The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 28, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Hypnotism a a Healing Art Demon
stratlous Which Go to Prove That the
rrnctiee of llypuotlsui May Supersede
Medicine for Many Cane.
At Monday's session of the international
congress of experimental psychology hyp
notism was the leading feature.
The first paper on the subject wus by the
veteran Dr. Liebault, "to whose persever
ing aud beuevoluut practice of hypnotism
on his poor clientele nt Nancy," said the
president (Professor Sidywick), "the pres
ent progress of the science is so largely
clue." Dr. Liebault's paper described the
case of u woman who had been seized by
monomania tending to suicide aud who
was cured by hynotic suggestion. Having
enumerated several simple forms of intel
lectual disorder and others rather compli
cated which had alreotly been dispelled by
the same method, which consisted of sub
stituting by suggestion true or false ideas,
the writer said he thought that similarly
he raightobtain still more remarkable suc
cesses even when the disorders of the miud
of the subject were more complex.
Professor Deldceuf (Liege) said that at
all times the mind of man had been capa
ble of influencing the body, but it was
only in recent times that this action had
Ijeen scientifically put in evidence. Was
it necessury for this pnrpose to put the
brain into an abnormal condition? Was
that which was called hypnotism a state
against nature? Not at all. The question
curried the answer with it. To hypnotize
a person was to persuade him "that he
could or could not do a thing which he be
lieved ho could not do, or which he be
lieved he could not be prevented from do
ing. This persuasion might be directly
produced, but it might be also indirectly
produced. The indirect method consisted
in producing artificially that which was
known as hypnotism, and it was only the
development of suggestibility, the exalta
tion of the will.
Take, for example, a high official whoso
nervous, agitated state had rendered him
unhappy for twenty years. He showed to
him, without sendiug him to sleep, that he
had the faculty of not feeling pain. He
passed a needle through his arm without
making him jump. He showed tohiiu in
that way the power of his will, That will
had only to be directed against his nervous
ness. The subject understood it and wus
cured. In mental maladies the mind must
net on the mind, the healthy part of the
brain on the diseased part.
He cited the case of a woman possessed
with the idea of killing her husband and
children. Kvcry day she asked herself on
rising if that wus not the day for her to
accomplish her murders. He defied her
to call out the morbid thought while he
looked at her. Having succeeded, which
was easy, he announced to her that the
following day from 8 to 9 she would not be
able to tlilnik of killing those who were
dear to her. Success was, so to speak, in
evitable. By degrees it was possible to
charm away the morbid ideas for two
hours, then for n day, then for a week.
The cure was accomplished.
Was there uny mystery in that? Was
there the production of an abnormal con
dition? Evidently not. Apart from the
starling point, which was the conviction
of the Hubject that he wus dealing with a
man endowed with acurious power or that
be submitted himself to a curious treat
ment, the subject had been simply led to
set by his own will on the ideas which he
thus arrived at dispelling.
Experiments in hypnotism followed, tha
operator being Dr. liramwell, of Goole.
He presented four patients, all of them
well known to him and in respecfable posi
tions, one being a carpenter, another a
shoemaker, a third the wife of a sea cap
tain and the fourth a girl of that class. It
was said that Dr. Bramwell hud recently
painlessly extracted teeth from the woman
without throwing her into the hypnotic
trance by merely ordering her not to feel
pain. The suggestion was efficacious ex
cept in the case of one tooth, with regard
to which she had previously formed the
conviction that she would have pain, so
that her self suggestion overbore his sug
gestion in that case. The same patient
suffered from severe myopia, only being
able to read the third line lu the ordinary
table of test letters. Dr. liramwell caused
her by suggestion to be able to read all her
lines that is to say, to show more than
ordinary long sight.
This operation he now repeated. He put
tho woman back into her former myopic
Hate at the word of command, and by word
of command again she appeared to be imme
diately relieved. Thespectators warmly ap
plauded the demonstration. Dr. Bramwell
contends that with all his patients he is able
to produce the same satisfactory results by
the mere command in the waking state
that he had previously produced in a
trance. Referring to the question how fur
a patient can suggest to him improvement
In his own condition, Dr. Bramwell men
tioned that the mere fact of his giving a
written order to a patient to sleep enabled
that patient to take out the order, read it
nd go to sleep whenever he needed it. He
had repeatedly sent patients to a dentist's
tarrying with them a written order to feel
no pain. This the patients read when they
lat down in the dentiRt's chair. He has at
the present time patients who go to sleep
by reading the order to do so.
These orders were said to retain their
power when Dr. Bramwell had not seen
the patients for weeks; In fact he had, he
said, been repeatedly called upon to give
them new pieces of paper when the orig
inal talisman had been worn out. It was
stated that the sea captain's wife had been
In the habit of taking sea voyages to Lon
don from Yorkshire, during which she was
Invariably sick, but since Dr. Bramwell
had made a suggestion to her not to be
sick the bad mado five passages and en
joyed every meal.
As regarded the dangers of hypnotism,
Dr. Bramwell believed they were easily
avoided by a little care on the part of the
hypnotized. He had been accustomed to
impress on bis patients that they were en
tirely free to accept or refuse his sugges
tions. In one or two cases he found his
declaration of freedom had been too im
pressive, because the patient when sepa
rated from him for sometime bad sup
posed that he would not be able to jenew
the influence. Pall Mall Gazette.
Grasshopper Soap.
Awhile ago a St. Louis caterer made
from grasshoppers a soup which was pro
nounced delicious by mauy people who
were afforded an opportunity of tasting it.
It closely resembled bisque. A learned
professor treated some friends of his ou
tone occasion to curry of grasshoppers and
grasshopper croquettes without informing
them as to the nature of the banquet, but
an nnlucky hind leg discovered in one of
tho croquettes revealed the secret. Table.
Yankee Dialect, " ' ' ' "
It Is often amusing to see the bewilder
ment with hich a city bred New Eiig
Iander listens to the dialect of his native
soil, a dialect which is as characteristic,
strongly marked and persistent as that of
any part of the country. That anybody
who claims to be a native of Yankeeland
shonld fail to understand a dialect which
has become historic in lis rugged simplic
ity and homely oppressiveness, seems al
most Inconceivable; yet there are thou
sands of ciy bred persons, descendants of
the old native stock, in all the large com
munities of New England, who would
hardly be more puzzled by a sentence out
of the Koran than by some cf the dialect
expressions which are current in the rural
sections of their own states.
Right here in Miutsaciiusetta, within
fifty miles of the gilded statchouse dome,
are communities whoso, everyday lan
guage, larded as it is with Yuukeelsms
which date back well nigh a century, would
be in large part utterly unintelligible even
to a Harvard or Boston university philolo
gist. Journal of Education.
Ah Clioy's Ambition.
Au "Anglo-Indian globe trotter" was In
Canton, and for assistance in sightseeing
engaged the services of a young Chinese,
Alt C'hoy by name. The boy had piekedup
a little English, and was proud of his ac
quirement In fact he had what seems to
be rare with Celestials, a strong desire to
become a master of the English tongue.
He had taken the traveler to the South
Pearl hull, where the shrine of the
"Queen of Heaven" is ornamented with
handsome gilded carvings in wood.
Tho Englishman admired the work and
"What are the vessels on the altar made
"All brrrass," answered Ah Choy.
Ah Choy was very proud of his nbilltyto
pronounce tho letter r, a great trouble to
the people of his race, and was given to
moiling it with unconcealed self gratulu
tion. The Euglishman was willing to
humor him and so asked:
"What was that you said?"
"Yes, all birrass."
"Yes, all blllass," chimed in an un
learned bystander, aud Ah Choy's satis
faction was doubled.
Presently, however, his pride had n fall,
for he pronounced t he word "village" as if
it had been spelled "woolwieh," and his
patron felt obliged to correct him. Ah
Choy was crestfallen, and when tho Eng
lishman proposed moving on he forgot his
r's in the confusion and answered, "Velly
"1 wonder," he remarked a little later,
"if I went to England and studied for
three years, I could speak English just like
"Oh, yes," said tho mentor, "knowing so
much already, you might doit iu hulf that
Then the true object of Ah Choy'a am
bition wus disclosed.
"Yes," he said, with a brightening face,
"and then I could write an English poem."
Who says that Chinese and Americans
have not some things in common?
The Hamster.
As the squirrel was said by the old
Norsemen to bring all the news of the ani
mals to Thor, because ho was the merriest
aud most sociable of beasts, so in the tulk
of the Russian peasants the hamster is the
synonym for all that is sullen, avaricious,
solitary and morose. Even in color he is
unlike any other animal, being light above
und dark below. This gives the hamster
somewhat the same incongruous appear
ance thut a pair of black trousers and a
light coat lend to a man; in other respects
he is like a large, shaggy guiueapig, with
very large teeth aud puffy cheeks, into
which lie can cram a vast quantity of rye
or beans for transport.
Each hamster live iu a large, roomy
burrow all by himself, in defense of which
he will fight like a badger ugainst any
other hauistcr who may try to enter. Fam
ily life he wholly avoids, never allowing a
female inside his burrow, but keeping her
at a good distance and making her find
her own living for herself and family. The
lust burden is, however, not a serious one,
for by t he timo the young ones are three
weeks old each discovers that family life
is a great mistake and sets off to make a
bachelor burrow for itself and Have up
beans for the winter.
For in addition to its other amiable qual
ities the hamster has that of avarice in a
marked degree, aud heaps tip treasures of
corn, rye aud beans fur in excess of
his own private wants for the winter. H is
favorite plan is to dig a number of treas
ure chambers, all communicuting with a
central guardroom, in which the owner
eats and grows fat until the hardest frosts
begin, when he curls himself up to sleep
until the spring. London Spectator.
Ilia Idea of I.iulie.
It was the day after one of the sensa
tional races of the year hud been run ut
one of the big race tracks near this city,
and instead of the 20,000 excited men and
women who had packed the grand stand
the day before, perhaps one-quarter of that
number were scattered about the inclosuro
to watch the races of the day. A couple
of women were talking with one of the
numerous messenger boys employed to
carry the money of female racegoers to the
bookmakers in the betting ring, and occa
sionally to bring some of it back. The lad
wus giving the women a description of the
crowd of the previous day, which had evi
dently not been of tho character ho de
sired. "Why," said lie, with deep disgust
in his tone, "there was 5,000 women here,
but thc-y weren't no sort of people for us.
There wasn't six decent ladies to make
bets in the whole lot. They was just a
crowd of Sunday school teachers and didn't
know enough to bet a cent." The messen
ger boy would probably be greatly sur
prised if he could understand how wide is
the dilTcrence between his idea of "decent
ladies" and that of the average Sunduy
school teacher. New York Times.
Ainu Customs.
When the Ainu meet they rnb their
hands together in a peculiar manner, iu
yoking blessings upon each other the
while, and may continue this procedure
for a considerable t ime. They then stroke
their beards, making a curious rumbling
sound in the throat, and again rub their
liugers and palms together, after which
the beard is once more stroked and the
business of tho Interview begins. The
women behave in a still morecurious man
ner. They do not salute their own sex at
till, but areextromely respectful to the
men, covering their eyes and looking down
on the ground when they pass a male ac
quaintance or even a male stranger.
On entering a hut where a man is a worn
nn first of all removes her headdress and
hangs it on her left arm. She then brushes
back her front hair and covers her mouth
with her right hand. All this is prelimi
nary. When she sees that the wun deigns
to look at her she draws the right index
linger across the left palm, up tho left arm
to the shoulder, thence across the fuce be
neath the nose and so around backward be
hind the ears. Ixindon Saturduy Review.
Could Find No Expletive.
He is t he most profane man in one of the
big insurance offices. Never wind his
name; somo of you know him. When a
piece of paper blows off his desk he swears
in a way that must make the recording
angel weep. When you hear the windows
rattle with his profanity you may assume
that his pen is sputtering or that his pencil
has broken its point. One day tho fellows
in the office heard him say "Gooduessl"
They couldn't imagine anything small
enough to justify so mild a comment, and
they all went to investigate the trouble.
They found that an immense Inkstand on
his desk had upset and utterly ruined his
new white flannel trousers. His ordinary
vocabulary hud fuiled. Hartford Post.
The Eye of the Hedgehog;.
Shakespeare, who seems to have been a
most excellent out of doors naturalist a
minute observer of life, indeed, in all
Bhapes noticed the hedgehog aifd wrote,
"The hedgehog whines ut night." If auy
one of our readers possesses a tame hedge
hog, let him examine the eye of the crea
ture, if he has not already done so. If the
eyo is the index to the mind, as I firmly
believe it to be, the hedgehog knows a
great deal and only uses his knowledge for
hisown special beueflt.-Blackwood' Magazine.
With a Multitude of Clubs to Choose
from the Average Man I Unsatisfied.
Some Suggestions for the A filleted
Ones How to Ahiwh the Club's Bore.
If, as Addison opines, clubs area natural
and necessary offshoot of a man's gregari
ous and social nature, the gregarious and
social Englishman of the present day in
surveying the exuberant crop of clubs
which have sprung up around him may
feel that he hits honestly done his duty by
nature and necessity. And yet he is not
happy. With a practically unlimited
choice liefore him he is, or affects to be,
unable to choose satisfactorily. To him
the list of clubs is as the bundlo of hay
and the club of his heart's desire as the
Johnson, according to Boswell, defined a
club as nn assembly of good fellows meet
ing under certain conditions. How far the
modern club has departed from the simple
ideal is shown significantly by an adver
tisement which appeared a few months
ago in a contemporary, inviting gentlemen
of position and means to discuss the forma
tion of a first class club, the chief feature
of which should be "the absolute quiet
and restfulness so essential to this ago of
high pressure." If this world weary ad
vertiser had lived ISO years ago he might
have fouud his desired haven in the Hum
drum club, which seems to have been
"made up of very honest gentlemen of
peaceable dispositions that used to sit to
gether, smoke their pipes and say nothing
till midnight."
For many reasons the goodfellowshlp
and camaraderie of the earlier clubs have
disappeared. A man may have many
friends iu his club, but as a rule lie does
not make them there. In professional or
commercial intercourse the bonds of rigid
etiquette tire easily relaxed. By a general
understanding every barrister is entitled
to be "hail fellow, well met" with any
other barrister, iu virtue of their common
calling; and the same principle prevails
to a greater or less degree in other wulks
of life. But in most clubs this easy license
is at best but sparingly recognized, and
while a fellow member has no claim upon
one's friendliness, he is at any rate a pos
sible object of dislike.
Nor is this dislike in nil cases illegiti
mate, for the club malefactor is a nuisance
which is all the more irritating from being
so peculiarly dillicult to deal with. Take
for instance the club snorer, whose sins
have lately been held up to execration in
the press. Would he be permitted to per
petrate this outrage in his wife's drawing
room? Not lie. But in his club, where he
is beyond the jurisdiction of domestic dis
cipline, he is too often ablo to offend with
impunity, owing to the reluctance of his
fellow members to take action against
him. The club "freebooter," us a corre
spondent delicately termed him the man
who appropriates coats, sticks and um
brellas which do not belong to him is a
thief pure and simple, and ought rather
to be dealt with by the laws of his cou.itry
than by those of his club. But, confining
ourselves to minor offenses, the man who
sits on a heap of papers, the man who is
perpetually nagging at the club servants
(assuredly the best class of servants in the
world), the man who secretes the popular
novel and others of the same kind these
are the men who strike at the roots of that
goodfellowshlp which, in theory at any
rate, ought to prevail in a club.
Is it inhuman to include among such of
fenders another class the invalids? Few
men would venture into private society
while suffering from any disorder which
made them unpleasant company for their
friends, but how seldom is a like considera
tion extended to their clubsl The throat
which is cleared every half minute like n
thunderburst with the same easy uncon
cern as if the sufferer were in church, the
cough which suggests aceldama, the cold
which sneezes and snuflles with nn irritat
ing persistence might surely with wisdom
aud advantage be allowed to run through
their acute stage in domestic privacy. The
matter is of course one which cannot be
settled by rule and precept. It is purely a
question of good taste and good feeling, on
which every man must be a law to'hini
self. Possibly the difficulty might be over
come by the institution of special clubs,
such ns tho Snoring club, tho Cold-lu-the-II
end club, and so forth, to meet the pecul
iar needs of these unfortunates, though it
is to be feared that such associations would
be born with the seeds of their own disso
lution within them, like the Duelists' club
in the time of Charles II. Of this it is re
corded that it consisted only of men of
honor, but did not continue long, most of
its members "being put to the sword or
hanged a little after its institution."
In some of the earlier clubs an attempt
was mutfe to control the frank simplicity
of the manners of the dny by stringent
regulations. Thus it was a rule of tiie
Twopenny club that if any member swore
or cursed, his neighbor might give him a
kick on the shins. This penalty seems
crude, and can hardly have been easy to
enforce in an ago when the English tem
per was at least as unruly as at the present
day. Another regulation provided that if
any member tell stories which aro not
true, "he shall forfeit for every third Ho a
halfpenny." This ccrtaiuly strikes one as
u ridiculously low tariff, which made false
hood a luxury within the reach of the
humblest income. Frugality was pro
moted by a rule that if a member brought
his wile to the club he should pay
forwhatever shedrank and smoked, which
indeed seems reasonable, as well as being
calculated to discourage some of the scan
dals which Lady Jeune deplores. In some
Whereases the maintenance of ilecorum
of pill gives you a
1 feeling of horror
when you tee it and
avJ0 JJLiy when you feel it. Like
-Z'WM 0x0 "blunderbuss" of a
!t-if'$f and clumsv, but not ef
Vfc!' fective. In this centurv
Tfar of enlightenment, you
nave Dr. rierces r leasant
Pellets, which cure oil liver
I troubles in the most effective
way. For
tion, Bilious
Attacks .
Blot and Bilious Head
ache, nothing has been
found to equal these
pills of Dr. Pierce's In
vention. Mr. SamttKL TIAKKR.
Br., of No. 161 Sumtntt
Av., PAUliiitfiuroh, N.J.,
says: "Tlwre is noth
ing that nan compare
with Dr. PlUroo's Pleas
ant Pellets.) us Liver
Mr. 8. Basin, 6b.
Pills. They have done me more good than
auy other medicine I have ever taken."
v v v nj
For washing Clothes
Price FIVE
was confided to the unity of alms by which
the members were supposed to be ani
mated. But whatever value this may
then have possessed as a restraining Influ
ence, it would not avail much in a modern
club, where the only aim which the mem
bers have in common is a general desire to
best the committee.
The fact is thut modern clubs differ both
in character and lu purpose from the older
ones. A man joins a club nowadays, not
so much for its company, which he can
meet elsewhere, as for its conveniences
its chef, its celUr, its library, etc. It pro
vides him cheaply with luxuries and facil
ities which might otherwise be out of his
reach. But to achieve this mauy sub
scriptions are necessary, and the net must
be cast wide for members.
In the huge clubs of the present day it
is not possible to preserve thut friendly
intimacy between the members which
flourished when a club could be defined
(in the words of a Seventeenth century
writer) as a "sodality in a tavern." But
for this reason mutual consideration be
tween them becomes all the more neces
sary; and if some of the best features of a
fodiJity are bound to disappear in a mod
ern club, we may at least be careful to ex
rlude from it some of the worst features
of a tavern. London World.
The Hags .or Costly rmin.
The rage for costly fans is a tiling of com
paratively recent growth in this country.
Twenty-live years ago it would have been
impossible to sell such funs us sow find a
ready sale. The rage for collecting fans is
of still more recent origin, but already
many thousands of dollars are invested
here in rich fans, modern and antique.
The latter adjective, by the way, is applied
to any fan more than 100 years old. Few
are mure than 250 yean old. New York
f flANY
f Starve )
while using beef-tea, calfs-foot
jelly, and various beef extracts
made by application of beat.
They contain no nutrition
whatever, and cannot restore
holds in solution the albu-
moids and salts of lean raw
meat, prepared by a cold proc
ess, containing the life-sustaining
and tissue-building
properties of meat itself, yet
in the most condensed form.
Endorsed by 25,000 physicians.
For sale by all druggists.
y3 3 HO Ess NO SQUcSlUNa
3.SPP0LICE.3 Soles.
Ion can save money by purchasing W. L.
Mousing Mhites,
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world, aud guarantee
the value by stamping the name ana price oa
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work In style, easy fitting aud
wearing qualities. We have them sold every,
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Complexion Pressed
Removed Freckles, Pimples,
Liver Moles, Blackhesds,
Sunburn aud Tan, and ri
tores the skin to Its origi
nal iresuness, producing a A SW .tvMT-'
clear and healthy com- &".
pleilon. BnperlortoaHfaca ' x"
preparations and perfectly harmless. At all
(irutglsts, or mailed lor 50cts. Bend lor Circular,
VIOLA 8KIN SOAP t lttfr !iwnrM. u a
SUn purlfjlDfl top, wtequaloA f ths toilet, sad without a
rWtl tot O19 nursery. Absolutely purt sad driloately nedt
rated. At dru.rlat., Price 25 Cents.
G. C. BSTTNEH 4. CO., Toledo, O.
For sale by Matthew liros. and John
II. I' helps.
iMinr.wi win euro you. A
wonderful boon to suffcron
from Colds, Sore Throat,
Infltiftnm. Hroaohltla.
orHA V l Ottt. Afm,U
mmftliaterelitf. Anpfllclpnt Mtnt.ntdtit t.i ..m
In portct, ready to on Aft Indication of cold.
t'nntlniiPd ! Kireeta lrmannt Cnre.
Fstlff action tniamntoed ormonoy retnndnd. Prlrft,
BO rts. Trial frnn at DnigglMa. HeftlHerod mall,
60 couts. B. S. CUSBXla, sir., lam Riien, Mick, U. 8. k
PFfJTHfll I'tio snrt and safest remedy for
Mil. II nut, all skin diseases, Kcsema, ltch.Salt
Rheumnld Bores, Hums, Cuts. Wonderful rum
eo for PILES. Prlee,Srrt. st DniK-n ii
gists or by rrmll prepaid. Addrem as shore. DHUl-i
For sale by Matthaw Bros, and John
U. l'holp
j, LLnini i urn. bv -o
than other Soaps.
CENTS a bar.
; The Original Raw Food
4t. .' vis J6V
May be hidden Imperfectly by cosmetics and!
powders, hut can only be removed perma
nently by
Hetsol's Snpsrior Face Bleach
It wlU positively remove Freckles, Tan,
Moth, naliowu.'s., and cure any diseases of
tho skin, such as Pimples, Aouo, Itlack
lieails. outness and renders the akin soft andj
beautiful. Price 1 per bottle. For sale at
830 Lacka. Ave., Seranton, Fa.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
City Music Store,
W'Wiominq ay,, eciuLtao
eUsea lares stock of fint-alass
Third National
Bank of Seranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
Tbls bank offers ta depositors trxrj
failtty warranted by their balanites, bn.l
Bass and responsibility.
Special attention jclven to business ao
counts, Intorast paid ou tints deposits.
WILXIAM CONN Ft.t, President.
William Council, Georga IT, Catlln.
Air.i ( ...I 1 . . 1. , 1 ,
llelln, Jr, William X Uwitb- Lotbsr
ROOF tinning and soldering nil done away
with by ths nse of IIAKTMAN 8 I AT.
ENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredl nta
well-known to all It can bo applied to tin,
Salvnnlzed tin, sheet Iron roofs, al so to brick
wellinirs, which will prevent absolutely any
crumbling, cracking or breaking of ths
brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by
many years.and it's cost does not exceed one
fifth that of 1 he cost of tinning. Is sold by
ths job or pound. Contracts titken by
Made a
1st Day. nmif
TSW W ! 7l
(Well Man
loth Day,
of Me.
provinces the above results In SOrtnys. It acts
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall
Young men will regain their lout manhood, aud old
men will recover their yontliful visor by using
REVIVO. It qulcltly and suruly rcHtores Nervous
ness. Lost Vitality, Impoteucy, Niuhtly Emissions,
Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and
all effects of self-abuse or eicess and indlBcreUon,
which unfits one for s'udy. biwlnes or marriage. It
not only oures by starting at the seat of disease, but
isaaresi DiTvotomo ana Dlood builder, bring
ing baj'k thA nlitlr ... ... ntA 1 i
....... ....... ,w ,'...' . ii.rn, iuii ro
Btoring tho fire of youth. It wards off Insanity
and Consumption. Insist on bating RKVIVO, no
other. It can be carried in vent i,akt- itv m.n
1 .00 per package, or six for 88.00, with a posi
I'm wrllten Ruuntntee to cure or refund
itsmonoy. Circularfrco. Address
For sale by Matthews Tiros,, Druggists
Seranton , l'a.
ftMaUlreurl I
i) t06OUyi br I
i Mnsnn mMMM I
PwirjTw preoti uxl MO-mm book .Uurfr! trorn I
IllfctomrimrlMby.MU. Whm Ifatflfrtap I
tirf MftwirfaU, Our Mnsto ftamftdv wfft!
1 ponnMTim. iwi bAmwi juh
tMhn iltilgrtft'snBii,iisauBriiin,miainiafc
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many
patrons that they will this year hold to their usual
custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until tho
new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the
market, and owing to tho excessively dry weather
many millers are of the opinion that it is already
cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby
Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow
the new wheat fully three months to mature before
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Washburn-Cr03by Co.'s flour far above all
other brands.
Wholesale Agents.
Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits.
1437 Capouse Avenua
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight,ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in Stock.
Of every description on hand. Prompt shipments guar
Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn
buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of
Carriage Hardware.
Seranton, Pa.
We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at
prices that warrant us in expecting a large
share of the trade.
Paciflo Coast Red Cednr Shingles.
"Victor" and other Michigan Frauds of
White Pine and White Cedar Shingles,
Michiptan White and Norway Pine Lum
ber aud Bill Timber.
North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yel
low Pine
Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props
and Mine Supplie s in general.
Commonwealth Building, Seranton Pa
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
V. E. CROFCT ..Propriotor.
ri'HI9 BOUSE Is strictly temperance, is new
I and well funiinUsd and OPENED Tu
located midway batweuu Moutross an! Seran
ton, on Montrose and baokairsDna Railroad,
fix miles from U., U A W. R R. at Alford
Station, and Ore mils from M mtroi; ca
pacity, eighty-fire; three minutes' walk f rom
K. R. station.
Altitude about 2,000 feet, equalling; In tbls
renrittct the Adirondack and Caticlll Moun
Hneirrove, Plenty of ehalo and beautiful
scenery, making; a Summer Resort unex
celled in beauty and cheapness.
Dancing pavilion, swims, croquet tr onnds,
&0. Cold Spring Water and plenty of Milk
Kates, $)T to SIO per week. 91.50 per
day. .
Excursion tickets sold at all stations nn n
L. W. linea T
Our Patrons
& Connell
Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whita Oak.
Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and
Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards.
tlk County Dry Hemlock Joist and Stud
ding. DUPONT'S
Manufactured at the Wapwallopen 1011 La
same county Pa and at WU
, mlncton, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District
118 Wyoming Ave., Seranton Fv
Third National Bank Bufldlag.
THOB. rOKD. Ptttaton. Fa.
JOHN B SMITH SON; Ptrmoath. Pa,
K. W. MULUOAN. WUkes-Barre. Pa.
Agents for th Repaun) Ch bW Osssb
pane's High, KxpiosTrsa.