The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 28, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Josh Billings
said be bad mil a number of good
essays on "Milk," bat the best
thing he bal ever seen ou it wai
low, Then
That is what we have to say of our
new stock of FALL AND WIN
cream assortment of foreign dot
eltiea in Dress Patterns, wt from
$5 to $20 a pattern, Of Amerioan
production, the cream assortment
of norelties, in two-toned effects
aud we certainly feel proud this
season of what American manu
facturers can do. We know you
are not ungrateful, and when you
see these novelties at 50o. and 75c.
a yard, you'll say you never taw
anything like them for the price.
In Silks
Art and esonomy are combined
the colors and designs plain and
fancy weaves throughout are ex
quisite, dainty and most attractive
in the matter of prices.
In Housekeeping
All previous seasons' showings are
undoubtedly surpassed.
As a starter for early fall wear we offer
a lot of
Bleached Cotton Towels
SIZE 20x40,
Price, 12c. Each
4i2 Spruce St, Scranton.
Dr. Heovi in certainly gaining the oonfl
ili.iico uf tho public. Uo is Uinlinr honnstly
with the noople of Scranton and vicinity. H
im gooii and considerate to tho poor and treats
everyone with respectful consideration. Hav
ing had lonsand varlcHl exporlom-o In private
and hospital service, ho stands unequalled in
his profession. Ho is iierforminir somo won
derful cures.and while his hi.ndsoinn ollices at
412 Spruce street, Scranton.are daily crowded
with sick andsurferin ',ue always has time and
a word of cheer and comfort for everyone,
lie (Ives advice, ser- nrr fir ninDPC
ices and examination 1111,1 Ul bniltlUt
is o one is turned away.
Tho doctor has opened a female department
for those who wish treatment exclusively for
ailments peculiar to females, o that thoso
whom "delicacy" has heretofore kept away
jnny now receive the services of u "lady"
whose treatment will provo her ability in
Mich coses.
He, with his assistants, treat all diseases of
the nervous system, diseases of the eve, ear,
no-aud throat, dyspepsi i, rheumatism, lost
vitality, premature weakness or decav in
tmth soies temalo weaknesses aud irregu
larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tuniorf,
caucers, eruptions, blood poisoning, fits, epi
llnpsy, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
manhood, i czemo, scrofula, St. Vitas' dance,
iistlima, diseases of the heart, lungs, livor,
kidneys, bladdor, stomach, otc.
Consultation and Examination Free.
OftUu hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 9 p. ui. Sua
flays 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. .
Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or
Kemomber tho name and number.
412 Spruce St, Scranton.
. A refined school home. Prepares for the
best colleges.
1 horonRh courses In Musio and Art
Teachers' Class gives beat preparation for
Commercial Conne includog Typewriting
and Shorthand.
Posi'ionB secured for Ornduates.
Kend for new illustrated circular.
F. M. LOOA11S, A.M., Principal
cial Sale
We offer onr entire stock of
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
Linoleums, Curtains,
Window Shades
and Wall Papers
nt prices during this month that will convince
ii nyone that examines the quail ty of our goods
mid our prices that it will pay them to buy
during tliis groat bargain sale.
Heuieinlicr, our goods are all first-class, so
that our extremely low pi ices wtll not make
you auspicious as to the nuality you are buy.
J. Scott Inglis
Four doors above Wyoming House.
1 . . All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
lmve not, have now the opportunity to try
itrFree. Call on the advertised Druggist
Budget a Trial Bottle, Free. Bend your
. name and address to U. E. Bucklon He Co.,
Chicago, and get a sum pie box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills, Free, as well as a
copy of Guide to Health and Household
kV Instructor, Free. All of which is gunrsn
v teed todo yon good and cost you nothing
Aiattbews Eros. Drugstore.-
Highest of all in Leavening Powel Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Fonr thousand people attended tie
fair yesterday. The cloudy and ra'.ny
morning did not dampen the ardor of
(lie plensure seekers. The numerous
booths did a lucrative business and
everything whs a success.
In the 8.00 minute class trot and
pace Kitty Cloud, b. m., owned bv M.
F, Sherwood. Honesdnle, first, Kitty
C, owned by W. II. Relycn, Wells,
Pa., second; Lena C, b. ni., owned by
Gnmner and Abendrolt, third. Time,
2 85, 2.01. 2 31J-.
2 40 Clues. Doe Chapman, br, g. ,
owned by T. Ii Clark, firBt; Gentle
Havny, b. e., owned by W. E. Cook,
seconk; Farmer, b. g., owned by L. A.
Patterson, third ; five heats, time 2.38;
2 87J; 2 85; 2 85; 2 S6J.
A team owned by Geo. Kimble en
guged in carrying passengers to and
from the Fair Grounds rnn away
yesterday. Air. Kimble left the team
a moment near the Post Offioe. There
was one occupant, Mrs. Clark from
Wilkes-Barre. The horses started up
the wagon collided with another and
frightened the team. Dashing up the
street at a mad p.ioe. Airs Clark was
thrown out and the wogon demolished.
Mrs. Clark was not seriously hurt.
A mnsicsle will be given at the home
of Mrs. William H. Dimmick this even
ing for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid
society of the Episcopal church. A
uumber of prominent artists will ren
der an elaborate programme. Miss
Slee, a noted cotralto; Mr. George Du
Boia Diinmiek, soprano, of Scranton,
well known to Honesdale people; Miss
Stone, of St. Ignatius choir, New York;
Willis Conaiit, choir master of St.
Luke's, Seranton, nnd Eugene Ham, of
Scranton, whose flute 1ms so often
pleased HonesdaUans. The mnslcale
will commence at 8 o'olock. Admis
sion, 50 cents.
The Maple City Wheelmen have just
received donations from J. S. O'Con
nor, Hawley, BUd Dorflinger & Sons,
White Millsa salad bowl from Mr.
O'Connor ana celery dish from Dor
fliugers. These dishes are second prizes
in the one mile handicnp and half mile
open, respectively, and the value great
ly exceeds that advertised.
Forest City.
Lew F. Allen, of Clark's Summit,
was in town yesterday. .
Attorney L. P. Wedeman was legally
engaged in CrbonduIe yesterday.
Benjamin F. Me soy will open a
niirbt school in the Mazey block next
Monday evening, Oct. 1.
A large number of people from this
place were in attendance at the Har
ford fair yesterday.
The Enterprise Hose company gave
an exhibition drill Wednesday evening
beaded by the Forest band. The com
pany made a good appearanoe. Yes
terday they went to Carbondale ocsu
pied a prominent position in the parade
rt that place, where they sustained
their past reputation and won new
honors. Among those who went down
yesterday and gave vent to their feel-
kings when the Forest City firemen
passed, them were Postmaster F. Cun
ningham, H. A. Purple and B;rt Trim.
George Young, a resident of Vand
ling, met with quite a serious accident
in the Delaware and Hudson company's
mine nt the above place yesterday by a
fall cf rock, Mr. Yonng was walking
to his place in the mine, when suddenly
a large piece of rook full without any
warning, knocking him down. He re
ceived severe injuries about the hips
aud also had one of his legs brokeu.
He was conveyed to his home, where
Drs. Bailey, of Caroondnle, and Grand
er, of this place, dressed the injuries,
whiea it is thought will not prove
Miss Rose Bonner, of Philadelphia, is
visiting Miss Maggie McCrea.
John Gorinally, of Fort Wayne, Ind.,
who has been visiting here in company
with bis wife nt the home of her
mother, returned borne Tuesday. Mrs.
Gormally will remain here for some
The new blowing machine which has
recently been inserted in the No. 1
breaker of the Greenwood Coal com
pany broke yesterday afternoon and
caused a slight delay,
Miss Mary Diskin, of Main street,
was severely scalded on Wednesday eve
ning about the body and limbs. While
in the act of taking a boilerful of hot
water from the stove the handle broke
and she fell with the boiler, spilling the
water on her buck and arms.
O'Connell council, Young Men's In
stitute, Ho. 184, hld a meeting of
much importance lust night to make
preparations for a reception for their
delegate, M. U. McDonoogb, who is
attending the convention at Louisville.
Ky., and who is expected home this
Miss Maggie Kane, of West Pittston,
who has been visiting Miss B. Higgins,
of Main street, returned home yester
day. Mayficld. '
Timothy McCarty. M. Farrell,
Charles Hoyt, P. F, Kilker and a largo
number of other young people from
this place went up to Carbondale to see
the firemen's parade yesterday after
noon. The Mayfield William Walker Hose
company participated in the parade at
the Pioneer City yesterday.
Frank Andrews, of Windsor, N. Y.,
who has been on duty at the Delaware
and Hndson station the past two weeks,
has returned to his home.
Mrs. W. J. Borgan was in Carbondale
P. Gilhool will remove bis household
goods to Pittston today.
An enjoyable and largely attended
surprise party was tendered E, J.
Burke, at bis home on Mala street last
Tuesday evening.
Janus McGouldrlo was in Carbon
dale yesterday.
H. J. DcGruw returned from two
weeks' visit at New York aud Albany
Wednesday night.
Lida, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Antony Finnerty, died at
her home on Dnnmore street yesterday
at 10 o'olock of pneumonia Inter
ment will be made at St. Patrlok's
oemetery this afternoon at 2 o'olock.
Miss Aggie Lynot, of Scranton, is
biting friends In town.
Mr. and Mrs. L, Brown, of South
aetic, JN. x., are the guests or Mi
and Mrs. H. B. Mattbewson of the
wf st side.
Dr. A. F. Crans and Miss Matilda
Neely were msrried at Providence last
evening by Rev. G. E. Guild of the
Presbyterian ohnrcb.
Byron Evans, a boy of .about 10 years
of ego. was killed at the Ontario
breaker yesterday morning. He was
taken to bis home on Susqnehanna
street Funeral will be aunouneed
Mrs. Thomas Drake and daughter
are visitinir Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ken
nedy at Bluknly.
Mrs. Thomas Guard, of Middleton,
N. Y is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
T. H. Evans is spending his vaoation
in New York city.
Mew Milford.
O. M. Hnwley of Binghamton, is vis
iting friends in town.
Harford fair was well attendod to
day, while the display of stork, fruit,
etc, was of a high order. The New
Milford Cornet band, of twenty pieces,
made a fine appearance.
The old store building which several
years ago did a lively business, in
"Hayden town" is being torn down.
Tue large tannery and finishing
buildings in this place continue vacant
where a few years ago upwards of a
hundred men found employment Some
ambitious manufacturer could make a
good "hit" here.
Potatoes' have proved a better erop
than anticipated and prices have ac
cordingly dropped to CO and 05 cents
per bushel. Good apples are selling at
00 cents.
Mrs. Edgar Lindsey, of Upsonville,
is suffering from a severe attack of
typhoid fever.
The grad.d school adjourned yester
day to allow teachers and pupils to in
spect tbo large pnmpkius and fat
bovines at the Harford fair.
Mrs. Bnrt Tnrner has recovered the
sight of her eye. which was injured
some months ago.
A slight accident happened near AI
ford today. As a stock train was go
ing into the switch for the mail one of
the stock cars ran off or the traok. A
wheel was broken and the oar was all
broken, aud the stock was thrown
about the track. The wreck train and
butchers were summoned immediately
from Great Bend. When they got
there,they commenced a general, slaugh
ter. The stock will be shipped back to
Harry Kneebone is lying dangerously
ill at his home in West Avoea.
Miss Agnes Gibbons spent lost even
ing with Pittston friends.
Mrs. Gavin Bnrt, of Miner's Mills,
called on Avoea friends yesterday.
Miss Mary Aikman, of Wilkes-Barre,
spent a few daya with her parents on
the West Side,
Miss Annie Kirk, of Moosio, snent
yesterday with Avoca friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, of Scot
land, who have been spending i some
time with relatives in Avoca and other
plaees, left for Patterson, N. J., yester
day, where they will spend a week
with friends, and will then leave for
their home.
Miss Sarah Frew, of West Pittston,
spent yesterdiiy with ber parente, Mr.
aud Mrs. E. Frew, of West Avoca,
A surprise party was tendered to
Miss B. Reap, of West Avoca, last
evening. A large number of friends
ytlended and spent the evening in dan
cing, singing, etc., till midnight, when
refreshments were served, when all re
turned to their homes after having a
most delightful time.
Miss Annie Murdoch, of Ransom,
called on Mrs. William Mitchell on
Hits Alice Morahan spent Wednes
day evening with Pitlston friends.
Mrs. U. M. Stever was a visitor at
Wilkes-Barre yesterday.
Mrs. David Brown, of Peckville, is a
visitor in town.
The sale of the personal property of
the late William Drysdale will occur
on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
his lute place of business on Main
street, Taylor. Thomas Francis, Ed
mund Jones, administrators.
Miss Jessie Price and William Pric,
of Lost Creek, Sohnylkill county, vis
ited at the residence of J. B. Daniels,
Tonight the cantata, "Flower
Queen," will be given in Weber's rink.
A dance will also be given after the
Work was commenced this week on
the drills and inarches that are to be
produced nt the prund. cantata, which
is to be given in the rink on Oct 11 nnd
13.' The soldier's chorus are assisted by
several members of the Thirteenth
regiment and their drill was fine and
very satisfactory. The turns, wheels,
circles, figures, stars, crosses and
diamonds were executed very good, nnd
the people of Taylor will be give a rare
treat in this cantata. F. A. Brundn is
the instructor, nnd be is sanguine as to
the success of this army.
E. Bert Kont of Binghnmton is visit
ing at Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller.
Palmer Jadwin and family who have
been occupying their oottage at Glen
bnrn for the summer have returned to
their home at Brooklyn, N. Y.
E. D. Thompson of Swett Valley,
Luzerne Co,, is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Twining.
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Pierce, of An
thony, R I . and Miss Grace Potter,
of Phenix, R I., are visiting at the
Relpb homestead.
Rulph Grifflo, of Waverly, N. Y.. is
visiting his uncle, Mr. G. W.. Griffia,
of Glenburn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Davis, of Potts
ville and Mrs. Maria MoFall, of
Wilkes-Barre, who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Finch for a few
days, left for their home Wednesday
F. A.-Pflrker, who has been seriously
ill with typhoid fever, is recovering.
Messrs. George Emmerson, Dell
Carpenter, Cbarley Bui ley and Ralph
Clark era attending Harford fair.
Miss Miunie Klus bus returned, after
an exteuded visit to relatives and
friends in Seranton and Arcbbald.
The Waverly Bate B.ill club pluyed
the E:it''k;is of Provl lunof on Thurs
day and lost by a soore of 20 to 10. In
the evening the Waverly' entertained
tbeir guests by a grand ball at ' the
Pnnk, whers by the splendid muslo
furolsned by W. Stone's orchestra they
tripped the light fantaBtie toe. GnesU
W6re present from Scranton, Provi
denco, Clark's Summit. Clarke Green,
Dalton aud the whole snrrounding
Mrs. Andrew Bedford, of Seranton,
was a visitor here the early part of the
Mrs. Nellie Dean and family, who
have beu visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. William Rice, for tbe last two
months, bave returned to her borne at
North Dakota.
Sirs. Joseph Bishop, of Sayre, visited
her mother, Mrs. N. Wills, over Sab
bath. Dr. Reeves, 412 Sprue street, Scran
ton, cures all stomaoh troubles, dys
Depfia, constipation, eta, 9 a. m, to 9
p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Sterling visited
Scrunton and Wilkes-Barre frionds re
cently. Dr. Pettil, of Philadelphia, who has
been spending the summer with his
family here, returned to bis borne the
first of this week,
James A. Kintner called upon Wya
lusing friends lust Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Chase and little
daughter, of Wilkes-Barre, visited Mr,
Chase's mother recently.
Mrs. Burt Lnce, of Lynn, is staying
with ber brother's family, hoping the
change may benefit her health.
Miss Julia Hall, of Elmira, N. Y , is
spending several days in town looking
after her business interests.
Mrs. Piiucoe is visiting her son, Rev,
R. Pascoe.
Mrs. Emily Sterling and daughter.of
Mehoopany, and Mrs. Nicholas Over
field, of Black Walnut, visited in town
lllBt wst-lc.
Clyde Wells, son of Chester Wells,
injured bis eye with a kuife several
weeks Bin oe, and the result was he was
obliged to have tbe eye removed.
Operation was performed by Dr. Tay
lor, of Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs, Fisher Willes and Mrs. H. B.
Gaylord of Wyalnsing visited their
brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. James
A. Kintner on Friday.
Miss Kate Landmesser of Scranton is
staying with Mrs. Joseph Pellit.
Miss Alice Roberts of Pittston visited
her annt Mrs. O. H, Loomis first of this
jystone Academy.
"The Relation Subsisting Between
Keystone Academy and the Biplists
of Northeastern PenneylvunU,'' was
the enbj-ct of nn address by R -v. D.
J. Williams at the Baptist Ministerial
association Monday. The Baptists
should be especially loyal to our insti
tution, since it is under the supervision
of tbeir own denomination. But Koy
stone deserves tbe hearty snpport of all
lovrs of a Christian education.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran
ton, cures rbenmotism in any and all
stages, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Our prophecy of lust week in regard
to "Phi Mu" society was verifiod
Friday evening. . Tbe meeting was
characterized by a large attendance,
good programme and intense enthus
iasm. "The Americnn Protective 'Associa
tion" was tbe subject for dissuasion at
the Current Topio league Monday.
Tbe discussion showed that eight
speakers approved the Amorisan Pro
tective association wbile two were op
posed to it.
Two foot ball tiams have been
thoroughly organized. We look for a
bright reoord this year. -
Tbe Tuesday afternoon students'
prayer meeting was held for the last
time this week. At the snggestion of
Miss Dnnn, state secretary of the
Young Woman's Christian association,
this period will he devoted to the
Young Women's Christian association
nnd the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation prayer meetings. A union
meeting will be held once a month.
improvements are still being made
upon the campus.
We are promised a more extended
course of lectures this year than in
the past A great need of Keystone.
Ladies chapel has been adorned
with a large and neatly framed pic
ture of the class of '94.
Criticising a Youna; Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
"What's thatr asked Charley.
George Her face is always covered with
purple aud red blotches.
Charley Oil, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the same way ray
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it in no time.
George What was it?
tharley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
bear bim holler clear across the couutry
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what nn athletic old cent be is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank them after
wards. All the drug stores sell it.
A son of Miki Ambro Savage by some
unknown catiRe foil under a loaded car
and hud one of bis legs cut off, having
the other limb manult'd quite badly.
The young mau is from Pnooburg nnd
the latest news 1a that ha cannot livs.
The accident ocsurred at the Panooast
mi uo.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruee street, Scran
ton, cures lung troubles. 9 e. m. to 9
p. in.
A largo number of young people of
this pluce nnd Providouca attendd u
pnrty htild at tho home of Miss Polly
Morgans In honor of ber annt, who is
visiting here from Wales. Those who
attended were Miss Edith Kennedy,
Miises Jennie aud Mry Williams,
Polly Bray, Polly Winters, Hannnb
Indian, Polly Morgan, Mesers. Thomas
Evsds, Alfred Gill, Lewis Evans, Al
fred Winters, Mr. Jenkins, Oliver
Simpson, William Rare and J. H.
Kiug, Mr. and Mrs. Duvid Williams,
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Morgans and two
sons, Martus ond Howell, Mrs. Frank
Morgans, of Nanticoke.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Williams were
made happy by the arrival of a beauti
ful little girl.
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy tor all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It effects a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches
yield to its influence. We urge all who are
afflicted to procure a bottle and give this
remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual
constipation Eleotrio, Bitters cures by giv
ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few
cases long resist the use of this medicine.
Try It once. Large bottles only Fifty cents"
at Matthews Bros', drug store.
Some remarkable cures of deafness are
recorded of Dr. Thoinsa' Eclectric Oil.
Never fails to cure earache.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Sites, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Sirs. True, of Binghamton, Is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Water
man, 1or a few days.
Mr. Fraukeufield. of Philadelphia, is
visiting at tbe home of his father-in-law,
Thomas Gemmell, of Main street.
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, all
interested, are invited to be present at
tbe Methodist Episcopal oburcb to or
ganize a Sabbath school. Emmet
Brosdhead is elected superintendent.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tucker, of
Herrickville, Bradford county, visited
at W. F. Waterman's, Wednesday
Tbe Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor cleared $10 at their so
cial Tuesday nicbt.
Squire Logan has moved into tbe
bonse owned and lately occupied by
Mrs. El wards on Main street, where
all business appertaining to his oflhe
will transacted for tbe future.
Martin MoCarty, of Avoudale, is
staying with friends in town.
James H. Howarth is ill.
Jermyn's rniues will assume opera
tions today in spite of all the false
minors afloat.
Thomas Reese, of Providence, was
injnred by a premature blast in Storra'
mines ou Tuesday.
At Cincinnati
Cincinnati.... 0 0000400 04
New York. ...2 0 0 3 8 2 0 0 1-U
Hits Cincinnati, 7; New York, Vi. Er
rorsCincinnati, 0; New York, 1. Bat
teries Fisher and Merrit, Clarke aud
Wilson. Umpire McQuaid.
At Pittsburg
Pittsburg. ....0 0010000 01
Boston 0 2003030 0-B
Hits Pittsburg 4, Boston 14. Errors
Pittsburg 3, Boston 1. Batteries Ehrett
and Weaver, Stivetts aud Ganzol. Um
piresBelts and Gaffney. .
At Clevelaud
Cleveland 0 8 0 2 0 1 0 5 4-2C
Philadelphia ..3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 04
Hits-Cleveland. 24; Philadelphia, 11.
Errors Cleveland, 2; Philadelphia, 7, Bat
tcries Young and dimmer, Welling and
Grady. Umpire Lynch.
Sarsaparilla is carefully
prepared by experienced
pharmacists from Sarsa
parilla, Dandelion, Man
drake, Dock.Pipsissewa,
Juniper Berries, and other well known
vegetable remedies. The Combination, Pro
portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's
Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative
power yPeculiar to Itself, not pos
sessed by other medicines. Hood's
Cures Scrofula, Salt Iiheuui, Sores, Boils,
Pimples and all other affections caused by
Impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick
lleadache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh,
Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Com
plaints. It is Not What
we Say, but what Hood's
Sarsaparilla Does, that
Tells the Story Hood's
Hood's Pills are gentle, mild and elective.
K it
to m
The times may not
b8 all they should
be, but our
Will go a great way
toward evening up
things for our cus
tomers. We save you
. i
This Week- j
Men's Heavy Pants '...98j
Men's Heavy Pants ..$123
Men's Cassimere Pants 103
Men's All wool Pants 2 23
Men's Business Suits....
R'gnlar price, $9.
Men's Fine Dress Suits.,
Regular price, $13
. 8 25
s pg
A Serviceable Knock-about Euit. .. 83e
A Good Wool School Suit. . A .... $1. 48
A Nobby Dress Suit....... 1 2 75
2 pair Knee Pants 1 25o
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Ladies Who
A refined complexion mustn
der. It prod noes a soft anil
se Poztont's P01
beautiful skin.
400-402 Lackawanna Ave,
Friday and
ember 27, 21
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
Furnished Complete, for
As Follows:
VIrrtr-r Plush Parlor Suite, consisting of Tete, Corner Chair.
t--1 AO I Arm Cbuir, Reception Chair and Side Chair, Centre
Table, a pair of Lnce Curtains with Poles and. set of Brass Trimmings com
plete, Brussels Carpet (made nnd laid free.) ' ' -
Q-1r-k Bedstead, Dresser (with large glass), Washstand,
JO U rJ (Jills Chairs, Rocker, Table, Towel Rack, Husk and
Cotton Mattresses (best quality), Wooveu Wire Spring, Pair Pillows, Carpet
(made and laid free.)
Dining Room
A six-foot Extension Table, 0 dial
Lamp, Carpet (made and laid free.)
Tr- 1 Three Chairs, Table, Square of OU Cloth, TwoWin-
dow Shades.
And with the "Economy's compliments a 100 piece Dinner Set to all pur
chasers of the above outfit for CASH OR CREDIT. "Good delivered free
A Handsome Cathedral Strike Clock, American
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