rr. D. P, Joues,
of tbe Taberuacle cbarab, in a Welsti
address referred to tbe lose which
would be felt ia Sjraatou by the de
parture of Professor Protheroe and
wished him well in his future loca
tion. Her. Dr. W, H. Pearce, of Elm Park
church, ia a brief address I referred to
the excellent qualities of Professor
Protheroe and passed an enloglnui
upon bis abilities, and was followed by
tbe for. J. T. Morris, who, iu a Welsh
address, spoke of the ralnable work
accomplished by Professor Protheroe
during his residence la Scran ton, and
in bidding bim Ood speed, prayed that
be would be blessed with happiness
and prosperity.
Ker. N. J. MsManug, of the Holy
Rosary church, in well chosen remarks
referred to tbe many acts of kindness
for which he was indebted to tbe pro
fessor, and wished liiui and Mrs. Proth
eroe a pleasant journey and prosper
ons career. Ricuard H. Williams fol
lowed and in amusing terms dlsonsse 1
bia intimate friendship of eight years
with the bero of the evening, ami in
warm terms placed bis successfnl
efforts in elevating choral singing on
the West Side.
Among those who rendered selec
tions dnring the evening were Mies
Lydia Sailer, who was heartily ap
plauded in br rendition of tbe
'Nightingale," Edwin Itow-n. Mr B.
T. Jsyne. Mrs. B.trnes, Miss Elala
Powell, of Dunmore, and Professor
Protheroe sang one of bis excellent
songs. Miss Sadie Jones recited "Good
Bye, God Bless You."
At the social which followed tbe
meeting the professor bade farewell to
tbe large company and left at midnight
for Milwaukee, Wis., where be Intends
to reside in the future. He will lead a
cboir at Columbus, O., tomorrow.
A large crowd were at the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western depot when
the professor conducted a few selec
tions on the platform.
Will Hutton Entertains Bis Numrous
A pleasant surprise party ws Riven
last evening in honor of Will Hutton
at bis borne ou North Lincoln avenue
Tbe evening was devoted to games,aud
mueie was rendered by bis talented
members. Refreshments were served
at a late hour.
Among those present were: Misses
My Belle Sw-etzer, Margaret Phillips,
Myrtle Frtnofalter, Jennie Priee, Mar
garet Harris, Grace Seward, Anna
Sloat, Belle Warren, Lou Deppon,
Grace Aeker. Maggie Evans, and Will
Jones, Allie Carson, Joe Jeremiah, Will
Hutton, Walter Jones, David Owens,
George Vipond, Dtniel Jones, of the
North End: Will Reynolds, Tommie
Evans, Evan Jones, John Thomas, Ed
die Hughes and B;n Evans.
John R. Hughes, of Washburn street, U
dangerously ill.
Byron Evan has returned from a short
stay with Pittstou frieuds.
llr. and Mrs. Edward Roche, of Rail
road avenue, have returned from Buffalo
and Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Frank Powell and son, William, of
Tenth stmt, have returned from a viiit
with friendi in Connecticut.
Dr. D. G. Bcckwitb, of North Main ave
line has been called to Raleigh, N, ft, by
tbe serious illness of his mother.
The Traction company is repairing the
West Lackawanna avenue switch. The
track in excellent condition.
The trial of Conrad Shaw and William
Fanikner for stealing poaches in the yard
of W. W. Davirs on North Main avenue,
ha been postponed until Wednesday next.
Mi-s Sarah Hughes bus been elected re
cordinc secretary of the Christian Endea
vor society of the Plymouth Congrega
tional church, vice Miss Lulu James, re
signed. The young people of the Tabernacle
Congregational church will hold an enter
tainment and sorinl Monday evening,
Oct. 8, It 94. Admission to entertainment
with cake and coffin, 10 cents,
Mies Jennie Brown, of Ninth street, was
pleasantly surprised by her numerous
fiiends on Thursday evening. Musicil se
lections were rendered by Void Smith
and Miss Jennie Brown. Retreshmonts
were served.
A large number attended the snle of the
store of P. J. Leonard on South Main ave
nue yesterd ly morning. The stock was
purchased bv J Alton Dnvies, Jlencke &
MiKee Bud F. N, Petherick. Tha total
amount was ti.'A
Verinnlca, ilio young child of Mr. and
Mrs. William Yu-kn, ot West Lackawanna
avenue, dleil yesterday morning at 8.80
o'clock. Her death is the result of falling
from n porrh during the firemen's paraUe
on Wednesday last.
Mrs. Mnr.v Quinnan, of Jackson street,
was arrested Inxt evening by Officer John
Thomas for being drunk and disorderly.
Mary has frequently exercised her bleeps
on members 'of tbe police force, but last
eveaing her arrest was unusually peaceful
and quiet.
The infantchild of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge
Kineritn, of North Hnraner avenne, was
buried in the Washburn Street cemetery
yesterday afternoon. A large number at
tended the services, which were conducted
by Rev. F. A. Taupe, pastor of tbe Uer
nian Presbyteries church.
IVst patent flour, white loaf $3.90
20 lbs. granulated sugar 1.00
Gilt edge butter , 25
Howers' bams J4
Lean bacon , , g
Full oream cheese 13
Fresh egga ") oq
113 South Main avnuo.
Company H, Thirteenth tcgltneiit, will
hold social at the armory on Oct. 4.
Harry Beers, of Market street, has re
turned home from & ten days' visit with
friends iu New Jersey.
An effort is being made to have a new
flag presented to No. 25 school, the one it
now has being sojbadljr torn.
AnnaS. Nichols, the infant daughter or
O. J. Nichols, or im Albright avenue,
will be buried tomorrow, interment being
made at Olyphant.
John Wolf, of the Register office, Jacob
Bohr, of Main avenue, and Thomas Evans,
of Lewie' drug store, left last night on a
fishing trip to Bummlt lake.
Tbe choir of the Presbyterian church,
under the leadership of Professor T. J.
Davies, intend to perform the oratorio
"The Holy City," lu the firi. patt of
Rev. N. F. Stahl, of the Green Ridge
Presbyterian church, will preach a tern
erance sarnion tomorrow morning. The
Women's Christian Tempsrauce union will
iiiluou in a uouy.
John Morgans yesterday removed his
household effects fio n the house ou the
corner ot William street and Margaret ave
nue to tbe house on Putnam street, re
cently vacated by Rev. D. S. Evans. L
Henry Cotes, who tried to commit sui
cide at tbe Driving park TnurBday after
noon, was tried by Aldormau Uorau at tho
station bouse yesterday morning. He was
tlned 1 and costs and given some sound
The Epworth League union of Scranton
and Duumore will hold their annual busi
ness meeting in the Methodist Enis
nopal church on noxt Friday evening.
The electiou of oUloers and tbe plauuiug of
tbe work for the coming winter mouths
will be done.
Martin McManamv, tho third baseman
of the Eureka lime Bull club, was Injured
on the back of tbe head and on the neck
and shoulders by a premature blast In tue
Clark vein of the Leggett'a Creek hhaft
yesterday morning at about 10 o'clock. Dr.
Suliivan is iu attoudnnce.
The Sunday school of the Greon Ridge
Preabyteriau church will observe tomor
row as their aunual rallying day. The
exercise will be in charge of Oolonol
Hitchcock, superintendent of the Sunday
school, and will consist of devotional ex
ercises, short addresses by tho different
members of the Suuday school und spe
cial music.
The lent was completely filled hint even
to hear Mr. Bliss' address on "The Destluy
of Man." During tho praise service which
was led by Tallle Morgan, Rov. D. Bavairu
led in prayer, the choir sang "Hallelujah
for the Cross." aud "What Hhnll the
Answer Ba." Mr. Bliss read a portion
from the twelfth chapter ot tho gospal of
at. Luke. After which Mr. idles led In
prayer. The choir sang "Abide iu Me."
He took as his text the last cluuse of the
sixth verse of the fourth chapter
ot the second epistle of SU I'aul
to Timothy, "I have fought a good
fight, I am to bo executed and
the time of my departure is at hand," Ood
bait ordained that all men must at some
time die, aud bos appointed that all men
must come before tbe judgment seat to ro
ceivo their destiuy. There are two places
prepared for us aud if wa want to go to
heaven, where there is no siu, no sorrow,
no death, or any paiu, we must accept
Chi ist as our Savior, and believe iu Him ;
our sins will then be forgiven and washed
away. Now is the time to prepare, be
cause we don't know when we must die.
An after meeting was hold which was at
tended by about 1.0U0 people. A largo
numhor of people accepted tho iuvitatiou
Riven them to riso and accept Christ before
It was too late. Although otherwise an
nounced, a meeting will be held tonight at
the tent, as Mr. Bliss thinks It best to put
In all the time possible. Tho subject for
tonight will ba "The New Birth."
The largest number that has attended
any of the af teruomi meetings was gathered
in the Methodist Episcopal church yester
day afternoon to hear Mr. Bliss speak ou
the "Three Appearances or Christ. First,
His appearance on tho earth; eecond, His
appearance in heaven; third, His second
coming to the earth " He aid that the
Bible encompafsoth all or God's dealings
with man rrom the vory boginuiug, aud it
is only those people that stumble over
certain passages of it that doti't rend and
believe it as a whole, and so refuse
to be guided thereby. In the ninth
chapter or St. Paul's epistle to the Hebrews,
boKiuning with the twenty-socond
verse a comparison is made between
ChrUt's blood aud the blood of offerings,
while iu tho twenty-sixth verse Is an nc
count of tbe three appearances ot Christ,
Tbe present time is tho time of the Uen
tiles and is known as the days of mercy,
which are promised so that it is unknown
In the Scriptures. And as the Scriptures
have and are being rapidly fulfilled, aud
as Chriat is now In heaven noting as a
mediator and intercessor for us. there is
every reason to believe that the second
coming of Christ is at hand. Ha did
not intend, however, to make the mistake
of many of naming the date. Ood's time
is not our time, so we must work, watch
and pray to be ready at his coming. Tha
last meeting of this interesting series was
closed by Rev. George E. Guild offering
the benediction.
Mm. Kate Keib Bid Not Elops with Her
The saloon of 722 Plttston avenue,
conducted by Mrs. Kite Keib, has been
watched rather enrionely since Tues
day by the thoughtful neighbors.
Along in marsh her husband died and
lef t tier a widow. An old soldier
named John Schafer, who has boarded
with Mrs. Keib for the last twelve
years, bas passed the three quarter pole
in the raoe of life. In otbr language,
be is about 50 years of age, nnd up to
tbe present has escaped tbe darts from
Cupid's quiver. He draws a montnly
pension tiidt is enough to make Hjki
Smith's hair stand on end; soma sty he
rHceives $215 every three mmths from
Uncle Sam, but at ny rate be is a jolly
old sonl.
On Tuesday Sohafor and Mm. Kdb
went together to Pniladelphla. This
aroused suspicion aud it was on top of
everybody's tongue tnt they had
eloped. They cime home last night
and a Triuunb reporter called at tho
honse. Richard Ztilager tends bar and
the reporter approached him. Ha
said that Mrs. K;ib and Schafer were
home and bad spent a very pleasant
visit with friends in tho City of
Brotherly Love. "It is rumored that
they were married in Philadelphia,"
said tbe reporter. "Impossible!" said
tbe irate drink mixer, ''she is going
to marry me," Exit elopement story.
Well Atttnd'd Cortsg Followed Hsr
Remains to the Qravs.
All that was mortal of Mrs. Nicholas
Heffron, late of 419 Prospect avenue,
was laid to reBt yesterday morning iu
Hyde Park Catholio cemetery, It was
as large a funeral proeession as the
South Side baa teen in Tdars. She wus
oue of the oldest residents of the city,
and bad always been held in high re
spect for her upright life and neigh
borly kindhearteduess.
At 0 o'cloek a solemn liiith mass of
requWin Was solemnizsd at St. Peter's
catht'dral. Rev. J. A. McUugb was
celebrant, Rv. P, J. Golden deacon,
Rev. J. A. O'Reilly sub-deaoon, and
Rev. J. J. Mangan, master of ceremo
nies. Father McIIuga preucbed a
beantiful sermon and highly praised
the virtues of the departed woman.
The pall bearers were Thomas De
vine. James Jordan, Patrick Langan,
Patrick Rap, Miobael Dnggau anu
Patrick Hefforon.
Select Councilman O. W. Woetprahl re
turned home lat evening.
The street car tracks on Hickory street
were begun to be laid yesterday.
The outing of the Snnflny school of the
Ceflnr Avenue Methotlist Episcopal jchurch
to Mountntu lake will be held today.
An infant child of Michael Coyne, of
Stafford street. Minooka, died yesterday
morning and will be bufied this afteruoou
in St. Joseph's cemotery.
Tho recently elected officers of James
Connell lodge, No. 170, Independent Order
Odd Fellows, will be Installed at next
Wedcesday night's meeting.
Ernest Ferettl, of Genet atreet, an Ital
ian boy employed at the National breaker,
had the fingers Of his right band mangled
yesterday, und Dr. Manly amputated two
of them. .
The funeral or David Mnhon, of 73(1
River street, will be held tbis morning at
0 o'clock, with a mass of rtquiem at St.
Peter's cathedral. Intormeut will be made
in Hyde Park cemotery. ,
Oscar Drum was brought bofore Aldor
mau O'Jlalluy, or the Twentieth ward, yes
terday at the iuaiaucn ot the pareuta of
Miss Lizzie Phillips. Tbe case was amic
ably settled upon the promise of Drum to
make the girl bia wite.
The Welcome Dancing class, ot which
William II. Waltor is instructor, will open
with a social at Germnula hall Monday
evening. Tho class will include a number
or promineut young mou or the South
Professor E. E. South worth will begin
iustniciiug a t-ittht reading class in mudic
at St. John's church on Monday evenliu,
Tbe class will ooimist of the members of
the church choir and several othttr y'Uiig
folks who take an interest lu music In nil
it is estimated that the class will start out
with titty members.
The marriage of A. J. Mulderig to Miss
Annie E. Mcll.-.le, of Dunmore, will bo
celebrated next Wednesday morning tit 10
o'clock in St. Mary's church, Duumore.
Both are well aud favorably known and
will be accorded many well wishes for
every possible success on their voyage
upon tho sea ot bliss.
The complimentary social nnd ice cream
festival of the Prospect Avenue Gorman
Evangelical church in tho church parlors
last night, under the auxpicesof tho Young
Peoples Society f Christian Endeavor,
carried off the palm for keen enjoyment
and liloBsure. The programme publltthed
iu this column yesterday was carried out
to perfection. The admission to the enter
tninment was tree, but nt the festival fol
lowing a small price was charged for tho
eatables. The society dorivod a handsome
prttlt from the evening.
Q$QG&'VPt9 S$
t& s
$$$3$0 0$ Qb$ SS05
rank Uoniboy has rolumud to his homo
iu Bluouibburg.
Milk Scents per quart, until Oct. 10, at
tue io. u Lut-u Store.
Thomas Muni, ot Drinker streot, who
has been vory ill, is improving.
Miss Millie Augwin, ot Illaknly street,
Is visiting friends nt Grand Tunnel.
M. J. McIInlt of Olyphant, spent yes
terday atnoug Dunmore businoss mou.
Harry Smith spout yvstonlay at Avoca
calling on H. W. Douy, of the Avoca.
Mrs. A. 8. Swinala of Electric avenue.
is visiting nt Carbondule to be absent a
George Doirk is preparing to rebuild
his home that was destroyed by fire a
Bbort ttmo ngo.
The Loyal legiou will hold their reRUlar
weekly meeting at Odd Fellow's hall to
nluht at 7.45 o'clock.
Anyono leaving news items at G. W.
B, Allen's store, or any other place, will
please leave them in writing, and write
Mrs. Katie May, of Grand Tnnuol, who
has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Thomas
Allen, of Bloom street, has returned to her
Mr.. Lewis R. Smith, who has been viit
ing her son, Rov. IL .M. Smith, on Cherry
stroet, has returned to her home at New
foundland, Wayne county.
Bauer's band will be at Laurel Hill park
ngiin tomorrow nftoruoon at 8 o'clock,
bates open at 1 o'clock. Tnese sacred con
certs have been largely attuuded.
The Patriotic Order Sons of America are
builcliug up iu this town, and many new
members are being initialed. This is an
order that should be kept alive.
D. K. Oakley, or North Park, ia building
two new houses on Qulncy avenue. Mr.
Oakley has built several houses this sum
mei in different parts ot the town.
Dunmoro Baptist church service. Rev.
A. B. O'Neil, the pastor, will preach at
10;30: Sunday school at 3 o'clock: Cbris
tiau Endeavor at 0:30; evening sermon
Lewis Smith, or Green Ridgo, brother
of D. J. Smith, of this bnrou'cb, who sus
tained a severe fall while at his work for
tho West Ridge Coul company a few days
ago, is improving.
The funeral of John Veber was held
yesterday at 2 o'clock at the residence of
his brother Theodore on Drinker street,
and was conducted by Rov. A. B. O'Neil,
pastor of the Baptist church.
A number of new crossings have been
put down iu town which are a great Im
provement to the borough. The appear
ance of our streets have been improved
one-haif since sidewalks have been laid.
The Epworth lengue will hold their an
nual election of officers in theleotnre room
of the Methodist Episcopal church next
Tuesday evening. Every member is re
quested to be present. An effort will be
made to build up the league and increase
the interest and attendance.
Dnnmore Methodist Episcopal church
services tomorrow will be quarterly meet
ing services. Love feast at 9.80 a, m.,
preaching by R"V. W. L. 'ihorpe, presid
ing elder at 10.110 a. m.; Sunday school at
2.W p. m-4 Junior Epworth League at 4 p.
m.; eveuing sermon by the pastor, itev. J.
C. Leacock, at 7.80 p. m.
Rv. George E, Guild, of the Providence
Presbyterian cburch, will preach at 10.80
a. m., and Rev. D. W. Skellingor, of the
Woshburn Street Presbyterian church,
will preach at 7.3 ) p. m. in the Dunmore
Presbyterian church. Sunday school nt
Yi o'clock. Jnnior Endeavor society meets
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and Senior
Endeavor at 6.80 p. m. Everybody iu
Vltcd to all services.
There was a happy time at the home of
Mr. aud Mrs. P. J. O'Donnell, of Bla tely
street, Inst eveuing. A large number of
West Side friends unexpectedly called
with the intention of running the huBe
for the eveninc and choice refreshments
were served. The gathering was one of
the plessant social events of the season.
Among those presout were: John
Devlne, William J. Cannon, William
A. Banks. William Uoltham, Mat
Troy, Martlu Howloy, M. J. McAulilT,
Charles O'Malley. John Smith, Joseph
Gerrill, Edward Francis. J. E. Gallaghor,
Eil ward Clark, John McAulliffn, Jumes
Mulherlan, John Cllms Anthonv Dougher,
P. J. Murray, M. IJ. Cawley, W. J. Oan
non, M. McCann. E. A. Vanson, J. Mona
hnn, J. Ryan, George Lnuney, William
Philhin, M. J. Ratchford, James Flynn, O.
E. Dunklny, James Coulon, O. Lamb, M.
McCoy, M. Culkin, J. Custck, J. While,
P. Sutter, J, White, M. J. t'ary, Binghnm
tou; J. W. MoAloon, Peter Tlmnpy. M. E.
Flvnn. A. Coition, P, Sherin, J, J. Moran,
F. Brady, II . Durklu, J. Hunt, J. McDer
mott, P. F. McCoy, P. J. Cawlev, F
Walsh, Misses Jonnie Bennetts, Hettie
Relley. Mr. and Mrs. C'onlan, Miss FalHr,
ot Bo-ton; B. McMnbon, Msry MoAndrew,
M. Ganor, U. Mitchell, K, Connors, B.
Ilolaud, J. Ryan, B. Glbnry, D. Jennings,
Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Doimnll, F.' McDonnnugh,
Bina Hiiggerty, K. Rognn, Mnggio
The paving investigation was con
Untied yesterday before Commissioner
Fuller, and no new or startling feat
nres were develop-d. Testimony was
given by Chnrles Currey, a mail car
rier nnd Couhcilmen Clifford, nenegnn
and Retip, who reiterated the assertions
heretofore made in reference to
the action of the representative
ef the Hollywood Brick Paving
enmpanv, who it is dittoed offered bim
$r00 to $1 800 for fijfiiienoe in favor of
that company. Ou cross examination
Clifford admitted that the Sicillinn
Asphalt company, of New York, and
tbe brick companies had borne the ex
penses of tbe famous junket of tti
only seven. The investigation will be
continued on Tuesday next. r ,
Have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil for
croup aud colds, and it a positive
cure. Contributed by William Kay, 670
Plymouth avenne, Buffalo, N, Y.
Suggestions That Kay Enable Many Tribune
Readers to Feel Better.
These Hints Don't Cost Much, Are
Not Copyrighted and if They Don't
Do You Any Good You Can Have
the Satisfaction of Knowing That
They Will Not Do You Any Harm
Fbr the laluriny Tribune.
Only of recent ycai'M has science rec
oguiajd inebriety to be a verittiblo diS'
ease. If the former conviction that in-
ebriety was exclusively a vice ia an
error, equally erroneoun is the belief of
extreme reaction that inebriety lg ex
cliiHivelyailixeuso. The Philadelphia
Mudicul and Surgical Reporter ncusioly
thinks that the truth lies between
these extremes. Inebriety Is at once a
dlHeaso and a vice, and appears as
either, according as tho one or the
oilier cuuructerisiio may predominate.
It may exist as a Uiwouwe with the vi
cious element entirely wanting; us lu
the case of an individual whose inher
ited mental and physical tendencies
toward alcoholism are utterly out of
proportion to his personal power or re
sistance when such tendencies have
been allowed a siugle opportunity to
caln ascendency. In this phaco Ine
briety Is a morbid condition dipso
mania and is characterized by the ir
resistible . obsession and imnulse to
drink, recurring at porioda during
which tho victim abandons himself
absolutely to the thirst for alcohol.
Uetween attacks the unfortunate pa
tient may bo totally abstinent; may
(itmcnr nerfectlv rational, und ninv he
able to conduct all the ordinary ali'airs
01 nie witnout evincing auy unsound'
ness of mind. He may even make
most heroic but lnellectuul ellort to re
sist' tho recurring impulse to drink.
Btich a one Is undoubtedly diseased
rather than vicious. Tho dipsomauiao
Invariably belongs to the degenerate
class which Is characterized by the so-
cnncu psyetiopatnic constitution. Jl ia
physical makeup is always imperfect
and his mental and moral balance ia
never stable. Ou the other hand, lne
brlety may be essentially a vice, at
least in so fur as it may have been ac-
quireu and for some time continued as
a vice. Thus uu individual in whom
hereditary tendencies are not pro
nounced, or are entirely wanting, may
acquire the drink habit wilfully. In
ebriety begun as the vice, if continued,
invariably terminates as the disease.
The belief thnt unsound teeth be
long only to a hlghly-clvllized state of
life seems to be a prevalent one. But
J. Howard Mummery informs us, In
Nature, that a very ditl'erent conclu
sion was reached by his father, more
than twenty years ago. after an In
quiry extending over more than a de
cade. Over 2,000 skulls were exam
ined, Including all the available collec
tions in Great Britain. Among 30
skulls of ancient Egyptians there were
15 with curious teeth; among 76 Anglo-Saxon
Bkulls, 12; among 146 s'tulls
of Romano Britons, 41, and 44 miscel
laneous skulls of ancient Britons, 9.
Several other collections gave like re sults:
Examining skulls of savage
races, 27.7 per cent, of Tasmaulans
were found to have dental carles; 20.45
per cent,, of native Australians, 24.25
tier (Writ, of tha nut.i vua nf VaMt Afrlon
and 27.96 per cent, of tho natives of
nest 'Allien.
. tit
Before a recent meeting of tho Sani
tary society orinaianapohs.Misa Mary
Dean made some instructive remarks
Man. she said, Is still the only animal
that kills himself with his own dirt. She
recounted a visit td the parks in New
York.whlch she described as "crowded
full of filthy 'sitters,'" aud that the
parks smelled like close rooms, the
people in them needed washing so
badly. "Many foreigners in New York
are too filthy for auy republic," she
paid, and she saw a uumber with eyes
made sore for lack of cleanliness. It
was heropluion that people who are
able to live are able to wash. It was
her opinion that there wns work in
this country for every one who wanted
it, and thas many farms were being
uncultivated for want of help. Men
want $2.50 for eight hours' work, and
the farmer can get but 45 cents for
wheat. There are plenty of farms, she
said, where the farmer would spare a
bit of frrniind for n nun tn 1ioq a Immai
and a bit of gardeu and, with wages of
no more man 20 cents a day, lie could
get along better than being a burden
to the benevolent in the parks of New
York. "We have an enormous army
of sitters," she continued. "People
who endeavor to elevate the poor by
?;iving them entertainmentsand serv
ng them with ices, ' German wafers
and elocucation.'' Her idea "was that
soap would be more to the point; and
there are many hyglenlsts who will
second the motion. .
Of all the employment open to wo
men, none does her so much, credit as
does that of the trained nurse. Even
this vocation is enlarging. Every good
summer and winter resort now employs
a trained nurse. The custom began in
hotels patronized by invalids and has
extended to almost every seaside and
mountain retreat In the country. It is
well known that every physician of
note preiers to intrust important cases
to the care of special nurses. When
these cases occur at a summer resort.or
as is often the case, the patient Is or
dered by the attending nbVsicIan to
one or tbe other plaoe for change of
air, a nurse is many times a necessity,
and consequently their number in
creased with tho proportion of summer
travel. One nurse who Is a favorite in
Washington is always taken to Nan
tucket through the recommeueatlon of
a lending physician, by whom she is
regularly engaged. The same way
with tho other resortH. Every oityhas
ite favorites among professional nurses,
and in this way tho profession often
finds summer work by no means as
wearing as one would be led to sup
pose. These nurses have stated hours
and times for everything, and are thus
enabled to obtain considerable restns
well as eujoynient, even tho very busi
est of them. Oue Can therefore readily
understand the reason why the profes
sion is yearly growing in favor among
young ludles of culture and refinement,
whose means are not sufficient to ena
ble them to Ignore work. Tho advan
tage is twofold, as everyone who has
enjoyed the attention of a well trained
nurse in contrast to the ignoraut ser
vices of the Betsy Prigg and Sairy
Gamp order can testify.
Rem. faith never grows weait by hav
ing to wait. .Sufferers taking Hood's Sar.
a 11 ri a r i ! 1 u f .if h-vni itAhmlali.. 1. a . . 1 .4 1...
" r " ....... .v. wuiutniuwnuuum in
patient aud tbe result will be aatlafactoty.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly
and efficiently, on tbe liver and bowels. 25o
ittS' lMMa W f ,'
ttK '.V4l-I..)"l''. .1
Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here
in Scranton by the
A Word.
TKonfs of all kinds cost that much, when
Jiaid for, in advance. When a look ac
count made, no charge will be less than
t5 cents. This rait apylie to all small
uant eds, except Situations Wanted, tvhich
are inserted FHEE.
Agents Wanted.
VI ititf now artiulcH to dcalirs: exclusive
territory, no com petit inn, nocimitnl ri'ipiiri'd ;
iW to 8UI por oeut. prurit. Columbia Ctiomi
cal Co., OU Dearborn at., Cliiisnijo, 111.
X celebrated "Bcllo of And rsou County" ciise
Hoods nnd other bl uudsof line Kentucky liaud
madesour mash wliisltiea. m monthly sulnry
and expunse.1 or commission; inferences re
quired. Address, Ed Murphy & Co., Dist.illors
and Wholesale Lhnnir Ilea ore, No. 15 Cheap
Hide, Lexington, Ky.
(till or boy ill every city or town in United
States to diBtrbute elroiilars and Bamnles of
our perfumes; SI. a) to $M por day. Address,
with stamp, J. Lamur & Co., Chicago.
A celebrated "Hollo ot A ndursnn County" caso
ffoods nnd other brands of thn Rentnckv IiaikI.
made sour mash whisUles on monthly aiarv and
exiM-nses or comiriieion; ret' ranees required.
Address, Ed Murphy & Co.. Distillers and
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, IS Cheapsido, Lex-
handle our line, no peddling. SaUry,
876 por month and expeuscs paid to all. Goods
entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box HalS,
Boston, Ma8s,
sell the latost aluminum novelties, enor
mous nrollts. soils at sight, delivered free, 8)
cure te.ritory. Sample in velvet lined case
with full information, luc. Catalogue fre'.
Aluminum Novelty Co. iii'i Broadway, Now
Help Wanted-Male.
th- urocerv titido. Steady employment,
exporien'O unnecessary, S'b mcnthly salary
and expenses or com. If oiler satisfactory ad
dress at once with pirticulars concerning
yourself, 17. S. Chemical Works, Chicago.
at 103 t-pruce streot.
Unci board with private family at UUU
I mo street.
For Sale.
I buggies, surri' s I phaetons, carts, store
and business wagons of all kinds, also lumber
Wagons all my own make at M. T. KELLER'S
Lackawanna Cnrriapo work. 1110 Adams ave.
.1 pow r olectrio motor, with pateut shut
otf. BARCLAY BROS, printers, 3i! Wash
ington avenue.
1 worth will be sold for 77; nls's
some low-priced carriigs,at HELKltUiiL'S,
Locust street, near Cedar.
1 feet order and used but vory little; con
Ulna a mirror aud linen chest; manufactured
by A. II. Andrews tic Co., Chicago. Address
"Folding Bed," Tribune.
O street.
For Rent.
Penn avonue, &.HI per month.
V suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JER
MYN, 11 Wyoming avenuo.
Special Notices.
Frank Leslio's illustrated Winiklv War
Illustrations lVil-ISil"). Two Volumes ' Folio,
tlti.SU; payable monthly, $i0ll. Del vered by
express complete, prepaid. Addrivss P. O.
MOODY, t)l (iibson street, Scranton, Pa.
sines, etc., bound or rebound at The
TmnuMa otllce. (juick work. Uoaaouablu
corner Sprnco stroet and Frnnklin ave
nue. Twenty meal tickets for $&&U. Uood
table board.
Charter Application.
JVN application will be made to theO ivernor
of Pennsylvania on Monday, the second day
of July, 1HI4, by Watts C. Van Hlarcom, w'.
nownra w miers, n,umun(i a. Hint, David
Snruksand Louis J. Siebecknr, under the Act
of Assembly, entitled ''An ant to provide for
the incorporation and regulation of certain
corporations," approved April 1S74, and
tho-supnlements thereto, for the charter of
an intended corporation to be called the
Crescent Coal Mining Company, the charac
ter and object of which is the mining, prepar
ing for market aud selling anthracite onul.
and for those purposes to liavo, possess and
enjoy all the rights, bonellts ami privileges ot
said Aot of Assembly and supplements thereto.
Money to Loan.
sums on first mnrtaure. Brown. Attnr-
$ ii il
e crisp, cold
days will probably
bring to your no
tice that you need
a new outer gar
ment this seasoa
Have you decided
upon a
Cloth Coat
or a
Fur Cape?
We would ad
Vise you to buy
early. The styles
are settled and
prices are sure to
be higher.
Visit our new
Cloak Parlors.
ceived at tho oUice of the City Clurk,
Scranton. Pa., until 7. Ml o'clock p. m., Thurs
day, i ciobr 4th, IbKI, to furnish coal for the
cuirent flscul yoar for Fir- Dept. House,,
station Houses aud Municipal build nj. Pour
firojosals will be received, each tobo enclosed
n a separate envelope, and blddurs shall en
cl ise wth each proposal tho sum often dol
lars, cash or certuie i h k. as a Kuarsmne to
comply with proposal if awarded the contract.
l'roposal No. 1 to be for furnishing tho im.
bcnai'd, Excelsior, Liberty, Nlsfra a and Gen
eral l'hiniiey Eire Dept. Houses; also tho Mar
ket Str ct station House.
Proposal No. 2 to furnish tho Frnnklin,
Columbia niM Kaitln Fire Dept. Houaos; also
llvile Park Station House.
Pi oi os il No. S, to furnish the Municipal
Buildin and houses ocenpi d by tho Crystal
Nay Aun. 1 h'l uii, Hook aud Ladder and Be
lief Hre Dept. Companies
Proposal N, . 4, to furnish Alder Btrect Sta
tion House. iud the houses occupied by the
Neptune, Ceutury und Win, Conuell Firo
Dept. Companies.
Tho city reserves the ripht to reject any
and all bids. l)y order of city Cjuncils.
M. T. LAVKLLE, City Clerk.
Scranton, Pa., Sept. :'", lw4.
-i Newark, N. J , deceased.
L etters of administration upon tho above
named estate bavin been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons having claims against
the sam will plSMent lhtu for payment,
duly nutlieut c itei, aud those indebted there
to will pleae milto immediate payment to
JAMES U. TOKKEi', Administrator.
INSTATE of Martha Taylor, hte of the
-J Bor iugh of Olyphant, Pu., deceased.
Letters o: admiuistrtinn upon the abivo
named estato having been granted to the
uedersignod all persons havmi; cla ms or de
mands ugaiust said estate wdl present them
for payment aud t"osn indebted thereto will
please make i nmediat" payment to
Attorneys for Estate.
Olyphant, Pa.
Situations Wanted.
bor 1. bv a middle aged American ladv: a
situation as managing housekeeper or com
panion, or would assist witu lunt nouseworic
and sewing; siso competent to assist in busi
ness. Address F , Truth ofllco,
dtaires situation of some kind. Uood ref
erences. Address D , Tribune otlice.
O would like to go out by the dav o take
tewing at home. Address M. 212 Spruce
O desires a situation us book-keeper. Ex
perienced and good relerenees. Willing to
t..... ..1.1 T 11- 1
Wyoming avenut .
f V bookkeeper or shipping clerlt,by young
man with five years' experience. Address
E. U SHLltKlCiv, UM Wyoming
X sewing; will go out by the day or at
noiue, Aimless m t spruce street.
t5 to do house cleaning or i flices, orwshing
by the day. Address J. C, UK) Twentieth
atreut.jliyde Park.
ii. good references, of middle age wishes
employment. yiMck and correct in ngnres,
five Years exnerieuee as single entry look-
keeper and clerk. Will work for any wages
that will payboard. Addresi W. B. Tribune
Xotico is hereby givea that auo
tion sale3 will be conducted daily,
at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., iu tho storo
of C.W. Freeman,Jeweler, corner
Penu avenue anl Spruce streot.
Tho sale is positive and no goods
are reserved. Proceeds will be
applied to liquidate creditors'
Manager for Creditors
ROOFttnninit and soldering all done away
with by t use of UAKTMAN 8 'AT
ENT PAINT, which oonsinta of InKredi nta
well-known to ill It run be applied to tin,
galvanised tin, sheet iron roots, al so to briok
dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any
mniiniiinir. oraokinir or breaklnir of the
Brick. - It will outlast tinning ot auy kind by
many years,ana it s coat uoub qui, exueeu uue
flfth that of i he cost of tinning. Ii sold by
tbe iob or pound. Contracts taken by '
ANTONIO U Ait I ANN, 637 BlrobBk
Mi 'i J? 1 Wi$w si flf)
Court House.
Carpets Cleaned.
Feathers Renovated.
;illN6 CO.
Atlantic Refining Co.
Manufacturers and Dealers ia)
ninminatiog and Lubricating
Linseed Oil, and Gwo
lines of all grades. Axle Grease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
pound ; also, a lurje line of Paj
raffine Wax Candles.
We also handle the Famous CROWN
ACWE OIL, the only family safety
burning oil in the market.
Office: Cool Exchaneo, Wyoming At
W orks a Pin Brook.
-WeU. Sir!
Ye3, siri Wa
have a special'
C" ist here to tin
you who dosi
nothing elio.
Sit right down
t I I" f and have yoar
1 ' I I eyes tilted ia
ascientifio mauuer.
Gooxs 1 t:J 2 Conmoriiysaltti Mi
Hade at the MOOS IO nnd RUSH
LofSin & Rand Powder Oo.'i
Elsctrlc Batteries, Fuse? for eiploi
lag blasts, ISaiety Fuse and
RtpaunoChemlcal Co. 's High Explosive!
Ins!rumnt in erery sense of the term aS
appl ed to Pianos.
Kseeptional in holding their original tubs?
o( ton.
E.C. RickcrScCo.
115 Adams Ava. New Telephone BdJ
Look Here!
There are a great many cards,
pamphlets, circulars and other
advertising matter constantly being
distributed among the public.
Not cver)'body has a taste for read
ing. Have your printing done in an
attractive ana novel style.
Draw people's attention by some'
thing catchy and rarely seen.
is able to please you in every jtfM
respect. JmMb
7 "V
10 c